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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 3rd, 2024


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Good morning all!

Not sure what hair gloss is.  I tend to not use any product in my hair.  Will pass on the watermelon too, but celebrate the Coast Guard.  The meal sounds yummy, I'd try the drink but pass on the Merlot.  We've been to Norway but not this port.  Thank you for the great photos!


I need to get going on that apricot freezer jam this morning before the house heats up.  Then maybe some yard work if my back will allow.


Last night I got some surprising news.  My BIL (husband of my DD DS) is in the hospital.  Thankfully he was home at the time (he's usually traveling through Europe).  He had 2 strokes, and waiting now on tests they did of his heart.  Vanessa @JazzyV no need to put him on the Care List, at least not until I get more info.  Usually his daughter, who he lives with, would have been home, but she and her family had just left on a trip to Europe a few days before.  And his son lives in Oregon, so he was alone.  My sister does live there (Bellingham) and he has good friends in town so I know he has help.


Praying and thinking of you Annie @marshhawk.  I'm glad Chuck is home and that you're monitoring his meds.  Take care of yourself and that hip.


Bon Voyage @ski ww!


Bon Voyage @MISTER 67!



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Good morning, Dailyites!  The weeks seem to be going by quickly,  I'm thinking of you all, but sometimes don't find the time to post.  I wonder where @RedneckBob is, too.  Annie, @marshhawk, take care of yourself while you're taking care of Chuck!   And Jacqui, I'm thinking of you as you do a great job downsizing - it is a hard thing to have to do.  I have taken pictures of some of my "treasures" that I had to dispose of, and hope they went to good homes.   Pat did not have a good day yesterday, I had decided we would probably go to the hospital today, but he's just up and not feeling too bad, so we'll wait and see,  He says it's his heart, I say it's a UTI - he's just had 10 days on Cipro, but the urinalysis showed klebsiella, too, and the last time he needed infusions of ertepenem to kill that one.  Just don't want it going to his kidneys.  Tuesday he has urologist and Wednesday the cardiologist, so maybe it can wait.  Gerry, is your DH allowed to travel now, or is it some time in the future?


I haven't heard from the Cancer Clinic, I guess they are busy and I'm probably at the bottom of the list,  strange thing is though, I got my hair cut the day before my surgery, five weeks ago last Thursday and I don't think it has grown since then.  Really weird, I may never have to get my hair cut again....  My hair used to grow really fast, by 4 weeks I would be feeling scruffy, and by 5 I would be desperate to get it cut.  It seems to be extra curly, too, but that may just be the weather.  


I like watermelon, but no one else in this household does, so I just occasionally buy a pack of pre-sliced, and then I eat it all myself!  I like ribs too, but they don't like me.  We've been to Norway but not the port, and a DD cousin retired from the Canadian Coast Guard, so I'll think of him today.  I was with him when he died in hospice, very peacefully.




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This morning started w/a burst of hope - 4:30 loud, crackling thunder boomers that brought the dog running into my lap and me hopeful for rain 🌧 But it was not to be - we got winds 💨 and more thunder, not a drop of water. 


This was breakfast. Oh my, what a wonderful aroma when the package is opened (if you like cinnamon)! They taste like little cinnamon rolls stuffed inside mini muffins. Heaven in a bag 😋



Does she look like a scaredy-cat?


Not a fan of the way the weather displays on my new phone, but I'm sure eventually I'll get used to it. The forecast is hot followed by hot, no matter how it's displayed. But not 100° today, only 99°.



Air quality alert today means we should stay indoors. And since it already feels like 97°, who other than @Nickelpenny wants to go out anyway 😉



But if I use this one, I'm not as uncomfortable cuz it only feels like 93°. I think I will feel this way 🤔 

But use the high from the other page so we don't hit 101°, lol.🙄


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Good morning, 

We continue to have a string of fairly warm days with highs in the mid-80's though today we might just make it to 80. Not a watermelon fan nor a merlot fan. Would try the ribs but not something I make for myself. 


Yesterday was errands and the pool for a water aerobics class. It was quite humid yesterday and we had smoke from the fires in eastern Washington so not the best of days. This weekend should be staying home as I have no plans at the moment. I do have some more baking to get done as I'm filling my freezer with cookies for giveaways later in the month. I need to attack my craft room and do some deep cleaning as well as pull out the suitcases and think about packing. One week today and I'm off to Alaska again. My friend Karen, who is going on her first cruise and first trip to Alaska, is so excited! 


Have a lovely Saturday and an enjoyable weekend. 


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I set two traps and got a mouse already!   The trap is reset and we'll see what we attract.  The pest guy is coming on Friday and we'll have him go over every place they could be getting in.  

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5 minutes ago, dfish said:

I set two traps and got a mouse already!   The trap is reset and we'll see what we attract.  The pest guy is coming on Friday and we'll have him go over every place they could be getting in.  

We have field mice come in from the greenbelt behind us when the weather changes and during droughts. Finally found what we thought might be their entry point - a small gap under the kitchen sink next to the dishwasher line - that we closed off with foam sealer. Have caught 2 in traps since then, so the hunt continues. 🤞you have better luck.


Our mouser is on break.


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While we got rain this morning, it was not as much as it looked like we'd get from the radar image.  In fact, it was enough to wet the grass and driveway, but not enough for the fancy rain gauge to register.  It's still cloudy and the hourly forecast showed a chance of rain mid afternoon, but I'm not hopeful.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Not sure what hair gloss is.  I tend to not use any product in my hair.  Will pass on the watermelon too, but celebrate the Coast Guard.  The meal sounds yummy, I'd try the drink but pass on the Merlot.  We've been to Norway but not this port.  Thank you for the great photos!


I need to get going on that apricot freezer jam this morning before the house heats up.  Then maybe some yard work if my back will allow.


Last night I got some surprising news.  My BIL (husband of my DD DS) is in the hospital.  Thankfully he was home at the time (he's usually traveling through Europe).  He had 2 strokes, and waiting now on tests they did of his heart.  Vanessa @JazzyV no need to put him on the Care List, at least not until I get more info.  Usually his daughter, who he lives with, would have been home, but she and her family had just left on a trip to Europe a few days before.  And his son lives in Oregon, so he was alone.  My sister does live there (Bellingham) and he has good friends in town so I know he has help.


Praying and thinking of you Annie @marshhawk.  I'm glad Chuck is home and that you're monitoring his meds.  Take care of yourself and that hip.


Bon Voyage @ski ww!


Bon Voyage @MISTER 67!




Carolyn, I was sorry to read about your DBIL.  I hope he recovers without any side effects, and the tests on his heart show nothing serious.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  The weeks seem to be going by quickly,  I'm thinking of you all, but sometimes don't find the time to post.  I wonder where @RedneckBob is, too.  Annie, @marshhawk, take care of yourself while you're taking care of Chuck!   And Jacqui, I'm thinking of you as you do a great job downsizing - it is a hard thing to have to do.  I have taken pictures of some of my "treasures" that I had to dispose of, and hope they went to good homes.   Pat did not have a good day yesterday, I had decided we would probably go to the hospital today, but he's just up and not feeling too bad, so we'll wait and see,  He says it's his heart, I say it's a UTI - he's just had 10 days on Cipro, but the urinalysis showed klebsiella, too, and the last time he needed infusions of ertepenem to kill that one.  Just don't want it going to his kidneys.  Tuesday he has urologist and Wednesday the cardiologist, so maybe it can wait.  Gerry, is your DH allowed to travel now, or is it some time in the future?


I haven't heard from the Cancer Clinic, I guess they are busy and I'm probably at the bottom of the list,  strange thing is though, I got my hair cut the day before my surgery, five weeks ago last Thursday and I don't think it has grown since then.  Really weird, I may never have to get my hair cut again....  My hair used to grow really fast, by 4 weeks I would be feeling scruffy, and by 5 I would be desperate to get it cut.  It seems to be extra curly, too, but that may just be the weather.  


I like watermelon, but no one else in this household does, so I just occasionally buy a pack of pre-sliced, and then I eat it all myself!  I like ribs too, but they don't like me.  We've been to Norway but not the port, and a DD cousin retired from the Canadian Coast Guard, so I'll think of him today.  I was with him when he died in hospice, very peacefully.





Ann, I'm sorry Pat was not feeling well yesterday, but is better today.  I hope he continues to improve and won't need to go to the hospital.  I also hope you hear from the cancer clinic soon.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

I set two traps and got a mouse already!   The trap is reset and we'll see what we attract.  The pest guy is coming on Friday and we'll have him go over every place they could be getting in.  


Debbie, I hope you get rid of the mice, and the pest guy can find where they are getting inside.



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Our mousers are 19, and find mice less than interesting unfortunately. We had a mousy struggle during the winter, but we’re working on it. One good thing about summer - no house mice!  One cat that we had who has gone over the Rainbow Bridge, spent his formative years in the cold cruel world, and he knew exactly what to do. 


@kazu, you are a wonder of grit and determination. Hoping when we are enjoying the October cruise, you and Ivan are comfortably settled in your new home. This means that all the other boxes have been successfully checked!



You redefine strength, love, and commitment. But you’re in the middle of a box of Morton’s salt!  At any given time, at least one of us is sending you a hug, and holding the umbrella as best we can. 


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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

We have field mice come in from the greenbelt behind us when the weather changes and during droughts. Finally found what we thought might be their entry point - a small gap under the kitchen sink next to the dishwasher line - that we closed off with foam sealer. Have caught 2 in traps since then, so the hunt continues. 🤞you have better luck.


Our mouser is on break.



A friend of mine recounted the time that they were having a fancy dinner party.  Just as the guests were coming to the table a mouse ran across the room.  I think we all have them at one time or another.  I've heard that if you have an attached garage, you have mice.  


I closed up the place I thought they were coming in and we still find them.  Of course, they can come in under a closed door.  I watched one do that once.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I sometimes use a hair serum for gloss, like cold watermelon on a hot summer day (but it's gotten expensive!), and salute the Coast Guard for their work. I like the quotes. Yes to the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Harstad. 2 good days in history.


It's cloudy, warm and humid here. Possible thunderstorms; radar shows storms all around, but no rain here yet. I woke up around 7 this morning, posted the Cares list, and the next thing I know it's 9:30! Because I was feeling pretty good yesterday, I decided to sleep on my side again instead of my back (which is less comfortable). I think that was a mistake, as I have more symptoms today.


@kazu You're doing a remarkable job, given your physical limitations. I know it's hard to part with some things when you downsize.

@aliaschief I used to spend work time in McMurray, not far from Venetia.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you have reinforcements to help at home today. And hopefully your aide will be back on Monday. 

@bdrcole Thanks for the excellent photos of today's port and the Adolf gun.

@marshhawk I was appalled to read about the hospital not feeing Chuck yesterday. I'm glad you got some sleep. Do take an extra day off if you can. Relaxing and napping today sounds like a good idea, especially with the hip issue. Good luck managing DH's meds.

@Mr. Boston Happy Wedding Day to Anastasia and Hans! I've seen some photos of the renovated Central Station and it's great.

@RMLincoln Thanks for the info on Harstad. I'm glad you're doing some self care things. And I'm very happy for your DH being off drops! 

@Nickelpenny Good news that your back and legs were ok after subbing. BFF is supposed to visit me tomorrow now that he can drive again, and I told him I need a photo of my incision since I can't see it. 

@Cruising-along So sorry to hear the news about your BIL; prayers for him.

@Vict0riann I hope Pat continues to feel better, but I know you'll get him to the hospital if need be. And hopefully the cancer clinic contacts you soon.

@dfish Good that you're having the pest guy come to your house.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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32 minutes ago, dfish said:


A friend of mine recounted the time that they were having a fancy dinner party.  Just as the guests were coming to the table a mouse ran across the room.  I think we all have them at one time or another.  I've heard that if you have an attached garage, you have mice.  


I closed up the place I thought they were coming in and we still find them.  Of course, they can come in under a closed door.  I watched one do that once.

We do have an attached garage. We trapped one out there last week. Ugh - they are one of my least favorite creatures.

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32 minutes ago, dfish said:


A friend of mine recounted the time that they were having a fancy dinner party.  Just as the guests were coming to the table a mouse ran across the room.  I think we all have them at one time or another.  I've heard that if you have an attached garage, you have mice.  


I closed up the place I thought they were coming in and we still find them.  Of course, they can come in under a closed door.  I watched one do that once.


Debbie, we had a mouse come under the storm door where it doesn't reach the threshold.  As soon as it saw the dogs, who were napping, it turned around and went back out.  We put a 2x4 under the door to block the "entrance".



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When I lived in Decatur, the cats sort of came to me, and I had two batches of kittens.  And I adopted two additional cats.  All of those babies lived in doors, but they did want to go out, and broke out into the back yard.  One found a mouse and the mouse ran to one of the indoor cats.,  He was so afraid of the mouse that he jumped about 4 feet in the air, and came down on the mouse.  He let the little fellow go, he wanted nothing to do with him.


But tell me why do my kittens put their catnip mice in the food dishes?  Are they thinking it's a snack for later, or are they trying to let the little guy eat.  ??

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Time for a quick check-in between making coleslaw and cutting up potatoes.  


@Mr. Bostonenjoy the wedding festivities today!

@Cruising-along sorry to hear about your BIL; hopefully he'll be able to recover after the 2 strokes!

@Vict0riannDH can travel, but for insurance purposes we have to wait for 3 months of stability (not even a medication alteration) before we can take off to parts unknown.  We can travel by car to neighbouring provinces, but just not out of country, which is fine, because we (I) prefer cruising in the fall/winter months when the weather is cold.  Although Pat is feeling somewhat better today, I still think I'd head over to a walk-in clinic to get him checked out; don't wait until Tuesday, as that's still a long way off medically speaking.


The rain didn't materialize and the sun is shining brightly, so I'm busy cleaning off the deck to allow us to entertain our friends out there this evening, rather than at the dining room table.  Hope everyone has an enjoyable evening!

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@Vict0riannI like your idea of taking a photo of a favorite item before donating it. And I know how mice get in our house-the cat brings them in! Twice I've caught him at the door and told him to turn around and go back outside. Amazingly, he did.

Take care everyone and hope better days are ahead.

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I am late to the Daily today. We went out to breakfast in Selwyn and then on a grocery shopping run to Peterborough and Lakefield. It is a long weekend in Ontario (Civic Holiday I think), traffic was starting to get heavy as we headed back to the cottage! 


@ski ww 



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My best luck with keeping mice out was using ultrasonic chirpers. Had them in the attic, garage and crawl space. Bought them after we discovered an infestation in the basement while we were only at the mountain cabin part time. Cleaned that mess out and never had another mouse in the house, not even during the building years while we built the addition. m—

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Hello everyone.

Just a brief update.

i am using my phone so it is quick.

In trying to get my new equipment set up, Hargray has decided to put a monkey wrench in the works.(what else is new).  Our house phone does not work.  Internet cable is not working and no tech can come until Monday.  I need all new wiring.

Will post when I can.

God Bless.


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@MISTER 67 so glad you are able to miss the storms.  


Hope you have a marvellous cruise tomorrow.  Bon Voyage




9 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I looked at cruisetimetables and see Balmoral (isn't that one of the R ships) will go there, so I expect Zaandam and Volendam could do it.




Prinsendam stopped there back when she was in the fleet.  Of course, she coul go just about anywhere 😜 



5 hours ago, Live4cruises said:


@kazu, you are a wonder of grit and determination. Hoping when we are enjoying the October cruise, you and Ivan are comfortably settled in your new home. This means that all the other boxes have been successfully checked!


Determined and in pain - you that’s me.  I am just hoping that come on October I will be on my cruise.  the vascular surgeon said I would be good to go but it doesn’t feel that way.  I have time.


If the boxes aren’t ticked before the end of this month, I am deep trouble.  Ivan and I are moving.



Allan & Marlene, @ski ww I hope you two have a wonderful cruise on the Rotterdam 🙂




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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

My best luck with keeping mice out was using ultrasonic chirpers. Had them in the attic, garage and crawl space. Bought them after we discovered an infestation in the basement while we were only at the mountain cabin part time. Cleaned that mess out and never had another mouse in the house, not even during the building years while we built the addition. m—

Thanks for the tip. We'll look for some. The dog food bin cost almost $200!! I want those pests gone 😫 

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