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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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8 hours ago, peteukmcr said:

Basic lockdown at home.


Partner suffers heart attack resulting in the insertion of 2 stents. 

Where are we? Not in a good place. 


Sorry to hear about your partners heart attack Peter,coming to terms with it is not easy for either of you.

Looking at your life and thinking what did we do wrong to end up like this?

What can I eat or drink now to protect my heart from further damage? so many things, it's a great shock.

The last day of September last year I went through the same and laid in hospital was expecting a few stents

as everyone on the cardio ward was getting shipped out to have stents or pacemakers fitted and then sent home.

In short they found my heart was blocked and heart failure as well.

I was sent home after a few weeks but had scans and a few tests but told Stay indoors at home (lockdown)

until they decide if and what treatment we can give you .

Six months later and due to this covid it looks like a lot more of the same but this time for all of us .

I hope your partner is on the mend and you both go on to have more happy years together Peter.

Where are we ? Not in a good place  But  (There always is one 😊) We will get past this place in our lives

and move on to better times ,with our loved ones in our lives .

Peter , in the words of Reo Speedwagon "Don't Stop Believin" .  

You two take care

Regards  Kalos😊 

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9 hours ago, peteukmcr said:

How are things where we are? Well, let’s see, 4 weeks ago we were enjoying dinner with our friends who were really excited about taking their first cruise with us on Britannia from Barbados to Southampton. 

Since then? Cruise cancelled (but not advised by P&O, but found out by passengers sailing back to Southampton early) still no refund from P&O. Rumours that cash refunds not provided.

Business Travel collapsed. Result, 25% pay cut from this week,, forced to take extra 47.5 days extra annual leave before September. No guarantee of job retention. 

Forced to take leave when we should have been onboard Britannia. 

Basic lockdown at home.


Partner suffers heart attack resulting in the insertion of 2 stents. 

Where are we? Not in a good place. 



So sorry that you are having such a bad time.  I hope that when this is all over you and your partner will get to rebook, go and enjoy your cruise on Britannia.  I hope that you manage to keep your job.  I pray that your partner is feeling better and that you get back to a good place as soon as possible.


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20 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

I work in donny. Was very strange to see everything shut 

My final venture out to pick up meds was last Wednesday. It was so weird and sad to see Barnsley town centre, which would normally be bustling with people and packed with  market stalls,  deserted. Stay well. 


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10 hours ago, peteukmcr said:

How are things where we are? Well, let’s see, 4 weeks ago we were enjoying dinner with our friends who were really excited about taking their first cruise with us on Britannia from Barbados to Southampton. 

Since then? Cruise cancelled (but not advised by P&O, but found out by passengers sailing back to Southampton early) still no refund from P&O. Rumours that cash refunds not provided.

Business Travel collapsed. Result, 25% pay cut from this week,, forced to take extra 47.5 days extra annual leave before September. No guarantee of job retention. 

Forced to take leave when we should have been onboard Britannia. 

Basic lockdown at home.


Partner suffers heart attack resulting in the insertion of 2 stents. 

Where are we? Not in a good place. 



So sorry Pete... I have no words.. 

Just best of luck moving forwards..

Andy & Michelle

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14 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

the kids these days are brilliant with technology like that. We don’t have Alexa anymore but we have google in a few rooms. 
my 4 year old broadcasts to me to ask when is lunch ready the other day when I was in the kitchen, she was only in the room. I said you were near enough to shout. She said that I’d told them not to shout. I didn’t have an answer for that. 

so this is what we have been doing today. This is the most annoying song. The kids have probably forgotten it but I can’t stop singing it and it’s driving me potty. 


Oh no, what have I done? I listened to your song and now I can't stop humming it. I know exactly what you mean. I think I'll play it to Frank, my daughter and two grandsons who live with us and we might be able to get a round going. 😆. Stay well. 


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2 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

I am finding today really strange. 


It is my birthday and the thought that I will not be going out for a birthday lunch with my friends for the first time in more years than I care to remember, not going out for dinner with my husband and not seeing my sisters for the first time ever on my birthday is definitely stange.  My niece's children have already facetimed and told me that they will bring a present tomorrow when they will stay with us while mum (a nurse) and dad go to work.  I have lots of lovely cards that have arrived in the post over the last few days and several lovely electronic cards.


At least we are well so are grateful to be in a much better place than many people.be


Stay well everyone.

Happy Birthday Josy.

🎉🎊🎁🎂🍸🎉🎊 😆

Stay well. 



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10 hours ago, peteukmcr said:

How are things where we are? Well, let’s see, 4 weeks ago we were enjoying dinner with our friends who were really excited about taking their first cruise with us on Britannia from Barbados to Southampton. 

Since then? Cruise cancelled (but not advised by P&O, but found out by passengers sailing back to Southampton early) still no refund from P&O. Rumours that cash refunds not provided.

Business Travel collapsed. Result, 25% pay cut from this week,, forced to take extra 47.5 days extra annual leave before September. No guarantee of job retention. 

Forced to take leave when we should have been onboard Britannia. 

Basic lockdown at home.


Partner suffers heart attack resulting in the insertion of 2 stents. 

Where are we? Not in a good place. 



So sorry Pete. I wish you both well and a speedy recovery for your partner. Our problems  during this time are nothing compared to yours. It makes me feel ashamed. 





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39 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

So sorry Pete. I wish you both well and a speedy recovery for your partner. Our problems  during this time are nothing compared to yours. It makes me feel ashamed. 





Nothing to be ashamed of.


He didn't know he'd had a very mild heart attack, was just told to go to A&E for 'indigestion' and ended up having 2 stents fitted! 


Job wise I'm in a better position than others in the business travel world. Many are being 'furloughed' which means no work as they are going to rely on the Government 80% contribution which is expected to be available by end of April. Not definitely end of April and if not, then they don't get paid. How long will it last, 3 months who knows? If a company cannot take the employee back then redundancy options have to be considered.


My company is saying 25% pay cut until end of the year, so hopefully we are a little more secure.


But who knows, if we had predicted 3 weeks ago, we'd be in lockdown, hardly anyone would have believed us, that whole fleets of cruise ships would be moored up, or anchored off shore as no ports will accept them, the cruising community would have laughed.


Things can change so quickly I'm not trying to predict the future at the moment. Although I have warned people that if we've not been on a cruise ship by the end of the year, watch out :classic_laugh:

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On 3/31/2020 at 12:40 PM, peteukmcr said:

Nothing to be ashamed of.


He didn't know he'd had a very mild heart attack, was just told to go to A&E for 'indigestion' and ended up having 2 stents fitted! 


Job wise I'm in a better position than others in the business travel world. Many are being 'furloughed' which means no work as they are going to rely on the Government 80% contribution which is expected to be available by end of April. Not definitely end of April and if not, then they don't get paid. How long will it last, 3 months who knows? If a company cannot take the employee back then redundancy options have to be considered.


My company is saying 25% pay cut until end of the year, so hopefully we are a little more secure.


But who knows, if we had predicted 3 weeks ago, we'd be in lockdown, hardly anyone would have believed us, that whole fleets of cruise ships would be moored up, or anchored off shore as no ports will accept them, the cruising community would have laughed.


Things can change so quickly I'm not trying to predict the future at the moment. Although I have warned people that if we've not been on a cruise ship by the end of the year, watch out :classic_laugh:

Sorry to hear of your hard time and what must have been a shock for you both, I hope things improve.


I’m feeling down this morning but hearing your story I do know I’m luckier than many.


I had a stent put in nearly two years ago now. Luckily I didn’t have a heart attack, it was caught in time. I went to the GP’s with chest pains after walking uphill. Ended up having an angiogram then a stent inserted not as an emergency case. I was told I had a 90% blockage in my artery!! 

Last year I was made redundant, started a new job in October. Got to work two weeks ago today (I have Wednesdays off) and found hardly anyone in. Discovered many had been sent home with long term conditions. Well I asked my GP after my stent did I still have to say I had heart problems for travel insurance as I feel fine now but obviously trying to be careful with diet and having daily BP and cholesterol tablets. He looked at me and said quite firmly ‘you have congenital heart disease’ Gulp!


Anyway when my manager came in I told her and she packed me off home! On Monday of this week I had a call from her telling me they’d had a risk assessment and I could come back the next day! So I went back in Tuesday and discovered most people weren’t in! Plus there were terrible IT issues and I couldn’t get into my PC for my whole 5 hour shift! Frustrating to say the least. They’d spaced the desks out but one of my colleagues got too close a couple of times and when I said we were supposed to be observing social distancing she got quite grumpy!

After I got home I got another call from my manager saying they’d had another meeting and giving all the problems they’d had I was to stay off again!! I was massively relieved but originally they were supposed to be organising home working. So no idea what’s happening now! 
Sorry for long post!


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2 hours ago, P&O SUE said:

Sorry to hear of your hard time and what must have been a shock for you both, I hope things improve.


I’m feeling down this morning but hearing your story I do know I’m luckier than many.


I had a stent put in nearly two years ago now. Luckily I didn’t have a heart attack, it was caught in time. I went to the GP’s with chest pains after walking uphill. Ended up having an angiogram then a stent inserted not as an emergency case. I was told I had a 90% blockage in my artery!! 

Last year I was made redundant, started a new job in October. Got to work two weeks ago today (I have Wednesdays off) and found hardly anyone in. Discovered many had been sent home with long term conditions. Well I asked my GP after my stent did I still have to say I had heart problems for travel insurance as I feel fine now but obviously trying to be careful with diet and having daily BP and cholesterol tablets. He looked at me and said quite firmly ‘you have congenital heart disease’ Gulp!


Anyway when my manager came in I told her and she packed me off home! On Monday of this week I had a call from her telling me they’d had a risk assessment and I could come back the next day! So I went back in Tuesday and discovered most people weren’t in! Plus there were terrible IT issues and I couldn’t get into my PC for my whole 5 hour shift! Frustrating to say the least. They’d spaced the desks out but one of my colleagues got too close a couple of times and when I said we were supposed to be observing social distancing she got quite grumpy!

After I got home I got another call from my manager saying they’d had another meeting and giving all the problems they’d had I was to stay off again!! I was massively relieved but originally they were supposed to be organising home working. So no idea what’s happening now! 
Sorry for long post!


Stay safe Sue. 

Look after yourself for once and stop worrying about work for a bit. 

Keep well, 


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1 hour ago, AndyMichelle said:

Stay safe Sue. 

Look after yourself for once and stop worrying about work for a bit. 

Keep well, 


As said by Andy ,Everyone take care,not chances ..Be safe :classic_wink:

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The sun's really trying to get out this morning. I hope the weather picks up soon to brighten me up. I'm just sat waiting for my Asda delivery and wondering what next week will be like. It's getting much  harder now to try and stay positive. My brother- in-law,  who had  contracted covid19, died last night . Two family members gone in 10 days. It's really hard, not only for us, but for anyone who needs to be together as a family to comfort each other and can't. I can hear Frank moving about upstairs now so it's time to put on my brave face. Sorry about this post, but I don't want to talk like this in the house. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up and need a place for myself to talk. Stay well.


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6 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

The sun's really trying to get out this morning. I hope the weather picks up soon to brighten me up. I'm just sat waiting for my Asda delivery and wondering what next week will be like. It's getting much  harder now to try and stay positive. My brother- in-law,  who had  contracted covid19, died last night . Two family members gone in 10 days. It's really hard, not only for us, but for anyone who needs to be together as a family to comfort each other and can't. I can hear Frank moving about upstairs now so it's time to put on my brave face. Sorry about this post, but I don't want to talk like this in the house. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up and need a place for myself to talk. Stay well.


Avril, that’s a very sad and upsetting situation for you all. I can’t begin to express how sorry I am to hear it. Easy to say, I know, but try to stay strong for yourself and for Frank. These horrible days will pass.



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19 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

The sun's really trying to get out this morning. I hope the weather picks up soon to brighten me up. I'm just sat waiting for my Asda delivery and wondering what next week will be like. It's getting much  harder now to try and stay positive. My brother- in-law,  who had  contracted covid19, died last night . Two family members gone in 10 days. It's really hard, not only for us, but for anyone who needs to be together as a family to comfort each other and can't. I can hear Frank moving about upstairs now so it's time to put on my brave face. Sorry about this post, but I don't want to talk like this in the house. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up and need a place for myself to talk. Stay well.


Avril, how heartbreaking. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. Remember if you need to talk we’re all here for you.

Stay safe.

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21 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

The sun's really trying to get out this morning. I hope the weather picks up soon to brighten me up. I'm just sat waiting for my Asda delivery and wondering what next week will be like. It's getting much  harder now to try and stay positive. My brother- in-law,  who had  contracted covid19, died last night . Two family members gone in 10 days. It's really hard, not only for us, but for anyone who needs to be together as a family to comfort each other and can't. I can hear Frank moving about upstairs now so it's time to put on my brave face. Sorry about this post, but I don't want to talk like this in the house. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up and need a place for myself to talk. Stay well.


No need to apologise Avril. So sorry for your loss. Try to stay well yourself and rest assured, if using this as a place to talk helps you in any way, you will be reaching sympathetic ears. 
Stay strong.

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Ok, so today I saw a few police cars cruising by my house. I heard from neighbours that some of our neighbours just got back from a cruise or a trip or smth. They were  told to stay at home and I think the police is making sure that they are staying at home. As far as the rest of the situation goes, everything seems just fine at the moment. I wonder how long more it will last. Kinda tired sitting at home. Need to send kids to school and start working again. 

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30 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

The sun's really trying to get out this morning. I hope the weather picks up soon to brighten me up. I'm just sat waiting for my Asda delivery and wondering what next week will be like. It's getting much  harder now to try and stay positive. My brother- in-law,  who had  contracted covid19, died last night . Two family members gone in 10 days. It's really hard, not only for us, but for anyone who needs to be together as a family to comfort each other and can't. I can hear Frank moving about upstairs now so it's time to put on my brave face. Sorry about this post, but I don't want to talk like this in the house. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up and need a place for myself to talk. Stay well.


So sorry to hear this.i was feeling quite down this morning but this helps put things in perspective.Thoughts and prayers with you and your family


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34 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

The sun's really trying to get out this morning. I hope the weather picks up soon to brighten me up. I'm just sat waiting for my Asda delivery and wondering what next week will be like. It's getting much  harder now to try and stay positive. My brother- in-law,  who had  contracted covid19, died last night . Two family members gone in 10 days. It's really hard, not only for us, but for anyone who needs to be together as a family to comfort each other and can't. I can hear Frank moving about upstairs now so it's time to put on my brave face. Sorry about this post, but I don't want to talk like this in the house. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up and need a place for myself to talk. Stay well.


Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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My heart goes out to you Avril. 

I am alway here if you need to rant as I’m sure most are. At a time like this all we can do is stick together and muddle through. You don’t need to be strong for us and forums are a good outlet for it. 

stay safe

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Thank you everyone for your kind messages. I have to admit I felt much better for letting  my feelings out. There must be more people out there in a worse sitiation than us  at the moment so I am determined not to feel sorry for myself. I keep reading through these threads and joining in, it all helps. Like the  new one Andy. On to brighter things. My Asda delivery arrived and only 1 unavailable and 3 subs so things are on the up. I've also just had a WhatsApp of my great grandson's first steps. At 10 months old I'm amazed. Stay well. 


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