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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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3 hours ago, Coralc said:

Okay. I have been properly chastised for my comment. :classic_tongue::classic_biggrin: And because I have to set up a new desktop that I purchased.(And not looking forward to it) I will ask: 

What was your first computer? And when did you get on the internet?

My dad was a Systems Analyst and used mainframes. When I was in college in the 70's, early 80's we used computers connected to the mainframes. 


Around 1984 I acquired an Osborne Executive computer with a modem and started accessing early bulletin boards. It may have been stolen from a freight container. My mom's boyfriend worked at a truck yard in Oakland, and people frequently ran by carrying merchandise. Adam Osborne was the Elizabeth Holmes of his time. 


But the Osborne worked great with large floppy discs and online text access to other people. Whole new world. :classic_smile:


In 1994 we purchased a Compaq computer. Netscape, 32k modem? And we could look at other people's vacation photos on the color monitor. We didn't know who they were, but it was amazing to see all of these things. We won a 56k modem playing "You Don't know Jack" trivia, online. Every Wednesday night. And it was the coolest thing ever. And because it was hooked up to the phone line...you could actually make phone calls through the computer. 


So what was your first computer? And what did you do when you first went online? :classic_biggrin:


Not quite what you're asking, but my first job in 1973 was as a junior secretary for ICL(International Computers Ltd).

The computer room took up the whole first floor of the office block.  They were huge floor to ceiling Computers and operated by the very cool computer operators. Unfortunately I was working with the programmers, I didn't understand a word of what I was typing,  it was way over my head.


I think our first computer was a compaq, probably in the early '90s

We used it mainly as a word processor with some games for the kids like Dorling Kindersley 'Castle explorer' and 'The way things work' on CD rom

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6 hours ago, Coralc said:

What was your first computer? And when did you get on the internet?


1987. I don't know if you can call it "computer", though. It was a "computer" manufactured by Wang Laboratories -- actually a whole word processor. I thoroughly enjoyed working with it. At the time, WordPerfect was Wang's competitor.


A "'real" computer came at the beginning of the nineties, an IBM 286. We bought an "internet" hourly package, and were very thrifty with the time we used it -- mainly for travel.


Then came 386, 486 and afterwards -- no more numbers, just names, which I don't remember...


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12 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

Maybe you could arrange shead of time to have a test at a pharmacy near where you will be staying? I agree, these hoops that have to be jumped through are a bit if a turn off. I would find them more tolerable if the hoops negated the need for masks aboard ship.

That is a good idea and maybe have the online ones with you as back up.  Between the tests and masks I just can't see spending money on a cruise when I can spend the same or less and not have to jump through those hoops driving somewhere interesting for a vacation.

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6 hours ago, Coralc said:



So what was your first computer? And what did you do when you first went online? :classic_biggrin:


The first computer I worked with was at a furniture rental company.  The boss had a gentleman come set up computers for inventory control.  He was working at the desk next to mine so I had him show me the back door to play a space game.  Good times!  

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13 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:

So a covid test / cruise-related question. In March (assuming covid testing will still be required), we are going out of Baltimore. If RCL requires a test two days before the cruise, how exactly is that accomplished if we're not home? We will be staying at the Inner harbor a few days before the cruise. I just hate the idea of all this hassle - was just reading someone's post on the Celebrity forum about preparing for an international cruise and trying to manage all the covid protocols for the various countries they will be visiting. I'm completely turned off by all of that. 


Can RCL mail a test to be done at home (or in a hotel) prior to the cruise? 

You have testing options:

#1. Make an appointment with a local (near your hotel) Walgreens of CVS.

#2. Order the testing kit via Royal's link from EMed. have it shipped to your home. bring with you to hotel. Test at the hotel. It is very easy to do and the proctor will guide you all teh way.

We have had E Med ship to our house and brought the kit with us to wherever we are going.


Hope this helps. Don't stress about it. I did at first, but once I tried out both options I found it was very easy. Good Luck.

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Just popped in to say hi to everyone. I hope you are all well and I promise to get back here and post more. Right now trying to finish up the review. As most of you know, I had major internet problems with Zoom and Surf on Explorer. It made it almost impossible to post any pictures or video.


Now I have a new problem. Once I arrived home, I found that my internet (Google Fiber) is having outage problems. So bad the my download speeds were .62mbps down and .50mbps up. They are usually around 980mbps up and down. They are working on fixing the problem but so far nothing is completely fixed.


I guess the curse of the Black Pearl does exist for this retired pirate.

Edited by Sea Dog
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9 hours ago, FromSea2ShiningSea said:


Just trying to catch up here.  I would love to be on the 70's music charter cruise.  I know you've talked about those cruises before and mentioned all the artists that were on them.  Would love to be on a cruise with them.  


Was at a Styx concert a few years ago.  It was only with Dennis DeYoung, the group's co-founder, lead singer and keyboardist.  It was fantastic concert.  Fleetwood Mac concert a couple years ago was outstanding.  I love Neil Diamond and been to several of his concerts and it might be that he is getting up there in age but at the last concert, instead of singing his songs, he would just say the words.  And he talked a lot.  You kind of just wanted him to sing.


A song popped into my head yesterday by another classic group, Moody Blues- Question.  Profound lyrics. Another is Nights In White Satin. 

STYX was on cruise once or twice , John Lodge of Moody Blues was also on our last one last year, John Lodge was in the suite lounge every day , he told this story about his wife of more than 50 years , he had been given a custom made bass from fender , his wife’s comment when seeing it was its missing two strings. 

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16 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


Pat, pls. do.


It's always a pleasure to hear from you and Bucky 🥰



Aww thanks!  And once again, thanks for creating this thread and the many wonderful hours I have enjoyed conversing with you and my other friends here.  🤗

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16 hours ago, h20skibum said:

Unless it is the Social Security Office.  I can’t believe they are still only open for telephone appointments.  And if you can actually get through to them, they are scheduling those for mid-January now.  

First 3 calls today, their system says everyone is busy, call back later.  Fourth time, I made it in the queue, but after 20 minutes it says everyone is busy, and it hangs up. Fifth time I actually get to speak to someone, and they say all appointments are filled, call back tomorrow. 

If anyone ran a business this way, they would no longer be in business.  

Ok, rant over for the day, and I just poured my second glass of wine.  And while looking online for something good, I found this. 



Just my luck, they are sold out!!!  Oh well, I didn’t need the 7600 calories. 😂😂


So funny...comfort food for sure!  😄  Bucky's favorite...😋


Bummer about the SS office.  Luckily I have been able to handle all things related to Social Security online...and one frustrated phone call with plenty of "hold time".  Have never stepped foot inside a Social Security office.  The thought makes me cringe.  😳

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15 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

Hope you have a fun and safe trip.  It’s always extra special to hang with family.  Please drop in even if to say hi.  Nice to know all is well.


Yeah, we seem to hear less and less from our friends when they are traveling now...especially cruising.  Haven't heard from John and Laura since he boarded the Harmony last Sunday.  


Hope he brings the ship back OK...I am anxious to board myself now.  🙂 

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8 hours ago, Coralc said:

What was your first computer? And when did you get on the internet?

First computer I bought was an IBM XT, back in 1984.  It cost a small fortune back then.  

Didn’t get high speed internet until 2004, through the old Adelphia Cable Company.  They were later bought by Time Warner.  We still have some emails that come through on occasion, addressed to the old adelphia email address. 

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1 hour ago, dani negreanu said:


1987. I don't know if you can call it "computer", though. It was a "computer" manufactured by Wang Laboratories -- actually a whole word processor. I thoroughly enjoyed working with it. At the time, WordPerfect was Wang's competitor.


A "'real" computer came at the beginning of the nineties, an IBM 286. We bought an "internet" hourly package, and were very thrifty with the time we used it -- mainly for travel.


Then came 386, 486 and afterwards -- no more numbers, just names, which I don't remember...


My first computer was a 286 that was given to me by the company I worked for in the late '80s. Every employee was given one after they had been there for 6 months. It was ours to take home. We only had to pay the taxes on the amount that it cost the company. I worked for a company that designed computer chips in Silicone Valley.

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11 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

Yes,opinion .However,to say Barry Manilow has more talent than Bob Dylan 

is like saying Justin Bieber is better than John Lennon .I guarantee you that if you had the opportunity to speak to Manilow he would tell you that Bob Dylan is a much better singer and song writer than he is.

Again, Lenny, music is subjective.  If some prefer Justin Bieber to John Lennon, that is their choice.  I personally think Bob Dylan's raspy voice is not pleasing to listen to at all and I think Barry surpasses him as a singer no matter what Barry would say himself.   Just my own perception.  Barry never wanted to be a singer but only wanted to write music.  Barry Manilow's music "talks" to me which is funny, because he usually writes the music, not the lyrics.  So, I would rather attend a Manilow concert than a Dylan concert any day.  

11 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

Maybe Manilow would be better if he spent more time practicing and less time with his plastic surgeon.

He looks like a chipmunk. 

8 hours ago, Coralc said:

Okay. I have been properly chastised for my comment. :classic_tongue::classic_biggrin: And because I have to set up a new desktop that I purchased.(And not looking forward to it) I will ask: 

What was your first computer? And when did you get on the internet?

My dad was a Systems Analyst and used mainframes. When I was in college in the 70's, early 80's we used computers connected to the mainframes. 


Around 1984 I acquired an Osborne Executive computer with a modem and started accessing early bulletin boards. It may have been stolen from a freight container. My mom's boyfriend worked at a truck yard in Oakland, and people frequently ran by carrying merchandise. Adam Osborne was the Elizabeth Holmes of his time. 


But the Osborne worked great with large floppy discs and online text access to other people. Whole new world. :classic_smile:


In 1994 we purchased a Compaq computer. Netscape, 32k modem? And we could look at other people's vacation photos on the color monitor. We didn't know who they were, but it was amazing to see all of these things. We won a 56k modem playing "You Don't know Jack" trivia, online. Every Wednesday night. And it was the coolest thing ever. And because it was hooked up to the phone line...you could actually make phone calls through the computer. 


So what was your first computer? And what did you do when you first went online? :classic_biggrin:


Oh gosh, first computer was a Dell PC which I THINK was purchased very late 90s.  I couldn't understand the concept of emails since I could pick up a phone to call my friends. 

My daughter did lots of homework assignments using online encyclopedia Encarta.

A "real world" friend asked me to join her in a <gasp> chat room.  There I met a wonderful group of people from around the country.  We would meet annually in Las Vegas for the best gatherings ever.  I used to "talk" to the REAL Linda Richman of SNL Mike Myers "Cawfee Tawk" fame.  She was a hoot and I met her in Ft. Worth when she gave a talk about her life.  What a lady AND she looks and sounds just like the Mike Myers imitation of her.  We got close enough to chat on the phone and she used to give me wonderful gossipy Hollywood tidbits since her daughter at that time was married to Mike Myers.


Edited by BonTexasNY
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The first computer my parents got for us was in 1977 or 78 was an Apple.  My Brother was real big into computers so I hardly got to use it and I was 11 yrs old then so when i did get on it i remember playing space invaders.  

The first i bought was from Circuit City around 1988 and used to do the old dial up for AOL chatrooms.   I cannot remember what model it was.  I also used for a side job I had with typing for the postal union office that my Father was on the board.

Fyi, I still use my very first aol email address🤩

Edited by Sunshine3601
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1 hour ago, Sea Dog said:

Just popped in to say hi to everyone. I hope you are all well and I promise to get back here and post more. Right now trying to finish up the review. As most of you know, I had major internet problems with Zoom and Surf on Explorer. It made it almost impossible to post any pictures or video.


Now I have a new problem. Once I arrived home, I found that my internet (Google Fiber) is having outage problems. So bad the my download speeds were .62mbps down and .50mbps up. They are usually around 980mbps up and down. They are working on fixing the problem but so far nothing is completely fixed.


I guess the curse of the Black Pearl does exist for this retired pirate.


FWIW, interner has been non existent on Harmony the past few days. Lala isn't happy

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1 minute ago, John&amp;LaLa said:


FWIW, interner has been non existent on Harmony the past few days. Lala isn't happy


Bummer to hear that.  😞  


Hope you are enjoying your cruise on Harmony even so.   Will be interesting sorting through our long packed up "cruise stuff" for packing procedure on the 27th.  😮 

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15 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:

Referring earlier to Joni, she's not in real good shape anymore following her brain aneurysm a few years ago. Love that video of her doing "Both Sides Now"...she was really pretty as well as talented. 


If there really is such a thing, Joni Mitchell "Both Sides Now" would be one of music's perfect songs.

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11 hours ago, HBE4 said:

I do wonder if he was to come out in today's day & age, would his songs resonate??

Which takes us back again to my one post...how long will all this music endure? Everytime I prepare my church organ preludes by Bach, Mozart, etc. it gets me to thinking about pop music longevity as opposed to some of those classical periods. 

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14 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

You can buy online thru emed or optum 2, 3 or 6 pack of the rapid proctored test that Royal accepts.  Takes about 15 minutes to do online directly with test Proctor.  Easy way to get done.

I would wait till February and see what's needed then.

Thanks for this and also to others who chimed in about the covid testing. Agreed on waiting and HOPING that just maybe none will be needed (probably unlikely though). 

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