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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Absolutely wonderful Lenny.

I loved the song and sincerely look forward to your compilation for next year.

Happy Christmas to you and all your family Lenny.


Next year I will write down everyone’s name first and attempt to get all of them in a rhyme.

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18 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

And just like that, we both ended up in a police car with a Hooker on our way to jail!!  I mean, when we inquired, and Hooker said it was a day off, but if we could wait 10 minutes, we could get something special.  Then I said “Do I pay you before or after?”, and boom, we were in the car!!!




That’s how we met Carroll Hooker, arguably one of the best tour guides for Squad Car Tours in Mount Airy, North Carolina.  For those who don’t know, Mount Airy is the birthplace of Andy Griffith, and setting for Mayberry.  I read an article in October when the actress, who played Thelma Lou, passed away. I saw this was only 30 minutes from where we usually stay, so we made plans to stop on our way. 


I read where they had tours where they would drive you around in old 63 Ford Galaxy 500’s squad cars, and it seemed like a neat thing to do.  I can’t remember the last time I was in a car with window cranks, a bench seat, and an ash tray in the middle of the back seat.  When we got there, there was only one driver, and he was taking the last group of the day out. Carroll just happened to be there, and said that it was his day off, but he would get a car and take us around.  What a very nice thing to do. 


Well, my dear wife ended up in jail. 




Fortunately for her, it appears she knew the sheriff, and he let her off easy. 



What a fun afternoon, and I will have to tell more of the story after we pulled in for a fill up. 




Thanks, Sounds pretty neat, My Wife and I will have to check this out. We live 55 minutes from Wally's. in Mt. Airy


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10 minutes ago, lenquixote66 said:

Thanks, Debbie or is it Debi ?


Debbie is @Sunshine3601


Deb is @Momof3gurlz


"We" also have Sue ( @sgmn) and Sue ( @Lionesss).


And then Pat ( @island lady), Pat ( @taznremmy), and, lastly, but not least, Patti ( @Coralc).


For future reference, Lenny 😁

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14 hours ago, Arzeena said:

Lenny, your Christmas Song put a real smile on my face....the one that starts within and then shows on the face and glistens in the eyes.  ☺️
(And thank you Greg for not letting him forget me and George C🥰)


I just feel so bad for everybody who has to think twice before seeing family and celebrating. Never expected it would get to making this decision. I am sending holiday hugs to everyone in this situation or not. At least we all have each other on CC and can "meet" here without all the ifs and the buts.


RJ and I wish everyone and their loved ones a very Happy and Healthy Holiday!🙏


Merry Christmas to you and RJ

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1 hour ago, Lionesss said:

Time to share a little story.


When I was growing up in Youngstown Ohio, my father worked at Republic Steel.  You see he was never able to complete High School, had to drop out and support his family.  He worked till he was drafted and after the war returned and then one day met his wife, my mom and they were happily married on September 12, 1953 (history buffs, the same day JFK was married).


When the mills were booming, paychecks with overtime were great.

We had the best of the best and traveled frequently in car trips to Florida or Canada.


Then in the late 60's the mills started to slow down, and eventually close.


It was around  1970, when our parents sat my brothers and I down and told us we would have a Christmas tree, but no gifts.

I was 11 at the time (working at a church bingo making $4.00 a week)

My brothers were 12, and 13.  (They made money raking leaves or shoveling snow).

We all made money biking to the store for neighbors to get small grocery items.


So, Christmas Eve, what to do, what to do.

Our parents with us sat down in the living room, and we just opened up about life and talked and shared our stories some of which my parents never knew.


My one brother started on how he and his buddies would bike down to Mill Creek Park and ride all the roads up and down the hills, look for pop bottles cash them in, and when they found enough would end up at DQ and get a cone.


My other brother who had a talent for drawing, was awarded a certificate for his caricatures and was told he should take up art. He never told our parents, because the would not be able to afford all the supplies.


Me on the other hand just shared that I  loved doing crafts and wanted nothing more.


My mom talked about them being so poor growing up that her mom would make baked potatoes and she would keep one in her "muff" to keep her hands warm in the winter when she walked to school.


As for my dad.

Besides a mill right, he had a small claim to fame.

As a hobby he used to ice skate in the winter on a ice that was frozen water on a tennis court.

He became quite good, jumps spins, and figures.  Back then figures were the thing over today's routines.

A friend of his told him, he was good.  He should go to Cleveland and try out for the trials to go to the Olympics trials.  His friend would take him.


So off they went.

About 20 men showed up that day.

My dad did the figures (those of us old enough to remember these).

He was advanced to the next stage.

He went on the ice, did his jumps (simple) skated around did his spins.


The top 3 would advance to the official Olympic trials.

My dad was #4.


Now mind you, no records were ever kept of the local tryouts.

No recognition for trying

But the look in his eyes as he told the story of something that had happened when he was in his 20's showed how complete his life was.


During slim times we may not have had much.

We did have food to eat

My parents would not accept social help  at this time.



But we had each other.

But hours went by that night,  I cannot remember everything, but we were a family.

We always share, and by sharing our lives with each other was the best Christmas ever.

The gifts may not be under the tree, but the ones in the heart make up for them.

Christmas for me is about each other.

My parents are long gone, as one of my brothers.

But life goes on.



So as you celebrate Christmas with family, take the time to reflect on the great memories in life.

Share them with your family.  Years seem to go by so fast.

They happen so quick.


And as Always:


". . . . Remember in life there is always something old to be sought and enjoyed, always something new to be found treasure and shared, thank you for sharing your life with me. . . . "








Wow, no words to say right now.. but thanks.

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12 hours ago, Lionesss said:

Graham, best of luck tomorrow and I will be praying for you.


Good Job Lenny.


This has to be the best thread.


Thank you Dani,  your insight on starting this thread has done more for me than you will ever know.


Thanks to all who share on this site.



One of my daughters used to sing Rudolph the Red Haired Reindeer when she was about 5 .I have no idea why and I never asked her.

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2 hours ago, jagsfan said:

Kind of like my shock when I realized our daughter’s wedding cost more than our first house!

But then, I remember Dixie Darling bread for .09 a loaf! And gas at .21 a gallon. 

I remember when my parents and I lived in a 4 story apartment building ,no elevators and we were on the top floor.We had a 1 BR apartment.In 1952 my parents moved into the only 2BR apartment in the building on the first floor .The monthly rent was $35.

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So back to our story from Mayberry.  When we pulled into Wally’s Service Station at the end of the tour, we saw a couple looking in the window of the squad car in front of us.  It was our good friends from back home, that have cruised with us a couple times and that we go to dinners and plays with.  


What are the odds that they picked this place to stop, just as we were finishing our tour. They were on their way to Myrtle Beach, and neither of us had mentioned anything about stopping here, or even our travel dates.  A chance encounter, 450 miles from home. 


They changed their room to our hotel, and we had a nice dinner out together. 


Now for a few pictures of the decorations at our hotel. I know Greg would be in 7th heaven here. 









Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our friends here that celebrate.  And thank you again Dani for starting this wonderful thread, and all the kind people here. 




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1 hour ago, Lionesss said:

Time to share a little story.


When I was growing up in Youngstown Ohio, my father worked at Republic Steel.  You see he was never able to complete High School, had to drop out and support his family.  He worked till he was drafted and after the war returned and then one day met his wife, my mom and they were happily married on September 12, 1953 (history buffs, the same day JFK was married).


When the mills were booming, paychecks with overtime were great.

We had the best of the best and traveled frequently in car trips to Florida or Canada.


Then in the late 60's the mills started to slow down, and eventually close.


It was around  1970, when our parents sat my brothers and I down and told us we would have a Christmas tree, but no gifts.

I was 11 at the time (working at a church bingo making $4.00 a week)

My brothers were 12, and 13.  (They made money raking leaves or shoveling snow).

We all made money biking to the store for neighbors to get small grocery items.


So, Christmas Eve, what to do, what to do.

Our parents with us sat down in the living room, and we just opened up about life and talked and shared our stories some of which my parents never knew.


My one brother started on how he and his buddies would bike down to Mill Creek Park and ride all the roads up and down the hills, look for pop bottles cash them in, and when they found enough would end up at DQ and get a cone.


My other brother who had a talent for drawing, was awarded a certificate for his caricatures and was told he should take up art. He never told our parents, because the would not be able to afford all the supplies.


Me on the other hand just shared that I  loved doing crafts and wanted nothing more.


My mom talked about them being so poor growing up that her mom would make baked potatoes and she would keep one in her "muff" to keep her hands warm in the winter when she walked to school.


As for my dad.

Besides a mill right, he had a small claim to fame.

As a hobby he used to ice skate in the winter on a ice that was frozen water on a tennis court.

He became quite good, jumps spins, and figures.  Back then figures were the thing over today's routines.

A friend of his told him, he was good.  He should go to Cleveland and try out for the trials to go to the Olympics trials.  His friend would take him.


So off they went.

About 20 men showed up that day.

My dad did the figures (those of us old enough to remember these).

He was advanced to the next stage.

He went on the ice, did his jumps (simple) skated around did his spins.


The top 3 would advance to the official Olympic trials.

My dad was #4.


Now mind you, no records were ever kept of the local tryouts.

No recognition for trying

But the look in his eyes as he told the story of something that had happened when he was in his 20's showed how complete his life was.


During slim times we may not have had much.

We did have food to eat

My parents would not accept social help  at this time.



But we had each other.

But hours went by that night,  I cannot remember everything, but we were a family.

We always share, and by sharing our lives with each other was the best Christmas ever.

The gifts may not be under the tree, but the ones in the heart make up for them.

Christmas for me is about each other.

My parents are long gone, as one of my brothers.

But life goes on.



So as you celebrate Christmas with family, take the time to reflect on the great memories in life.

Share them with your family.  Years seem to go by so fast.

They happen so quick.


And as Always:


". . . . Remember in life there is always something old to be sought and enjoyed, always something new to be found treasure and shared, thank you for sharing your life with me. . . . "








Sue, thank you for sharing the stories of your heart.  What a precious gift!

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Sue that story was awesome! Thank you for sharing, it really shows what Christmas should be.

Im unemployment so this year my grown daughter and I are not giving gifts.


I remember growing up and my Dad was a Teamster. I remember him being on strike and money being non existent but we always had food to eat.

Presents were for birthdays and Christmas only .

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3 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Unfortunately, our Son, the baby in his 20s, just texted that he tested positive and is experiencing mild symptoms.   He has had asthma issues his whole life but has improved with age.  He assured us that his breathing is fine.  Says he is just really tired, feels weak and achy with a headache with scratchy throat.  No cough, no sniffles.  His Fiance feels fine so far but will also get tested.

So sorry to hear your son tested positive for covid but thankfully, his breathing is fine.  I hope it continues to stay that way with only mild symptoms.


@grapau27Graham, so glad to read your operation is over.  Wishing you, Pauline and everyone on this marvelous thread who celebrates, the merriest, healthiest Christmas ever!

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Sending our best wishes that your son recovers quickly from Covid19 and you all still have a lovely Christmas. Graham.


@Sunshine3601 +1 🥰


2 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

Wishing you all the very best...




Thanks, OB. So very true [pic quoted for context].


1 hour ago, mafig said:

Last Monday I cancelled our January cruise (with much sadness). 


Such bad timing on Omicron's part -- messing the Holidays for everyone 😢


1 hour ago, h20skibum said:

And just like that, we both ended up in a police car with a Hooker on our way to jail!!  


Such a cool trip 😎

What a fun afternoon, and I will have to tell more of the story after we pulled in for a fill up.


What a pleasant coincidence 😁


7 minutes ago, sgmn said:


😘 Isn't Molly adorable with the X-mas socks 😘

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1 hour ago, h20skibum said:

And just like that, we both ended up in a police car with a Hooker on our way to jail!!  I mean, when we inquired, and Hooker said it was a day off, but if we could wait 10 minutes, we could get something special.  Then I said “Do I pay you before or after?”, and boom, we were in the car!!!




That’s how we met Carroll Hooker, arguably one of the best tour guides for Squad Car Tours in Mount Airy, North Carolina.  For those who don’t know, Mount Airy is the birthplace of Andy Griffith, and setting for Mayberry.  I read an article in October when the actress, who played Thelma Lou, passed away. I saw this was only 30 minutes from where we usually stay, so we made plans to stop on our way. 


I read where they had tours where they would drive you around in old 63 Ford Galaxy 500’s squad cars, and it seemed like a neat thing to do.  I can’t remember the last time I was in a car with window cranks, a bench seat, and an ash tray in the middle of the back seat.  When we got there, there was only one driver, and he was taking the last group of the day out. Carroll just happened to be there, and said that it was his day off, but he would get a car and take us around.  What a very nice thing to do. 


Well, my dear wife ended up in jail. 




Fortunately for her, it appears she knew the sheriff, and he let her off easy. 



What a fun afternoon, and I will have to tell more of the story after we pulled in for a fill up. 




Wow! So glad you made the little side trip!

Thanks for sharing!

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53 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

So back to our story from Mayberry.  When we pulled into Wally’s Service Station at the end of the tour, we saw a couple looking in the window of the squad car in front of us.  It was our good friends from back home, that have cruised with us a couple times and that we go to dinners and plays with.  


What are the odds that they picked this place to stop, just as we were finishing our tour. They were on their way to Myrtle Beach, and neither of us had mentioned anything about stopping here, or even our travel dates.  A chance encounter, 450 miles from home. 


They changed their room to our hotel, and we had a nice dinner out together. 


Now for a few pictures of the decorations at our hotel. I know Greg would be in 7th heaven here. 









Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our friends here that celebrate.  And thank you again Dani for starting this wonderful thread, and all the kind people here. 




Lovely photos.

Really pleased you are both having a wonderful time.

Happy Christmas to you both.



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5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I'm pleased I was done quickly.

I have to go back next Thursday to get the stitches out.




Graham I'm so glad everything went well and your will get your stitches out next week. If anyone asks what happened tell them "It's nothing but you should see the other guy." I hope you and Pauline have a very Merry Christmas.


5 hours ago, sgmn said:

Mu brother spent a small fortune on their Xmas shop, all his partner's children and families were meant to be coming over. A few hours later they learnt that her DIL has covid and all that side of family not coming now, then her other pregnant DIL and son decided not to risk coming as they had been in contact with the covid DIL 🙈🤷‍♀️

They are all really upset


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Sounds like my Christmas last year. Make the best of it and maybe have a later Christmas celebration in January. Leave the decorations up and have a great time. I've actually done that before when my dad was in the hospital one Christmas.



3 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:



Wishing you all the very best...




The same is wished for you. I couldn't agree more my friends do become my family. Welcome to mine.




39 minutes ago, John&LaLa said:


I kinda feel Christmas is a state of mind, and can be enjoyed by everyone😁


I celebrate Christmas everyday in my mind.



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