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Would you cruise if Wearing a mask is mandatory?

Would you cruise if wearing a mask is Mandatory?  

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  1. 1. Will you cruise if wearing a mask is mandatory?

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12 minutes ago, WAMarathoner said:

Interesting thought.  However, given the average age of cruisers, they'd be cutting off their noses to spite their face.

Some conditions that make wearing a mask difficult, at best include:

Congestive heart failure, more than 5% of people over 60

Asthma - 7.7% of adults

COPD - more than 16,000,000 adults

That's just the big three; there are many other conditions that make wearing a mask a bad idea.  Would cut out a significant number of cruisers in addition to those who don't want to wear them rather than can't wear them.


For the few ships that are registered in the US, this would also violate ADA requirements and open them up to hefty lawsuits.  Hmmm... if mandatory masks happens, maybe I'll just try to book a trip on the Pride.

Aren’t the same conditions that make wearing a mask difficult (maybe) the same conditions that make someone high risk for the virus?  

We are not yet going to restaurants or large gatherings and we used masks going to the store, but in general we are staying home.  The reason is our daughter is high risk and we are helping with our granddaughter and don’t want to infect our daughter if we are asymptomatic.  Otherwise we would probably be going out some.

With that said, we would cruise with masks if their Usage requirement was limited. (Embark, disembark, theatre, muster)   We are ok self quarantining once home or another 14 on a ship.   

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45 minutes ago, OceanCruise said:

 but lockdown the schools instead where it is evident kids are at minimal risk for the virus based on statistics?

People keep saying this.


Do you think that school buildings are the exclusive domains of children?

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Sort of.  The biggest risk factor for COVID is morbid obesity.  Far and away from others.  That's why it's higher in some population groups than others -- those that have the highest rates of morbid obesity have a significantly higher incidence of COVID deaths.  Most people who die from COVID already have a co-morbidity.  COPD, asthma, and CHF are often able to be controlled with medication.


People need to make their own choices and live with the consequences. 

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No way would I cruise with a mask on. How are you supposed to eat, drink, or swim in the pool with a mask on when you are doing this around people? Nah...we'll wait until the vaccine is available, hopefully by the end of the year. 

Who really knows how much a mask helps? Fauci changed his mind two times concerning this subject. In March he said that wearing it really only makes you feel good, and doesn't really help stop the virus. Then he said by wearing the mask you are preventing others from getting it and now he's saying it can help both ways....go figure:( And remember when some people were cleaning everything with clorox over and over again and wiping down groceries?

Hopefully next year at this time we will all be just talking about this awful time in our lives. My heart goes out to everyone who has been affected, physically, psychologically, and monetarily.

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7 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:


I just went to the World Health Organization web page.  (This is a fairly corrupt organization so I can not recommend anything they say, that is my personal opinion... yours may vary)


When and how to wear medical masks to protect against coronavirus?

  • If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.
  • Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
  • Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.

Mic Drop....


I rest my case Junk Science



Asymptomatic carriers of the virus do not know that they are sick. I do not think this organization is addressing these asymptomatic carriers and are giving dangerous advice.

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19 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

Asymptomatic carriers of the virus do not know that they are sick. I do not think this organization is addressing these asymptomatic carriers and are giving dangerous advice.

Technically, asymptomatic carriers are not sick, they are infected.

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I haven't had to take any allergy medicine this spring due to mask wearing. I normally suffer from seasonal allergies every spring to a degree which requires me to take allergy medication for around 5 weeks. Sometimes a little more depending on weather and when everything blooms. I have another round of seasonal allergies every fall. I'm hoping mask wearing becomes socially acceptable because I am definitely planning wear a mask every spring and fall. I made myself a few extra just for that reason.


I'm an essential worker and my work is requiring masks. I have contact with 300-500 people per week at my work. I also wear a mask when going anywhere else in case I am asymptomatic due to the many people I have contact with in a regular week. 


I don't care if the require masks on the ships and will wear one if asked. I do have questions about how it would all work out though. A wet mask is going to be far less effective. Even if that weren't the case, a lot of cloth masks are going to stretch when wet leading to people to touching their mask and face. I've seen some that let you drink out of a straw but I've yet to see an effective mask that you can wear while eating.


Are they going to close down the pool and slides and make everyone eat in their cabins? I think not. Seems to me based on these issues I along with many others would end up not wearing a mask more than fifty percent of the time at which point what's the point, really?



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10 minutes ago, ccletzgo said:

Well that would be interesting considering I have a drink of some kind in my hand when I am out of my stateroom🤣  It would be impossible.  If they mandate it, there goes their booze revenue.  

There would probably be an exception for when you are drinking. RCI would never let go of that cash influx. Heck, maybe I'll just walk around all day with an empty beer can looking like I'm drinking.

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In Europe some counties are getting rid of the mandatory mask next month, because the cases of Carona are getting downright insignificant. So I am not sure if I would board a ship if wearing a mask is required!

If so- one has to pack some " Formal masks" , too. LOL

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16 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:

There are tons of statements about how masks can be dangerous.  You are just ignoring the obvious.  If you touch the mask a lot to adjust or to pull it down to be understood, and then you touch your face, etc.  I don’t think we need a scientific study to know the obvious.  But I understand the need to create a reason for continuing to try feel like you are right, even when you are not.  That is an universal human trait.



Some folks will never grasp the significance of those words. 

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6 minutes ago, goldfish65 said:


Exactly, what I was referring to, people can't or don't want to think for themselves.

You mean be lead around, and supported, by someone else all your life is not a goal to strive for?🤔😄

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11 hours ago, Germancruiser said:

In Europe some counties are getting rid of the mandatory mask next month, because the cases of Carona are getting downright insignificant. So I am not sure if I would board a ship if wearing a mask is required!

If so- one has to pack some " Formal masks" , too. LOL


In places where social distancing cannot be kept, espcialy in public transportation, airplanes etc at least a recomendation will remain in place for the time being or even to remain mandatory.

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Both DH and DS really don't like wearing masks.  I WFH now, so don't have to wear them too often either.  At this point we are most inclined to do trips that allow for enough social distancing that wearing masks is pretty rare.

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On 5/29/2020 at 1:58 PM, cured said:

Thank you for the permission. 



Permission?????? That was a tad sarcastic, I never gave you permission for anything....free country, do as you please....but the snarky comments are a little nasty............

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19 minutes ago, BecciBoo said:

Permission?????? That was a tad sarcastic, I never gave you permission for anything....free country, do as you please....but the snarky comments are a little nasty............

By omitting the rest of my post, it takes things out of context.


As I mentioned, have a GREAT cruise!  I am sure it will be fantastic.


We are choosing not to cruise as long as masks are required which would mean there is not herd immunity due to a vaccine.  Isn't it great that there is a perfect solution for everyone?





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My husband and I are vehemently opposed to wearing masks.  We worked through the entire shut down, with the public, NO ONE wore masks and NO ONE got sick.  I don't know why there were hot spots for the virus, but we had 7 deaths in our state.  To demand everyone to wear a mask is unnecessary and proven more detrimental to your health.  If you must or just want to wear a mask, no one is stopping you.  But it should not and eventually (hopefully very soon) will not be mandated.  It cannot be sustained as the "new normal".  Yes, it would most definitely be a deal breaker for us.  We will not pay for a cruise and be required to wear a mask at any time.  It's a sad state of affairs because we love to cruise.  We will find other ways to vacation without a mask, or wait for this insanity to pass.  Probably will by at least this November.

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22 minutes ago, Wyomingred said:

My husband and I are vehemently opposed to wearing masks.  We worked through the entire shut down, with the public, NO ONE wore masks and NO ONE got sick.  I don't know why there were hot spots for the virus, but we had 7 deaths in our state.  To demand everyone to wear a mask is unnecessary and proven more detrimental to your health.  If you must or just want to wear a mask, no one is stopping you.  But it should not and eventually (hopefully very soon) will not be mandated.  It cannot be sustained as the "new normal".  Yes, it would most definitely be a deal breaker for us.  We will not pay for a cruise and be required to wear a mask at any time.  It's a sad state of affairs because we love to cruise.  We will find other ways to vacation without a mask, or wait for this insanity to pass.  Probably will by at least this November.

You must live in a very small town.......................try what you have been doing in a well populated area and then come back and say no one got sick.



Total Population: 549,914


New Jersey        9.2 Million

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I just turned Diamond on RC and am looking forward to cruising my way to Diamond Plus.  My next cruise is set for September.  If wearing a mask becomes a requirement I will cancel my cruise and cruising will become a thing of the past for me.  Period.

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47 minutes ago, Wyomingred said:

My husband and I are vehemently opposed to wearing masks.  We worked through the entire shut down, with the public, NO ONE wore masks and NO ONE got sick.  I don't know why there were hot spots for the virus, but we had 7 deaths in our state.  To demand everyone to wear a mask is unnecessary and proven more detrimental to your health.  If you must or just want to wear a mask, no one is stopping you.  But it should not and eventually (hopefully very soon) will not be mandated.  It cannot be sustained as the "new normal".  Yes, it would most definitely be a deal breaker for us.  We will not pay for a cruise and be required to wear a mask at any time.  It's a sad state of affairs because we love to cruise.  We will find other ways to vacation without a mask, or wait for this insanity to pass.  Probably will by at least this November.


I can see your point of view since you live in a county with very low cases.  Your exposure is very minimal compared to counties with much higher populations.  Your entire STATE has 1/3 the population of the COUNTY I live in here in CA.  So, my exposure is much higher than yours, and therefore we wear masks.  Wearing a mask, sheltering in place, etc. is not one-size-fits-all, but neither is it insanity.  It's just safety measures to avoid getting sick.


My son, his wife and our 2 grand-toddlers ages 2 and 4 live within 15 miles of one of the worst hotspots in the US in Wayne County, MI.  They are still sheltering at home, and are keeping their little ones out of day care, working by telehealth or occupying empty offices, and wearing masks.  They are at high risk from people coming in and out of their local area from Wayne County.


So, what works for you doesn't work for everyone, and makes a lot of sense for those of us who live in highly populated areas.


I'm sincerely glad to hear from someone who has weathered through this so easily, and I hope it stays that way for you.  🙂

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After, watching tv for a week, I have decided that COVID19 is way over rated.  Try walking around any big city... social distancing is not happening.  Watch out for the burning trash cans, and large groups of people trying to terrorize other people.


I am so glad the governors shut everything down.  Nobody is working and now they have time to really be productive.  It is really awesome that we shut everything down to have this instead.  Great job USA you have outdone yourself again.  



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required palliative mask = no deal. i already delayed a colorado trip due to mask requirements. its near useless unless its n95.

NIOSH study--->Filter efficiency was measured across a wide range of small particle sizes (0.02 to 1 µm) at 33 and 99 L/min. N95 respirators had efficiencies greater than 95% (as expected). For the entire range of particles tested, t-shirts had 10% efficiency, scarves 10% to 20%, cloth masks 10% to 30%, sweatshirts 20% to 40%, and towels 40%. All of the cloth masks and materials had near zero efficiency at 0.3 µm, a particle size that easily penetrates into the lungs.

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5 hours ago, Wyomingred said:

My husband and I are vehemently opposed to wearing masks.  We worked through the entire shut down, with the public, NO ONE wore masks and NO ONE got sick.  I don't know why there were hot spots for the virus, but we had 7 deaths in our state.  To demand everyone to wear a mask is unnecessary and proven more detrimental to your health.  If you must or just want to wear a mask, no one is stopping you.  But it should not and eventually (hopefully very soon) will not be mandated.  It cannot be sustained as the "new normal".  Yes, it would most definitely be a deal breaker for us.  We will not pay for a cruise and be required to wear a mask at any time.  It's a sad state of affairs because we love to cruise.  We will find other ways to vacation without a mask, or wait for this insanity to pass.  Probably will by at least this November.

Actually Wyoming is now up to 16 deaths, 903 cases.  Fortunately for the state low population density and not that much international travel prior to the shutdown.  The areas that have gotten hit with the large outbreaks so far have been those with international travel hubs, and major population centers.  Takes a bit longer for it to work itself out to more rural areas.

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56 minutes ago, cqpate said:

required palliative mask = no deal. i already delayed a colorado trip due to mask requirements. its near useless unless its n95.

NIOSH study--->Filter efficiency was measured across a wide range of small particle sizes (0.02 to 1 µm) at 33 and 99 L/min. N95 respirators had efficiencies greater than 95% (as expected). For the entire range of particles tested, t-shirts had 10% efficiency, scarves 10% to 20%, cloth masks 10% to 30%, sweatshirts 20% to 40%, and towels 40%. All of the cloth masks and materials had near zero efficiency at 0.3 µm, a particle size that easily penetrates into the lungs.

The purpose of masks (except for medical professionals wearing and using PPE with strict protocols) is not to protect the person wearing one.  It is to protect everyone else from a person that is either asymptomatic or has very minor symptoms and doesn't think that they are infected. The purpose of the mask is to disrupt air flow (slow it down) when that person is breathing, talking, coughing, sneezing or anything else that results in virus being expelled.  The mask greatly reduces the distance that any particles and the associated virus will travel, reducing the chance for anyone around that person to be infected. With over 50% of the cases being asymptomatic a number of people infect others without knowing that they even have it.


Do the following test.  Blow on your hand.  Now blow on your hand through a mask, or even a t-shirt.  Notice the reduction in velocity. That is what the mask is for to reduce the area of spread.


The people that are wearing masks are not wearing them for their own protection, it is for the protection of others around them.

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