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The Daily for Saturday Jan 16, 2021


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They aren't quite dragons, but the crocodiles in the Tarcoles River (Costa Rica) might do in a pinch - 





We were in San Juan on this day in 2019 and toured both Forts. It was a holiday (Celebration of Calle San Sebastian) and the city was very busy, they almost wouldn't let our bus through to Del Morro. 






While I was down by the water at the "tip" of the Del Morro, the Carnival Pride sailed out -


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Good morning, all! There have indeed been a lot of nothing days the past few months, so I’ll celebrate the dragons. I have seen the Komodo dragons when we were in Indonesia, and it’s very bone chilling when one of the big ones slowly swings its head and stares at you thoughtfully. Suddenly the little forked stick in the guides hand doesn’t look very protective at all. @kazuI am also a huge fan of Anne McCaffery’s dragons, so I’ll stick with those and reread one of her books. I am so sorry to hear about your BIL’s mother, and hoping she recovers.

A year ago today the Amsterdam docked at Recife, Brazil. We took a tour through Recife to Olinda, a beautiful high suburb overlooking the city to the south and the sea to the east. Being on a hill, the streets were very steep, but worth it for the views!
Here is the link to my post that day https://apassportinmyparasol.wordpress.com/2020/01/18/bom-dia-recife-olinda-brazil-january-16-2020/

And a few pictures not in the blog post EB3335B6-3054-41C4-B654-BBDC05E31A60.jpeg.889912902611420172758b42b47be6d0.jpeg

Don't you miss these signs at the top,of the gangway?FC8F6813-C94D-4900-B305-7FA8CF7BFF72.jpeg.7ebcbf963d82ecdac97d2408cc68d2f9.jpeg

A popular beach in Recife. We weren’t supposed to go wading, but...D971E5FA-EA6A-4E3C-A18B-17E45C427442.jpeg.6341553e5c38cc59c3d338a640d753a8.jpeg

The view from Olinda back towards the city53BCD516-ECE8-4D8C-BF94-D08D7020D214.jpeg.5dbd77ba93c192ae436727c6e3f62401.jpeg

And towards the sea.429381C8-4215-440F-A122-55A1EA9AF99C.jpeg.3b8c854b45f558472bbac81cd40e85f4.jpeg

And towards the Mission, where the incline was less steep.6FA6F36D-9556-4D8F-9BF7-D1973AD8CA39.jpeg.bd8012cefcca1a4d759a8f9f47adda4c.jpeg3321B40B-5F0D-4BAE-B63C-B3F6AB2C31E4.jpeg.4021c7bbbbe659832c85fcf664945c9e.jpeg

And flowers in the hot sun - I miss those now!5DB07AA9-7538-435B-9ABC-8089D2CEB611.jpeg.0c8ee8e176fea2571bb0f4b77c58d839.jpeg

A boat aptly named for the rest of the year to follow!C5BAA814-115A-4C23-B51F-B74553AFE64A.jpeg.1601011c3ca6c945e7d13608662f02a0.jpeg

And back to the Amsterdam!B5CBD3D9-FB26-4C8E-BD0E-5D9694DA2883.thumb.jpeg.1321a96bd4e152e034476fc32814a1aa.jpeg

And her welcoming mats. Happy Saturday!


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9 minutes ago, garlictown said:
9 minutes ago, garlictown said:

led not lead  😄

I figured since we visited Komodo Island, I'd (fearfully) take the excursion since most likely I'd never be back there. The guide was watching us to make sure we stayed together on the path and like I said he had this pole for protection, LOL ! 😁



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Good morning and thanks all! 
@kazu sorry to hear about your BIL’s mother!  How is poor Marley doing?  And what about you?  Sending good thoughts your way!  
Dragon day...my little granddaughter has a a lizard gecko. Wonder if that qualifies?  
I prefer birds😍, a photo of the local love birds!  


Edited by bennybear
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Good morning all!

Oh boy, another do nothing day! I'm becoming an expert!   😂  

I'd love to see the Komodo dragons.  I would have definitely signed up for that on our (first) cancelled cruise last April.  

Glazed chicken sounds very good, I think I'll take out some chicken and see what I have in my recipe file.


@kazuthat's distressing news about your BIL's Mother 😞  

@kazuI agree with others, you really outdid yourself today with the jokes, I nearly fell off my chair laughing at one point!


It may take a bit more patience before DH and I can get our vaccines....even though WA is going to Phase 1b next week, this is what my son-in-law said recently. (we aren't in King County, but it's probably similar all over the state).  "In King County we’ve only vaccinated 65% of doctors, 50% of dentists and 30% of medical support staff with their first dose, and we STILL need to give most of those healthcare workers their second dose. We’ve received no additional doses since our initial allotment in December which was intended for distribution to group 1A."

He goes on to say that now we're going to phase 1b, without enough supply.  😞  


Last night's trout was "ok" but just not as good as we get at Pike Place so will be looking into their curbside pick up next week for seafood.  Sounds good to me, no need to go into those crowds.  


Stay safe everyone and have a great day.  


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Good morning, all and thanks to Rich and Roy, and all the other posters!  I feel like my day is over, as I was up early and at the grocery store at  7 for senior hour.  I do like it when the store is empty!  We went to Costco yesterday for Pat to have his new hearing aids checked, and I shopped and it was a madhouse.  A long wait to get in, and a long wait to check out.  I am now stocked up for at least a month!


@kazu, Jacqui, so sorry about all that is going on in your family.  How are you feeling?  Eating again?  I'm including all Covid sufferers in my prayers, and also hoping that Canada will get some good news about vaccine availability, too.  I keep telling myself that a delay will only mean that immunity will last a little longer into the future.  It will need to be perfectly timed around cruises!  I am beginning to think that this year is going to be as bad as last.







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I found our pictures of the gila monster and the chuckwalla.  The first one is the chuckwalla who's markings are not like the gila monster markings, but are supposed to trick predators into thinking he is a gila monster.



We saw both of these in 2005, but have not seen any since.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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I live in a Continuing Care Retirement Community in MD in the Independent Living section.  There is a Federal Agreement with CVS (for the East Side of the US) and Walgreens (for the West Side of the US) to vaccinate folks who live in Nursing Homes/Assisted Living Homes/Congregate Senior Living Campus Like Settings.


We had a Vaccination Clinic on-site on December 23 to give the first shots to those who live in our Skilled Nursing section.  Since it was the Pfizer vaccine, the second shot was scheduled for January 13.  Late Tuesday, CVS called our Administration folks to say they had extra shots and could something be organized so they could be used?  Well, it was done. 

The Administration folks started making calls to schedule Independent Living folks in one hour intervals.  CVS found more available vaccines late Wednesday, more calls were made and more folks were "stuck".


I was one of the lucky ones who got stuck!


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1 hour ago, USN59-79 said:

I have been to Komodo Island, but had no desire to leave the ship and view the dragons.  I may have a contrary view, but I really dislike the creatures.  I have seen some videos where they lurk around a water hole and then bite either a deer or a water buffalo.  The bite is poisonous, and makes the victim weaker and weaker.  The dragon follows it, and when it falls and can't fight back, it starts to eat it.  The only way I would take an excursion to see them would be if we were allowed to take firearms and shoot them when we saw them.  Sorry if I have offended any komodo dragon lovers here.


The ones you see on the excursions (that’s the only way you are allowed in the park, either a ship or private excursion) are very docile.  Rumor is they feed them to keep them lazy.  The worst part of the excursions is the heat/humidity.  We have seen them twice and both days they had passengers who needed assistance due to heat.

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Good Morning, All!


We're into day 2 for heat and red (dred) flag warnings. It is supposed to go through Monday. Yesterday we had a high of 93. I'm of the opinion that heat like that in January should be illegal. @ger_77 I might give your recipe a try. Now that we have the new oven and warming drawer, I'm looking to try out the slow cook feature (when it gets cooler). Am thinking of doing a pulled pork.


While we are back to appliances, does anyone have any suggestion on how best to manage fingerprints on stainless steel? 

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7 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good Morning, All!


We're into day 2 for heat and red (dred) flag warnings. It is supposed to go through Monday. Yesterday we had a high of 93. I'm of the opinion that heat like that in January should be illegal. @ger_77 I might give your recipe a try. Now that we have the new oven and warming drawer, I'm looking to try out the slow cook feature (when it gets cooler). Am thinking of doing a pulled pork.


While we are back to appliances, does anyone have any suggestion on how best to manage fingerprints on stainless steel? 

I wash it with a microfibre cloth and a little dish soap and water,  dry with a linen or soft cotton towel. 

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January 16, 2013

Channel Sarmiento, Chilean Fjords


Our itinerary for the 15th and 16th called for scenic cruising in the Chilean Fiords on our way to Punta Arenas and Ushuaia. The Fiords originate at about mid-Chile at the Chaco Canal (entrance near Puerto Montt) and run to the tip of South America, covering from 42 degrees to 55 degrees south latitude. One of the surprises I got while planning this trip was when I first opened my newly received map of Chile and saw the tremendous web of islands and waterways along its shoreline. It looks a lot like the Alaskan Inside Passage, but is much longer and would take us over 2 days to sail its length without stopping. In the early days this is the route that the explorer took and prior to the building of the Panama Canal, this is the sheltered route that ships took. This entire area remains quite remote and we only saw a few smaller military or fishing vessels.


The weather for most of January 15 was foggy, and for safety reasons we remained in the Pacific Ocean. Captain also shared that while the water in the fiords is deep and there are good navigational charts of the area, as recent as a few years previous, a small vessel’s crew found a “spire” under a mere 15 feet of water in one of the channels.


My journal records fog, rain and Veendam rocking away to the tune of the foghorn. When dawn came on January 16, the fog had lifted and we were treated to a sunrise surrounded by the beauty of the inside passage.


The original plan was to go to Amalia Glacier. However, we had passed the entrance channel during the night and instead we visited Brujo Glacier. The timing would allow us to be at the glacier mid-morning when most folks would be up and the lighting would be good. Captain Bos indicated in his morning briefing that although we would be seeing a lot of glaciers in Antarctica, those would be covered with snow for the most part and he wanted us all to have the chance to see one with just the bare ice.


The entire day was filled with spectacular scenic cruising. 


As we got further south it was amazing to see so many tiny islands that stood no more than a few feet about the water. Yes, other than numerous navigational aids, the area appeared pristine. 


As the cruise was 20 days we had planned a second gathering and a luncheon. The penguins (from cardstock) were the invitations/reminders that were hung on the cabin doors of those who had RSVP'd. My stewards got quite a kick of of all the penguins that were being "birthed" in my cabin. That evening they left me one from a towel, and added some go go eyes and glasses to some of the origami ones. 🙂




For our original M&G I had folded some 40 small origami penguins for decorations. They were a hit and all found homes with participants. That's one on the window of my cabin. There was another on my door (that kept disappearing). Every night I had been folding more in Explorers Lounge nightly and leaving them for people to pick up. I got several notes on my door requesting some....  and eventually started to have some fun by "flocking" different parts of the ship (the library, Explorers, Lido, the theatre) at night. 

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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A late good afternoon everyone. The only dragons I’ve seen are the skeletons at the Museum of Natural History in NYC. They are quite imposing and I would never want to be up close and personal to one of them.


Jacqui, really sorry for all you, your dog, and family are going thru. Hang in there.


Today is a do nothing day. 

Prayers for all who need them.



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1 hour ago, lcand1923 said:

I live in a Continuing Care Retirement Community in MD in the Independent Living section.  There is a Federal Agreement with CVS (for the East Side of the US) and Walgreens (for the West Side of the US) to vaccinate folks who live in Nursing Homes/Assisted Living Homes/Congregate Senior Living Campus Like Settings.


We had a Vaccination Clinic on-site on December 23 to give the first shots to those who live in our Skilled Nursing section.  Since it was the Pfizer vaccine, the second shot was scheduled for January 13.  Late Tuesday, CVS called our Administration folks to say they had extra shots and could something be organized so they could be used?  Well, it was done. 

The Administration folks started making calls to schedule Independent Living folks in one hour intervals.  CVS found more available vaccines late Wednesday, more calls were made and more folks were "stuck".


I was one of the lucky ones who got stuck!


Awesome news.  Do you have an appointment for your second jab?



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2 hours ago, Rowsby said:

Prohibition Day.....perfect time to share a photo of my father-in-law....sitting in the middle....who apparently had several prolific years as a "rum-runner"......:)

Father-in-law during Prohibition.jpg


My grandmother used to go on bootlegging runs from New York State down into Pennsylvania with my grandfather.  Once, she was having a party and sent her brother and my grandfather down to Endicott to buy booze from the mob.  They were pretty big in Endicott, New York.  


Grandma enjoyed her scotch sours and cigarettes.  She was also a public health nurse.  The private and public lives did not intersect.   

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43 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

While we are back to appliances, does anyone have any suggestion on how best to manage fingerprints on stainless steel? 


Unless I am having company, I don't worry about that.  And, since the start of the pandemic, it hasn't been a problem.  

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7 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the last Daily of the week Rich.  There's been a lot of nothing lately.  I'd love to see a Komodo Dragon sometime.  Remembrance of Prohibition carries a lesson to be learned.  Love the quote, and Glazed Roast Chicken sounds great.  My alternative is Canaletto Salad, Spaghetti Bolognese, and Pistachio Gelato as served on MS Prinsendam January 16, 2019 (for real this time):






Roy - any cruises planned yet? I think my first possibility is winter 2022. 

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Prayers for those almost over Covid, those who are ill, and those who are waiting on the vaccine.

Evidently Alabama has the worst vaccine status in the US.  Have not heard a word about vaccines for over 65 or over 75 yet. We are staying close to home- especially because we moved my 96 yr old mom in with us from an asst. living facility just days before the lockdown. 

She is doing well and we sure don’t want to bring in any germs to this house. We have learned to love two handed bridge!

Kazu, sure hope your BIL’s mother has another recovery asap- this time long lasting.  Several people we know have made a good recovery, just took longer than anyone predicted. 


I am getting a fine-tuned education on this forum for sure! Both geography and meteorology knowledge is growing by leaps and bounds. and my joke repertoire , too!


Among the terms used to describe wintery weather, the most dreaded might be “polar vortex.” The ominous term sounds like some earthly black hole trying to kill us with Arctic air. 


Thanks everyone for the newbie warm welcome.



Edited by doobieb
mistake in info x2
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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

@kazu sorry to hear about your BIL’s mother!  How is poor Marley doing?  And what about you?  Sending good thoughts your way!

 I am a tad tired, thanks watching this dam dog and worrying about my brother in law’s mother.

Marley is doing ok.  I am trying not to put him in the cone any more than necessary so I am watching him as much as I can rather than have him unhappy.

so, on this do nothing but watch Marley day, I’m working on the spread sheet for our next cruise in 2022.  And trying to cheer myself up a bit with planning.

Anyone want to join us?  It’s a fabulous itinerary!




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1 minute ago, Jimbo59 said:


Roy - any cruises planned yet? I think my first possibility is winter 2022. 

Just one set but I doubt if it will happen.  Carnival is changing it's Baltimore based ship, and I have a QM2 transatlantic paired with Carnival Legend all the way home from Barcelona.  That would be in October but I have my doubts.



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3 minutes ago, kazu said:

Anyone want to join us?  It’s a fabulous itinerary!



Yes! We did the Norway part of this cruise on a  Hurtigurten  ship-  I wanted to stay up 24/7 to not miss anything.  It’s time to go back.


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