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The Daily for Sunday May 23, 2021


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Thank you, All, for the contributions to the Daily.


Like @StLouisCruisers , I remember those turtles they used to sell -- along with little plastic habitats that had an umbrella on them.  The turtles were able to escape and we would find them under the bed or elsewhere around the room.   🐢

Taffy is a favorite and brings to mind Catalina Island, Balboa Island, and the Del Mar Fair.  


Thank you, @kazu and @rafinmd , for coordinating the care and celebration lists.  Roy, it's so nice to see that you are feeling up to resuming activities.  That's very good news.


Have a peaceful and pleasant Sunday, Dailyites.  😊  🌻



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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  We don't have any turtles around here, but it's a pleasure to see them in the lovely blue waters of the Caribbean.  I enjoy taffy, but in small pieces so I don't take out a filling or a crown.  @kazu I learned the lucky penny rhyme a little different than you:  See a penny, pick it up, Give it to a friend for luck.  I still pick up coins I see on the ground - I've been told they're messages from Heaven, and I like that idea.


It seems we've survived this latest round of chilly weather - we're going to venture out later this morning and take the blankets and tarps off the planters around the yard.  The forecast is for rain tomorrow, which will certainly help everything, as the countryside is bone dry.  


Yesterday I poured a bottle of coke over a ham, (as I've done for years) and popped it in the oven.  When we sat down to eat, we found it to be extremely salty ... yuck!  I put a call out to the folks on The Official Quarantine Cookbook site and they came back with many remedies to help reduce the saltiness.   So, after dinner, we sliced it up, put it back in the roaster, poured a litre of apple juice over top and returned it to the oven.  An hour later it was perfect!  I'm glad this happened when it was just the 2 of us, not when having a bunch of people over waiting for dinner to be served.   Next time we do have dinner guests, I'll be baking the ham early in the day to be sure it isn't overly salty - if it is, I now have the remedy.


For tonight it's - guess what?  Leftover ham!  Combined with oven baked vegetables and salad, that's going to be on our dinner table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Roy - good to see you back in a part time role.  Raising the glasses tonight to toast all on the happy list.  Stay well, be safe, wash your hands, wear your mask(s), and get your jabs!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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38 minutes ago, kazu said:


Oh my!  One of the reasons I cruise earlier in spring and later in Fall.  I wouldn’t want to impose on anyone to water all my planters.

That gives me the idea that tomorrow’s garden club tip will be how to avoid having to water so much - be sure to share it with your neighbours with all those plants 😉 

 I know, really? Good thing they are also good friends. 

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4 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Thank you, All, for the contributions to the Daily.


Like @StLouisCruisers , I remember those turtles they used to sell -- along with little plastic habitats that had an umbrella on them.  The turtles were able to escape and we would find them under the bed or elsewhere around the room.   🐢

Taffy is a favorite and brings to mind Catalina Island, Balboa Island, and the Del Mar Fair.  


Thank you, @kazu and @rafinmd , for coordinating the care and celebration lists.  Roy, it's so nice to see that you are feeling up to resuming activities.  That's very good news.


Have a peaceful and pleasant Sunday, Dailyites.  😊  🌻




I absolutely remember our turtle(s) making a break for freedom and finding them on the floor somewhere in the room.  Did your habitat look like this?




Or the deluxe model for the well-to-do turtle?



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Just now, StLouisCruisers said:


I absolutely remember our turtle(s) making a break for freedom and finding them on the floor somewhere in the room.  Did your habitat look like this?




Or the deluxe model for the well-to-do turtle?    




We had the deluxe model.     🤣   😂

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4 minutes ago, Petunia1950 said:

My rhyme for picking up pennies is a bit more wordy ... "See a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck.  See a penny, let it lay, have bad luck all the day."  

I learned that one as a child from a couple of spinster sisters who lived across the street from us, but it was for a pin, (hair pin, safety pin, etc), not a penny.  As a result, even today, knowing how unsanitary it is, I have trouble walking away from a pin on the ground.  LOL


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Sunday blessings Daily-ites! Thanks Rich so much. Roy, great to see you half-back in the saddle today! Continued prayers for you and all on our Care list.


Another rainy day expected.. I brought our neighbor pup over to our house yesterday and he was in and out. Our white tile was pretty grungy.. today I'll take him in and out in his own house.. Bummer the NASCAR Texas Grand Prix has had rain every day, but our friends say it is still exciting and fun..


Lucky Pennies.. I always leave them where I find them. I believe it's my sweet MIL telling me she's thinking of me up in Heaven. 


I LOVE snorkeling with the turtle's off Kaanapali. In the "early" years they were really plentiful. Now we have turtle sanctuaries. Going down to Lahaina, near the Mala Tavern there's a sanctuary and turtle's know they are safe.


Have a wonderful,  blessed Sunday. Prayers and Cheers. 

Edited by Seasick Sailor
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6 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Sunday blessings Daily-ites! Thanks Rich so much. Roy, great to see you half-back in the saddle today!

Does that mean Roy is riding side saddle?

Now we have turtle sanctuaries. Going down to Lahaina, near the Mala Tavern there's a sanctuary and turtle's know they are safe.

We have several turtle hospitals throughout our state that are wonderful to visit. They often schedule public release events for rehabilitated turtles.  Combined with the hatching of the nestlings, and it makes for a an active year. 




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Good morning everyone. Today will be another 90 degree day. Almost too hot to go outdoors.


DH used to have a big piggy bank and we put pennies in all the time. He would take it to the bank where they sorted them and rewarded him with cash. Those days are over.

Two of my grandsons are completely vaccinated and three have had their first shots. That just leaves me. Our community board is debating when and how to open our pool. They’re waiting to hear the governor’s announcements tomorrow as to what the rules will be. Believe it or not, they’re having trouble hiring a lifeguard because they’re a,I guess more with unemployment.


Stay safe everyone.





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Good Morning All,

 We’ve got NO marine layer this morning, and it looks like it’s going to be a warm day. Plan to get out on my bike, and install the sink in my potting bench. Then it will be done. 


We’re supposed to go to lunch with friends for the first time since covid broke loose. We’ll pick an outdoor site. Tomorrow is DH’s birthday, so we’re celebrating that. He just doesn’t know yet.😉


Am planning a special dinner tonight: pork ribs with peach BBQ sauce, grilled peach salad, green beans, not sure yet on dessert. It might be lemon meringue pie or pavlova, as DH loves those and we still have a few Meyer lemons. 

@StLouisCruisers Those pictures of the “salmonella turtles” and their boxes brought back memories. My best friend had one, as did I. My friend used to kiss hers.😝

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Oh my!  One of the reasons I cruise earlier in spring and later in Fall.  I wouldn’t want to impose on anyone to water all my planters.

That gives me the idea that tomorrow’s garden club tip will be how to avoid having to water so much - be sure to share it with your neighbours with all those plants 😉 

I hope you will continue the gardening tips even when Roy takes back the whole care and celebration lists. The garden tip adds another fun note to the daily. 

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10 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Today will be another 90 degree day. Almost too hot to go outdoors.


DH used to have a big piggy bank and we put pennies in all the time. He would take it to the bank where they sorted them and rewarded him with cash. Those days are over.

Two of my grandsons are completely vaccinated and three have had their first shots. That just leaves me. Our community board is debating when and how to open our pool. They’re waiting to hear the governor’s announcements tomorrow as to what the rules will be. Believe it or not, they’re having trouble hiring a lifeguard because they’re a,I guess more with unemployment.


Stay safe everyone.






I'm not surprised to hear the community board is having trouble hiring a lifeguard.  The majority of businesses in the US have help wanted signs out. Every single place I go need staff desperately.  No one wants to work while they are getting government checks.🙁

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Good morning my fellow damers from the eastern suburbs of Seattle.  Breezy today, with overcast, and quite cool with a high of 60, our infamous "May Gray" is in full swing.  But I'm more of an autumn/winter person anyway, bring on the rain!  Lovely view from my window of fogged in mountains, no paragliders from Poo Poo Point* on this day I'm afraid.


*Poo Poo Point is a bluff on Tiger Mountain that faces west, named for the sound of the steam whistles from the trains below the mountain that have long since vanished.  Spectacular views of Seattle and beyond on clear days.


I will definitely have the Sweet Potato Beef Stew, love comfort food.  Put us down for the Main seating at 8, table for two, unless any of you want to join us, table for 10 maybe?


Some news on our next sailing, we had to cancel the 9/25 to Alaska because of a schedule conflict, but we're rebooked for the 9/4 in a much better located stateroom right next to the outside elevators, this will be far easier on both of us, we don't get around like we used to, I had a stroke last November and lost 40% of my strength, so this trip is a celebration of being a survivor.


@dfish We got one of those dogs across the street, it barks at anything and everything that goes by: people, delivery trucks, birds, leaves; thankfully I have a loud fan for white noise.

@kazu Love the penny cartoon, gave me a good laugh.  I will be heading to the master list next, to change our sailing date.  Thanks again for all your work on that, especially these days, with all the cancellations and changes, I'd be pulling my hair out if I had any.

@richwmn Thanks for the great information. @garlictown completely agree, I don't have good memories of taffy.  The machines always look slow and gooey, is that why they share the same day with turtles?


Tasks for the day: cruise critic, sit with my planner and schedule the week, cruise critic, dishes, more cruise critic, daydream about the Nieuw Amsterdam, maybe a nap, did I mention cruise critic?


Have a great day everybody!






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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  I celebrated lucky penny day early this morning.  I went to the grocery store and found two pennies on my way into the store.  We booked our flights for Alaska this morning.  We had a nice credit so that lowered to bill by more than half.  Also booked a hotel.  Debating on what to do for transportation.  The hotel is close to the airport so may use HAL, even though pricey, since we aren’t sure what the post covid situation is over there.  Temperature is supposed to hit 90, I’m not excited but DH is thrilled.

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You should see all my pennies I have! I make so many wishes and place them in my jar! Don’t want to get rid of them so I don’t jinx it!😳

We woke up to a lot of sunshine!!

It makes my out look for the day so positive and happy!

Love turtles 🐢!! We have a large 

turtle named Mamba at our home in Kaanapali that when we go out to snorkel he is always around! I will need to find a picture of him with David. He must be really old. 
He has a gold streak down his back that distinguishes him from some of the others.

@kazu🌺🌺Jacqui thank you for helping out on Roy’s Celebrations/Care list while he has been healing! Learning a lot with your garden club! Hope the weather gets better! I will blow some sunshine ☀️ your way.

@summer slope🌺🌺 looking forward to having one on our cruises!! 
@dfish🌴🌴Sorry, but today’s dish I will have to pass. Not a big fan of sweet potatoes! 
@richwmnHi Rich, Koningsdam 

Is now heading south of San Diego now. We saw her in port yesterday.

@Seasick Sailor❤️
@cat shepard❤️

Have a wonderful Day!

Off to Shawn’s for a barbecue today!

PS! 🦷🦷 I remember a lot of Taffy type incidents where I either had to do new Cerac Crowns ( computerized) solid blocks of porcelain on existing adults with candy issues!! LOL. Candy is not your friend especially if it is Taffy😊

Edited by DeeniEncinitas
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2 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  I celebrated lucky penny day early this morning.  I went to the grocery store and found two pennies on my way into the store.  We booked our flights for Alaska this morning.  We had a nice credit so that lowered to bill by more than half.  Also booked a hotel.  Debating on what to do for transportation.  The hotel is close to the airport so may use HAL, even though pricey, since we aren’t sure what the post covid situation is over there.  Temperature is supposed to hit 90, I’m not excited but DH is thrilled.


We stayed near the airport once and made an online reservation with Seattle Express, both to the ship from hotel, and from ship to airport afterwards.  If you belong to AAA you can use that for a 10% off promo.  Wasn't very expensive compared to ship transfer prices.  I remember on the way to the ship he made about two stops along the way at hotels to pick up other passengers.  That's how they keep their prices lower than taxis, etc.



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11 minutes ago, atexsix said:

Good morning my fellow damers from the eastern suburbs of Seattle.  Breezy today, with overcast, and quite cool with a high of 60, our infamous "May Gray" is in full swing. 

Go a bit further east into the mountains. The sun is shining again this morning in Skykomish. It was also sunny yesterday until a west wind blew up the valley and brought in some cloud cover in the afternoon. 

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13 minutes ago, atexsix said:

Good morning my fellow damers from the eastern suburbs of Seattle.  Breezy today, with overcast, and quite cool with a high of 60, our infamous "May Gray" is in full swing.  But I'm more of an autumn/winter person anyway, bring on the rain!  Lovely view from my window of fogged in mountains, no paragliders from Poo Poo Point* on this day I'm afraid.


*Poo Poo Point is a bluff on Tiger Mountain that faces west, named for the sound of the steam whistles from the trains below the mountain that have long since vanished.  Spectacular views of Seattle and beyond on clear days.


I will definitely have the Sweet Potato Beef Stew, love comfort food.  Put us down for the Main seating at 8, table for two, unless any of you want to join us, table for 10 maybe?


Some news on our next sailing, we had to cancel the 9/25 to Alaska because of a schedule conflict, but we're rebooked for the 9/4 in a much better located stateroom right next to the outside elevators, this will be far easier on both of us, we don't get around like we used to, I had a stroke last November and lost 40% of my strength, so this trip is a celebration of being a survivor.


Congratulations on being a survivor! 🎉🍾🥂

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3 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

Go a bit further east into the mountains. The sun is shining again this morning in Skykomish. It was also sunny yesterday until a west wind blew up the valley and brought in some cloud cover in the afternoon. 

As the crow flies, only 25 miles from Issaquah.  I've heard the last few days the north end had more luck with burn off.  I will say that many times Issaquah is spared the gray of Seattle, the last few days have been unusual.

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@atexsix My congratulations to you on being a survivor.   This aging stuff is for the birds.


I think I found the dog at fault this morning on my walk around the block.  He'd better be quiet tonight.  I don't want to have to shut windows unless it is way too cold or way too hot.  But, the dog might force me to do so.


Next on the agenda:  painting the light post.

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