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The Daily for Wednesday 01/05/2022


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  DH gave me whatever it is that he has so I went to bed early last night and feel much better this morning.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good.

My review of our Dawn sailing was just published.


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The port of Cherbourg is a name I heard a lot of as a child.  My father's family returned to the Netherlands to care for his ailing grandfather in Arnhem around 1923.  The spent about 3 years before returning to the US.  His stories were about the crossings on the ship  RMS Berengaria and the rough seas crossing the Atlantic.  My sister found a napkin from the ship on eBay and had it framed for my Dad. I still have it. 


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Good morning to all.

Thank you Rich for the Daily.  

I have been to Normandy on a land tour.

Sorry for not writing yesterday.  Very bad internet yesterday coupled with very painful right extremity.  I tried a number of times and it didn’t work. Every time I think this crazy condition I have is getting better, it starts all over again.

We are in a conundrum.  We have a cruise booked on the Oceania Nautica for April 11 with a few days in Barcelona prior to the cruise and a week in Rome following the cruise.  41 Days in all.  Final payment made.  At the time of final payment Omicron was not yet in our vocabulary (Early Nov.)

If we cancel now we lose 50% (insurance won’t help).  After Jan. 10 we lose 75%.

My TA says hang tight and see if Oceania offers FCC and lets us cancel or ends up canceling the cruise because we have too much to lose if we cancel ourselves. I guess that i the route we will take.  We really want to go on this trip.  Places we have not been to (lots of Canary Islands and Palma de Mallorca and Gibraltar).  Also ship docks right in Seville (I have been there before on land trips) overnight.  

Just hate to miss this cruise but want to be safe.  What to do?????

Tomorrow we are supposed to go to a performance of Shen Yun at the Johnny Mercer Theater in Savannah. We paid a pretty penny for these tickets.  However the performance is sold out and the theater holds 2800 people.  We have decided not to go.  It is not worth catching Omicron in spite of being triple faxed.

Please keep me in your prayers that this autoimmune disorder decides to leave me or go into remission.  It is playing havoc on my life. Hard to do anything.

Prayers for those who need them, especially Jacqui and Jose and cheers for those celebrating.

Have a great Wednesday everyone and

God Bless,


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Good morning all!

We've been to Le Havre but never to Cherbourg.  There are lots of bird lovers here, I admit I can't tell one from another in most cases!  @JAM37that's good advice about the Keto diet.  I'm a bit skeptical about extreme diets, or any extreme lifestyle for that matter...they definitely aren't for everyone, and in some cases can be bad for a person.  I believe in moderation all year and no extremes for me. 🙂  Our DD's SIL has an extreme lifestyle and is raising her two little girls that way.  Every January they are forbidden to eat any sugar unless it's in fruit.  Ok, but then the first of February they go out and buy huge gooey cinnamon buns and gobble them down -- I just don't get it.  🤷‍♀️


I finally am making progress getting the Christmas decorations put away.  Yesterday was the tree, all that is left now is the village.  I leave that for last, I really hate taking it down!


@smitty34877I'm so sorry to hear that Tana was taken to the ER.  Prayers that the antibiotics and oxygen help and she feels better.

@Mr. Bostonhappy birthday to your nephew!

@rafinmdhow frustrating that was for you!  It does seem like many clinics and pharmacies are overwhelmed right now.  We're also dealing with the retirement of our long-time primary care physician (sob!) and the maternity leave of the doctor we were referred to (and hadn't even seen yet) so we're now looking for a new doctor.  We also have had problems with the office staff in getting messages straight etc. but the doctors have always been excellent (when we have one, LOL!)

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Good morning from sunny, cold Quartzsite.  It is 36F here, but is suppposed to warm up to the mid 60s.


I like watching the birds that come into our lot here.  We had a bird feeder for many years, but finally had to give it up.  The little birds loved the feeder and we would still have it except they were messy and the doves ate all the food the little ones dropped.  The problem was the doves sitting on top of the gazebo and doing their business on the artifical grass under them.  It quickly became a toxic waste site, so the feeder had to go.  We have hummingbird feeders and several hummingbirds that frequent them.  We still get a covey of quail comeing through the lot everyday, plus the occasional road runner..


We have never tried the Keto diet, and I doubt we will.  I will salute screenwritefs.  


I totally agree with the Frank Zappa quote.


The meal looks good and I imagine they could be cooked in the air fryer.  Less oil and a lot less mess.  I'll pass on the drink and while the wine sounds good, it is rather pricey.


We've been to Cherbourg several times and have rented cars and driven to the Normandy Beaches.  One trip we also drove to Mont Saint-Michel.  I'll look for pictures in a few minutes.


@Mr. Boston  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your nephew Nick.


@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the new pill for Marley hekps him recover from the infection.  Take care of yourself.  BTW, the house will still be there messy or not when everything settles down again.  Remember we're here to do what we can to help relieve the stress some if and when you need to vent.


@JAM37  Julia, safe travels when you head home.  So good your DH is taking care of projects for DMIL.


@Heartgrove  Jack, lovely pictures of the snow and ice, especially when you don't have to deal with them.


@sassy~one  I totally agree it is getting to the ship and any pre-cruise hotel that is the problem.  We were glad we could drive to San Diego the day we boarded Koningsdam in November.  We felt safe on the ship.


@smitty34877  Terry, how sad that Tana is back in the hospital, but she is getting the care she needs.  Hope the IV antibiotics help her recover from the pnuemonia and that the increased oxygen helps her breathing.


@mamaofami  Carol, please be careful on the roads when you go to PT.


@grapau27  Graham, congratulations on losing 5 lbs.  I hope I don't find them.🤣


@rafinmd  Roy, glad you are getting better and that it seems to be a routine repiratory thing.   Great that the home test was negative.  Hope the antibiotics help when you get them.  Our clinic in Quartzsite is notorious for not getting back to pharmacies and others.  


@1ANGELCAT  That fire sounds horrible and so sad about 13 people losing their lives.


@Crazy For Cats  Jake, sorry you caught whatever DH has.  Hope both of you feel better soon.


@Cruzin Terri  Sorry the autoimmune diorder is flaring up and I hope goes into remission.


@Cruising-along  I'm another one who doesn't know the names of many birds either.  I have a bird book that I look them up in when I really want to know what it is.  I do enjoy watching the birds and listening to their singing.


Now, to sift through my pictures of Cherbourg and Normandy.




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We took a land tour and although we did not get to Cherbourg we were near there in Bayeaux and the Normandy Beaches.   I have travelled a lot but this trip was probably the best and most moving that we had ever taken.  My late husband got seasick so cruising wasn't in our touring vocabulary.   I learned that quickly when we took a deep sea fishing tour out of Cancun.    Our trip was 2003.  Celebrating our 50 and 60th birthdays.   Our Battlebus Tour Guide in St. Mere Eglis near Utah Beach near the "Longest Day" church.   The museum in St. Mere Eglis - an early invasion glider.    Gary by a hedgerow which many confounded the Normandy landing operations.  Mulberries near Sword Beach that became the harbor for a proper landing - what a feat of planning and execution!   Walking Omaha Beach.   The town of Bayeaux near where the train comes in from Paris.   No pictures of the museum in Caen which chronicled the lead into WWII.   A must visit.    

Battlebus owner St. Mere Eglise - Longest day site.jpg

Nancy WWII glider '03.jpg

Gary Normandy hedgerow '03.jpg

Mulberries by sword beach.jpg

Mulberries Normandy.jpg

on omaha beach nancy '03.jpg

Nancy Bayeux canal '03.jpg

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to all for posting!  It is lovely seeing how everyone is getting along, especially those on Ships!


Praying hard today for Jose and Tana.  Jacqui, I hope soon they will let you in to sit with him, so you don't just have to keep in touch with the doctors by phone!  


Things are tightening up a bit here, too.  Prescriptions are taking two or three days. Yesterday, I had a call from the dermatologist's office asking if I could have my appointment by phone.  I said she was going to zap the bump on my cheek, and that it wouldn't work over the phone, so I am still going to go in on Friday, unless everything is shut down, which doesn't seem to be happening yet.  I have a long grocery list, so we will go in today after my x-rays, then I have a stamp meeting.  Sorry I will miss sailaway today in FLL.


For a couple of days we had no hummingbirds visiting our feeders, yesterday we did see a few around.  I am worried about them, but perhaps they just found a tastier feeder.  There is one on the feeder outside the kitchen right now.  Yay!  


I am thinking about keto, it may be what is needed!



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4 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

We took a land tour and although we did not get to Cherbourg we were near there in Bayeaux and the Normandy Beaches.   I have travelled a lot but this trip was probably the best and most moving that we had ever taken.  My late husband got seasick so cruising wasn't in our touring vocabulary.   I learned that quickly when we took a deep sea fishing tour out of Cancun.    Our trip was 2003.  Celebrating our 50 and 60th birthdays.   Our Battlebus Tour Guide in St. Mere Eglis near Utah Beach near the "Longest Day" church.   The museum in St. Mere Eglis - an early invasion glider.    Gary by a hedgerow which many confounded the Normandy landing operations.  Mulberries near Sword Beach that became the harbor for a proper landing - what a feat of planning and execution!   Walking Omaha Beach.   The town of Bayeaux near where the train comes in from Paris.   No pictures of the museum in Caen which chronicled the lead into WWII.   A must visit.    

Battlebus owner St. Mere Eglise - Longest day site.jpg

Nancy WWII glider '03.jpg

Gary Normandy hedgerow '03.jpg

Mulberries by sword beach.jpg

Mulberries Normandy.jpg

on omaha beach nancy '03.jpg

Nancy Bayeux canal '03.jpg


Thanks for the pictures.  Everytime we visit the Normandy beaches it is a very moving experience.


2 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to all for posting!  It is lovely seeing how everyone is getting along, especially those on Ships!


Praying hard today for Jose and Tana.  Jacqui, I hope soon they will let you in to sit with him, so you don't just have to keep in touch with the doctors by phone!  


Things are tightening up a bit here, too.  Prescriptions are taking two or three days. Yesterday, I had a call from the dermatologist's office asking if I could have my appointment by phone.  I said she was going to zap the bump on my cheek, and that it wouldn't work over the phone, so I am still going to go in on Friday, unless everything is shut down, which doesn't seem to be happening yet.  I have a long grocery list, so we will go in today after my x-rays, then I have a stamp meeting.  Sorry I will miss sailaway today in FLL.


For a couple of days we had no hummingbirds visiting our feeders, yesterday we did see a few around.  I am worried about them, but perhaps they just found a tastier feeder.  There is one on the feeder outside the kitchen right now.  Yay!  


I am thinking about keto, it may be what is needed!



 Ann, good luck with the x-ray today.  Hope you don't need a hip replacement.



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

It's been a challenging 48 hours.  My primary doctor has been excellent with one exception but the practice is obviously very stressed out between covid, flu, and weather.  I did get a telemed Monday morning with his nurse practitioner who touched base and wrote a prescription.  Now to the exception to the practice's excellent service.  They do not respond to messages from pharmacies.


I had a dental visit Monday morning that was cancelled.  Kind of pleased about that in light of the weather but the cancellation was due to my cough.  My podiatrist appointment Thursday is also cancelled due to the cough.  I should really not be out in this weather but spent a good bit of time Monday cleaning off my car and a little bit on the sidewalk. 


Yesterday morning my pharmacy app showed my prescription as "In process" more than 24 hours after it was submitted and they were not answering their phone.  Without a prescription to pick up I stayed home until after noon.  My pharmacy (at the grocery store) is usually excellent but was again very stressed out.  I made an in person inquiry and they said "we're filling it now" and ready in 10 minutes.  I did some grocery shopping and waited.  Almost an hour later I checked in again and found out it was stalled because they did not have the right pill size and hadn't heard from the doctor about substituting a different dosage.  An hour wasted.


I had a zoom meeting early evening and totally crashed for the rest of the night.


I think the doctor's office is still swamped this morning.  The one bit of good news is that yesterday's mail brought a couple of rapid antigen tests and it came out negative.  I also have never had a fever so it's apparently just a routine respiratory infection and it seems to be gradually improving.



I am so sorry that you have had to deal with these problems  on top of everything  else.However,I am glad the test was negative  and hope you start to feel better soon.

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Thank you to all if the kind folks here including @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @dfish, @StLouisCruisers, @marshhawk, @*Miss G*, @ger_77, @kazu@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Vict0riann and  @Crusing-along. Your prayers and positive  thoughts are much appreciated.

Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.

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3 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you to all if the kind folks here including @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @dfish, @StLouisCruisers, @marshhawk, @*Miss G*, @ger_77, @kazu@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Vict0riann and  @Crusing-along. Your prayers and positive  thoughts are much appreciated.

Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.

Praying for Tana, you and her family.

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8 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.

So sorry to hear this.  Praying hard for her recovery.

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A quick "good morning" before I race out to the store and to do a few errands. Sending my most positive thoughts to all who need them.... and especially Jose and Tana. I am trying my best to stay away from people, things, and places. And I am getting tired of my own company. The dog helps a bit.


I have tried to reduce carbs... but they are necessary. I do need to lose weight. Fortunately I have not gained over these pandemic years so I guess that is something.


I was in Cherbourg once just after the war. There was still a lot of  war damage visible. I was on the Queen Mary coming back from visiting relatives in London. What a long time ago that all was.



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We were in Cherbourg in 2018 on the Prinsendam with Jacqui, Jose, and a very nice CC roll call. From the port we first went to Bayeux to see the tapestry, and then to Arromanches and Juno Beach (as the majority of our group were Canadian).  One lady found her father's name on one of the memorials, and that was a real thrill for her.




Bayeux Cathedral and the Bayeux Tapestry from a postcard - we were not allowed to photograph the tapestry itself)






Arromanches and the floating docks






Juno Beach memorial and "Canada House"







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Sorry I'm so late today with the drink.  Slept in and then on an excursion.  Hugs and prayers to our lists. Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Chocolate covered berries:

For the Cocktail:
1.5 Oz. Strawberry Vodka
1.5 Oz. Chocolate Vodka
3 Oz. Strawberry Puree
1.5 Oz. Half and Half or Milk
1 C. Crushed Ice
Strawberry Puree:
1 C. Fresh or Frozen Strawberries
1 Tbsp. Water
1 Tbsp. Sugar
Red Sugar Sprinkles
Chocolate Syrup
Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Prepare martini glass by dipping the rim in chocolate syrup and then sugar sprinkles.
Swirl chocolate syrup in circular patterns inside the martini glass.
Add vodkas, strawberry puree, half and half, and ice to a cocktail shaker.
Shake vigorously until combined and chilled.
Pour into prepared cocktail glass and garnish with a chocolate covered strawberry.
To Make Strawberry Puree:
Add strawberries, sugar and water to blender and blend until smooth.


Screen Shot 2022-01-05 at 12.04.52 PM.png

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Thank you so much for the Daily!

We have cancelled our 14 day cruise on Rotterdam, Jan. 9 - Jan 23.  We will be boarding Rotterdam on Jan. 23, for a 6 day cruise that ends on Jan. 29.  We noticed that the Nieuw Amsterdam was also in port, on that day, and were able to book it for 7 days, Jan. 29 - Feb. 5th!  We are hoping that "things" will be better for cruising later this month.   Pat

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33 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you to all if the kind folks here including @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @dfish, @StLouisCruisers, @marshhawk, @*Miss G*, @ger_77, @kazu@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Vict0riann and  @Crusing-along. Your prayers and positive  thoughts are much appreciated.

Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.

Praying for Tana.  ICU does not sound like a good sign.



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32 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you to all if the kind folks here including @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @dfish, @StLouisCruisers, @marshhawk, @*Miss G*, @ger_77, @kazu@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Vict0riann and  @Crusing-along. Your prayers and positive  thoughts are much appreciated.

Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.

Sending more prayers 🙏 and good wishes for Tana.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny, cold Quartzsite.  It is 36F here, but is suppposed to warm up to the mid 60s.


I like watching the birds that come into our lot here.  We had a bird feeder for many years, but finally had to give it up.  The little birds loved the feeder and we would still have it except they were messy and the doves ate all the food the little ones dropped.  The problem was the doves sitting on top of the gazebo and doing their business on the artifical grass under them.  It quickly became a toxic waste site, so the feeder had to go.  We have hummingbird feeders and several hummingbirds that frequent them.  We still get a covey of quail comeing through the lot everyday, plus the occasional road runner..


We have never tried the Keto diet, and I doubt we will.  I will salute screenwritefs.  


I totally agree with the Frank Zappa quote.


The meal looks good and I imagine they could be cooked in the air fryer.  Less oil and a lot less mess.  I'll pass on the drink and while the wine sounds good, it is rather pricey.


We've been to Cherbourg several times and have rented cars and driven to the Normandy Beaches.  One trip we also drove to Mont Saint-Michel.  I'll look for pictures in a few minutes.


@Mr. Boston  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your nephew Nick.


@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the new pill for Marley hekps him recover from the infection.  Take care of yourself.  BTW, the house will still be there messy or not when everything settles down again.  Remember we're here to do what we can to help relieve the stress some if and when you need to vent.


@JAM37  Julia, safe travels when you head home.  So good your DH is taking care of projects for DMIL.


@Heartgrove  Jack, lovely pictures of the snow and ice, especially when you don't have to deal with them.


@sassy~one  I totally agree it is getting to the ship and any pre-cruise hotel that is the problem.  We were glad we could drive to San Diego the day we boarded Koningsdam in November.  We felt safe on the ship.


@smitty34877  Terry, how sad that Tana is back in the hospital, but she is getting the care she needs.  Hope the IV antibiotics help her recover from the pnuemonia and that the increased oxygen helps her breathing.


@mamaofami  Carol, please be careful on the roads when you go to PT.


@grapau27  Graham, congratulations on losing 5 lbs.  I hope I don't find them.🤣


@rafinmd  Roy, glad you are getting better and that it seems to be a routine repiratory thing.   Great that the home test was negative.  Hope the antibiotics help when you get them.  Our clinic in Quartzsite is notorious for not getting back to pharmacies and others.  


@1ANGELCAT  That fire sounds horrible and so sad about 13 people losing their lives.


@Crazy For Cats  Jake, sorry you caught whatever DH has.  Hope both of you feel better soon.


@Cruzin Terri  Sorry the autoimmune diorder is flaring up and I hope goes into remission.


@Cruising-along  I'm another one who doesn't know the names of many birds either.  I have a bird book that I look them up in when I really want to know what it is.  I do enjoy watching the birds and listening to their singing.


Now, to sift through my pictures of Cherbourg and Normandy.




Thank you Lenda.

I lost 28lb after my heart attack 2 years ago but it has come back on so hopefully the 5/2 plan will help me lose weight and more importantly stop me gaining it all back.


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46 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you to all if the kind folks here including @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @dfish, @StLouisCruisers, @marshhawk, @*Miss G*, @ger_77, @kazu@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Vict0riann and  @Crusing-along. Your prayers and positive  thoughts are much appreciated.

Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.

So sorry to hear this. Sending prayers for Tana and the whole family. 


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We've been to Cherbourg at least four times by 'BHBs.  We have always rented a car and toured the Normandy beaches.  I thought I had pictures of Cherbourg but didn't find any.


In 2004, on b2b2b2b cruises on Noordam III, we were in Cherbourg twice, for a total of three days.  Most of the pictures are from the overight on June 5 and 6.  The ship had passes to the 60th anniversary of D-Day ceremony, and we were lucky to get a couple.  While I don't have pictures from the ceremony, which was very crowded, I do have other pictures from the American Cemetery on June 4, 2004.


These pictures are of Pointe du Hoc, where the American Rangers scaled the 100 foot cliffs and took our the German emplacements.







The first group of pictures of the American Cemetery were taken on June 5, 2004, before the crowds arrived the next day.





This was the seating arrangement for the D-Day ceremony with the tv camera platform in the foreground.  They had tv monitors placed at intervals on each side of the seating.   When we were there a few days earlier, the chairs were not there.  Instead, there were risers along each side facing the center aisle.  That was changed when the White House said the arrangement was unacceptable.  It really didn't matter since we were just a few rows from the back and could not see much of the ceremony.



These pictures ere taken on June 6, 2004.



Preparing for the 21 gun salute



Omaha Beach from the cemetery



I have a few more pictures that I will post separately.




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