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The Daily for Tuesday 01/18/2022


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3 minutes ago, XBGuy said:


Tell your eye professional the next time you visit.


My mother was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. and her ophthalmologist put her on an over the counter vitamin/mineral supplement.  That seemed to stabilized her eyes.  


When I mentioned to my optomitrist that my mother had been so diagnosed, she made a similar recommendation for me.  I've been taking them, two per day, for about 15 years now.  


Thanks I absolutely will tell them.  I'm sure that topic came up at my last checkup (2021).  Actually both my parents had macular degeneration, one "wet" and one "dry".  Mom's was worse.

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4 hours ago, kazu said:

Vet called and Marley’s infection is completely cleared up 👍 so his sample is being sent off to the lab to be screened to see if the abnormal proteins have disappeared with the infection or if we need to ultra sound him for cancer.  Hopefully I will get good news for a change 🙏🏻 

Is Marley still at the vet?  If so, I hope you will have Glen or another angel to take you there to pick him up when the time comes.  Getting enough ice cleared just to be able to walk down to the street could be a challenge.  The last thing you need is a fall on top of everything else.



Edited by rafinmd
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Hello to you all.

Thank you Rich and Roy for all your hard work on the lists.  Very much appreciated.

There is a lot of wisdom in Winnie the Pooh books I think.

Had an awesome day with the grands yesterday but am glad they are in school today.  We got them walked to school and will get them again this afternoon.  Nice to have some time to catch up on a few things here.

Many prayers to all on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Enjoy reading all the news from everyone.  Stay safe in the snow and ice. I don't mind driving in snow.  Ice is another matter!


Happy Tuesday!


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59 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

My twin was telling me she got a 23andMe test from her son as a gift so she sent it off to find out from her DNA what our ancestry was.  It also told her she has an increased risk of getting age related macular degeneration.  Our Mom had that.


But we enjoyed discussing where our ancestors were from.  She is (and I assume I am)  French/German/Dutch (60.4%) with British and Irish added (33.6%) to total 94%.  The other 6% is Finnish, Scandinavian, Broadly Northwestern European, Eastern European, and Ashkenazi Jewish.  I find it all so fascinating.  


Anyone else here try doing this?


You're a fellow Finn, Sandi.  My great-grandmother was from Finland.  Interestingly, they are a unique group with a separate DNA designation from other Nordic countries.  The mysterious Finns!  I have had visits from relatives from Finland and keep up an active correspondence.   The population is small there, so you could probably easily find some cousins.  Funny, too, is that every time you post a photo of yourself, you remind me of...me!  I'm a smidge under 5' 7".   😊   


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3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


Also we're cautiously optimistic because DD was able to bring their kitty home last night from the kitty ER hospital after 3 nights there.  She has a lot of meds he'll need, but so far he hasn't needed any pain meds so that's good.  He's acting like his cuddly self, and even tried to start a rumble with their other cat -- good signs. 😉  


That is good news.  Hopefully her kitty continues to improve 🙏🏻 


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Amazing! Two consecutive days I haven’t had to reboot, erase history or log back in to post or like a post. can I hear a AMEN!




1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

found out that the mother of friend is hospitalized with Covid and Shingles! She's in her 80's, so I hope she'll be ok.


Oh dear 😔 Shingles and covid?  Yikes 😱. Prayers that she is o.k. 🙏🏻 


21 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Is Marley still at the vet?  If so, I hope you will have Glen or another angel to take you there to pick him up when the time comes.  Getting enough ice cleared just to be able to walk down to the street could be a challenge.  The last thing you need is a fall on top of everything else.




Marley didn’t go to the vet.  I collected the sample (fun times in the Maritimes collecting from a male dog that streams 😉) and took it in so he’s home with me.  I wasn’t going anywhere today 😉 

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26 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


You're a fellow Finn, Sandi.  My great-grandmother was from Finland.  Interestingly, they are a unique group with a separate DNA designation from other Nordic countries.  The mysterious Finns!  I have had visits from relatives from Finland and keep up an active correspondence.   The population is small there, so you could probably easily find some cousins.  Funny, too, is that every time you post a photo of yourself, you remind me of...me!  I'm a smidge under 5' 7".   😊   



Maxine, are Finns tall?  I know the Dutch are so my son and grandsons probably get their height from those ancestors.  DH and I aren't tall at all.  In fact, we have shrunk!  I used to be 5'5" tall and am now 5'3" tall.  🤷‍♀️



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2 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Maxine, are Finns tall?  I know the Dutch are so my son and grandsons probably get their height from those ancestors.  DH and I aren't tall at all.  In fact, we have shrunk!  I used to be 5'5" tall and am now 5'3" tall.  🤷‍♀️




Gosh, two inches is a lot!  

You look tall in photos.  But yes, there are a lot of tall Finns.  I'm also quite a bit Dutch, and yup, lots of tall people there. 

It's great how genealogy has become so easy with the DNA.  We're all related.  😊

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5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


So ( older) Daily-ites, you remember Claudio who did our landscaping and patio etc? Well, while we were gone his guy's came over and cut back our trees, bushes, and shrubs, raked leaves and cleaned out our summer pots as a Christmas gift! Everything looks so nice and clean outside. What a guy.



Claudio is a real "keeper". It is wonderful to have good help for our landscaping.


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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday. 

Great collection of days to celebrate today. I love them all, mostly my morning iced coffee made in the Kuerig with Starbucks Pike Place. My machine has an iced coffee function which I love because it is stronger and doesn’t get diluted when adding ice. 

DS’s household are all over their covid illnesses. DGD goes back to school today, DS goes back to work tomorrow and the SO will go back to work on Monday. Today DSIL is having her IV antibodies done and she said she will hopefully feel better afterwards. 

Today’s meal suggestion sounds good. I like to make various types of “bowl” meals. Tonight I’m making a stir fry veggie from a package from TJ’s. So I guess that qualifies since it’ll be served in bowls. 
Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, good news that DS's household are all over their Covid, and life is getting back to normal.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily @richwmn and all contributors.

I used to use a thesaurus when writing papers in school; not much now. I've never read the Pooh books or seen Winnie the Pooh animated stories. I will salute gourmet coffee! I try to bring some home when I travel.

Good quote. The veggie bowl is not for me. I'll pass on the drink, but take the wine.

I haven't been to Valencia. Thanks for the pictures.


It's flurrying here, but otherwise not too bad. The ice melt I put down on the walkways has kept them clear, plus it's supposed to be 40F tomorrow, before the deep freeze starts. I did have a few aches from the shoveling, but they are gone. My garage is on an alley, which has been untouched. Hopefully I can get out tomorrow for my blood work appointment. Maybe they'll be along to plow it today. My little town uses a pickup truck with a plow on the front and salt spreader on the back. 


The house is smelling great from the baking of sourdough bread loaves.


@kazu Prayers for Jose and you. Also praying for comfort in the loss of Miko. I'm glad Marley's infection is cleared, and hopefully the protein is gone.

@smitty34877 I hope Tana is going to get out of ICU.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for your DH's Mohs surgery on Thursday.

@mamaofami I hope you find a caring aide for Sam.

@Cruising-along Fingers crossed for DS and DDIL getting the house. I hope DD's cat will be ok.

@Sharon in AZ I'm glad to hear DS's family is recovered. I just found out that the mother of friend is hospitalized with Covid and Shingles! She's in her 80's, so I hope she'll be ok.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.



Sorry about your friend's mother with Covid and shingles.  Hope both cases are mild and she recovers quickly.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Yes.  I asked DD what the vet said about prognosis, and she said they're just taking it day by day.  He sure does seem happy to be home. 🙂  


Hope with care from the vet and love at home, he recovers.


1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Just a quick FYI.. for those of us in the USA..the free COVID test kit site is now live.


We just ordered ours, and the good news is with USPS doing the shipping we could use the PO Box number here.  Sometimes with packages that are mailed, if it has the street address and the PO Box, our local PO will miss the box number and return the package.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Love Winnie the Pooh,. I thought I was married to eyesore, lol! 
@dfish those bowls look delicious.,  I love the great recipes you always find, thank you! 
@kazu hoping that the glimmer of hope for Marley  brightens further!    Sending lots of prayers! 
@cat shepard another interesting wine, thanks! 



amen, amen, amen! 

@StLouisCruisers DH has done a lot of genealogy and DNA, interesting stuff.     I’ve done mine medically.   

have a good day everyone!


I haven't done a DNA test yet, but have found relatives in Ireland and Northern Ireland back to the 1600s.  DH did a DNA study through a program at Baylor, Scott and White.  He found out he is 100% European.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, thanks to Rich, Roy, Jacqui and all who post such interesting stuff.  "Me, too" on all the good wishes and prayers - I wish there were a "Me, too" button on the Like site!  


My thesaurus is beside my place at the table, as we are cryptic crossword fiends.  Pat prefers his dictionary.   In 1996, Canada Post issued a set of Winnie-the-Pooh stamps.






In 2014, on our Atlantic Adventurer Maasdam cruise, we stopped in Valencia and had a tour of the St. Joseph caves and Valencia.  I have a lot of photos!


















Ann, thanks for the pictures of the stamps and Valencia.


1 hour ago, Tbay said:

@kazuSo glad to hear Marley is doing better.   But that ice.......please be careful!

We had over 40 cm of snow yesterday.  Schools and daycares were all closed. Our snow service finally arrived at 5 am this morning.

DS and his family are all feeling better after Covid, and the kids are back to school.  DDIL got to go back to work, after being off since before Xmas.

I have a Winnie given to me by nieces and nephews when I graduated from high school.  He has made a lot of moves with me over the years. 



Happy that DS and family are over Covid and back at work and school.



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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily @richwmn and all contributors.

I used to use a thesaurus when writing papers in school; not much now. I've never read the Pooh books or seen Winnie the Pooh animated stories. I will salute gourmet coffee! I try to bring some home when I travel.

Good quote. The veggie bowl is not for me. I'll pass on the drink, but take the wine.

I haven't been to Valencia. Thanks for the pictures.


It's flurrying here, but otherwise not too bad. The ice melt I put down on the walkways has kept them clear, plus it's supposed to be 40F tomorrow, before the deep freeze starts. I did have a few aches from the shoveling, but they are gone. My garage is on an alley, which has been untouched. Hopefully I can get out tomorrow for my blood work appointment. Maybe they'll be along to plow it today. My little town uses a pickup truck with a plow on the front and salt spreader on the back. 


The house is smelling great from the baking of sourdough bread loaves.


@kazu Prayers for Jose and you. Also praying for comfort in the loss of Miko. I'm glad Marley's infection is cleared, and hopefully the protein is gone.

@smitty34877 I hope Tana is going to get out of ICU.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for your DH's Mohs surgery on Thursday.

@mamaofami I hope you find a caring aide for Sam.

@Cruising-along Fingers crossed for DS and DDIL getting the house. I hope DD's cat will be ok.

@Sharon in AZ I'm glad to hear DS's family is recovered. I just found out that the mother of friend is hospitalized with Covid and Shingles! She's in her 80's, so I hope she'll be ok.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Sorry to hear about your friends mam who is in hospital with Covid and shingles Vanessa.

Prayers 🙏 she recovers soon.



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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, thanks to Rich, Roy, Jacqui and all who post such interesting stuff.  "Me, too" on all the good wishes and prayers - I wish there were a "Me, too" button on the Like site!  


My thesaurus is beside my place at the table, as we are cryptic crossword fiends.  Pat prefers his dictionary.   In 1996, Canada Post issued a set of Winnie-the-Pooh stamps.






In 2014, on our Atlantic Adventurer Maasdam cruise, we stopped in Valencia and had a tour of the St. Joseph caves and Valencia.  I have a lot of photos!

















Best paella I ever had was in Valencia. The multi paella picture makes my mouth water!

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2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Just a quick FYI.. for those of us in the USA..the free COVID test kit site is now live.


I ordered mine and ordered for my sister.  


2 hours ago, Navybikermom said:

I just ordered mine - thank you! It didn’t ask for insurance info - I thought they were going to bill insurance companies for them or something … 🤨


These aren't billed to insurance.  The ones you buy at the drug store will be.  


@kazu The news about Marley is a step in the right direction.  Let's pray that all continues in that direction.  

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I ordered the tests today too.  In two years we haven't needed one, but you never know about the future.


I just got some possibly very good news.  DD said the doctors in Florida held a meeting about her MIL's case and may have come up with a diagnosis.  Instead of strokes they feel she is having seizures, and they think this may be PRES (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome).  It's a rare condition that has the same symptoms that her MIL has and could be caused by her high blood pressure.  I hope that we will continue to have good news on her condition and she is back to normal soon.  And hopefully no longer smoking!

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@StLouis Cruiser I started with Ancestry several years ago I am mostly Irish and French with a little English, Scottish and German. I was able to trace my French 7 times great grandfather arriving in the 1640’s to Quebec. My English ancestors arrived in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the late 1630’s. My 6 times great grandmother Sara Allen was kidnapped by the French and Indians in a raid on Deerfield Massachusetts around 1704 and brought to Canada. She later converted to Catholicism, married and stayed in Canada. I have had no success researching my Irish roots beyond mid 1800’s in Cork. 

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1 minute ago, nancynana9950 said:

@StLouis Cruiser I started with Ancestry several years ago I am mostly Irish and French with a little English, Scottish and German. I was able to trace my French 7 times great grandfather arriving in the 1640’s to Quebec. My English ancestors arrived in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the late 1630’s. My 6 times great grandmother Sara Allen was kidnapped by the French and Indians in a raid on Deerfield Massachusetts around 1704 and brought to Canada. She later converted to Catholicism, married and stayed in Canada. I have had no success researching my Irish roots beyond mid 1800’s in Cork. 


That's amazing!  I would love to find out about my family that far back!  Seems like the only way to do that is have the experts do it for me, like on PBS's "Finding my Roots".

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I ordered the set of home covid tests thanks to @Navybikermom's post and it went thru without a hitch.  Looks like that is actually a beta test site with the site promised by our president coming online tomorrow.

I have also had wet macular degeneration in one eye for the last few years.  It is caused by a blood vessel in the retina leaking.  Every month for the last two years I have had an inoculation in that eye from a retina surgeon.  It is quite expensive, but luckily wholly covered by my insurance.  The doctor says that I will probably not be cured, but the monthly shots keep it from getting any worse.  Not 100% sure that is correct, but not sure I want to stop the treatment to find out.

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Good evening all, I hope everyone had a good day.

I had to take one of my fur babies to the vet today, Houdini was very lethargic and didn’t want to eat , turns out he had 2 bad teeth and infection.   Our great vet did Emerengcy tooth removal and put him on meds. Just brought him home . It was an expensive day, but worth every penny ❤️


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DS visited this afternoon (masked), and brought the hound34FF020E-59D5-4678-94A2-6166BF3DDEB7.thumb.jpeg.3c0e3ce6892bdf891824b466806afe71.jpeg - Oskar has been to the beauty parlour and is looking very handsome.  His colours are changing a bit, but it’s still hard to see his eyes.  




He is a bundle of energy , and heads straight for his toy box behind the sofa.  



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3 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

DS visited this afternoon (masked), and brought the hound34FF020E-59D5-4678-94A2-6166BF3DDEB7.thumb.jpeg.3c0e3ce6892bdf891824b466806afe71.jpeg - Oskar has been to the beauty parlour and is looking very handsome.  His colours are changing a bit, but it’s still hard to see his eyes.  




He is a bundle of energy , and heads straight for his toy box behind the sofa.  




Very cute and fluffy.  He probably is thinking "look at me!".

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1 hour ago, nancynana9950 said:

@StLouis Cruiser I started with Ancestry several years ago I am mostly Irish and French with a little English, Scottish and German. I was able to trace my French 7 times great grandfather arriving in the 1640’s to Quebec. My English ancestors arrived in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the late 1630’s. My 6 times great grandmother Sara Allen was kidnapped by the French and Indians in a raid on Deerfield Massachusetts around 1704 and brought to Canada. She later converted to Catholicism, married and stayed in Canada. I have had no success researching my Irish roots beyond mid 1800’s in Cork. 

You were able to get a little further back than I did.  I could find as far back to 1644 when my great great....grandfather "Pierre" was born in France.  A couple generations later they immigrated to Quebec.  My Dad's German side, however, I can only go back a couple generations.

1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I ordered the tests today too.  In two years we haven't needed one, but you never know about the future.


I just got some possibly very good news.  DD said the doctors in Florida held a meeting about her MIL's case and may have come up with a diagnosis.  Instead of strokes they feel she is having seizures, and they think this may be PRES (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome).  It's a rare condition that has the same symptoms that her MIL has and could be caused by her high blood pressure.  I hope that we will continue to have good news on her condition and she is back to normal soon.  And hopefully no longer smoking!

That does sound like it could be good news!  I also ordered the tests today.  

1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good evening all, I hope everyone had a good day.

I had to take one of my fur babies to the vet today, Houdini was very lethargic and didn’t want to eat , turns out he had 2 bad teeth and infection.   Our great vet did Emerengcy tooth removal and put him on meds. Just brought him home . It was an expensive day, but worth every penny ❤️


Aw, how old is Houdini?  When our Ebony was about 15 he had one infected tooth removed.  He lived another couple years.



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Wow. I can’t believe how late I am today. I left early to head into town and do some shopping. I can’t believe it has been almost three months since I went grocery shopping. I guess that happens when you are cruising and visiting. Now that I’m back home it’s time to go back and read the whole thread. 

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A few years ago, I ordered the 23 and Me for my mother and my son, and myself. We have had great fun with and discussions of the results. DM has always believed that she was 100% Norwegian. Imagine her surprise when the results showed 94%! DS used the information during the “boring bits” of working from home to study and learn some interesting facts.  23and Me sends frequent emails about new relatives. Most of these ‘finds’ are from my father’s side which is odd as he was adopted and we have few facts, whereas DM has verbal and written history from the early 1800’s.  Thanks for The Daily, prayers and goodness.

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