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The Daily for Tuesday 02/08/2022


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Good morning all!

I'll pass on everything except the Boy Scouts.  I've never been an opera fan, but my late sister's daughter was opera-trained and has a beautiful voice.  Her Dad loves opera so much his life is consumed by it.  He spends his life traveling from opera to opera all through Europe.  (yes, he's our family's "oddball" and unusual to say the least 😉  But it's what makes him happy since losing my sister.


I've been to NY a couple times, the last time was on one of many east coast cruises with @richwmn.  We had a fun day seeing the sights and eating great pizza at a little hole in the wall.  


Our grandsons have been in the Scouts now for a couple years, their Dad is an Eagle Scout and their den leader.  These photos are a couple years old. 

On Saturday they had their Pinewood Derby for the year, the boys did quite well.









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16 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I sailed out of NY in 1960, my brother and i were just wee kids, but i remember him saying the water looked like rootbeer, and when we got to clean ocean it was a sprite.😼


Coming back in 1963 was a bit weirder.  The morning was foggy, and the ship ran into a sailboat.  All hands on deck!  Sailboat having the right of way, and we couldnt see it at all.  Wonder if they saw us?  Well stopping the ship caused me to have a bad reaction to not moving, and I got sick. (I still have this problem when we get back to the US after cruising. ) And since breakfast was the last meal I ate?  I didn't eat eggs again until the mid 70's.


I grew up in Morris County NJ, and we would go to NY once in a while.  Our glee club sang in the city several times.  My dad worked in the city, and he wasn't that anxious to go back on the weekends, but then he found this absolutely fantastic Italian restaurant.  No menu.  They just kept bringing courses.  And we started going back to the city more often.  Best day in NY?  Being a wish list.  My friend who had moved from San Francisco to NJ and her Dad, took me into the city, money no object, what should we do. We took the ferry to the Statue of Liberty, we went to the Empire State Building, we went to Rockefeller Plaza, and had dinner watching the skaters. The whole day, Joni Mitchells song lyrics, of" Night in the city looks pretty to me" were running through my head.  it was Christmas and all the store windows were just perfect, Christmas lights every where.  It is amazing to me, that one day can bring back so many wonderful memories.

Thanks for reminding me of the fun we had taking DDIL on a real NYC tour.

We went everywhere we could think of and finally ended the day in the Village and Washington Square Park. She later lived here for 4 years and tried to copy my heavy accent to our delight. 

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Good morning everyone!


I've been reading, liking and laughing every day (multiple times a day, to keep up with everyone!), but don't always have time to post. Most of the meals and drinks aren't very interesting to me, and I'm not a wine connoisseur so some might be good but I'd have to try them (something to think about on our next cruise.....!!).  Boy Scout Day is something I'll definitely celebrate today - both our DSs started in Cub Scouts (I was the den leader for both!), and our younger son continued on to Boy Scouts and eventually earned Eagle Scout.  Obviously I'm a very proud mama for that!


Since we live on Long Island, we've been to NY City quite a few times.  I'm probably in the minority, but if we moved away I wouldn't miss it terribly.  We did sail from there a few times (2008, Noordam to Caribbean, 2013, Carnival Splendor to Caribbean, 2013 Norwegian Breakaway to Bermuda, and 2014 Breakaway to Caribbean).  Most of my pictures are very similar to those already posted.  My favorite was when we were returning to New York early in the morning on the Splendor.



Hoping everyone has a good day.  Prayers for those with medical issues, heat issues, and family issues.  Cheers to the much longer Celebration list!  This is such a warm and friendly place to visit - I would love to cruise with ALL of you sometime!


Take care,


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Just a thought, I know some new posters  have wondered what we’re all about:


We are  a supportive community of HAL cruise lovers With the following guidelines:

everyone is welcome

no politics 

be kind 

Multiquote where possible so as to not take up too much space and 

Learn something new 



would this be useful?   

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Good morning, all! The only opera I have been to was in Taipei. It was all in Mandarin, but there was an English version of the program, so it was easy to follow the basic plot. I’m not sure the same thing in English would have been much different. 
A family photo with two of the Opera performers at Taipei Eye. I’m between DD and her  MIL, with SIL and DH behind us. 


I missed yesterday due to it being a travel day. We are back in Chilliwack now. Today’s weather is ‘not’. It is gray, but not raining. It is chilly, but not cold. It is no longer dark, but not really light. It’s like the weather took the day off and just left everything on the lowest setting until it returns.

@JAM37 bless you for stepping up for your relative. She can finally feel that the world hasn’t simply forgotten her. Especially when the staff say she doesn’t really need to be there. She must feel so helpless!

@mamaofamiI hope the furnace issue is resolved, and that by now you’ve been able to borrow some plug in heaters if it isn’t.

@kazu thanks for the laughs, and prayer as always for you, Jose, and Marley.

@rafinmd when in doubt, never leave something off the Celebrations list. Even the luckiest of us are traveling in dark times right now. The Celebrations list is a beacon of light we all need, and the brighter the better.

Happy Tuesday, and a toast to those enjoying good food and better weather aboard a BHB!

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Greetings!  Good collection of days, although the extraterrestrials baffle me.  I'll listen to anything that Mark Twain has to say.  @dfishDebbie, the meal sounds good.  It's so funny...it looks like a hot dog casserole, but sounds yummy!

DD lived in NYC from 2012 to 2018 and we determined to do everything possible while she was there -- including lots of opera, as she lived by Lincoln Center.  Many fond memories made in NYC.



3 hours ago, Cruisercl said:



I recently booked the GA voyage in 2024 so I will have to do research on how just to accomplish that with packing etc. Very excited!




That's very exciting!  ❤️


3 hours ago, Heartgrove said:


When I was a Freshman in high school one of the choir teachers announced the the Lyric Opera in Chicago was looking for people to be a supernumerary. Myself and another fellow went down to the Chicago Opera House one afternoon in 1965 when they were casting. We were both chosen for the second opera of the season which was "Otello" directed by the great Tito Gobbi. I played a townsperson in Act 1 and a Venetian soldier in Act 2. It was a memorable experience!


- Jack





What a great experience.  I love opera and this just sounds so cool.


3 hours ago, JAM37 said:



This morning DH will load his tools that he will need to work on DMIL's house before the cruise and DD's house afterwards. I will finish packing and tidying up. After lunch I am hoping we get a nap before leaving. We plan to leave at 4:00 to get to the nursing home in Marietta for a scheduled visit with DMIL's cousin, Laurie. (Planning for traffic as it's really only about an hour away. If we get there early we'll probably get a quick dinner.) We are taking her a cell phone so she has a way to communicate with family and friends. We found out while there in December that her daughter took hers and has not visited or been in touch with other family since. The staff confirmed this and said that Laurie is very capable to use a phone. They also made the comment that she doesn't really need to be there. Very sad. Anyway, I didn't really mean to go into all of that but it has been weighing on my heart and I know my friends here will understand. Thank you.

We can visit with her for an hour then we will head to Florida.




Oh...this is the stuff that just preys on one's mind.  My mom had to be in a nursing home as she was very disabled from rheumatoid arthritis -- unable to use hands to eat and very fragile to move around, as her bones were weakened from years of treatment.  We visited as often as possible, but it never felt like enough.  You're an angel for taking the time to visit.  Sad situation.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:





 The last I heard on my niece's DH and his radiation/chemo treatments was last week during the snow storm.  Two days were cancelled because of it.  He comes home so weak and feels like he is choking all the time.  Poor guy!  Doctor says he will continue to feel weaker, and I believe he has about 4 more weeks of treatment.  I pray for him each day, and for my niece as she works so hard to maintain the family while he is unable to work.  Thanks to everyone here who prays for him.🙏




Poor guy.  What a trial for him.  🙏



3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

I have been quiet because we have been on the road.  We are in Daytona Beach right now and only heading south of Melbourne today so I had time to open my computer.  We are boarding on 2/13 and staying on through March 6.    It has been extremely hard to social distance when dining out so I pray that we pass our test on Friday.    In KY people just don't wear masks and the restaurant on Bowling Green was packed at 4pm.  We spent no time in hot spot TN. 

The trip has went well, dry roads and no wrecks on the highways.   Today we take the leisurely drive mostly down Route 1 down the FL coast and will have time to do wash since it will be raining most of the day.    Wash is badly needed because it has been cold all the way down.   Not a lot of warm clothes were packed.  

My brother called and his knee replacement for today was cancelled because he failed his COVID test.  He feels well.   His wife has been sick with a "cold" for weeks.   My sister was able to get to my house and pack up my 22 pound bag I forgot and it will meet us when we arrive in FL on Thursday.    👏

Prayers for everyone on the list and for everyone to stay safe!  🙏


Safe onward travels!  I hope your tests go okay and and that it's smooth sailing!


3 hours ago, Rowsby said:
We were a huge Scout family....
For several years....all three of our sons served as staff at Camp Pioneer in the Oregon Cascade mountains...........and they loved it....:)

Camp Pioneer - Top Row - Perry far left - Dave 3rd from left - Erik far right 1.jpg


Wonderful photo!


15 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'll pass on everything except the Boy Scouts.  I've never been an opera fan, but my late sister's daughter was opera-trained and has a beautiful voice.  Her Dad loves opera so much his life is consumed by it.  He spends his life traveling from opera to opera all through Europe.  (yes, he's our family's "oddball" and unusual to say the least 😉  But it's what makes him happy since losing my sister.


I've been to NY a couple times, the last time was on one of many east coast cruises with @richwmn.  We had a fun day seeing the sights and eating great pizza at a little hole in the wall.  


Our grandsons have been in the Scouts now for a couple years, their Dad is an Eagle Scout and their den leader.  These photos are a couple years old. 

On Saturday they had their Pinewood Derby for the year, the boys did quite well.












10 minutes ago, kplady said:

Good morning everyone!


I've been reading, liking and laughing every day (multiple times a day, to keep up with everyone!), but don't always have time to post. Most of the meals and drinks aren't very interesting to me, and I'm not a wine connoisseur so some might be good but I'd have to try them (something to think about on our next cruise.....!!).  Boy Scout Day is something I'll definitely celebrate today - both our DSs started in Cub Scouts (I was the den leader for both!), and our younger son continued on to Boy Scouts and eventually earned Eagle Scout.  Obviously I'm a very proud mama for that!


Since we live on Long Island, we've been to NY City quite a few times.  I'm probably in the minority, but if we moved away I wouldn't miss it terribly.  We did sail from there a few times (2008, Noordam to Caribbean, 2013, Carnival Splendor to Caribbean, 2013 Norwegian Breakaway to Bermuda, and 2014 Breakaway to Caribbean).  Most of my pictures are very similar to those already posted.  My favorite was when we were returning to New York early in the morning on the Splendor.



Hoping everyone has a good day.  Prayers for those with medical issues, heat issues, and family issues.  Cheers to the much longer Celebration list!  This is such a warm and friendly place to visit - I would love to cruise with ALL of you sometime!


Take care,



You should be a proud mama!  I bet it was fun being a den mother.  I was a Girl Scout leader for DD's troop and that was a great experience.


Thanks Rich and Team for the Daily.  Sending prayers and hugs to all.  😍

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Good morning, all, and thanks for all the information.  I always enjoy reading, even if I don't post.  I sent yesterday's recipe to DD, and we have decided it will be a good use of the remaining lovely bag of artichoke hearts I bought at Trader Joe's!  Shopping list is made.  I thought it was very interesting that the instructions were to brown the artichoke hearts, I've never tried anything like that.


I got an email from Cunard today that their new ship is to be named Queen Anne!  About time..😊


The headline in our newspaper this morning was that the cruise ship shuttle into town has had the route changed, as Government Street is now closed to vehicular traffic and the restaurants and shops  want to keep it that way after Covid, so the the busses will now go along Douglas to the other side of the Bay Centre, by-passing the Inner Harbour, which will be a shame, and a long walk for visitors.  I hope they can sort out something better.  We are evidently expecting over 300 cruise ship visits.


When we lived in Virginia we could take Amtrak to NY, but we did spend a week there when we went there from here to catch the QM2.  We went to "Aida" at the Met, it was amazing, even a small (Indian) elephant on stage!  I do love opera, for a few years here we had season's tickets, but all in all, it's too late for me these days!  Anyway I prefer operetta, especially Gilbert & Sullivan!




I have nothing on the agenda for today, so will have plenty of time to be praying for everyone on the Cares list.  Good wishes to all my Daily friends.



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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Tuesday Daily.  I'll pass on ET and Opera but salute Boy Scouts who actually are now Scouts USA and all programs are open to both boys and girls.  I think it's been that way in most countries, including Canada, for ages.  A special salute as well to Lord Baden Powell.  I like the Mark Twain quote.  Not an adventurous eater I'll pass on the meal sight unseen but hope many here will love it.  New York was my first modern HAL port (Rotterdam to Rotterdam) in 2011,  @jayhawk66, have you posted on the Daily before.  If not welcome aboard  (ok, I see you've posted before).


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui, dealing with more than should be on anyone’s shoulders
Healing for the Dailyite family

Welfare of furloughed crews
ger_77 DH Cardiac issues and cancelled cruise
Cruisin Terri autoimmune flareup
Numerious dailyite friends and family with covid
From the rotation:
rafinmd recovering from radiation side effects
StLouisCruisers Niece DH undergoing throat cancerr chemo
SrLouisCruiser awaiting MOSE 2/21
Kakalina’s rapid decline


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Several new posters
5 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Carnival Group  hospital ships Nieuw Amsterdam, Crown Princess, and Queen Victoria
Florida vacation for dobiemom
Good extraction for Dfish
JAM37 shower complete
Durangoscots shelter renovation
5 days for 0106 {Zuiderdam to 2/27)
Cruiser Bill (Koningsdam to 2/20) HighlandCruiser (Nieuw Statendam to 2/13),  Cruising single (Zuiderdam to 2/13) and Lady Hudson at sea (Enchantment OTS to 2/25)
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Welcome to  all  our   new   posters.


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Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  While I love the sun and the warmer days, I would gladly live with a couple of rainy days.  We've had very little rain in the last year, and we need rain badly.


An interesting collection of days, as usual.  I've been to one opera during my freshman year at The University of Texas in Austin.  There was a traveling opera company that put on a performance of Carmen in what was the old civic auditorium, and it was not the best place for an opera.  Extraterrestrial Culture Day is based in Roswell, NM, where they say they have the remains of an ET.


Another interesting quote by Mark Twain.


We've had Korean food in Korea and in Las Vegas at a Korean barbecue. We enjoyed it, except for the kimchi, which must be an acquired taste that I haven't acquired.  I don't remember Tteokbokki being on either menu.  Like some others, I was expecting Cruzan rum not Jim Beam in the daiquiri recipe.  I'll wait until we're back on a BHB and have a frozen strawberry daiquiri.  We've had the wine on BHBs and enjoyed it.


@Cruisercl and @jayhawk66  Welcome back to the Daily.  @Cruisercl  Enjoy planning for your GA cruise.

@kazu  Great picture of Marley, and we won't say a word about his health.  I think you would enjoy NYC.  I've always liked it, even though it has changed since my first time in 1966.


4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

A delicate question for the dailyites.  I noted in my little cheat sheet of upcoming celebrations that @ottahand7 is booked on the Nieuw Statendam February 13 to 23.  Should I include it or let bygones be bygones?






4 hours ago, JAM37 said:

This morning DH will load his tools that he will need to work on DMIL's house before the cruise and DD's house afterwards. I will finish packing and tidying up. After lunch I am hoping we get a nap before leaving. We plan to leave at 4:00 to get to the nursing home in Marietta for a scheduled visit with DMIL's cousin, Laurie. (Planning for traffic as it's really only about an hour away. If we get there early we'll probably get a quick dinner.) We are taking her a cell phone so she has a way to communicate with family and friends. We found out while there in December that her daughter took hers and has not visited or been in touch with other family since. The staff confirmed this and said that Laurie is very capable to use a phone. They also made the comment that she doesn't really need to be there. Very sad. Anyway, I didn't really mean to go into all of that but it has been weighing on my heart and I know my friends here will understand. Thank you.

We can visit with her for an hour then we will head to Florida.


Well, I've gone on and bored you all long enough.



Julia, you did not bore us, but did the correct thing in sharing with us.  It is sad that Laurie's daughter took here phone and is not visiting, especially, if the nurses and staff are correct and she does not need to be there.  Such a sad situation, and so good of you both to visit and bring her a cell phone.  Also, great that your DH is willing to help DMIL and DD while you are in Florida.


4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

 The last I heard on my niece's DH and his radiation/chemo treatments was last week during the snow storm.  Two days were cancelled because of it.  He comes home so weak and feels like he is choking all the time.  Poor guy!  Doctor says he will continue to feel weaker, and I believe he has about 4 more weeks of treatment.  I pray for him each day, and for my niece as she works so hard to maintain the family while he is unable to work.  Thanks to everyone here who prays for him.🙏


Have a great day everybody!  


Sandi, sorry your niece's DH is having such a rough time, and that she is having to take care of him and keep the family going.


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I’ve been up since 3am since we have no heat and it’s 58 degrees in the house. New York ,New York is a place I miss a lot since until 8 years ago we lived 30 minutes north in a suburb called New Rochelle. If anyone remembers, it was the epicenter of the corona virus when it started and my daughter and grandsons still live there. They live on the same street I grew up on. Opera is something that Adam and my mother love, me not so much. 
Stay safe everyone,



Carol, I hope by now the furnace is fixed and you are warming up.  Our younger DD's SO's father was in a nursing home in New Rochelle in 2020.  He was transferred to a facility in, I think, Scarsdale, just before the lockdown of the entire town.  Unfortunately, he died of pneumonia, which DD and SO believe was Covid, shortly after arriving.  At that time, they did not test him for Covid.


4 hours ago, dfish said:

I have some very slight discomfort in my jaw this morning, but I did sleep well once I fell asleep.  I've been having trouble getting to sleep lately.  I thought I would be relaxed from taking ibuprofen, but no.  Oh, well.  



Debbie, when I had a tooth pulled and had multiple shots to deaden the area, the dentist recommended that the next day I rinse my mouth with warm salt water.  It helped greatly after just one rinse.


4 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

I have been quiet because we have been on the road.  We are in Daytona Beach right now and only heading south of Melbourne today so I had time to open my computer.  We are boarding on 2/13 and staying on through March 6.    It has been extremely hard to social distance when dining out so I pray that we pass our test on Friday.    In KY people just don't wear masks and the restaurant on Bowling Green was packed at 4pm.  We spent no time in hot spot TN. 

The trip has went well, dry roads and no wrecks on the highways.   Today we take the leisurely drive mostly down Route 1 down the FL coast and will have time to do wash since it will be raining most of the day.    Wash is badly needed because it has been cold all the way down.   Not a lot of warm clothes were packed.  

My brother called and his knee replacement for today was cancelled because he failed his COVID test.  He feels well.   His wife has been sick with a "cold" for weeks.   My sister was able to get to my house and pack up my 22 pound bag I forgot and it will meet us when we arrive in FL on Thursday.    👏

Prayers for everyone on the list and for everyone to stay safe!  🙏


Glad your travels were not hampered by weather until today.  Have a great cruise.  Hope you DB can have his knee replacement soon and that he continues to feel good.


3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

As for my pains, they are still with me.  Especially my right hand.  Was in touch with the Doc a few times yesterday.  Trying to get an appointment with the hand doc at the Mayo because they do not think the hand problem is related to the autoimmune disorder.  So waiting for more phone calls today.

Prayers for all who need them and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

Take care and God bless.  Will try to post again later if I have more news.



Terri, I hope you can see the hand doctor soon and that he has a solution for the painful hand.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH's new campaign in telemarketing starts next week, for the Lyric Opera.  He was interested in hearing about the supernumerary gig. 


Glad you DH has a new campaign to work on.


2 hours ago, summer slope said:

First post went poof.  The surgery well well, thank you all for your good thoughts.  Roy, you can take me off the care list but keep yourself on.  Continued prayers for your healing.  @mamaofamiI hope they get your furnace fixed soon.  Love seeing the photo's of NYC.


Dixie, glad the surgery went well.  Take it easy today.


1 hour ago, garlictown said:

😲We were up VERY early taking Auntie to the airport (flying from SFO to EWR then onto Belgium) and now we feel like "empty nesters."😄



Hope she has a safe and pleasant as possible trip home.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:


I grew up in Morris County NJ, and we would go to NY once in a while.  Our glee club sang in the city several times.  My dad worked in the city, and he wasn't that anxious to go back on the weekends, but then he found this absolutely fantastic Italian restaurant.  No menu.  They just kept bringing courses.  And we started going back to the city more often.  Best day in NY?  Being a wish list.  My friend who had moved from San Francisco to NJ and her Dad, took me into the city, money no object, what should we do. We took the ferry to the Statue of Liberty, we went to the Empire State Building, we went to Rockefeller Plaza, and had dinner watching the skaters. The whole day, Joni Mitchells song lyrics, of" Night in the city looks pretty to me" were running through my head.  it was Christmas and all the store windows were just perfect, Christmas lights every where.  It is amazing to me, that one day can bring back so many wonderful memories.


Just curious, where in Morris County did you live and when?  We were in Dover for about two years when DH was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal from March 1969 through October 1970/


55 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

 Food conduits are things like french fries, which are merely a conduit for tarter sauce, or honey mustard for me.  (ketchup for normal people)LOL. I haven't had a fry in over a year.  



Don't for get mayo for French fries, especially in The Netherlands, Belgium and The Dutch Cafe on BHBs.  It's good too.


5 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Here’s a photo of new pup Pockets teamed up with DGD.  We’re enjoying both of them!  🐶 👶🏼  ❤️   (Friends of W.C. Fields, just look away!)




Cute photo of DGD and Pocket.



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49 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! The only opera I have been to was in Taipei. It was all in Mandarin, but there was an English version of the program, so it was easy to follow the basic plot. I’m not sure the same thing in English would have been much different. 
A family photo with two of the Opera performers at Taipei Eye. I’m between DD and her  MIL, with SIL and DH behind us. 


I missed yesterday due to it being a travel day. We are back in Chilliwack now. Today’s weather is ‘not’. It is gray, but not raining. It is chilly, but not cold. It is no longer dark, but not really light. It’s like the weather took the day off and just left everything on the lowest setting until it returns.

@JAM37 bless you for stepping up for your relative. She can finally feel that the world hasn’t simply forgotten her. Especially when the staff say she doesn’t really need to be there. She must feel so helpless!

@mamaofamiI hope the furnace issue is resolved, and that by now you’ve been able to borrow some plug in heaters if it isn’t.

@kazu thanks for the laughs, and prayer as always for you, Jose, and Marley.

@rafinmd when in doubt, never leave something off the Celebrations list. Even the luckiest of us are traveling in dark times right now. The Celebrations list is a beacon of light we all need, and the brighter the better.

Happy Tuesday, and a toast to those enjoying good food and better weather aboard a BHB!

What a lovely family photo.


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34 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Here’s a photo of new pup Pocket teamed up with DGD.  We’re enjoying both of them!  🐶 👶🏼  ❤️   (Friends of W.C. Fields, just look away!)



What a cute photo of your granddaughter and Pocket.


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I visited New York City in 2015. Acted like a complete tourist at the 9/11 Monument, Central Park, Ellis Island, St.Patrick’s Cathedral, on the subway, Wall Street, on a harbor cruise near Chelsea Pier and again around the Statue of Liberty. Even crossed the 59th Street Bridge (Feelin’ Groovy, Simon & Garfunkel). An afternoon at The Lion King was the best!
New York City= ❤️



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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon All, a sale alert!  I was reviewing prices on an April cruise on Rotterdam.  The details on the pricing /perks included gratuities.  Listed as 72 hour sale.


Thanks for the heads up, Jake 👍 I’ll check and alert my roll calls if the sale applies to them.  (My Volendam roll call doesn’t mind me staying on even though I have cancelled 😉 )


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Just a thought, I know some new posters  have wondered what we’re all about:


We are  a supportive community of HAL cruise lovers With the following guidelines:

everyone is welcome

no politics 

be kind 

Multiquote where possible so as to not take up too much space and 

Learn something new 



would this be useful?   


I like that.  If I may suggest a possible addition? -  we like to discuss ports and/or dream about ports we haven’t been to & celebrate those who can sail on a BHB.  Just a thought.

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4 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

I have been quiet because we have been on the road.  We are in Daytona Beach right now and only heading south of Melbourne today so I had time to open my computer.  We are boarding on 2/13 and staying on through March 6.    It has been extremely hard to social distance when dining out so I pray that we pass our test on Friday.    In KY people just don't wear masks and the restaurant on Bowling Green was packed at 4pm.  We spent no time in hot spot TN. 

Enjoy!.  Sorry about the limited options in KY but if you have any choice please do look for outdoor dining anywhere possible.  I think It's a lot safer than indoor.  I'll also alert you to a quirk of dialogue on the Daily that I find kind of strange as well.  The norm here seems to associate positive with passing so most people seem to associate positive with passing and negative with failing so most people here will hope you fail your test.  Pass or fail, I hope it's the result that allows you to board your ship.


Very nice that your sister will get that bag for you.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. 

Interesting days. A salute to Boy Scouts. I like some Opera. Not sure about extraterrestrial culture.

I like the Twain quote.

The meal looks interesting (but carby). I'll pass on the drink (prefer rum), but the wine sounds good. 

My Panama Canal cruise was LA to NYC. I've been in NY lots; having grown up in NJ we took many school trips to museums and some shows. And shopping trips with my Mother. More recently visiting the 911 Memorial site and museum.


We're on the temp seesaw. Sunny and 40's yesterday, cloudy and flurries today; snow showers on Thursday. I finally ordered a new printer today, so I can scan and upload papers to go to my tax accountant.


@kazu Continued prayers for Jose and you (and Marley). I'm sorry to hear more storms are expected.

@summer slope I'm glad all went well with the surgery.

@rafinmd I would include it.

@JAM37 Safe travels. Sad that Laurie daughter did that. and isn't in touch with her. Wonderful of you to visit and bring her a phone.

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for your niece's DH; chemo is tough.

@mamaofami No heat? I hope that's fixed soon.

@ottahand7 Safe travels and I hope you "pass" your Covid test (negative). Sorry to hear your brother's was positive and his surgery cancelled. 

@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear of continued pains, and I hope you get more answers.

@AncientWanderer Very cute picture!

@garlictown Safe travels for Auntie.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


We arrived in NY very early, before sunrise.

Passing under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge



The Statue of Liberty (it was hard to focus with the dark and the ship movement)




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35 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, when I had a tooth pulled and had multiple shots to deaden the area, the dentist recommended that the next day I rinse my mouth with warm salt water.  It helped greatly after just one rinse.


Don't for get mayo for French fries, especially in The Netherlands, Belgium and The Dutch Cafe on BHBs.  It's good too.



I just finished a salt water rinse.  Oral surgeon said to do it after every meal.  I knew salt promoted healing and also helped prevent infection.  I remember when a neighbor's son had his tonsils removed the doctor said to let him have potato chips because the salt would help him heal faster.  Poor kid.  I got ice cream and jello with whipped cream.  


I was going to mention the mayo for the fries and you can get that at the Dutch Cafe on the Pinnacle class ships.  I also think of the pasta as a vehicle for delivery of the sauce.  So, make the substitutions necessary to get the sauce!   In much the same way lettuce is the delivery vehicle for all the other goodies you put on a salad.  @marshhawk

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@Horizon chaser 1957, I keep forgetting to mention...

If you guys want a special dinner out when you're in Palm Springs, we recently had a wonderful evening at Jillian's in Palm Desert.  Dining in covid times is uncertain, so thought I'd share.  They enhanced their outdoor dining beautifully -- lights, mature palms.  It's really pretty.  You'd think the patio was 50 years old, rather than new.

And great meal.  Whatever your plans, have a fun visit.  The weather is beautiful right now.



Edit to add: They are on Open Table, but that never shows availability.  You have to call.

Edited by AncientWanderer
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5 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

@Horizon chaser 1957, I keep forgetting to mention...

If you guys want a special dinner out when you're in Palm Springs, we recently had a wonderful evening at Jillian's in Palm Desert.  Dining in covid times is uncertain, so thought I'd share.  They enhanced their outdoor dining beautifully -- lights, mature palms.  It's really pretty.  You'd think the patio was 50 years old, rather than new.

And great meal.  Whatever your plans, have a fun visit.  The weather is beautiful right now.



Edit to add: They are on Open Table, but that never shows availability.  You have to call.

Thank you! BIL has his birthday while we’re there. That might be a good place to try!

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Thanks for the heads up, Jake 👍 I’ll check and alert my roll calls if the sale applies to them.  (My Volendam roll call doesn’t mind me staying on even though I have cancelled 😉 )



I like that.  If I may suggest a possible addition? -  we like to discuss ports and/or dream about ports we haven’t been to & celebrate those who can sail on a BHB.  Just a thought.

Sound like a great idea, I just proposed a start,  perhaps others could add their thought too if it may be of help. 

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