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The Daily for Wednesday 02/09/2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Oh Rich, you had me at chocolate, but today's a two-for-one with the drink thrown in as well!  We haven't cut the cord yet, still have a wired phone and internet.  I like to read in the bathtub, but haven't done so in a long time - showers are much quicker, but the pages get soggy real fast.


Speaking of cut the cord day, DH discovered when our young neighbour came with his snowblower last week and cleared our driveway, he also cut the extension cord leading from the garage to the vehicle on the drive.  LOL  Oh well, it's a small price to pay having to replace the cord, rather than me trying to shovel the whole thing out.


This morning the fellows should be arriving with our new mattress; I hope this morning will be the last time for a good long while that I wake up with a sore back.  We'll see what Simba has to offer.  A couple of oddities we discovered with this Casper mattress:  the two bottom corners never did fully expand, and in full expansion mode, it's 3" shorter than our box spring.  That means instead of being a queen length of 80", it's only 77".  Another reason for sending it back, as it seems it's made for an RV, not a regular sized bed.


Yesterday was DH's echo-cardiogram, which went without a hitch.  Now we wait to get a call from the cath lab about an angiogram and possible stenting.


I know the answer to today's menu suggestion - it's Turkish!  We've had it on a couple of our visits there, and I'd forgotten about it.  I'll look forward to @dfish's menu suggestions, as I think I'd like to make it for us, maybe on a weekend.  For tonight though, I've got ground beef thawing that will be made into hamburger patties.   I'll cook them in the George Foreman grill, and they'll be accompanied by air fried potatoes and coleslaw.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be well, wear your masks, get your boosters, wash your hands, stay safe and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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Top of the morning to you all! Brisk 34 degrees out there so walk will be after lunch. We cut the cord on the house phone as the only calls we received were robo or scam calls. Plus children Call on cell phones and most often Face Time. Our children all have cut cable TV from their lives but when visiting them you need a communications engineering degree on how to work their TV’s!


Like chocolate but have not any this year and though we enjoy reading we will stick to recliners versus reading in the bathtub. Don’t want to drop Kindle in water!😱


Not much on agenda today. Read the paper, do a crossword, search CC boards. 

Here’s some pics from our 2015 Oosterdam cruise and our excursion to Bay Of Islands in New Zealand.


Enjoy the day!







Edited by aliaschief
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Good morning, everyone.


I'll take chocolate for chocolate day.  The drink sounds wonderful, but probably too sweet for me.  I cut the cord several years ago and never regretted it.  I'm thinking of getting rid of the landline as I only get calls from the auto warranty, credit card interest, and Medicare people on it.  I've had the wine and I like it.  


@kazu Thank you for the update on @mamaofami.  I am thankful they are all ok.  

@smitty34877 Thank you for the update on Tana and your willingness to be so helpful.  She is blessed to have you in her life.  

@mamaofami OMG on the credit card fraud.   You have had such bad luck with aides.  


Now, for the great unveiling of today's meal.  It is a Turkish egg dish and it sounds wonderful.  This hearty egg scramble gets its name from the Turkish market town of Menemen, a small town located just off the main highway of north Izmir.  Menemen is basically scrambled eggs with tomatoes, peppers and, sometimes, onions. The seasoning is quite simple and often includes a dash of dried herbs and a touch of heat from some chili flakes.






Sometimes the eggs are left to baste in the mixture and end up like sunny side up eggs.  






It is said that the key to this is to cook the eggs very gently.  They need to be soft.  What I like about this recipe is that it is low carb and I can enjoy it without guilt.  I'd use the hotter peppers.   






Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those who are celebrating.   Enjoy and I wish everyone a wonderful day. 




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39 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Yes, Jacqui is correct. After spending the night at 58 degrees in the house, the furnace company discovered that the switch in the garage had been turned off. One of the aides must have inadvertently done it because it’s bright red and has a cover over it. I think he was looking for a garage closet light and thought that was it.$150 later we had heat. The week before the hot water heater was broken, then the remote control for the TV.

We have been notified that there was fraud on Sam’s Amex card the day of his birthday when we left an aide home alone, and one on a Costco visa of mine and another yesterday on my Chase bank card. We reported it all to the agency and while we know who did it, there’s no proof but I felt they should know.

I will celebrate chocolate any day and the quote is so true.

Stay safe everyone,


Oh Carol,

You certainly have had your share of problems with aides.  Here’s praying things settle down for you. I wish I could send you the person we had for Eugene.  She was a gem and we never had a bit of trouble and never anything missing.  

You are in my prayers, as always.  Hoping today is a better day.


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Good morning Dailyites!  I love chocolate, dark basically, but will consume all other chocolate as well.  I have no pride.  When I was getting sober some 30 years ago, my sponsor told me to eat chocolate when I wanted a drink.  I gained 20 pounds in two months.  Then in the Harry Potter series we learn that chocolate is good for you when the Dementors show up, well again, life is full of Dementors, so I use my cheese drawer in the fridge for chocolate.


Baths, lovely things, if you could just keep the water temperature HOT.  You get it just right, open a book, read a page, and realize that everything above the water line is cold.  You dunk under, and come back up and realize that your book is wet.  That's Ok, but now the temperature of the water has gone down.  You add more hot water, and realize the tub will overflow, so you let water out, and then start all over again.  Too much work.


We keep our land line after we found out that our county was bad at locating you in an event of a 911 call using cell phone use.  DH had his fall outside a mall, and then they couldnt find the back part of Macy's.  Cell phone.  But when he had his heart attack he was home, (I was at work) and he called from the house phone,  he called them, then me, (he wanted to know what hospital to go to) and the ambulance was there in 5 minutes.  Got him to the hospital in 8 minutes.  We keep the land line, who knows what's next.  We internet, got the work computers hooked up to that, and we use Roku for TV.  We add channels as we see fit.  But as far as "cutting the cord" i do that on vacation.  Once I drive out of the driveway, it's no more phone, tv, or computer for as long as I'm gone.  



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Good morning and thank you to both Rich and Roy for the lists.

It is finally sunny here in Bluffton, SC and hope it stays that way.  However, it is only 37 degrees.  Would like it to warm up a bit as well.

Had a decent night’s sleep so I am functioning a bit better this morning.

Still waiting for a call back from Mayo Clinic for an appt,. With the hand doc,  Was disappointed in not getting a call yesterday.  If not by 1 pm today, I will call again and try to push them.

I love chocolate.  Haven’t cut too many cords lately.  Want to cut the phone cord, but the cell doesn’t work too well in our home so we would be cut off from the world.

I think we will pass on the drinks and the meal.

Have not been to the port.

I have increased the dosage but not much change in the way I feel.  

Thank you all for your prayers.  I really do appreciate them.

God bless,


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. I was finally able to  walk both dogs yesterday and today without the fear of falling. It was so pleasant to see bare pavement.  @kazu,Jacqui, I hope you can get out safely for your hair appointment and other errands. I am glad you are taking this day for yourself.


We cut the cable cord a while back and have been happy with streaming.There are a few glitches at times but we have saved quite a bit.

I like the quote and will wait for the meal description. We have not been to the port. 


Today DD Mets with Tana’s care team at the Rehab hospital. She will return to our home when they discharge her. She requires a lot of care and assistance at this time. Yesterday she was able to walk  ten feet with assistance and using a walker. Baby steps but it is headed in the right direction. She is a little frustrated by her fatigue and the need for oxygen  24/7.





I'm delighted to hear Tana is making progress and hopefully she will continue to get better.



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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Yes, Jacqui is correct. After spending the night at 58 degrees in the house, the furnace company discovered that the switch in the garage had been turned off. One of the aides must have inadvertently done it because it’s bright red and has a cover over it. I think he was looking for a garage closet light and thought that was it.$150 later we had heat. The week before the hot water heater was broken, then the remote control for the TV.

We have been notified that there was fraud on Sam’s Amex card the day of his birthday when we left an aide home alone, and one on a Costco visa of mine and another yesterday on my Chase bank card. We reported it all to the agency and while we know who did it, there’s no proof but I felt they should know.

I will celebrate chocolate any day and the quote is so true.

Stay safe everyone,


Holy smokes.I feel so badly for your horrible experiences  with aides.There has to be a better  way.

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I tried to multi quote but the phone does not let it happen when it is on another  page.Sorry.  @dfish  Thanks for the recipes.We have this dish often here as it makes everyone  happy.We are happy to be a small part of caring for Tana and her son. I have known her since she was 11 years old!

@grapau27,Graham,thank you so much.We are all very pleased with any progress. 


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Good morning friends!  More frost this morning as it was only 30F again.  Where are those warmer temps we were promised?  Still, the sun is out and it should reach about 60F.  Did the treadmill workout and said my morning prayers for everyone.  Finally back to CC to read the Daily.  Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor posting it for us.  Thanks again to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  I hope the Celebrations grow longer and longer every day.  Cheers to you all!  Yesterday I watched the Enchanted Princess leave Port Everglades on the webcam.  My friend had sent in her information to the webcam people and was ready for their "wave".  However they failed to zoom in on them.  They did a few other people on the ship.  I took a print screen of the side of the ship as they moved from bow to stern and looked for them there.  I zoomed it in and sent that to my friend and she said yes, that was us waving wildly.  I feel badly it didn't work out for them this time but there's always next time!  We hope...


The menu item looked pretty good, and I would probably pick recipe 1 or 3 because the eggs would need to be more cooked for my taste. @*Miss G*the muppets clip was hysterical and so appropriate for today.  Thanks for finding that.  @kazuI hope you can accomplish all your errands today.  The memes today were all excellent as usual.  Thank you!  @cat shepardAnn, the animal series continues to amuse us.  Great job!  @smitty34877Terry, good news about Tana's progress, and that she has a place to go when she gets out of the rehab hospital.  You and your family are doing a wonderful job caring for her and her son (and dog).  Bless you all!  @mamaofamioh my goodness, there is so much wrong in what you have been through.  The credit card fraud on 3 cards all happening at once, and that sneaky aide thinking they would get away with it?  Geez!  Then on top of that the switch being turned off to the furnace, and you had to pay $150 for a service call because of them.  I am going to pray even harder that better aides come your way, and that things improve in your household soon!  You deserve a major break!


Chocolate day is meant for me!  I'm trying to think where I can find some chocolate in this house.  It may have to be hot chocolate, darn it!  I don't read in the bathtub since we prefer showers.  As for cut the cord, we still have cable which provides our "landline", internet and TV.  Guess we are still dinosaurs!  The quote today is a good one.  I don't care for Chardonnay usually but would take a sip to determine if I'd like it.  They're usually too oaky.  


At first I thought perhaps I hadn't been to Bay of Islands but apparently it was on the itinerary of our 2017 Sun Princess cruise.  I don't have the name of the town, just Bay of Islands.  We arrived on Dec. 6 and anchored, but after moving some crew over to shore, they determined the swells were too much for tendering that day.  The water didn't look bad but those swells are often difficult to pinpoint.  It took a while to sail away from the area.  They had to get that crew back onboard safely and wait for the pilot a while.  It looked very nice though and I wish I'd gotten ashore.  Thanks for the beautiful photos @aliaschiefBruce.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI8ZDQyY0t89o1Kh5zIbDgj?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513626861


This was about the best photo I got of the shore line.  Sorry we didn't make it in.



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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

We have been notified that there was fraud on Sam’s Amex card the day of his birthday when we left an aide home alone, and one on a Costco visa of mine and another yesterday on my Chase bank card. We reported it all to the agency and while we know who did it, there’s no proof but I felt they should know.


Oh my, Carol!  How awful 😱. I’m so sorry you have to go through the crap of replacing cards. 😔 


You might not have proof but I’m betting the credit card company can track transactions.  And there may be a link.  I’d be tempted to call the police, myself.  The agency should be doing an investigation IMO.  GRRRR.


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Today DD Mets with Tana’s care team at the Rehab hospital. She will return to our home when they discharge her. She requires a lot of care and assistance at this time. Yesterday she was able to walk  ten feet with assistance and using a walker. Baby steps but it is headed in the right direction. She is a little frustrated by her fatigue and the need for oxygen  24/7.


Oops, I lost part of your quote last time and didn’t reply to this.


Bless you for helping Tana  Baby steps are very encouraging.  I hope she can continue to improve.  Every little bit is a blessing ♥️ 


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

This morning the fellows should be arriving with our new mattress; I hope this morning will be the last time for a good long while that I wake up with a sore back. 


I echo your hope for a decent mattress.  Hope the new one is the most comfy one you have ever had 🤞 


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Yesterday was DH's echo-cardiogram, which went without a hitch.  Now we wait to get a call from the cath lab about an angiogram and possible stenting.


Good to hear.  Hope you get the call soon and your DH can get tended to as soon as possible 🤞 


@dfishthat meal sounds good!  And very tempting.  Thanks so much for taking the time to share the different versions of all of the meal recommendations.  It’s so very helpful 👍 

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Oh Rich, you had me at chocolate, but today's a two-for-one with the drink thrown in as well!  We haven't cut the cord yet, still have a wired phone and internet.  I like to read in the bathtub, but haven't done so in a long time - showers are much quicker, but the pages get soggy real fast.


Speaking of cut the cord day, DH discovered when our young neighbour came with his snowblower last week and cleared our driveway, he also cut the extension cord leading from the garage to the vehicle on the drive.  LOL  Oh well, it's a small price to pay having to replace the cord, rather than me trying to shovel the whole thing out.


This morning the fellows should be arriving with our new mattress; I hope this morning will be the last time for a good long while that I wake up with a sore back.  We'll see what Simba has to offer.  A couple of oddities we discovered with this Casper mattress:  the two bottom corners never did fully expand, and in full expansion mode, it's 3" shorter than our box spring.  That means instead of being a queen length of 80", it's only 77".  Another reason for sending it back, as it seems it's made for an RV, not a regular sized bed.


Yesterday was DH's echo-cardiogram, which went without a hitch.  Now we wait to get a call from the cath lab about an angiogram and possible stenting.


I know the answer to today's menu suggestion - it's Turkish!  We've had it on a couple of our visits there, and I'd forgotten about it.  I'll look forward to @dfish's menu suggestions, as I think I'd like to make it for us, maybe on a weekend.  For tonight though, I've got ground beef thawing that will be made into hamburger patties.   I'll cook them in the George Foreman grill, and they'll be accompanied by air fried potatoes and coleslaw.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be well, wear your masks, get your boosters, wash your hands, stay safe and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




I  hope  DH gets word on the angiogram soon.The waiting  has to be difficult. Also I hope the mattress  arriving today is better than the current one.

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Good Morning All,

We have a beautiful morning shaping up, and then it’s supposed to turn HOT again.🥴


Pablo is coming back this morning to discuss what we can do about the stairs. Plan A for how to integrate the island failed, and so we devise Plan B. The problem is the treads overhang the edge too much, and unevenly. Plan A was the island folks were going to add extra backer board and scribe the outermost layer to the island.  And so we are again in the “wait” mode. I’m beginning to feel like the Microsoft spinning ball……


Love Chocolate Day, and will definitely celebrate. Will try a variation of the egg dish for lunch. I discovered I can make a quick and easy egg white omelette in the microwave in 3 minutes. It’s fluffy and tasty. 



Am I the only one who isn’t surprised that 50% of those trapped dogs are Goldens?


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach

     I only like dark chocolate . Dont read in the tub, we took out the last of our tubs a few years ago. 

Todays port is on our scheduled trip for the fall. Not feeling very optimistic that it will go. Thanks for the pictures, it looks beautiful.  I will continue to hope and plan.

      Playing golf this afternoon, hoping the sun comes out. 

      @smitty34877 Small steps but at least it seems they are in the right direction. I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.

     @dfish Hope you are feeling better after the dental procedure. The meal looks interesting. Might have to try it.


Stay safe and enjoy today

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Cadiz SP

Volendam   Shipyard
Zaandam   Shipyard


In July 2020 when 2 HAL ships[Veendam & Maasdam] met in the Mediterranean area it was to meet their new owner. Hopefully not this time. I like the smaller ships



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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor keeping both the Care and Celebration Lists!

😊We did visit the Bay of Islands on a land tour (both North and South Islands with DH driving)  and stayed in the town of Paihia....beautiful.

I'm reading that New Zealand could possibly open its borders for vaccinated travelers by October. (mid-winter there!) 

🙏Prayers to all in need!🙏


P.S. A big YES to chocolate!😄

saying-hi (1).jpg

image (2).png

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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds very good to me.  Today’s drink is tempting, I’d like to try it when I have the drink package on a BHB.  Took a few hours of PTO this morning to run a few errands and get DH some rum for Valentines Day.  I hope everyone has a good day today.


Today is also National pizza day.


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Good morning. Sunny here still and it is warming up. Highs in 40's and this morning it was about 14F when Bandit and I walked. Certainly an improvement over the last week or so. when it has been below 0.


Chocolate? yes, please.... but has to be in moderation. And the meal looks good. For me, I might try it at lunch time. Have not been to today's destination.... it is certainly on the bucket list.


We are moving forward with the kennels at the shelter - all I need today is getting final Board approval. The electricity issues were adjusted yesterday to accommodate the upgraded HVAC. We are now watching the weather as the roofing materials are beginning to come in. They are threatening snow next week but it looks like a weak system. We do need moisture..... but we also need our roof.







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Good morning all!

All good days today!  Especially chocolate. Chocoholic here.  If it's around I can't resist. 

We haven't cut the cord completely, other than getting rid of our landline years ago (and don't miss it one bit).  We got rid of our bathtub when we remodeled the bathroom and don't miss that either.  I did read once in awhile when soaking, and remember getting some wet pages so that didn't continue. 😄


Good quote, and the drink (yum), wine and meal all sound good.  I thought Waitangi is on the itinerary for the Grand Voyage Australia, but it isn't.  Thank you for all photos!


@mamaofamiI just can't believe all the problems you've had with aides.  I agree with others, you may want to pursue this legally.


@smitty34877 I'm happy to hear that Tana is improving.

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