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The Daily for Tuesday 02/15/2022


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Well so far today I have managed quite a few mistakes. I brought the poor dog to the groomer an hour early and totally forgot my dental appointment  which was for that same time.I better hide under the covers for a while.

I am so touched by the kindness found here.We are trying to cope as best we can but it is just so sad right now. Thank you so much:  @grapau27, @cat shepard, @cunnorl@dfish  @StLouisCruisers, @puppycanducruise, @JazzyV@Quartzsite Cruiser, and  @Cruising-along.

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I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.

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1 minute ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.

Stupendous news! How wonderful for your Sister and the entire family!

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1 minute ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.

The news about your sister is so wonderful  to hear and I am so happy the treatment has been so successful.  

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2 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.

We really need a "love" button.  "Like" just isn't good enough sometimes.  Wonderful news!!

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7 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.


That really is the best news ever!  Not much could top it in my opinion.  It's so nice when we hear the good news instead of all the bad. 

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Good morning to all and thank you both Rich and Roy for the lists.


A very strange thing started happening yesterday evening.  I wanted to get back on the Monday Daily and read the rest of the posts.  However each time I tried to access The Daily for Monday, Norton would pop up and tell me the site was unsafe.  However, if I went to another thread on Cruise Critic it would not happen.  So I was nervous to return to yesterday’s Daily and have not read all the posts.

@smitty34877 I am so sorry to hear the news about Tana and will keep her and your whole family in my prayers.

@kazuJacqui, I for one appreciated learning something yesterday on how to reply to multiple quotes.  Sorry you felt people criticized you. I hope you have a better day today and find Jose in good spirits.

@mamaofamiThe flowers are beautiful and I hope they made you smile.  I hope your credit card troubles will soon be a thing of the past.  


Today is a sunny day here in Bluffton, SC and promises to get up to 70F.  A nice change.  I have been working on the taxes.  For some reason, either I am losing it or Turbo Tax has changed so much that it is much harder to do this year.  They are asking questions they never asked before and our situation has not changed that much from last year. I’ll keep plugging along.


Tomorrow we go to Jacksonville for two nights.  I have two appointments.  Please pray that the Ortho Doc can do something to give me some relief from the pain in my hands. I have an early morning GYN appointment and then an afternoon appointment with the Ortho Doc.  Not really sure when.  Since he is fitting me in, I have to just sit and wait.  That is why we are not planning on coming home on Thursday.  Don’t like to travel on I-95 in the dark.


I hope everyone has a good day,.  Prayers for all on the cares list and Cheers for those celebrating.

God Bless,


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12 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.


That is the best news we've gotten today!



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Slow Boat to China - Day 18 - October 9 - 2014 aboard Amsterdam Grand Asia

Jeju, South Korea


Jeju is a volcanic island off the south end of the Korean Peninsula.  It is a popular tourist destination for Korea, China and Japan and also a popular spot for a honeymoon.  We arrived early this morning to partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the upper sixties to low seventies.  We were told it might rain.  It did not, and in fact we had quite a bit of sun and lots of cool breezes.


Jeju was only a half day port - we actually had to get up and be ready to tour at 7:45 am!  Our choice today was a trip to the Seongup Folk Village and the Seongsan Sunrise Park - the park is a UNESCO World Heritage sight.


Our guide was one of those guides who felt he had to fill every minute with his voice so when we were traveling an hour out of town to reach the first site and between sites he filled the air with bad jokes and stories that were hard for us to follow due to his pronounced accent.  When at the actual sites he did not wait to gather the group before beginning to speak or moving on to the next feature.  Much was lost to us.  Please forgive the gaps in my information.  It was still a wonderful day and we very much enjoyed what we did and saw.


During our ride we drove along roads that climbed up from the ocean past the homes, apartments, shops and businesses of Old Jeju City then out into the countryside where the roads were lined with pine forests and farmer's fields of green tea, tangerines, and barley.  The island is full of hills and small mountains that are covered with trees and ground cover.


The folk village dates back to the early 15th century and is a collection of thatched houses and out buildings -- walls of lava stone with a mud or adobe type mixture used to chink between the stones and cover the inside walls.  There were also a couple of buildings made of wood with roofs that were intricately painted with beautiful colored patterns.  One such building was built atop a rise of large rough volcanic stones that formed the floor and a stairway for access - the black stones, however, were not always well seated and tended to shift under foot.  Interesting to experience.


Our guide explained the symbiotic relationship between the ancient Korean potty and the family pig - both the pig and the potty intimately shared the same real estate - the system was finally outlawed in preparation for the Seoul Olympics about thirty years ago.


Some of the homes in the village are still in use.  It was possible to discern the ones that were occupied from the ones that have been abandoned by the "15th century" satellite dishes that could be found mounted on the occupied homes.


There were many grandfather statues (Harubang) around the village.  If I understood our guide correctly some of these statues are fertility symbols and local women come and rub them in one place if they wish to have a boy child, another place for a girl child.  I lost the anatomical locations for the sex of the child in his accent and delivery, but I did catch that many of these statues no longer have noses due to excess rubbing.  My guess is rubbing the nose is for a boy - I can only wonder what they would rub if they wanted a girl.


The Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak is a volcanic peak with a large caldera that was formed about 5000 years ago by a submarine (under water) eruption.  Today the caldera is covered in green ground cover on the inside, the outside is rugged volcanic rock.  Stairways and paths have been constructed to climb to the top of the caldera - some 508 stairs plus slopes to get to the top.  Our guide suggested the round trip could be done in about 25 minutes - he was obviously not looking at the demographic of the Holland America passengers in his bus.  DH did climb to the top and has the pictures to prove it but the round trip took him over an hour.  You are right, I did not do the climb.  Instead I went to the exhibition area (a bit of a disappointment) and enjoyed a candy bar.  DH had much better views but I may have had more fun.  Chocolate.


Tonight's show sounds like it is one of the good ones but frankly, we are too tired this evening to attend.  We'll probably be sorry.


Tomorrow is Incheon, South Korea - I may not write tomorrow as our tour is a dinner/theatre program in Seoul which is a couple hours from the port of Incheon and we will not be back home to the ship until quite late after our 8 hour adventure.



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Good morning and thanks all!  We hope to visit Jeju island perhaps this fall?  Enjoying the photos, thanks Lenda!   The book Island of the Sea women by Lisa See is an excellent read and gives a lot of the history. 
@cunnorl wonderful news!  makes all the tough treatment worth it. 
@smitty34877i wish you had better news, but hopefully things will be ok.

@kazuhow thoughtful of your sister! 
@ger_77 I was surprised by the curry from an Italian restaurant?  Sorry it wasn’t good!

DH planned an Italian meal and it was very nice, I am very blessed.


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Arrived home on Sunday evening from  2 wonderful weeks on Zuiderdam.  On flights home started sneezing and coughing.  During night when fever woke me up I used a self test.  Yes positive.  Got tested very early yesterday at state testing site, with results tomorrow probably.  Now isolating. Trying to read to catch up, but is taking lots of dedication.


sending good thoughts for all.

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5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Prepping the house as grandchildren are coming for a visit Thursday night through Sunday morning. The two year old is a kleptomaniac and requires full time assigned sentry duty!


LOL on the kleptomaniac 😂 2 year olds do require full time sentry duty for sure 😉 


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Sam did remember Valentine's day and sent me beautiful flowers.


Gorgeous flowers, Carol 👍 


@ger_77so sorry to hear your favourite Italian restaurant was a bust 😔 Hope you can soon find a new favourite


@grapau27 good news on hour friend’s grandson.  Hope he continues to improve 🙏🏻 



@JAM37- a week to go before you cruise!  How very exciting!


5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Still cold here (19 now) but a warming trend coming with temps in the 60's Thursday when I board Enchantment.


How nice, Roy.  I hope you have a wonderful cruise!


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We heard yesterday that the rehab hospital feels they cannot help our Tana beyond this week as her respiratory  issues are so compromised. I was afraid of this  as even small amounts of activity  result in exhaustion.She will return to all if us on Friday and we will do our best to help.


I am so very sorry to hear this.  Poor Tana 😔 She is truly blessed to be surrounded by such supportive angels like you.  She will remain in prayers 🙏🏻 


2 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

My orchid is starting to bloom again.!




1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Hope you and Marley can adjust to a 4:30 am outing.


Thanks.  Marley goes out at 4:30.  I stay inside and lure him back in and then try to get back to sleep 😉  Great pics of the port of the day!


59 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer!


What absolutely WONDERFUL news!!!  So happy to hear this and so happy for her and all of you. 🙂 


@cruzn singleWelcome home but oh dear on your self test and on how you are feeling.   😔   Hoping you recover quickly and  you “fail” the state test.

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We visited Jeju Island in the spring of 2018. The Island is primarily visited by local Korean and Chinese tourists. Unfortunately, in 2017 most cruise ships cancelled their visits to Korea due to the diplomatic tension between China and South Korea. It was just beginning to receive more cruise ships when we visited. 

Some things we noticed while we were there - although they may have changed since then.

First is that there was very little English-support on the island. Taxi drivers, restaurant workers, shops, etc. did not speak English. Restaurant menus and most other signs are in Korean! So, if you are planning on touring the city on your own, you best know Korean, or have a translate app for your phone. Also, be aware that Google Maps does not work in Korea, as the country has strict security policies.

In addition, there are different visa requirements on Jeju Island then for the Korean mainland. Citizens of most countries are eligible for a 90-day visa on arrival, but this created a very long wait to clear customs and immigration - as they examine every document and passport in detail, along with taking mugshots of everybody.

It took us over two hours to get through!


Looking forward while waiting.



And looking at the lineup remaining behind us. The line turns at the far end and continues back along another long hallway.



Jeju currently has two cruise terminals and in 2019 they announced a plan for building a new Jeju Port, which will be dedicated to large international cruise ships. It’s still a long way off, but should help relieve the congestion. 


Plus, hopefully by now they have improved their clearance process!!


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1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.


Wonderful news on your sister, and an answer to prayers!


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all and thank you both Rich and Roy for the lists.


Tomorrow we go to Jacksonville for two nights.  I have two appointments.  Please pray that the Ortho Doc can do something to give me some relief from the pain in my hands. I have an early morning GYN appointment and then an afternoon appointment with the Ortho Doc.  Not really sure when.  Since he is fitting me in, I have to just sit and wait.  That is why we are not planning on coming home on Thursday.  Don’t like to travel on I-95 in the dark.


I hope everyone has a good day,.  Prayers for all on the cares list and Cheers for those celebrating.

God Bless,



Terri, I hope the Ortho doctor can help with your pain.


26 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Arrived home on Sunday evening from  2 wonderful weeks on Zuiderdam.  On flights home started sneezing and coughing.  During night when fever woke me up I used a self test.  Yes positive.  Got tested very early yesterday at state testing site, with results tomorrow probably.  Now isolating. Trying to read to catch up, but is taking lots of dedication.


sending good thoughts for all.


So sorry to hear you tested positive after your cruise. I hope the symptoms aren't too bad. Prayers.

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Good Morning Everyone!

        We had a quick Valentine's Day getaway at a local casino.  We have not been able to go too far away due to having to be at Dad's 2-3 times a day, to help his wife with care.  We have had him evaluated for more caretaker hours, but just waiting on the process to have them assigned.  So we could only manage a short getaway.

          But we had fun, the casino offered a seafood appetizer, main entree of prime rib, chicken, or salmon, dessert, sparkling cider, a box of candy and a rose in our room.

          Dinner made us laugh they brought a seafood appetizer to the table........it was a 1/4 sheet pan with a whole crab, mussles, clams, and shrimp, we thought they delivered it to the wrong table........it was a meal not an appetizer.  We then had prime rib!  We were stuffed and took the desserts home for later.  Then the box of candy in the room was huge a 1 pound 7 oz.  box all sorts of goodies in it  All in all, we had a nice time and we were gone only 24 hours!  Hubby came home with more money then he left with.  I came home only spent my "play fun".  Casino never really does well with me as I set my play amount and then stop and go read my book!

         Our favorite Valentine's getaway was when we were on cruise in 2019 for Valentine's Day, I think we will try for a 2023 Valentine's cruise.

       @dfish Thanks for the recipes I think I will try all 3 sometime this spring, they all looked good!

         Take care everyone, I am out to take Holly for a walk as we have a bright sunny day and it is not to cold!


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6 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Prepping the house as grandchildren are coming for a visit Thursday night through Sunday morning. The two year old is a kleptomaniac and requires full time assigned sentry duty!

A kleptomaniac? LOL  We babysit a 2 yr old DGS at least twice a week.  Like a cyclone has arrived.  We have rearranged the furniture and can block him in the LR, where all the toys are. Have to block him in as he can run faster than we can! I dread the day he gives up his nap. But I love every minute he is here.

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3 hours ago, summer slope said:


Stars and Stripes Bloody Mary:

1 1/2 parts Hornitos® Anejo Tequila
1/2 part Agave Nectar
1 part Lime Juice
6-8 Blueberries
2 parts Hornitos® Reposado Tequila
1 1/2 parts Bloody Mary Mix
Cayenne Pepper
Pepper, Black

Muddle blueberries and 1/2 part lime juice in a glass. Add Hornitos® Anejo tequila and agave nectar. Add ice and shake vigorously. Strain into shot glass. Separately, add Hornitos® Reposado, Bloody Mary mix and 1/2 part lime juice to a shaker. Shake and serve in a second shot glass half rimmed with a salt, pepper and cayenne mixture.


Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 11.09.45 AM.png


I think I would love this drink!  It has the spice I like.


2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.


Wonderful news!   I hope she properly celebrates this event.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Tomorrow we go to Jacksonville for two nights.  I have two appointments.  Please pray that the Ortho Doc can do something to give me some relief from the pain in my hands. I have an early morning GYN appointment and then an afternoon appointment with the Ortho Doc.  Not really sure when.  Since he is fitting me in, I have to just sit and wait.  That is why we are not planning on coming home on Thursday.  Don’t like to travel on I-95 in the dark.


Here's hoping you can get some relief for your hand problems.  It seems that when you first try something, it works and then it quits.   I'm having that problem with my back.  I'm about ready to just live with it.


1 hour ago, cruzn single said:

Arrived home on Sunday evening from  2 wonderful weeks on Zuiderdam.  On flights home started sneezing and coughing.  During night when fever woke me up I used a self test.  Yes positive.  Got tested very early yesterday at state testing site, with results tomorrow probably.  Now isolating. Trying to read to catch up, but is taking lots of dedication.


sending good thoughts for all.


Oh, my gosh!  I sure hope you recover quickly and with no after effects.   Take care!


Edited by dfish
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We had arranged a independent tour for ourselves and another couple to see some of the countryside.


Our first stop was at the the Yongduam Rock (Dragon Head Rock), which is about 10 minutes from the island’s capital, Jeju City. 


The site is a big tourist destination and comes with their version the Little Mermaid statue.



Along with vendors where you can try out some local fare.



Then a bit further on was the Jeongbang Waterfall, which is located very close to the ocean.



Lunch at the Droptop Café.



Although they offered traditional Korean seating, they also had regular table and chairs.




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just wanted to say hello to ya all.  After all this is the NICE thread.

I got flamed on a couple others for a simple comment so I thought I would return to the friendly place.


sharing a photo from the aft of Amsterdam in 2010 docked in Anchorage.  yes they did on this 14 day coastal.  Denali in the distance and this photo taken at 10pm

PICT0092 10pm docked Anchor.JPG

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@cunnorlWonderful news about your sister.

@smitty34877I am sorry to hear the hospital cannot help Tana.  She is so fortunate to have you and your family to help her and her son.

@Cruzin TerriPositive thoughts for tomorrow's  doctors visits.

@kazuI am sorry to hear Marley is stuck on an early wake up call. He is a beautiful dog.  Your flowers are beautiful. How thoughtful of your sisters.

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6 hours ago, aliaschief said:


oh yes during this pandemic going to the grocery store can now be something to look forward to.

And in the beginning when they had certain times for older folks, those would be the times it was most crowded.  Too funny.  Oh and I take the long way home just to enjoy the radio too.

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3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

I just got the best news ever. My sister is now in remission. All her scans yesterday were negative, showing no cancer! We are all just beside ourselves. She struggled so much with the treatments but she never complained  or lost who she was. She will still have to be monitored with a scans at certain intervals but for now we celebrate.

   Thank you all for your prayers and messages of support.

I'm delighted to hear your sister's wonderful news.


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