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The Daily for Thursday 02/24/2022


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19 minutes ago, ger_77 said:


We had some good news yesterday, DH's angiogram is scheduled for March 7th, so we'll head to the hospital very early in the morning with his overnight bag in hand in the event (totally likely) that they have to insert a couple of stents.  Some of you may wonder why it's taken so long - well, our ICU beds have been taken up with Covid patients, and they have to have a bed available in case it's needed.  Hopefully this is a sign that this darn virus is starting to ease up, or that more people have been vacccinated.  Now that restrictions have been lifted, I will be able to spend the day at the hospital waiting for him, rather than nervously at home.


Good news for you both! I had to take my husband to the ER on Saturday night as he had chest pains, I dropped him off at the door and went to park the car ( no valet parking at hospitals now). By the time I got back to the ER, he had been taken to a room and as there is a no visitor policy in the ER currently I couldn't see him. Due to lack of beds he had to be monitored in the ER until Monday late pm when he had had an angiogram. Due to other medical issues they could not insert the stents at that time. I was finally able to see him Tuesday. Yesterday he was scheduled to have stents inserted and I spent the day in his room with him. At 5pm the cardiology team decided that his other medical condition had not improved enough to do the stenting, so he is now rescheduled for Friday.


The lack of beds and additional procedures due to Covid  definitely has impacted healthcare delivery.

I'm thankful for the care he is getting at the moment and also that he is not considered to be in imminent danger of another heart attack at the moment. Hopefully he can get the procedure on Friday and his chest pain will stop. I just wonder about him not being scheduled for many of his routine tests (echocardiograms, stress tests etc) over the last couple of years due to medical offices only wanting to telehealth visits.


It is definitely better to schedule in advance if possible. Hoping you get a great result from your DH's procedures.



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Good Morning. Thanks for the daly and the care lists.

Good quote and nice meal suggestion - I love green chillis.

Iyt is so sad and worrrysome to see what is going on in Ukraine. It feels like we are back in 1938-1039. A crazed, power hungry dictator violates a soverign nation based on fabricated claimes. The script is almost exactly the same.

What do they say about people who fail to learn the lessons of history?

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Good morning Dailyites!  I hope that your weather rollercoaster is having a calm moment today.  We opened the screened windows yesterday, and the cats all scrambled in to look out at the world.  We even opened a bedroom window, and it was lovely, I only woke up once to lower the heat (remove a cat), I love sleeping snuggled under the "wooby" when it is cool.  And I slept til 8!  Today's chores are run to the bank, take DH to lunch and walk the neighbors dog.  I think I might pick up some sausage rolls for tomorrows breakfast. Today I work a later shift, and DH starts his training on his new campaign.  They start calling on Monday.


Putin is a bully.





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Good afternoon.

It is 42°F and cloudy here.

I have had a busy day doing sales calls so I'm a bit late today.

Thank you for today's daily Rich and Roy for the various lists.

Interesting days.

I tend to do things straight away in case I forget so the quote would be okay.

I will give today's food and drink a miss.

We have been to Lanzarote many times on cruises.

Arrecife is basically 1 long street of shops running from the beachfront promenade.

The shuttle drops you off about 800 metres from the centre.

Last time we got a taxi to Puerto del Carmen which was much more interesting.

Prayers for everyone on the care list.

Take care and have a nice day everyone.



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40 minutes ago, Sea Viewer said:
  •  I had to take my husband to the ER on Saturday night as he had chest pains, I dropped him off at the door and went to park the car ( no valet parking at hospitals now). By the time I got back to the ER, he had been taken to a room and as there is a no visitor policy in the ER currently I couldn't see him. Due to lack of beds he had to be monitored in the ER until Monday late pm when he had had an angiogram. Due to other medical issues they could not insert the stents at that time. I was finally able to see him Tuesday. Yesterday he was scheduled to have stents inserted and I spent the day in his room with him. At 5pm the cardiology team decided that his other medical condition had not improved enough to do the stenting, so he is now rescheduled for Friday.


The lack of beds and additional procedures due to Covid  definitely has impacted healthcare delivery.

I'm thankful for the care he is getting at the moment and also that he is not considered to be in imminent danger of another heart attack at the moment. Hopefully he can get the procedure on Friday and his chest pain will stop. I just wonder about him not being scheduled for many of his routine tests (echocardiograms, stress tests etc) over the last couple of years due to medical offices only wanting to telehealth visits.


It is definitely better to schedule in advance if possible. Hoping you get a great result from your DH's procedures.



Prayers for your DH that the stent can be inserted.  And prayers for you while you go through this stressful time.


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Good morning friends!  We walked to the gym this morning, did our workout and walked back.  Plans are to relax the rest of the day.😁 A nice selection of days to celebrate - bartenders, digital learning, and tortilla chips.  A witty quote by Mark Twain.  The burritos look delicious but I'll have mine less spicy please.  Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepardand Mitzi @summer slopefor our food and beverage information and photos.  


Thanks to Rich @richwmn for the Daily.  And to Roy @rafinmdthanks for the Care and Celebration lists. We appreciate all the prayers for Jen.  I hope there's no bad news today and it's all more positive as the weeks go on. 


Jacqui @kazuthanks for the memes today.  Please give Jose our best wishes when you get there.  And safe travels to you as well.  Connie @msmayorgood luck to your daughter and your family as you wait these last few days for the new baby.  I can't wait to see the photos!  Carol @mamaofamiI'm thinking and praying for you and Sam daily.  Hope everything works out okay with the new helpers.  Gerry @ger_77I agree with you completely on the Ukraine situation.  It's just horrific what is going on.  Many prayers for the poor Ukraine people as they suffer under this onslaught.🙏  And finally my regards to Allen and Joy @Seasick Sailor.  How's it going in Georgetown, TX?


Today's port of Arrecife on Lanzarote, Canary Islands is a very nice stop.  We were there in 2014 on Celebrity Constellation and in 2018 on Prinsendam.  I'll post a few photos as I catch up on my DVR recordings.🙂  See you later!



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From Nov. 11, 2014 on the Constellation.  We took a stroll through Arrecife both times we've visited there.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKvUXZp-NAZLmDzqYHVvP9X?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779408




We walked by a unique history museum which appeared to be housed in an old fortress.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJnZZzc7R01-hz5ykPp2yTE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779414




Many people probably come here to lie in the sun on a nice sandy beach.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKF-2EU_o5-kbut3ipa6cBv?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779422


While others come to shop or eat in restaurants.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIn2YSsMObyL76RAQn05QPD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779440




Here is the Church of San Gines00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKj-1yZVwE3o9nWCs6gwBuC?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779428




Nice Spanish architecture00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIYxLAGqWZu1J2fPg6TfJnJ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779425


Docked behind the Constellation was the Sea Cloud II, a cruise ship with the feel of a tall ship.  Of course we had to walk back there to take a picture or two.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJaokuDYzmHByyhRrOlrL4P?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779452




I just hope the passengers on that ship didn't have to help raise the sails!  


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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

😥My heart is heavy after watching what is happening in the Ukraine. Yes, the entire world should condemn the actions of this madman and his ambitions!

🙏Prayers for all in need and especially the people in Ukraine.🙏


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3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Thanks for the daily.  I would like a Paczi today, tortilla chips maybe from the Lido. I am sure we will see many bartenders today. Love the Twain quote.  All food and drink look good too. 


I am praying for all and Ukraine 😿 and all for those on Roy's care list. Wishes of good health to all. 🙏🙏🙏 Have a lovely day. 


Heading to Phillipsburg tomorrow.  Just food porn today never have been to Lanzarote.





Nice  photos.

                          Thank you.  Jim.

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3 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Good morning from SW Florida, 65 right now, 85 later on.

Good quote.

What would we do if the World had no bartenders?

Let's hope Putin invading Ukraine doesn't escalate to something worse.

Hope all are doing well.

Thank's for The Daily.

As  an x veteran I  can only say we  have learnd  nothing  from wars.


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6 minutes ago, irishjim said:

As  an x veteran I  can only say we  have learnd  nothing  from wars.


Yep, I'm a Vietnam vet and was very proud to serve my country but looking back, that war was a complete waste. Besides that, I've had some Agent Orange issues.

Edited by MISTER 67
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My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine! We have been fortunate enough to visit Odessa, Sevastopol (when it was still Ukrainian) as well as Yalta on Prinsendam in October 2004 and again on Rotterdam in September 2007. HAL has employed several Ukrainian crew, mostly in the show production cast as dancers, as well as in the casinos. So sad what is happening there! 😔

Visit Odessa in Ukraine with Cunard


Yalta: World War Two summit that reshaped the world - BBC News




Flag of the Ukraine Heart Digital Art by Roy Pedersen

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Good morning and greetings from a snowy Pacific Northwest. We got a couple of inches of the white stuff last night. We've had snow 3 of the last 4 days and most days it melts during the day (at least where the sun hits). Most of the local school districts are on 2-hour delayed start due to icy conditions. RIght now the sun is shining and there are some lazy flakes falling. 


We snagged a cancelation appointment at the neurologist yesterday (instead of the scheduled May 4th) and DH did well on testing only losing 2 points on the test she did close to 4 years ago. She has some questions about the stroke he had so have to get him for blood work (not today) and two heart tests. I'll call today to get those scheduled. Overall a good appointment. 


No idea on dinner tonight but have lots of leftovers in the fridge. OT and Speech visit today for DH so no plans to go anywhere. 


Have a good day everyone!


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Good morning all!

We woke up to half an inch of snow this morning. It's pretty in the sparkling sunshine, but not what we want.  At least it won't last long, as it's predicted to get up to nearly 50F in the next few days.


So sad for Ukraine.  We have a Ukrainian family on our street who are so sweet and friendly.  I've talked a lot with the Grandma (as much as we can, she's still learning English), who is there daily to help with the children.  I know she has said she still has a son living in Ukraine.  Also thinking of our day in Odessa on a cruise years ago. She was so excited when I showed her my photos of that day.


Good collection of days, and I love the quote.  The meal sounds good if I take out some of the spice.  Last night's meatloaf was a hit, although I still prefer ground beef meatloaf.  If I'd had some I would have added it to the pork.  We have enough for tonight too.


Not much on the schedule today, I'll probably just continue to work on my big counted cross stitch.  I'm up to the outline stitch now, so it's coming along!  We also have the last 2 A/C estimates being done today.  I'll be glad to get an appointment to have A/C installed for next summer!


@msmayorConnie we're all excited with you as you wait for your grandbaby!

@ger_77Gerry that's wonderful that your DH has his angiogram scheduled.  


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

From Nov. 11, 2014 on the Constellation.  We took a stroll through Arrecife both times we've visited there.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKvUXZp-NAZLmDzqYHVvP9X?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779408




We walked by a unique history museum which appeared to be housed in an old fortress.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJnZZzc7R01-hz5ykPp2yTE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779414




Many people probably come here to lie in the sun on a nice sandy beach.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKF-2EU_o5-kbut3ipa6cBv?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779422


While others come to shop or eat in restaurants.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIn2YSsMObyL76RAQn05QPD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779440




Here is the Church of San Gines00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKj-1yZVwE3o9nWCs6gwBuC?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779428




Nice Spanish architecture00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIYxLAGqWZu1J2fPg6TfJnJ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779425


Docked behind the Constellation was the Sea Cloud II, a cruise ship with the feel of a tall ship.  Of course we had to walk back there to take a picture or two.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJaokuDYzmHByyhRrOlrL4P?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779452




I just hope the passengers on that ship didn't have to help raise the sails!  


Lovely photos.  Thank you.  We will be visiting Arecife on April 12 on our Nautica cruise.  Looking forward to visiting the Canary Islands for the first time.


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Good morning from sunny and just breezy Quartzsite.  I think our rain total for yesterday was about  0.11 inch.  Hopefully the dust will stay settled for a day or two.


We still have a few tortilla chips and cheese dip left, and the chips aren't bad by themselves.  Digital learning, especially the past two years, helped students keep up with their studies, but nothing beats in person learning.  A salute to bartenders, especially ones on BHBs.


I like the Mark Twain quote, and sometimes it does apply to me.


The green chile burrito bowl sounds good, but we're having meatloaf tonight along with mashed potatoes and salad.  Of course, there will be wine.  Last night's pizza was a big hit, and I think it was because of the pureed tomatoes I used for the sauce.  It was a different brand, and the tomatoes smelled more like tomatoes than other canned  brands.  The drink sounds good, and also the wine, but it's a bit pricey for having at home.


We have not been to Arrecife, but have been to Tenerife twice.  @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, thank you for the pictures.


While watching the news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I thought about the similarities with Hitler's 1939 invasion of Poland.  And yes, @irishjim, we have not learned any lessons from the world wars or any of the so called wars since then.  The situation is horrible and unnecessary.  My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine, especially the families of those who have been killed in the invasion.


In 2008, while on a Black Sea cruise on Prinsendam, we docked in Sevastopol.  We took a tour to Yalta and drove through the battlefields of the Crimea.  We were scheduled to be in Odessa on the Prinsendam in 2016, but unfortunately that cruise was canceled after the coup attempt in Turkey.  We feel very lucky to have been to Ukraine, and hopefully, we will be able to return some day.


@dfish  Debbie, our condolences on the loss of your friend's mother.  

@msmayor  Connie, safe travels today and hope your DH can get his appointment changed.  We'll be anxiously awaiting pictures of the baby.

@kazu  Great news that Marley is finally letting you sleep until 6:30.  Be safe on the roads today, and have a nice visit with Jose.  You, Jose and Marley remain in our thoughts.

@ger_77  Gerry, that is good news that your DH's appointment was moved to March 7.  Wishing him the best during his angiogram and possible stent placement.

@Sea Viewer  Hope your DH is doing better each day and that he can get the stents Friday.



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Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday!  So much going on today. Prayers for Ukraine. 

I love tortilla chips and they would go really well with today’s meal suggestion. Green Chile Burritos sound so good. The best we have had were in San Diego. Thank you for the recipes Debbie @dfish.


We really appreciate our bartenders on HAL. But I’ll pass on the wine and drink today. 

I love the Mark Twain quote. 

It was super windy yesterday and we had a bit of rain. It is really chilly here today but next week will warm up. I’m getting tired of the chilly mornings. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Hello Everyone,

I echo those of you who have commented on the failure of (apparently all the leaders with the guns) who fail to study and learn from history.  What is happening now is heartbreaking for Ukraine, and terrifying for all of us.


@msmayor, best wishes on baby watch!!

@ger_77, I’m glad your DH finally has an appointment for the care he needs.  I hope this means that you two will be able to plan travel soon!

@kazu, I smiled that you are planting chilies for Jose!  May he enjoy many more crops.

Thank you and my best to everyone.

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Good morning, it is a sad day today for Ukraine and for all of us!  The whole world is in trouble right now!  There are many reasons to pray, for our Daily friends and everyone.


We are in a winter wonderland again, a little snow last night, but I did get to the grocery store early this morning, and didn't have any problems in the parking lot.  I have an appointment Saturday at 9 p.m. for a CT scan.  The doctor had said it would be 3 to 5 months to get an appointment and it took 5 days!  I cannot admit it to anyone except you, my cruising friends, but I was in a hurry to figure out this hip problem because we have a cruise booked for July, going to Iceland and Greenland, and I just ow there is going to be a lot of walking involved.  It sounds terribly selfish!


We were on the island of Lanzarote in 2014 on the Atlantic Adventurer (my favourite cruise ever!) and I have tons of pictures.  We actually didn't spend any time in Arrecife, but I thought I would try to post Pat's journal entry for the day as well as pics.  It is a fascinating island.


"The ship docked in Arrecife, Lanzarote Island (still in the Canary Islands) at 8.00am. We had got up early as our private 7-hour tour (14 people only) started promptly at 8.30 am. The island comprises numerous dormant volcanos and is almost completely covered by lava flows. Nevertheless it was one of the most interesting places we have ever visited, made more so by the excellent guide, Jose Luis, we had. We first drove west from Arrecife to Timanfaya National Park (Fire Mountains). It was an amazing place. We also visited Jameos del Agua, La Geria (wine tasting, and we bought a bottle of the white wine that we had tasted), Villa de Teguise, Haria (where we had lunch), One Thousand Palm Tree Valley, Jardin de Cactus (where the cochineal insect lives, from which red dye is drawn). Most of the statues, Jameos del Agua and the cactus garden were designed by Cesar Manrique. We got back to the ship just after 3.00 pm."


Lava everywhere, and remnants of eruptions!












Potatoes cooking on one of the hot spots






I think I'd better continue in  another post...

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5 hours ago, msmayor said:

The baby watch moves to a new level today - yesterday my daughter told me she's having a lot of trouble sleeping and getting comfortable, and made the statement "Come down as soon as you're ready".  So...the bags were packed last night. 



How exciting!  And how nice of you both to go and give your daughter a hand.  


Your DH is wise on checking if it is an implant procedure and not cancelling if it is.  Those appointments can take time to get if cancelled.


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

. It’s been almost 8 months and a swinging door of aides. 


It sure has been a swinging door for you 😔 Hopefully that will soon be in the past and all will be good and get settled for you 🙏🏻 


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

We had some good news yesterday, DH's angiogram is scheduled for March 7th, so we'll head to the hospital very early in the morning with his overnight bag in hand in the event (totally likely) that they have to insert a couple of stents. 


That is good news!  Even better that you can be at the hospital with him 👍. Prayers that all goes well 🙏🏻 


3 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

Good news for you both! I had to take my husband to the ER on Saturday night as he had chest pains, I dropped him off at the door and went to park the car ( no valet parking at hospitals now). By the time I got back to the ER, he had been taken to a room and as there is a no visitor policy in the ER currently I couldn't see him. Due to lack of beds he had to be monitored in the ER until Monday late pm when he had had an angiogram. Due to other medical issues they could not insert the stents at that time. I was finally able to see him Tuesday. Yesterday he was scheduled to have stents inserted and I spent the day in his room with him. At 5pm the cardiology team decided that his other medical condition had not improved enough to do the stenting, so he is now rescheduled for Friday.


Oh dear on the delays.   I hope his Friday surgery can take place and all goes well 🙏🏻 



1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

We snagged a cancelation appointment at the neurologist yesterday (instead of the scheduled May 4th) and DH did well on testing only losing 2 points on the test she did close to 4 years ago. She has some questions about the stroke he had so have to get him for blood work (not today) and two heart tests. I'll call today to get those scheduled. Overall a good appointment. 


Glad to hear it was a good appointment, overall.  Hope the blood work and hear tests all have good results.


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6 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

  I cannot admit it to anyone except you, my cruising friends, but I was in a hurry to figure out this hip problem because we have a cruise booked for July, going to Iceland and Greenland, and I just ow there is going to be a lot of walking involved.  It sounds terribly selfish!



Ann, I agree with you - I need to have a knee replacement (had the right one done 3 years ago, now it's the left's turn). We're sailing for 24 days to Canada, Greenland and Iceland in August, so I've scheduled the surgery for April 1st (April Fools Day!), figuring that 4 months recovery should be fine.  Hope you can find out what your hip problem is so you'll be fine to walk around on your cruise!!



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49 degrees this morning, sunny and cold (?). Love tortilla chips, looking forward to a drink with a bartender this evening when we meet good friends from Northern California (met them on a cruise years ago and try to cruise/visit with as often as possible!), happy for the good news, hopeful that the not so good news becomes better news.  Finishing taxes today to deliver to accountant before running up the ramp on the Zuiderdam, 2/27/22 for our 35 day adventure! 🌴

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