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The Daily for Friday 02/25/2022


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14 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:


Double O Ten Martini.  Belvedere, Ten O Tanquery and a splash of Grand Marnier. 🍸


👏🏼 Thank you for posting this - the 0010 is our all time favorite on a BHB.  We board NS on 3/6 and I have been checking out all the menus I can find and have not seen the 0010 listed ☹️.  Is that pic from the Ocean Bar?

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On May 7, 2015 the Royal Princess arrived in Rotterdam near the end of a transatlantic cruise from Ft. Lauderdale.  On this cruise we had arranged to sail with our friends from Myrtle Beach, SC.  They were not the adventurous type and insisted we take ship tours in all our ports so that is what we did.  Shortly after arrival we got on a bus and went to Amsterdam for the day.  I'm not going to post Amsterdam photos however, but will show you a few from Rotterdam and just outside town as we drove out of and into the port city.


Arriving in Rotterdam00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKDjTTGRlttlGC-_qdDMiBk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435187624










The scene at the dock near Erasmus bridge in Rotterdam.  In Dutch it's Erasmusbrug.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIPHDmsOs9QhMD6NdqAXJMH?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435194297




From the tour bus, the Royal Princess00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK4jWTHQISZpFcpJFAiY29k?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435194298


I'll save Amsterdam for its own day, but we had a wonderful day touring there.  Except when our bus was sitting at a stop light and the rear of our bus was grazed by an electric tram!  Oh and of course the many near misses by bicyclists as we dared stray near their bike lanes, or even trying to cross the street.  Good times!


On our way back to Rotterdam at the end of our tour we saw some beautiful countryside.  We even got to stop and take photos at a windmill, which was someone's home. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLSQwD35Kbo5m_Ft-SErFwV?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435188230


A huge nest on a pole.  Not sure if that is a crane or what.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIuALCqXRd0buNl5rj2IFug?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435188242




Peaceful canal00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIop-eKb7Gbo2EdOVNduUD0?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435188254


Another awesome windmill00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJydPES6QXAdF6hSOSCXAYt?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435188262


It would be nice to live on this scenic canal00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKETUzx6EDFT_kByTUI_bg7?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435188266


The Netherlands is a beautiful country, and I'm proud to say I have Dutch ancestry.  I always enjoy visiting there.


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Good morning to all the Dailyites.

It is a nice sunny warm day here in Bluffton, SC.

Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.

Roy, I am glad you enjoyed your cruise and sorry it ended so quickly.  Maybe you can stow away and do the next one too. LOL

I am not a fan of chocolate covered peanuts, but do like quiet and like to eat healthy foods.  I don’t always succeed in the food department, but try hard.  Over the last two years I have managed to lose about 20 pounds by watching what I eat.

I like the quote and I also like the quotes @dfish posted from MLK jr and Walter Cronkite.

I have not been to Rotterdam.

I think I will pass on the meal, but may try the drink and the wine.


I spent almost all day yesterday trying to get my act together on this cruise that we are taking beginning April 11.  We are leaving on April 5 and spending a few days in Barcelona prior to the cruise.  Then 24 days sailing on the Nautica.  And finally 8 days in Rome before we return home.

There are so many ports that we have not ever visited and due to all the craziness in our lives this past summer, coupled with the uncertainty of COVID, I didn’t do much planning.  Now it is time to do it all in a hurry.  Since we do not take ship tours, I am really behind the eight ball in this situation.

Today I will do more work on this.  Barcelona and Rome are set, having been to both places a number of times.  However, the Canary Islands, Gibraltar, Cartagena, Palma de Mallorca and the Algarve and Tangier are all new.


The news in the Ukraine is so disturbing.  My prayers for the people there.  They do not deserve this and I don’t know what can be done to stop Putin. I’m not sure anyone knows.  It is making the whole world tense. 


My prayers for everyone on the cares list.  @smitty34877, I hope Tana does okay at her appointment and is able to get some resolution. @kazu prayers for you and Jose.  @StLouisCruisershope you are feeling better and your niece is recovering.

If I missed anyone, I’m sorry.

Cheers to those celebrating.

Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,



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2 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Have an offer from HAL on our upcoming cruise, offering us Club Orange for 25 dollars a day per person, is this a good deal? We have never tried Orange before.

We have tried Club Orange on several ships. My opinion is that its value varies depending on the class of ship. On the Pinnacle Class ships, I think it is a good value. The seperate dinning room makes a big difference. On other ships, the only real advantage is the upgrade so its value is not as clear.


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Good morning everyone, thanks for the good wishes. DH procedure was scheduled for 9 am today and I got to the hospital at 8:30 so I could see him before. When I got here I was told it was rescheduled for 11:30 and I couldn't go in until visiting hours starting at 10. So I'm sitting outside waiting to be granted access. Thank goodness I'm in So Florida and don't have to deal with the terrible weather so many of you are experiencing.

It seems that the procedure will be done today, the waiting and lack of timely communication is the most stressful part of all of this. I'm glad this daily exists, I appreciate the support.

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59 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:


Double O Ten Martini.  Belvedere, Ten O Tanquery and a splash of Grand Marnier. 🍸


The 0010 is a fine Martini! I plan on having a few on the Nieuw Statendam in a few weeks. I might even make one at home this weekend...

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39 minutes ago, kb4683 said:


👏🏼 Thank you for posting this - the 0010 is our all time favorite on a BHB.  We board NS on 3/6 and I have been checking out all the menus I can find and have not seen the 0010 listed ☹️.  Is that pic from the Ocean Bar?

Rolling Stone Bar. We heard someone ask for it in CO and we asked our waiter to make it. Best bar in the ship when you can find it open and the band isn't playing IMO.  Probably available in most bars.  Cheers! 


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Good morning all!

We have heavy frost this morning, but I'm happy to see we're heading for a warming trend -- up to the low 50's F by the weekend.  So hopefully last night was the last night I have to cover my planters.


I love chocolate covered anything, including peanuts.  Other than when the grandchildren are here, our house is quiet most days, and we try to eat right (emphasis on *try*) 😄 I love all NZ wines and have most likely had this one too.  Have been to Rotterdam at least once, I remember we did the Splash Tours, it was a fun day.  I can't find my photos...  Will pass on the meal, the drink sounds good (I love basil in anything). 


We now have 3 estimates for installing A/C and now just need to find out who can do it soonest.  Unfortunately everyone is so booked up it could be August before it's done!  One company said they could do it in a month, but their cost is $3000-4000 more than the others. 


DS called yesterday with some very surprising and not good news.  Right after signing the closing papers on their new house, the realtors and seller were slapped with a law suit. Their realtor said he's never seen anything like it.   Apparently this person has a "reputation" for law suits and being a jerk in general.  This really puts a crimp in DS and DDIL's plans, not to mention cost.  Their rental is up in April, so if things aren't resolved (and most likely won't be) they'll have to find another rental. Plus they already had someone lined up to start renovating today and had to cancel that.   So they're counter-suing.  Oh my....


@smitty34877I hope Tana's visit with the pulmonologist brings some encouraging news.

@Sea Viewergood that your DH is having his procedure done -- I'm surprised nobody called to let you know that the time was rescheduled!  It sounds like someone dropped the ball.


Prayers for all on the care list and especially the people of Ukraine.



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Back home about an hour ago.  About 2 hours from my number called to my door step including stops at Burger King for skim milk and coffee and one grocery store.  Just finished a home covid test, negative.



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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. The iceman cometh again and the trees front steps and sidewalks  are ice covered. The temperatures  will rise as the day goes on so it should be much better soon.Our first dog walk was done by DSIL,thank goodness.


Yikes, please be careful with the ice.  Glad you have someone doing the driving for Tana 👍 


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

She remains on continuous  oxygen  and has had some issues especially  at night.I hope the Doc has some encouraging  news for her.


I pray the doctor has very encouraging news for Tana 🙏🏻 


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Since I didn't hear anything from my brother yesterday I asked my twin if she had heard anything, and she said no.  We're hoping no news is good news.  But I think we will have to ask later today and find out if Jen is doing better or not.  I know he is depressed and worried about her and we don't want to add to his stress. 



I truly hope you find that no news is good news 🙏🏻. Keeping Jen in my prayers and hoping for improvement for her.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Today I will do more work on this.  Barcelona and Rome are set, having been to both places a number of times.  However, the Canary Islands, Gibraltar, Cartagena, Palma de Mallorca and the Algarve and Tangier are all new.


Terri, I have used a good guide in Gibraltar (John Lopez - Gibraltar Rock tours) had one selected for Casablanca (until the port got cancelled) and IIRC they do Tangier as well (Siroco Tours).  Cartagena is easy to explore on your own if you don’t mind walking. I don’t usually do HAL tours either but they are offering one which sounds very intriguing (especially if you have the shore excursion perk) - Convents of Murcia & Culinary Traditions.


Murcia is gorgeous.  Just in case this is of any help to you.


16 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

DS called yesterday with some very surprising and not good news.  Right after signing the closing papers on their new house, the realtors and seller were slapped with a law suit. Their realtor said he's never seen anything like it.   Apparently this person has a "reputation" for law suits and being a jerk in general.  This really puts a crimp in DS and DDIL's plans, not to mention cost. 


Wow!  What a disappointing complication.  I hope it can get straightened out in time for their rental expiry 🤞 


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Morning all and thanks for the daily. Hugs, prayers, and best wishes to those on the care list. Jovial yeehaws for those celebrating. 


Yet another gloomy, drizzly, cold day here in Nashville.. beginning to sound like a broken record but really.. never ever ever come to Nashville in February. When we win the lotto, we will spend the entire month elsewhere every year. :classic_tongue:


Mil took yet another fall (nothing broken) the day before we came home from St Maarten and has been in the hospital and rehad since. She is being treated for Parkinsons though the diagnosis has yet to arrive. They can't diagnose her at the hospital, only in a neurologist office? I don't know. It is all so stupid, it hurts my brain.


Oh well, but she has FINALLY (after much wailing and gnashing of teeth) acquiesced to assisted living, hooray!! And the place is really lovely and convenient. This means we can visit more often and she will no longer be in danger living alone. I am sooo thankful. So we are in the mad rush to get that set up, get her furniture, clothes, housewares, etc together, sign papers, get her house secured, bills paid, mail set up, banking fixed, the list seems endless. I am point person but with a 4 year old to take care of and an elderly mom myself and only my overworked husband and 20 year old son who works 50+ hours a week to rely on, I'm feeling overwhelmed. But the light is at the end of this tunnel, "Just keep swimming!!" 


So here is a last installment of lovely St Maarten/Martin. We are so looking forwards to going back for another extended visit. 


(Orient Beach, Friar's Bay Beach, Mullet Beach, Cupecoy Beach at Sunset, Lunch at Tropicana on the Marina in Marigot: Chilled Carrot Ginger Soup with Shrimp, Crab Parfait, Sole Meuniere, Banana Crusted Snapper, the Marina itself still recovering from Irma and Covid shutdown, a farewell plate of French goodies and wine on our patio overlooking Cupecoy) 











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23 minutes ago, kazu said:

Terri, I have used a good guide in Gibraltar (John Lopez - Gibraltar Rock tours) had one selected for Casablanca (until the port got cancelled) and IIRC they do Tangier as well (Siroco Tours).  Cartagena is easy to explore on your own if you don’t mind walking. I don’t usually do HAL tours either but they are offering one which sounds very intriguing (especially if you have the shore excursion perk) - Convents of Murcia & Culinary Traditions.


Jacqui, thank you. I know about the Rock tour.  The roll call is pathetic.  I have some thing for Tangier with another on the roll call.  

I am not on a HAL cruise, but on the Nautica, so a HAL tour won’t work.  We will probably DIY in Cartagena.

Just a lot of work in a short time.

Thanks for your help.

Hope things are improving on your end.


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2 hours ago, jimgev said:

We have tried Club Orange on several ships. My opinion is that its value varies depending on the class of ship. On the Pinnacle Class ships, I think it is a good value. The seperate dinning room makes a big difference. On other ships, the only real advantage is the upgrade so its value is not as clear.


Thanks for the heads up, will probably take a pass.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Good morning, all! Chocolate covered peanuts are always welcome here. Today’s quote is one of my all time favourites from here. Thank you, Rich! I’ve never had the meal, although I’ve enjoyed a fair amount of pickled salmon and herring over the years. We’ve also never been to today’s port, and appreciate the pictures.

Today is our last day in La Quinta. We leave early tomorrow morning, and get home on Monday. That happens to be the first day Canada accepts the Rapid Antigen test to cross the border. We have appointments booked in Bellingham, and will have lunch and do some shopping while waiting for the results. Then we hope someone told the border agent we get that the new rules have kicked in. And that the results are negative, of course.

My thoughts are with @kazu , hoping the best for yourself, Jose, and Marley; @smitty34877 with prayers for Tana; @StLouisCruisers with prayers for Jen’s recovery; @aliaschief for an easy fix to the stomach pain, and all else in our Daily family that need extra strength right now. Special prayers for those with relatives in the Ukraine. This feels so much like late Feb./ early March 2020 as rumours of a global wide disaster grew and we still hoped for a better outcome.

Happy, or at least a calm, Friday. It would be nice to be aboard a BHB right now, gazing at the wake!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

The only chocolate covered peanuts I like are peanut M&M's. It will be a quiet day for me. I'll try to eat right today. Interesting quote.

I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine (although it sounds good). 

I've never been to Rotterdam. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers


We didn't get ice here as it stayed just above freezing, but had rain and strong winds. I was awakened at 2:45 by my house alarm beeping (due to loss of phone line) and the power was out. It stayed off for about an hour, and went off and on quickly again around 4AM. I took my CPAP off. I have a battery backup but it was downstairs, and with very mild OSA I am ok without it. Then woke up to a flare of uveitis in my right eye, with redness and light sensitivity. I'm putting in drops hourly. Sigh.


@rafinmd I'm sure you're sad to disembark, but hope you had a great time; I'm glad you're home safely and had a negative test (will you take another in a few days?).

@kazu Prayers for Jose, you and Marley.

@cat shepard Trekkie here. Thanks for the memes.

@msmayor I'm glad you made it there safely. Now to wait for the exciting event!

@Sea Viewer I hope your DH is doing well and his procedure today goes smoothly. Bad communication isn't cool.

@smitty34877 So great to have the help getting Tana to her appointment. I hope the Pulmonologist can do something to make her more comfortable.

@StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Jen and the family during this stressful time. 

@Cruising-along Oh no on DS's seller and realtor being sued. What is this person suing about?

@fatcat04 Sorry to hear MIL fell, but thankfully nothing broken! Good that she's agreed to assisted living, where she'll be safer than living alone.

@aliaschief Sorry to hear this, and I hope you get an answer for your symptoms.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Safe travels.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and for the brave Russians protesting.

Stay safe everyone.


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Good morning and thanks all!  Love chocolate covered cranberries!
We really enjoyed Rotterdam,  DS had a show at the Witt de Witt there. We enjoyed the modern city and visit to Kinderdijk as well as the amazing restaurants.  We also will never forget sailing out of Rotterdam on the Rotterdam,  and bring serenaded by the locals at sea!  A fabulous city to visit with easy access to Delft, The Hague…. Thanks Sandi for the photos.


Welcome home @rafinmd, although I’ll miss the good food pics! 
@summer slope interesting drink! 
@smitty34877hope Tana gets some good news! 

continued prayers for Ukraine! 



@Sea Viewersending you good thoughts, waiting is so hard!

@Cruising-along yikes on that AC,  did you try the big box?  We had great luck with them.   So strange and difficult for your DS. 

@fatcat04 hope your MIL gets settled, always a tough transition! 


27 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

I’m spending my day in a hospital ER being worked up for stomach pain.


Life’s fine moments.

Hope they find a cause and a cure!

Edited by bennybear
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56 minutes ago, fatcat04 said:

Mil took yet another fall (nothing broken) the day before we came home from St Maarten and has been in the hospital and rehad since. She is being treated for Parkinsons though the diagnosis has yet to arrive. They can't diagnose her at the hospital, only in a neurologist office? I don't know. It is all so stupid, it hurts my brain.


I totally understand the frustration you are going through.  It seems you get bumped from one person / department over and over. 😔 


56 minutes ago, fatcat04 said:

Oh well, but she has FINALLY (after much wailing and gnashing of teeth) acquiesced to assisted living, hooray!! And the place is really lovely and convenient.



That is really good news!  It will make things so much easier 👍 


34 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

I’m spending my day in a hospital ER being worked up for stomach pain.


11 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Diverticulitis is the diagnosis. have been worse.


Glad they found the problem.  Sorry to hear the diagnosis as it means a change in the foods you can eat but thankfully, it is easily resolved most times by doing that.

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I haven't posted in a couple of days--I-pad is giving me fits.  I need a new one, but have to figure out to get it.  My computer people warned against getting it at Best Buy, and when I tried to get one while in Hawaii at the Apple Store, they didn't have any.  


My prayers for all on the Care List as well as the people of the Ukraine and Russia.  I always think of my Grandparents who always said, "What is this world coming too?"  And now I am truly living in that time!


I should be in Rotterdam in October to begin the HAL 150th Anniversary Cruise (TA to FLL).  Before that, I am currently booked on a Baltics cruise.  Just got an update this morning from HAL that the situation is being closely monitored and if a change to the itinerary occurs, they will notify.  I know that many won't go to Russia, but I am on the fence.  I disagree with the current situation completely, but St. Petersburg has always been a "bucket list" destination for me.  Just figure I will have to "wait it out."


Our weather has been crazy this week.  Had snow Wednesday and Thursday, but none was forecasted after late yesterday afternoon.Guess what was covering everything when I got up today?!!  Thank goodness, street and sidewalk are already melted.  I have plans to meet a friend for dinner in the late afternoon, so guess I can still do that!


Now that I am feeling better after COVID, I have resumed my volunteering for Red Cross.  Did a virtual meeting yesterday and have been trying to get caught up on emails and other happenings while I was gone for a month!


Take care, everyone.  Have a great rest of the day.

Mary Kay

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