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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 8th, 2022


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Good mooring from sunny central Texas.  There's not much on the agenda today, except running errands while DH is at PT.   The errands will be to drop of used towels at Paw Pals and pick up a few thangs at Wal-Mart.


Today, I''ll pass on the body paint and motorcycles.  DH had a motorcycle for several years.  There are blueberries in the refrigerator and some will go on my cereal this morning.


Today's quote is interesting and it made me smile.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.  


We've been to St. Peter Port several times, and we may have missed it once, but I'm not sure.


@dfish  Debbie, I hope your get your flights home ticketed and don't have that worry any longer.


@marshhawk  There are several ways to get euros for your trip.  You can order them from your bank and take them with you.  The ship will have euros and can exchange dollars for euros, but the exchange rate is not good.  We've found the best exchange rate is getting euros at an ATM once you are there.  A word of caution, always use an ATM at a bank, not a free standing one in a store.  If you have euros left, the ship will exchange them for dollars, but again the rate is not good.  We usually just bring them home to ise on the next trip until we can get to an ATM.  On our last trip, a woman was at Guest Services trying to exchange her euros back to dollars, and DH noticed the rate of exchange was not in her favor.  We did not have lot of euros left, so he brought her to the cabin and we exchanged our dollars for her euros at the prevailing rate.  It was a win for both of us.


@Cruise Suzy  That is also good advice your gave @marshhawk.    We also have a credit card with not exchange rate fee.  Our ATM card company refunds any ATM fees in foreign countries.


@cunnorl  The birthday celebration weekend sounds like it will be a lot of fun.  Glad you are getting help with the golf tournament, and are having the food catered.  With less work and stress, you will be able to enjoy the celebration more.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

      I love blueberries.  Never cared for motorcycles and no body paint for me!  

Never been to todays port, thanks for the pictures.  

       When we first decided to have a 50th birthday party for my nephew, it was going to be simple. Well, it grew. So I made the decision to have it catered. Luckily because it is summer, there is a caterer available on such short notice. Actually  his dad owns the restaurant and he is friend of my nephew.  I am meeting with him this afternoon.  I ordered table coverings, decorations etc from Amazon. Be here today. One of our friends is handling the golf tournament so nothing for me to do there.  All good.

         Hope everyone has a great weekend


Stay safe and enjoy today


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From the pictures I posted on December 30, 2021, we have been to St. Peter Port three times, and did not miss the port.  This is what I shared last December.


We have been to St. Peter Port three times on BHBs.  In 2004, when the Noordam III stopped, it was a overcast and dreary day.  We took a city bus that made a loop of the island, but I don't have any pictures from the bus ride.   Here a a few from our walk around the harbor.  It was very low tide when these pictures were taken






One of Noordam's tenders



We were back in St. Peter Port on the Prinsendam in 2016 and 2017.  In 2016, we walked over to the war museum and then to Castle Cornet that is in the background of the picture just above this.









in 2016, there was a lady near the museum entrance selling her book about her experiences in St. Peter Port during the war.  It was fascinating to talk to her and hear some of her stories.  I now regret that I didn't buy the book.


A couple of pictures as we walked from the museum to the castle.  The swimming area along the beach with the Prinsendam and a P&O ship in the background.





Castle Cornet









Pictures from our walks around St Peter Port.  Most were taken in 2016, but there are one or two from 2017 when we just walked into town, did a little shopping and went back to the ship.


We went in the church in the picture above..





More pictures from our walks around town.












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34 minutes ago, dfish said:

Just a note:   I fly out on Friday, July 15th for my Norway cruise.  Due to time differences I will not be doing the Meal of the Day.  It will be on hiatus until I return home on August 2nd.  Hopefully I'll return home by August 2nd.  



Debbie, I can help you with the meal of the day if you like?  


Hope you can get the flights straightened out today 🤞 


23 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

So my question today is regarding money on a cruise.  


Cruising the Caribbean, every where we have gone people accept American dollars.  But we are going to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain and Portugal.  How do we get dollars changed into Euro?  I can book the excursion here in the states, but when I'm in Italy and need cash for several days,  for tips to tour guides in other countries?  Do the ships carry a bank of foreign cash?  Do I go to certain bank in the US before I leave? 


I have decided to create a "book" of your responses, I have printed out the suggestions, ideas and knowledge that you have all shared with me about my Trip of a Lifetime (Toal)so far. And I really need  your knowledge!  The last time I was in Europe was 71, and then it was in school, and I was given my allowance weekly from the school.


Thanks, have a great day!


Euros - I watch the rate and dollar cost average them and buy some before my trip so I don’t land there without a euro to my name.  


I always need an ATM during the trip and they are easy to use.


The ship usually has euros and will exchange BUT their rates are not great.  They are working on a delay and a best guess for when they can exchange the money they are taking in.  Now, that being said - because of ATM fees ($5 for me) if I just need a very small amount of euros - like less than 50 euros - then if the ship is convenient  will use it for a nominal amount.

Otherwise - I bring with me and use ATM’s.

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12 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I know that this is not the cheapest way to do it, but it works for me.  I order Euros from my bank here in the US ahead of time.  I take mostly independent tours and they want cash at the end of the tour in Euros.  So I try to figure out the approximate amount of what I need.  Now there are others that will tell you that the best thing to do is get your Euros from an ATM because the exchange rate is better.  That is true.  My bank does not have an affiliate in Europe so if I use the ATM I have to pay a fee each time I withdraw money.  Therefore the advantageous exchange rate does me no good.  What I do is try to us credit cards as much as possible. If you have a card that does not charge an exchange fee, use that one and charge your purchase in Euros.

 Hope this helps.


+1    I do the same. Many times when going on a tour there isn't any time to look for an ATM! I am reluctant to use an ATM if it isn't inside a bank.

Thank you everyone for the Daily and Fleet report!

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St. Peter Port is loaded with history.  On our visit @sailingdutchyTony had arranged a tour where our guide took us to places and role played bringing St. Peter Port’s history to life.




DH was about to be whipped.




Mail boxes are blue




For Canadians and even the British, Sir Isaac Brock was so important in our history.  He was born here.










Stair in a number of places to get to the next level









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Good morning everyone. I love blueberries but will forgo motorcycles and body paint. We were at the port on a British Isles cruise on the Prinsendam. My brother and I went to the Museum of Occupation while DH. And DSIL had  refreshments outside. It was chilling to see for myself how the Channel Islands managed to survive WW 2. 
 Lenda, I can’t get the blue bubble to work but I wanted to say that I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the surgical procedures. I am so glad that you and DH have confidence in the doctor. Over the years I had many patients with shunts who did very well and reported a great improvement after placement. Spinal surgery  is so much more successful today than in my early years as a PT.


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Good Morning All,

Love blueberries, usually have them with my yogurt for breakfast and the past decade we’ve been able to get them fresh year round. Costco usually has a good deal. All these pictures are making me want to go to Britain even more. Maybe one of these years we’ll book with P&O and cruise the islands.


The book sounds interesting, so I found this trailer when I googled it. I think I’ll do the movie so I can see the scenery, and the clothing. 😀

I think I recognize at least 2 faces from Downton Abbey, no?

Today is clean the house day, an appointment with podiatrist and one with my car dealership for new tires. The latter I find almost unbelievable, but they are offering the exact tires my car came with at about 60% of what the tire store wants for the same model, and I really like them. I’ve put 52k miles on them. And I get a $75 rebate from Subaru. ( I’m still wondering what I’m missing here.)

Have a great day everyone!

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Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report.   Not a fan of blueberries.  I used to get my euros from the ship.  If we had less than one hundred at the end of a trip, we would take them home to wait for our next trip.  

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St. Peter Port is a tender port but a very quick ride on the little Prinsendam which could get in quite close.




Some different pics of the garden already mentioned











DH and I joined the locals in this little pub.  Very close to the harbour.














Taking a page from Roy’s @rafinmdbook with a sunset picture that day from the Prinsendam leaving St. Peter’s Port.




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5 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

The book sounds interesting, so I found this trailer when I googled it. I think I’ll do the movie so I can see the scenery, and the clothing. 😀


The book is better than the movie - but that is true for so many movies made from books 😉 

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I haven't read the book, and agree with @kazu that the books are always (in my opinion) better than the film, but that said, I loved the movie, have watched it more than 5 times, and so many pictures posted today were of places in the film.  


English films reuse actors all the time, as they must work all the time to survive...they don't get paid that much.  So yes, you will notice people in the film from Downton Abbey.


Well off to work, maybe find something ot eat before I sit down today....

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Good morning all.  Prayers for all in need.  Thoughts and prayers for the people of Japan experiencing the shooting of a former political leader.  So sad.


Got a call last night that we can now go to visit DSIL at rehab tomorrow.  Covid protocols seem to have lessened.  So that is our Saturday plan. This will require total transportation time of about 5 hours.

Have been to St Peter’s Port on QM2 a number of years ago.  I have a set of silver plated dessert spoons purchased at a street fair that was happening.  They cost about $20 and I remember being glad I had enough British pounds with me for the purchase.  

Have a great weekend and stay safe.


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I have a story about ATM for European currency.  We arrived in Amsterdam and my friend who was a travel agent pulled out her Amex Gold card to get cash.  At that time AMEX was not supported well in Europe.  This problem carried through for most of our trip thankfully we were on a cruise.  


The pork shoulders turned out great although I ran out of charcoal in the grill so the largest one went into the oven for another 90 minutes.  They pulled apart easily but it was a long day starting the grill at 5am and last pork butt pulled at 7.  I had a nip of bourbon and crashed at 8.  Party with fireworks tonight. 


Thanks for the Daily Reports.  Prayers for the people of Ukraine, those who are battling illness and their families supporting them.  


I found my Loon pics when working with other photos.  I am glad they were found. He only visits and puts on a show about once a summer. 





loon 62222 resized.JPG

loon 2 62222b   resized.JPG

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Oh honey, if you're going to paint my body, you're going to need a big wide roller.  LOL  Like others, I enjoy blueberries in my yogurt in the morning, sometimes with a spoonful of granola in there as well.  In between DH's first and last marriages, he had a motorcycle.  One day the guys decided to head to a hilly area south of the city where of course, he took a great spill and broke his ankle which still bothers him even today. 


Sad news out of Japan this morning with the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.  Because our daughter-in-law and her family are from Japan, we are more keenly attuned to news from there. 


We had a line of thunderstorms roll through here last night.  DH got up at around 12:30 and closed all the windows on the deck while the thunder rumbled loudly.  The sound of the rain on the house just lulled me to sleep and I didn't hear much after he returned to bed, but according to reports, the storm lasted about 4 hours.  Temps are supposed to head up to +29 today, so with the humidity (which is rare for here), it will be quite uncomfortable for some.


Not a fan of today's drink - am I the only person who doesn't like bourbon or rye? 


@kazuyou deserved to treat yourself yesterday -  there's always somewhere you can put a plant!

@StLouisCruisersI'm glad that Buddy is able to spend his final days in a familiar place, surrounded by those he loves.  It isn't surprising he's sleeping more, as the meds provided by hospice give relief from the pain and let his body relax.  My prayers are with him, his family, and all who love him.

@HAL Saileryou have a great attitude regarding your DH's health,  I really admire that.

@Quartzsite Cruiserhopefully your DH will be able to get his procedure done sooner rather than later so he can be more comfortable.

@marshhawkwe order Euros from our credit union (as much as a few months in advance so they can get them in) and take them with us.  I always get enough so that we can pay for our tours and incidentals along the way.  Only once did I have to use an ATM in Spain, but I did make sure it was at a bank, rather than in a public place like a bar or restaurant.  Also, let your bank know you'll be traveling (when and where) so that they don't put a hold on your card in the event that you need to use it a few times.


I've had today's menu suggestion when we were in Thailand in 2019; it was quite spicy, but a nice change from what we normally have at home.  I won't be making it for dinner tonight (DH didn't care for it) because I see there are lots of peppers and onions that should be used up.  I'm thinking it's going to be beef fajitas for us on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance to them.  We'll salute all on the happy list, especially those on BHB's by raising our glasses tonight.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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I am enjoying all the pictures of today's port.  It is a lovely place to walk around and relax, especially on a sunny day.  It always amazes me that even in a smaller port, we all find different things to do and different things to photograph besides the main attractions.  Even if I've been to a port before, I always see something I missed and want to see next time.


@rafinmd  Welcome home, Roy.  I hope disembarkation and the  trip home are both easy.


@smitty34877  Thank you, Terry for the information about patients you've seen that did well after the shunt.  Any improvement from the shunt placement will be a game changer.  We're still waiting for the hospital in Dallas to call with an appointment time for the first visit.  The surgeon is using a new procedure for spinal fusion that does not use metal screws.  It was approved by the FDA in 2021.  We hope we don't have a long wait, but as I mentioned yesterday, in order for Medicare approval, there are certain steps and tests the surgeon must take before surgery.  I'm hoping that both doctors can go through those steps concurrently.  Then it will be the shunt, recovery and the spinal surgery.  BTW, sometimes the blue bubble seems to go on strike or the CC gremlins hide it.  🤣


@TiogaCruiser  That is a good deal on the tires.  When you asked what you were missing, I thought of the saying "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."  Just enjoy getting such a good deal.


@ottahand7  I'm glad the pork shoulders turned out so well.


@ger_77  Gerry, the advice to let the bank know where you are traveling is good advice.  We also inform our credit card companies.  For I last cruise, the cc companies said the travel advisory was not longer necessary as they monitor the cards 24/7.  I'm not sure how that helps when the cards are used in foreign countries.  Then again, unless it's a tour, car rental or large purchase that requires a credit card, we mainly use cash overseas.


I also want to thank everyone for their kind words and positive stories about DH's problems and their solutions.  It is so nice to have a supportive family to turn to in times of trouble or joy.






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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

But we are going to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain and Portugal.  How do we get dollars changed into Euro?  I can book the excursion here in the states, but when I'm in Italy and need cash for several days,  for tips to tour guides in other countries? 


The easiest way is just to use a bank ATM, preferably with a card from a bank here that doesn't charge a foreign-transaction fee. For the Greek islands cruise in May, I got 300 Euros in the Vienna airport, which I transited on the way to Athens. I still have some; my next trip is to Denmark and Norway, which aren't Eurozone countries, but I may be able to spend the leftover Euros in the Amsterdam airport. If not I'll have them for the Spanish Farewell in 2023.


Turkey is not a Eurozone country, and you can tip tour guides there with USD or Euros, whichever you have. The few purchases I made in Turkey were on cards.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I'll post some photos of St. Peter Port, Guernsey.  These were from May, 2019 on the Prinsendam.  We were also there in Sept. 2018 also on Prinsendam and May, 2015 on Royal Princess.


The view from the ship and tender ride.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKpVyrMw0HDcpoCJoKIE1g0?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558785781


The Castle Cornet, an old harbor fortress.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLdm-D3C5lilf4RcYPxiKKn?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558785791


Your view as you leave the tender pier.  Salem Church00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJgP-aEvbh8NZ-NT7Gl3db9?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558785821




Cute signs around town, but the second one needed a proofreader.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLzjy7JyNjWToVyVcTDDbwB?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558785845


You'd thiink they'd get the island name correct.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKTAyegO_tR1Vd97jt272A9?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558785855


Taken from the lawn at Candie Gardens, our beloved Prinsendam in the distance.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI27DJ7eiNC4vgDkODGi5_b?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558785853




There's always something blooming there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLainW8v19Fm29JUxMq1aC9?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558793812




Our journey down the hill and one of the charming streets.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJixx2DoIEiRYtYdC1qeKx8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558793816








Sunset on the Prinsendam that day, May 5, 2019, taken through the dining room window.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKPRWELrKn7pDnpnDAOWnxv?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1558785876


On prior visits we visited other places around town so I'll check for some photos from then.  I always enjoy this particular port and have been lucky to be able to tender in each visit due to decent weather.  Not always true unfortunately for some cruisers.


The September 14, 2018 stop at St. Peter Port on Prinsendam started out sunny but clouds arrived shortly after we got to shore.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIoGcXuz6Q2Pz0E4WOsl-sP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525042


From the pier we turned left and walked towards the La Valette bathing pools near the Underground Military Museum.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLFdYiuZuxOLkXHvva3umiX?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525079








I'd be a little worried about bathing near those rocks, though.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLyDdv9Q48lvNWKXpkmtz71?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538560917


A nice view from over here though.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLShK5_QsVvTinCMN9nm5Mi?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525134


We popped our heads into the Underground Military Museum but didn't want to spend our time underground so didn't go any farther than the entrance.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIasv2pnB940GCH8nvZ-xW4?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525154


The people of Guernsey were under German occupation during WWII.  I've read the novel that describes the occupation twice now, and really enjoyed it.  It's called "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.  I highly recommend it.  You'll understand the title when you get into the book.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJjeBmFs58M3R0ZxY1yatLp?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525153




This port is a hilly one and on this second time here we found these stairs to move up to a different street.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKbDCgi06LRya6YwT6GKYgF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538560933


From the top looking down.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJc5UhOJEaDiOeVFZPacIsI?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525337


Someone's gate which I find unique.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLyw0LfllRyPvg_S5SAEzwi?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525336


Their view00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIdB888W_Uo7NpaNGAn_h2B?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525347


Look at this private property, called Grange Court.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIa975PrXUNl42y5ReLGNk2?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525358


Some lovely residences.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJljDQ4TKjJ7Esm1f6CSPeQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525381


Our next stop was Victoria Tower which was erected in honor of a visit by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1846.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJgK4mmq_6oEcBzEUCNTGg5?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538560953




Interesting that they let you borrow the key to go inside.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL2R0QU2QddqOi0lRAw1WCn?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538525409


The cannon is one of two German WWI cannons buried as the second WW approached in 1940 so that the invading German forces would think the island wasn't fortified.  The two German cannons were excavated in 1978 and are back on display in the garden there.



Next we walked through the Candie Cemetery (which runs alongside the Candie Gardens). 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLNr_Fz4Q-j0Zb7E624bqOV?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538560960




Back to the ship!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLTqtvXoU9t9BbMuvU5iwre?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538560970


There's always lots to see here!


Great photos Sandi.

You capture St Peter port perfectly.


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1 hour ago, dfish said:

I fly out on Friday, July 15th for my Norway cruise.  Due to time differences I will not be doing the Meal of the Day.  It will be on hiatus until I return home on August 2nd.  Hopefully I'll return home by August 2nd. 

Hi Debbie-

I can help out with the recipes while you are on vacation.  You do such an excellent job,  the variety of recipes and your insightful comments.  I am a bit nervous but I will do my best if you would like me to fill in.

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National Motorcycle Day?  I just had to post.

The love of my life.   I have owned and been involved with motorcycles since I was 16 (long time ago!) Luckily I have only suffered minor injuries - abrasions, gravel rash, broken left pinkie and a fractured skull. My job for the last 50 years brought me into constant contact with bikes.  I loved every moment!

@marshhawk ATM's,  are the way to go.  However, depending on how much you need in euros, one suggestion would be to check out your roll call for any Europeans travelling who may want dollars for daily Hotel Service Charge or who may be planning an imminent trip to USA.  I have done similar on Roll Call tours and transfers where I have booked the transfer and paid in euros for a group and they have paid me in USD or CAD.

Remember that Turkey is not euro.  Most places will accept euro or dollars but at a very poor exchange rate.   Beware of the ship's exchange rate.  It is not exchange, but robbery.

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2 hours ago, 0106 said:

I would love to visit today’s port and look forward to the pictures.  I became intrigued with the Channel Islands when I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's a traditional love story but also, it is the story of a small island community composed of very disparate people who came together during the German occupation of World War II to protect, comfort, and in some cases, save one another.

I really like that book.



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I really liked the book too!  And blueberries are my favorite fruit!


I usually get any needed foreign currency from atms using card without fees, and keep any leftover for future trips.  I have found that on ship they have smaller denominations that they will trade you if you find you have big ones from atms.

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Good morning! We enjoyed our whale watching tour yesterday with a PhD Marine Biologist who has been studying these particular whales for years. They all had names and history. We also visited Foul Weather Lookout which was named by Captain Cook in 1788. The Devils Bowl was a dramatic sight as it was formed by lava over 15 million years ago.


We returned home to a steak dinner, some great wine and a beautiful sunset.


Today’s hiking day a two of us grandpa’s are staying home to take care of granddaughter which should be an adventure.


Thanks for the Fleet Report. Have a great day.



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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Debbie, I can help you with the meal of the day if you like?  


Hope you can get the flights straightened out today 🤞 



16 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Hi Debbie-

I can help out with the recipes while you are on vacation.  You do such an excellent job,  the variety of recipes and your insightful comments.  I am a bit nervous but I will do my best if you would like me to fill in.


Thank you to both of you for your kind offers.   Maybe one of you would like to do the first week and the other the second week?    Email me so we can decide how we want to do this and I can send you the list of meals for the dates in question.    My email is dsilverstein at neo dot rr dot com.   Put Meal of the Day in the subject line and I'll know it isn't spam.   


Thanks again.

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