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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 21st, 2022


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Good hot and sunny morning. It’s another day of feeling like I’m living in the jungle. The worse is yet to come, Saturday 98 and Sunday 99. 
I have an appointment for the nerve test this morning and a follow up appointment with the hand Dr on August 3rd. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. 🙏❤️🎉

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Good morning friends!  We are waiting for the thunderstorms to arrive here that Ann @marshhawkalready has.  The weather says 10 am and onward, so I hope we don't lose power today too.  That would mean no TV, no internet, and no fan on me!  I have my compression socks on again today.  Yesterday I wore them from 8 am to 9 pm but still woke up in pain this morning.  I guess I am not allowed to lie down for 7 or 8 hours without paying the price.  


Thanks Rich for our Daily and Fleet Report.  I hope I can be someone (special) today.  We do eat our fair share of junk food, mostly potato chips.  Cheers to all the dogs today.  I wish I could share DD's Instagram photo from yesterday of Sadie but I don't know how to copy it without her Instagram info along with it. Anyway, Sadie has had all her shots so they thought they'd take her for her first walk outside her own back yard.  On with the harness.  DD carried her outside to the front sidewalk and put her down.  She refused to move and plopped down on the grass with a look like I've never seen before on her.  She was either horrified or terrified.  All I can say is good luck with this little girl - she has a long way to go in her training!


The chicken pesto meatball recipes look very good.  I would eat any of them.  Thanks Tina @0106.  Today's port of Avalon, California has not been listed on here before.  I haven't taken a California coastal cruise stopping there nor visited it while living out there in the early 80's.  Thank you for the photos in advance!


Thanks to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  I hope I will have good soccer results to report for the Celebration list tomorrow.  That game isn't until 6 pm so it will be much later today when I report back.  Prayers for all our Dailyites and families who need them.  Cheers to the celebrants and many cruisers. @aliaschiefBruce, I hope you and Sue have a great trip. Be safe!  Ann @marshhawksorry to hear your reaction to the booster was so harsh.  I hope today is a lot better one for you.  Once again, happy birthday wishes to Sharon's DH @Sharon in AZ.  Good wishes to @bennybearBrenda's DH for his surgery today.  @grapau27 Graham the mall reminds me of the one we often walk through in Greenock, Scotland.  Yum, the pizza looks so good!  Pauline looks stunning as usual.  


DS is sending me all kinds of instructions on how to live stream this evening's game.  Wish me luck because this looks like I need an IT expert to get me there!


Have a good day everyone!

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Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

       Nice collection of days. I do enjoy some junk food but really try to limit it. Todays meal looks interesting. 

       It is quiet around here right now . Not too much going on. 

  I plan to take DD shopping today. One of our department stores is having a sale on those " drop over your head" dresses. They are comfortable and cool and easy for me to get on and off her. Going to get a few for our upcoming trip.

  @Heartgrove Safe travels and enjoy the wedding

     @Sharon in AZ A very Happy Birthday to Craig! Hope he enjoys his day

   @aliaschief Have a wonderful trip !


 Stay safe and enjoy today

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An early good morning from sunny central Texas.  I need to make a quick trip to the grocery store and want to get there and back before it gets too hot.


We'll celebrate the day of the dog in memory of our two dachshunds.  We celebrated junk food day yesterday with hot dogs and chili cheese Fritos last night.  Now the Fritos are the only junk food in the house.  I try to be someone every day.


An interesting quote today.


We'll pass on the meal (I don't like meatballs) and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but very pricey.


We were in Avalon on Catalina Island in March on Koningsdam.


@Sharon in AZ  🎂 HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY, CRAIG! 🥂

@bennybear  Brenda, sending good wishes that your DH's surgery today goes well, and that they get all of the melanoma easily.

@aliaschief  Safe and sane travels today.

@smitty34877  Terry, cute picture of Fred.

@marshhawk  Glad you are feeling better today.

@cat shepard  Great meme the girls picked out.

@grapau27  Pauline looks lovely as usual.

@Heartgrove  Safe travels tomorrow.  Enjoy the wedding.

@StLouisCruisers  Good luck wishes to the Tigers tonight.


We were in Avalon on March 25 and again on March 28.  It was a sunny, pleasant day on the first stop and windy, rainy with rough seas on March 28.  We only went in on the first visit, and we rented a golf cart for a quick tour of the island.


The walk from the tender dock and their Veterans memorial.





Starting our golf cart ride.



Looking down at Avalon from the hilltop viewpoint.



We passed the pet cemetery



The Casino, which we did not have time to visit since we only had the golf cart for an hour.





DH dropped me off at one end of the pedestrian street while he took the golf cart to the other end.









The Wrigley house on the hill top.  We drove by it on our golf cart ride, but this is a better picture.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I think I'll be myself today; it's too hard trying to be anyone else.  Junk food has always had a little space in our pantry.  Yay for everyone who has dogs and who train them to act appropriately around people.   I've got a weird sense of humour, so immediately laughed at today's quote.  Would anyone like to offer me a teaspoon full of today's wine; I think that's all I could afford!


Wow, I've been away for 4 days and have a lot of catching up to do!  We spent a wonderful time with our friends at their cottage at the lake where, along with their 2 daughters and sons-in-laws, they treated us like royalty.  We ate, we drank, we fished, and we floated.  We had an assortment of marine conveyances from which to choose:  kayak, canoe, rowboat, motorboat, motorized raft, pontoon boat, and catamaran.  We ultimately went out on the motorized raft (all 8 of us sitting in lawn chairs - what a hoot!) and 4 of us went fishing with the motorboat.   Here's our catch of the day - 15 walleye (pickerel) after only a couple of hours on the lake.



I was hoping to be able to post a bit from the lake, but they don't have wi-fi, and the cell phone service is such that you have to hike up the hill and stand with your arm outstretched in order to get a signal.  In an emergency, they would drive up the hill, but I didn't need to post that badly.  I was able to post on FB a couple of times, but that was about all the service I could get.  Whenever I tried CC, I enjoyed seeing the blue circle of death until it timed out.


Here's the gorgeous sunset we were treated to on our first night - now bear in mind this photo is unretouched, I simply pointed my iPhone and clicked it.  There are no filters to enhance colour or anything.  It was absolutely spectacular.



I see @marshhawkhas had a bad time with her latest vaccination - sorry to hear that; I hope you're better today.

@bennybearif memory serves me correctly, today is your DH's surgery; please wish him well for me and know I'll be praying for a good outcome.

@Sharon in AZplease wish Craig a very Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement as well.


I'm sure I've missed some - if anyone has had a birthday, anniversary, or other celebration, please know I'd be happy to celebrate with you.  For those who have had hardship, I'm sorry, and know you've all been in my heart.


Yesterday when DH woke up his calves and ankles were very swollen, so on the way home I called our PCP and was able to get him in for a late afternoon appointment.  He's now on a diuretic and informs me he counted and was up 17 times during the night.  LOL  The doctor didn't think it was a DVT, likely a combination the heat and his blood pressure meds, but has ordered an ultrasound, and blood test, so we'll see how those turn out.  It's always something, isn't it?


Today we're back to the real world, so it's time to get the laundry started and check to see what's needed from the grocery store.  I like today's menu suggestion, but I think we'll be having something simple like smokies done on the barbecue and a nice crisp green salad that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


The sunset from our last night at the lake.




Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are helping them.  We'll clink the glasses together to salute all on the celebration list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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33 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I think I'll be myself today; it's too hard trying to be anyone else.  Junk food has always had a little space in our pantry.  Yay for everyone who has dogs and who train them to act appropriately around people.   I've got a weird sense of humour, so immediately laughed at today's quote.  Would anyone like to offer me a teaspoon full of today's wine; I think that's all I could afford!


Wow, I've been away for 4 days and have a lot of catching up to do!  We spent a wonderful time with our friends at their cottage at the lake where, along with their 2 daughters and sons-in-laws, they treated us like royalty.  We ate, we drank, we fished, and we floated.  We had an assortment of marine conveyances from which to choose:  kayak, canoe, rowboat, motorboat, motorized raft, pontoon boat, and catamaran.  We ultimately went out on the motorized raft (all 8 of us sitting in lawn chairs - what a hoot!) and 4 of us went fishing with the motorboat.   Here's our catch of the day - 15 walleye (pickerel) after only a couple of hours on the lake.



I was hoping to be able to post a bit from the lake, but they don't have wi-fi, and the cell phone service is such that you have to hike up the hill and stand with your arm outstretched in order to get a signal.  In an emergency, they would drive up the hill, but I didn't need to post that badly.  I was able to post on FB a couple of times, but that was about all the service I could get.  Whenever I tried CC, I enjoyed seeing the blue circle of death until it timed out.


Here's the gorgeous sunset we were treated to on our first night - now bear in mind this photo is unretouched, I simply pointed my iPhone and clicked it.  There are no filters to enhance colour or anything.  It was absolutely spectacular.



I see @marshhawkhas had a bad time with her latest vaccination - sorry to hear that; I hope you're better today.

@bennybearif memory serves me correctly, today is your DH's surgery; please wish him well for me and know I'll be praying for a good outcome.

@Sharon in AZplease wish Craig a very Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement as well.


I'm sure I've missed some - if anyone has had a birthday, anniversary, or other celebration, please know I'd be happy to celebrate with you.  For those who have had hardship, I'm sorry, and know you've all been in my heart.


Yesterday when DH woke up his calves and ankles were very swollen, so on the way home I called our PCP and was able to get him in for a late afternoon appointment.  He's now on a diuretic and informs me he counted and was up 17 times during the night.  LOL  The doctor didn't think it was a DVT, likely a combination the heat and his blood pressure meds, but has ordered an ultrasound, and blood test, so we'll see how those turn out.  It's always something, isn't it?


Today we're back to the real world, so it's time to get the laundry started and check to see what's needed from the grocery store.  I like today's menu suggestion, but I think we'll be having something simple like smokies done on the barbecue and a nice crisp green salad that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


The sunset from our last night at the lake.




Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are helping them.  We'll clink the glasses together to salute all on the celebration list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Beautiful  pictures, thanks.

I hope DH feels better soon.17 times,oh my.Glad you got in to see the Doc right away.

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We were happy to help daughter, son in law and grandchildren pack for their move to their new home. We thought that we worked hard, when the moving company arrived we saw the real hard work! The new home is charming, with mountain and water views,  and 2(!) little free libraries on their block. After offering a bit of ‘unpacking help’ we returned to the cabin on Whidbey Island. While not the same as travel on a bhb, we always enjoy the ferry ride to Whidbey. Looking forward to a few days of reading and rest! A0564381-030F-4D57-8C9C-FEFFB565A9EB.thumb.jpeg.6a71b6738ff1e6865b49df6b3c8f7f58.jpeg2FC479B4-3620-45C9-B1FF-D12E90BF89D9.thumb.jpeg.084eafde47d8cffc89ad6144807244ed.jpeg

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Good morning all. Not much news here. Still waiting to hear about the house offer. It was promised no rain for a few days but so far they have been wrong every day. Lightning and thunder comes for about three hours every day but not at the same time. It would be easier to plan around if it was always say an afternoon shower. It may have rained alot in the Northwest but the difference is there its like a shower, and down here its like someone turned the garden hose on you full force. Just have to get used to our new home. Best to everyone.

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

An early good morning from sunny central Texas.  I need to make a quick trip to the grocery store and want to get there and back before it gets too hot.


We'll celebrate the day of the dog in memory of our two dachshunds.  We celebrated junk food day yesterday with hot dogs and chili cheese Fritos last night.  Now the Fritos are the only junk food in the house.  I try to be someone every day.


An interesting quote today.


We'll pass on the meal (I don't like meatballs) and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but very pricey.


We were in Avalon on Catalina Island in March on Koningsdam.


@Sharon in AZ  🎂 HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY, CRAIG! 🥂

@bennybear  Brenda, sending good wishes that your DH's surgery today goes well, and that they get all of the melanoma easily.

@aliaschief  Safe and sane travels today.

@smitty34877  Terry, cute picture of Fred.

@marshhawk  Glad you are feeling better today.

@cat shepard  Great meme the girls picked out.

@grapau27  Pauline looks lovely as usual.

@Heartgrove  Safe travels tomorrow.  Enjoy the wedding.

@StLouisCruisers  Good luck wishes to the Tigers tonight.


We were in Avalon on March 25 and again on March 28.  It was a sunny, pleasant day on the first stop and windy, rainy with rough seas on March 28.  We only went in on the first visit, and we rented a golf cart for a quick tour of the island.


The walk from the tender dock and their Veterans memorial.





Starting our golf cart ride.



Looking down at Avalon from the hilltop viewpoint.



We passed the pet cemetery



The Casino, which we did not have time to visit since we only had the golf cart for an hour.





DH dropped me off at one end of the pedestrian street while he took the golf cart to the other end.









The Wrigley house on the hill top.  We drove by it on our golf cart ride, but this is a better picture.





Love the  photos.


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Morning update, back from the nerve test and this Dr says I have carpal tunnel and possibly some other nerve issues, he’s not sure about Parkinson’s. No one seems to be in agreement with each other. Now waiting for Verizion tech to fix landline, on their way. Already confirmed it is their issue. 
Stay cool.

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Good morning. It will be another hot and dry day here. Supposedly relief is on the way Sunday. I will believe it when the raindrops fall. Love the meal of the day in all its variations. And certainly I always celebrate dogs. Monty is settling in although he still is terribly shy. However, he has started some serious people training.....I suspect he considers me a slow learner. I have not been to today's destination.


Don't know the outcome of the baby bird thing.... yesterday after the nest fell and the second baby was on the porch I just left everything alone and several hours later, baby was gone. Parents are not hanging around and I have disposed of the terribly messy, dirty, ugly nest. All of the people who have cats in our immediate area keep them in, so I hope parents and babies have just moved on.


Everyone take care. I was supposed to get my hair cut and a pedicure this morning, but the appointment was cancelled. Will try for next week.














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Good morning all!

Another beautiful day in the PNW.  Today will be spent doing some chores with DH around the house and garden.  


Interesting collection of days.  I'll just be myself today and always, try to avoid junk food but it isn't easy, and Day of the Dog is celebrated every day by our Grand pup Rogue.  She's presently the only dog in the family, and DS and DDIL dote on her and have her well trained.  The grandsons are loving having their aunt and uncle living nearby (and Rogue!) 



I'll pass on the drink and wine (sweet and $$$), but the meal sounds SO good.  I think I'll mix and match from the first two recipes.  Do love pesto. 


@marshhawkAnn so glad to hear that you're feeling better today.  That booster really laid you flat!

@Sharon in AZSharon Happy Birthday and retirement to your DH Craig!

@bennybearBrenda prayers for a successful outcome of your DH's surgery.

@HeartgroveJack safe travels and enjoy the wedding.

@aliaschiefBruce safe travels.

@ger_77Gerry welcome home and wow on the fish!


We were in Avalon on a Pacific Coastal in October of 2014.  We didn't do much, walked around a bit and did the glass bottom boat ride.  


The casino





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My errands were done quickly, and now I just have to get the chicken ready to go in the freezer.. After changing the sheets and folding the first load of clothes, I'm taking a break until the second load comes out of the drier.


@ger_77  Welcome home.  It sounds like you had a great time at the lake, and that's a great picture of the four of you.  When I get into my 90s, I hope I look as good and can do as much as your friends.  Loved the pictures of the sunset over the lake.  I hope your DH is better quickly and there is not a big problem.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, Catalina Island is an interesting place, but it was very dry when we were there.  Even with the golf cart, we could not see everything in an hour.  There were places with signs that said "Rental Carts Not Allowed".  While I walked down the pedestrian street, I did not have time to explore some of the stores.  I'll save that for next time, but I probably won't buy anything as I imagine it is an expensive place.


@irishjim  Thank you, Jim.


@1ANGELCAT  It sounds like you got some answers,  but not all of them.  I hope the doctors can agree and come up with a treatment plan.


@Overhead Fred  I've never seen a white squirrel before.  Thanks for the picture.


@durangoscots  Susan, I hope the birds are all right.  We've had a couple of nests on our lights in Quartzsite, and boy were the doves messy.  We now have something over the lights to prevent the birds from building a nest.  Glad Monty is settling in, and hope he trains you well.  🤣  Our Brandy had all her humans trained.  If she wanted something and we ignored her, she'd sit up on her rear end, flap her front legs and talk to us.  We could tell she was unhappy with us (angry actually), and we were glad at those times we did not speak dachshund.  I'm pretty sure she was using cuss words, and probably better than a sailor.


@Cruising-along  Great picture of DGS and Rouge.




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Good morning and thanks all for the kind wishes, they are deeply appreciated!   We’ll be off shortly.  
@ger_77  wow on the fish!  good luck to your husband, DH takes his BP meds in the morning, so perhaps you could ask re timing?   
Happy birthday to Craig!  And good wishes to all undergoing tests and procedures! 

Love the strange flavours of crisps aka chips in the UK,  I had ordered these for DH


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Made it to Atlanta with a slight delay due to rain. Next flight to JFK also running a tad late but plenty of time between flights. We are not in charge! Thanks for all the kind wishes for safe travels. 

So sitting around Delta Sky Lounge people watching and surfing the net.

Have a great day and those walleyes are going to be yummy!


Bruce & Sue

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Good morning Dailyites. A quick hello and thanks for everyone's contributions today. Pretty pictures, including those fish! Yum!


Happy Birthday and retirement to Craig. Craig will need plenty of books to keep him busy.


Prayers for all in need today. I let the time run away as we are headed up to Kula today. Love, peace, blessings and cheers. 

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Hello from  Iceland, en route to Reykjavik.  I haven’t been able to post as the internet is very poor.  Just hope this goes through.  We are sitting in the Lincoln Center Stage, deck 3, looking down on the group, listening to Brahms.  Next we go to the Tamarind for rijstaffel, and after that to the World Stage for a great duo, “Pianotainment”. It’s a tough life!  Everything is great, we’ve met lots of staff we know from previous cruises, and the service is excellent.  Wish you were all here!  

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