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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 30th, 2022


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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Rich for the Daily for the Fleet Report and the Daily.

The collection of Days are interesting.  Grief is something we have all been through in one day or another.  As for the Beach, this summer has not been the best for that.  We have had nothing but rain and not feeling well enough to even go to the pool.  I like Touch a Heart Tuesday.  We all need to touch others hearts.  We make a difference when we do that.

Interesting quote.

The meal looks good and worth a try but not today.

The drink and wine are a possibility. 

The destination of the day is a place that is near and dear to my heart.  We went to Barbados for our honeymoon in 1981 and returned for almost every year since.  We bought a timeshare and enjoyed going back.  We made many friends and enjoyed renting a car and exploring every inch of the island. In 2020 we sold the timeshare and I felt like a piece of my heart was ripped out of me.  We felt like Barbados was our second home.  We started going for one week in April while we were working.  Then we bought a second week.  When we retired we bought two more weeks.  We ended up going for four weeks every spring and just loved being on that island. We have not been back since 2019 and I miss it dearly.

In October we will go back to the resort where we stayed for our honeymoon for two weeks.  We are so excited. 


Roy, thank you for the cares list and for including me.  However, it is not only my hands that are causing the pain, but the recurrence of Polymyalgia Rheumatica causing bilateral pain in my shoulders, upper arms and hips.  This is causing more pain than my hands and why I have had to restart a course of Prednisone.  I am hoping that this helps in reducing the inflammation and the subsequent pain.  


Prayers for all others on the list.   Cheers to those celebrating.  

@StLouisCruisersi enjoyed your photos of Sunbury Plantation.  It is an interesting place and we have had many a lovely lunch there.

I will try to find some photos of various places in Barbados and post them today.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Stay safe and God Bless,




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Good morning, all! So many here have been touched by grief this past year. We have all been aware and send love and support to you all. Touch a heart Tuesday is also important, and strongly related to the first day. Beach Day is for fun before summer ends, and we can all use that!

The Bradbury quote is so true, and seems to be coming to pass, unfortunately.

The meal looks good, and the sun blushed tomatoes are one of my favorite things to do with cherry tomatoes. I like to use fresh thyme, basil, and garlic, and toss it with spaghetti. Zoodles work very well with it, too!

Today we head back to the mainland. Thursday we go to visit DS and BIL at their house on the lake near Kelowna. DH’s cousin was coming with us, but called to say she has a sore throat and bad cold and doesn’t want to expose any of us to it. DS and BIL leave for a Princess cruise in Europe next week, so the last thing we want is to make them sick as a bon voyage gift!

@Rowsby enjoy Hawaii and that amazing view from your lanai. The coming month sound like it will be good for you.

@StLouisCruisers it’s good that Linda has had her wrists repaired and that messages of support from her neighbours are reaching her. What a terribly long road to recovery lies ahead!

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I’d rather be packing to board a BHB, but that’s coming soon!

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Good morning everyone. Today Sandi and I have the same weather @StLouisCruisers:  74 with 91 % humidity. I took the dogs walking and would have welcomed rain falling on us.

We have not been to the port and the recipes all look wonderful today, thanks Debbie @dfish. I admire your painting chores in the heat and humidity and hope the living room gets finished today. Good luck house hunting.

@Cruzin Terri, I am sorry to hear about your current flare. It has to be disappointing to be back on prednisone again. EMG studies are very tough on the patient but quite informative.I am sorry you have to go through that again.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I so appreciate your asking about all of us but I am hesitant to say much now as I think we are all struggling in different ways. It can be overwhelming  and is certainly very tiring for everyone but most especially for our Tana. Appetites remain somewhat  impaired with a lot more special requests for the chefs lately. I find myself getting easily irritated and just have to step away from it all for a while.


Enjoy the day everyone and stay well



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Good morning.  We were supposed to have sun and wind today.  We have wind and misty rain.  I am hoping it clears as plant cut back in earnest begins today.  John uses his gas powered landscape tool and can cut back stuff quickly. Then it is a lot of raking for me.  We put a big tarp down and I dump the plant material on it and he drags it way into the woods with his Kawasaki Mule.  It will begin to get busy up here as everyone arrives for Labor Day.

Thank you for the Daily Reports Rich.   Pasta looks wonderful but the cocktail and wine are probably too sweet for me.  We were in Bridgetown in March on the Nieuw Statendam.  I will see if I have any pics on my phone.  Most pics of food.  Prayers for all in our group that needs them and for the people of Ukraine.  




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Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


Tried contacting our new PCC again yesterday. Our best PCC that we had for about three years left a few months ago. We were very surprised at his timing as we seemed to have been through the worst of the turn down in travel. No one was automatically assigned so Sue found two that were recommended on FB so shot them both a message. This one responded the quickest but has been less than stellar since then. Two emails and still no response so tried calling her. The voicemail message said that she was out of the office until today. The last time we tried calling she was out of the office until the following week!


We need to do three things including the final payment for our Transatlantic. What was more important though is that I needed to change our cabin number. Very, very limited availability when we booked our cruise with only connecting cabins available. Now closer to Final Payment date availability is much better. Jacqui we will email you with the update. Anyway, I just called the generic PCC "O" number and spoke with a very nice young man, Julian. He was able to make the change for us. I will wait to see if we hear from our PCC today for the other two items.


Not being able to seem to develop a working relationship with our currently assigned PCC, I have investigated using the Big Box store for our planned Transpacific cruise(s) in 2024. We are actually low maintenance cruisers once we have everything set. The HAL price is what it is with no extras but Big Box also includes a sizable gift card. Prices and packages are exactly the same.  I welcome any comments.


Stay Safe!


- Jack



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Many on the Daily are all too aware of grief these days.  DH and I sat down the other day and counted the number of people we've lost in the past 1 1/2 years; 9 friends or family members. Lots of tears.   I'd love to be on my favourite beach today - Half Moon Cay.  I like the Touch a Heart Tuesday; I think I'll write out some cards to send.


I can tell by the way the sun is coming up that our seasons are changing.  In the summer time the sun comes through our dining room window and as we get closer to fall, it starts in the living room - where it is now.  And well, in winter, it doesn't matter, as we keep the curtains closed at night to help keep the heat in and cold out.  LOL  We're expecting a high of +31C today, which means I'll have to head out shortly to make sure all the pots are watered.  I'm going to take a photo of our papyrus which I'm absolutely loving -  I'll share them tomorrow.  We've already decided that we'll get twice as many next year, they're so enjoyable to have in the yard.


Yesterday was a good day - we made final payment on our upcoming trans-Atlantic.  This is the one that had been booked, then the ship was sold, new ship, changed itineraries, cruise cancelled, cruise uncancelled, etc.  Now that final payment has been made, I'm hoping we'll actually get to board that BHB in Barcelona on November 5th.   Fingers crossed!


@Rowsbysafe travels to Hawaii; enjoy your time there!

@StLouisCruiserssorry you're experiencing leg pain again - I hope it's short-lived.

@Cruzin Terrisorry to see you're having such a lot of pain; I do hope the Prednisone helps soon.

@Horizon chaser 1957safe trip to Kelowna - enjoy your visit!


I like today's menu suggestion, but it's going to be too hot for pasta tonight.  I think I'll thaw out a couple of chicken breasts and turn them into chicken fingers in the air fryer.  Chicken fingers and crudites will be what we'll have for dinner in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is hurting, especially for the brave people of Ukraine.  Cheers to all the celebrants.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

    We celebrate beach day every day. I feel so blessed to be able to live in such a peaceful and beautiful place.

    We like most others on this thread have had too much grief the last few years. I will always be grateful to the posters here who helped me with prayers and kind words during some very difficult times.

    Well yesterday was a no go for the rocket. Hopefully they can fix the problem. Scheduled to try again on Friday but they are making the decision today.  

    I am going out today to find some comfortable walking shoes for our trip. I wear flip flops 90% of the time with sandals filling in. I have not worn sneakers  for a very long time. Not sure what I will end up with.  I want to have everything done by mid September so we can go into hibernation until we leave on 10/6.  


 Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning, all.  Special thanks to Rich and Roy for all they do keeping this special thread going.  Prayers for all in need.  I came here to Holland at the beginning of the pandemic to see how folks were getting home.  I’ve never left!


We are enjoying these last days of summer while being very grateful for AC. Our new unit has been successfully installed now for several weeks and is working well.  Hoping that this more “energy efficient” model helps with the electric bills.


I have started to clean out some closets as well as dealing with DH’s office files and “stuff” we no longer need.  Can’t believe how fast paper files add up.  All of this in preparation for what I hope will be a busy fall travel schedule and preparation for the holidays.  Have a great day, everyone.  Katherine 

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A number of years ago we were invited to lunch at the Brown Sugar Restaurant at Needhams Point in Barbados along with a number of others who had been to the island over 25 times.  Each couple were presented with plaques.

We display ours on our bookcase.


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Good morning from a very overcast and humid central Texas.  So far, we have not had a drop of rain, and now, the prediction is for it to start raining about noon and continue into tomorrow.  We'll see what happens.  


Grief Awareness reminds us of the family members we've lost the past two years, and of all the other friends who have lost loved ones during this same time.  I like the idea of Touch a Heart Tuesday, and I hope I can touch someone's heart today.  We are not beach people, but I have enjoyed our stops at Half Moon Cay.


Sadly, the Ray Bradbury quote is too true, especially now.


The meal looks good, but tonight we'll be having the chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy we were going to have last night.  We'll pass on the drink and wait to see about the wine.


We have been to Bridgetown, Barbados, many times, but only two were in the digital age.  I'll repost my pictures from July 7, 2021, later.


@richwmn  I also like several of the additional days.  The intranational day of the disappeared brings to mind all those in Argentina who disappeared and the women who walked outside the Pink House to remind people.  Whale sharks, the largest fish in the sea, are very interesting, and we enjoyed our time in La Paz watching one swim.  And who among us did not play with a slinky as a child?  We still have an "executive" slinky I gave DH one Christmas.


CC is not wanting to do the blue bubble, and I had a hard time getting the one for Rich.  I guess I'll multi-quote instead.


4 hours ago, Rowsby said:


Tomorrow night I will be looking at this view from my lanai in Waikiki....and every night until September 28th.....:)
Hope everyone stays well.....and I will try to post......!!

Sunset from the Ilikai.jpg


Sue, have a safe flight tomorrow and a great time in Waikiki.


3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


Lots of days to choose from - thanks 🙂. I’ll celebrate touch a heart Tuesday and National Grief Awareness has been celebrated here for a while.


True quote by Bradbury.


Not sure if it’s going to be rainy - sure looks it but the sun is supposed to poke it’s head out.  Time will tell & lots to do whether it’s in or out so I can go with the weather 😉 




Most of the invites are done - just a couple left to do and watch the weather 😉 So far, so good - but it’s too far in advance to trust the weatherman. It will all be good, hopefully 🤞 I guess someone knew there might be chicken wings on the appie list 😉 





What a lovely spot!  I hope you have a wonderful time in Waikiki and enjoy your much needed break.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Tuesday everyone !!!!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 



Jacqui, I'm glad things for the Celebration of Life are progressing.  I also loved the memes, and the one about the roads are so true.  Texas used to be known for having some of the best roads in the country, but not now.  I also liked the one about the glasses and the mirror.  I need glasses to put on my eye make-up, but then I can't apply it because the glasses are in the way.  🤣


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It's a little cloudy but warm at 73F.  Humidity was "only" 93% and the high today will be 90F with chance of scattered showers around 6 pm.  Yeah, right.  I had a restless night with little sleep and some leg pain.  Hoping that's a one off and I have a good sleep tonight.


Thanks Rich @richwmnfor our Daily.  The blushing penne pasta looks good Debbie @dfish.  The quote is so true.  Grief Awareness Day is honored by us all, and there are plenty of us on here that can identify with it.  Hope everyone able to will enjoy a beach day.  And I would be happy to touch someone's heart.  Terri @Cruzin TerriI'm sorry about your hand pain continuing.  Debbie @dfishsorry about your surgeon problems.  I hope you get everything straightened out.  Prayers said already today for you all, my neighbor Linda and the people of Ukraine.  Linda's daughter texted one of the neighbors here she knew and said the wrists were repaired Sunday.  She also said Linda is awake and would appreciate anyone on Facebook to contact Linda and encourage her.  I'm not on Facebook but plenty of folks here are and will bombard her with messages.  Also we learned Linda and David's dog is in a kennel here so is safe.  But I'm sure he is missing his parents.  Hopefully one of Linda's 3 children will get down here to retrieve him and see to matters at home.  Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor posting our Care and Celebration lists.  I celebrate with the happy folks every day at happy hour.


Our port today, Bridgetown, Barbados was last port of the day on July 7, 2021.  It was on Rich's posting activity page 45, and here is a link to it in case you want to retrieve your photos to post today.



We went to Bridgetown, Barbados in 2015 on Ruby Princess circumnavigating South America from Ft. Lauderdale.  I took a tour that day and enjoyed it as I recall.  My tour in Bridgetown took me many places for a good overall view of the area.  First we went to Gun Hill Signal Station, a military outpost built in 1818 that once served as a lookout for approaching ships.  enhance




The buildings have been restored by the National Trust.  You could see all the other signal stations from here.enhance


In the distance are the cruise ships in port.enhance


Next we stopped at Orchid World for a very informal look at the local orchids as well as other plants such as the poinsettia bush.enhance












Last we visited Sunbury Plantation, a beautifully restored monument to plantation life of a bygone era.  We were told the walls were two feet deep helping to keep it cool inside.  enhance






Some of those thick wallsenhance




Outside we were given a demonstration on how to make rum punch and cod fish cakes.  We had plenty of samples and everyone had a good, old time!enhance






Cod fish cakesenhance


Heading back to the ship we passed all the sugar cane fields and a rum distillery.  Barbados rum is known worldwide.enhance






Sandi, I'm sorry your legs were bothering you last night.  I hope it's just the "it'll get worse before it gets better" part the therapist warned you about, and that it is for a short time.  I'm glad Linda is doing better and that her dog is safe in a kennel.  Thanks for your pictures of Barbados.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! We are starting to adjust to Central Time but I have to admit we struggled at times yesterday. We did get a lot accomplished yesterday but started hearing this light beeping noise. Turned out our dishwasher went kaput while we were gone. Tried a few things with no success so called our appliance shop and the earliest they can come out is Friday. Last night I washed the dishes by hand and couldn’t remember the last time I had done so?

We are looking forward to our one night house guest who is a dear friend, an Air Force retired Colonel and retired American Airline Captain. Currently he and his wife divide their time between Sao Palo, Brazil, Miami and his ranch in Texas. So there will be lot’s to catch up on.


When I read these post it’s so evident that many of our posters put a lot of thought, time and love in making the Daily a wonderful social and supportive forum. For that I say thank you.


Enjoy the day.




Bruce, sorry about your dishwasher.  I hope the appliance gremlins are not making a return to the Fleet/Daily, and that this is a one off.


2 hours ago, gigianne said:

I haven't posted on this thread for quite some time, although I do read the posts most days.  I am thinking of Kazu today and other friends who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.  Pasta was already on the menu for dinner today and after looking at the recipes I have decided to make the first one and change it a bit by adding a few veggies and shrimp.  We have been many time to todays port, love, love Barbados!  Thinking about those on the care list and sending a shout out to those celebrating.











Enjoying your pictures of Barbados.  It's good to see you back on the Fleet/Daily


2 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! So many here have been touched by grief this past year. We have all been aware and send love and support to you all. Touch a heart Tuesday is also important, and strongly related to the first day. Beach Day is for fun before summer ends, and we can all use that!

The Bradbury quote is so true, and seems to be coming to pass, unfortunately.

The meal looks good, and the sun blushed tomatoes are one of my favorite things to do with cherry tomatoes. I like to use fresh thyme, basil, and garlic, and toss it with spaghetti. Zoodles work very well with it, too!

Today we head back to the mainland. Thursday we go to visit DS and BIL at their house on the lake near Kelowna. DH’s cousin was coming with us, but called to say she has a sore throat and bad cold and doesn’t want to expose any of us to it. DS and BIL leave for a Princess cruise in Europe next week, so the last thing we want is to make them sick as a bon voyage gift!

@Rowsby enjoy Hawaii and that amazing view from your lanai. The coming month sound like it will be good for you.

@StLouisCruisers it’s good that Linda has had her wrists repaired and that messages of support from her neighbours are reaching her. What a terribly long road to recovery lies ahead!

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I’d rather be packing to board a BHB, but that’s coming soon!


Enjoy your visit with DS and DBIL and safe travels.


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning everyone. Today Sandi and I have the same weather @StLouisCruisers:  74 with 91 % humidity. I took the dogs walking and would have welcomed rain falling on us.

We have not been to the port and the recipes all look wonderful today, thanks Debbie @dfish. I admire your painting chores in the heat and humidity and hope the living room gets finished today. Good luck house hunting.

@Cruzin Terri, I am sorry to hear about your current flare. It has to be disappointing to be back on prednisone again. EMG studies are very tough on the patient but quite informative.I am sorry you have to go through that again.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I so appreciate your asking about all of us but I am hesitant to say much now as I think we are all struggling in different ways. It can be overwhelming  and is certainly very tiring for everyone but most especially for our Tana. Appetites remain somewhat  impaired with a lot more special requests for the chefs lately. I find myself getting easily irritated and just have to step away from it all for a while.


Enjoy the day everyone and stay well




Terry, I hope everyone's struggles with lingering Covid side affects are over soon.


1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


Tried contacting our new PCC again yesterday. Our best PCC that we had for about three years left a few months ago. We were very surprised at his timing as we seemed to have been through the worst of the turn down in travel. No one was automatically assigned so Sue found two that were recommended on FB so shot them both a message. This one responded the quickest but has been less than stellar since then. Two emails and still no response so tried calling her. The voicemail message said that she was out of the office until today. The last time we tried calling she was out of the office until the following week!


We need to do three things including the final payment for our Transatlantic. What was more important though is that I needed to change our cabin number. Very, very limited availability when we booked our cruise with only connecting cabins available. Now closer to Final Payment date availability is much better. Jacqui we will email you with the update. Anyway, I just called the generic PCC "O" number and spoke with a very nice young man, Julian. He was able to make the change for us. I will wait to see if we hear from our PCC today for the other two items.


Not being able to seem to develop a working relationship with our currently assigned PCC, I have investigated using the Big Box store for our planned Transpacific cruise(s) in 2024. We are actually low maintenance cruisers once we have everything set. The HAL price is what it is with no extras but Big Box also includes a sizable gift card. Prices and packages are exactly the same.  I welcome any comments.


Stay Safe!


- Jack




Jack, I can sympathize with getting help from your PCC, that is if you can reach the PCC.  Our long time, wonderful PCC quit in 2018 after having her second child.  The next one was a disaster, and DH had to tell her how to do her job.  When he talked to a supervisor, he was told, they have to learn sometime.  She did not last in the job through the pandemic.  The next one called us early last year, and he was very nice.  When we called last fall to book cruises, he was unavailable.  The new one is okay, but not outstanding. 


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

    We celebrate beach day every day. I feel so blessed to be able to live in such a peaceful and beautiful place.

    We like most others on this thread have had too much grief the last few years. I will always be grateful to the posters here who helped me with prayers and kind words during some very difficult times.

    Well yesterday was a no go for the rocket. Hopefully they can fix the problem. Scheduled to try again on Friday but they are making the decision today.  

    I am going out today to find some comfortable walking shoes for our trip. I wear flip flops 90% of the time with sandals filling in. I have not worn sneakers  for a very long time. Not sure what I will end up with.  I want to have everything done by mid September so we can go into hibernation until we leave on 10/6.  


 Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, I hope they get the problem fixed with Artemis and it goes Friday.  Good luck with the shoe shopping.


1 hour ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning, all.  Special thanks to Rich and Roy for all they do keeping this special thread going.  Prayers for all in need.  I came here to Holland at the beginning of the pandemic to see how folks were getting home.  I’ve never left!


We are enjoying these last days of summer while being very grateful for AC. Our new unit has been successfully installed now for several weeks and is working well.  Hoping that this more “energy efficient” model helps with the electric bills.


I have started to clean out some closets as well as dealing with DH’s office files and “stuff” we no longer need.  Can’t believe how fast paper files add up.  All of this in preparation for what I hope will be a busy fall travel schedule and preparation for the holidays.  Have a great day, everyone.  Katherine 


I'm glad the new a/c is working well.  Welcome to the clean out closets group.


I'll try to post this again.  Just as I clicked on submit replay, I got a message that they could not upload the post due to an upgrade in progress.  It has taken about 20-25 minutes for CC to come back, but at least my post was not lost.



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This is what I posted on July 7.2021.


I only found pictures from our 2000 world cruise on P&O Oriana and the 2015 Ruby Princess.  I'll try not to repeat any pictures.  We had been to Barbados several times before 2000 on various ships and cruise lines, including two calls on 1998 on the Ryndam.  Each time, we've rented cars are visited various places on the island.  We have always enjoyed our visits to Barbados.


First a look at the port. There was a nice shopping comlex at the port.



In 2015, we took the tour through Harrison's Cave.  These are of the complex looking down from the top of the cliff and the elevators to reach the complex.  I'll not repeat any pictures of the caves.





We also stopped at Animal Flower Caves on the northern tip of the island in 2015.  Since we'd toured the caves, which are partially open to the ocean, with our DDs in 1998, we did not go back down.  These pictures are of the restaurant, the sea cliffs and the engrance to the caves.



We also stopped at Animal Flower Caves on the northern tip of the island in 2015.  Since we'd toured the caves, which are partially open to the ocean, with our DDs in 1998, we did not go back down.  These pictures are of the restaurant, the sea cliffs and the engrance to the caves.







A nice beach



In 2000, we stopped at St. Nicholas Abbey, and old plantation house.







For the Garden Club, one of the flowers in the Abbey's garden



A street scene in Bridgetown



In 2000, at the suggestion of the cruise staff, we stopped at the Boatyard Beach Club, and enjoyed a beer.









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Good Morning All,

Another hot day planned by our local weatherman, and it’s starting without the cloud cover. 🥴 Would love to celebrate Beach Day by going to my favorite secluded spot, but will put it off until I’m out of the Boot my doc has me wearing.


Gotta go. His Nibs is calling, and if it’s hot, he’ll do a sit down strike.





Domaine Bourillon d'Orléans 2019 L'Indigène Sec 


We have a white today- Chenin Blanc from the Loire Valley in France. Prices range from $65.


Ranked #86 in the Top 100 Cellar Selection for 2021 Wine Enthusiast, rating 94 points.


This structured wine is tight, with a strong mineral texture to match the concentrated acidity and rich potential of the fruits. Almonds and layers of fruit and acidity indicate how this impressive wine will age. Drink from 2023. ROGER VOSS


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Finally getting in after the site update kept me out for a while.

Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report.

We should try to be aware that many around us may be grieving silently, in addition to those we know are grieving. I like the ocean and grew up at it, but am not a beach person as in laying on the beach. We should try to touch hearts daily.

True quote. I like the meal, but try to limit pasta. Pass on the drink and wine.

I was in Bridgetown, Barbados, on my first ever cruise, on Princess, for a milestone birthday.


It's cloudy and rainy here, with high humidity. I originally had lab work scheduled for this morning, but the water damage restoration people are coming today. I moved it to tomorrow, and the insurance adjuster person just called to come tomorrow, but moved it back in time so I can get my tests done first. 


@Rowsby Beautiful scenery. Have a great trip!

@kazu Fingers crossed for good weather for the Celebration of Life. 

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear of the poor sleep and leg pain. Hopefully not to recur. Good to hear that Linda and David's dog is safe. 

@aliaschief Sorry about the dishwasher. Enjoy your house guests!

@gigianne Welcome back to the Daily. Great pictures.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry the PMR flared up and you had to restart prednisone. Hopefully the dose can be reduced soon. Cool plaque.

@smitty34877 Prayers for you all during this difficult time, and strength to endure.

@Heartgrove Sorry for the PCC issues. From reading different HAL threads, that unfortunately seems to be a common issue.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.


Arriving In Bridgetown on the Golden Princess



Parliament building



Careenage River Inlet



The Chamberlain Bridge and local boats



Open air sellers





Inside Harrison's Cave



Orchid World





Gun Hill signal station



Shipside band



Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning, Dailyites, hope everyone is having a good day today.  Thanks to Rich and Roy, and all who post.  Nice to see Gigianne here!  I haven't posted for a few days, but reading when I can.  Trying to get my eating habits sorted with this new problem, and thinking about our upcoming cruise in less than two weeks.  I did get a call yesterday with a date for my colonoscopy, October 3, good thing it won't interfere with the cruise (cruise comes first!)  and I had a phone appointment with my doctor this morning to organize a new prescription for my Prolia shot, due the beginning of next month, which is almost here.  


On the news the other day was that a cruise ship was stuck in Vancouver harbour overnight as the tugs are on strike and refused to move the bunkering barge that was attached to the ship!  Hope that doesn't happen with us. I imagine most of the ships going to Alaska from Vancouver bunker there.   We are taking the bus over on the day of departure, so we also have to hope that the ferries are running.  At least we won't have to worry about our bags getting lost or flights delayed, but there's always something, isn't there?


I grew up with four boy cousins, so read a lot of their science fiction, "ABC"s - Asimov, Bradbury and Clarke.   Classics now, I guess!  We've been to Bridgetown a few times.  And I have not added tomatoes into my diet for the time being, still staying "white" - pretty much the BRAT diet,  mashed potatoes, rice, white bread and fish, chicken, etc.  If I misbehave, I have problems!  Have to get back to normal for the cruise, though.  At least I lost 8 lbs., so some good has come out of all this.


I'm sorry there are those suffering loss and other ailments on the thread.  Everything seems magnified with Covid around.  Prayers for all.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This is what I posted on July 7.2021.


I only found pictures from our 2000 world cruise on P&O Oriana and the 2015 Ruby Princess.  I'll try not to repeat any pictures.  We had been to Barbados several times before 2000 on various ships and cruise lines, including two calls on 1998 on the Ryndam.  Each time, we've rented cars are visited various places on the island.  We have always enjoyed our visits to Barbados.


First a look at the port. There was a nice shopping comlex at the port.



In 2015, we took the tour through Harrison's Cave.  These are of the complex looking down from the top of the cliff and the elevators to reach the complex.  I'll not repeat any pictures of the caves.





We also stopped at Animal Flower Caves on the northern tip of the island in 2015.  Since we'd toured the caves, which are partially open to the ocean, with our DDs in 1998, we did not go back down.  These pictures are of the restaurant, the sea cliffs and the engrance to the caves.



We also stopped at Animal Flower Caves on the northern tip of the island in 2015.  Since we'd toured the caves, which are partially open to the ocean, with our DDs in 1998, we did not go back down.  These pictures are of the restaurant, the sea cliffs and the engrance to the caves.







A nice beach



In 2000, we stopped at St. Nicholas Abbey, and old plantation house.







For the Garden Club, one of the flowers in the Abbey's garden



A street scene in Bridgetown



In 2000, at the suggestion of the cruise staff, we stopped at the Boatyard Beach Club, and enjoyed a beer.









Nice photos Lenda.

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24 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Finally getting in after the site update kept me out for a while.

Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report.

We should try to be aware that many around us may be grieving silently, in addition to those we know are grieving. I like the ocean and grew up at it, but am not a beach person as in laying on the beach. We should try to touch hearts daily.

True quote. I like the meal, but try to limit pasta. Pass on the drink and wine.

I was in Bridgetown, Barbados, on my first ever cruise, on Princess, for a milestone birthday.


It's cloudy and rainy here, with high humidity. I originally had lab work scheduled for this morning, but the water damage restoration people are coming today. I moved it to tomorrow, and the insurance adjuster person just called to come tomorrow, but moved it back in time so I can get my tests done first. 


@Rowsby Beautiful scenery. Have a great trip!

@kazu Fingers crossed for good weather for the Celebration of Life. 

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear of the poor sleep and leg pain. Hopefully not to recur. Good to hear that Linda and David's dog is safe. 

@aliaschief Sorry about the dishwasher. Enjoy your house guests!

@gigianne Welcome back to the Daily. Great pictures.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry the PMR flared up and you had to restart prednisone. Hopefully the dose can be reduced soon. Cool plaque.

@smitty34877 Prayers for you all during this difficult time, and strength to endure.

@Heartgrove Sorry for the PCC issues. From reading different HAL threads, that unfortunately seems to be a common issue.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.


Arriving In Bridgetown on the Golden Princess



Parliament building



Careenage River Inlet



The Chamberlain Bridge and local boats



Open air sellers





Inside Harrison's Cave



Orchid World





Gun Hill signal station



Shipside band



Great photos Vanessa.

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Good morning and thanks all!  The quote unfortunately seems so true.   Have enjoyed visiting Barbados.

 Grief has certainly Touched my life,   I send gentle hugs to all those here who are grieving. 

@smitty34877 sorry to hear you are still struggling,  I’m still thinking of your near miss driving yesterday,  sending good thoughts and gentle hugs!


3 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


Tried contacting our new PCC again yesterday. Our best PCC that we had for about three years left a few months ago. We were very surprised at his timing as we seemed to have been through the worst of the turn down in travel. No one was automatically assigned so Sue found two that were recommended on FB so shot them both a message. This one responded the quickest but has been less than stellar since then. Two emails and still no response so tried calling her. The voicemail message said that she was out of the office until today. The last time we tried calling she was out of the office until the following week!


We need to do three things including the final payment for our Transatlantic. What was more important though is that I needed to change our cabin number. Very, very limited availability when we booked our cruise with only connecting cabins available. Now closer to Final Payment date availability is much better. Jacqui we will email you with the update. Anyway, I just called the generic PCC "O" number and spoke with a very nice young man, Julian. He was able to make the change for us. I will wait to see if we hear from our PCC today for the other two items.


Not being able to seem to develop a working relationship with our currently assigned PCC, I have investigated using the Big Box store for our planned Transpacific cruise(s) in 2024. We are actually low maintenance cruisers once we have everything set. The HAL price is what it is with no extras but Big Box also includes a sizable gift card. Prices and packages are exactly the same.  I welcome any comments.


Stay Safe!


- Jack



we’ve had very good luck with the big box, and they’ve gone to bat for us on more than one occasion when things weren’t right and have gotten things resolved.  Nice to have them in your corner if you do need them.

Terri, hope you feel better soon,  love your plaque, I think Hawaii owes us one, lol! 


absolutely adore beaches 
















Edited by bennybear
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Good morning all!

It will heat up today and tomorrow to the mid 80's, then slowly cool down again (for how long?)  School starts here tomorrow for most of the children including our grandsons.  I can't believe they will be in the 2nd and 4th grades -- I remember when I was that old!  Where does the time go?!


Sadly many of us here have had a lot of grief lately and in the past few years.  My goodness Gerry @ger_779 friends/family in only 18 months.....just too much. 😞  I'm not a beach person, but do like a beach day sometimes.  There have been many hearts touched in this community.


The quote is true, will pass on the drink (sweet) and meal (trying to limit pasta).  I do love a good Chenin Blanc, and would love to try this one if someone else was buying!


At first I thought we'd never been to this port, and then I saw Sandi's @StLouisCruisers' photos and realized we took the same tour.  I tried to find different photos from her great selection.


Debbie @dfishyou have my utmost admiration for all the painting you're doing!  My gosh, just one room would do me in for the year!!  


Sue @Rowsbysafe flight and thank you for sharing the gorgeous photo!


Jack @Heartgrovewe had to change PCCs recently too.  We may have had the same great PCC who recently quit after many, many years.  So far we're reserving judgement on our new one, she hasn't had to do much for us yet, and like you, we don't need much help. She was assigned to us by the PCC supervisor.   I did want to say that we use the Big Box for our Celebrity bookings and have always been happy with them.  Seriously, it's as easy to get answers and replies to calls from them as it is from PCCs now.  And then there's the Big Box perks that we've used a lot.


Some photos of the Orchid House and Sunbury House.








Collection of sewing machines in the Sunbury House



Swim suit from the early 1900's (!)



Optometry equipment



The rum flowed freely.  We got a huge kick out of the gals doing the rum tasting.  It was a lot like watching an episode of I Love Lucy. 😉  







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