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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday January 11th, 2023


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@kazuSo glad to hear you're back home.  Prayers that you heal quickly and easily, back to full function and with minimal pain.  

@grapau27Prayers for your Sarah, you, Pauline and all of her caregivers.  

I'm patiently waiting to hear news from @Scrapnana

We made a stop in 2020 to Grand Turk.  We had a quiet day at the beach.  We did get our toes wet in the beautiful water there! 


Edited by ktbraun
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17 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@kazuI guess you broke your elbow from what I am reading.  That is what I broke back in 2020.  Originally there was a cast on it, but it was too tight and was cut off when I went to see the surgeon.  Following the surgery, no cast, but wrapped up tightly for many weeks.  Then a month or so of therapy until Medicare wouldnt pay for more.  I have 90% use of the elbow.  Make sure you get the therapy!


btw, I missed you here, and I'm glad that you are home.

Thanks -  i know all about rehab from my other elbow surgery (more serious than this one.) at least i hope that one was more serious


iam a good doobie and do my exercises.  -different insurance -they normally cover rehab and i will do it whether they cover it or not

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47 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

@kazu So glad you got home safely before the FAA disruption. Sorry it's sans luggage. Prayers for your healing and for continued sanity as you deal with your elbow's limitations.


@Scrapnana Good to hear your daughter's flight to Florida took off. Wonderful that she will be with you for your return flight. Prayers for a quick diagnosis and treatment plan.


I think @kazu flew Monday and Tuesday, and in any case she did not stop in the US, so I think the disruptions would not have affected her even today. 


@Scrapnana may arrive on time but it will still be well after midnight when she gets home (or to daughter's).  Her plane is currently on schedule but still has a round trip to Havana before it;s her turn.



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7 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

in any case she did not stop in the US, so I think the disruptions would not have affected her even today.

A NOTAM outage could affect flights over the United States even if they don't take off or land in the U.S. While many of the notices pertain to airports (e.g., closed runways, nearby obstacles), some pertain to air space (navigational aids not working, closed air space for an air show, head of state, and the like).


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Good afternoon.  Our skies have turned cloudy and the wind has picked up, but it is 82F outside.  When I finish this, I think I'll take advantage of the warm weather and sit outside with my book for a while.


@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad Bindi is feeling good again.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, our condolences to the family of the Police Chief, his police force and all who knew him.   

@kazu  Jacqui, that is great news you made it home even if your suitcase didn't.  Have you thought about replacing the suitcase with one that does not have a case of wanderlust?  😉

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, I'm glad Blue is feeling better today.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, what a day for your non-traveling DSIL to be flying.  I hope things go smoothly now, and she makes it home safely.


I hope Kathi @Scrapnana and her daughter do not have any problems with their flight, and she makes it home safely today.


Thank you all who posted their pictures today.




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😊Thank you for Fleet Report and The Daily, Roy @rafinmd.

I hope Rich @richwmnis enjoying his World Cruise on the Zuiderdam.🛳️

👍Jacqui @kazuI'm glad that you're home now but very sorry to hear of your mishap. 

🎂Best Wishes to all celebrating a January birthday.

Yes, it's been raining non-stop since returning home and thank goodness no evacuations for us.

Our big outing for the day was to the grocery store, lol.🙃

🙏Prayers for all in need especially for Graham's daughter @grapau27.



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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:



Blue seems better today. Yesterday he was very restless and whimpering a lot but he slept good overnight. 



Sharon, DD's pommie lost most of his teeth, too.  I hear it's a problem with some of these breeds.  She fed Tails that freeze-dried soft food, and I'm wondering if I should be giving Pocket just hard food to save his teeth.  (I mix hard and soft right now.)  I do give him a Greenie thing once a day, but I'm wondering if I should just switch to all  kibble.  Tooth brushing has been pretty much a bust. Hard to be thorough.

Any thoughts on diet or other tips your vet might have shared?  Mine just says brush his teeth.  🤷‍♀️


(If anyone else has ideas, please share!)

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20 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

I'm wondering if I should be giving Pocket just hard food to save his teeth.  (I mix hard and soft right now.)


The Junior Cat is, well, a cat, but at our last v-e-t visit we were told that their current advice is to feed both: dry food for their teeth, and wet food for their kidneys. But it's a particular problem that cats eating only dry food won't drink enough water.


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11 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


The Junior Cat is, well, a cat, but at our last v-e-t visit we were told that their current advice is to feed both: dry food for their teeth, and wet food for their kidneys. But it's a particular problem that cats eating only dry food won't drink enough water.



Thanks for that.  It's probably the same for dogs, now that you mention it.  In hot weather especially, the lack of fluids could be a problem.

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19 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


Thanks for that.  It's probably the same for dogs, now that you mention it.  In hot weather especially, the lack of fluids could be a problem.

Friends of mine had to mix a little beef broth into the water to get their dog to drink enough.


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Good afternoon,

@kazu Welcome home Jacqui and I hope you heal quickly and get your luggage soon.

@grapau27 Graham, prayers for Sarah that they find the problem and can relieve her pain. Prayers for you and Pauline as well.


We have not yet moved into our house.  It is just not ready.  The Service Masters people were called to an emergency so Jim and I were left to our own devices.  Today I opened about 20 boxes.  I am exhausted and hurting.  Now it is time to cook dinner.  Jim is sleeping. Hopefully they will be back soon.

Tomorrow our living room furniture arrives. Yippee!

prayers for @Scrapnana in her travels today.  i hope she gets the treatment she needs and will soon be able to travel again.

Take care everyone.

God Bless,


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4 hours ago, kplady said:

@grapau27Graham, I'll add my prayers for your Sarah, to get a good report from her tests and relief from her pain.



4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I never have learned morse code. I won't step in a puddle and splash anyone! Human trafficking prevention is important. Good quote. I like the meal, although with multiple meats it can be expensive to make. Pass on the drink and wine ($$$). 

I've never been to Turks and Caicos.


It's 39F with some rain later today. It's also somber as a beloved Police Chief, from a neighboring small town, is being laid to rest. He was 46 and leaves behind a wife and 4 kids. He was shot and killed while chasing a suspect last week. There is a huge presence at the service of community and law enforcement, and local news is showing the funeral on tv.


 @grapau27 Prayers for Sarah as she goes through testing. She's fortunate to have you and Pauline for support.

@ottahand7 I hope both you and DH feel better soon. Thanks for the photos.

@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to Ren! And I'm sure he's thrilled to be near to getting his driver's license. Thanks for the pictures of Grand Turk and of the "baby".

@cat shepard Good to hear that Bindi is doing well. 

@dfish Good going on the exercise!

@Overhead Fred Nice photos.

@kazu I hope you're home and resting today.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.


4 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday. Little kids like to splash in puddles. I don’t know Morse code. 

We love lasagna and make one with a bolognese and bechamel sauce. It is very time consuming so we don’t make it very often.  On our cruises since shutdown all the BHB’s we’ve been on have had it on the menu and quite frequently. It’s very similar to the lasagna in Canaletto, if not identical.  I had it whenever I didn’t like anything on the menu. 

The first two pictures are from Club Orange, two different evenings:




This is from Canaletto:



Blue seems better today. Yesterday he was very restless and whimpering a lot but he slept good overnight. 

Graham @grapau27 prayers for your Sarah. I hope a diagnosis and treatment is made soon. 

Happy Birthday to Ren Sandi @StLouisCruisers!  🎈🎈🎈

Prayers for Jacqui and Kathi. 

Have a great day everyone!


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

So glad you are home and sorry about your wayward luggage. Hope you an improvise for a few days until the silly thing walks through the door. Like you, I am hoping Kathi makes it home safely although it will be late at night and my best to Sarah.


Take care all. Please.... take care.


2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

@kazu So glad you got home safely before the FAA disruption. Sorry it's sans luggage. Prayers for your healing and for continued sanity as you deal with your elbow's limitations.


@Scrapnana Good to hear your daughter's flight to Florida took off. Wonderful that she will be with you for your return flight. Prayers for a quick diagnosis and treatment plan.


@grapau27 Just catching up on your Sarah's health crisis. Prayers for her. You & Pauline are such a blessing to her as you are there for her today and every day.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@kazu  Welcome home, and take care of the arm, and make sure you see your primary care doc, and well you know....and when ready get some physical therapy.  Those muscles in your arms can atrophy quickly.  I loved my physical therapist, she had hands like ice cubes.  When she inflicted pain upon my left arm, then put those hands on it, it was an instant, ahhhhh!


DH and I are both feeling Blue's pain @Sharon in AZ.  DH had most of his teeth pulled upper left when he was in the middle of chemo, and before radiation.  He was told that was the best way for him, as the chemo along with the cancer was eating away at the teeth and gums.  I wonder if there are puppy popsicles that would help with the pain today.


@grapau27Sarah is in my prayers today, and you and Pauline too.  It is hard to be the patient, and hard to be patient when the patient is in pain.  Hope you hear a resolution soon.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

I'm so glad to hear you made it home safely and soundly.  I guess that suitcase has a bad case of wanderlust.  It just has to see the globe whether you are with it or not.  Hopefully it shows up soon.  


Now we have to wait to hear about @Scrapnana's travels.  


@grapau27 I hope you hear soon about Sarah and that there is a course of treatment.  I had a CSF leak once and they are horrible.  Fortunately, a short course of prednisone took care of it.  I was flat on my back for a couple of months due to misdiagnosis.  So, I can surely feel for poor Sarah.


@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to Ren


@JazzyV Such sad news about the Police Chief.  I hope the community rallies around and takes good care of his family.



2 hours ago, ktbraun said:

@kazuSo glad to hear you're back home.  Prayers that you heal quickly and easily, back to full function and with minimal pain.  

@grapau27Prayers for your Sarah, you, Pauline and all of her caregivers.  

I'm patiently waiting to hear news from @Scrapnana

We made a stop in 2020 to Grand Turk.  We had a quiet day at the beach.  We did get our toes wet in the beautiful water there! 



1 hour ago, garlictown said:

😊Thank you for Fleet Report and The Daily, Roy @rafinmd.

I hope Rich @richwmnis enjoying his World Cruise on the Zuiderdam.🛳️

👍Jacqui @kazuI'm glad that you're home now but very sorry to hear of your mishap. 

🎂Best Wishes to all celebrating a January birthday.

Yes, it's been raining non-stop since returning home and thank goodness no evacuations for us.

Our big outing for the day was to the grocery store, lol.🙃

🙏Prayers for all in need especially for Graham's daughter @grapau27.



Many thanks to you all for your good wishes for Sarah.

She had an x-ray at one hospital then her doctor sent her to another hospital where she had a CT scan and an MRI scan.

She has a slipped disc pressing on a nerve with fluid leaking.

They gave her Oramorph for the pain.

Her doctor will advise her treatment tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, garlictown said:

😊Thank you for Fleet Report and The Daily, Roy @rafinmd.

I hope Rich @richwmnis enjoying his World Cruise on the Zuiderdam.🛳️

👍Jacqui @kazuI'm glad that you're home now but very sorry to hear of your mishap. 

🎂Best Wishes to all celebrating a January birthday.

Yes, it's been raining non-stop since returning home and thank goodness no evacuations for us.

Our big outing for the day was to the grocery store, lol.🙃

🙏Prayers for all in need especially for Graham's daughter @grapau27.



Thank you Katie.

Paulines sister is Sarah's mam but they stopped communicating with Sarah 7 years ago.

We have been in hospital for 11 hours today with Sarah.

Only 1 person is allowed in with Sarah so because we didn't know how long she would be I spent 11 hours in the hospital cafes waiting for information.

We took her home at 21.30pm.



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22 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon,

@kazu Welcome home Jacqui and I hope you heal quickly and get your luggage soon.

@grapau27 Graham, prayers for Sarah that they find the problem and can relieve her pain. Prayers for you and Pauline as well.


We have not yet moved into our house.  It is just not ready.  The Service Masters people were called to an emergency so Jim and I were left to our own devices.  Today I opened about 20 boxes.  I am exhausted and hurting.  Now it is time to cook dinner.  Jim is sleeping. Hopefully they will be back soon.

Tomorrow our living room furniture arrives. Yippee!

prayers for @Scrapnana in her travels today.  i hope she gets the treatment she needs and will soon be able to travel again.

Take care everyone.

God Bless,


Thank you Terri for your lovely words.


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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:









Many thanks to you all for your good wishes for Sarah.

She had an x-ray at one hospital then her doctor sent her to another hospital where she had a CT scan and an MRI scan.

She has a slipped disc pressing on a nerve with fluid leaking.

They gave her Oramorph for the pain.

Her doctor will advise her treatment tomorrow.

Hoping she will be feeling better very soon.

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@grapau27 I hope your Sarah is treated successfully and the pain meds help. The 3 of you are so lucky to have each other.


@kazu  I’m glad to made it home and wish you a quick and pain free recovery. I also think you need a new suitcase.


Hope @Scrapnanais able to get home easily and get good treatment


Prayers for all Dailyites and their friends and family with medical or other issues


Joy to those with something to celebrate.



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