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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday January 17th, 2023


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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

When Roy mentioned yesterday that I hadn't posted for a while I didn't realize how long it had been. I have been reading every day. I could say that I am having too much fun, that would be somewhat true. I could also mention the bad internet, that also plays into it. I guess you could throw in the repetition of 8 sea days, the last of which is today. All have contributed.

I have a feeling you not only have been reading but found time to change the database for the Rotterdam's new itinerary.


That's dedication.



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Good morning. Just came in from moving my car around so the snowplow could do its work. We have about another 12 inches on top of the old snow and it is still coming down. Don't know how long this is going to last.... they say until Wednesday morning but it may shift from heavy snow to snow showers. Whatever, I have about had it with winter this year. I know the plow will be back at least one more time today. I will go out and try to knock some more snow off the top of the car in a little while.


Sending healing thoughts to Jacqui (and I hope you get out to the doctor), Sarah, Kathi, Tana and all others who need them. And I hope the weather settles down a bit. Think cruising everyone. Right now the South Pacific sounds really good to me.





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Good morning, Dailyites!  Feeling better today.  Yesterday was a bit of a bust, along with this cold and cough I had a nosebleed and a bout of ischemic colitis, at least I have medicine for it now, but I'll be on a clear liquid diet for a few days.  The recipes make my mouth water!  Then I know I have to start off slowly, with just a bit of white fish and rice.  I'm even looking forward to that.  We are cancelling a cruise today, mainly because of people we know on board (they don't know we even booked it.)  It doesn't really fit with our plans anyway, so no great loss.


Happy to hear that @smitty34877 and Tana had a better sleep last night, what a worry.  Dogs know exactly what they need to do to comfort us, don't they?  I hope they slept well, too.  And I hope Jacqui gets some help from the doctor today.  When I had surgery on my elbow once and had a cast, it became very uncomfortable and had to be changed to a splint - just a little thing, but made a big difference.  


I never even thought about New Year's Resolutions this year as we were carousing on a BHB!  So nothing to ditch.  I wonder what I should do about that?



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I had no New Years Resolutions but will salute Kid Inventors.  National Bootleg Day commemorates the final approval of Prohibition, a noble but mis-guided experiment, and sadly we have not learned the lessons as they pertain to drug policy.  I've been to Nuualofa a couple of times but the last time due there  (Crystal Serenity, 2020) we were denied entry, and another ship that was scheduled for come crew changes was not even allowed to take the new crew aboard in a tender.  Cooler heads prevailed for a while and MS Amsterdam a couple weeks later became the last ship to dock there.


I love the Emerson quote and am a bit curious about the lamb (it sounds nice but I won't make it).  My alternative is Apple  Orange and Cucumber Salad, Surf and Turf (hold the Surf for me), and Almond and Orange Cake as served on MS Prinsendam January 17, 2019:


Today’s care list:

StLouisCruisers facing painful decision on Alaska Cruise
Grahaam’s Sarah in pain and waiting on needed injection
Scrapnana starting over on treatment
From the rotation:
Kazu with elbow fracture
HAL Sailer DBIL in final days and family squabbles
Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement
Marshhawk DH eye issues.


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

5 days for Heartgrove (Carnival Legend 1/22 to 1/29)
cruszn single in Hawaii until 1/31
A better night for Tana
Atexsix DD doing better and a cruise in the works
Welcome home Aliaschief (Onward  to 1/17)
Seasick Sailor and ger_77 (Rotterdam  to 1/25), DeeniEncinetas, and sailingdutchty   (Koningsdam  to 1/31),  lindaler and ottahand7(Volendam  to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty,richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12) at sea



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I won't be ditching my New Year's resolutions today (decluttering the house, watch carbs more closely and be more physically active). I'll salute kid inventors, but not bootleggers. Like the quote. Funny, I was going through binders of recipes yesterday, and came across a couple of lamb ones. Growing up, my DM made leg of lamb often for Easter (lots of garlic, no mint jelly). I'll pass on the drink and wine.

I've never been to Nukualofa.


It's foggy and rainy, but warmer today. I was thinking of running to Aldi today, but right now my stomach is bothering me a bit. I have an upper endoscopy scheduled for Friday, plus getting blood drawn for 3 different specialists.


@rafinmd Thank you for your faithfulness in getting us started while @richwmn is cruising.

@ottahand7 That looks like a fun day yesterday.

@aliaschief Safe travels home!
@grapau27 Continued good thoughts for Sarah.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear about the cruise conundrum. It would be no fun trying to avoid them the whole cruise, but it could be done; and you don't want to cancel something you've been looking forward to. So ...

@AncientWanderer I'm glad you had a good cruise. And good news on finding a temporary house for DD and family.

@smitty34877 Wonderful news that Tana is feeling a little better. 

@kazu Be careful, and I hope the doctor can help with your issues at the visit today. 

@cunnorl Thanks for the Tonga photos.

@Lady Hudson Doing the same as you; best of luck to both of us! I can't tell you how many sizes are in my closet (although I intend to donate some).

@richwmn Thanks for checking in! And for the database Roy is using to post the Fleet Report/Daily.

@Cruising-along I hope DH feels ok after his treatment is done today; at least the end is in sight!

@durangoscots Wow on the snow. We are way under our usual snow totals here (hope I didn't jinx myself!).

@Vict0riann Good to hear that you're feeling better today, but sorry to hear about the colitis flare and need for a liquid diet. 

@Sharon in AZ Congrats on booking the solo cruise.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Stay well everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We have a conundrum.  A relative called a few days ago to ask about the tornadoes and if we had survived them.  This is a relative and their spouse who showed their true colors during the long nursing home and hospice period of my DMIL's life.  We have edged ourselves away from that relationship.  However during the phone call this person mentioned their cruise bookings and mentioned the very end of July Zaandam booking we made in late December. 😲 My jaw dropped open when they said that and I decided at that time not to mention the fact we are booked on that cruise.  Now DH and I have been thinking about what we should do.  I would hate to be on a ship with this person and their spouse for 25 days.  They would never leave us alone!  But we really wanted to do this particular cruise.  Right now I'm going to start praying they change plans.  What would you do??  I hate to cancel because of them.


Sorry to hear about this. My thoughts are that these folks will eventually figure out that there is a problem and it might be better to learn about it directly from you. Not an easy task I am sure. Kinda like the "band aid" (sticking plaster for Graham😉) dilemma. Do you pull it off slowly or rip it off quickly? It will hurt either way. 


I would recommend going on the cruise especially since @dfish Debbie and Sue will be with you. 


I don't have a good solution for how to deal with them, but telling them about your issues soonish might be best. Perhaps they will cancel their cruise. If you wait until you are onboard you risk "ruining everyone's" cruise. If you ignore it, the cruise may be uncomfortable for you and you will still likely need to deal with the situation eventually. Good luck and best wishes!

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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

...............................  We are cancelling a cruise today, mainly because of people we know on board (they don't know we even booked it.)  It doesn't really fit with our plans anyway, so no great loss.






Is that the one for April, perhaps? 😉 Trust you had a good 2nd week along with Tony and the Mrs. Hope you get over your cold/cough soon! Maria and I came home with the crud also; took about two weeks to get rid of the stupid cough

Edited by Copper10-8
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Good morning and thanks all! Prayers for those who are ill! 

2 hours ago, superoma said:

Well, we did that once to avoid travelling with a problematic couple. I still regret not going because as it turned out, the other couple canceled just before final payment. It was an itinerary I really really wanted to do. If I could have a do over, I would go and deal with any issues on board as they came up. 

This!  We had an interesting cruise one time and were asked to repeat it.  We agreed, and then the day before final payment the other couple bowed out.  We already had purchased flights to Europe so it kinda of left us high and dry.  But we decided to go anyway,  then we were offered a sweet move over deal but we’re already in Europe so we continued and had one of our best cruises ever with great people onboard! 

so you never know!  Perhaps buy the cancel for any reason? 

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I won't be ditching my New Year's resolutions today (decluttering the house, watch carbs more closely and be more physically active). I'll salute kid inventors, but not bootleggers. Like the quote. Funny, I was going through binders of recipes yesterday, and came across a couple of lamb ones. Growing up, my DM made leg of lamb often for Easter (lots of garlic, no mint jelly). I'll pass on the drink and wine.

I've never been to Nukualofa.


It's foggy and rainy, but warmer today. I was thinking of running to Aldi today, but right now my stomach is bothering me a bit. I have an upper endoscopy scheduled for Friday, plus getting blood drawn for 3 different specialists.


@rafinmd Thank you for your faithfulness in getting us started while @richwmn is cruising.

@ottahand7 That looks like a fun day yesterday.

@aliaschief Safe travels home!
@grapau27 Continued good thoughts for Sarah.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear about the cruise conundrum. It would be no fun trying to avoid them the whole cruise, but it could be done; and you don't want to cancel something you've been looking forward to. So ...

@AncientWanderer I'm glad you had a good cruise. And good news on finding a temporary house for DD and family.

@smitty34877 Wonderful news that Tana is feeling a little better. 

@kazu Be careful, and I hope the doctor can help with your issues at the visit today. 

@cunnorl Thanks for the Tonga photos.

@Lady Hudson Doing the same as you; best of luck to both of us! I can't tell you how many sizes are in my closet (although I intend to donate some).

@richwmn Thanks for checking in! And for the database Roy is using to post the Fleet Report/Daily.

@Cruising-along I hope DH feels ok after his treatment is done today; at least the end is in sight!

@durangoscots Wow on the snow. We are way under our usual snow totals here (hope I didn't jinx myself!).

@Vict0riann Good to hear that you're feeling better today, but sorry to hear about the colitis flare and need for a liquid diet. 

@Sharon in AZ Congrats on booking the solo cruise.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Stay well everyone.

Jazzy -  This time I am donating or throwing out clothes that become too large. Incentive!!

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4 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I like lamb but, as usual, don't have the ingredients to make today's dish. I would prefer a version without carrots: although I very much like carrots cooked with beef, the combination with lamb doesn't please me as much. I didn't make any New Year resolutions.


In the Faroe Islands the traditional methods of food preservation were drying (especially of fish) and fermentation. There is restaurant, Raest, that has revived the traditional techniques and I ate there. Here's the menu:


The lamb is actually more fermented than dried, and it would be fine with me not to have it again unless I were in the Faroe Islands and starving (population crashes due to starvation occurred many times in the history of the islands). Rhubarb is the only fruit-like plant that grows well in the Faroes and it is even more ubiquitous there than in Iceland.


Raest's "Menu and beverages" includes a different alcoholic drink with every course: sparkling wine, white, red, sherry, beer (not necessarily in that order--they are matched to the courses, but I didn't understand the logic), and "all inclusive" adds cognac. I had the "all inclusive." They serve full portions of all the drinks, not tasting portions, and afterward I had to sit on a bench in the harbor for half an hour before I could walk the short distance back to my hotel.


The weather report says freezing rain here, too. In a little while I need to take out trash and then go to acupuncture. I have a carbide-tipped hiking stick in the car and may use it.



Oh, my gosh, you made me laugh so hard.  Your writing style is wonderful.  You also made me very happy that I went back to the ship in the Faroe Island for lunch. 


5 hours ago, superoma said:

What we miss most about not spending part of the winter in Clearwater Florida is the lovely spit roasted lamb shank that we picked up at least once from an Eastern European deli there. They roasted it in house and the seasonings were exceptional. Spice wise I have been able to replicate but I can’t spit roast so have oven roasted. I will try one or more of these recipes and am currently leaning towards trying the slow cooker one first. And will search for an air fryer lamb recipe as backup!


I think all of the ones I posted are slow cooker recipes, but the last one also has directions for an instant pot. If the lamb were spiced well and marinated, I might like it.


3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



@dfish  Debbie, I like your suggestion to Sandi @StLouisCruisers.  DH had some charges denied recently due to no FDA approval.  Medicare said that since he did not know beforehand they were not approved, he would not have to pay for them.  Our supplemental insurance also was not billed for those charges.

We can always give Sandi and her DH an out.  Thanks for the tip about the non approved tests.  I guess I need to have a talk with the doctor.  There was no way to know if they were approved or not beforehand.  I have more tests to be done so I asked at the lab and they had no idea.  I'm not doing it until I know.


@StLouisCruisers I'm going back and forth on this issue.  I'm not sure I would mention that you've booked that cruise unless they already know.  But, it might be best to be upfront and let them know how you feel about their behavior during  your DMIL's final illness. Is it possible they were having a crisis of their own?  We never completely know what is happening in the lives of others and many times they don't tell us.  My brother recently shared something that had happened to him in childhood that he had never told anyone about.  It was a devastating event for him and he's carried that burden all his life.  Knowing this explains a lot about his past behavior and his attitudes.  Now, even if they were having a rough patch, it doesn't mean you have to be best friends again.  But, who knows, maybe discussing the event may soften some of the hurts.   They did call to make sure you were ok after the tornados, so they do care about you.  As everyone else has said, it is a real tough situation and really hard to know what to do.  But, don't let them chase you away from an experience you really want.  


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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Sharon @Sharon in AZYou Go Girl!  That's exciting that you booked that cruise solo.  I don't recall -- when will it be?  



It’s April 15, 21 days on the Volendam. The only thing I don’t like is that it’s an inside guarantee. I don’t mind the inside part but the guarantee part. But I got a great deal so can’t be picky. I know Craig wouldn’t like that or the length. 

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4 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

It’s April 15, 21 days on the Volendam. The only thing I don’t like is that it’s an inside guarantee. I don’t mind the inside part but the guarantee part. But I got a great deal so can’t be picky. I know Craig wouldn’t like that or the length. 

I admire your courage Sharon and wish you a fantastic cruise.


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42 minutes ago, dfish said:

You also made me very happy that I went back to the ship in the Faroe Island for lunch. 


I don't think that Raest is open for lunch, or that any other restaurant serves fermented lamb. I went to a cultural evening at a hotel, with a Scandinavian buffet plus examples of Faroese storytelling, music, and dance, and the buffet was no different from anything you might find in Denmark or Norway, except more fish and less pork than Denmark.


The entertainment was geared to tourists and presented in English with some introduction in German. Most of the guests were from the U.S. and Canada, but there was also a tour group from Germany. I was seated with a student from Canada, a science teacher from Germany, and a Faroese couple who had lived for many years in Denmark.


I wasn't there for a cruise--it was a five-day visit that would have been longer, had I not missed a flight connection in Iceland. Atlantic Airways flies to and from Reykjavik only three times a week in the summer, two times in winter, and on the weekends the plane is used for Faroese vacation packages to warmer, sunnier places. Service to Copenhagen runs two or three times a day.


BTW, in the Faroe Islands, pay for anything by card if you can, or try not to get any Faroese currency in change, as it's hard to exchange. It's interchangeable with Danish currency and you can request Danish notes, as both circulate. I think most visitors now try to avoid getting any currency in change throughout Scandinavia, because each country has different money, and their economies are probably the most cashless in the world.

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@grapau27, watched a program on the Smithsonian channel last night called Inside the Factory. It was about the making of waxed jackets by Barbour. It sounds like the factory is very close to your home. 
       My brother bought a Barbour jacket our first trip to London back in 1999. He believes he paid around 100 pounds for it. It still looks like new.

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7 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

@StLouisCruisersSandi, that's disappointing to have your cruise impacted that way.  It's hard to avoid people on a smaller ship like Zaandam.  Pretty much impossible.  Could it be a chance to reconcile with them?  We do have some relatives who we would definitely cancel our cruise if they were going to be onboard.  :classic_sad:  

Thanks for your comments.  I'm not sure if we could be reconciling with them since they seem totally unaware that they were very unapologetically rude towards DMIL and us.  It seems many others here have people they would rather steer clear of on a cruise!



7 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. It’s cold here and I hate it but at least no snow.

Sandi, seems to me you have a few choices. You could confront them now and tell them why you are annoyed with them and hope they change their plans. You could say nothing and give them a cold shoulder on the ship so they get the message or you can say nothing and have a lousy time trying to dodge them all the time. Of course you could change your plans, but I’m sure you don’t want to do that.  You do have a problem either way.

Stay safe everyone, Carol.                         

All your points are valid and I'm just not sure yet which way we are going to go.  Thanks for your opinions and advice.



7 hours ago, kazu said:


If it were me, I would make it clear to these people that you and your DH do your own thing, like to spend time alone eating together and make it clear that you will each be doing your own thing - If you choose to tell them that you were on this cruise.   As Carol mentioned the other alternative is to disclose your unhappiness about the past.  That can get pretty messy though.  Good luck with this very tough situation.

Thanks Jacqui!  We would certainly want to dine without them and just hang out on the ship alone and not with them.  Like you said, it's gonna get messy if we bring up the past.  



7 hours ago, dfish said:


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I think you and your DH are going to be too busy with Sue and me to make plans with the relatives.  Use us as an excuse if you need to.


Debbie, we would be honored to use you as an excuse for our lack of availability!  😄



4 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:


@smitty34877 Happy to hear Tana is doing better. @StLouisCruisers oy! @kazu what I suspected. ‘Nuf said. Hope you feel better soon.


Have a great day everyone!

I agree with your "oy" wholeheartedly!




4 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

@StLouisCruisersSo sorry that "those" relatives are on the same cruise that you are.  It's quite a dilemma.  Make it clear that you want to spend time with your DH and your friends, not them.    We have a fear that a certain relative of ours would book the same cruise as we have booked, I hope we never face that problem.   I hope they cancel.

I hope they cancel too.  They have done that in the past, but I don't know if I'm that lucky...




4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, you do have a dilemma.  You might think about talking with or writing to the relative before the cruise to say you will be busy with previous plans so won't have time to be with them.  It might avoid a scene on the ship. 


Lenda, I've thought about bluntly asking if they are for sure going on this cruise or not.  Then if they say yes, tell them we have had hurt feelings for quite some time over their past behaviors (listing them) and we hope we can take this cruise without being expected to spend all our time with them.  In fact, we'd like to be left to ourselves so we can enjoy our Midland friends' company. 😇  I know they prefer eating dinner at 5 or 5:30 pm which we never do.  We prefer late dining.  I have visions of them walking out of the dining room as we're walking in though!  OY!




3 hours ago, superoma said:

Well, we did that once to avoid travelling with a problematic couple. I still regret not going because as it turned out, the other couple canceled just before final payment. It was an itinerary I really really wanted to do. If I could have a do over, I would go and deal with any issues on board as they came up. 

I don't think we should have to cancel our cruise either.  🚢




3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today will be another day of putting Christmas decorations away (yes, I put out a lot) 😅  But hopefully this will be the last of it.  Yesterday our new washer/dryer set arrived and I have a lot of laundry to do too so the day will be full.  One good thing about getting new appliances is it kind of forces me to "clean out, get rid" of other things in that room so it looks pretty good.  


Today DH has another bladder chemo treatment, next Tuesday will be his last.  It's starting to wear on him, and he's not feeling great.  The anti-nausea meds are helping with that, but he feels fatigued and "off".  We'll be very glad when this is over.  His last treatment will be on my birthday so obviously that will be a quiet day here!  😄


Sandi @StLouisCruisersI agree with the advice to let them know you like to do your own thing/have plans with Debbie and Sue.  I feel for you!  We have a similar problem, but not to that extent.  A couple we don't care for but for other reasons (no big problem like you have).  We plan to keep to ourselves, and if we do run into them, make excuses.  On smaller ships I know that isn't as easy.  


Sharon @Sharon in AZYou Go Girl!  That's exciting that you booked that cruise solo.  I don't recall -- when will it be?  


Terry @smitty34877I'm happy to hear that Tana is doing better.  Continued prayers.

I hope your DH is feeling better soon from his treatments.  Thanks for your advice, too.  I think it would be much easier if they were "friends" instead of relatives.




2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Feeling better today.  Yesterday was a bit of a bust, along with this cold and cough I had a nosebleed and a bout of ischemic colitis, at least I have medicine for it now, but I'll be on a clear liquid diet for a few days.  The recipes make my mouth water!  Then I know I have to start off slowly, with just a bit of white fish and rice.  I'm even looking forward to that.  We are cancelling a cruise today, mainly because of people we know on board (they don't know we even booked it.)  It doesn't really fit with our plans anyway, so no great loss.


I hope you're feeling better soon, Ann.  Interesting you have people booked on your cruise you don't care for either.  Hope you can find a better cruise to fit your plans.




2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

StLouisCruisers facing painful decision on Alaska Cruise
Grahaam’s Sarah in pain and waiting on needed injection
Scrapnana starting over on treatment
From the rotation:
Kazu with elbow fracture
HAL Sailer DBIL in final days and family squabbles
Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement
Marshhawk DH eye issues.


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

5 days for Heartgrove (Carnival Legend 1/22 to 1/29)
cruszn single in Hawaii until 1/31
A better night for Tana
Atexsix DD doing better and a cruise in the works
Welcome home Aliaschief (Onward  to 1/17)
Seasick Sailor and ger_77 (Rotterdam  to 1/25), DeeniEncinetas, and sailingdutchty   (Koningsdam  to 1/31),  lindaler and ottahand7(Volendam  to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty,richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12) at sea



Roy, thanks for the mention today but the cruise isn't Alaska, it's New England, Canada, Greenland, Iceland roundtrip Boston.  No international airfare which the estranged relatives mentioned as a plus, too.  Another oy!!




2 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear about the cruise conundrum. It would be no fun trying to avoid them the whole cruise, but it could be done; and you don't want to cancel something you've been looking forward to. So ...


I imagine sitting in the Ocean Bar listening to music which we did a lot on the Volendam, and the two of them walking in exclaiming "Why didn't you tell us you were on this cruise too??  What is going on??"  Yes, it would be a scene.




2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:


Sorry to hear about this. My thoughts are that these folks will eventually figure out that there is a problem and it might be better to learn about it directly from you. Not an easy task I am sure. Kinda like the "band aid" (sticking plaster for Graham😉) dilemma. Do you pull it off slowly or rip it off quickly? It will hurt either way. 


I would recommend going on the cruise especially since @dfish Debbie and Sue will be with you. 


I don't have a good solution for how to deal with them, but telling them about your issues soonish might be best. Perhaps they will cancel their cruise. If you wait until you are onboard you risk "ruining everyone's" cruise. If you ignore it, the cruise may be uncomfortable for you and you will still likely need to deal with the situation eventually. Good luck and best wishes!

I tend to agree that we should speak up before final payment.  Get it over with quickly as you said.




1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! Prayers for those who are ill! 

This!  We had an interesting cruise one time and were asked to repeat it.  We agreed, and then the day before final payment the other couple bowed out.  We already had purchased flights to Europe so it kinda of left us high and dry.  But we decided to go anyway,  then we were offered a sweet move over deal but we’re already in Europe so we continued and had one of our best cruises ever with great people onboard! 

so you never know!  Perhaps buy the cancel for any reason? 

Good advice.  We have to make some decisions about flights and insurance, and those decisions are already hard enough to decide on without all this uncertainty.




1 hour ago, dfish said:


We can always give Sandi and her DH an out. 


@StLouisCruisers I'm going back and forth on this issue.  I'm not sure I would mention that you've booked that cruise unless they already know.  But, it might be best to be upfront and let them know how you feel about their behavior during  your DMIL's final illness. Is it possible they were having a crisis of their own?  We never completely know what is happening in the lives of others and many times they don't tell us.  My brother recently shared something that had happened to him in childhood that he had never told anyone about.  It was a devastating event for him and he's carried that burden all his life.  Knowing this explains a lot about his past behavior and his attitudes.  Now, even if they were having a rough patch, it doesn't mean you have to be best friends again.  But, who knows, maybe discussing the event may soften some of the hurts.   They did call to make sure you were ok after the tornados, so they do care about you.  As everyone else has said, it is a real tough situation and really hard to know what to do.  But, don't let them chase you away from an experience you really want.  


Thanks Debbie for all your advice.  I'm sure glad we will have you and Sue on board!  Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier, sorry about all those carrots in the recipes today.  When I saw the photos I said oh poor Debbie!   😉


Charlene, @cunnorlthanks for sharing your photos of Nuko'alofa, Tonga today.  They were great!

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Now that I’m in Sky Lounge awaiting final flight home I have time to look for some pics from our April 2019 Maasdam visit to Tonga. The Kings Palace, reception band and watching the fishing pigs furrowing for crustaceans at low tide made for a memorable visit.

Looking forward to my recliner and bed! Long day!


Edited by aliaschief
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38 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

@grapau27, watched a program on the Smithsonian channel last night called Inside the Factory. It was about the making of waxed jackets by Barbour. It sounds like the factory is very close to your home. 
       My brother bought a Barbour jacket our first trip to London back in 1999. He believes he paid around 100 pounds for it. It still looks like new.

The factory at South Shields is about 15 miles from us.

Barbour have a reputation for quality products.

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Good afternoon.  After my walk around our community with a stop at the mIlbox, I decided to take advantage of our last nice day for awhile and sit outside.  It's nice to be out in the virtually leaf free port.  Tomorrow, I'm faced with house cleaning.


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today will be another day of putting Christmas decorations away (yes, I put out a lot) 😅  But hopefully this will be the last of it.  Yesterday our new washer/dryer set arrived and I have a lot of laundry to do too so the day will be full.  One good thing about getting new appliances is it kind of forces me to "clean out, get rid" of other things in that room so it looks pretty good.  


Today DH has another bladder chemo treatment, next Tuesday will be his last.  It's starting to wear on him, and he's not feeling great.  The anti-nausea meds are helping with that, but he feels fatigued and "off".  We'll be very glad when this is over.  His last treatment will be on my birthday so obviously that will be a quiet day here!  😄


Sandi @StLouisCruisersI agree with the advice to let them know you like to do your own thing/have plans with Debbie and Sue.  I feel for you!  We have a similar problem, but not to that extent.  A couple we don't care for but for other reasons (no big problem like you have).  We plan to keep to ourselves, and if we do run into them, make excuses.  On smaller ships I know that isn't as easy.  


Sharon @Sharon in AZYou Go Girl!  That's exciting that you booked that cruise solo.  I don't recall -- when will it be?  


Terry @smitty34877I'm happy to hear that Tana is doing better.  Continued prayers.


Carolyn, I hope your DH does not have a bad time after today’s treatment.  I imagine he's looking forward to next week when the last one is behind him.


4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Feeling better today.  Yesterday was a bit of a bust, along with this cold and cough I had a nosebleed and a bout of ischemic colitis, at least I have medicine for it now, but I'll be on a clear liquid diet for a few days.  The recipes make my mouth water!  Then I know I have to start off slowly, with just a bit of white fish and rice.  I'm even looking forward to that.  We are cancelling a cruise today, mainly because of people we know on board (they don't know we even booked it.)  It doesn't really fit with our plans anyway, so no great loss.


Happy to hear that @smitty34877 and Tana had a better sleep last night, what a worry.  Dogs know exactly what they need to do to comfort us, don't they?  I hope they slept well, too.  And I hope Jacqui gets some help from the doctor today.  When I had surgery on my elbow once and had a cast, it became very uncomfortable and had to be changed to a splint - just a little thing, but made a big difference.  


I never even thought about New Year's Resolutions this year as we were carousing on a BHB!  So nothing to ditch.  I wonder what I should do about that?




Ann, I'm glad you are feeling better today, but I'm sorry about the nosebleed and the colitis flare up.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I won't be ditching my New Year's resolutions today (decluttering the house, watch carbs more closely and be more physically active). I'll salute kid inventors, but not bootleggers. Like the quote. Funny, I was going through binders of recipes yesterday, and came across a couple of lamb ones. Growing up, my DM made leg of lamb often for Easter (lots of garlic, no mint jelly). I'll pass on the drink and wine.

I've never been to Nukualofa.


It's foggy and rainy, but warmer today. I was thinking of running to Aldi today, but right now my stomach is bothering me a bit. I have an upper endoscopy scheduled for Friday, plus getting blood drawn for 3 different specialists.


@rafinmd Thank you for your faithfulness in getting us started while @richwmn is cruising.

@ottahand7 That looks like a fun day yesterday.

@aliaschief Safe travels home!
@grapau27 Continued good thoughts for Sarah.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear about the cruise conundrum. It would be no fun trying to avoid them the whole cruise, but it could be done; and you don't want to cancel something you've been looking forward to. So ...

@AncientWanderer I'm glad you had a good cruise. And good news on finding a temporary house for DD and family.

@smitty34877 Wonderful news that Tana is feeling a little better. 

@kazu Be careful, and I hope the doctor can help with your issues at the visit today. 

@cunnorl Thanks for the Tonga photos.

@Lady Hudson Doing the same as you; best of luck to both of us! I can't tell you how many sizes are in my closet (although I intend to donate some).

@richwmn Thanks for checking in! And for the database Roy is using to post the Fleet Report/Daily.

@Cruising-along I hope DH feels ok after his treatment is done today; at least the end is in sight!

@durangoscots Wow on the snow. We are way under our usual snow totals here (hope I didn't jinx myself!).

@Vict0riann Good to hear that you're feeling better today, but sorry to hear about the colitis flare and need for a liquid diet. 

@Sharon in AZ Congrats on booking the solo cruise.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Stay well everyone.


Vanessa, I hope the upper endoscopy and the blood tests will give you some answers about the stomach issues, and that they are easily solved.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

We can always give Sandi and her DH an out.  Thanks for the tip about the non approved tests.  I guess I need to have a talk with the doctor.  There was no way to know if they were approved or not beforehand.  I have more tests to be done so I asked at the lab and they had no idea.  I'm not doing it until I know.



Debbie, with medical issues, I'm not sure if even the doctors know if a test is approved by the FDA in certain circumstances.  In our case, our lack of knowledge was to our benefit.  You might want to see how your insurance handles such cases.  Things can be so complicated it's impossible for a patient to know what's what.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda, I've thought about bluntly asking if they are for sure going on this cruise or not.  Then if they say yes, tell them we have had hurt feelings for quite some time over their past behaviors (listing them) and we hope we can take this cruise without being expected to spend all our time with them.  In fact, we'd like to be left to ourselves so we can enjoy our Midland friends' company. 😇  I know they prefer eating dinner at 5 or 5:30 pm which we never do.  We prefer late dining.  I have visions of them walking out of the dining room as we're walking in though!  OY!


Sandi, I don't envy you in this situation.  It's a difficult choice on what to do, but I think Fred @Overhead Fred had some sound advice.


45 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Now that I’m in Sky Lounge awaiting final flight home I have time to look for some pics from our April 2019 Maasdam visit to Tonga. The Kings Palace, reception band and watching the fishing pigs furrowing for crustaceans at low tide made for a memorable visit.

Looking forward to my recliner and bed! Long day!



Bruce, thanks for adding your pictures of Tonga.



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, with medical issues, I'm not sure if even the doctors know if a test is approved by the FDA in certain circumstances.  In our case, our lack of knowledge was to our benefit.  You might want to see how your insurance handles such cases.  Things can be so complicated it's impossible for a patient to know what's what.



I just checked and insurance paid them!   Whew!  That is a load of stress off my mind.  The claims weren't up yesterday.  


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thanks Debbie for all your advice.  I'm sure glad we will have you and Sue on board!  Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier, sorry about all those carrots in the recipes today.  When I saw the photos I said oh poor Debbie!   😉



You are in a real tough spot.  In the end, do what is best for you.  And, in a sticky situation, Sue and I would be honored to be an excuse or an escape.  As for the carrots......  Even if I liked them, when I see them now I think of the Bent Carrot commercial and just don't think I could eat one.


4 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

It’s April 15, 21 days on the Volendam. The only thing I don’t like is that it’s an inside guarantee. I don’t mind the inside part but the guarantee part. But I got a great deal so can’t be picky. I know Craig wouldn’t like that or the length. 

Good for you, Sharon!   Now, you just need to book the Zaandam for July 29th and come along with Sue, me, Sandi and her DH.   

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21 minutes ago, dfish said:


I just checked and insurance paid them!   Whew!  That is a load of stress off my mind.  The claims weren't up yesterday.  



You are in a real tough spot.  In the end, do what is best for you.  And, in a sticky situation, Sue and I would be honored to be an excuse or an escape.  As for the carrots......  Even if I liked them, when I see them now I think of the Bent Carrot commercial and just don't think I could eat one.


Good for you, Sharon!   Now, you just need to book the Zaandam for July 29th and come along with Sue, me, Sandi and her DH.   


Debbie, that's  good news.  BTW, I buy the small "baby" carrots -- no resemblance to the bent carrot commercial.



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13 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I can understand your dilemma Sandi.

These people would be determined to keep bumping into you and spoil your cruise if you didn't want to spend lots of time with them.

You could just tell them straight you didn't want to see them otherwise you would feel as if you were watching out to avoid them

It would be our nightmare if Pauline's sister and her husband was on the same ship as us.


well you and Pauline seem so nice that I was surprised to hear this.

I guess every family has issues including the Royals.

any bets on if Harry goes to the Coronation.  I mean he wrote a book and slug some mud on Camilla.

Papa no likey this at all.

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1 hour ago, dfish said:

  As for the carrots......  Even if I liked them, when I see them now I think of the Bent Carrot commercial and just don't think I could eat one.



56 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


... no resemblance to the bent carrot commercial.



I had to google that commercial....😲

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