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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday February 3rd, 2023


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@HAL Sailer Blessings of comfort to all grieving your loved one’s passing. Loss of a loved one is always stunning. 

@rafinmd Thanks for the update Roy!  So glad to hear folks are walking this path with you. Remember that they have gifts to share, and your accepting keeps grace flowing. Blessings for a steady improvement.  

@luvteaching It can be so hard having a loved one hospitalized, but maybe better than trying to do it all yourself at home. Blessings for the best path forward for you both. 

Blessings to all in need of healing and hope, especially those in the very cold zones now. And please be extra careful, now is not a good time to need emergency help, it can be super difficult and dangerous for help to reach you. 

@kazu Celebrating even small miracles with you!  

Congrats to all celebrating milestones of life and memories. Hearing of these helps encourage all of us. 

Thanks for all the beauty shared in pictures. They are uplifting!  

Smooth travels for all who are away, on land, at sea and flying. 

We’re good here at +25F!  Maybe 10 tonight.   Bright sunshine today but windy. I’ll take it over the deep freeze so many are managing through. 


Post Script:  DS still hasn’t gotten his renewal passport yet, needed for the family Rotterdam cruise Feb 25. Applied Dec 27 online expedited. I hope he has a certified birth certificate…. DDIL wasn’t sure…. 🤦🏼‍♀️. As soon as I heard they booked, I told them to check passport expirations… sure enough one was expiring. I suggested they check for birth certificates too, just in case, and apply immediately for new copies if needed. They’re 50 something… that’s about all I can do 🤷🏼‍♀️.   

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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

There is a group roaming around with signs. At first I thought it was a protest, but the signs read “Cruisin for a Boozin,” iow a pub crawl. The leader, who appeared to have a head start, lurched into me, and instead of apologizing, shouted an invitation to join them into my ear. I had just gotten coffee from Starbucks, and replied, “Oh shut up.” I took my coffee to a lounge that’s used as a late-night venue but empty at this time of day.


Oh, my!   Doesn't sound like my kind of time.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Paul, I believe I read that NCL Getaway is not going to Bermuda, but instead is  going to Nassau.  How mad were the passengers?


Maybe Paul's post above explains how they are dealing with the news.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Oh yes, Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass....my parents too.

I had a scrap book of the Beatles (still have it) and I inadvertently covered the "s" in scrap book with a photo or something.  My Dad laughed SO hard that I had a "crap book" of the Beatles. 😂  But that same man is the man who drove me and a friend to the Beatles concert and sat waiting in the parking lot for us.  He said he could hear the screaming from there 😉  

Dads will do remarkable things for their little princesses.  What a wonderful memory.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Paul, I believe I read that NCL Getaway is not going to Bermuda, but instead is  going to Nassau.  How mad were the passengers?

It gets better: the port time in Nassau is from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.


Most passengers have beverage packages. Draw your own conclusion.  It’s probably hardest for the parents of the hundreds of small children. The gamblers are probably the happiest passengers since the casino is open all the time.

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Good afternoon.  It's sunny and 49F, which is still a little chilly, but I'll put on a coat and take my walk in a bit.  I haven't check the mailbox since Monday and wonder what kind of junk mail awaits me today.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@HAL SailerI am sorry that your DSIL (who seemed to be the glue that held that side of the family together) has passed away.  I know you all expected it after her last bad turn, but as you and others have said, it is still hard.  She was the memory in the family, when your DH didn't remember.  I know you will miss her.


Today seems to be a day when things are not going well for so many of our loved ones.  Prayers for Sarah and Tana.  


We just got back from the vets, and it doesn't look good for Neko.  The antibiotics and steroids brought down the swelling near the tooth, but the growth on her lip and behind the tooth has not gone down.  She has lost more weight, and she appears to be much needier with attention. (not wanting to be alone).  We were told again that we could run the test for cancer, she will have to sedate her, and take a biopsy, or we can try again with another round of antibiotics and steroids,  and see if that makes any difference, either way we will have to think about having her put down.  She is 17 years old, which brings us to Irving, my little honey bear, the other 17 year old that has does have dementia, thinks he is a tiger, screams if you dont feed him from your plate, and has been losing weight like crazy, but eats like a machine.


Hugs to you all, stay warm!  If you can, and celebrate wear a second sweater on top of yesterdays sweater day. 


Annie, I'm sorry Neko did not get a good report.  When our fur babies get to that certain age, it becomes more difficult to decide how aggressive we should be with treatment, and now you have Irving to consider too.  The decision to give them a peaceful end is never easy, and as we get older, I've found it to be even more difficult.  In the end, I know you will do what is best for both Neko and Irving.


4 hours ago, rafinmd said:
From my pastor:
Just spoke to Roy and he asked me to do a group email report!
He's been out to the grocery store today and plans to stay for the rest of today and tomorrow due to the bitter cold.
Roy's voice sounds clearer to me today, though he reports shortness of breath continuing through yesterday and the night.
We discussed the possibility of Roy setting up some kind of regular check-in by phone text or email everyday that would allow those on this distribution to get an update on his well being and progress. 
Ideally, those with legal and familial authority would take the lead with Roy agree on a pattern of notices to others, to include ones who can provide support because of our proximity.
I know we are all glad to hear of his determination to regain strength and his compliance with doctor's orders for followup and treatment!
Grateful for this 'village'!


Roy, it was a relief to read your pastor's email.  I hope the regular check-in has been set up, and that you will ask for help when needed.  In the meantime, follow the advice to rest, etc.


3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cold to start, but much warmer than it has been.... was 22 when dogs and I ventured forth. It is supposed to make it into the low 40's today. Tonight is our Snowdown light parade which I will not be attending. The cold is not too bad but the crowds are to be avoided.


Yesterday was a sort of a futile day... did not get much done. To begin with, little Monty Chihuahua went into the vet. I have noticed straining when he is urinating and a number of futile attemps and I could not get a sample as he dodges away from me. "No problem," they said... "Bring him in" they said "We can collect the sample" they said. We had walked at 6:45 and he was straining. I took him in at 10:00 and picked him at 4:45 and he still had not gone. Of course as soon as we got home he flooded the driveway. With my permission they had done an ultrasound and all was normal. I will watch him carefully for the next few days, talk to the vet and then decide on further action. This is a very fearful dog and if you have anything in your hand (like a collection tray) he panics. More $$ done gone.


Glad to hear from Roy this morning and that he and his pastor are putting together a plan. My neighbors are very helpful and while I know he does not like to "impose"... sometimes it is just necessary to ask for a bit of assistance. You can pay it back later. My most positive thoughts continue for him and for the others needing them.



Bandit and Monty...who wonders why we keep following him around.




Susan, I hope Monty does not have a serious problem, and that it either clears up on it's own or that the vet can find a solution.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning from a cloudy and soon to be rainy PNW. 


@dfish Thanks for checking. DH is still hospitalized but I should find out more today. Yesterday I got there and he was 'Nothing by mouth" because he'd coughed so much the night before at dinner. The hospitalist came in, we agreed DH should eat and we'd watch him, and a bit later lunch was delivered (chocolate pudding, peaches, egg salad, strawberry shake - think Ensure type, and thickened apple juice). He's still on one-to-one feed so the CNA did it for a while then I took over and DH handled it all pretty good. The pudding disappeared fast as did the egg salad, shake and apple juice. The peaches took a bit longer. We'll see what happens today. The options, at this point, are home or a "swing" bed program at the hospital where he'd do more therapy there. I'm all for that one. He did that last Spring and came out in great shape. Hopefully more news tonight!



Karen, thanks for the update on your DH.  It sounds like the swing bed program is what he needs for more therapy to be able to come home safely.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Even as a child I never liked bubble gum -- I just didn't like the flavor.  My neighbor had a bird feeder but stopped using it because the squirrels used it more than the birds, made a mess, and she had weeds all under the feeder in her flower beds.  Such a sad day when the music died.  I was quite small but do remember.  


I like the quote, will pass on the meal (even smoked salmon gets a pass from me), and wine but the drink sounds good.  I've been to San Francisco many times because we lived in the Bay Area when I was a teen.  In fact my first date with DH was in San Francisco and it's also where I saw the Beatles in concert when I was 14.  Also have been there a few times on cruises.  Sandi @StLouisCruisers I agree SO much about the good old days.  It's a whole other thing there now 😞  


I'm looking forward to having a normal dinner tonight, but don't know yet what that will be.  Two days of soups and scrambled eggs gets old fast. 😉  Mouth is still sore, but as long as I stay away from spicy foods it should be ok.


Today is the day to start that painting.  Debbie @dfishputs me to shame, I've procrastinated long enough!  But it's supposed to rain for the next week -- no gardening and no more excuses!  


Melissa @HAL Sailermy deepest condolences.  Even when it's expected, it's never, ever easy.

Nancy @ottahand7thank you for your photos!  I'm wondering how your chairs on the balcony stayed in place with 90 mph winds?!

Annie @marshhawkyou're such a good kitty mama.  So hard when our pets get older and have problems. 

Roy @rafinmdI'm glad that you'll be getting regular check-ins, thank you for sharing your pastor's email.


Here are some of my photos from different Pacific Coast cruises.  


One time we took a tour to Alcatraz.  Approaching "The Rock"







View of the San Francisco skyline from Alcatraz



Cable car stop



"Gimme some chocolate and nobody gets hurt"






Ghirardelli Square





Under the Golden Gate Bridge



Golden Gate Bridge at sunset



Sea lions at Pier 39














Carolyn, I did not see or hear the seals at Pier 39 last spring.  I think they may have cleaned up the area and discouraged the seals from the piers.  I remember reading they were trying to dislodge the seals.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Oh yes, Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass....my parents too.

I had a scrap book of the Beatles (still have it) and I inadvertently covered the "s" in scrap book with a photo or something.  My Dad laughed SO hard that I had a "crap book" of the Beatles. 😂  But that same man is the man who drove me and a friend to the Beatles concert and sat waiting in the parking lot for us.  He said he could hear the screaming from there 😉  


I was a big Beatles fan, and in fact, I still am.  I also listened to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass.  My father introduced me to Broadway musicals by buying soundtrack albums when I first got my stereo record player in the sixth grade.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

 Big Bopper-Chantilly Lace got a pretty face  a pony tail hanging down a wiggle in her walk makes the world go round and round. At least I think he did that song.

When we were at Cannon AFB in Clovis, NM we toured Norman Petty’s recording studio’s where Buddy Holley and Crickets recorded some of their songs

Every year Clovis would have a music festival. Remember a very young Lee Ann Rimes singing, Bobby Vee and others….


Bruce, yes, Chantilly Lace was The Big Bopper's biggest hit.  They still play it on the 60s channel on satellite radio.


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Excellent photos Lenda.

We stayed 2 days Pre-cruise in San Francisco and had a great visit to Alcatraz.


Thank you, Graham.  We visited Alcatraz in the late 1990s on a road trip to San Francisco.  A very interesting place to visit.  We also rode the cable cars and visited the Cable Car Museum on that trip.


54 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

Missing luggage story - one suitcase never arrived on Celebrity for one in our group.  When leaving another in our group noticed the suitcase being rolled off by a women.  Our group woman said “That’s our suitcase.” And the reply was no it’s not.  Our group woman said “I made all those pom poms personally for our group!” and went and grabbed the suitcase.  At least the suitcase was returned — on the last day!  Katherine 


Katherine, that is unbelievable some one would keep a suitcase that wasn't theirs, and especially one that was mostly underwear.  We lock our cases, so if someone kept them for a week, it might not do them much good.


23 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

It gets better: the port time in Nassau is from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.


Most passengers have beverage packages. Draw your own conclusion.  It’s probably hardest for the parents of the hundreds of small children. The gamblers are probably the happiest passengers since the casino is open all the time.


Paul, that sounds like what some Aussie friends would call a booze cruise.  Glad you can find some quiet, calm places during the day.



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I took the Beatles tour while on a Princess ship in Liverpool.  We enjoyed the museum, Cavern Club, Strawberry Fields, Abbey Road, etc.  A dream come true for a Beatles fan.


We did the same, I think it was a Celebrity cruise.  A must for any Beatles fan!  I remember several of us posted our photos when Liverpool was the port of the day.

1 hour ago, dfish said:


Dads will do remarkable things for their little princesses.  What a wonderful memory.

The good ones sure do, as you and I both know!  🙂  

14 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Carolyn, I did not see or hear the seals at Pier 39 last spring.  I think they may have cleaned up the area and discouraged the seals from the piers.  I remember reading they were trying to dislodge the seals.

I looked back to see when that photo was taken.  It was a long time ago, 2013!

14 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


I was a big Beatles fan, and in fact, I still am.  



Once a Beatles fan, always a Beatles fan!  

Edited by Cruising-along
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50 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

It gets better: the port time in Nassau is from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.


Most passengers have beverage packages. Draw your own conclusion.  It’s probably hardest for the parents of the hundreds of small children. The gamblers are probably the happiest passengers since the casino is open all the time.


9 pm to 3 am is insane.  Might as well call it the cruise to nowhere.  I guess you can tell who the gamblers are because they're walking around with a big smile!

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8 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

We did the same, I think it was a Celebrity cruise.  A must for any Beatles fan!  I remember several of us posted our photos when Liverpool was the port of the day.

The good ones sure do, as you and I both know!  🙂  

I looked back to see when that photo was taken.  It was a long time ago, 2013!

Once a Beatles fan, always a Beatles fan!  


Yes, and we also did The Beatles tour and visited the Beatles Experience in Liverpool.  The first time we were in Hamburg, Germany, we went to the St. Pauli district to see where they played, and the statue of the four of them.


We also saw The Beatles Love at the Mirage in LV three times.  Twice for the orgininal version and once after it was restaged.  At least, the new owners of the Mirage are keeping that show.  For many years, the area outside the Beatles Love theater in the casino played Beatles music, and that was where I'd make my donations to the Slot Gods.




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3 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


9 pm to 3 am is insane.  Might as well call it the cruise to nowhere.  I guess you can tell who the gamblers are because they're walking around with a big smile!

I think that the extra distance to Nassau would still have allowed docking somewhat earlier. At a guess, no berth was available until late. The captain called it a tech stop. Just enough to comply with the PVSA.


In my signature here, I intend to call it “to nowhere.”

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55 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  It's sunny and 49F, which is still a little chilly, but I'll put on a coat and take my walk in a bit.  I haven't check the mailbox since Monday and wonder what kind of junk mail awaits me today.


Lenda we have had no mail in days! Our mailboxes are still frozen shut!

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5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@HAL SailerI am sorry that your DSIL (who seemed to be the glue that held that side of the family together) has passed away.  I know you all expected it after her last bad turn, but as you and others have said, it is still hard.  She was the memory in the family, when your DH didn't remember.  I know you will miss her.


Today seems to be a day when things are not going well for so many of our loved ones.  Prayers for Sarah and Tana.  


We just got back from the vets, and it doesn't look good for Neko.  The antibiotics and steroids brought down the swelling near the tooth, but the growth on her lip and behind the tooth has not gone down.  She has lost more weight, and she appears to be much needier with attention. (not wanting to be alone).  We were told again that we could run the test for cancer, she will have to sedate her, and take a biopsy, or we can try again with another round of antibiotics and steroids,  and see if that makes any difference, either way we will have to think about having her put down.  She is 17 years old, which brings us to Irving, my little honey bear, the other 17 year old that has does have dementia, thinks he is a tiger, screams if you dont feed him from your plate, and has been losing weight like crazy, but eats like a machine.


Hugs to you all, stay warm!  If you can, and celebrate wear a second sweater on top of yesterdays sweater day. 


OH, i am so sorry to hear this. 😢 


I feel for you for your conundrum.  Neko has lived a good life and now you’re faced with tests for Neko (which may not resolve anything) and just stress out the poor thing,  hope to help  and the wish for quality of life for Neko..

I feel for you and the tough position you are in.  Neko is in good hands and will be well cared for and the right thing done, no matter what you decide to do.  Prayers for you dealing with this and for both your precious fur babies 🙏 

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22 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I think that the extra distance to Nassau would still have allowed docking somewhat earlier. At a guess, no berth was available until late. The captain called it a tech stop. Just enough to comply with the PVSA.


In my signature here, I intend to call it “to nowhere.”

Wondering why Bermuda was canceled. We did a 6 day cruise to Bermuda in August with 3 adult grandkids out of Baltimore. If it had been changed to Nassau we’d have survived but been disappointed. At that time Bermuda was requiring covid tests and $60 entrance fee which they said was non-refundable. If they still require the entrance fee, and NCL just changed the itinerary for their own purposes, I’m guess all the pax are out 60 bucks. So my question is, Is Bermuda turning ships away?  

@kochleffelwishing you good lemonade out of lemons!  Hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship!  M—

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12 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Lenda we have had no mail in days! Our mailboxes are still frozen shut!


We didn't have mail delivery the past three days as far as I can tell, but then, I didn't try to make it to the mailboxes. I saw the USPS drive by this morning.  


We've thawed out, and finally DH's fancy rain gauge registered some of the sleet and rain this week.  My old fashioned rain gauge showed 3/10s of an inch.


Our older DD finally got their power back late this morning, but at that time the other DD was still without power.



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It’s currently 20 degrees here In Reading and 34 in Juneau, time to visit. For those of you that get the Me tv channel, tonight at 8pm they are showing the pilot episode of Andy Griffith show .

    Tomorrow is National Eat Ice Cream for breakfast day. Several restaurants  are serving special treats. 

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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Post Script:  DS still hasn’t gotten his renewal passport yet, needed for the family Rotterdam cruise Feb 25. Applied Dec 27 online expedited. I hope he has a certified birth certificate…. DDIL wasn’t sure…. 🤦🏼‍♀️. As soon as I heard they booked, I told them to check passport expirations… sure enough one was expiring. I suggested they check for birth certificates too, just in case, and apply immediately for new copies if needed. They’re 50 something… that’s about all I can do 🤷🏼‍♀️.   


Maureen, I applied online on Dec 28, expedited. My passport was shipped Jan 31, with expected delivery by 9PM tonight. It didn't come with the mail this afternoon, but nothing. Tracking was last updated yesterday, so maybe it'll come tomorrow. Has DS gotten notice that it shipped?

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Just now, Crazy For Cats said:

Hi Everyone, apparently today is a day we would all like to celebrate, National Take a Cruise Day.



Love that!  How did we miss it?


Notice the "Snoopy" at the right hanging over the railing?  Could be a little bit seasick!

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44 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


Maureen, I applied online on Dec 28, expedited. My passport was shipped Jan 31, with expected delivery by 9PM tonight. It didn't come with the mail this afternoon, but nothing. Tracking was last updated yesterday, so maybe it'll come tomorrow. Has DS gotten notice that it shipped?

Negative. Just that it’s “In progress”. DoS tracking has said this since early January. 🤞.

Please let us know when you get yours!  DH applied by mail Dec 27, first day after Christmas. (We came back from a cruise Dec 23; we waited until after Christmas rather than put mail in on Christmas Eve.) DH got his January 18!  I’m trying not to worry, can’t do much about it. But I can’t help feeling concerned. 🫤Thanks!  This thread helps in so many ways!  M—

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29 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Hi Everyone, apparently today is a day we would all like to celebrate, National Take a Cruise Day.


27 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Love that!  How did we miss it?


I have a primary source for the days to recognize. Take a Cruise Day was not on it. The list I go to when the primary list is short has about 20 days to recognize today including:

National Take A Cruise Day

International Golden Retriever Day

American Painters Day

Doggy Date Day

Four Chaplains Memorial Day

National Wear Red Day

National Missing Persons Day

National Patients Recognition Day

National Wedding Ring Day

National Women Physicians Day


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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Wondering why Bermuda was canceled. We did a 6 day cruise to Bermuda in August with 3 adult grandkids out of Baltimore. If it had been changed to Nassau we’d have survived but been disappointed. At that time Bermuda was requiring covid tests and $60 entrance fee which they said was non-refundable. If they still require the entrance fee, and NCL just changed the itinerary for their own purposes, I’m guess all the pax are out 60 bucks. So my question is, Is Bermuda turning ships away?  

@kochleffelwishing you good lemonade out of lemons!  Hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship!  M—

No testing or registration fee now. The reason was high winds. The navigable channel into the harbor is narrow, and ships as tall as this are vulnerable.

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Finally got a chance to sit down and take a break. 


Everything on my list is packed, plus some. 😆 Had to play Tetris to make it all fit and will end up checking 2 bags. Oh well, I’d rather pay the fee than wish I had brought something I “needed.”


Ran several errands, made spaghetti (so DH has a few meals), and going to bed early so I can be up at 3am. 😴


Thank you all for caring and sharing. 🥰  Prayers 🙏 for everyone who needs them.  Cheers 🥳 for all the celebrations.

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@StLouisCruisers  Thanks for posting the HAL fleet locations, the daily and the Care and Celebration lists.    The San Francisco airport is our only memory of SF, so appreciate seeing all the photos. 

A sunny Saturday, Temperature here is 31 C, will go for a walk later when the day hopefully cools a bit.

@HAL Sailer  sending you and DH our condolences.

@rafinmd  Roy, thanks for sharing the message from your pastor.   Were you able to sleep in your bed last  night?

@smitty34877  hope that Tana is managing to eat some food.  Does she have a favourite food to tempt her with?

Thanks everyone for making these threads a good place on the internet.


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When DH didn't want to eat, or was nauseous from the chemo, we found ice cream worked like a charm.  He was losing a lot of weight, and guess what he finally feels that he needs to gain some back. And what does he want?  ice cream...but not for breakfast.  darn.  


Ok now that the youngins have gone to bed, this is my memory of SF.  Not on a cruise, was on a college class bus tour of the American Southwest.  I went to a Presbyterian college, and in each town, we were supposed to be "adopted" by members of that church, brought into their homes 2 or 3 of us to a home, and learn about the city, the culture of the city, the people, and most of all we were supposed to be studying the American Indian.  The art, the people, etc.  

We got into Sante Fe, our first stop, and the members of the church refused to take in the students, as some of them were Muslim. So we all spent 5 nights sleeping on the basement floor of the church.  I do cringe when a lot of people say they are Christian.  Our second stop was Carlsbad NM, and the families took us in, and I really wish I had been a more open to learn person, because I scoffed at the square dance, I scoffed at the cowboy outfits, I was an unfit person.  We left Carlsbad and went to Scottdale AZ, and again, we were split up and spent our time with families.  It was fun, our family let us spend our time just wandering around, they had nothing special planned for us, they told us to take a hike, which we did and loved it.  Then we went into California.  First stop, San Diego, it was nice, but they did not have enough bedrooms or beds for us, so I got to sleep on the pool table.  It was no better than the floor in Sante Fe.  In Los Angeles, our adopted family (well the dad) asked us what we wanted to do, I said go to the Tonight show, and my "sister" wanted to go to Capistrano,  We did both, he even tried to climb the walls in the middle of the night to get us in.  Thing was, he also expected us to "put out" because he had been so nice, and we didn't and he was very glad that we didn't talk with the wife, and he was happy to drive us back to the bus pick up, and then there was San Francisco.


The first thing we saw from the back of the bus, while the bus driver was trying to park, was someone get stabbed.  Now we dont want to be in this city.  Our "Dad" picked up my "sister" and I and  took us to dinner and said that his wife was out of town for the weekend, they had gotten the weekends confused.  After dinner he took us to see a musical, The Smell of the Crowd, the Roar of the Grease Paint. But as the weekend unraveled, it turned out that there was no wife, he was a cross dresser, he was dealing with illegal birds, and he was a drug dealer.  He was not a member of the Presbyterian church, he had seen the ad to "adopt"  from a friend, and signed up. He had no food in the house, but a jar of money, and we took some change and got a cheap breakfast, and I called my best friend from high schools mother and asked for help. 


She picked us up and suggested that we stay with her, and then I asked how her son was, and she went ballistic!  She never wanted her son to have anything to do with me, as it might ruin his promising violin career, so we didn't go with her. Crazy is crazy, and we figured our host was less crazy than she was.  In fact he didn't show up at all that second night,.


  We got together with friends and wandered around town, and they all wanted to tour Alcatraz.  I had run out of funds in Sante Fe, so I chose not to have one of them pay for me, and said I would stay near the pier and people watch.  I was approached by a man, who said he wanted to kill me, and he meant it, he had a very large knife, and I got up and started running up the stairs towards a building, and the security guards came out saw the knife, tackled him and had him arrested.  I went down to the area where the boat would come back and tried to calm myself.  My friends came back all happy and bubbling and I didnt say anything. 


And "Dad" didnt show up the third night either.  We were young and stupid, and we should have called the police, because those birds that he was hiding in the basement probably starved to death.  We packed up and left after grabbing enough change to get breakfast and met up with the bus again. 


We had two more stops, one in Reno, where again, they "adopted" us, but were not members of the church, nice folk, they were watching Roots on the TV, and  then our final stop was Salt Lake City.  Again because we had Muslims traveling with us, we could not find anyone who wanted to host "kids" but the Mormon Tabernacle gave us use of the kitchen that night and we all had veggie spaghetti. I think we slept on the kitchen floor, and then the next day we boarded the bus for St. Paul again.  I'm thinking by that time, we were all smelling a little ripe. I have no fond memories of SF.  But in hindsight, I learned alot.


Sorry this story was so long.  I have never been in a big rush to get back to CA.

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1 hour ago, erewhon said:

@StLouisCruisers  Thanks for posting the HAL fleet locations, the daily and the Care and Celebration lists.    The San Francisco airport is our only memory of SF, so appreciate seeing all the photos. 

A sunny Saturday, Temperature here is 31 C, will go for a walk later when the day hopefully cools a bit.

@HAL Sailer  sending you and DH our condolences.

@rafinmd  Roy, thanks for sharing the message from your pastor.   Were you able to sleep in your bed last  night?

@smitty34877  hope that Tana is managing to eat some food.  Does she have a favourite food to tempt her with?

Thanks everyone for making these threads a good place on the internet.


I spent the night there.  Not sure how much I slept.



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