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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday, February 10, 2023


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Thank you @kochleffel, @cat shepard, @JazzyVand @Quartzsite Cruiserfor getting us up and running. What a great team!


we broke a temperature record yesterday getting up to 55f(13c). Dh and I had Happy Hour outside at 3 pm after the heavy rain and before the strong winds! Briefly had a beautiful blue sky. We are still above freezing this morning but just. Will have several mild days in a row before we get colder again. we have a little sun trap west facing between the house and garage that allows us to take advantage of early warm spells.


and my hellebores are showing new leaves. It means they survived the winter. They bloom very early but not as early as in Victoria which is where I fell in love with them. 



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report & Daily @kochleffel!  Thanks to @JazzyVfor the care and cheer list!  Although it's going up to +5C, we won't need umbrellas, as I can see the sky is already perfectly clear.   You'd think that living on the "frozen tundra", I'd have a closet full of flannel wear - nope, not a one!  I prefer sweaters or t-shirts and bunny hugs instead.  My dad taught me how to play cribbage when I was a child - sometimes he would let me win just to keep my interest.  Sure miss those times.  I've enjoyed Riojas several times in Spain.


Nothing special on the agenda today, but DH and I talked last night about heading downstairs to the pantry to check what's there and see what we should be bringing upstairs to put in the cupboards to use, rather than having to throw things away because they're past their best before date.   How exciting is that?!?  LOL


@marshhawkI hope you get good results from your scans.

@seagarsmokerwhat a great upgrade; can't wait for pictures!

@kochleffelI'm glad to hear the Paxlovid is working.

@rafinmdslow and steady, that's all you need to get well.

@AncientWanderersorry you're not well; hopefully on the road to recovery soon!

@kazuyou're a smart girl, staying inside.  You don't need to injure any other part of you!

@StLouisCruiserssafe travels today!


I like today's menu suggestion, but it's Friday so that means pizza will be what's happening at our kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need - and there are SO many.  Hearty cheers for all with celebrations happening.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

@kochleffelThank you for starting the Fleet Report and Care List.

If you didn’t see one of my late post on yesterdays Daily we witnessed a sad event as a mature man drowned while swimming in red flag conditions. Lifeguard performed CPR for a long time to no avail. Sad and so unnecessary.

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood and we are already lounging poolside! Great place to start the day and enjoy the sunrise.

Last night we grilled Bang Bang Chicken Kababs and tonight a couple of NY Strips we bought at the market.

Have a great day and weekend.




Oh no. The Wright Brothers finally met Suzy Wong and two Wright don’t make a Wong!


I like to see a doctor give a prostate exam to that bottom!

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Thanks for the Fleet update and general info Kochleffel. Hope I spelled it right.

Little late today. Went shopping with the Misses.


Thanks goodness there are CC members who are willing to substitute posting this thread. Since I don’t get a newspaper anymore this thread is my best source for news! Please don’t ask me to volunteer and be the next threader. I would make every day National Girts Day and somehow I think I would lose viewers!


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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning. 
@Crazy For Cats, my kids say CHICKEN and freshly cooked please.

Mine would like chicken too, although they never refuse tuna.


I was surprised to see that Dutch Haven Bakery was closed.  I used to pick up a pie on my way to visit my mother.

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Good morning all,

It was rough night last night. Felt like fireworks going off in my hand. I did break down and take some of the pain medicine and it’s much better. I don’t know why we’re so stubborn and resistant to taking medicine but as we get older, we do get more worried.

I will keep this short, but I want to wish well to all those who are suffering and I hope everyone has a wonderful vacation who are off sailing the seas.

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27 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Mine would like chicken too, although they never refuse tuna.


I was surprised to see that Dutch Haven Bakery was closed.  I used to pick up a pie on my way to visit my mother.

Dieners Restaurant which is right next to Dutch Haven sells whole pies to go. 9 inch shoofly is $ 12.55

Also, not sure if you’re aware Hershey Farms Restaurant on 896 right before Sight and Sound Theater was destroyed by a fire last month. They plan to rebuild.

Edited by 1ANGELCAT
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4 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Dieners Restaurant which is right next to Dutch Haven sells whole pies to go. 9 inch shoofly is $ 12.55

Also, not sure if you’re aware Hershey Farms Restaurant on 896 right before Sight and Sound Theater was destroyed by a fire last month. They plan to rebuild.

I didn’t hear the news about Hershey Farms Restaurant.  We’ve been there a few times over the years. 
I’m not a fan of shoofly pie. I grew up with shoofly cake and I have a good recipe for that.

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32 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning all,

It was rough night last night. Felt like fireworks going off in my hand. I did break down and take some of the pain medicine and it’s much better. I don’t know why we’re so stubborn and resistant to taking medicine but as we get older, we do get more worried.

I will keep this short, but I want to wish well to all those who are suffering and I hope everyone has a wonderful vacation who are off sailing the seas.

I have been sober a very long time and agonized over taking pain meds after a hip replacement.  Both the surgeon  and anesthesiologist  told me I would need the meds after the spinal wore off.I am glad I listened. I can only imagine the intensity of your pain with  hand surgery  and I am glad you listened too.


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Cruising Sister my husband is a retired oncologist and he says the one thing patients always do wrong is to not take enough pain medicine. Pain interferes with healing so please take whatever you need to feel comfortable and don't try to tough it out.  Pain is your body's way of telling you it needs help.


So happy to see that many of us are feeling better, including me, finally, the epidural appears to be helping so you can take me off of the care list. My son is stable and we are hoping that all of these antibiotics will work and he will need no further intervention.




Hope everyone is enjoying their cruises and looking forward to their cruises starting shortly.   We would be on our Panama Canal cruise right now but I am not sorry we stayed home, no fun being sick on a cruise.  We booked one for next year so something to look forward to.  


I loved the quote and love Lily Tomlin.  



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Good morning all!

Today will get clear up to 50 degrees F, and no rain!  I could hear birds singing when I got up this morning.  Spring is coming!


I own 2 umbrellas but rarely use them.  There's a saying around here in "rain country" -- you can tell the tourists, they're the ones with umbrellas. 😄 Seriously though we do use them occasionally but I prefer just putting up the hood of my rain coat.


I don't own any flannel, prefer sweat shirts and layers.  Never have played cribbage.  Love Lily Tomlin!  Will pass on the drink and wine, most of the recipes sound delicious -- and yes, Debbie @dfishI will pass on those with cilantro!  🤣 The others sound good though.


Yesterday I talked with my doctor, it was sobering.  She's concerned, and said that it's possible my kidneys were damaged permanently and may never get better....She did agree that it's likely whatever I had in early December is the cause -- that plus the meds I'm on.  I have an appointment to see her early Monday morning to talk more.  Meanwhile I'm to stop one of my Diabetes meds and cut a blood pressure med in half.  And continue drinking lots and lots of water of course.  Trying to stay positive, but to tell the truth this has thrown me for a loop.  


Today I'll start painting the entryway downstairs.  Yesterday I only got so far as prepping and taping the walls.  Also have to call the dentist, because on day 10 the stitches are still in my lip.  That doesn't seem right.  They aren't the dissolvable type, but he said they could come out as early as a few days.


Maxine @AncientWandererI sure hope you don't have what I had, and you'll be feeling better soon.  Mine was all intestinal, is yours?


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for posting your and Sandi's @StLouisCruisersvery interesting photos.


Lorraine @cruising sisterI'm sorry you had such a bad night.  That sounds so painful!  Glad you got some pain relief.

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@RedneckBobI hope you meant National Grits Day.  Nobody wants Girts.


The key to medication once you get sober, is to take as directed, and when you feel you can go without, go without, and get rid of them.


Ok, here are the test results.  There is an 8mm nodule in one lung, and a 4mm nodule in the other, there is a small adrenal gland tumor, and a cyst in one kidney.  Dr. K is sending me to a pulmonologist, he said we might need to worry, but as it is,  all is fine, he just wants me with the right doctor, to get his opinion.  So I guess until I get a BAD report then I can be taken off the lists now.  DH said it isnt good but with my cough he thought it was going to be a much worse story.

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Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report.

Thanks to all who contribute.


It's cold and rainy here today.  I don't use an umbrella, I just put my hood up on my coat.  I like flannel, especially flannel sheets in the winter.  Hubby and I often play cribbage in the evening when there's nothing on tv.  I usually take a crib board and a deck of cards on a cruise.

Love the Lily Tomlin quote.

The meal suggestion, drink and wine all sound wonderful.


Prayers for everyone.

Stay safe.

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19 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today will get clear up to 50 degrees F, and no rain!  I could hear birds singing when I got up this morning.  Spring is coming!


I own 2 umbrellas but rarely use them.  There's a saying around here in "rain country" -- you can tell the tourists, they're the ones with umbrellas. 😄 Seriously though we do use them occasionally but I prefer just putting up the hood of my rain coat.


I don't own any flannel, prefer sweat shirts and layers.  Never have played cribbage.  Love Lily Tomlin!  Will pass on the drink and wine, most of the recipes sound delicious -- and yes, Debbie @dfishI will pass on those with cilantro!  🤣 The others sound good though.


Yesterday I talked with my doctor, it was sobering.  She's concerned, and said that it's possible my kidneys were damaged permanently and may never get better....She did agree that it's likely whatever I had in early December is the cause -- that plus the meds I'm on.  I have an appointment to see her early Monday morning to talk more.  Meanwhile I'm to stop one of my Diabetes meds and cut a blood pressure med in half.  And continue drinking lots and lots of water of course.  Trying to stay positive, but to tell the truth this has thrown me for a loop.  


Today I'll start painting the entryway downstairs.  Yesterday I only got so far as prepping and taping the walls.  Also have to call the dentist, because on day 10 the stitches are still in my lip.  That doesn't seem right.  They aren't the dissolvable type, but he said they could come out as early as a few days.


Maxine @AncientWandererI sure hope you don't have what I had, and you'll be feeling better soon.  Mine was all intestinal, is yours?


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for posting your and Sandi's @StLouisCruisersvery interesting photos.


Lorraine @cruising sisterI'm sorry you had such a bad night.  That sounds so painful!  Glad you got some pain relief.


Yes, Carolyn.  Very "whoopsie."   I keep reading that stomach stuff is going around, but nobody else here has caught it, so maybe it was something I ate -- or just my perpetually bad tummy.


I'm really sorry to hear you have disappointing kidney numbers.  I hope they're not too dangerous.  It's scary.  Mine aren't super, but one thing the urologist did impress upon me was that although damage has been done, that doesn't mean they have to deteriorate further -- they can stay the same.  I hope you get advice from your docs that is comforting.

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Sitting here starving.... I have a lab appointment later this morning and fasting is required. Weather here is sunny, but cold. Current temp is 23F and when I walked the dogs it was -1. We have two days of warming (up into low 40's) before cold returns and possibly snow. Will be glad to see Spring. We still have lots of snow on the ground. Flannel may be in order for some time to come.


Need to get out and warm up the car a bit. Sending positive thoughts to all and fingers crossed that the lab tests go well. There are several things I am watching rather closely.







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Good morning, Daily friends!  It has been over a month since I have been a visitor!  I know I have lots of reading to do to try and catch up.  Been thinking of everyone and want to know I want to get caught up.


Had a great time in Hawaii, and lots of wonderful memories created with long-time friends.  But during the early part of my trip, the air quality was quite bad, thanks to the VOG.  Air traffic patterns were even altered into/out of Oahu during the first 10-12 days.  Thanks to that situation, my already compromised lungs got a big dose of bad air!  Though I had a cold, although I tested negative several times for C-19!  After I returned to the mainland, things got progressively worse!  Ended up in the ER last Sunday, and follow-up with doc on Monday.  Very bad exacerbation of my lung problems.  I tested negative for C-19, RSV, Influenza A&B, and no pneumonia.  So, after 6 days of strong antibiotics and high prednisone doses, I think I will live!  I was aching up into my shoulders from the extreme coughing!


I know my "troubles" are minor compared to others, but just wanted to give a short explanation as to the cause of my absence.  I will be spending time trying to read many days of the Daily, and know that my thoughts and prayers go out to al in need.


Have a great day, everyone.  Now to try to get out a little today to get a few things done!  I need to get my act together because I leave Monday for a 3-day conference in the Denver area for Red Cross.  Wish me luck!

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We were in Banjul, The Gambia, this past November on the Regent Voyager.  The pictures posted above are accurate and nothing has changed.  We were taken to a different resort on our ship city tour and it was very nice.  It was in a village outside the city limits where diplomats have their residences.  Sorry I don't have any pictures to share.  We were to go to Dakar but could not due to "ship congestion in the port".  So, a sea day.  Ghana is slightly better but not much better.  Lomé in Togo is similar to Banjul.  


We are happy we went but it was very hot and humid.

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today will get clear up to 50 degrees F, and no rain!  I could hear birds singing when I got up this morning.  Spring is coming!


I own 2 umbrellas but rarely use them.  There's a saying around here in "rain country" -- you can tell the tourists, they're the ones with umbrellas. 😄 Seriously though we do use them occasionally but I prefer just putting up the hood of my rain coat.


I don't own any flannel, prefer sweat shirts and layers.  Never have played cribbage.  Love Lily Tomlin!  Will pass on the drink and wine, most of the recipes sound delicious -- and yes, Debbie @dfishI will pass on those with cilantro!  🤣 The others sound good though.


Yesterday I talked with my doctor, it was sobering.  She's concerned, and said that it's possible my kidneys were damaged permanently and may never get better....She did agree that it's likely whatever I had in early December is the cause -- that plus the meds I'm on.  I have an appointment to see her early Monday morning to talk more.  Meanwhile I'm to stop one of my Diabetes meds and cut a blood pressure med in half.  And continue drinking lots and lots of water of course.  Trying to stay positive, but to tell the truth this has thrown me for a loop.  


Carolyn, praying that your medical team can find a solution to the kidney issue. That is not an easy message to absorb. 

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58 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


Yes, Carolyn.  Very "whoopsie."   I keep reading that stomach stuff is going around, but nobody else here has caught it, so maybe it was something I ate -- or just my perpetually bad tummy.


I'm really sorry to hear you have disappointing kidney numbers.  I hope they're not too dangerous.  It's scary.  Mine aren't super, but one thing the urologist did impress upon me was that although damage has been done, that doesn't mean they have to deteriorate further -- they can stay the same.  I hope you get advice from your docs that is comforting.

Maxine mine lasted between 2-3 weeks -- I also heard about "stuff" going around.  DH never caught it!  Unfortunately this winter has been awful for everything, and strange "new" things too.  I hope you feel better soon!

And thank you for the encouragement!  Mine had been steady at stage 3 for about 15 years -- then suddenly made a big jump to stage 4 😞  Right now I'd be happy to get back to 3 or at least not advance further.

2 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Carolyn, praying that your medical team can find a solution to the kidney issue. That is not an easy message to absorb. 

No it isn't, Ann.  Thank you so much.

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Thank you to everyone who assists with the creation of the Daily report.


While we were having breakfast, it started to pour.  I said to my DH, should I go back to the cabins amd get our umbrella. He said, don’t be silly, we’re going snorkeling.  So we stood in the pouring rain waiting to board the snorkel boat.  As we motored to the first site, I was able to snap this picture of the Rotterdam at port in Martinique.2D265620-E240-4E82-8461-93EF1CDABDCC.thumb.jpeg.ab22b8a174c03659d222f1b1f4f14806.jpeg

Edited by 0106
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Good Afternoon from a very sunny and windy San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The ship docked at 7:30 am but I did not get out of bed until about 8 am.


After a nice breakfast we left the ship and walked in the Old town and stopped at the Iglesia de San Francisco.  When I was a student in Ponte back in the 70’s we had to do community work on the weekends and I volunteered to work with the Priest at this parish at the time.  He is now deceased and his pictured hangs in the rear of the church.


Then we walked around and I was able to buy myself a nice pair of sunglasses and Jim got a nice shirt.  It was hot and as most of you know the walk is steep from the port and we tired quickly.

After about two hours we called it quits and found our way back to the ship.


Here is a photo of the Church of San Francisco.




Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Good afternoon from a partly cloudy central Texas.  It's been an interesting day. I woke up to very overcast skies, then clear skies when I left the grocery store and now clouds are moving back in.  It is currently 45F with 18mph winds, so it feels like 35F.  


Thank you to Paul @kochleffel, Ann @cat shepard and Vanessa @JazzyV for filling in for Sandi @StLouisCruisers.  With Sandi filling in for Roy @rafinmd who was filling in for Rich @richwmn, it just shows what a great family we've become.  There is always someone willing to help when someone is on a cruise or is under the weather.  No one wants a day without the Fleet/Daily, and we all see that doesn't happen.  👏👏👏


We used to carry umbrellas on cruises, but now take light weight raincoats with hoods.  I have a couple of flannel shirts that I wear over t-shirts when I need something to keep my arms warm.  We have flannel sheets in Quartzsite for the cold December and January nights, but we haven't used them in several years.  Neither of us learned to play cribbage.


The Lily Tomlin quote is good, and I think it resemble me to some extent.


The red snapper sounds good, but we'll pass today.  Some of the best red snapper I've had was when it was used in fish and chips.  I'll be making a pizza for our dinner tonight since it's a cold, raw day.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine.


@seagarsmoker  Congratulations on the upsell to the PS.  

@rafinmd  Roy, I know we are beginning to sound like a broken record, but please don't over do, and get plenty of rest.  Like Jacqui, @kazu  patience is not one of my virtues, but sometimes it takes a lot of patience to heal.

@cat shepard  Ann, when I first saw the Muppet meme, I thought it was a Muppet until looked closer.  🤣

@AncientWanderer  Maxine, I'm sorry you have been under the weather, and but glad you are feeling better.  I loved the meme, and maybe I should ditch my glasses.😉

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad you will be taking it easy the next few days.  Is there someone who could clean the house for you before you leave Wednesday?

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad you are getting someone to put the ice melt down and that you are staying inside.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope both your appointments go well.  A great job with the lists, especially since we're a busy bunch that's hard to keep tract of.

@dfish  Debbie, enjoy you lunch with your former classmates.  How is your DB doing?

@superoma  Eva, that is good news you were able to enjoy being outside yesterday.  The weather has certainly been weirder than usual this year.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry you had a rough night.  When DH had his shoulder surgery, we found it was rough when he waited too long between pain pills.

@tupper10  I'm glad the epidural is helping with the pain.  I'm also glad you DS is doing better, and hope the antibiotics take care of the abscesses and infection.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'm sorry the kidney numbers did not improve and definitely hope the damage is not permanent and it does not progress further.  It sounds like you have a good, caring doctor, and while it's hard, try not to worry too much.  I hope you get the stitches out soon.

@marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry your report from the doctor was not good.  I like that he is referring your to a pulmonologist for a second opinion and to get you to the right doctor.  

@cruzn single  I'm so sorry the vog exacerbated your lung condition.  It's good you tested negative for everything, and glad the antibiotics and high prednisone doses helped.  

@ssawjo  I agree that Accra, Ghana, is better than Banjul, The Gambia.  We stopped in Dakar, and were uncomfortable walking around town, but not when we visited the Ile de Goree off the coast of Dakar.  Lomé, Togo, and Cotonou, Benin, were about the same as Banjul.  It was interesting seeing this part of the world though, and I would recommend taking tours in all five countries.

@0106  Thanks for the picture of the Rotterdam and the rainbow.





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5 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:


After a nice breakfast we left the ship and walked in the Old town and stopped at the Iglesia de San Francisco.  When I was a student in Ponte back in the 70’s we had to do community work


Here is a photo of the Church of San Francisco.



just beautiful.  I did not see this on my last visit so thanks for sharing.  nice colors and it almost looks like Moorish type with tiles.

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