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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday February 22nd, 2023


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a wet central Texas.  We received about 1/3 inch of rain, and could still get some more in the next hour or so.  It is 61F currently, but once the rain moves further east and the clouds disappear our high should reach about 78F.  I can already see a patch of blue sky.


Ash Wednesday begins a somber time on the Christian calendar.  We'll celebrate George Washington's birthday.  I try to be humble.


Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote is very true.


Since neither of us are fond of curry, we'll pass on the meal and the drink.  I would love to try the wine, but it is rather pricey.


We have not been to Djupivogur, and I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the port.


@puppycanducruise  I hope you do not lose power during the coming storm.

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope you don't have to wait all day for the monitor.  I'm glad you slept well last night, but wish it had been a longer sleep.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope you get to the gym and the pedicure done and are safely home before the storm really hits your area.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I guess we were lucky in Salvador de Bahia since we did not encounter any begging.  However, in 2015, we took a city tour that we picked up in the cruise terminal.  We paid for the three hour tour, but somehow, the lady put us on the bus for the six hour tour.  We'd realize it until the first stop.  BTW, we did no see any begging when we did the Amazon cruise, but we were told not to give money to the children in Boca de Valeria since they'd give it to their parents who would use it to buy beer or booze.  It was recommended to donate to the school or the church instead.  We enjoyed our visit to Boca de Valeria and meeting the friendly residents.

@HAL Sailer  Melissa, I'm glad your drive to DSIL's memorial service went well.  How nice of Pearl to restart the prayer chain, and that was a nice way to honor your DSIL's memory.

@smitty34877  Terry, I think there are some people who will grumble about anything.  Yes, dogs and cats are much better behaved than many humans.

@cat shepard  Ann, thanks for the picture of Bindi.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope the dentist appointment goes well and you can get a new crown soon.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope the PET stress tests results show no surprises.

@grapau27  Graham, like Roy, @rafinmd I was wondering if you could take the ferry from Newcastle to IJmuiden to board a HAL cruise.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I hope the new airport means more non-stop flights for you.

@Cruzin Terri  Terry, I hope the work on the bathroom can progress quickly.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry the decision about Neko had to be made sooner than expected.  It's never an easy decision even when you know it is for the best.


For those in the path of the winter storms, I hope everyone stays safe and does not lose power.




Pauline doesn't fancy the ferry.

KLM do 3 flights daily to Amsterdam from Newcastle so it is an option.

Ideally a cruise from our home port of Newcastle but only Fred Olsen,Marella and MSC seem to home here as well as DFDS.

Pauline likes P&O and we have sailed 32 times out of  Southampton from our 62 total cruises and if HAL had a Southampton or Newcastle option we would do it.


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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to everyone for the news.  I'm sorry about Neko.  It's a hard decision to make, and hard to go through with, too.


One cruise story I will always remember was in the Lido one day, we were near two ladies, one was in a foul mood and was very rude to a waiter who was trying to help.  Her friend said to her "You forgot to pack your manners"!  I make an effort now to always leave a little space in my suitcase for my manners....


yesterday Pat spent about 5 hours at the hospital waiting for pre-op tests, and today he has two  pre-op phone interviews.  He may not finish in time to take my neighbour and me to our stamp club meeting so I may have to drive and it is not easy to find a parking space near the senior centre.  Pat usually drops us and then goes off to the grocery store to pick up anything I need and have a coffee at Timmie's.  So I'm hoping the phone call is on time and short!


I think we will go to church tonight at 7.  We are going to be busy today.  Or, who knows, perhaps we will be too tired.  I did some gardening yesterday, so I'm sore - and of course now the temperature has dropped and everything will freeze!  The reservoir has got to 96.8%, still we need to get to 100% and overflowing.   It may snow today.

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Sitting in the sun on my balcony happy not to be home as we are having a multi hour ice storm with a gale warning at the shore today. I opened my email and first thing was an email from our power company showing us in the bullseye.  My sister and I texted about it yesterday and I said the place will be fine until about 3 days because the temperatures are hovering around freezing so I don't have to worry about pipes freezing just after 3 days it can become an issue with 3 full freezers.  We have a generator but it is not automatic so she will muster help in a few days if necessary.  I'll keep an eye on the outage map. 

@marshhawkso sorry about Niko. 😿

@Quartzsite Cruiserand @StLouisCruisersthanks for the info about Boca de Valaria.  I brought about 30 boxes of crayons I bought on clearance at Walmart so I will save them for the kids in this port.  Nancy 


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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Debbie @dfishthanks for the recipes and photos today.  Except for the curry I'd like any of them.  I hope the storm isn't as bad as predicted.  My DS is in San Francisco at an engineering conference and coming home late Thursday night.  Hopefully the Detroit airport and Ann Arbor don't get hit to hard with the ice and snow so he can get home okay.  I remember you mentioned you had surgery coming up around the first week of March.  What is the date?


The surgery was postponed until the end of March so the surgeon can go on vacation.  It is now scheduled for March 29th.  I hope your DS can get home as well.  Detroit and Ann Arbor are going to take the brunt of the ice portion of this storm.  It should be over by mid day Thursday, so there is a glimmer of hope.  The roads are a mess already and the really heavy snow hasn't started.  I skipped the gym and shoveled the drive instead.  


4 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Just back from my DSIL's memorial service weekend. I need to catch up with The Daily from last Thursday forward. But first, a story from the weekend:


At Saturday's service luncheon, an elderly lady named Pearl came to me asking, "Are you Melisa?" Since DSIL's grandson's wife is also a Melissa, I answered, "Yes, I'm the Melisa married to DSIL's brother."


Pearl responded, "I thought so. Well, I wanted you to know we prayed for you again.


I was very puzzled and my face surely betrayed me.


Pearl added, "You know, we prayed for your driving. You know, your DSIL called me at Christmas when you were driving down to see her in that horrid Christmas storm and asked me to start the Prayer Chain for your safe travels."


I had not known that DSIL had done that, but I thanked Pearl.


Then Pearl added, "I started the chain again on Thursday because I guessed you'd be bringing her brother down for the memorial either in that big Thursday storm or on bad roads Friday. And, since your DSIL could no longer ask me to do it, I just started the Prayer Chain for her. I didn't think she'd mind."


I thanked Pearl again and told her I was sure DSIL would be in complete agreement.


(And, we had safe travels at Christmas and for the memorial. Plus we arrived home last night ahead of the incoming storm. Thanks Pearl and DSIL!)


Now, to rest up and catch up...



What a heartwarming story, Melisa!  Stay warm and safe during today's storm and tomorrow.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:



@dfishI love the look of the meal today.  This is a lot like what our Massaman curry looks like, the can of curry soup comes with some small potatoes, and then we add shrimp or shredded chicken to it. DH loves it on rice, but thanks to you and your veggie information, I put my curry on roasted cauliflower.  Yummy!  If there are left over veggies in the fridge, I throw them in too, and then serve with sliced avocado and a few cashews.  We  have this about once a week.  Easy peasy since our curry comes in a can. 


What brand is the curry soup?   I realized I have never really had curry and should probably try it and see what I think.  I think I would like it with all the flavors in it.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:


DH and I have been having a hard week because we have had to make a hard decision about Neko.  She is hungry, but she cant eat, the gums are really bothering her, and the tumor in her throat is blocking her ability to swallow.  We knew that we would have to do something, but now it is sooner than later, and I dont believe any animal should suffer, so we called the vet yesterday and let them know our decision, and they still cant see her until  Friday morning.  Right now we are trying to get her to eat broth, but even that does not stay down.  So until Friday, she will be at my work desk demanding love, which i will give her, and tonight we will try a pure liquid meal for her.  


This is a very hard decision that you have made, but you are thinking of Neko and not yourself.  Hugs to you and I will be thinking of you on Friday morning.


@ottahand7 I read with interest your comment about going to Medical to pick up your weekly refrigerated prescription.  Did you make those arrangements beforehand?   We will be on the ship for 32 days this summer and I have a med that needs refrigeration.  We won't have a fridge in our cabin (inside cabin on Zaandam), so I need to figure out something to do about it.  If I could leave it with Medical and only retrieve it once a week, it would be ideal.  

Edited by dfish
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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:



Oh, that's much better than the tiny avatar photo.  She's a cutie?  What breed is she?  Sort of reminds me of a Basenji's face shape.  A neighbor had one once.  I remember because she was barkless which is so unusual.  


Gerry @ger_77hope the dentist appointment goes okay!


Vanessa @JazzyVgood luck at your PET stress test today, and safe driving.

Sandi,  she is part Australian cattle dog and part Corgi. 

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Good morning all!

We had a big surprise this morning when we looked out the window -- probably about 4 inches of the white powdery stuff -- not expected!  The forecast is for lows in the teens and more "frozen mix" so I guess this will stick around for awhile.  Nothing like what other parts of the country and Canada are getting, so I won't complain.


DD, DSIL and the grandsons spent the night last night and left about half an hour ago to head to Whistler.  It was obvious how much they've all missed these kittens.  They will be back on Sunday, and the kittens will go home.  It's going well getting the antibiotics into Captain Soot, I'm thankful he loves his canned food -- so easy to mix it in his food.  


@marshhawkI'm so sorry to hear about Neko, and know how difficult it must be for you.  Is there another vet nearby who could see him before Friday?  


Here are my photos of Djupivogur. We were there in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings.   We spent hours just walking.  Around the lake, up the hills, and one thing I especially wanted to do was to see Jon Sigurosson's shop so we spent some time there visiting with him.  We found a few trinkets for the grandsons, but oh my things were expensive as everything is in Iceland.  We thoroughly enjoyed our day.




This building dates back to 1790









These plants fascinated me.  When I was able to look them up, I found the common name is "Cotton Flower" and they really look like cotton plants in a field.



This is the lake we walked around



Jon's shop with polished local rock, crystal and wood carvings.  Amazing.



Jon, this is in back of the shop.



Beautiful Lupines



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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says 62 and cloudy.  It is cloudy.  I dont believe the temps.  


@dfishI love the look of the meal today.  This is a lot like what our Massaman curry looks like, the can of curry soup comes with some small potatoes, and then we add shrimp or shredded chicken to it. DH loves it on rice, but thanks to you and your veggie information, I put my curry on roasted cauliflower.  Yummy!  If there are left over veggies in the fridge, I throw them in too, and then serve with sliced avocado and a few cashews.  We  have this about once a week.  Easy peasy since our curry comes in a can. 


@HAL Sailer How nice of Pearl to start the Prayer chain for you.  This is like the man at the BBQ place last Saturday who prayed over DH to heal.  He said to me when we left that it is a time in the world for Christians to announce who they are,  by actions.  


DH and I have been having a hard week because we have had to make a hard decision about Neko.  She is hungry, but she cant eat, the gums are really bothering her, and the tumor in her throat is blocking her ability to swallow.  We knew that we would have to do something, but now it is sooner than later, and I dont believe any animal should suffer, so we called the vet yesterday and let them know our decision, and they still cant see her until  Friday morning.  Right now we are trying to get her to eat broth, but even that does not stay down.  So until Friday, she will be at my work desk demanding love, which i will give her, and tonight we will try a pure liquid meal for her.  







Bless you & DH for giving Nemo the most important gift of all and the most difficult for you. ❤️

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Good morning. Just popping by to say 'hi' and let you know that I do still lurk. 😉

Thanks to all that have kept this thread going! 


@ottahand7I miss those eggs benedict!  @marshhawk I am so sorry about Neko. We had to make that decision in December and it was a hard one to be sure. Hugs to you!


We are waiting for the ice storm here. We've been lucky and the storms have passed us by every time this season, but I don't think we'll be so lucky this time. Stay safe and warm!




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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

How nice of Pearl to start the Prayer chain for you.  This is like the man at the BBQ place last Saturday who prayed over DH to heal.  He said to me when we left that it is a time in the world for Christians to announce who they are,  by actions.  


DH and I have been having a hard week because we have had to make a hard decision about Neko

Oh, what a bittersweet post.  My heart aches for you on your decision for Neko.  Many prayers and hugs to you and Neko.


I like your BBQ man praying, and agree that actions make a difference!


take care. 🙏🏻 

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The rain storm has moved on east and slightly north, and we now have a beautiful sunny day.  DH decided to put his telescope out to look at the sun now that the clouds are gone and he has a new solar filter for the telescope.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. While the predicted storm is still west of us, the snow is beginning and the wind is rising. And with it, the temperatures are falling. It is going to be a very good day to stay home. I have heard from some friends just out of town at higher elevations that they already have about 8 inches and one has lost power. It is going to be an interesting day. And another friend who moved here recently from California has discovered black ice. Fortunately nothing was broken.


@ottahand7I remember Salvadore de Bahia from several cruises and we were always given warning there. I stuck with ships tours. Going up the Amazon we encountered few problems.


@rafinmdHope you can get some rest and that the monitor gets set with no hassle. I think the worst part of not sleeping is that you begin to worry about it when you are ready to go to sleep and then of course, you really can't sleep. I am a member of the 3AM club but fortunately I have developed a routine of getting resettled that lets me go back at least for a few hours. My Sister is the same way.


Take today easy, everyone. With the widespread nasty weather, we may have no choice until it passes.






Susan, stay safe during the storm.  I'm glad you prepared and have enough food for you and the dogs.


1 hour ago, kazu said:

thanks for our Wednesday Daily, Sandi.


Good collection of days - especially Ash Wednesday & Be Humble Day although I do think “be humble” should be everyday.  Great Emerson quote and ever so true.


On the tardy side today - back from physio and weary.  Not sure it’s because I joined the 3 am wake up club (although it was really 4 AM) or from the physio session today.



I hope you keep your power 🤞 Thinking of you and everyone caught in this huge storm.  Stay safe please.




that whole story is just lovely, Melisa 👍 




Honestly - some people !!!  I completely agree - people like this make you want to just be with our furry friends.  




Good luck at the dentist, Gerry.  Hopefully something can be done easily 🤞 



that’s one small blessing on the ‘frozen tundra’.  It’s far too cold to be without heat for long.



Prayers for everyone on the Care list, people of Ukraine & New Zealand and all the earthquake victims.  And a big toast 🥂 to all those celebrating.




Have a great Wednesday everyone and stay safe in the storms.



Jacqui, I'm glad you made it back home safely before the storm arrives.  Take care and rest.  Hope you don't lose power.


29 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to everyone for the news.  I'm sorry about Neko.  It's a hard decision to make, and hard to go through with, too.


One cruise story I will always remember was in the Lido one day, we were near two ladies, one was in a foul mood and was very rude to a waiter who was trying to help.  Her friend said to her "You forgot to pack your manners"!  I make an effort now to always leave a little space in my suitcase for my manners....


yesterday Pat spent about 5 hours at the hospital waiting for pre-op tests, and today he has two  pre-op phone interviews.  He may not finish in time to take my neighbour and me to our stamp club meeting so I may have to drive and it is not easy to find a parking space near the senior centre.  Pat usually drops us and then goes off to the grocery store to pick up anything I need and have a coffee at Timmie's.  So I'm hoping the phone call is on time and short!


I think we will go to church tonight at 7.  We are going to be busy today.  Or, who knows, perhaps we will be too tired.  I did some gardening yesterday, so I'm sore - and of course now the temperature has dropped and everything will freeze!  The reservoir has got to 96.8%, still we need to get to 100% and overflowing.   It may snow today.


Ann, I hope Pat's pre-op tests and the phone interviews go well.  I also hope he gets finished in time to drive you to the meeting.


21 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Sitting in the sun on my balcony happy not to be home as we are having a multi hour ice storm with a gale warning at the shore today. I opened my email and first thing was an email from our power company showing us in the bullseye.  My sister and I texted about it yesterday and I said the place will be fine until about 3 days because the temperatures are hovering around freezing so I don't have to worry about pipes freezing just after 3 days it can become an issue with 3 full freezers.  We have a generator but it is not automatic so she will muster help in a few days if necessary.  I'll keep an eye on the outage map. 

@marshhawkso sorry about Niko. 😿

@Quartzsite Cruiserand @StLouisCruisersthanks for the info about Boca de Valaria.  I brought about 30 boxes of crayons I bought on clearance at Walmart so I will save them for the kids in this port.  Nancy 



Nancy, the crayons are a good idea to take to the kids in Boca de Valeria.  We were also discouraged from brining candy for the kids.  They love it, but the village is isolated and does not have a dentist.


17 minutes ago, dfish said:


The surgery was postponed until the end of March so the surgeon can go on vacation.  It is now scheduled for March 29th.  I hope your DS can get home as well.  Detroit and Ann Arbor are going to take the brunt of the ice portion of this storm.  It should be over by mid day Thursday, so there is a glimmer of hope.



What a heartwarming story, Melisa!  Stay warm and safe during today's storm and tomorrow.



What brand is the curry soup?   I realized I have never really had curry and should probably try it and see what I think.  I think I would like it with all the flavors in it.



This is a very hard decision that you have made, but you are thinking of Neko and not yourself.  Hugs to you and I will be thinking of you on Friday morning.


@ottahand7 I read with interest your comment about going to Medical to pick up your weekly refrigerated prescription.  Did you make those arrangements beforehand?   We will be on the ship for 32 days this summer and I have a med that needs refrigeration.  We won't have a fridge in our cabin (inside cabin on Zaandam), so I need to figure out something to do about it.  If I could leave it with Medical and only retrieve it once a week, it would be ideal.  


Debbie, I'm sorry your surgery was pushed back to the end of March.  At least, your surgeon should be well rested after his vacation.


11 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We had a big surprise this morning when we looked out the window -- probably about 4 inches of the white powdery stuff -- not expected!  The forecast is for lows in the teens and more "frozen mix" so I guess this will stick around for awhile.  Nothing like what other parts of the country and Canada are getting, so I won't complain.


DD, DSIL and the grandsons spent the night last night and left about half an hour ago to head to Whistler.  It was obvious how much they've all missed these kittens.  They will be back on Sunday, and the kittens will go home.  It's going well getting the antibiotics into Captain Soot, I'm thankful he loves his canned food -- so easy to mix it in his food.  


@marshhawkI'm so sorry to hear about Neko, and know how difficult it must be for you.  Is there another vet nearby who could see him before Friday?  


Here are my photos of Djupivogur. We were there in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings.   We spent hours just walking.  Around the lake, up the hills, and one thing I especially wanted to do was to see Jon Sigurosson's shop so we spent some time there visiting with him.  We found a few trinkets for the grandsons, but oh my things were expensive as everything is in Iceland.  We thoroughly enjoyed our day.




This building dates back to 1790









These plants fascinated me.  When I was able to look them up, I found the common name is "Cotton Flower" and they really look like cotton plants in a field.



This is the lake we walked around



Jon's shop with polished local rock, crystal and wood carvings.  Amazing.



Jon, this is in back of the shop.



Beautiful Lupines




Carolyn, I'm glad Captain Soot likes the "doctored" cat food.  At least, you don't have to put drops in his eye.


5 minutes ago, Dismomx5 said:

Good morning. Just popping by to say 'hi' and let you know that I do still lurk. 😉

Thanks to all that have kept this thread going! 


@ottahand7I miss those eggs benedict!  @marshhawk I am so sorry about Neko. We had to make that decision in December and it was a hard one to be sure. Hugs to you!


We are waiting for the ice storm here. We've been lucky and the storms have passed us by every time this season, but I don't think we'll be so lucky this time. Stay safe and warm!





Good to see you posting again.  I hope the storm misses you, but if not, I hope the power stays on.




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Good afternoon. I'm back from my stress test. I feel like a pincushion due to my tiny veins (the only small about me, lol). I decided to get lab work first, and it took 3 sticks just to get the 2 tubes of blood needed. Then for the stress test, 2 sticks to get an IV in. The test was fine, except the stuff they give to speed the heart up (in lieu of being on the treadmill), gave me a headache and a little breathlessness. They give you caffeine after the procedure, which reverses those symptoms (Pepsi). I'm adding to that now with my delayed morning coffee. I may have results in MyChart this evening.


It's pouring rain, but better that than ice or snow! Stay safe all who are getting foul weather.


@marshhawk Sorry to hear of the hard decision you must make about Neko. I know you'll do what's best for him.

@Cruising-along Thanks for the photos of Djupivogur.

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57 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, I'm glad Captain Soot likes the "doctored" cat food.  At least, you don't have to put drops in his eye.

Yes!  I had the choice of oral meds or drops and I chose the oral meds.  I'm sure I'd be getting those drops everywhere but where they're supposed to go.  😂

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Good morning and thanks all! 
@marshhawk sending gentle hugs, such a very difficult decision.

@HAL Sailerwhat a lovely story!  
@grapau27HAL sails out of Florida…
@rafinmd hope these tests will show the issue,  try to think how it will help you and things will be better once they know what is happening.  I’ve had to do it a few times, and it is really not that bad, just a little strange. 
@JazzyV hope the test results go well! 
@smitty34877yikes,  people!  
a little land food porn, lol!



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Winter storm headed our way.  They are predicting snow in the "higher elevations."  That is not unusual, we live about an hours drive from the Mt. Baldy ski resort in the San Gabriel Mountains.  However, the last few days the definition of "higher elevation" became lower and lower.  Yesterday, they were saying 1000 ft.  Yesterday, my coffee shop buddy. who lives in the same town, asked me what was the elevation of my house.  I live towards the top of a hill.  This morning I checked with the nav system in my car from the driveway--1170 ft.  No, I am not going to buy tire chains.


It looks like the midwest U.S. is having some very serious weather.  I am not going to complain.


This storm will have a deleterious effect on the NASCAR event in Fontana, this weekend--100% chance of rain on Friday, 99% chance of rain on Saturday and showers on Sunday.  There are no on-track activities scheduled for Friday, but there will be garage activities for the teams.  Rain--cold rain, at that--will just make life a little miserable for many of the team members.  There multiple practice and qualifying events and an Xfinity race scheduled for Saturday.  I will be very surprised if they get any of those in.  Sunday is iffy for the big race.  They might get it in.  Mrs, XBGuy and I will be out there.



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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We had a big surprise this morning when we looked out the window -- probably about 4 inches of the white powdery stuff -- not expected!  The forecast is for lows in the teens and more "frozen mix" so I guess this will stick around for awhile.  Nothing like what other parts of the country and Canada are getting, so I won't complain.


DD, DSIL and the grandsons spent the night last night and left about half an hour ago to head to Whistler.  It was obvious how much they've all missed these kittens.  They will be back on Sunday, and the kittens will go home.  It's going well getting the antibiotics into Captain Soot, I'm thankful he loves his canned food -- so easy to mix it in his food.  


@marshhawkI'm so sorry to hear about Neko, and know how difficult it must be for you.  Is there another vet nearby who could see him before Friday?  


Here are my photos of Djupivogur. We were there in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings.   We spent hours just walking.  Around the lake, up the hills, and one thing I especially wanted to do was to see Jon Sigurosson's shop so we spent some time there visiting with him.  We found a few trinkets for the grandsons, but oh my things were expensive as everything is in Iceland.  We thoroughly enjoyed our day.




This building dates back to 1790









These plants fascinated me.  When I was able to look them up, I found the common name is "Cotton Flower" and they really look like cotton plants in a field.



This is the lake we walked around



Jon's shop with polished local rock, crystal and wood carvings.  Amazing.



Jon, this is in back of the shop.



Beautiful Lupines



Was this a tender port or were you able to dock here?

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It's been snowing in the Niagara region for a couple of hours.  Very little accumulation because the wind is horrific.  


I will pass on the food and drink and wine.  My dh would love the food.  He gets his shrimp curry at a  local restaurant. 


@marshhawk my heart is breaking for you and Neko.  All 3 of my cats send you love as you deal with this.

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We were in Djupivogur in August on the Nieuw Statendam cruise.  It was our 4th Iceland port in a row, with Reykjavik the next day.  We didn't have any plans, so we just wandered around the town (VERY small!), and then had a local beer before heading back.0815-02.thumb.JPG.9dad7c9ca1102902c606f4e999bb38cb.JPG0815-06.thumb.JPG.f4009145142e02ae3aa37a0a00ec5146.JPG0815-07.thumb.JPG.9e7252f1e7eae1d92f37bcc711498f8d.JPG0815-08.thumb.JPG.fde15514af5f52e6b65141120a1574be.JPG0815-08a.thumb.JPG.c2881394335a0ae8f2257f730619ffa5.JPG0815-09.thumb.JPG.8b453a6cd6778f3bec4e8e61e67fd5ec.JPG0815-11.thumb.JPG.60d84b9e42e50afa21521a54336b7cad.JPG


Prayers for all, whether you think you need them or not!  Cheers for everyone lucky enough to be cruising....three weeks from tomorrow we head out to our Princess cruise - Australia, New Zealand, American Samoa, Tahiti, Honolulu, Maui and ending in San Francisco!!!


Take care,


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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We had a big surprise this morning when we looked out the window -- probably about 4 inches of the white powdery stuff -- not expected!  The forecast is for lows in the teens and more "frozen mix" so I guess this will stick around for awhile.  Nothing like what other parts of the country and Canada are getting, so I won't complain.


DD, DSIL and the grandsons spent the night last night and left about half an hour ago to head to Whistler.  It was obvious how much they've all missed these kittens.  They will be back on Sunday, and the kittens will go home.  It's going well getting the antibiotics into Captain Soot, I'm thankful he loves his canned food -- so easy to mix it in his food.  


@marshhawkI'm so sorry to hear about Neko, and know how difficult it must be for you.  Is there another vet nearby who could see him before Friday?  


Here are my photos of Djupivogur. We were there in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings.   We spent hours just walking.  Around the lake, up the hills, and one thing I especially wanted to do was to see Jon Sigurosson's shop so we spent some time there visiting with him.  We found a few trinkets for the grandsons, but oh my things were expensive as everything is in Iceland.  We thoroughly enjoyed our day.




This building dates back to 1790









These plants fascinated me.  When I was able to look them up, I found the common name is "Cotton Flower" and they really look like cotton plants in a field.



This is the lake we walked around



Jon's shop with polished local rock, crystal and wood carvings.  Amazing.



Jon, this is in back of the shop.



Beautiful Lupines



Nice photos.

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Yes!  I had the choice of oral meds or drops and I chose the oral meds.  I'm sure I'd be getting those drops everywhere but where they're supposed to go.  😂


Besides, you would have probably need some first aid afterwards.  😁


29 minutes ago, Stewie & wife said:

Was this a tender port or were you able to dock here?


Welcome to the Fleet/Daily.


3 minutes ago, kplady said:

We were in Djupivogur in August on the Nieuw Statendam cruise.  It was our 4th Iceland port in a row, with Reykjavik the next day.  We didn't have any plans, so we just wandered around the town (VERY small!), and then had a local beer before heading back.0815-02.thumb.JPG.9dad7c9ca1102902c606f4e999bb38cb.JPG0815-06.thumb.JPG.f4009145142e02ae3aa37a0a00ec5146.JPG0815-07.thumb.JPG.9e7252f1e7eae1d92f37bcc711498f8d.JPG0815-08.thumb.JPG.fde15514af5f52e6b65141120a1574be.JPG0815-08a.thumb.JPG.c2881394335a0ae8f2257f730619ffa5.JPG0815-09.thumb.JPG.8b453a6cd6778f3bec4e8e61e67fd5ec.JPG0815-11.thumb.JPG.60d84b9e42e50afa21521a54336b7cad.JPG


Prayers for all, whether you think you need them or not!  Cheers for everyone lucky enough to be cruising....three weeks from tomorrow we head out to our Princess cruise - Australia, New Zealand, American Samoa, Tahiti, Honolulu, Maui and ending in San Francisco!!!


Take care,



Laura, thank you for sharing your pictures.  It looks like a neat place to wander around.  I like many of the small Icelandic communities.



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5 minutes ago, kplady said:

We were in Djupivogur in August on the Nieuw Statendam cruise.  It was our 4th Iceland port in a row, with Reykjavik the next day.  We didn't have any plans, so we just wandered around the town (VERY small!), and then had a local beer before heading back.0815-02.thumb.JPG.9dad7c9ca1102902c606f4e999bb38cb.JPG0815-06.thumb.JPG.f4009145142e02ae3aa37a0a00ec5146.JPG0815-07.thumb.JPG.9e7252f1e7eae1d92f37bcc711498f8d.JPG0815-08.thumb.JPG.fde15514af5f52e6b65141120a1574be.JPG0815-08a.thumb.JPG.c2881394335a0ae8f2257f730619ffa5.JPG0815-09.thumb.JPG.8b453a6cd6778f3bec4e8e61e67fd5ec.JPG0815-11.thumb.JPG.60d84b9e42e50afa21521a54336b7cad.JPG


Prayers for all, whether you think you need them or not!  Cheers for everyone lucky enough to be cruising....three weeks from tomorrow we head out to our Princess cruise - Australia, New Zealand, American Samoa, Tahiti, Honolulu, Maui and ending in San Francisco!!!


Take care,


Your Princess cruise sounds fabulous.

Nice photos.


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Good early afternoon!  Blue had an appointment this morning for his paw-idure and when I got home I started chili in the crockpot. I’m trying a new recipe for Cincinnati Chili. I hope we like it because I used 2 lbs of ground beef. 

I’ve read the Daily on and off all morning, including my 4:00 am wake up. I did manage to get back to sleep about 7:30 for an hour. 

Our predicted wind arrived during the night and the entire house sounded like a tornado was coming. Blue even woke up and growled at the wind. It started raining after we got home from the vet. 

I don’t think I’ll try the meal. Not a huge fan of curry but I’d eat it if that was the only option. 

Annie @marshhawk, I am so sorry about Neko. It is a heart wrenching decision to make and to know when the best time is so our fur babies don’t suffer. I’ll be thinking of you, especially on Friday. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Greetings from a snowy mid-Michigan.  The roads got messy early.  I just came back in from the second round of shoveling and we are not going to escape at the lower end of the snow estimate.  I've already shoveled more than that out of the driveway.


I'm thrilled to see the pictures of Djupivogur as we will be there this summer.  I think we are going to do much as @Cruising-alongdid and just walk around.  I guess there are some hikes there that are pretty nice.  We'll find out.


Now, what is with so many of us being up at 3:00 am?   My mother would say we have a guilty conscience, but I don't think so!!  I should sleep well tonight knowing my DB does not have to drive to Saginaw for work tonight and that my DS is home early from work because things got so bad.  I doubt she'll make it in tomorrow either.  


Stay safe, everyone!

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I was able to get out to Target and CVS-in-Target before the you-know-what started, but I had a TCM appointment this afternoon and it had begun by then. When I was on the way home just now there was about an inch of it everywhere. Fortunately, it's only a mile away.


Waking once during the night and staying awake for a while is a normal, but pre-modern, sleep pattern and is natural for some people. For others of us, it can indicate some anxiety or distress, especially if we can't get back to sleep at all.



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We started with light flurries this morning which gave over to rain early and it is still raining. We are just below freezing and I see some ice accumulating on my chestnut tree. Our DD had to go in to work this morning (45 minutes away) but her afternoon meeting and event were cancelled so she was able to go home and finish her day from there. Tomorrow is a work at home day. And the grandchildren are all off for reading week so no one has to drive to class. Our normal Wednesday women dinner will just be my neighbour and myself as everyone else is hunkered down at home. I think the snow has totally bypassed us but the ice could be worse, especially overnight. Again, Essex county is having an easier time than most of the rest of Ontario. Be safe everyone and hope your power doesn’t  go out so you can stay warm.  



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