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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday February 24th, 2023


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This morning was one of those mornings that was busy, but really only involved a few little chores. Our Amazon delivery that was due Tuesday finally arrived this morning.  It took a slight detour to Shreveport on the way to us.   


If anyone is interested, the church in my photos is the Vik Church.  DH reminded me of a neat trick to identify photos if you are using Google Chrome.  With the cursor on the picture right click on the mouse.  A dropdown dialogue box will appear, and one of the final items is Search image with Google.  I betting that this is not news to many of you.  😉


3 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I would be delighted to have the halibut and the Chardonnay for dinner this evening, not that I have either one on hand. Dinner might be salmon and rosé, the latter because it's what happens to be open, plus something from the too-many vegetables on hand.


I'm still experiencing a little nausea. According to anecdata, half the population of the county had norovirus this week, if that's what it is. Yesterday I worked at home in the morning, went to my office for half an hour after lunch, then made brief stops at the bank and grocery. When I returned home, I got into bed and slept until 7:00 p.m.


I think I posted my Reykjavik photos the last time it was the port. I had an unplanned stay there a few years ago when I missed a flight connection to the Faroe Islands on a Friday, and the flight didn't operate on the weekend because Atlantic Airways, the national airline of the Faroes, used the plane then for holiday flights to the Mediterranean. The first day in Reykjavik, I got slightly sunburned, not because of the intensity of the sun, but because of the length of the day.






Paul, I'm sorry you are still not feeling good, and I hope you are 100% soon.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!


It's a very cold (14F) but beautiful sunny morning here in my corner of the PNW. We had a skiff of snow a couple of days ago and some more is in the forecast. Hopefully it will be on the roof, grass and not on the road. 

DH gets to come home a week today! We did his Care Conference on Wednesday and he's made good progress. We're keeping him in for the extra time to build up stamina and work on consistency standing as well as work on his swallow. This particular bacteria that caused his UTI really knocked him for a loop. I've not seen him this impacted before from a UTI. At least we are within our Medicare days so that's a plus. 

Now off to get a few things done and then go spend the afternoon with him. 

Thank you everyone!!




Karen, that is great news about your DH coming home next Friday.  The extra week will be good to help build his strength.  The extra three days they kept DH in rehab helped a lot.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for all who contribute to the Fleet Report/Daily.

I really like tortilla chips, plain or as nachos, or just with salsa. Paczki are big around here, as there's a large population of Polish descent. Definitely a salute to bartenders. Interesting quote. No to the meal for me (fish) and pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Reykjavik, but would like to go there. Thanks for the pictures.


It's cloudy and much cooler than the beautiful day yesterday. I'm back from getting my hip bursa injection; hopefully it will help. It was a wild night last night. I was getting ready to go to bed about 10:45PM and the power flickered on and off about 5 times, then went out. It was a little windy, but not bad. I got on my county emergency app and saw that there were transformer explosions all around in about 5 communities! Odd. On NextDoor people were posting pictures of the flashing explosions. So I stayed up, and about midnight decided to use my solar generators. I put the fridge on one, the basement chest freezer and house alarm system on another, and used the smaller one for my CPAP. I tried to go to sleep and after finally drifting off, was awakened by the power coming back on around 1:15AM. I slept solidly after that until the alarm at 7:15.


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start up today. Great photos form Reykjavik.

@rafinmd I hope you did sleep better last night.

@grapau27 That's good news that Sarah's injections seem to be working. I'm sure she appreciated the time with you and Pauline yesterday.

@Crazy For Cats It looks pretty there, especially if you don't have to go out in it.

@RMLincoln I'm glad you made if there safely and prayers that all the family flying in get there on time and safely.

@cat shepard I hope the family time is healing for all.

@kazu I hope the snow ends soon. Planting seeds will be fun.

@aliaschief I hope your checkup goes well.

@ottahand7 Thank you for sharing your day yesterday.

@ger_77 Not good to not have heat in the frozen tundra! Thank goodness you have electric heaters and gas fireplaces. I was worried if my power stayed out last night; electric heaters are useless but I do have a gas fireplace. Sorry about the computer delay.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana and her son, as they navigate her illness.

@TAW1963 Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great collection of photos.

@kochleffel Hopefully you're feeling totally better soon.

@luvteaching Good news!

@marshhawk Thinking of you, DH and Neko today.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone and safe.


Vanessa, I hope the injection helps as much as it helped DH.  It's strange there were five transformer explosions in different surrounding communities at almost the same time.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

It was snowing when I got up this morning, but  it stopped shortly after and now the sun is out. I hope it has gotten it out of its system for awhile and that the ice on the driveway will melt. High will only be in the 30's but the sun works it magic. My shoveling neighbor will be home Sunday although I notice that one of the other neighbors (or maybe several) are pitching in. I did manage to clear my car and the area around it with no damage to my body.... just very slow. Very, very slow.


Love all the pictures of Iceland. My VOV was one of the best cruises I have had and I would love to repeat it. There is so much to see and the scenery is just spectacular. Those pictures only touch the surface.


Little new from here. My nephew and his wife both have Covid after doing a driving trip from Ohio to Florida and back. Fortunately both cases seem to be light and they are recovering nicely. My Sister is so glad they did not stop to visit with her on their way back. They had thought about it. And her youngest son (age 53) is having some health issues .... she does not need the stress at her age but seems to be coping. Hopefully all will settle down again. Fortunately her daughter lives close and can help out and keeps in touch several times a day.


Best wishes to all. May your best plans work out.... and may problems get resolved.







Susan, I'm sorry your nephew and his wife have Covid, but glad they have mild cases.  I'm sorry your other nephew is having health issues, but glad your DS's daughter is nearby to help.  I hope the health issues are easily taken solved.


2 hours ago, dfish said:


That sounds good!  Would you be willing to share the recipe?



For Roy the celebration can go on indefinitely!



Welcome to the Daily!   We hope to get to know you better in future editions.


It does look good, doesn't it?   


I'm letting the paint dry for now and then will decide if I need another coat or not.  The ceiling might need one.  I could at least put the door handle back on so the room is ready for use.  It would be better with the towel racks back up, but that shouldn't take too long to do.  I also have to scrape the paint off the floor that got under the drop cloth.  Sigh.....  


Debbie, the painting can be fun, but the clean up is just a chore.  It is worth the effort in the end.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I like tortilla chips, especially in Nachos but can't have them very often due to carbs.  Never have had Paczki, but oh my they do look so good!  Big cheers to bartenders, especially our bartenders on BHBs.


The wine is a good one, thanks for sharing one of our local wineries.   I like halibut but will stick to the way I prepare it (similar to Terry's @smitty34877).  Will pass on the drink.  Love the quote!


We were in Reykjavik on the VOV in 2018.  We rented a car with Rich @richwmnand another friend for the 2 days we were there.  Whenever possible, that's what we prefer to do, I guess we like our freedom to do what we want and when we want. 😉  The first day we drove the Golden Circle, went to Pingvellir where the slow separation of North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are being slowly torn apart.  Then onto the Oxararfoss Waterfall, lunch at a family-run dairy farm that was recommended by Rick Steves, to Geysir, then to the Gullfoss waterfall.  The second day we drove to Seltun Geothermal Field on Reykjanes Peninsula, and had the most amazing fish and chips we've ever had along with Icelandic beers that were also very good!  I won't post all my photos since they would be too much like those already posted, but will see if I have anything different to share.


The only thing on our agenda today is that the installers will come this afternoon to install our motorized skylight blind!  I can't wait to use it on hot summer days!


Melanie @puppycanducruiseI'm with you on the "I hate cilantro day".  

Annie @marshhawksending gentle hugs and thinking of you today as you say goodbye to Neko.

Gerry @ger_77I hope you get your furnace up and running asap.  And yes, why do smoke alarms always go off in the middle of the night?  I've also noticed that they go off when it's colder than usual -- I wonder why.

Maureen @RMLincolnsafe travels and safe flights for your family.

@TAW1963Welcome to the Daily, I hope we hear more from you. 🙂  


We enjoyed our 2 days of driving when we visited Reykjavik.  

I'm glad I knew ahead of time that the geothermal fields in Iceland aren't like the geysers in Yellowstone, or I would have been disappointed.  But they're definitely worth visiting.












Menu at the dairy farm-restaurant recommended by Rick Steves.



And a little of what we saw outside the restaurant.



Gullfoss Waterfall







And Oxararfoss Waterfall







Carolyn, we also like to do our own thing in ports, and normally rent a car.  We can see more in the same amount of time than the tours can.  Since we don't eat lunch as a rule, we have an extra hour or two that tours spend on lunch.  However, in certain countries, we are not comfortable renting a car.  If possible we'll do the Ho-Ho or some version of a local tour.  Then, there are some places we've found ship tours are the best option, especially if getting back to the port in time is iffy.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites,  thanks to everyone for the morning news.  We didn't get a paper yesterday because of the snow and cold, so got three today!   The puzzles will keep us busy over the weekend.  I was sure I had posted pictures from our visit to Rejykjavik on the Daily before, but I didn't see them when I checked.  But we did everything that you've seen, and then a bit more, as my cousin with the State Department took us around for two days.  She had diplomatic plates so people looked at us!  Her previous cat had died during her posting in Bangkok, so she had adopted an Icelandic kitten.  He is going to be a very large cat, I'm not sure how she is going to get him back home (Seattle), but very handsome.  She took us to the tomato farm for lunch one day, and it is really amazing!  The plants must be ten years old, or more, and they are pollinated by imported bumble bees, who live in cardboard  boxes.  Pat got a little too up close and personal with one and it stung him over his eye.  He is allergic to stings, so of course blew up like a balloon, and even with multiple doses of Benadryl, he eventually had to go to the medical room and get antibiotics and a stronger antihistamine, which knocked him out for a day or two.  We also ate Icelandic hot dogs with my cousin, who lives near the hot dog stand in downtown Reykjavik.  





IMG_0843.MOV 6.83 MB · 0 downloads  


At the tomato farm






For lunch there was tomato soup, wonderful breads, pasta with tomato sauce, and tomato salads....




Box of bumble bees




Sindri, "he who sparkles"




Icelandic hot dog






Ann, thanks for the pictures.  Sorry Pat got stung.  The Sindri is gorgeous.


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

I love all of your photos Lenda.

I really appreciate the time and effort you put in for all of our enjoyment at seeing your memories.



Thank you, Graham.  I try to add a little something about most of the pictures so everyone can understand them better.  I guess that is partly due to having been a reporter at one time.


53 minutes ago, TAW1963 said:

Thanks Graham as well as all the others who have welcomed me!  I have been a lurker for several months. BTW, I realized I didn't give my name.  My name is Todd.


Todd, I'm glad to see you have been part of today's discussion.



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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

In 2016, the first day, we drove north out of town along the west coast of Iceland as far as Grundarfjordur before heading inland and back to Reykjavik.  There is some really spectacular scenery in that part of the Iceland.


These are just a few of the pictures of our drive that day.






I believe these were in Rif, which is what I have in my list of places we visited that day, but I could not find it on the map.




This tells the story of the area better than I can.



Grundarfjordur is a very pretty little town in a beautiful setting, but I would not want to be there in the winter.  We stopped there in 2009 on the Tahitian Princess and walked around town.




A very pretty cascade



Back in Reykjavik, we decided to drive out to the Blue Lagoon.  The next day, we did our own Golden Circle tour.  I'll post the pictures from the Blue Lagoon in the next batch of pictures.  The pictures from our DIY Golden Circle tour were posted in the first batch of pictures.



Those rifts in Iceland really crack me up! 😀

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Good morning all!  I'm a bit late, had to make a few phone calls and get some other things done before I read the Daily.  I have slept better the last two nights, just wish I could figure out how to do that every night.


I knew today wasn't Roy's birthday @rafinmd, because his birthday is the day before mine.  As a child my mother always confused my birthday because she went into labor on the 23rd but had me the next day so she always thought it was the day she went into labor. 


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, @TiogaCruiser isn't from Tucson.  IIRC, she is in the greater San Diego area.  I remembered your pictures from the last time you posted them,  I was fascinated by the Eurasian Plate.  I never knew that excitied before.


Thinking of Annie & Chuck today @marshhawk as they say goodbye to Neko.  I hope she posts soon.


Sorry, I'm not fond of filled donuts, which is what I think Paczki are.  I like tortilla chips and really like to eat nachos and enchiladas with them.  Yum.  I appreciate bartenders when I sit at the bar, especially on a BHB.  I like Halibut and do enjoy the topping that Terry uses @smitty34877, I add some breadcrumbs on top too.


Welcome to the Daily @TAW1963!  I hope you post more frequently. 


Have a great day!

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Ah Debbie @dfishif I wasn’t so comfortable in my recliner right now I would go downstairs and take a picture of my painting clothes. Every colour I have ever painted here or at one of my daughters is represented on them. I stopped wearing shorts because I get too much paint on my legs and gloves, forget about it. Easier to wash hands. I haven’t painted with an oil based paint for many many years so while getting paint off can be time consuming it isn’t hard. So much talk of painting on this thread that I look around and say I really should freshen up the house. But so far I have controlled the urge lol

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8 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning all!  I'm a bit late, had to make a few phone calls and get some other things done before I read the Daily.  I have slept better the last two nights, just wish I could figure out how to do that every night.


I knew today wasn't Roy's birthday @rafinmd, because his birthday is the day before mine.  As a child my mother always confused my birthday because she went into labor on the 23rd but had me the next day so she always thought it was the day she went into labor. 


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, @TiogaCruiser isn't from Tucson.  IIRC, she is in the greater San Diego area.  I remembered your pictures from the last time you posted them,  I was fascinated by the Eurasian Plate.  I never knew that excitied before.


Thinking of Annie & Chuck today @marshhawk as they say goodbye to Neko.  I hope she posts soon.


Sorry, I'm not fond of filled donuts, which is what I think Paczki are.  I like tortilla chips and really like to eat nachos and enchiladas with them.  Yum.  I appreciate bartenders when I sit at the bar, especially on a BHB.  I like Halibut and do enjoy the topping that Terry uses @smitty34877, I add some breadcrumbs on top too.


Welcome to the Daily @TAW1963!  I hope you post more frequently. 


Have a great day!

Yes Sharon, they really are just a filled donut. One of our local bakeries made 35,000 of them and were sold out by noon. You had to preorder. The true paczki are filled with plum marmalade but almost no one wants those. Those are the best and I remember my grandmother making them! 

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4 minutes ago, superoma said:

Yes Sharon, they really are just a filled donut. One of our local bakeries made 35,000 of them and were sold out by noon. You had to preorder. The true paczki are filled with plum marmalade but almost no one wants those. Those are the best and I remember my grandmother making them! 

I think I'd like ones filled with the plum marmalade, but not pastry cream.  I'm not a sweets person.  I think it's a carryover from being a daughter of a dentist and not allowed many sweets.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Debbie @dfish I mix 1/4 cup Heilman's with 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard and one teaspoon grated parmesan. Add a  dash of worcestershire sauce coat the hallibut.Bake at 375  for 25 to 30 min,depending  on the thickness of the fish

This does not make the whole house smell fishy for days for some reason.I have used it on most thicker fish.

Thank you!   I will try this when I decide to splurge and get halibut.  It is so expensive!


15 minutes ago, superoma said:

Ah Debbie @dfishif I wasn’t so comfortable in my recliner right now I would go downstairs and take a picture of my painting clothes. Every colour I have ever painted here or at one of my daughters is represented on them. I stopped wearing shorts because I get too much paint on my legs and gloves, forget about it. Easier to wash hands. I haven’t painted with an oil based paint for many many years so while getting paint off can be time consuming it isn’t hard. So much talk of painting on this thread that I look around and say I really should freshen up the house. But so far I have controlled the urge lol


Keep controlling that urge.  The painting is done, but I am having trouble getting the bathroom back together, mostly the towel rods.  I can't get them to come completely off and I can't get them to screw back in tightly.  

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11 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning all!  I'm a bit late, had to make a few phone calls and get some other things done before I read the Daily.  I have slept better the last two nights, just wish I could figure out how to do that every night.


I knew today wasn't Roy's birthday @rafinmd, because his birthday is the day before mine.  As a child my mother always confused my birthday because she went into labor on the 23rd but had me the next day so she always thought it was the day she went into labor. 


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, @TiogaCruiser isn't from Tucson.  IIRC, she is in the greater San Diego area.  I remembered your pictures from the last time you posted them,  I was fascinated by the Eurasian Plate.  I never knew that excitied before.


Thinking of Annie & Chuck today @marshhawk as they say goodbye to Neko.  I hope she posts soon.


Sorry, I'm not fond of filled donuts, which is what I think Paczki are.  I like tortilla chips and really like to eat nachos and enchiladas with them.  Yum.  I appreciate bartenders when I sit at the bar, especially on a BHB.  I like Halibut and do enjoy the topping that Terry uses @smitty34877, I add some breadcrumbs on top too.


Welcome to the Daily @TAW1963!  I hope you post more frequently. 


Have a great day!


Sharon and @TiogaCruiser sorry about the mix-up.  I guess I was thinking about the winds I'd been reading about in Quartzsite.  Anyway, I still hope Tucson did not get hit as bad, and that shorthorn CA is spared the worst of the storms and winds.


10 minutes ago, superoma said:

Ah Debbie @dfishif I wasn’t so comfortable in my recliner right now I would go downstairs and take a picture of my painting clothes. Every colour I have ever painted here or at one of my daughters is represented on them. I stopped wearing shorts because I get too much paint on my legs and gloves, forget about it. Easier to wash hands. I haven’t painted with an oil based paint for many many years so while getting paint off can be time consuming it isn’t hard. So much talk of painting on this thread that I look around and say I really should freshen up the house. But so far I have controlled the urge lol


We've been in the house for 23 years, and it needs the paint refreshed.  I too have resisted the urge to paint, but this time it is easier to resist.  First, we are still waiting for the guy to come check the roof again before we have to tear out the kitchen ceiling to find where the leak is coming from.  I'm not looking forward to that prospect.  No need to paint until the ceiling is fixed.  Also, our livingroom, kitchen and bedroom ceilings slope from 9 feet to 17 feet.  No way am I getting up on a ladder or scaffold to paint that ceiling, and if I used a long handled roller, it would be even messier than it normally is when I paint.


2 minutes ago, dfish said:

Thank you!   I will try this when I decide to splurge and get halibut.  It is so expensive!



Keep controlling that urge.  The painting is done, but I am having trouble getting the bathroom back together, mostly the towel rods.  I can't get them to come completely off and I can't get them to screw back in tightly.  


Debbie, that is another reason I'm resisting the urge to paint.  🤣  At this point, any excuse will work.


@kazu  Jacqui, I thought of you and the other gardeners when I saw this on FB.


May be an image of text that says 'It was awesome! Planted 66 onion bulbs this morning PERFECTLY spaced apart. Definitely will be doing this for my carrots.'



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Good afternoon friends!


I've had a busy day - had to hand in retirement paperwork for a co-worker (she's under the weather), so I had to go back to work (20 miles each way)...but the paperwork is in, so that's a good thing!


We were in Reykjavik last August. We did a smaller Golden Circle tour (geysirs, rift and Gullfoss waterfall).  Most of the pictures already posted were excellent, but I want to share mine of Gullfoss...it was amazing that day!


Prayers for all in need (especially @marshhawkAnnie and Chuck on this difficult day. Cheers for all with good things in their lives and heading to or on cruises!



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41 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I knew today wasn't Roy's birthday @rafinmd, because his birthday is the day before mine.  As a child my mother always confused my birthday because she went into labor on the 23rd but had me the next day so she always thought it was the day she went into labor. 

So you attain your next age on my birthday.  By common law one attains their next age on the last day at your old age.  For Social Security purposes the best day to be born is the second of the month because you "attain" retirement age on the first and have a full month of eligibility for the month of your birth,



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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Debbie @dfish I mix 1/4 cup Heilman's with 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard and one teaspoon grated parmesan. Add a  dash of worcestershire sauce coat the hallibut.Bake at 375  for 25 to 30 min,depending  on the thickness of the fish

This does not make the whole house smell fishy for days for some reason.I have used it on most thicker fish.

This is very similar to my recipe. Mine doesn't have the mustard but does have lemon juice, green onions, and a dash of hot pepper sauce. 

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, we also like to do our own thing in ports, and normally rent a car.  We can see more in the same amount of time than the tours can.  Since we don't eat lunch as a rule, we have an extra hour or two that tours spend on lunch.  However, in certain countries, we are not comfortable renting a car.  If possible we'll do the Ho-Ho or some version of a local tour.  Then, there are some places we've found ship tours are the best option, especially if getting back to the port in time is iffy.

That sounds exactly like what we like to do (except we do take a short time for lunch).  And you're so right, some countries we wouldn't be comfortable renting a car either. We do a combination of DIY, private and ship tours.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I still hope Tucson did not get hit as bad, and that shorthorn CA is spared the worst of the storms and winds.

I don’t know about CA but we got a horrible amount of wind a few days ago. We saw trees down and heard about power outages. Thankfully we didn’t have any problems near us. 

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30 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I don’t know about CA but we got a horrible amount of wind a few days ago. We saw trees down and heard about power outages. Thankfully we didn’t have any problems near us. 


Sharon, I'm glad you did not have any damage from the winds near you.  There were trees down and other damage from the winds in Quartzsite.  I'm hoping our place was not damaged, and I think that's probably true since we've not heard anything form our neighbor who is checking on the house.



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I decided to try napping again this afternoon so spent from 2 to 4 pm in our napping room (very dark).  I believe I was successful for at least half that time because of the weird dream I had.  Normally I don't remember dreams but as soon as I got up I recalled some of the details.  An hour later I'm already beginning to forget the dream.  Just goes to show if we want to remember them we should write dream details down before they disappear.😴




3 hours ago, XBGuy said:

Weather update from Diamond Bar, CA.  They are backing off, a bit, on the storm predictions.  A couple days ago I reported here that there was a 100% chance of rain on Friday (today).  It is, in fact raining at the moment. but the precipitation forecast has been downgraded to 86%


I also mentioned that there was the possibility of snow for elevations down to 1000 ft., and that the Diamond Bar Adobe sits at 1170 ft.  Well, we did get about two minutes of hail yesterday afternoon.




I'm a terrible photographer.  Looking through the screen of our backyard slider the white hail pellets are much more obvious than this pic shows.



Sunday's forecast for the NASCSAR cup race is promising, but Saturday still looks pretty grim.  We'll be our there, regardless.  We have brownies and Oreo Cheesecake cups to deliver to friends in the garage.







Yummy looking snacks for the garage buddies at the race!  As soon as I saw the inside of your refrigerator I said it looks exactly like the inside of our counter depth Kitchenaid french door fridge.  I see the water dispenser on the left bottom with the darn sticker above it that won't stay stuck to the wall!  The counter depth style apparently isn't deep enough for the outside-the-door water and ice dispenser thus both are inside.  But what's up with that sticker?  (note that Whirlpool makes Kitchenaid but I have no idea if Whirlpool fridges have the same water dispenser and sticker).  





1 hour ago, kplady said:

Good afternoon friends!


I've had a busy day - had to hand in retirement paperwork for a co-worker (she's under the weather), so I had to go back to work (20 miles each way)...but the paperwork is in, so that's a good thing!


We were in Reykjavik last August. We did a smaller Golden Circle tour (geysirs, rift and Gullfoss waterfall).  Most of the pictures already posted were excellent, but I want to share mine of Gullfoss...it was amazing that day!


Prayers for all in need (especially @marshhawkAnnie and Chuck on this difficult day. Cheers for all with good things in their lives and heading to or on cruises!



Beautiful rainbow at the falls!  I love a sunny day for photo taking.


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A very late afternoon check-in.  It's been a busy day - the furnace repair guy showed up about an hour after our call and determined that the little thing that condenses the water had plugged up.  He cleared it and was on his way - I'm sure that little plug and cleaning it out with a bent paper clip is going to be very costly.   


Later in the morning we had to go out to the insurance company to renew DH's vehicle insurance and registration.  While we were out, Staples called to say our computer was ready.  I must say I was being quite unkind this morning when I griped about the technician being ill yesterday.  Obviously it was too early in the morning, I was cold, and had not had any coffee in me yet.  We picked up the new tower, along with the old one, and brought them home.  Well, guess what?  Our old Dell monitor doesn't have a plug that fits the new tower.  Back to Staples to pick up an adaptor, but we figured for a little more (note:  a lot more) we might as well get a new monitor as well.  Back home with a new monitor, only to discover that the factory had neglected to pack 1 of the cords.  Sigh.  Return trip to get cord, back home, and woo hoo, the new tower and monitor are all functioning properly.  Now I just have to figure out where all the files are that were on the old one.


Looking at my post from this morning, I realize I thought the menu of the day included salmon, but it was halibut.  As a child, we always had halibut on Christmas eve for dinner; my mom would dredge it in flour, salt & pepper and pan fry it in butter; I haven't had that in so long.  @smitty34877thank you for including your recipe; I'm going to try it next time I cook salmon.  


@TAW1963welcome to the Daily; I hope you enjoy yourself here - we're an eclectic group of folks who cheer each other on with the celebrations and send hugs for those with troubles.

@luvteachingwhat great news that your DH will be able to come home next week; you must be so happy!

@marshhawkI understand if you're unable to post today; I'm sure it's been so hard on you and Chuck.  Just know you're in my heart.


That's all I've got for today - the house is warm, I've got a new 'puter and there's wine waiting for me!  See you tomorrow!



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7 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Hope that works.  I've gone to extremes to avoid flying out of Baltimore for big cruises.  In 2016 I had a major cruise on Crystal Symphony (Buenos Aires-Antarctica and up the South America West Coast to Miami.  Rather than flying from Baltimore in mid-winter I went to New York 1/1 and boarded QM2 to Southampton, then transferred to Queen Victoria to Fort Lauderdale and flew a nonstop out of Miami,  The day I would have flown from Baltimore got hit with 3 feet of snow, closing things down for a week.  The only sign I saw of the storm was massive rebooking lines at Miami airport,


A year later I had another itinerary out of Buenos Aires, cruises out of Buenos Aires on Crystal Serenity and Zaandam.  I did fly that time but did it 2 weeks early, with a cruise on Koningsdam in between.  I was willing to take a chance on missing the Koningsdam but not the 2 out of Buenos Aires,  That one came off without a hitch.



So far it’s all happening. We arrived safely by car!  Yay us!  
NY kids got flight to Boston then a nonstop to FLL, are on it now. 

NC kids on their nonstop now, we’ll leave the rental house to go fetch them. 

ID daughter taking red eye via San Francisco!  To arrive 8:20am. 

Life is good, celebrating that lifts us all!  But sometimes one day at a time is enough!  

Hoping your data gathering leads to a healing path!  m—

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32 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Yummy looking snacks for the garage buddies at the race!  As soon as I saw the inside of your refrigerator I said it looks exactly like the inside of our counter depth Kitchenaid french door fridge.  I see the water dispenser on the left bottom with the darn sticker above it that won't stay stuck to the wall!  The counter depth style apparently isn't deep enough for the outside-the-door water and ice dispenser thus both are inside.  But what's up with that sticker?  (note that Whirlpool makes Kitchenaid but I have no idea if Whirlpool fridges have the same water dispenser and sticker).  




I walked down to the kitchen and checked.  Sure enough, our fridge is a Kitchenaid brand.


I would bet a lot of money that Mrs. XBGuy knew that there was a water dispenser in there, but I sure didn't.  I have never used it, and I don't think Mrs. XBGuy has ever used it.


I looked at that sticker, and I have no idea what it is trying to tell me.


We did use the icemaker until it stopped working a few years ago.  That was disappointing because we do use a fair among of ice.  Mrs. XBGuy eased my concern, though.  On the front door of the fridge she taped the recipe for ice.  So, now I'm good.

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Excellent news from Gerry @ger_77and Maureen @RMLincoln!  Gerry, except for the repair bill on the furnace, good to hear you have heat.  And a bonus getting the computer back, though why can't anything go smoothly?  No cord, needs adapter?  Sounds like our life!  Enjoy your dinner.  And wine.


Maureen, it sounds like this plan is coming together.  Enjoy the time spent with family and I hope the cruise has smooth sailing.



7 minutes ago, XBGuy said:


I walked down to the kitchen and checked.  Sure enough, our fridge is a Kitchenaid brand.


I would bet a lot of money that Mrs. XBGuy knew that there was a water dispenser in there, but I sure didn't.  I have never used it, and I don't think Mrs. XBGuy has ever used it.


I looked at that sticker, and I have no idea what it is trying to tell me.


We did use the icemaker until it stopped working a few years ago.  That was disappointing because we do use a fair among of ice.  Mrs. XBGuy eased my concern, though.  On the front door of the fridge she taped the recipe for ice.  So, now I'm good.

Gee, I hope the icemaker continues to work on ours!  It's been in use since we bought this house June 2011.  Just this week we changed out the filter inside (top right corner of interior) of the fridge.  You know, there's an indicator light inside that tells you when to order and when you need to replace the filter.  Better ask your wife if she does that on yours!  😁



BTW, my muscles have gotten a little sorer as the day has gone on.  Along with the leg muscles I notice the abs are sore too (especially coughing).  But I'll live and I want to continue so will probably go back tomorrow for another session at the gym.🏋️‍♀️


I got a request from someone to follow my Instagram account this afternoon from supposedly DGS Ren with his photo from his "old" account but a new name.  I told DH and he said you'd better check with Ren first because that doesn't sound right.  Sure enough, it's a fake account!  Good thing I didn't automatically approve just because it had his avatar with it.  Next thing I know they would have been trying to get cash from me to get them out of jail!  I watch Dr. Phil - he tries to keep us up to date on all these scams.  😉

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As usual, late posting for me today.  It has been a crazy week for me, with meetings, snow, closed roads, and just general uncertainty!  Well, have made it to Friday evening.  Sending prayers for all on the Cares list and best wishes for those celebrating!  


With @durangoscots, I wish our weather would make up its mind, and am hoping for a few days reprieve.  Our "forecast" was not what happened for the last three days.  Wish I could have worked for NWS, as I could have just made up what I told people.


I have an answer for the topic of discussions yesterday about storing medicine.  When I filled out the Special Info request for my late March cruise, I learned something!  I was telling HAL about my shellfish allergy, and on the form there is a special section for Medicine Storage.  It must be a routine part of the Special Needs Info. (And that is all the good info I have for today!)


My plans for dinner include salmon and acorn squash - is that close enough to Halibut, etc?  


Have a good evening, everyone!

Mary Kay







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1 hour ago, cruzn single said:


I have an answer for the topic of discussions yesterday about storing medicine.  When I filled out the Special Info request for my late March cruise, I learned something!  I was telling HAL about my shellfish allergy, and on the form there is a special section for Medicine Storage.  It must be a routine part of the Special Needs Info. (And that is all the good info I have for today!)


I asked my PCC yesterday when she called and she checked for me.  HAL said I can just go down to medical when I get on the ship and ask them to store it.  It is one pen with 4 doses in it and I would hate to rent a fridge for that.  Besides, the fridge takes up valuable space and an outlet.   


1 hour ago, cruzn single said:

My plans for dinner include salmon and acorn squash - is that close enough to Halibut, etc?  


Sure does!   Enjoy!


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