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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday March 22nd, 2023


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We had a nice day in Falmouth, Jamaica and weather was perfect until about 2:30, then we see peeps scurrying for cover where we sit (aft Seaview pool area) and the rain is coming down by the bucket full. As usual, it lasted for about twenty minutes and the sun reappeared ten minutes later. 

No plans rest of the day. Will be eating at the Lido.

Our living room:


We received new flowers in our cabin today:



Edited by seagarsmoker
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Something got delayed in posting…. Oh well. 

Debbie @dfish so glad you are through that and recovering with Moose Tracks!  Rest, rest rest.  

Ann @Vict0riann glad you are passed the decision and moving forward. Time to breathe. 

Paul @kochleffel sounds like too much drama. It’s nice they want to celebrate you and your retirement. Indicates appreciation deeper than the bluster. 
 Thanks for the beautiful pictures of Alicante. 

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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Well, I guess the decision is that we will say “Dam the torpedoes, full steam ahead!” and go on our cruise.  Pat says I am overdramatizing, and I guess it’s his decision to make.  So we’ll wave to you on Sailaway Day.  Annie, hope you can go on your cruise, too.  Debbie, I’m happy you’re home safe and sound, with moose tracks!  


We are glad to hear that you will be joining us on the Rotterdam! If you need any help during the cruise don't hesitate to ask. It will be nice to finally put a face to a familiar CC name.


Fred & Mitzi

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9 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Extra prayers for you Jacqui!  And love the memes!  


9 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Happy hump day.  Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Ann, Dixie, and Debbie /Tina.  Special prayers today for @dfish, @marshhawk @kazu  and @Vict0riann


9 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good luck today at the doctor.


9 hours ago, 0106 said:

Sending positive thoughts to @kazu @dfish and to everyone else dealing with medical issues today. 



9 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

I feel for those who did not have a good day at the doctors office. I hope  Jacqui  @kazu gets good news today and that Debbie. @dfish sails through her surgery. I am sending prayers and good wishes for all.



Thank you to all of you for your good wishes and prayers for today ♥️ 



9 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning all, I woke up early this morning thinking of my DS. He would have been 45 today.


What a rough start to your day 😢. It’s going to be a tough one for you for sure.  My heart is with you 💔 



9 hours ago, cruising sister said:


Prayers for Debbie and Kazu today. @mamaofami good luck tomorrow on the cataract surgery. I did not know about the no bending. 





9 hours ago, cruising sister said:


Only 24 hours left in the cast. It went fast but the last week has been very irritating. I know I will be disappointed that even with it off I will still have limited mobility. Dangling a cruise in front of me will motivate me to do the exercises. 


Good luck tomorrow.  Be careful and follow the surgeon’s and physio’s recommendations and you will be on the road to recovery in no time 🤞 



8 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  Jacqui, wishing you the best for your visit with the surgeon.  I hope he is pleased with the progress and can do something about the wires and screws.





8 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@marshhawk, @Vict0riann, @kazu and others including ourselves dealing with the ups and downs of medical issues:  there’s a lot of going sideways to make some forward progress. 


So true.  Thanks.



8 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

DH miserable with the skin reaction to his eye meds but managing. This has been a long process nearing 10 months. Hoping we can get this stent implant to reduced the number of glaucoma meds needed. And the cataract lens implant done. Then get the other eye scheduled….


Oh my heavens on the hassle and aggravation you are going through.  Your poor DH.  I pray you can get the implant done with no more hassle and much easier 🙏🏻 



7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

@kazuI hope your surgeon is pleased with what he/she sees, and will give you some relief from that pin trying to come through!


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@kazuI hope all goes well at the doctors, that all the nuts bolts screws and wiring are doing now what they are supposed to be doing.


Thanks Both - update follows.



6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I met with my pulmonologist (first time) and he looks over the report from the tests in January.  This is not good he says.  Personally I think if I have made it into his office something was not good, but he asks me about the "spots"  The spot on my left lung is 4mm,  they saw it years ago, nothing has changed, I still call it Spot.  My endocrinologist said to me two years ago, that the spot was actually my adrenal gland, and I figured since she did find a small tumor there, that she was right and the doc was wrong, but to prove it my Heart doc, ran all those tests. only to find that they were both right, BUT there was a newer bigger SPOT on my right lung  And this is why he sent me to the pulmonologist.  THE SPOT is 8 mm, wasn't there last year and is apparently the right size to remove NOW.  If it gets any bigger it's major surgery.  So I tell him I am going to Alaska in May, and he says if THE SPOT shows any growth I will not be going to Alaska in May, I will be going into surgery.  

So he is sending me to get a PET scan within a week, and to see him the next week, and of course his scheduler tells me, that he is not in that office that week, but has me set up for a follow up on April 18th.  Which is two weeks before we leave.  I am thinking based on any growth, I can last another 3 weeks to get surgery.  They can book it two days after I get back.  Right?  


So that's where I am right now, between here and Alaska, or here in surgery.  DH says I share too much, but you guys get me.  And when we were in the office yesterday, he asked why we were there.  When we left and I was trying to tell him what was going on, he said I thought you just had a tumor on your adrenal gland.  Why were you seeing a pulmonologist?  8 hours later I tried telling him again why the day was so crappy, and he said, well that doc might be wrong, and don't worry about it.  Turns out that I only have 70% lung capacity, so that's something to worry about anyway.  And the doc gave me a new inhaler.  I told him I had one, and I hadn't used it yet, he asked me which one, I showed him on the picture, (they have a chart on the wall) and he said that most doctors automatically prescribed that one, but it wont help me, the drugs in it are wrong for COPD.  He gave me a sample inhaler for a two week use, and to let him know if that helps with the breathing.


Oh my!  😱.  So sorry to hear this.  this is really worrisome.  And tell your DH that we are here for you and you can share to your heart’s content.


And between this and Alaska?  Remember YOUR health comes first, please.  I know Alaska is paramount - but you are more so.  Remember what DH always said - things (and cruises) can always be replaced - people cannot.  Please take care of yourself



6 hours ago, lindaler said:

Goodmorning all. Today I am told to expect my luggage. Others on the cruise have already received theirs so I am hopeful. Special prayers for Debbie @dfish, Jacqui @kazu and Carol @mamaofami.


I sure hope your luggage arrives and thanks on the thoughts for today.



4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Jacqui @kazu I hope your visit today with the surgeon is a good one.  Sending hugs to you.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu I'm hoping your appointment goes well today. 


Thank you both




26 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Well, I guess the decision is that we will say “Dam the torpedoes, full steam ahead!” and go on our cruise.  Pat says I am overdramatizing, and I guess it’s his decision to make.  So we’ll wave to you on Sailaway Day.  Annie, hope you can go on your cruise, too.  Debbie, I’m happy you’re home safe and sound, with moose tracks!  


That’s good news as long as it is safe to do.  Hmm … I know you both and I don’t think you over dramatize - you just happen to care about your husband.  I’m glad you can go as long as Pat’s health is not jeopardized or at risk.



5 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

First, we didn't get the water turned off completely, so we got water on the floor.  It had been ten or more years (likely more) since we'd moved the washer and dryer to clean under them, and it showed.  We were a lot younger and it was easier then.


It took about three hours to get everything cleaned.  I managed to move the dryer from one side of the room to the other and back so I could get to the vent hose and outlet. I can say that the vent hose, outlet, and the rest of the room are cleaner than they've been since we moved in.


DH helped, but even with the restrictions lifted by the back surgeon, I tried to do as much of the heavy work as possible.  I'll probably be sore tomorrow, but I'm thankful that I am still able to do things like this.


OMG I am so sorry to hear about this.  the mess, straining your back and all. Not to lecture - but next time let the guys coming do the moving - they do give you time to clean (believe me when I know what you mean by “it showed).  Sounds horrific.  Hoping you are not in too much pain after all this 🙏🏻 



I’m back from the hospital and want to thank everyone for all their good wishes and prayers for today.  to say I was nervous is an understatement.  Long wait at the hospital - I swear every single person there plus new ones had already gone in.  I tried to remind myself that when that happened last time when DH and I were there until 5:30 pm 7 years ago on pins and needles for our Westerdam cruise, we got good news.  It didn’t work.


To make matters worse, the bone clinic is undergoing renovations so we were on the 5th floor (the wing DH was in) in make shift rooms that were patient rooms.  Memories flooded back and all I can say is that it was a good thing no one was taking my blood pressure.


Long story short - I am wondering if my surgeon does like to save the best for last (or deal with the tough ones first) - he is VERY pleased - VERY.  I have permission to proceed with physio with NO limitations (slowly of course) and Yes, I can DRIVE.  I’m FREE.


I’m back in 5 weeks to have the bad pin and wires removed and hopefully the pain subsides and it doesn’t go through.  He wants to bide as much time as he can and this is the earliest it should be removed. (And it is real pushing it).


I heard screaming while I was waiting and I shuddered.  I hope they weren’t having them removed.  But, I think I would rather scream a little bit than stay there waiting for regular surgery and stare at a room just like the one I visited for 5+ months.


It’s going to take time but with luck, I will be able to lift decently buy late May or early June 🤞 

I have already planned to have my snow guy who shovels for me to bring out my planters and chairs for the deck for me.


I guess the one thing I didn’t lose was my healing power, thankfully.


I thank you all for your caring and support


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4 minutes ago, kazu said:

 I am wondering if my surgeon does like to save the best for last (or deal with the tough ones first) - he is VERY pleased - VERY.  I have permission to proceed with physio with NO limitations (slowly of course) and Yes, I can DRIVE.  I’m FREE.

I am pleased VERY pleased to hear that you can proceed with physio and drive! 72568BD6-F9A3-4A28-B50D-B6534FEFFF60.thumb.png.2b6e5de5588dad50b07341860c12df14.pngNow I’m just hoping spring arrives to your home very soon.

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Debbie @dfish very happy to hear all went well and you rewarded yourself with Moose Tracks!   I hope tonight you rest well.  😴


Jacqui @kazu finally some great news for you!  You're free!  Good idea to have your plow guy do the heavy lifting.  Things are looking up!😊

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18 minutes ago, kazu said:






Thank you to all of you for your good wishes and prayers for today ♥️ 




What a rough start to your day 😢. It’s going to be a tough one for you for sure.  My heart is with you 💔 








Good luck tomorrow.  Be careful and follow the surgeon’s and physio’s recommendations and you will be on the road to recovery in no time 🤞 








So true.  Thanks.




Oh my heavens on the hassle and aggravation you are going through.  Your poor DH.  I pray you can get the implant done with no more hassle and much easier 🙏🏻 





Thanks Both - update follows.




Oh my!  😱.  So sorry to hear this.  this is really worrisome.  And tell your DH that we are here for you and you can share to your heart’s content.


And between this and Alaska?  Remember YOUR health comes first, please.  I know Alaska is paramount - but you are more so.  Remember what DH always said - things (and cruises) can always be replaced - people cannot.  Please take care of yourself




I sure hope your luggage arrives and thanks on the thoughts for today.





Thank you both





That’s good news as long as it is safe to do.  Hmm … I know you both and I don’t think you over dramatize - you just happen to care about your husband.  I’m glad you can go as long as Pat’s health is not jeopardized or at risk.




OMG I am so sorry to hear about this.  the mess, straining your back and all. Not to lecture - but next time let the guys coming do the moving - they do give you time to clean (believe me when I know what you mean by “it showed).  Sounds horrific.  Hoping you are not in too much pain after all this 🙏🏻 



I’m back from the hospital and want to thank everyone for all their good wishes and prayers for today.  to say I was nervous is an understatement.  Long wait at the hospital - I swear every single person there plus new ones had already gone in.  I tried to remind myself that when that happened last time when DH and I were there until 5:30 pm 7 years ago on pins and needles for our Westerdam cruise, we got good news.  It didn’t work.


To make matters worse, the bone clinic is undergoing renovations so we were on the 5th floor (the wing DH was in) in make shift rooms that were patient rooms.  Memories flooded back and all I can say is that it was a good thing no one was taking my blood pressure.


Long story short - I am wondering if my surgeon does like to save the best for last (or deal with the tough ones first) - he is VERY pleased - VERY.  I have permission to proceed with physio with NO limitations (slowly of course) and Yes, I can DRIVE.  I’m FREE.


I’m back in 5 weeks to have the bad pin and wires removed and hopefully the pain subsides and it doesn’t go through.  He wants to bide as much time as he can and this is the earliest it should be removed. (And it is real pushing it).


I heard screaming while I was waiting and I shuddered.  I hope they weren’t having them removed.  But, I think I would rather scream a little bit than stay there waiting for regular surgery and stare at a room just like the one I visited for 5+ months.


It’s going to take time but with luck, I will be able to lift decently buy late May or early June 🤞 

I have already planned to have my snow guy who shovels for me to bring out my planters and chairs for the deck for me.


I guess the one thing I didn’t lose was my healing power, thankfully.


I thank you all for your caring and support


Wonderful news! 

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@dfish  Debbie, I'm very happy your suegery went well and you're home and doing well.  Get some rest, and I hope you have a speedy recovery.  Enjoy all the ice cream you can while you have a legitimate excuse for indulging.  I bet some hot or at least warm soup would feel good.


@kazu Jacqui, I like the good news that you can drive and move your arm without restrictions.  I'm sorry you have to wait longer to get the screws and wires removed from your elbow.  And, I'm sorry it was such an emotional day.  


We wouldn't have had enough time tomorrow to really clean the laundry room.  I doubt the guys would have waited three hours while I got the work done.  Actually, moving the dryer wasn't that hard once I could get between the wall and the dryer.  Then, I could lean against the wall and use my knees or legs to push it.  Having tile floors helped.



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Lots going on here today.

@dfish I'm glad things went well and you're home and using Moose Track (a favorite of mine) therapy! Rest, relax, nap and be spoiled by family for a few days.

@Vict0riann Now that a decision has been made, I think you'll feel calmer. You guys can relax and come home rested, ready to face the surgery Pat needs.

@Quartzsite Cruiser You did a lot and I hope you're not too sore tomorrow. Maybe a nice hot shower before bed to relax the muscles?

@kazu Doing the Happy Dance for you image.gif.b6c98535c002c753632dfdb56c7ef7aa.gif . I'm so glad you're free! Sorry you had to be in an area that brought back bad memories. 

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@kazuYay Jacqui! 🚘 A bit sideways with delays and floods of memories but leaps forward!  So happy for you.

Today we went around again with an online checkin, this time for the post surgery followup appt the next day. Ugh. They still have my allergy to meds on DHs record. We try every time requesting they change that. My lesson: I cannot control these things, I must let go. 

Jacqui I hope you ease into your restored freedoms. Take care!  


Edited by RMLincoln
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Wow.  Just reading this after a very long day.  Just wanted to say that I am so sorry to read about all of the health issues for so many on this thread.  Prayers for all and prayers for good outcomes for all.  With much love, Katherine.  

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Greetings Everyone! It feels like it's been forever since I last was able to read the Daily. It has taken so much longer than usual to get back to normal after a cruise. I suppose the 35 hours it took to get back from Australia and then DH ending up with Covid didn't help-we really are getting older! He's finally over the worst and I managed to stay negative so all is well.

So sorry to read of all the difficulties that have been happening but very glad to read some good news from Jacqui and Debbie.

My happy dance news is having been able to exchange our Nieuw Statendam verandah cabin on Deck 8 to a Vista on Deck 7 during our Norway cruise in May for no extra cost-and we were able to keep all the perks we had. 

Take care everyone!

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38 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Greetings Everyone! It feels like it's been forever since I last was able to read the Daily. It has taken so much longer than usual to get back to normal after a cruise. I suppose the 35 hours it took to get back from Australia and then DH ending up with Covid didn't help-we really are getting older! He's finally over the worst and I managed to stay negative so all is well.

So sorry to read of all the difficulties that have been happening but very glad to read some good news from Jacqui and Debbie.

My happy dance news is having been able to exchange our Nieuw Statendam verandah cabin on Deck 8 to a Vista on Deck 7 during our Norway cruise in May for no extra cost-and we were able to keep all the perks we had. 

Take care everyone!

When are you going in May? I am on the NS from May 6th to May 24th. 

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Hi to all

Just checking in.  

Blood work was a mixture.  Will know more tomorrow, but I can tell already that I will probably have to go back on the prednisone.

All other tests seemed okay and visit with GYN/Oncologist went well.  So happy about that.

Tomorrow I see Internist and will discuss what to do about the Polymyalgia that is flaring up again.

Will be home on Friday,


On Tuesday morning got a surprise when the doorbell rang and I was still in bed.  I was not happy.  In came the workers to finish up everything.  Here we were in bathrobes.  I was not amused.

We were trying to get ready to leave.  We received no warning about this. 


It appears that the only thing left is the glass door on the shower.  Although I really did not get the opportunity to check out everything at the last minute.

Will post when I can.


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Another busy day here on the HAL Fleet locations/daily.

Last evening It was impossible to reach Cruise Critic, just a message that site not available.

 @marshhawk  hope that you will be able to cruise to Alaska.

@dfish pleased that your surgery was successful, and that you  are home, enjoying icecream.

@kazu  such good news even though the wait brought back so many memories, take care with your freedom.

@seagarsmoker  lovely flowers, enjoy the remainder of your Pinnacle Suite cruise.

@rafinmd  thanks for the alternative meal,  are you feeling better?

@RMLincoln  hope that there are no more problems with the pre-op information.


Thanks to @StLouisCruisers , @Quartzsite Cruiser and @sailingdutchy for your super photos of Alicante


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Late post from me today.  Tried to post last night to no avail, like many others.  It has been a crazy day, between pre-cruise stuff - haircut, bank, and other little things, plus one crazy hour with Red Cross - emails, phone, texts, and figuring things out for my two different roles with our local chapter.  Hope RC stuff is resolved early tomorrow.  Have to travel 1-1/2 hours one way for 2 meetings!  


I am so happy for @dfish (good surgery and aftermath) and @kazu for breaking out of medical jail!  On the medical scene, sorry that your appointment was so disturbing, @marshhawk.  Since one of my lung diagnosis's is COPD, I am curious about your inhaler.  The one I have currently isn't much good, and I have used 2 others which were worthless to me.


@Vict0riann, I am so pleased to see that you aren't giving up on the cruise.  @Overhead Fred, didn't realize that you were on the same cruise.  I never really joined the Roll Call on both segments, because because by the time I booked, the Roll Call was intimidating (over 16 pages long).  I hope to meet all of you on this cruise(s).  


Have a great night, everyone!

Mary Kay

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4 hours ago, bennybear said:

Hello and thanks all.   Sorry to hear all the turmoil and loss.    
@kochleffel so sorry for the loss of your beloved cat

@dfish wishing you good luck tomorrow 

@cruising sister so sorry to hear of the loss of your son!  Sending gentle hugs as you remember his birthday.  Hope the healing begins as your cast is removed.

@mamaofamigood luck on your cataract surgery!

@Vict0riannhope you can make the best decision for your health and we’ll being 

@marshhawk I am just so sorry to hear of this new spot. I hope you can still go on the cruise, but perhaps check if you have any credit card insurance or with the cruise line to see what your options are or if you can perhaps move the cruise.  Your health is most important.

@JazzyVhope theshots help your kneew

@Cruising-along so nice there is some good news!  Mine also reversed and retreated to osteopenia, as did my friends today!  So enough calcium and proper exercise definitely helps.  


Life can certainly turn on a dime,  I too had not great news on my last tests and now need a biopsy.  deja vu,  and this too jeopardizes a trip that we have use it or lose it flights to Europe.  



Brenda, I'm sorry your test results were not what you expected.  I hope the biopsy results show there is no problem, and you can go on your trip.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Lots going on here today.

@dfish I'm glad things went well and you're home and using Moose Track (a favorite of mine) therapy! Rest, relax, nap and be spoiled by family for a few days.

@Vict0riann Now that a decision has been made, I think you'll feel calmer. You guys can relax and come home rested, ready to face the surgery Pat needs.

@Quartzsite Cruiser You did a lot and I hope you're not too sore tomorrow. Maybe a nice hot shower before bed to relax the muscles?

@kazu Doing the Happy Dance for you image.gif.b6c98535c002c753632dfdb56c7ef7aa.gif . I'm so glad you're free! Sorry you had to be in an area that brought back bad memories. 


Vanessa, I took a hot shower before I started cooking supper. It did help relax my muscles.  A good supper of chicken fajitas along with two glasses of wine (for medicinal purposes😉)  gave me a relaxed tired feeling.  I'll probably take a couple of ibuprofen before I go to bed.


2 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Greetings Everyone! It feels like it's been forever since I last was able to read the Daily. It has taken so much longer than usual to get back to normal after a cruise. I suppose the 35 hours it took to get back from Australia and then DH ending up with Covid didn't help-we really are getting older! He's finally over the worst and I managed to stay negative so all is well.

So sorry to read of all the difficulties that have been happening but very glad to read some good news from Jacqui and Debbie.

My happy dance news is having been able to exchange our Nieuw Statendam verandah cabin on Deck 8 to a Vista on Deck 7 during our Norway cruise in May for no extra cost-and we were able to keep all the perks we had. 

Take care everyone!


I'm sorry your DH got Covid, but glad he's over the worst.  It's good you remained negative.  Congratulations on being able to change to a Vista suite at no charge and with all your perks.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hi to all

Just checking in.  

Blood work was a mixture.  Will know more tomorrow, but I can tell already that I will probably have to go back on the prednisone.

All other tests seemed okay and visit with GYN/Oncologist went well.  So happy about that.

Tomorrow I see Internist and will discuss what to do about the Polymyalgia that is flaring up again.

Will be home on Friday,


On Tuesday morning got a surprise when the doorbell rang and I was still in bed.  I was not happy.  In came the workers to finish up everything.  Here we were in bathrobes.  I was not amused.

We were trying to get ready to leave.  We received no warning about this. 


It appears that the only thing left is the glass door on the shower.  Although I really did not get the opportunity to check out everything at the last minute.

Will post when I can.



Terri, thanks for checking in tonight.  Good news that most tests had good results, but I'm sorry you may have to go back on the prednisone.


@sailingdutchy  Tony, thank you for sharing your pictures of Alicante.


We got an email this afternoon that they will deliver and install the washer between 12 and 4 tomorrow afternoon.  We're happy we don't have to get up early to wait for them to show up.



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