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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 13th, 2023


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We arrived in beautiful Vigo, Spain around noon and here to 8:00 PM. Our culinary team prepared a fantastic brunch for us. Fortunately didn’t eat enough to hamper on trying out Vigo’s Oyster Alley. There we enjoyed huge freshly shucked oysters, razor clams and butter baby scallops. So fresh and delicious.

It’s turning into a glutinous day as we have reservations at tonight’s Arabian themed Chef’s table.

Tonight we sail to La Coruna, Spain. Before this cruise is over we will have pretty much sailed around Spain. We end in Bordeaux but will stay on for the Intensive France cruise.

Thanks for the reports. Bruce





















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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  


DH and I had a lovely dinner out for his birthday, but the service was terrible!  Was our waitress doubling as the sous chef?  She kept disappearing into the kitchen for 10-15 minutes, so the bread we ordered was delivered after our meal was eaten, the refill on iced tea came after the dessert.  When I left I spoke to the manager.  I told her it was easier to slam a restaurant for bad service on line, but since this was our favorite place to go that is rather pricey I would rather tell her that the service was terrible.  I also told her I over tipped the waitress only because I felt that soon she would be looking for another job.


Today the sun is up, it's 62 degrees, the sky is blue and we are expecting rain. ? 


My problem is not weeds, I will let them grow if it makes my yard look green.  it's pine trees.  We have some lovely pines in our yard, and squirrels.  The pine cones drop, the squirrels take what they want, and the rest of the yard becomes a growing nursery for pines. When I walk down to get the mail, I pull up about 10 tiny pine trees, when I come back up the hill, I choose another path 10 feet away from where I went down, and I  pull up another 10-20.  When I walk the neighbors dog, I pull up about 5 along the curb, and when I come back up the hill I pull about 20.  If i just wander  back and forth across the yard, I can pull up 100 tiny pines within 10 minutes.  And this is every day.  Every day!  If we didnt have a nice guy to come by and mow, I would have a forest in the yard.


Now that i am calling AZ opera, I have to schedule call backs, so yesterday I figured out my schedule until the end of June.  The easy week is the last week of June, when the only dr's appt we have scheduled is for Furnando cat.  Yay.







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Good morning, everyone!  


It is good to be home.  As much fun as it is to visit DS Barb at her lovely home, I do like getting back to my own home and my own bed.  I have been sleeping much better since I had my surgery.  I think having normal cortisol levels has been a tremendous help.  Of course, due to that, my whole body chemistry has changed.  I had to adjust my diabetes meds down in dosage due to the side effects I was getting from them.  All seems to be well in that department and I did do it with the approval of the endocrinologist.  


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:


Today we are seeing the oncology surgeon and tomorrow it is back to the internist and cardiologist for pre ops again. I am so grateful to get appointments everywhere we needed them in such a timely manner. Surgery will be on 6/26.


I am glad you are able to get moving on this quickly.  I suspect that in cases such as  yours some appointments are held open and in cases like mine, I get the later ones since I could wait.  Hugs to you and your family. 


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

I made the pad Thai recipe with the honey and had rave reviews last night. I kept the vegetarian portions separate and everyone was content. It was so much easier than other recipes I have tried. Thank you Debbie @dfish.

Take care everyone


I'm glad it was a hit!   


Welcome home, @puppycanducruise and @grapau27.  I've never been to Key West, but I would love the key lime pie that @Sharon in AZ had.  Mmmmm  @kazu Jacqui, I do the exact same thing with my shopping lists.  I have since started keeping them on my phone.  That seems to work better for some reason.


Today's meal looks good and I would use the low carb tortillas for them.  The chicken looks so good in these quesadillas.   



You can use flour or corn tortillas, whichever you prefer.   https://www.inspiredtaste.net/49249/chicken-quesadillas/




You want to do these on a griddle or large flat surface.  Put the meat and cheese on one side and fold over.  Grill the first side and then flip the quesadilla to grill the other side.  The cheese gets all melted and gooey and the whole thing is impossible to ignore.  You have to gobble it up!  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/chicken-verde-quesadillas/





You can make your quesadillas your own by using the cheese you like best.  Use up a rotisserie chicken as they shred so nicely!   Make it as hot or as mild as you like.  https://www.tastesoflizzyt.com/salsa-verde-chicken-quesadillas/




I hope everyone has a wonderful day.   Make it count!


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

This year no garden to weed, since I was away at main planting time. For someone that doesn't sew much, I have 3 sewing machines. My DM sewed a lot and I have her in cabinet White sewing machine, as well as a vintage Singer featherweight machine. And I have one I bought for myself, mainly to hem or mend things. Softball is fun, but I've not played since elementary school. Good quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine.

I've never been to Key West (and key lime is my favorite pie). The November cruise we cancelled due to BFF's DD DF's illness was to have stopped there as first port of call.


It's a cool day here today, 60's, but sunny, with rain tonight. The NCS/EMG was not fun yesterday; because I have some swelling in my legs, the doctor had to push those needles far into the tissues. I was hurting after it, but that's gone now. From his preliminary comments I think it looked ok; he's thinking I may need another MRI of the low back to evaluate for spinal stenosis. Otherwise, just hanging out at home today, tidying up.


@puppycanducruise Welcome home!

@smitty34877 Prayers that your visits to the surgeon and then the cardiologist and internist go smoothly. 

@ottahand7 Thanks for the photos.

@cat shepard That's a great sky picture.

@kazu It sounds like you've made good progress with the elbow, and I know you'll get that mobility around the incision back. Good memes.

@Sharon in AZ Nice Key West photos.

@aliaschief Wow on the food. But as a non-seafood eater, I'd have to find something else to eat.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the service at the restaurant, but hope that the food was good.

@dfish It's good to hear you're sleeping better since your surgery, and could lower your diabetes meds. 

@GTVCRUISER Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.



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Good morning,

I love the optimism of todays quote. I have been to Key West a few times. The last time was last June and you could tell that some did not care for cruise ships. Today is my weekly lunch with friends for taco Tuesday. They have been great at keeping up with me and I really appreciate their friendship. 

Thanks to all that keep this thread going. Prayers for those in need. Have great Tuesday everyone. 


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I would not be able to make chicken quesadillas at home and I would pass on the drink but I'm ready for the wine NOW. I haven't been to Key West.


My organization's annual meeting is a week from tonight. It's a dinner, and while the dinner is free, or maybe because it's free, we ask for reservations, made online. The constituency does not have the hang of that even though we done it the same way for ten years: We got a raft of phone calls from people asking whether they registered -- which they could find out from checking their own email for the confirmation -- and for some of them the answer was yes, twice. And calls from people wanting to change from the regular meal to vegan, gluten-free, or both.




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Good morning. I thought I was going to make page 1 this morning, but I keep getting interrupted.


I am more than half asleep. Bandit doggie was sick last night and I was up and down with him from 1:30 on. I finally got up for good at 6:30 after several trips out to the yard and several other trips to various parts of the house to deal with the mess he was making. He seems to feel a bit better now and wants breakfast, but that is a firm "No". I will spend the rest of this morning washing rugs and mopping floors. So much for any plans for this day. Don't know if he got into something although I keep a close eye on him and he is always on leash when we go out due to wildlife in our area. And maybe I will try to sneak in a nap later in the day.


More later.





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I took sewing in middle school.  I made a skirt and took it home.  My mom told me how crappy it was, tore out the zipper to keep for something else, and tore up the skirt for rags.  Thus I ended my sewing career.  Bless her.


I like the quote.  I talk to a lot of elderly people who wont come back to theatre, symphony, opera because they say they miss it, but the are elderly and dont like to go out.  I admit that I am happier at home or not traveling too far, but I still plan cruises, otherwise I would have no goals!  


Fawn has been gone for a little more than two weeks, and the squirrels have taken over the back yard!  I hate not to feed the birds, but I am tired of feeding the squirrels.


Today I start work at noon.  My neighbor is still home, she is waiting for a call from her vet regarding THE DOG.  The dog, Hope, has a bit of a growth on her eye, it started bleeding, so Donna took her to the vet on Saturday.  Apparently the drops do not help.  Like treating a human, the vet wants blood work before surgery, and they discovered that the dog has an enlarged heart.  So they sold her a bottle of pills that are 200 a month for a 10 year old Boxer.  And now tell her that they cant do the surgery on the eye until the heart is no longer enlarged.  So she is home today, awaiting to hear from the surgeon.  So I think I am off the hook for walking the dog at noon.


I hope that you are all having a wonderful day!

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Another Key West story, which I call Inflation has no limits.


About 25 years ago on our first cruise ship to Key West while walking around town there was a guy selling for $.50,  would tell you a dirty joke. Now fast forward 20 years and the guy was telling a dirty joke for $2.50! 

Edited by RedneckBob
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This ship has such a beautiful library. Unfortunately they will be replaced eventually by an upscale spirits bar.

No casinos on Azamara as they spend so many overnights and late departures they were removed as not cost effective.







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Good morning all!

Today will be 15 degrees cooler than yesterday, the low 60's.  Maybe summer will come next month. 😉  


Any day without rain I'm weeding the garden.  I also took sewing in school (we had to have one semester of sewing, one of cooking).  My DD borrowed my sewing machine a couple years ago and I haven't seen it since -- but don't miss it LOL!  Never was good at softball.


I like the quote and drink, will pass on the Chianti and meal.  It looks so yummy, but I know I'd have to reduce the spice down to nothing so it wouldn't be the same dish.  


We've been to Key West twice, the first time in 2017 when we walked to the Hemingway House and took the Ghosts and Gravestones tour.  The second time was just last fall, we took the trolley tour and the glass bottom boat.  I'm kicking myself that I never got the key lime pie on a stick, since I doubt we'll ever get back there..


Today will be a run to the big box store, and gardening.  Oh, and cruise planning of course.


Welcome back Melanie @puppycanducruise!


Thinking of you and your DH Terry @smitty34877as you go to the appointments and the surgery comes up this month.  


Vanessa @JazzyV good that the nerve test looked ok, sorry they had to push those needles so far into the tissues. 


Susan @durangoscots I'm sorry that Bandit was sick all night and you had so much to clean up -- hoping he's much better today.


Here are some photos from our first visit to Key West in 2017.  The photos from last time are similar to those already posted.


The main thing I wanted to see was the Hemingway House (the cats, of course).  Not being beach or bar people, we just walked there, and then took a Ghosts and Graveyards tour.  It was as funky as it sounds.




A little blurry, it was hard to catch him sitting still.







Sharon @Sharon in AZ Do you think this is the same cat you saw 2 years before?  If so, this is definitely that cat's bed!  😉  🤣





We visited this museum as part of the tour



"Robert the Doll", supposedly haunted 😉  



Our ghostly guide


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55 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I like the quote.  I talk to a lot of elderly people who wont come back to theatre, symphony, opera because they say they miss it, but the are elderly and dont like to go out.  I admit that I am happier at home or not traveling too far, but I still plan cruises, otherwise I would have no goals!  


Do any of your venues have a virtual platform?  I know Baltimore Symphony has a virtual site where people can watch performances via computer, sometimes as they are happening, and for a period of time afterwards.  It is free to subscribers, I think free to certain level donors, and also available for purchase.  It could be a way for some people to re-connect with the music they love while not needing to go for a lot of travel., and also generate some revenue for the organization.  I am getting that way but have subscribed for a series of 3 concerts that are an hour earlier than most and also somewhat shorter than others, so I am not coming home late at night.  A win-win for me.




I think the "Lunch Bachs" series is open without a subscription.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  If I had a garden, I'd weed it, I use my sewing machine in fits and starts, as projects come into my head.  Then it sits for months without being used.  I played softball in elementary school - it was a great summer pastime.


Well breakfast is over and we just got our friends out the door for their medical appointment.  I love these people, but seriously, it's like herding cats, especially when their daughter is a retired nurse and always thinking 3 steps ahead of what they're doing.  "Where's your cane?"  "Do you have water?"  "Do you have your lunch pills?"  "Where are your car keys?"  "Did you take your morning medication?"  "Where are your teeth?"   Although their daughter is very familiar with our city, they asked DH if he would drive them across town to the hospital for the appointment.  What could he say?  He hadn't planned on it, but indicate otherwise and is off with them as well.  He brought along a good book and will stay in the car reading while they go about their business.


We had a nice evening last night, sitting on the deck enjoying conversation and drinks, and didn't get to bed until after 11.  Somewhere around 1AM DH woke me and said the smoke was really thick, so we wandered around the house ghost-like, closing windows so the house wouldn't smell like a campfire in the morning.   This morning we've got thick smoke all over the city and the air quality index is 10+, which means people with heart and breathing issues should limit their time outdoors.  I went out to fill the fountain and water the plants and by the time I came inside, my eyes were watering.


@smitty34877sending good vibes for DH's medical appointments.

@kazu you are the poster child for doing your physio; I remember how quickly and fully you healed from your last elbow incident.

@catmando good for you for quitting smoking; it's a tough job, but your health is more valuable than cigarettes.

@marshhawk I'm sorry you had such terrible service at your favourite restaurant; good for you for talking with the manager face to face, as I feel it means more than an online review.  Hopefully the server will find some employment more suitable.

@loveandpeas I made a second rhubarb pie yesterday morning and our guests gave it rave reviews, even taking a copy of the recipe for their use at home.  Thanks again!


I'm sure I'd like today's wine, would like to try the drink of the day, and am pretty sure I'd enjoy the quesadillas.  Not sure if our friends are spending another night, but just in case, I've got salmon thawing that will be done on the barbecue along with potatoes and vegetables.  If they don't stay, the salmon will stay in the fridge another day and we can enjoy the leftovers from last night's pulled pork, coleslaw and asparagus dinner.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!


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Good morning, 


DS is on the roof working away and it's a cloudy cool morning. I have walnut cookies going for the staff at the rehab place. I do make a really good peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. 


I have a sewing machine that rarely gets used. I took sewing in junior high, made a nice apron and then the dress was not so nice and the only thing salvageable was the zipper. I prefer my counted cross stitch but still keep the sewing machine for occasional repairs. My mom, on the other hand, was a lovely seamstress and made a lot of our clothes. 

DH is making slow progress. Yesterday he hit his call button, asked the aide to get him up and moving and take him down to Bingo. That's a first - and he won a few times! We'll see how today goes. 



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Good afternoon.  It was a busy morning, and I've finally finished putting everything away and the other chores.  The stop at the Post Office was interesting as it pertained to our PO Box in Quartzsite.  They do not have home delivery there, and everyone who owns property gets a free PO Box.  Naturally, there there is a catch.  Each year, there is a form we have to fill out that we at still at the address and that no information has changed.  For some reason, we have to fill out the form in June, and until last year it was as easy as filling it out and putting it in an envelope and mailing.  Oh, it has to be mailed and received between June 1 and June 30.  


Last year, the new Postmaster in Q decided to enforce the regulations more, so now  we have to prove we actually at "attached" to the property and prove we are the person listed on the other form.  If you are not in Q, you must take the form, and the two items of proof into a Post Office and have them verify on the form that all is in order.  Since most POs don't offer free boxes, the employees including the Postmaster, are in the dark about the requirement.  Finally, all was in order and the Postmaster even hand canceled the letter too.


DH has a follow up with the back surgeon next Wednesday and needs an x-ray of his back.  The surgeon's office called last week and said they'd send the order to our PCP for the x-ray.  We had not heard anything today, and since the x-ray technician is only there on Wednesdays, he called the surgeon's office and they were going to send the order this week, but would send it today.  DH called the PCP's office and found out that the technician is only there on Wednesday afternoons and she's booked for tomorrow.  Next Wednesday won't work because the appointment is at 12:45 and we'd have to leave home about noon.  The order will be sent to one of two nearby hospitals, which means more time spent getting there and back and more paperwork.  Now days, you really have to stay on top of medical issues and not wait for the doctor's office to act.  I'm just happy we decided to check today.


The only good thing I can say about all these appointments is they get us out of the house.  Talk about a weird social life!  🤣


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  


DH and I had a lovely dinner out for his birthday, but the service was terrible!  Was our waitress doubling as the sous chef?  She kept disappearing into the kitchen for 10-15 minutes, so the bread we ordered was delivered after our meal was eaten, the refill on iced tea came after the dessert.  When I left I spoke to the manager.  I told her it was easier to slam a restaurant for bad service on line, but since this was our favorite place to go that is rather pricey I would rather tell her that the service was terrible.  I also told her I over tipped the waitress only because I felt that soon she would be looking for another job.


Today the sun is up, it's 62 degrees, the sky is blue and we are expecting rain. ? 


My problem is not weeds, I will let them grow if it makes my yard look green.  it's pine trees.  We have some lovely pines in our yard, and squirrels.  The pine cones drop, the squirrels take what they want, and the rest of the yard becomes a growing nursery for pines. When I walk down to get the mail, I pull up about 10 tiny pine trees, when I come back up the hill, I choose another path 10 feet away from where I went down, and I  pull up another 10-20.  When I walk the neighbors dog, I pull up about 5 along the curb, and when I come back up the hill I pull about 20.  If i just wander  back and forth across the yard, I can pull up 100 tiny pines within 10 minutes.  And this is every day.  Every day!  If we didnt have a nice guy to come by and mow, I would have a forest in the yard.


Now that i am calling AZ opera, I have to schedule call backs, so yesterday I figured out my schedule until the end of June.  The easy week is the last week of June, when the only dr's appt we have scheduled is for Furnando cat.  Yay.








Annie, I'm glad you had a good dinner for Chuck's birthday, but I'm very sorry it was spoiled by poor service.  It was good you spoke to the manager.  I'm glad your neighbor finally took the dog to the vet about the eye, but I wish for the dog's sake that she hadn't waited so long.  


4 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!  


It is good to be home.  As much fun as it is to visit DS Barb at her lovely home, I do like getting back to my own home and my own bed.  I have been sleeping much better since I had my surgery.  I think having normal cortisol levels has been a tremendous help.  Of course, due to that, my whole body chemistry has changed.  I had to adjust my diabetes meds down in dosage due to the side effects I was getting from them.  All seems to be well in that department and I did do it with the approval of the endocrinologist.  



I am glad you are able to get moving on this quickly.  I suspect that in cases such as  yours some appointments are held open and in cases like mine, I get the later ones since I could wait.  Hugs to you and your family. 


I'm glad it was a hit!   


Welcome home, @puppycanducruise and @grapau27.  I've never been to Key West, but I would love the key lime pie that @Sharon in AZ had.  Mmmmm  @kazu Jacqui, I do the exact same thing with my shopping lists.  I have since started keeping them on my phone.  That seems to work better for some reason.


Today's meal looks good and I would use the low carb tortillas for them.  The chicken looks so good in these quesadillas.   



You can use flour or corn tortillas, whichever you prefer.   https://www.inspiredtaste.net/49249/chicken-quesadillas/




You want to do these on a griddle or large flat surface.  Put the meat and cheese on one side and fold over.  Grill the first side and then flip the quesadilla to grill the other side.  The cheese gets all melted and gooey and the whole thing is impossible to ignore.  You have to gobble it up!  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/chicken-verde-quesadillas/





You can make your quesadillas your own by using the cheese you like best.  Use up a rotisserie chicken as they shred so nicely!   Make it as hot or as mild as you like.  https://www.tastesoflizzyt.com/salsa-verde-chicken-quesadillas/




I hope everyone has a wonderful day.   Make it count!



Debbie, I'm glad the surgery had such a positive affect on your sleep and on your body.  It is good you could reduce the dosage of the meds.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

This year no garden to weed, since I was away at main planting time. For someone that doesn't sew much, I have 3 sewing machines. My DM sewed a lot and I have her in cabinet White sewing machine, as well as a vintage Singer featherweight machine. And I have one I bought for myself, mainly to hem or mend things. Softball is fun, but I've not played since elementary school. Good quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine.

I've never been to Key West (and key lime is my favorite pie). The November cruise we cancelled due to BFF's DD DF's illness was to have stopped there as first port of call.


It's a cool day here today, 60's, but sunny, with rain tonight. The NCS/EMG was not fun yesterday; because I have some swelling in my legs, the doctor had to push those needles far into the tissues. I was hurting after it, but that's gone now. From his preliminary comments I think it looked ok; he's thinking I may need another MRI of the low back to evaluate for spinal stenosis. Otherwise, just hanging out at home today, tidying up.


@puppycanducruise Welcome home!

@smitty34877 Prayers that your visits to the surgeon and then the cardiologist and internist go smoothly. 

@ottahand7 Thanks for the photos.

@cat shepard That's a great sky picture.

@kazu It sounds like you've made good progress with the elbow, and I know you'll get that mobility around the incision back. Good memes.

@Sharon in AZ Nice Key West photos.

@aliaschief Wow on the food. But as a non-seafood eater, I'd have to find something else to eat.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the service at the restaurant, but hope that the food was good.

@dfish It's good to hear you're sleeping better since your surgery, and could lower your diabetes meds. 

@GTVCRUISER Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.




Vanessa, I'm sorry the test yesterday was painful, but glad that everything seemed okay.  I hope the MRI will give you some answers.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. I thought I was going to make page 1 this morning, but I keep getting interrupted.


I am more than half asleep. Bandit doggie was sick last night and I was up and down with him from 1:30 on. I finally got up for good at 6:30 after several trips out to the yard and several other trips to various parts of the house to deal with the mess he was making. He seems to feel a bit better now and wants breakfast, but that is a firm "No". I will spend the rest of this morning washing rugs and mopping floors. So much for any plans for this day. Don't know if he got into something although I keep a close eye on him and he is always on leash when we go out due to wildlife in our area. And maybe I will try to sneak in a nap later in the day.


More later.






Susan, I'm sorry Bandit was so sick last night, but glad he seems better today.


54 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

This ship has such a beautiful library. Unfortunately they will be replaced eventually by an upscale spirits bar.

No casinos on Azamara as they spend so many overnights and late departures they were removed as not cost effective.








Bruce, while we have not sailed on Azamara, we have sailed on the old R ships on Princess.  I always loved the library, and found it was a relaxing, peaceful place to read.  It saddens me that the one in your pictures will be turned into a bar


7 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  If I had a garden, I'd weed it, I use my sewing machine in fits and starts, as projects come into my head.  Then it sits for months without being used.  I played softball in elementary school - it was a great summer pastime.


Well breakfast is over and we just got our friends out the door for their medical appointment.  I love these people, but seriously, it's like herding cats, especially when their daughter is a retired nurse and always thinking 3 steps ahead of what they're doing.  "Where's your cane?"  "Do you have water?"  "Do you have your lunch pills?"  "Where are your car keys?"  "Did you take your morning medication?"  "Where are your teeth?"   Although their daughter is very familiar with our city, they asked DH if he would drive them across town to the hospital for the appointment.  What could he say?  He hadn't planned on it, but indicate otherwise and is off with them as well.  He brought along a good book and will stay in the car reading while they go about their business.


We had a nice evening last night, sitting on the deck enjoying conversation and drinks, and didn't get to bed until after 11.  Somewhere around 1AM DH woke me and said the smoke was really thick, so we wandered around the house ghost-like, closing windows so the house wouldn't smell like a campfire in the morning.   This morning we've got thick smoke all over the city and the air quality index is 10+, which means people with heart and breathing issues should limit their time outdoors.  I went out to fill the fountain and water the plants and by the time I came inside, my eyes were watering.


@smitty34877sending good vibes for DH's medical appointments.

@kazu you are the poster child for doing your physio; I remember how quickly and fully you healed from your last elbow incident.

@catmando good for you for quitting smoking; it's a tough job, but your health is more valuable than cigarettes.

@marshhawk I'm sorry you had such terrible service at your favourite restaurant; good for you for talking with the manager face to face, as I feel it means more than an online review.  Hopefully the server will find some employment more suitable.

@loveandpeas I made a second rhubarb pie yesterday morning and our guests gave it rave reviews, even taking a copy of the recipe for their use at home.  Thanks again!


I'm sure I'd like today's wine, would like to try the drink of the day, and am pretty sure I'd enjoy the quesadillas.  Not sure if our friends are spending another night, but just in case, I've got salmon thawing that will be done on the barbecue along with potatoes and vegetables.  If they don't stay, the salmon will stay in the fridge another day and we can enjoy the leftovers from last night's pulled pork, coleslaw and asparagus dinner.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!



Gerry, I'm happy you had a good visit with your friends, but oh no on more smoke.  I hope they get the fires out soon.


12 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


DS is on the roof working away and it's a cloudy cool morning. I have walnut cookies going for the staff at the rehab place. I do make a really good peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. 


I have a sewing machine that rarely gets used. I took sewing in junior high, made a nice apron and then the dress was not so nice and the only thing salvageable was the zipper. I prefer my counted cross stitch but still keep the sewing machine for occasional repairs. My mom, on the other hand, was a lovely seamstress and made a lot of our clothes. 

DH is making slow progress. Yesterday he hit his call button, asked the aide to get him up and moving and take him down to Bingo. That's a first - and he won a few times! We'll see how today goes. 




Karen, you are lucky your DS can replace your roof.  I'm happy your DH is making progress, and asking to go to Bingo is a very good sign of progress.  The wins were icing on the cake.



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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

This ship has such a beautiful library. Unfortunately they will be replaced eventually by an upscale spirits bar.

No casinos on Azamara as they spend so many overnights and late departures they were removed as not cost effective.







Very nice. Maybe you can start your own blackjack game!

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

This ship has such a beautiful library. Unfortunately they will be replaced eventually by an upscale spirits bar.

No casinos on Azamara as they spend so many overnights and late departures they were removed as not cost effective.







We once sailed 71 days on the Ocean Princess around Africa and it had a library exactly like that one; even the furniture and the ceiling painting was similar.  Unfortunately, a few months later the ship was sold to Oceana and is now called Sirena.

Today is a cool day, in the mid 60s, so I will start working on my deck.  Am replacing the wood with a material called Timber Tek, similar to Trex.  Will be pulling up and de-nailing the wood today.


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Good evening.

It is still very mild and humid at 21.55pm.

We had lunch and dinner in the garden.

This morning I attended a speed awareness course.

A couple of months ago a mobile police camera van photographed me driving over the speed limit.

The course was 3 hours long and  quite interesting and I did learn a few things.

Doing the course was cheaper than the fine and meant I did not get any penalty points on my clean driving licence.

I hope everyone is having a good day.




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The rain is back this afternoon so my weeding and deadheading was cut short.

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I may have found the pad Thai kit at the big box store -- it was in the refrigerated section and has chicken -- but when I read the sodium content I thought better of getting it, darn.  It also has cilantro, which was no surprise.  We did find plenty of other things to buy though and as usual I went for a couple things and came out with a cart-full. 🤣

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7 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. I thought I was going to make page 1 this morning, but I keep getting interrupted.


I am more than half asleep. Bandit doggie was sick last night and I was up and down with him from 1:30 on. I finally got up for good at 6:30 after several trips out to the yard and several other trips to various parts of the house to deal with the mess he was making. He seems to feel a bit better now and wants breakfast, but that is a firm "No". I will spend the rest of this morning washing rugs and mopping floors. So much for any plans for this day. Don't know if he got into something although I keep a close eye on him and he is always on leash when we go out due to wildlife in our area. And maybe I will try to sneak in a nap later in the day.



Oh a big UGH, Susan.  I’ve been down that road.  I suspect Bandit got chicken and rice today 😉. I hope he improves today and lets you sleep tonight and the messes are done 🤞. You poor thing. 😔 



5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

 Although their daughter is very familiar with our city, they asked DH if he would drive them across town to the hospital for the appointment.  What could he say?  He hadn't planned on it, but indicate otherwise and is off with them as well.  He brought along a good book and will stay in the car reading while they go about their business.


So sweet of your DH to do that for them.  Not sure why they needed it but of course, both of you are too kind to refuse ♥️ 



5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

 This morning we've got thick smoke all over the city and the air quality index is 10+, which means people with heart and breathing issues should limit their time outdoors.  I went out to fill the fountain and water the plants and by the time I came inside, my eyes were watering.


Oh dear on your smoke.  If you have to go outside, please do wear you mask.  The good ones, we used for covid.  I hope it clears and is gone tomorrow for you 🙏 



5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

@kazu you are the poster child for doing your physio; I remember how quickly and fully you healed from your last elbow incident.


Thanks I don’t feel like it though.  Last time was much faster but I had the hydrotherapy pool on the Westerdam and no need for 2 additional surgeries.  I haven’t been as good at physio as I should have been with no DH to nag me 😔. But, my physio said I have more than compensated with my daily activities and trying to do things.  



5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

DS is on the roof working away and it's a cloudy cool morning. I have walnut cookies going for the staff at the rehab place. I do make a really good peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. 


Bless your DS for working on your roof 👍. You are lucky to have such a talented DS willing to help 👍 


And kudos for taking treats to the staff at the rehab.  I did find it paid off 😉 although that wasn’t why I did it and I’m sure not why you do,  either.;



5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

DH is making slow progress. Yesterday he hit his call button, asked the aide to get him up and moving and take him down to Bingo. That's a first - and he won a few times! We'll see how today goes. 



Good news.  Baby steps - as long as there is progress it’s excellent 👍 

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