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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday August 9th, 2023


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Yikes! Yesterday was so busy I didn’t have time to read the Fleet Report and Daily and missed Frozen Custard Day. 🙁 


I had lunch with an out-of-state friend that was traveling by my work, and worked extra long to make up for the long lunch (I have an understanding boss). But I was so sleepy after the huge meal that I probably wasn’t that productive. 🤫 When I went home I tumbled into bed for a “nap” but never got up until this morning. 


Going back to read Tuesday’s posts. 

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@dobiemom I have a terrible time taking naps.  I either wake up and cant do anything, or I say-"screw it" (can I say that here? )and just sleep til the next day.  I get it.


@Quartzsite CruiserWhen we move the passenger seat in the car, it jiggles something under the seat, and a light comes on that indicates we are in an unsafe car....we can either re-jiggle the box, or another way to clear a light is to disconnect the battery, and then reconnect.  You might want to try that.


I managed to make breakfast (late ) this morning. so who knows when or what lunch will be.  I saw a recipe for cooking turkey breast in a crock pot and smothering it in cranberry sauce.  I have left over chicken and leftover cranberry sauce, so i may slice the chicken and heat it in the cranberry sauce, and serve it with leftover stuffing and instant taters....in an hour or two- right now it's time to walk the dog!


I just saw the fires basically flying across Hawaii, and I hope that @DeeniEncinitasis safe and sound.



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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

@cruising sister, we were on the Amazon cruise last November and did not enjoy it. Dirty waters and towns. Several were wonderful but would not recommend it. 

Interesting. I really enjoyed the Amazon when I cruised it at the end of the Grand SA a number of years ago. It is very different, I will say that. As to the Vov, I loved that cruise. If I had a choice it would be the one.... but the Amazon is a whole different world.



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Good morning and thanks all!  
I will gladly celebrate book lovers day.   My idea of heaven is reading on the deck of a Cruise ship! 
@smitty34877 thanks for the book suggestion, have you read Hilary Mantel’s  trilogy about Cromwell?  It’s excellent! 
@cunnorl glad the cataract surgery went well.

@grapau27 lovely hydrangeas, we have rose bushes in memory of both our mothers.  I was delighted to see in Buckingham palace Queen Elizabeth had a rose bush for one of their anniversaries from the royal family in the Netherlands.  And trees planted for their family.  
@cruising sisterhope Baby Murphy gets stronger! Thanks for the update!

@ger_77 so much to wrap your head around, but I’m sure it will make a big difference. 

we were very fortunate to experience the aurora again on the weekend.  




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Greetings Dailyites!!


We had a lovely day here in Akureyri even though it was cold where we went.  We first visited Godafoss, a beautiful waterfall.  



From there we went to see the boiling hot mud pots.  The smell of sulfur was strong, but worth enduring.






Next up was the Lava Labyrinth and a short, but really cool hike.










We really earned our lunch today!  We were served mushroom soup, arctic char, roasted potatoes, and salad.  Everything was delicious.  Every meal I have had in Iceland has been really good.  

Last before returning to the ship, we went to the pseudo craters.  They are pseudo because they were not erupting volcanoes, but formed from super heated water when lava flowed into it.






I am happy to hear a positive report about Baby Murphy @cruising sister as well as Annie’s @marshhawk lung report.  Let’s keep the good news rolling!


Wishing you all a wonderful day.


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Good morning.... and again it is sunny, dry and windy but the more moderate temperatures continue and the mornings can be chilly. We still have hopes of rain some day. The dogs and all have the slows this morning so I think I will not push my chores for the day. There is nothing that can't wait. With 3 funerals to attend in the last 10 days I think just need a little down time.


Love the days. Books have been my friends for years and one of my major sorting issues right now is that I have way too many book so I am thinning the shelves. I also want to get a few book cases out of an over crowded second bedroom.  That is hard to do without skimming them or in some cases reading them ether again or in a few cases for the first time.  And that makes a very slow process.


I have not done the polka in years and if I tried it now it would not be a pretty sight. But I enjoy the music and watching others,


I have been needing to update my cell phone for some time (it is very old and very simple and I am surprised it is still functioning)  - so yesterday was spent doing research on replacements. Think I have that settled and spent some time looking at the Transfer Wizard so I can get the necessary old stuff off one and on to the other when it arrives. Will try to have a phone geek standing by to help. Have several of that type handy.


Take care all. I am enjoying all of the pictures and sending special best wishes for baby Murphy and her family. What an ordeal.









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Good morning/afternoon all!

I'm late today because of another night of sporadic sleep.  Besides other times of wakefulness, I was wide awake from 2-5 am.  No rhyme or reason for it.  I think I did get close to 8 hours total, so not complaining (too much anyway lol)!  😉  We're getting some rain this morning!  Very much needed and welcome.  


A good collection of days.  The meal is one of our favorites and I printed off the first recipe.  Can't go wrong with basil, balsamic, garlic and cheese! And my tomatoes are ripening quickly, so perfect timing.   I'll pass on the drink and red wine, have not been to South Africa.


In 5 weeks we'll leave for our Celebrity Alaska cruise.  We haven't sailed that line since 2017 and like HAL, they've had a lot of changes.  I was reading the Celebrity board last night to try to "catch up" before the cruise, and found that they now charge $9.95 for room service orders (only continental breakfast has no charge).  Also 20% gratuity is added to specialty dining.  I'm sure we'll find other changes too.  A couple good things though, we can still bring 1 bottle of wine per person with no corkage fee, and we can use OBC to book shore excursions, dining etc. before the cruise.  I think this will be our last Celebrity cruise though, I don't like the room service charges and some other things, plus we've always liked HAL's longer itineraries anyway.  We sailed Celebrity mainly for local, shorter cruises.


Yesterday I tackled a job I knew was coming up.  I had a large wooden barrel with summer blooming perennials in it, and the barrel was starting to fall apart.  I waited until the flowers had stopped blooming, and took it on.  Getting all the bulbs and soil out took quite awhile, but I wanted to finish it because today the garbage and yard waste trucks will come.  And it was humid yesterday, and all in-the-sun work.  But glad to get it done!


Thank you everyone for the awesome photos today!  


Lorraine @cruising sister I've had a fear of double booking something too!  So many ports.  Another reason I love having a personal spreadsheet, this way I can see at a glance what days we have something booked.  

I've never done an Amazon cruise, but can highly recommend the Voyage of the Vikings.  We hope to do that one again some day -- a wonderful cruise!!





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Good afternoon from a hot central Texas.  Even with the wind, it was still hot when I took the golf cart to the mailbox a little while ago.  


We went out early in the convertible so we could have the top down.  The good news is the new sparkplugs helped the acceleration.  Vanessa, @JazzyV thank you for the good wishes about the check engine light, but the bad news is the engine still seems to be missing a little, and the check engine light is still on.  Since it was running smoothly yesterday afternoon, we don't think the problem is with the sparkplugs, but it's still a slight possibility.  Since the engine tester still won't work properly and give us the codes to help find the problem, we think we'll take it to a repair shop and let them use their engine analyzer.  We still have a vibration when we accelerate, but it is not as bad as it was. DH thinks it might be related to the incident with the firewood last fall.  The most lightly thing(s) is a broken motor mount or something broken in the tie rod or that area or both.  The car really landed hard after going over the firewood.  Right now, after two days in the heat working on the car, we are both dragging, so the car will wait for another day.


The only other accomplishment today was mopping part of the floors with the steam mop.  That makes the job quick and less messy.  The floors dry a lot faster too.


5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Amazing photos.


Thank you, Graham.  I hope you and Pauline get to Cape Town sometime.


4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you @cat shepard.

My late dad gave Pauline this white hydrangea 12 years ago  he specially grew.

The flowers are enormous and need a support table underneath.




Wow!  Graham, the flowers are so big they could have been grown in the Matsu Valley of Alaska, which is know for it's huge vegetables.  While it is very far north, the long days help the vegetables grow very fast.


4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Lots of rain this morning and Molly won’t go outside. I wii have to watch her closely so she won’t do ger business in the house!

I talked to my DB and DSIL yesterday. Head doctor got back Monday and multiple tests all show the heart working fine. They are puzzled as to why she coded after being off ECMO for 24 hours. The only thing they can think of is possibly the cannulas they left in longer than they normally do. They plan on trying again today or tomorrow and they will take cannulas out right away. My niece and her husband have been working with the medical team and social workers on possible scenarios and what they will do in each case. They want quality of life for Murphy first and foremost. My heart just aches for this young couple and the long 6 weeks they have been dealing with this. 

I have been working on my 94 day cruise and my mind is spinning. I discovered I had two excursions booked for the same port. I listened to a presentation from my TA yesterday on excursions they are offering and signed up for a few. I am stopping for a bit and organize what I have before booking anything else. I do not need to book in every port but have a few must haves such as snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. 

I have one cruise on the books which is the Amazon in 2025. I am not sure if I want to do it. I would like to book the 35 day Voyage of the Vikings in 2025 if they offer it. I would appreciate any advice on either one. 

Prayers to all and have a good day. It looks like rain for several more hours. I will need to stand outside with an umbrella and force this little dog out. 


Lorraine, thanks for the good news that Murphy's heart is functioning normally.  I hope she does better when they take her off the ECMO the next time.  She and her family have been through so much, they deserve some good results that lead to a full recovery and a long, healthy life for Murphy.


We did an Amazon cruise in 2006 at the end of the rainy season, and we enjoyed it very much.  You have to see the river at the end of the rainy season to get a true idea of how wide the river gets.  The river is muddy and a lot of debris is from the flooding.  It's like any other area where some of the towns or part of the towns are dirty, but that really didn't bother us.  It can be hot, but most of the time, it wasn't that noticeable.  


We haven't done the VoV, but did the precursor cruise in 2003. and have been to many of the places the VoV visits on various cruises.  To see the interior of Brazil on the Amazon, a cruise is the only way to do so easily.  Whatever you decide, I think you will enjoy the cruise.  You could always do both.  😉


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@DeeniEncinitas Denise my dear sis are you still home in Maui? I read about the devastating fires in Lahaina town and saw a news clip where people had to jump in the ocean to escape the fire. How scary and sad!! I hope you and David are safe. 


Denise, @DeeniEncinitas  I hope you are both safe from the fires.  Please be careful.


3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Hump Day to All!  I used to be an avid reader; always carried a book with me no matter where I went.  I started doing that when I began venturing out as a single person - way back in the '80's.  When I finally got an iPad, it switched to books on it.  Unfortunately, I left my first one on a plane coming back to the States from China.  Didn't buy another one for a couple of years but now I do read off of it.  Presently, it is A Path Between the Seas to get ready for my cruise next year.  Great collection of days! And I like the quote and meal, pass on the drink, think about the wine.  I have never been to South Africa/Cape Town.  My first sojourn overseas to Riyadh, KSA to work, my roommate was from Cape Town.  I knew nothing about it before and she was a wealth of information.  I want to go to Table Mountain!!  Cheers to Mr. Diesel!!


Boy, I was tired yesterday.  I can't/don't nap so I basically chilled all day.  I wasn't getting sub opportunities from the large school district so after trying to figure out what the problem could be and contacting the sub office, all is well.  I picked up a 6th grade class for this Thursday and Friday and I am absolutely terrified!!  I don't know the school or teacher so I am really stepping out of my comfort zone.  I know I can do it but still.  


We got a nice rain yesterday afternoon and the big heat is not apparent.  High today only around 105F but it is the humidity - presently at 55%!! Watching and worrying about the fires on the big island.  I hope everyone is ok; I am going to Hawaii in Nov.


Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!  Oh, those hydrangeas are absolutely beautiful!!


Have a great day everyone!


Penny, with all you've done in your life, you will do good tomorrow and Friday.  The first time is always the scariest.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We had a nice walk though it was  pretty cloudy and cool today. We were surprised to see the huge church has the steps removed and it looks like they will have a lot of work rebuilding them. So we walked up the steep street to the right of it. Then over to the Botanical Garden. They still had flowers but no spring ones like the tulips we saw in June 2022. 

The troll everyone was taking photos with and me in the Akureyri heart. DH is not the finest photographer around and he only takes one!


















A trash can on a light pole with a knitted cover for it. This was the cutest one we saw. 



We came back to the ship and had lunch and wouldn’t you know it. The sun peeped out a few times!


The three ships here today are Zaandam of course, Windstar Star Pride and a tiny expedition ship parked to our aft the Le Bellot from Ponant.  Yesterday in Isafjordur we had Le Boreal from Ponant and Rivages du Monde World Explorer. 


Sandi, thanks for the pictures as they brought back many good memories.  I wonder if they are trying to make it easier to climb up to the church.


2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

      Every event that I go to, plays a polka. So we dance it often, Quite fun!

    I like to read and read most days. Have not been to Cape Town but would it is on the list. Thanks for the grear photos.

     @grapau27  Beautiful hydrangeas!  They are one of my favorite flowers. We cant grow them here due to heat.

          DH had his 2nd cataract surgery this AM. Went well. He was the first for today, so he was done and we were on our way home quickly. All good.

       There is a heat warning here today with the feel like temperatures 116. Advised to stay inside if possible.  There is no one on the beach at present, too hot.  I walk in the evening. Last nite it was beautiful. 


Stay safe and enjoy today




Charlene, I'm glad your DH's cataract surgery went well this morning.  


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@dobiemom I have a terrible time taking naps.  I either wake up and cant do anything, or I say-"screw it" (can I say that here? )and just sleep til the next day.  I get it.


@Quartzsite CruiserWhen we move the passenger seat in the car, it jiggles something under the seat, and a light comes on that indicates we are in an unsafe car....we can either re-jiggle the box, or another way to clear a light is to disconnect the battery, and then reconnect.  You might want to try that.


I managed to make breakfast (late ) this morning. so who knows when or what lunch will be.  I saw a recipe for cooking turkey breast in a crock pot and smothering it in cranberry sauce.  I have left over chicken and leftover cranberry sauce, so i may slice the chicken and heat it in the cranberry sauce, and serve it with leftover stuffing and instant taters....in an hour or two- right now it's time to walk the dog!


I just saw the fires basically flying across Hawaii, and I hope that @DeeniEncinitasis safe and sound.




Annie, thanks for the suggestion, but we think the problem is in the engine.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  
I will gladly celebrate book lovers day.   My idea of heaven is reading on the deck of a Cruise ship! 
@smitty34877 thanks for the book suggestion, have you read Hilary Mantel’s  trilogy about Cromwell?  It’s excellent! 
@cunnorl glad the cataract surgery went well.

@grapau27 lovely hydrangeas, we have rose bushes in memory of both our mothers.  I was delighted to see in Buckingham palace Queen Elizabeth had a rose bush for one of their anniversaries from the royal family in the Netherlands.  And trees planted for their family.  
@cruising sisterhope Baby Murphy gets stronger! Thanks for the update!

@ger_77 so much to wrap your head around, but I’m sure it will make a big difference. 

we were very fortunate to experience the aurora again on the weekend.  





Brenda, thanks for the pictures of the Northern Lights.  I would love to see them again.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Greetings Dailyites!!


We had a lovely day here in Akureyri even though it was cold where we went.  We first visited Godafoss, a beautiful waterfall.  



From there we went to see the boiling hot mud pots.  The smell of sulfur was strong, but worth enduring.






Next up was the Lava Labyrinth and a short, but really cool hike.










We really earned our lunch today!  We were served mushroom soup, arctic char, roasted potatoes, and salad.  Everything was delicious.  Every meal I have had in Iceland has been really good.  

Last before returning to the ship, we went to the pseudo craters.  They are pseudo because they were not erupting volcanoes, but formed from super heated water when lava flowed into it.






I am happy to hear a positive report about Baby Murphy @cruising sister as well as Annie’s @marshhawk lung report.  Let’s keep the good news rolling!


Wishing you all a wonderful day.



Debbie, thanks for the wonderful pictures.  I have always enjoyed that part of Iceland.  I'm not sure if we have seen the pseudo craters, but we've been to all the other places  you visited.


@ger_77  Gerry, I hope the pacemaker solves  your DH's problems.





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We had an interesting day yesterday.  Drove to Ellensburg, about 150 miles from here to attend my 65th high school reunion.  About 25 students and spouses were there.  Had something to do with today, also.  One of our students was an indigenous boy whose family often picked fruit for a living in various parts of the state.  Thus he often missed school.  In his senior year he had an issue with the history course calling his relatives murderers in their dealings with settlers arriving on covered wagons.  It went all the way to the State Board of Education, but basically nothing happened.  He left school at that time to join the Marine Corps.  Got his GED in the Corps, but the high school principal refused to issue him a diploma.  65 years later, he got his diploma yesterday.  It was great to go over some of the times we had in school that I had mostly forgotten.  Another student and I, who got his PHD in physics but is no longer with us, decided to make a liquid fuel rocket for a physics project.

It was fueled by red fuming nitric acid, a very dangerous chemical, and kerosene.  I was able to buy some from a chemical company in Seattle.  It came in a wax-coated bottle with a glass stopper that was in a metal box shielded with mica bits.  We got the metal shop to help us weld it together and when we showed it to the physics teacher his reaction was:  Stop right now.  Don't go any farther.  Donate it to the class and you will both get an A for your project".  I wonder what happened to it.  I learned much later that this was the same fuel used in the Scud Missiles that Iraq was sending toward Israel a few years ago.  Interesting times in 1958.


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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We had a nice walk though it was  pretty cloudy and cool today. We were surprised to see the huge church has the steps removed and it looks like they will have a lot of work rebuilding them. So we walked up the steep street to the right of it. Then over to the Botanical Garden. They still had flowers but no spring ones like the tulips we saw in June 2022. 

The troll everyone was taking photos with and me in the Akureyri heart. DH is not the finest photographer around and he only takes one!


















A trash can on a light pole with a knitted cover for it. This was the cutest one we saw. 



We came back to the ship and had lunch and wouldn’t you know it. The sun peeped out a few times!


The three ships here today are Zaandam of course, Windstar Star Pride and a tiny expedition ship parked to our aft the Le Bellot from Ponant.  Yesterday in Isafjordur we had Le Boreal from Ponant and Rivages du Monde World Explorer. 

Great photos! When we were there in 2010 did a great private tour with three other couples and all I can remember is at the end of the tour the driver/tour guide stopped at an ice cream shop and bought all of us the best soft serve vanilla cone I had ever had!

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Greetings Dailyites!!


We had a lovely day here in Akureyri even though it was cold where we went.  We first visited Godafoss, a beautiful waterfall.  



From there we went to see the boiling hot mud pots.  The smell of sulfur was strong, but worth enduring.






Next up was the Lava Labyrinth and a short, but really cool hike.










We really earned our lunch today!  We were served mushroom soup, arctic char, roasted potatoes, and salad.  Everything was delicious.  Every meal I have had in Iceland has been really good.  

Last before returning to the ship, we went to the pseudo craters.  They are pseudo because they were not erupting volcanoes, but formed from super heated water when lava flowed into it.






I am happy to hear a positive report about Baby Murphy @cruising sister as well as Annie’s @marshhawk lung report.  Let’s keep the good news rolling!


Wishing you all a wonderful day.


Great photos. Did y’all visit the Rift where one day half of Iceland will be kissing the US but I don’t believe in our lifetime give or take 50,000,000 years.

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2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  
I will gladly celebrate book lovers day.   My idea of heaven is reading on the deck of a Cruise ship! 
@smitty34877 thanks for the book suggestion, have you read Hilary Mantel’s  trilogy about Cromwell?  It’s excellent! 
@cunnorl glad the cataract surgery went well.

@grapau27 lovely hydrangeas, we have rose bushes in memory of both our mothers.  I was delighted to see in Buckingham palace Queen Elizabeth had a rose bush for one of their anniversaries from the royal family in the Netherlands.  And trees planted for their family.  
@cruising sisterhope Baby Murphy gets stronger! Thanks for the update!

@ger_77 so much to wrap your head around, but I’m sure it will make a big difference. 

we were very fortunate to experience the aurora again on the weekend.  




Lovely aurora photos.

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2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  
I will gladly celebrate book lovers day.   My idea of heaven is reading on the deck of a Cruise ship! 
@smitty34877 thanks for the book suggestion, have you read Hilary Mantel’s  trilogy about Cromwell?  It’s excellent! 
@cunnorl glad the cataract surgery went well.

@grapau27 lovely hydrangeas, we have rose bushes in memory of both our mothers.  I was delighted to see in Buckingham palace Queen Elizabeth had a rose bush for one of their anniversaries from the royal family in the Netherlands.  And trees planted for their family.  
@cruising sisterhope Baby Murphy gets stronger! Thanks for the update!

@ger_77 so much to wrap your head around, but I’m sure it will make a big difference. 

we were very fortunate to experience the aurora again on the weekend.  





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We were in Cape Town this past March while aboard the Zuiderdam.  Although the ship was in Cape Town two days, we were traveling back to the ship on the first day because we had taken an overland tour to Zambia, so we only had one day in Cape Town.  Because we were somewhat tired from our Zambia excursion, we decided to take it easy in Cape Town.  We took a shuttle shortly before lunch to Victoria Wharf where we had lunch at a restaurant overlooking the harbor.  Many local dishes were available, but we played it safe and had chicken and prawns.  The restaurant was connected to a large mall, where we did some brief shopping before returning to the ship.




We ate at an outdoor restaurant overlooking a boat basin.


From our table, we could see Table Mountain.


The menu included some unique items.




The lunch that we shared.


The flowers that we bought at Woolworths.


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@USN59-79 your story of the indigenous boy, brought tears to my eyes.  How wonderful that he was recognized yesterday!    But your other story, I am speechless!   We always used to stop for lunch in Ellensburg, halfway between my aunts. 

@Seasick Sailor I too hope everyone is alright in Maui.  Hopefully, @DeeniEncinitasis safe. 
how absolutely tragic! And frightening.  Kihei was also evacuated.



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As I said earlier I have been to Cape Town 3 times, the first 2 as part of Rovos Rail trips, and I'll share a few photos from my trips.  The first two are from Rovos Rail in 2005, starting with boarding the train in Cape Town:




Most of the trip the train is hauled by regular South African Railways locomotives but there is a stretch near Pretoria where Rovos uses their own Steam locomotives.  Here's one of them:




The others are from my stay between my 2014 arrival on Crystal Serenity and departure on MS Amsterdam.  The first day I visited Robben Island, the infamous prison where Nelson Mandella was held for many years.


Our arrival at Robben Island:




Most of the cells had been emptied out but Mandela's actual cell was "furnished" as it was in the prison days:




The thin mat that served as his bed:



The quarry where the prisoners were subjected to hard labor:



During a 1995 reunion of former prisoners Mandel grapped a small rock and dropped it in the open area.  The others all did the same creating a small rockpile:



The boat used to carry prisoners to the island:



The last night I went to Aquila Game Reserve, a private game park about 2 hours out of Cape Town.  It is not an open park where you see animals in the wild, but the animals likely have been injured and could not survive in the wild and live out their days there but it's still a great experience that's easy to get to.  I spent the night there but HAL had a tour to the reserve my second day there. 




Some of the animals mostly from @Mtn2Sea's menu, starting with Springbok:





Also Ostrich and Zebra:




Finally, not on the menu but a lion





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