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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 29th, 2023


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Happy Sunday everyone! Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Rainy day today. Fancy will not be happy as she loves going out and laying in the sun. Temperature went from the 80s to the 50s. 

I like the meal and drink of the day. 

I celebrate cat day every day. 

This is Chase. 


This is Sheldon. 


And this is Fiona. 



Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

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We have heavy rain coming down right now and it is only 50. It may get up to 52 later. I am so glad that the workers were able to lay the concrete and cover the huge hole by the side of the house. It is often hard to get workers for various problems when needed but we have been fortunate in that regard.

Thanks to Tina @0106 for the quote explanation. It is timely. 
I am enjoying all the cat pictures.  I have not been to that Norway port and confess to being a bit of a hermit at times. The recipe of the day sounds good to me and I am always looking for new ways to cook chicken.




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Wow, so many cats shown here today!!  I can't think of a single cat in my immediate family.  My siblings, children and grandchildren all own dogs.  We have neither.  


Keep the photos coming.  We definitely are seeing more cats today than Maloy photos!

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Good morning from a gloomy central Texas where it is 49F and feels like 42F because of a 16mph wind.  The humidity is 97% with a dew point of 48F.  If we're lucky we'll reach 51F later today.  I'm glad I'm not going any where since we're supposed to get rain in about 30 minutes.


Yesterday was a good day with Texas beating BYU.  The World Series should be interesting with the Diamondbacks win last night.  I suspect it will go seven games.


I guess even hermits deserve their day.  We are pretty much homebodies unless we're traveling, but these past three years, I've begun to feel like a hermit.  Today might be National Cat Day for the humans, but for cats, it's everyday.  World Psoriasis Day should bring more awareness of the condition to those not afflicted.


The T.S. Eliot quote is interesting, and thank you to Tina @0106 for putting it into context.


The meal might be interesting, but we'll pass on the drink.  I would like to try the wine.


We have not been to Maloy, Norway.


The day in history is another good day.


@Heartgrove  Jack, I'm glad the meds are working, but sorry about the itching.

@kazu  Jacqui, congratulations on the casino offer and the upgrade for an interesting cruise.

@aliaschief  Bruce, your cruise is sounding better and better.

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news the workers got the hole covered and the concrete poured before the rain.  I hope today is a better day for Tana.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope you got some sleep last night and that you did not have too much pain.


I'm enjoying all the pictures of the Daily cats.  All of our cats have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.















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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:


After a lovely dinner we went to the Grand Salon for a performance by Cloe from South Africa. My goodness what a powerful and melodic singer she was. I closed my eyes and thought Whitney Houston or Bette Midler was performing. 

Yes, she has an amazing voice! Was her fiance' with her? He joined her in a song or two on our voyage.

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  Hermits are very interesting people, sometimes I would like to become one for a day or two.  Cats will be very happy for this day.  Psoriasis day is important to those that have it and to those that care for them.  Interesting quote but I’m not sure that I fully understand it, something to think about today.  The meal suggestion sounds delicious.  With our weather changing back to Autumn overnight I’m not sure the drink fits the season.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Praying for everyone on our list today.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today!

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Good morning everyone.    Thanks for the fleet reports Rich.   We are hermits at our cabin, I will always celebrate National Cat Day and for a while I suffered from psoriasis.  It was strange I developed it because I was already on the drug they use to treat it for my arthritis.   It was minor and finally it just went away.   I hope there are some photos of today's port.  Today's meal would be better with pork as mustard and apples are great with braised pork.  Pass on today's cocktail but today's Paso Robles wine would be great.  I am looking forward to photos of today's port.  We have not been there.

Vanessa, thanks for keeping us abreast of challenges and celebrations for our group.  So good to read that Baby Murphy has had better news.   Prayers for everyone in our group needing them.   Prayers for those in war zones for no choice of their own, Israel, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza.  


@Haljo1935   Bon Voyage! 🍾


Bon Voyage Ship Card | Scribbler


Today we are going to wash out the back gutters before retiring the hose.   I wanted to get it done yesterday but John wants to do the gutters first.  They are not full but one corner is leaking at the corner seams.   I guess it is a trial to really find the leak.    John's game is early and then we will pack up and head to the casino to get the Ravens game.   Internet is a severe problem here so we can't cough up the money to stream the NFL on YouTube.  I got my tulips in yesterday!   It was easy other than trying to avoid the other hidden bulbs in the bed.

@seagarsmoker thanks for your photos from the Eurodam.  Please keep them coming.   We have an port side aft Neptune on Deck four for our winter cruise.   

@grapau27 Care sent your way on the 17th anniversary of your dear Mam's passing.  

Have a nice Sunday!  Nancy

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Good morning, everyone!


It is a cool gray day here in mid-Michigan.  I plan to work on the leaves this morning I want to clean off both decks and the front porch and driveway.  The front yard looks like it is covered in leaves and we just did them all last Monday.  Sue did the back yard on Friday, but you wouldn't know it now.  It is supposed to rain tonight, so I want to get to them while they are still dry.


Last night DB stated a desire to do some actual cooking.  When it is their turn to provide dinner it is usually bad pizza or KFC.  Last night was KFC, the better of the two choices in my opinion.  But, it would be nice to see him branch out.  He said next week he's going to bring over some cookbooks and we'll look for recipes that we can do together to get him started.  


Today's meal sounds very good to me.  For those who only like the white meat of the chicken (me),  you can easily substitute chicken breasts.  We'll start with this recipe that has a surprise ingredient in it - soy sauce!  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/apple-dijon-braised-chicken-thighs/




This next recipe doesn't call for carrots, but carrot lovers can easily add them in.  I'd probably leave out the sugar.  https://www.macheesmo.com/dijon-braised-chicken-thighs/




This is like the previous recipe without the sugar.   https://domestikatedlife.com/2018/09/17/apple-dijon-skillet-chicken/




The caramelized onions in this recipe is what caught my eye.  I think this one goes in the rotation for me!  https://brooklynsupper.com/cider-braised-chicken-and-apples/




Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

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10 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning everyone.    Thanks for the fleet reports Rich.   We are hermits at our cabin, I will always celebrate National Cat Day and for a while I suffered from psoriasis.  It was strange I developed it because I was already on the drug they use to treat it for my arthritis.   It was minor and finally it just went away.   I hope there are some photos of today's port.  Today's meal would be better with pork as mustard and apples are great with braised pork.  Pass on today's cocktail but today's Paso Robles wine would be great.  I am looking forward to photos of today's port.  We have not been there.

Vanessa, thanks for keeping us abreast of challenges and celebrations for our group.  So good to read that Baby Murphy has had better news.   Prayers for everyone in our group needing them.   Prayers for those in war zones for no choice of their own, Israel, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza.  


@Haljo1935   Bon Voyage! 🍾


Bon Voyage Ship Card | Scribbler


Today we are going to wash out the back gutters before retiring the hose.   I wanted to get it done yesterday but John wants to do the gutters first.  They are not full but one corner is leaking at the corner seams.   I guess it is a trial to really find the leak.    John's game is early and then we will pack up and head to the casino to get the Ravens game.   Internet is a severe problem here so we can't cough up the money to stream the NFL on YouTube.  I got my tulips in yesterday!   It was easy other than trying to avoid the other hidden bulbs in the bed.

@seagarsmoker thanks for your photos from the Eurodam.  Please keep them coming.   We have an port side aft Neptune on Deck four for our winter cruise.   

@grapau27 Care sent your way on the 17th anniversary of your dear Mam's passing.  

Have a nice Sunday!  Nancy

Thank you Nancy.

It will be 12 years memory on Thursday for my mam.

It will be 45 years on the same day when Pauline and I met each other.

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Good Morning to All and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I consider myself a hermit as I do enjoy my own company and not necessarily very social.  Psoriasis is a horrible disease; strange and thought provoking quote.  I think I would like the meal and wine but pass on the drink.  Never been to Norway.


Growing up we had cats and dogs.  Once I became single, I enjoyed cats much more.  But not living in the US for so long, I never could have one except the time I adopted 2 kitties who were orphaned in Najran, KSA.  They were so funny but I had to leave them when I left.




I got Martina 3.5 years ago.  She is probably around 9 or 10 years old now.  She is my baby.  



She does make a perfect guard cat!



The start to the day is cool but it will warm up to the mid 70s.  We are celebrating here as the UofA beat No. 11 Oregon State 27-24 and the Diamondbacks tied the series!!  🙂 

Off to go get some work done and enjoy the day.  Thoughts for the world and those on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  RIP Matthew Perry.  Gone way too soon.


Have a great day everyone!


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Good cold morning,

Yikes it is cold and rainy.  They are predicting winters mix in the area. My hopes my area is spared.


Murphy struggled a bit getting used to the CPAP but as of yesterday afternoon she settled in. I have not had an update today. 

I am going to see the play To Kill A Mockingbird this afternoon. It is part of the traveling Broadway series. A friend had an extra ticket. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates. 

Thanks for the hard work of our contributors. I look forward to the Daily every morning. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

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Good Morning, Target run is complete.  My order was for six bags based on their inventory that showed in the app.  After I loaded my car I went back in and picked up four more bags.  Not much left after that pickup.  DH was along and found a LEGO for himself.

On the return home I stopped at a grocery store since they had whole chicken on sale.  On the way out I noticed their price on Pilon coffee, 6.99.  Earlier in the year I stocked up at a competitor for $2 a brick.  I was stunned at the difference.

I’m looking forward to next week’s ALDI trip to see what they are discounting for the holidays.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Even throughout the pandemic, we weren't hermits; we always got out to go for a drive or to the store for something.  Of course it's National Cat Day at our house, just like every other day of the year.  With a few exceptions, we've always had a kitty in the house all our married life.  A friend I worked with had psoriasis so bad that the only thing that gave her relief was tar baths - a therapy centre in our city had them and she would go monthly for a treatment.


It's a cool, grey day out there with a temp of -6C (21F), and we aren't expecting to see the sun at all today.  We might reach a high of 0 (32F) if we're lucky, but that's winter for us already.  The snow removal guy came back yesterday morning as DH and I were blowing off the driveway - he insisted on finishing for us, and said it was his job, not ours, even though he wasn't charging us for the last week of October.  Nice guy!


Bon Voyage @Haljo1935, enjoy your cruise!

@kazucongrats on the casino offer - great choice of cruises, too.  We received an email with offers, but can't take advantage of any of them due to DH's health, as he has to be stable for 90 days for the insurance to be valid.

I'm so glad to hear that sweet baby Murphy is doing better.


Yesterday we went out to a bookstore as a book I'd ordered had arrived - I spent the day reading it and did absolutely nothing else. It's a memoir written by a young woman who was a former White House aide; such an interesting book, I'm glad I read it.  Today I'm handing it off to a friend who also wanted to read it, but hadn't placed an order for it.


I would love to try the drink of the day, I know I'd like the wine, and I do like the menu suggestion for today.  The pork loin I cooked yesterday was larger than I thought, so it's looking like we'll be having hot pork sandwiches and coleslaw at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.



Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in wars and natural disasters.  Cheers for all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Since we are honoring cats today









Unfortunately, Goldie can't stay. He doesn't get along with Callie and Leo. We are looking for the best option.

Hi! To the owner of Goldie, please read my story. I had two Ragdolls, Gandalf and Frodo since 2015 and they got along great until 2020. Frodo kept biting Gandalf in the neck where I feared he would bite through the skin and a bloody mess and lose of Gandalf would happen. I am an animal lover!! What do cats and dogs do better than humans? SMELL I took Gandalf to the Vets and he had just been there in January 2020, now it is August 2020 and I insisted an other blood profile be done. Gandalf had KIDNEY DISEASE! Frodo could smell the change in his body order where we could not. Check Goldie out to see if there is a medical issue for the cats not liking him all of a sudden. For us, we had to keep them apart when we slept and where out of the house where we could not watch Frodo. When all were together we often had to pull Frodo off Gandalf. Even though Gandalf was being treated, via food for kidney disease and medication, it apparently did not change his body order.  We enjoyed my lovely gentle giant for three more years when May 5, 2013 we were told he kidneys no longer functioned so we did the right thing for Gandalf and put him down. All my babies, 6 cats and 2 digs, were cremated and in our in bedroom on a shelf in their own urns to be buried with us when the time comes. Attached is Gandalf my beautiful baby of almost 16 years! Let us know if you check Goldie out medically and what the Vet says! Please do this for Goldie! Paula



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Good morning to all.  

Thank you to Rich for getting us started this morning and thank you to Vanessa to making sure all our cares and celebrations are attended to.

Thank you to the F&B Department—Ann, Dixie and Debbie for keeping us hydrated and nourished, and to Graham for attending to our spiritual needs.

I hope I covered everyone.

I am so overjoyed that Baby Murphy is doing better.  

While I have not mentioned all of you who need prayers by name in recent posts, you all are in my daily prayers.

This past week has been a roller coaster for us, but life has calmed down quite a bit.


A few good things have happened and I will share them in good time.  

In the meanwhile we are getting ready for Mass.

God Bless,


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Good morning Dailyites. 

Breezy with showers on and off. Oliver ran out and back in quick as a rabbit.


Prayers for our care list that Vanessa keeps in excellent condition. Thank you.


We got our ballet's in the mail yesterday. Have them filled out and ready to mail. We also got our tax bill. So blessed veterans with 100% disability do not have to pay property tax here in Texas. 


I was rooting for the Rangers last night, but they were unable to make a comeback. It has been a long time since we had a pro team to root for. We left Arizona in 1998, moved to Montana, then moved to Idaho in 2003. It wasn't til 2020 when we got to cheer for our home state teams.


Today I'll be covering up our outside plants. Weather says 31 for a few night's. 


We will have a sliced pork tenderloin sandwich for lunch, and making chicken, rice, and asparagus for later. Our friend is babysitting some pups, so I'll take her a dinner plate.


Graham thinking of your late mam, and your love story that began 45 years ago.


Have a great week. Be kind. Sending prayers to all innocents in our war torn world. 

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Where I live is right next to a major college campus (University of Georgia). I have two cats that go in and out thru a cat door as they please. Goldie appeared a little over a week ago by entering thru the cat door. Students who get their first apartment generally want a pet, usually a cat. When they leave the area it is quite common for them to leave the cats in the Athens area, either by leaving them near their apartment or by taking out to 'the country' (which sorta describes where I live). Leo was also a student abandoned cat a couple of years ago.


We are not going to abandon Goldie. We are checking to see the best place to take him where he will end up in a good home.


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5 minutes ago, richwmn said:


Where I live is right next to a major college campus (University of Georgia). I have two cats that go in and out thru a cat door as they please. Goldie appeared a little over a week ago by entering thru the cat door. Students who get their first apartment generally want a pet, usually a cat. When they leave the area it is quite common for them to leave the cats in the Athens area, either by leaving them near their apartment or by taking out to 'the country' (which sorta describes where I live). Leo was also a student abandoned cat a couple of years ago.


We are not going to abandon Goldie. We are checking to see the best place to take him where he will end up in a good home.



So they came thru your cat door? No collar or ID? I remember your naming Leo with some contributors from the Daily. 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Sometimes I feel like a hermit, especially during the pandemic, but I don't mind being with myself. Cat day will be popular here. I feel for those who suffer with psoriasis. It's also World Stroke Day to raise awareness of stroke, its symptoms and prevention. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Maloy. 


It's a cloudy, rainy day here, 55F now. I thought I heard thunder early this AM, during my sleepless time. Later in the week we may have wind chills in the 20's! I'm not ready for that. I'm about the same; about 4 hours of sleep last night. I feel bad as every day BFF texts and asks how I am, then says he feels helpless because he can't do anything to make me feel better. I managed to get laundry done yesterday, although the trips up and down to the basement aren't fun. Today I'll try to make the soup I didn't get around to making yesterday.


@Haljo1935 Bon Voyage!

@RMLincoln How nice that your friend will be there with you when the movers come. 

@seagarsmoker Enjoy your cruise. Nice that you could go with the flow on embarkation, unlike some who throw fits.

@cat shepard I'll have to look for those shrimp on my next trip to Aldi.

@sailingdutchy Your day yesterday in Civitavecchia sounds exceptional. 

@0106 Thank you for the insights into today's quote.

@Crazy For Cats Nice pictures of the kids.

@Heartgrove I'm glad the medication is helping your large bug bite. It was good you went to have it looked at.

@kazu Congrats on the casino offer and booking a cruise.

@richwmn @Denise T @smitty34877 @Nickelpenny @ger_77 @P&PNH Nice to see all the cats.

@dfish Good recipes. Too wet here to work on leaves. My curb pickup will be Wednesday, but I don't think it'll dry out before then.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear that things have calmed down. Continued prayers for you and DH.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning all!

Hopefully I have a few more quiet moments before DGS wakes up.  We're really enjoying having him here, and of course he's loving the undivided attention he gets because his brother is sick and couldn't come for the weekend!  Just before bed last night he told me that he loves coming here overnight (made my heart happy!)  Tonight we're going to the pool with my neighbor and her granddaughter.


I couldn't let cat day go by without looking for photos 😉  I'm loving all the photos today of the beautiful cats!  @Crazy For Cats I didn't realize you have 7!  I thought maybe 4...wow!  All beautiful.  Since I posted all my black cat photos the other day, here are the other cats we've had in our lives.  Every single one of them chose us, not the other way around.  And most of them have been tabbies.  My first cat as a child was an orange kitty (George) but I don't have photos of him.


Our first cat, Cairo with our daughter.  He got to be 17 pounds but wasn't fat, just a large cat!  



And our last cat, Suhy.  Raised her with a bottle, she thought I was her Mommy. ❤️










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