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Monday November 13th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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@Norseh2o Bon Voyage!!!  Have a great cruise and a WONDERFUL time !!!!!






5 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Thanks for the Daily, helps keep my sanity. Dublin looks fun. 
I feel lousy this morning, not much sleep, too much pain. Thank you Lenda for the Aspercreme suggestion. My hip/thigh muscle was too painful, nearly spasms. But the aspercreme calmed it down enough. Finishing breakfast, cooked all the eggs in the fridge, will baggie what’s left so we can heat them tomorrow, no pans. 


You poor thing with so little sleep and the move on your plate 😔 I’m glad that the aspercreme helped you, at least.


I hope things go as smoothly as possible today and you can get a well earned rest tonight 🤞 



5 hours ago, RMLincoln said:



Say a prayer for my niece… she’s 6 weeks out from a high risk pregnancy at age 48! Baby’s breech, hoping it’ll turn!  I know little about having babies, never had one!  


definitely prayers for your niece.  🙏. I do hope the baby turns otherwise I fear she may need a C section.




5 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I received a picture last night from my DSIL of her holding Murphy for the first time since July right before her surgery. She was thrilled to hold her DGD!  Murphy still has a way to go but making progress. 


How lovely that Baby Murphy is getting held and love.  So good to hear of the progress she is making 👍 



5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Jacqui, if Ivan can jump the fence into the garden, he must really be feeling like a new dog.


it’s actually a retaining wall so thicker than a fence.  Oh, Ivan is a new dog alright.  He’s full of it and acts like he is 5.  That spot was the only place I didn’t block as I figured it was too high for him.  I’m guessing it’s because all the foliage is gone so he’s got clear sailing.  The peonies and hydrangeas would have blocked that area previously.  




3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

I had a bad weekend. I assisted with a cat hoarder situation and a large percentage of the cats had to be euthanized which is always distressing. We know the woman is holding out on us and has more hidden on her property which will have to be dealt with. The problem lies in the fact that the shelter needs her to surrender them to us. If we have to seize them with an animal cruelty charge we will then have to hold them until we get a court order to retain custody and that can take a while since a couple of our judges are not very good about animal cases- even when we are dealing with sick animals. And.... like every other shelter in the country, we are overcrowded. Fortunately I am now just a flunky helping out and the decisions on procedures are not mine to make.


Oh Susan, that is so sad.  I hear you on judges being not great on animal cases.  Same thing here.  Canada really does need to improve its animal cruelty laws.  There’s not enough teeth and not quick enough action.



45 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Two things about my trip.  That will be the last time I will cruise Carnival, and that was the worst food for 25 days straight.  By the end of the third week, I would put 4 thing from the buffet on my plate, take one bite from each, and toss it.  I lost more than 10 pounds, and my scale says i am 154.  Which while they might be a lot for most of you, I have not weighed this little since 1973.


Customer Service was terrible, management was very rude, both at guest services and at the restaurant.


I ended up with pulmonary failure.  In other words, I could not breathe. I spent one full day in the ships hospital, then the next two days for part of the day, with iv, that they had to leave in, they took out on the 4th day. I had oxygen for 5 days, I didnt have to strength to fight this one at all. 20 percent of the ship  the first part of the back to back had this and would not go to see the doc. And after I got the bill I know why, but I did not see an option.  And both the doc and I agreed, that I was at the end of the road.

I had more antibiotics than i have ever had, and of course that affected me too.  Day 6 and 7 I was much better, and then rapidly started going backwards.


Oh Annie, you poor thing!  That sounds absolutely horrific and scary especially on a cruise!    I am so sorry you had to endure all this 😢. I hope you start to feel 100% very, very soon.



45 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Last night in the middle of the night, Tazi cat, peed on Chuck's head.  I think she wanted to express her anger at being left alone with the two orange cats.  He was not happy.


Yikes!  Poor Chuck 😬. What an awful way to wake up.  ugh.



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This afternoon I went to guest services to have gift cards applied to my account. A supervisor was training someone and I think was happy to have something that she could teach the new person how to do— there seemed to be many people there questioning accounts that were correct, or wanting something impossible.


At lunch we were discussing the Saga ship that, when the Oosterdam was diverting to Las Palmas because of the storm, diverted from Las Palmas and tried to reach a mainland port, couldn’t dock there, and headed for Portsmouth in the UK. In a huge storm, I don’t think I would deliberately go to the Bay of Biscay. Hearing about this made us more tolerant of our captain’s choice to get the ship as far out of the mess as possible.



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26 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

we were discussing the Saga ship that, when the Oosterdam was diverting to Las Palmas because of the storm, diverted from Las Palmas and tried to reach a mainland port, couldn’t dock there, and headed for Portsmouth in the UK.

For those of you who want to know what happened on the Saga cruise:  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/cruises/articles/saga-cruise-storm-passenger-first-account-spirit-discovery/


I hope the people on the Saga ship have recovered.  I’m glad the captain of the Oosterdam kept you safe.

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After reading the article, yes it was a traumatic experience but did have a successful ending. The Viking Sky event in 2019 was far worse with over half of the passengers hoisted by helicopter successfully when it lost propulsion. And then there was the Prinsendam that actually sank in 1980, with passengers saved by the Coast Guard, and the Williamsbourgh supertanker assisting.


Being at sea should not be taken for granted.

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Good afternoon from a beautiful day in Wisconsin.  It's 60F and sunny.  Supposed to be like this for a few more days!  I'll take it.  Not sure about the meal today, but the drink sounds like it might be good!  Thanks for all of the pictures and meme's today!  

We had a good weekend, got to see grand-daughters and Mom dance for the Christmas season Kick-off for their dance studio.  DD decided to join a ladies class, and they now get to dance for performances!  They all had fun!  Next is the piano recital, but older DGD is missing it because her dance company is going to Ida Michigan for their Christmas celebration!  Maybe @dfish knows about that town! 

@marshhawkSorry to hear that you were so sick on your cruise, hoping you feel better soon. 

Good to hear that Grandma could hold Baby Murphy!  Such great news for her family.  

@0106@kochleffelWow, that cruise through the storm sounds very scary...

@RMLincolnHoping your packing and move continues to go well for you.  Enjoy your new home! 


Enjoy the rest of your day!  Karen

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Packers came, packed and left. Crew if 4 fir 5 hrs. I was not as ready or as well as I would have liked but it all happened. They did pack a few thing I had set in Do Not Pack zones but we’re fine and all will be ok. DH just went down to car to retrieve a food snacks bag and a food support bag of 2plates, utensils and small bag of dish soap sample-size and dish towel. We’ll micro food I cooked yesterday, last of a “bag” salad and some beets. It’ll satisfy, food helps. There’s egg whites with chicken sausage and cheese cooked today to have with fruit cups for breakfast. We get to sleep in our real beds tonight!  Tomorrow night will be air bed!  

Annie, your ordeal sounds traumatic. DH had pneumonia in the Med in 2017, but their antibiotics helped. If they hadn’t he’d have been put off in Sardinia, Gibraltar or Casablanca for IV meds. We rested, “laid low”  not wanting to get worse!  Made it home. It was a long recovery, months. I hope your treatment at home gets you well sooner if possible. But sometimes slower is necessary. 

We did 3 Carnival cruises last year and shunned the buffet. We found the MDR food quite good but nothing superlative. It’s sad that the clientele was part of the problem. So glad you enjoyed Rome!  

Again, many thanks to you all for your support through our difficult transition. Life is Good, even when we have to do hard things!  
It’s so encouraging to read about improvements in so many lives!  
Safe travels to all away! Smooth seas for our cruisers. Healing blessings to all who are unwell. 



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2 hours ago, quilty964 said:

Good afternoon from a beautiful day in Wisconsin.  It's 60F and sunny.  Supposed to be like this for a few more days!  I'll take it.  Not sure about the meal today, but the drink sounds like it might be good!  Thanks for all of the pictures and meme's today!  

We had a good weekend, got to see grand-daughters and Mom dance for the Christmas season Kick-off for their dance studio.  DD decided to join a ladies class, and they now get to dance for performances!  They all had fun!  Next is the piano recital, but older DGD is missing it because her dance company is going to Ida Michigan for their Christmas celebration!  Maybe @dfish knows about that town! 

@marshhawkSorry to hear that you were so sick on your cruise, hoping you feel better soon. 

Good to hear that Grandma could hold Baby Murphy!  Such great news for her family.  

@0106@kochleffelWow, that cruise through the storm sounds very scary...

@RMLincolnHoping your packing and move continues to go well for you.  Enjoy your new home! 


Enjoy the rest of your day!  Karen


Ida, Michigan is a very small town in southeast Michigan.  It isn't far from the border with Ohio and the city of Toledo.  Here is a picture of the main street.




As you can see, not much there.  


@marshhawk Annie, I hope you are feeling better soon.  What a scary experience to have.  Glad you are home now, but I'm sorry the cruise was not more enjoyable.  


@RMLincoln I think I would treat myself to a hotel room tomorrow night.  That is what we did when I moved up to Michigan.  The movers had the truck loaded by noon and we took off from there.  I drove directly to Michigan and Sue and I stayed at the Holiday Inn that night.  When we drive by  there we always remark that we will never have to stay there again.  The incoveniences will be forgotten when you get into your new home and start getting settled.  


@57redbird I'm so sorry to hear about your pain issues.  I hope you can get some relief soon.  

@Nickelpenny I hope the pain clinic can find you some relief.  I have an appointment at the Spine and Pain Clinic on Wednesday.  Fingers crossed.

@kazu I can't help but think that part of Ivan's recovery is due to his happiness in his new home.  


I didn't get to mow the lawn today.  We had a visit from our pest control company that took up time.  We noticed tiny little light brown ants in the kitchen, so called them to come out before their next scheduled visit.  Turns out the ants were all over the kitchen and dining room.  They are like the ones my dad had in the kitchen and never did anything about.  Hopefully the treatment today will take care of them.  They are easy to miss unless  you have good light and eyesight.  So, we'll keep the lights down low when we have company.  


I did get the flyers made and printed for the winter/holiday party.  Since we are hosting, it is our job to make the flyers and distribute them.  I'll do that tomorrow morning.  This is a save the date flyer.  I'll put another one out closer to the party date.  


Tonight's fun is watching the Holiday Baking Championship with a glass of wine.  Yum!

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I would appreciate some advice from folks on this thread who know south Florida weather.  We cruise from Miami on Friday, fly in to Miami on Wednesday.  First cruise since Covid - we cannot wait. We have not planned to bring umbrellas since as I remember Seabourn supplies them if we need. 

Our weather app says it will rain all week in Miami. Are we talking about a daily squall or is it likely to rain all day?  Should we pack umbrellas for Wednesday and Thursday?


Thanks in advance. 

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@marshhawk oh my!  I am so sorry to read about your illness and the bad experience in Carnival though I enjoyed your cartoon representation of Carnival guests, we thought the same when we were in port with them in St. Kitts.  Prayers for healing. Were you at sea in the Atlantic when you fell sick?  We were friends with a couple on the Volendam who were regulars at the Ocean Bar.  I knew Betty had been struggling as she was carrying her portable oxygen concentrator.  Then they disappeared.  HA kicked them off the ship in our first port in Brazil as her COPD decompensated.  We found they were there for two weeks for her to stabilize before they could fly home to the US.  A ratty port to be kicked off so at least you could remain onboard.  We heard the infirmary was better than the hospital she was taken to off ship.  Another passenger broke her hip and also spent a month at that hospital.   So sorry about Chuck's wakeup call by your cat.  

@durangoscots I am sorry you had to deal with the cat hoarding situation with most of the cats dead.  

@Cruising-along we went through the same dilemma with our luggage forward bags for the Grand SA.  I did pack my double zip locked sunscreen in the shipped bags in addition to my supplements and OTC meds.  We weren't challenged and they were shipped to our cabin.

@cruising sister thanks for sharing the wonderful news about Baby Murphy being held finally by her DGM. 

Thanks for all the beautiful photos of today's port.


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29 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Just sitting down to dinner and bam a major power outage. A romantic dinner by candlelight with many fragrances of Christmas candles aglow.

Of course power came back on just as we finished eating with the scent of pine, poinsettia, candy cane, balsam fir, piñon, pumpkin spice all fumigating the house at the same time. Somehow the salmon Caesar Salad took on a new flavour!😝

Always amuses me when there is a power outage and I walk around turning on light switches. Creator of habit.

Now who won Jeopardy? Goodnight my friends. B.

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9 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Interesting day. I remember the Sadie Hawkins dances when I was in school  (both High school and college). Sort of fun. I have been to Dublin on land trips and once on a cruise. Lots to see and do. And I will take the stew. On this cold day it sounds good and I like both coconut and curry.


I had a bad weekend. I assisted with a cat hoarder situation and a large percentage of the cats had to be euthanized which is always distressing. We know the woman is holding out on us and has more hidden on her property which will have to be dealt with. The problem lies in the fact that the shelter needs her to surrender them to us. If we have to seize them with an animal cruelty charge we will then have to hold them until we get a court order to retain custody and that can take a while since a couple of our judges are not very good about animal cases- even when we are dealing with sick animals. And.... like every other shelter in the country, we are overcrowded. Fortunately I am now just a flunky helping out and the decisions on procedures are not mine to make.


Supposedly my handyman is coming in an hour or so to remove my microwave above the oven. I may have to wait for a new one since our local hardware store seems unable to stock it but at least I can get this one disconnected. I have had a chat with all the other appliances and asked them to be cooperative and not die before I get back from my cruise. I am reaching the point where I find it hard to cope with everything.


So .... off to the races.


Take care all. Annie, I am sorry to hear that your were ill on the cruise. Hope you both can get rested and are feeling ok now.



Sending you thanks for all you do with the animals.  Our DGD volunteers at a rescue where they currently have a number of dogs from a hoarding situation. So sad for all,  glad for the good you do! 


@marshhawk so sorry to hear you were so ill!  I hope you make a quick and full recovery!  Poor Chuck! I’m glad at least the beginning of the trip was good! 

Edited by bennybear
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50 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@Cruising-along we went through the same dilemma with our luggage forward bags for the Grand SA.  I did pack my double zip locked sunscreen in the shipped bags in addition to my supplements and OTC meds.  We weren't challenged and they were shipped to our cabin.

Thank you Nancy.  We're putting the non-aerosol sunscreen in the luggage forward bags (they even said that would be ok) but since we have to check a bag with the aerosol sunscreen anyway, there will be room for the vitamins and OTC drugs too.  Turned out to be an easy fix, but they don't make it easy. I guess we got paranoid that IF challenged, it could void the insurance. Better safe than sorry.  😉 


Annie @marshhawk I was so sorry to hear about your illness and bad experience on the cruise.  We were all so excited for you to take that cruise.  I do hope you're feeling better now!

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5 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

After reading the article, yes it was a traumatic experience but did have a successful ending. The Viking Sky event in 2019 was far worse with over half of the passengers hoisted by helicopter successfully when it lost propulsion. And then there was the Prinsendam that actually sank in 1980, with passengers saved by the Coast Guard, and the Williamsbourgh supertanker assisting.


Being at sea should not be taken for granted.

Oh my.   We were on the Koningsdam when she lost power, the captain tore out of the Mariner lunch and I foolishly thought at least we were near land. Later found out it’s much better to be out to sea than possibly end up on shore by accident.  

best wishes @RMLincoln that all goes well! 
I know I missed many as I am so late today. 

We loved our visit to Dublin, the beautiful doors and the book of Kells are top most in my mind.  And a course a visit to Guinness, where much to DH’s chagrin they will put black current cordial in the Guinness, and it becomes more palatable for some! 

If  you’re nearby there’s a lake near Wicklow, that looks like Guinness.  


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Good evening.  It's taken this long to catch up with the Daily.  We got home with the new motorhome around 3pm.  DH liked the way it drove, except for the higher wind that would blow it around a little at times.  I started working on getting things put away in the kitchen.  This motorhome is 3 feet 6 inches shorter, and I think most of the lost length is in the kitchen.  I know the drawers are a lot narrower, and I've done some  creative arranging and hopefully will get it done tomorrow morning.  I just hope I remember where I put things.  I think the rest of the interior will be easier. 


13 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


RNB is back from a land far far away and is ready to restart his duties on this thread.

It’s Sadie Hawkins Day. Brings back fond memories some +57.4 years ago! This is where the girls ask you out on a date and go dancing and they have to pay for everything. Found it hard for someone to ask me out cause everytime a girl asked me out I wanted them to take me to Morton’s Steakhouse for dinner! 😳

As mentioned a few weeks ago me and the Misses will restart cruising next month; have not cruised for over a year! Hope to be on the balcony with a big wave as we deport PE.

Been to the port of call, Dublin, but don’t remember much since I was on a Pub Crawl Tour!


Welcome back, RNB.  I hope ypu enjoyed your time away.


11 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Interesting day. I remember the Sadie Hawkins dances when I was in school  (both High school and college). Sort of fun. I have been to Dublin on land trips and once on a cruise. Lots to see and do. And I will take the stew. On this cold day it sounds good and I like both coconut and curry.


I had a bad weekend. I assisted with a cat hoarder situation and a large percentage of the cats had to be euthanized which is always distressing. We know the woman is holding out on us and has more hidden on her property which will have to be dealt with. The problem lies in the fact that the shelter needs her to surrender them to us. If we have to seize them with an animal cruelty charge we will then have to hold them until we get a court order to retain custody and that can take a while since a couple of our judges are not very good about animal cases- even when we are dealing with sick animals. And.... like every other shelter in the country, we are overcrowded. Fortunately I am now just a flunky helping out and the decisions on procedures are not mine to make.


Supposedly my handyman is coming in an hour or so to remove my microwave above the oven. I may have to wait for a new one since our local hardware store seems unable to stock it but at least I can get this one disconnected. I have had a chat with all the other appliances and asked them to be cooperative and not die before I get back from my cruise. I am reaching the point where I find it hard to cope with everything.


So .... off to the races.


Take care all. Annie, I am sorry to hear that your were ill on the cruise. Hope you both can get rested and are feeling ok now.




Susan, I don't envy you your weekend, but I'm glad you and others are willing to do the hard work of rescuing animals from hoarders.  I wish our laws were stronger when dealing with animal abuse.  It is sad so many cats were beyond saving.  Our animals give us so much and ask for so little, it shouldn't be difficult to treat them well.  


10 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

The one musician I know well isn't around to hug. I had to look up pupusa, as I didn't know what it is; I think I'd like it. Sadie Hawkins day was fun in elementary school. Interesting quote. I'd take the meal without coconut (I can do coconut milk, just not shredded coconut). Yes to the drink and wine. I haven't been to Dublin. A cool day in space history.


It's another nice day, started at 32F, currently 51F and sunny. As usual, I'm not doing much. Only 2-1/2 hours sleep. At 2:30AM I sent off a message to the Neurosurgery PA asking if there was anything else I could do to ease this terrible pain, until my MRI. This morning I had to stop and sit 3 times just making my coffee. The DM of my DD friend Ruth is coming from the UK on Wednesday. If I go to the airport with BFF, I think I'd have to stay in the car, as I couldn't walk from the parking garage into the terminal without pain and having to stop multiple times. 


@StLouisCruisers That's good news that Scott is home; he can continue to work on his recovery in a familiar environment. Thanks for the Dublin photos.

@Heartgrove That sounds like a fun excursion.

@kazu Ivan must be feeling good, to sail over the retaining wall. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos of Dublin. And you're picking up the new motorhome today!

@RMLincoln Sorry you're not feeling tip-top this morning. It's almost the big day! At the new place you can take your time arranging things, I'd think. Prayers for your niece and her baby.

@cruising sister I'm sure your DSIL is thrilled to be able to hold Murphy; continued prayers for her recovery. I hope DGD is better soon.

@cunnorl Early best wishes (instead of HBD) for DD tomorrow.

@summer slope https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/  This is Roy's blog.

@RedneckBob Welcome back!

@Mtn2Sea Nice photos.

@durangoscots So sad and difficult about the cats, especially the ones who had to be euthanized. We just had something similar with a hoarder; they took out about 100 cats and another 30 were dead inside. The woman's husband had died, and she was in the hospital; she did surrender them. 

@Cruising-along Thanks for the Dublin photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I hope the neurosurgery PA can help you find some relief before your appointments.


8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday afternoon.  I am currently thinking about food.  Doesn't mean I will eat any, there is really nothing to eat in the house, but soup.  Perhaps if i can find a can of something mild.


Two things about my trip.  That will be the last time I will cruise Carnival, and that was the worst food for 25 days straight.  By the end of the third week, I would put 4 thing from the buffet on my plate, take one bite from each, and toss it.  I lost more than 10 pounds, and my scale says i am 154.  Which while they might be a lot for most of you, I have not weighed this little since 1973.


Customer Service was terrible, management was very rude, both at guest services and at the restaurant.


I ended up with pulmonary failure.  In other words, I could not breathe. I spent one full day in the ships hospital, then the next two days for part of the day, with iv, that they had to leave in, they took out on the 4th day. I had oxygen for 5 days, I didnt have to strength to fight this one at all. 20 percent of the ship  the first part of the back to back had this and would not go to see the doc. And after I got the bill I know why, but I did not see an option.  And both the doc and I agreed, that I was at the end of the road.

I had more antibiotics than i have ever had, and of course that affected me too.  Day 6 and 7 I was much better, and then rapidly started going backwards.


Most of the cruisers reminded me of characters from the film Wall-E




over fed, over drinking- gluttony at it's worst. there were several heart attacks the last two days....


Last night in the middle of the night, Tazi cat, peed on Chuck's head.  I think she wanted to express her anger at being left alone with the two orange cats.  He was not happy.


OK. and now the good parts, Rome, the churches the museums, the Pantheon.  Pizza, salads, lasagna, the trevi fountain at 7 a.m., walking to the river and seeing the vatican  down river, 

Turkey-how beautiful!


And we met some wonderful people, with great life stories to tell.

I'm sure we will get those pictures loaded by next week.


There was a couple on the cruise,. the gentleman  reminded me of Graham, nice enough wife, but he was so sweet....never judge a book by it's cover, they were escorted off the ship, by security.




Annie, I'm happy you enjoyed Rome and part of your cruise.  I'm very sorry you had such a life threatening illness that could have been prevented if those who were sick had thought of others and done the right thing.  I hope you feel better soon and recover quickly.  Oh my on Chuck's @catmando wake up call from Tazi.


8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Bon Voyage @Norseh2o!   Hope it's a great cruise.




Good luck today with the new motorhome switcheroo today!  The memes are funny and the pictures of Dublin very nice too.  Are you sure pupusas are from Ecuador?  I read El Salvador, however they may have grown in popularity across Central America, South America, and even in the U.S.  I think they'd be worth a try!





I'm glad to hear you want to celebrate World Kindness Day with me.  We could definitely use more of that in this world.  Hope all the errands go smoothly today and Ivan doesn't run out of Kong goodies too quickly.   Amazing he can leap 4 feet over the retaining wall.  And thank you for the memes -- they're great as usual.  





Your memes are funny today too Bruce!  We can all use a good laugh.   Maybe Graham is having phone trouble.  He mentioned taking it in to see about it Friday or Saturday.





Prayers for your niece!  Wow, 48 is definitely a late in life pregnancy.  Good thoughts for her and her baby.  Please let us know how she fares when baby arrives.  I'm sorry to hear you have all that pain at night like Vanessa does.  Hoping things are running smoothly there with the packers.  They do amazing fast work!





How wonderful your DSIL was able to hold Murphy!  That baby and family have been through so much.  Hoping all who are ill are better soon.





I'm glad to hear you plan on taking the train to Dublin.  It's fast and a clean, safe (as far as I know) way to travel.  I'm trying to find out how far it was for our walk from the pier to the train station but there are so many piers there.  I think we were at a further away one.  On the maps it looks like the train station is referred to as Salthill and Monkstown.  Have a map or directions with you.  You turn right from the docks by the way.  Happy early birthday to your DD.  Enjoy the Festival of the Trees and the cake!





Dixie, here's the blog address:  https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/  Note:  it's taken me so long to type all this up you've already got the answer from Vanessa!!





Thanks for the recipes Debbie.  I remember hunting season started in Michigan Nov. 15.  I was still in the hospital after having DS in Midland Hospital!  In those days they didn't kick you out immediately and gave you some time to rest up before going home and staying up all night with a crying baby!  I woke up to a light snow on the ground Nov. 15 and thought the hunters will like that - they can see the deer prints in the snow now.





Welcome back!





Thank you for the photos of Dun Laoghaire.  It's worth a visit, wouldn't you say?


Laura @kplady thank you for your photos as well.





It's nice to hear you're helping out with the cat hoarding situation.  Funny how they seem to think they're helping these poor animals.  Good luck!  Hope the legalities can be taken care of quickly.




Isn't it amazing so many want some Guinness while in Dublin?  LOL  The pub photos look like it's a warm and cozy place to gather.



Annie @marshhawk I am so, so sorry to hear of your terrible ordeal!  The end of the road!  Do they know what it is you had?  It wasn't RSV was it?  I am so thankful to hear you are back home but hope you have an appointment made very soon to get thoroughly checked out.  And wow, about the food and service.  I lost weight once on my one and only Celebrity cruise but perhaps that was a one-off.  Oh my on the British couple getting escorted off the ship.  I've only seen that done twice when the party had stolen something.  They wouldn't kick them off for smoking on their verandah would they?  Sorry Chuck @catmando about Tazi.  What a rude wake up call!





Sandi, you were correct.  Pupusas are from El Salvador.  I don't know where I came up with Ecuador.  Can I plead too little sleep, very early this morning and no caffeine?


5 hours ago, 57redbird said:

Well I'm kind of back to square one with my back/leg pain....it's a solid 6 for pain....now I'm going to be referred to a neurologist for an EMG & to the spine surgeon I self-referred myself to....want to get the show on the road.


I'm sorry your pain is back.  I hope you get felief soon.


4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Packers came, packed and left. Crew if 4 fir 5 hrs. I was not as ready or as well as I would have liked but it all happened. They did pack a few thing I had set in Do Not Pack zones but we’re fine and all will be ok. DH just went down to car to retrieve a food snacks bag and a food support bag of 2plates, utensils and small bag of dish soap sample-size and dish towel. We’ll micro food I cooked yesterday, last of a “bag” salad and some beets. It’ll satisfy, food helps. There’s egg whites with chicken sausage and cheese cooked today to have with fruit cups for breakfast. We get to sleep in our real beds tonight!  Tomorrow night will be air bed!  

Annie, your ordeal sounds traumatic. DH had pneumonia in the Med in 2017, but their antibiotics helped. If they hadn’t he’d have been put off in Sardinia, Gibraltar or Casablanca for IV meds. We rested, “laid low”  not wanting to get worse!  Made it home. It was a long recovery, months. I hope your treatment at home gets you well sooner if possible. But sometimes slower is necessary. 

We did 3 Carnival cruises last year and shunned the buffet. We found the MDR food quite good but nothing superlative. It’s sad that the clientele was part of the problem. So glad you enjoyed Rome!  

Again, many thanks to you all for your support through our difficult transition. Life is Good, even when we have to do hard things!  
It’s so encouraging to read about improvements in so many lives!  
Safe travels to all away! Smooth seas for our cruisers. Healing blessings to all who are unwell. 




Mayureen, soon this move will be history, and you can take your time getting settled.  The last move where the movers packed our things, I discovered they had pscked one of the plants.  I managed to rescue it before the box was loaded on the truck.


4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Just an update: the pain clinic called and I have an appointment on Thursday!!  It made my day!  Now just waiting on the call to pick up the disk from the radiologist to take with me. The pain clinic has the X-ray and MRI reports. 👍


Penny, that is great news about your appointment at the pain clinic on Thursday.  I hope they have some answers for you.  BTW, do you spell your name Penny or Pennie?



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14 hours ago, 0106 said:


Wow!  Thanks so much for sharing this story.



13 hours ago, 57redbird said:

Well I'm kind of back to square one with my back/leg pain....it's a solid 6 for pain....now I'm going to be referred to a neurologist for an EMG & to the spine surgeon I self-referred myself to....want to get the show on the road.


I hope the neurologist and surgeon can help you 🙏 



@JazzyV    Hoping that your neuropathic surgeon can help you and bring you some relief 🙏 




11 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Just an update: the pain clinic called and I have an appointment on Thursday!!  It made my day!  Now just waiting on the call to pick up the disk from the radiologist to take with me. The pain clinic has the X-ray and MRI reports. 👍


that’s great news!  I sure hope they can help you 🙏 



10 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Because of all the missed ports, and the excursion credit in HIA, they’ve converted the unused portion of it to actual non-refundable credit. A net benefit for me since I wouldn’t have used all of it.






11 hours ago, dfish said:

@Nickelpenny I hope the pain clinic can find you some relief.  I have an appointment at the Spine and Pain Clinic on Wednesday.  Fingers crossed.


I sure hope they can help you and give you some relief 🙏 



11 hours ago, dfish said:

@kazu I can't help but think that part of Ivan's recovery is due to his happiness in his new home.  


Well he is a happy boy here and while that helps with any healing, I think the credit goes to my vet and his Librela injections.



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