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Monday December 11th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning,

I have my last appointment before my cruise. It is back for more laser on my face. Third time is a charm so they say. I am canceling a lunch date with a friend. She is still symptomatic with Covid and still testing positive. I don’t need that. I will run some errands instead. 

Being alone is hard if you’re used to someone else picking up the slack. @smitty34877you have a lot on your plate and have done a wonderful job taking care of others. It is ok to feel blue and sorry for yourself. I don’t know how you do it. 

Lots of medical appointments and a major surgery today. Prayers going your way. Condolences @Mr. Boston.  

I better run.  Have a great day. 



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Good morning, everyone! 


We have blue sky this morning, but it is cold.  High today is 36F.  Well, it is December in Michigan.  I plan to work on my quilt again today.  I got a lot done yesterday and have it laid out on the living room floor.  I need to make a few changes in the arrangement of some blocks and then I can sew them all together.  That should go quickly.  We tried to watch Leave the World Behind last night but only lasted the first half hour.  The music was driving us insane and we just couldn't get into it.  We watched Please Take Care of Maya instead.  


@57redbird Healing thoughts your way for a successful surgery and rapid recovery.

@rafinmd I hope everything looks good on your PET scan today.

@Cruzin Terri Wishing you luck with your medical appointments today.

@smitty34877 Hugs to you, just because.   When things are down, remember we're here for you.  

@Mr. Boston My condolences on the loss of your Aunt.  It is especially had to lose the last of a generation.  

@Ichiban Nekko Bon Voyage!


We are taking a break from butternut squash and curry recipes today.  I hope you enjoy the change!  Today's meal is definitely in the category of comfort food and great for a winter night's meal.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/cheesy-tortellini-and-sausage-bake/




I love those meals that go from stovetop to oven in the same pan.  I guess I love my cast iron skillet.  This next recipe uses regular sausage and mixes some cream cheese into the marinara sauce.  Creamy goodness, but oh, those calories.  https://www.sweetandsavoryfood.com/2020/04/cheesy-sausage-tortellini-bake.html




This one mixes in a little spinach for color and nutrition.  https://www.saltandlavender.com/one-pan-tortellini-with-sausage/




Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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Good morning everyone and a happy day here because the Ravens and the Vikings one.  One game was exciting, especially the ending for the Ravens and boring when the Vikings had a field goal for the only score, done in the 4th Q.

Thanks for the daily and fleet reports @richwmn.  My phone has a lot of apps but I have learned to delete as many as possible when getting a new phone as the data switch can turn into an overnight process.   Thanks for the definition of Holiday Food Drive for Pets @grapau27.  I used to do that all year long at Petco, they used to have a basket at the front of the store to place purchased food for needy pets.   Sadly I haven't been in Petco in years.   UNICEF has their hands full in Gaza.   Bruce Lee's quote on the importance of time is very true.   RIP PTZ Lou.

I would like today's dish if it wasn't so carb heavy and it would go well with today's Primitivo.  Pass on the martini.   Thanks for researching these for us @summer slope @cat shepard and @dfish.

Thanks for the daily cares and celebrations reports @JazzyV, prayers you have pain free days ahead along with that better sleep.  @Mr. Boston sympathy on the loss of your Aunt Alberta.   Thanks for the photos of Portland.  @57redbird prayers that your back surgery goes smoothly and a speedy recovery. 

Supposedly our Luggage Direct bags leave on the 14th but we haven't gotten our tags.   First thing after signing off I will be calling them.  It is not the end of the world because we drive but not having them is a huge help with an early disembarkation.   Someone who lives at the large condo complex we know so well departing Fort Lauderdale sent a beautiful run of 20 photos of the Eurodam departing FLL two days ago.   It was on one of the many HA pages on Facebook.   Have a lovely day!   Nancy 

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All great days - we have to help those who cannot help themselves, which at times can be heart wrenching.

The quote is a good one. I'd give the meal, drink and wine a try; not been to the port, instead I offer a picture from Turks last year on my birthday (little preview for those on NS heading there tomorrow).20230210_103501.thumb.jpg.90c41da761119cd88392183fd2250869.jpg

Important days in history. 

Got home 11:15pm from airport - very long day yesterday- already miss shiplife😪 Will be heading to clinic this morning to see if they can give me something for this pounding sinus headache and stuffy ear then PT for shoulder and lots of work throughout the day.

DH says fur babies missed me - sent these pics as proof. I think all they prove is they love each other and love to sleep, lol.Resized_20231210_135532_695687397649875.thumb.jpeg.6661fd956d6104c088470f7f95582570.jpegResized_20231210_140610_695891643953964.thumb.jpg.213aa2cf05da1c30c270316b5ffc40ba.jpg

Currently sunny  41° headed to 64°, rain 🌧 forecast for Friday.


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

I was warned by my BFF who has been a widow for three years that sometimes things get worse before they get better. Yes, it has been a very rough last few days and I had all I could do to get out of bed and function. I certainly know I am not alone in this but  it sure knocked me sideways.


I was told the same thing by another widow.  Everything goes wrong.  And it’s true, I’m sorry to say.  It’s hard trying to cope with it all and having no one to consult with.  And harder even more with the time of year - not to mention your caregiving ♥️. Hang in there.  We’re here for you.  Vent, cry, whatever you need.  Hugs to you ♥️ 




@Mr. Boston I am so sorry to hear of your aunt’s passing.  My condolences to you, your family and all of her family and friends 💔 



@rafinmd Best wishes for your appointment today 🤞 




56 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Thought some of you would like to see some of events that are planned and included on our World Voyage!


https://www.azamara.com/static-assets/files/azamazing-celebrations- wv2024.pdf


Nice Bruce.  Are those events included in the cost of the cruise?




47 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I have my last appointment before my cruise. It is back for more laser on my face. Third time is a charm so they say. I am canceling a lunch date with a friend. She is still symptomatic with Covid and still testing positive. I don’t need that. I will run some errands instead. 



Best wishes for your appointment 🤞. I hope 3 times is the charm.  Wise move cancelling your lunch with your friend.  👍 



7 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:





Now sweet 💜

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  The sky is blue, the temp is 33 and while it's not going to warm up too much, hopefully some sun coming in the windows will warm up the house a bit.


You all know that sometimes I have a tendency to stretch myself too thin, and I do complain about walking the neighbors dog.  When walk time was at noon, it made it hard to schedule appointments, even make plans to go out at lunch time for a treat (I dont like to drive at night) .  When our neighbor cat sat for us while we were gone, she changed her work schedule, and now I walk the dog at 10 am. So I woke at 7, and it was dark out, and I thought I'll just go back to sleep for a half hour and then get up, and face the day.  I slept for an hour and a half, and got up.  Hit the on button for the coffee, opened the curtains in the front (our sunny spot) and saw that my neighbor was home today.  She decided it was too cold to actually go out and go to work.  So I may or may not have a dog walking job this winter if 32 is too cold to go to work....


@Cruising-along end of movie? huh?  I'll be there for you.  Why I kept watching was that the producers were the Obamas. But it was very thought provoking, and really made me think. 


@57redbird best wishes for a successful outcome on your surgery today. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


@Mr. Bostonimage.png.444c9a30333e46f74f97f583be4f946a.png


My sympathies on the passing of your Aunt Roberta.  I hope you can hold memories of her for as long as you can.


@smitty34877Sending you hugs and love.




@Ichiban Nekko Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a wonderful cruise!




I got no response from my text to my neighbor regarding still walking the dog, so I guess I am off today.


I noticed that Bobba was sitting on the dryer looking out on the car port.  There was a new small cat, not eating, but checking out an old fallen bike.  Hmmmm.  She saw me and ran off.  Seems someone had a litter about 5 months ago, because these "kittens" have been showing up every once in a while.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, all. With nine o'clock seeing 40 degrees, I do think about how warm a cruise would be right now. But a friend came over yesterday and we caught up on all that happened while I was out on the South Pacific cruise. We are checking out the best parking and viewing spot for the Christmas parade on the 22nd. I sure hope the weather warms a bit.  I feel like I fit the jokes about Florida people and cold, what used to be a great sunny day in Oregon is now a freezing day to stay in at 60 degrees. It doesn't take long to think 60 degrees feels cold, only about a year and a half.  Today is bright and sunny.  Hope everyone on the care list knows they are in our prayers and all on the celebration list know we are celebrating in their joy. And to all who make this a great place, thanks.

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A new week!  Busy day for many. Hoping for good results for all our friend’s medical appointments. @57redbird, praying for Amazing for you!  

Happy anniversary @Ichiban Nekko  and bon voyage. 

@smitty34877 Terry, You got out of bed!  Yay!  Give yourself a big, warm, loving hug!   Very glad the new roof is doing its job. You have no say about the big red dumpster… maybe it needs Christmas bow?  🙃

@Mr. Boston Those Portland pictures look like the Japanese Gardens we visited there. Beautiful place!  Thank you for sharing. Condolences on the passing of your aunt. The older we get the more people we lose. Have a gentle day. 

Yesterday I got laundry done for packing to leave Wednesday for the wedding. I made a panettone, half to bring to the groom’s family when we go to the pre-wedding family brunch, half to my friend who lost his wife in September when we see him Thursday. He’s about an hour east of San Antonio. 

Dinner yesterday was carry out- I couldn’t get a dining room reservation! On Sundays some of the dining options in our complex are closed. Still learning the patterns here, but carry out worked fine to watch the football games. 

@kazu Jacqui I hope the storm loosens its grip today. Losing transformers is severe and I hope crews can get repairs made safely and soon. 

I’ve found the things I was looking for!  Not in a box, already unpacked!  Ugh. Moving is just disorienting. 

Working on my attitude… I’ve been kinda dreading this wedding trip but it’ll be a great time to see family and my friend. And granddaughter will have her grandpa there on her special day!  He’s her father figure role model ( her father isn’t in their lives anymore, for better!). I will help make this trip happen. We haven’t flown anywhere since our trip to Portland Oregon July 2021 for my friend’s graduation. That was our only flight out from our Maryland home. We flew to Boise (family there) and drove a rental 7 hrs into Portland same day as flight from Maryland! Nuts!  But we did it. And then back with several days in Boise visiting. So this wedding trip will hopefully lift my spirits to show that we can still travel, still manage it. 🤞 I’m relieved to see that the weather forecast looks dry now for our driving to and from the Philly airport!  That’ll help. 

Blessings all for your day today. One day at a time is Everything!  Hope and comfort for those suffering. 


Cheers for all the celebrations!  Life is Good🌈

Smooth travels to all away! Yay! for our cruisers!  


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2 hours ago, Ichiban Nekko said:

Good Morning Dailyites! It is a beautiful morning, with that early morning peachy glow contrasting with snow-covered roofs. Our county schools, along with several surrounding counties, are on a 2-hour delay today.


DH Dave was so surprised when I passed on the kind birthday wishes from so many of you on Friday. Thank you all.  We had a lovely dinner at a small French restaurant in nearby Gordonsville to celebrate his day. It really was delish.


We are so looking forward to our upcoming Rotterdam cruise. We are actually breaking down and using a suitcase larger than a rollaboard! Some of the clothing choices have been made, paperwork/documents set aside. 


Before I tackle that, I have an appointment with our insurer’s preferred collision repair shop. Someone rear-ended me recently when I was stopped waiting for one of the few traffic signals in town to change. No body injuries thank goodness. However, the $100 damage estimate on the police report is quite different from what our Subaru dealer thought. In any event, the work will wait for our return in the New Year.


After that appointment, we will be focusing on departure preparations. Thursday will be an early start since we have a 9am flight to FLL, Then on Friday, we board the Rotterdam. Dinner at Rudi’s that night to celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary.


Best wishes to all who contribute to this wonderful forum,

- Cat

Hi Cat, looking forward to seeing you onboard!  We’ve been packed for a week and getting our grandson tomorrow. Safe travels. Susan and Lorenzo 

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@kazu Jacqui. Yes Azamara has an Azamazing Day or Evening on each cruise or segment. Load everyone on buses and brings them to venue. Those are included in cost for all. In addition a couple events are just for those booked for entire voyage. Last count there was approx. 190 of us booked for entire voyage. Passenger capacity is 690. The trip to Taj Mahal they have chartered an airplane and flying us to Agra for lunch and entertainment and visiting the Taj Mahal which is free along with another exclusive event in Turkey.

Each segment or cruise they also have a “White Night” party around the pool with BBQ and huge Buffett followed by entertainment and dancing. Not mandatory but most folks do dress up in white clothing. Fun evenings and quite the party.

The pre cruise gala at Marriott is only offered to all who are booked for entire voyage. 
For those on entire voyage business class flights were also included along with some substantial OBC and other perks.

It still puts a very large dent in the Ski Fund (Spending Kids Inheritance)!

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Good cold morning from AZ!  It is 40F and to me "freeeezzzziiiing"!!  It will get up to mid 70s but that is winter in the desert.  


I do like apps but tend to do more things on my computer rather than my phone.  I have a very needy cat today!!  Since arriving home last night she is on my lap, "talking" to me incessantly and even slept with me, which she occasionally does.  Oh, how I would like to see change in many things!  


The dish looks yummy and the drink is close to the "Mariner Cocktail", which I do like.  I have been to Portland many, many times but not on a cruise.  Spent 2 months there waiting to go to China in 2011.  Celebrations in those Commonwealth countries and what a great baseball player Joe was.


Back to reality for me today though getting home was an ordeal.  I was stuck on the tarmac in San Diego as the flight did not have permission fro LAX to take off.  Found out it was because Air Force One was in the air around LAX.  Thought I would miss my connection but I made it and was home by 1830.  The young man who was watching Martina texted me on Sat that something was wrong with the automatic litter box so last night without checking it I bought another on Amazon.  Decided to look this morning and he had too much litter in it.  All fixed now and I was lucky enough to cancel the order.


Doing a short subbing gig this afternoon - work 2 hours and get paid for a 1/2 day!!  Subbing tomorrow for a teacher I have done it before and she sent the lesson plan this morning.  No more assignments until the New Year (unless I decide to pick something up).


@57redbird thoughts for you and your surgery today.  Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers for those celebrating!


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning from a partly cloudy Quartzite.  It is 45F and feels like 42F.  There is a 4 mph wind from the east with 40% humidity and a dew point of 22F.  We should reach 72F this afternoon and it will remain partly cloudy with low winds.  After I get the gingerbread cookie dough made, I hope to get some more sorting and straightening done.  We also have an appointment this afternoon to get two new tires for the car, and I would like to work a haircut in too.  The place I go to is walk-in and wait.  I've found if I can get there about 4pm, there usually isn't much of a wait.


I have a lot of apps on my phone and tablet, many that I don't use.  I guess I should delete them.  Needy animals need a lot of help too.  I also salute UNICEF Day for Change.


A very true quote by Bruce Lee, and sadly he did not have as much time as I'm sure he would have liked.


The meal looks interesting and seems similar to the bake penne with Italian sausage I make.  We'll pass on the drink.  I would like to taste the red blend before I bought a bottle.


We have not cruised to Portland, Oregon, but have visited the city many years ago to see a distant cousin's widow.  Any pictures are non-digital and in albums in Texas.


I'm sure many Commonwealth countries are celebrating the signing of the Statute of Westminster in 1931.  The 1951 retirement of Joe DiMaggio was a loss for baseball.


@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I'm enjoying seeing all the Christmas pictures from San Juan.

@Heartgrove  I hope the roads are not to bad today, and that both appointments go well.

@Ichiban Nekko  Cat, wishing you and Dave safe travels Thursday and an early HAPPY 33RD ANNIVERSARY.  I hope the car repair isn't too expensive and is take care of easily after your cruise.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope you have left the rainy weather behind.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry your son and his family have Covid, but glad the one grandson doesn't.  Thank you for the information on Azamara's special events.

@dfish  I can't wait to see a picture of the finished quilt, Debbie.  All the in progress pictures show a beautiful piece of work.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope you get things straightened out with HAL about your cruise.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I hope the last laser treatment is the charm.  I'm sorry your friend has Covid, and you were wise to cancel lunch with her.


With all the Christmas memes, I did not want our friends who are celebrating Hanukah, to feel left out.













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56 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

@kazu Jacqui I hope the storm loosens its grip today. Losing transformers is severe and I hope crews can get repairs made safely and soon. 


Thanks Maureen.  it seems to be wilder than what they forecast still and the power outages are skyrocketing in Southern NB.   Our power company is pretty good at quick service but they can only do minor repairs as the winds are too high to get up in those buckets to do the serious ones.  Hopefully it starts to calm down soon 🤞   I still have power and not too concerned as the generator takes care of a lot of stuff.  It seems we stopped losing power so often once we installed the generator - Murphy’s Law?



30 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

@kazu Jacqui. Yes Azamara has an Azamazing Day or Evening on each cruise or segment. Load everyone on buses and brings them to venue. Those are included in cost for all. In addition a couple events are just for those booked for entire voyage. Last count there was approx. 190 of us booked for entire voyage. Passenger capacity is 690. The trip to Taj Mahal they have chartered an airplane and flying us to Agra for lunch and entertainment and visiting the Taj Mahal which is free along with another exclusive event in Turkey.

Each segment or cruise they also have a “White Night” party around the pool with BBQ and huge Buffett followed by entertainment and dancing. Not mandatory but most folks do dress up in white clothing. Fun evenings and quite the party.

The pre cruise gala at Marriott is only offered to all who are booked for entire voyage. 
For those on entire voyage business class flights were also included along with some substantial OBC and other perks.

It still puts a very large dent in the Ski Fund (Spending Kids Inheritance)!


Wow, Bruce!  that sounds very nice indeed!  I’m sure it did put a big ding in the ski ww fund (spending kids funds world wide) but it sounds absolutely lovely.



11 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Back to reality for me today though getting home was an ordeal.  I was stuck on the tarmac in San Diego as the flight did not have permission fro LAX to take off.  Found out it was because Air Force One was in the air around LAX.  Thought I would miss my connection but I made it and was home by 1830. 


Welcome home Pennie.  Glad you made the connection despite the delay and are home safe.


OMG on the automatic litter box.  Glad it was an easy fix for you 👍 

Your last meme on common sense seems all too true these days.  😔 



@Ichiban Nekko a very happy anniversary to you both.  



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