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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday January 19th, 2024


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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  Pretty sure DH did not sleep well, as the TV was set on PBS when i got up this morning.  The computer says Feels Colder, again colder than what?  I know not.  Oh, 39.  Mostly cloudy....


My potion today will be marinara sauce for a pasta italian sausage casserole.  I wish I had a good memory,  I'm OK remembering what happened long ago, and if I'm lucky I will remember what I had for lunch... I like popcorn, very buttered, or cheese, but popcorn does not like me.  So if it's around, DH gets to eat it.  I dont like the smell of it either, especially movie theater popcorn.


Not much on the agenda today, i have to get firewood and bread. Walk the dog, and go to work, and look after Bubbles.


My left hip has been really bothering me, the back side and the side.  It hurts to sit,  so being at the work desk has not been my favorite place to be.  I was working on my schedule for next week.  Due to an abundance of doctor appointments, most days have been cut to work 3-5 hours.  But splitting the shifts, so that I am not sitting too long.





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@dfish Thanks Debbie! And the green chile stew would be a treat!  In NM they make it with pork, onions and potatoes, a tad of oregano. There the broth isn’t usually thickened so it’s more soup-like. And green chile is a staple there!  The Chile can be hot, medium or mild. It’s often served in restaurants in a very big bowl. With fresh flour tortillas.   I used to make a pot whenever DH had a sinus infection, usually from spring allergies. I could use some in this cold!  Thanks! m—

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Thank you Jacqui, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


More snow today. Have a great weekend!


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.

- Jack

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  The only potion I'll be brewing is tea today, as I'm sure the cauldron is still out in the snow.  I think I still have a good memory . . .  Yes, I do love popcorn and usually have a big bag of it in the house for afternoon snacks.


The weather has certainly moderated, as this morning we're sitting at a less than hateful -19C (-2F), and a wind chill of -26 (-14), so even with the wind it won't be like hitting an arctic blast when we go outside.  I'm sorry for those of you who aren't used to a lot of snow who are getting it right now - and @kazuwhose area seems to get every storm there is on the East coast, no matter the season.


@VMax1700sending good thoughts that your DW feels better soon.


Well yesterday wasn't the very best - DH had a call first thing in the morning from our doctor (he never calls) to say the tests show that he has a leaking aortic valve and will be looking at a replacement.  The cardiologist's office has been notified, so now we wait to see when it can take place - not sure, as it isn't deemed an emergency yet.  So, having said that, I had to call our lovely TA and cancel the cruise we should have been taking in only 2 weeks time.  I took the countdown off the fridge, emptied the suitcases and put them back downstairs in storage, put all our cruise clothing back in the closets and drawers, and cancelled our FLL hotel.  Sigh.  We have to get DH healthy so I can start all over again, as I not only love cruising, I love the lead-up to it.

I'm going to take a pass on the drink of the day, would really love to try the champagne, but it's hugely out of my budget, and would like to sample the chili.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so after picking up a new medication for DH, we'll head to a nearby restaurant to pick out something hot and cheesy to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Thank you for today’s FR& D, Jacqui! Roy, thank you for marking the whereabouts of our BHB on a map! I am back from the lab, happily sipping my first mug of ️. I love this lab. I make my appointment online, they send me a text an hour before the appointment with a link to click, when I arrive. I am then checked in and do not have to do anything further until my name is called.

 It is a balmy 56 here. But the next two mornings will be very different. Sigh. 




Vanessa, thank you for keeping up with us.  Praying that you will soon get relief from your pain and start being able to enjoy life again. And sleep!


Gym, Bindi walks, chores and celebrating yet another friend’s birthday with dinner at the same place we all had lunch this past Monday. Yes, their food is that good. 



Prayers for all who need our support. @ger_77 Gerry, I am so sorry to read that your DH’s health required that you canceled your cruise. But thank goodness you checked on his health before it became an emergency.

Thinking of you, Terry & Tana. Bless all the caregivers and those grieving the loss of a loved one. 



Maureen, I am so sorry to read of your friend’s death. Losing someone you love is never easy, but when totally unexpected there is often severe shock that accompanies the grief. May wonderful memories sustain you. 


Cheers to all who are celebrating. @seagarsmoker 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 hope I get to cheer for you. BTW there are no “toes crossed” emojis. 

May we each find a reason to smile today. 


Edited by cat shepard
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43 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

We had a full day with a lot of different kinds of things to do, and got most done, but it started with sad news for me with a NM friend’s sudden death. She was much younger than I and seemed quite well. Seems her fatal episode was an aortic aneurysm which is often catastrophic and without warning. She died in emergency surgery. It is a long way to the hospital from there, a factor in our decision to move.  She played guitar at our little country church. The church family which was very close in such a small community is in shock. I feel the same shock two thousand miles away. I was on the phone talking and texted on and off all day. Had trouble getting to sleep last night. One day at a time is Everything!

Sorry you have lost a friend.

Extra hugs and prayers.

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42 minutes ago, dfish said:

Tonight we're celebrating DB Bill's birthday and retirement.  He doesn't know it, but DS Mary Jo and DBIL Mitch are joining us tonight for Farkel.


A very happy birthday to Bill 🙂 



45 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

We had a full day with a lot of different kinds of things to do, and got most done, but it started with sad news for me with a NM friend’s sudden death. She was much younger than I and seemed quite well. Seems her fatal episode was an aortic aneurysm which is often catastrophic and without warning. She died in emergency surgery.


I am so very sorry to hear this 😢. My condolences to you and her family.  



1 hour ago, seagarsmoker said:

I will post an update here if I hear anything today about the job.


I have my fingers and toes crossed that you post later today with good news 🤞 


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5 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

...Well yesterday wasn't the very best - DH had a call first thing in the morning from our doctor (he never calls) to say the tests show that he has a leaking aortic valve and will be looking at a replacement.  The cardiologist's office has been notified, so now we wait to see when it can take place - not sure, as it isn't deemed an emergency yet.  So, having said that, I had to call our lovely TA and cancel the cruise we should have been taking in only 2 weeks time.  I took the countdown off the fridge, emptied the suitcases and put them back downstairs in storage, put all our cruise clothing back in the closets and drawers, and cancelled our FLL hotel.  Sigh.  We have to get DH healthy so I can start all over again, as I not only love cruising, I love the lead-up to it.

Sorry to hear about DH valve, but good the procedure is in the pipeline - hope the wait is short, recovery speedy and you're rescheduling another cruise soon.

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts. 

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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Happy Friday.  I think I have a fairly decent memory, coffee  is my potion, and I enjoy popcorn.  I love the Cooper quote.


I have not been to Kangaroo Island but it sounds interesting.


A glorious day for Industry.  Overhead lighting was a great step but underground has become more reliable.  A sad day in cycling history.


Sad news for @ger_77and DH.  Fingers still crossed for @seagarsmoker


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Orange and Avacado Carousel, Pene Primavera, and Mango-Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Prinsendam January 19, 2019.


More snow than expect but I think I'm ok for a midday run to Wegmans.






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Good morning from another chilly, snowy day in Wisconsin.  It was around +5F when I got up, with maybe 2 more inches of fluffy snow on the ground.  That snow has messed with the roads, and there are many accidents all around the city.  Everyone is excited about the Packers vs. SanFrancisco game tomorrow!  Go Packers!  Haven't been to the port, the meal sounds good, not sure about the drink!  Popcorn is good, we have a local store that makes and sells many flavors of kettle corn, they are all very good!  Looking forward to pictures today.  

@ger_77Sorry to hear about your DH and his heart condition.  Prayers that he can have surgery and get is fixed so yo can start planning another cruise.  

@seagarsmokerthinking about you as you wait to hear about the job.  

Have a good day, Karen




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Good morning all.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  I’ll be following @puppycanducruise’s example and brew up a cup of tea this afternoon for my potion.  We’re working on a jigsaw puzzle hopefully that helps keep my memory sharp.  Hooray for popcorn day!  I concur with today’s quote, I try to do something different every day.  The meal and drink suggestions sound very nice.  Haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today!

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Pictures from Kangaroo Island. We were there in 2022. We were quite late getting there and all morning excursions were cancelled. I was able to book an afternoon one , just because I wanted to see the island. Tendering was very slow and many passengers were not able to go.glad I went, it is a beautiful place







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37 minutes ago, GTVCRUISER said:

National Popcorn Day


Yum Yum. But be careful. I found out the hard way that eating too much popcorn for years plus not chewing it up thoroughly can cause medical issues in more mature individual.

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2 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Pictures from Kangaroo Island. We were there in 2022. We were quite late getting there and all morning excursions were cancelled. I was able to book an afternoon one , just because I wanted to see the island. Tendering was very slow and many passengers were not able to go.glad I went, it is a beautiful place







Where are the kangaroos? 

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1 hour ago, GTVCRUISER said:

National Popcorn Day


I was a vendor in 1962 at Comiskey Park and Wrigley Field, I sold bags like that for 10 cents a pop at Wrigley, big seller as the kids didn’t have that much to spend.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Brew a portion day. “Double Double Toil and Trouble. Make me a portion that removes Redneck from Bob’s name. 

And before anyone responds; That’s impossible! 😀

Edited by RedneckBob
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47 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@kazuwhose area seems to get every storm there is on the East coast, no matter the season.


Newfoundland gets it worse than we do - believe me.



47 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Well yesterday wasn't the very best - DH had a call first thing in the morning from our doctor (he never calls) to say the tests show that he has a leaking aortic valve and will be looking at a replacement.  The cardiologist's office has been notified, so now we wait to see when it can take place - not sure, as it isn't deemed an emergency yet.  So, having said that, I had to call our lovely TA and cancel the cruise we should have been taking in only 2 weeks time. 



I am so sorry to hear this, Gerry 😢. I hope your DH can get his surgery quickly and that it is very successful.  🙏 



47 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

as I not only love cruising, I love the lead-up to it.


you are not alone - I am the same 😉 



9 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

The recruiter just called and it sounds like I will be getting an offer on that job very soon. 🙂 Thanks again to everyone here for the support! 🙂 


YIPPEE !!!!!



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1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

Snow again today in north New Jersey!  My! This has been a different experience than I expected but we’re in the storm track and they just keep coming. Tomorrow will be clear and colder. Granddaughter and husband plan to come help us with some home-improvement work.🤞 Next week our travel day south to Maryland should be ok Monday; coming back north Wednesday could be rainy. Car needs the salt washed off!  We have a back-up plan to stay at a friend’s if needed if the weather looks bad or if the surgeon wants us to stay longer.  Can only wait and see. 

Sorry to hear Chuck @Catmandu will need deeper surgery coming up soon!  Hoping he can recover well enough from this round. And that the neighbors’ pipes didn’t freeze and break!  That’s a mess that no one wants to come home to. Good luck Annie!  

And good luck to @seagarsmoker on the job! Hope it’s a good opportunity for you 👍


@Cruzin Terri hoping the podiatrist can help your foot, and fast!  

Glad you made it home ok Paul @kochleffel .  And enjoy your treasures from Total Wine. 

@ottahand7 Nancy, we’re all sending out out best hopes to you for quick improvement!  Thanks for the updates. I’m so glad John is with you!  Not the adventure you envisioned!  💔

We had a full day with a lot of different kinds of things to do, and got most done, but it started with sad news for me with a NM friend’s sudden death. She was much younger than I and seemed quite well. Seems her fatal episode was an aortic aneurysm which is often catastrophic and without warning. She died in emergency surgery. It is a long way to the hospital from there, a factor in our decision to move.  She played guitar at our little country church. The church family which was very close in such a small community is in shock. I feel the same shock two thousand miles away. I was on the phone talking and texted on and off all day. Had trouble getting to sleep last night. One day at a time is Everything!  

Sending blessings to all in need, all on our Care list - thanks Vanessa, and haul in your share of those blessings!  We’re all waiting on better days with you!  
Cheers for those celebrating!  Life is Good 🌈

Smooth travels to those away, especially our cruisers. May you get home safely. I’ll be looking forward to a time when we can get back to cruising but right now I’m focused on being Grateful for the opportunities we have to help DH. Thank you for your support!  It’s such a huge help!  
Prayers for Peace in our hearts, our families, our countries and the world. 

I'm so sorry to hear your news of the death of a dear friend.

Condolences to all of her loving family and friends.

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47 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Well yesterday wasn't the very best - DH had a call first thing in the morning from our doctor (he never calls) to say the tests show that he has a leaking aortic valve and will be looking at a replacement.  The cardiologist's office has been notified, so now we wait to see when it can take place - not sure, as it isn't deemed an emergency yet.  So, having said that, I had to call our lovely TA and cancel the cruise we should have been taking in only 2 weeks time.  I took the countdown off the fridge, emptied the suitcases and put them back downstairs in storage, put all our cruise clothing back in the closets and drawers, and cancelled our FLL hotel.  Sigh.  We have to get DH healthy so I can start all over again, as I not only love cruising, I love the lead-up to it.

Gerry, Sorry to hear about your DH's valve problem, and the loss of your upcoming cruise, but thank God that they found it before it has gotten worse.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you both for a good surgery and full recovery.

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@ger_77Sorry to hear about your DH and that you had to cancel the cruise. I hope his procedure is scheduled soon so he can get healthy and you can cruise again.


@RMLincoln Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend.  I am glad you are now safe in your new place and that family can visit you much more often.  My DD and GKs (one set) live in Tenafly and I do hate driving in NJ.  I find that when I go a bit over the speed limit the other drivers are tail gaiting me and honking me to go faster even though I am in the right lane.  I also got awful directions from google on our trip from the airport to Tenafly - we were going in circles - I wished I had an old fashioned map.  


@seagarsmokerCongratulations on the good news. I hope the job offer is what you want in terms of salary and benefits.


Today it looks like rain again - no surprise, and then we will for us be very cold.  All of those traveling to FLL and other Florida ports should be sure to bring jackets and sweaters.  


I am glad we picked our cruise this year to go way south to the ABC islands.  The weather has not been great for the Eastern Caribbean this year.  I can't believe @JazzyVremembered we are leaving next week.  


I hope everyone has a good Friday.  

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20 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

The recruiter just called and it sounds like I will be getting an offer on that job very soon. 🙂 Thanks again to everyone here for the support! 🙂 


That is great news.  I hope you get the offer very, very soon.  🤞



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