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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday April 10th,


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Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Perhaps getting a little rain. Not much going on today expect for the usual grading of assignment. Distracting myself by looking at shore excursions for my Canada/New England cruise in October. The cruise is 182 days away. Is it too early to start packing? 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Funny Wednesday Meme, Images, Pictures And Photos

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Thank you for today’s FR & D, Jacqui! Roy, thank you for our maps! Another lovely morning & it was 65 here before the sun rose this morning. Rain is in our forecast for later today or tomorrow- but for now it is perfect. 

Vanessa, thank you for keeping up with all of us. Praying. 

Today will be a “normal” Wednesday. I will never take them for granted again. Bindi walks, chores, HIIT and more cleaning out stuff. I am on another “declutter” kick. My neighbor put her house on the market 😞, and I am seeing her cleaning out decades of stuff. When I look at my place with a critical eye - I can get rid of more stuff. BTW, anyone interested in buying a great house in a super Northeast Central Florida neighborhood? I would be your neighbor & Welcome Committee!😎








Prayers for all who need our support. Those suffering from pain, debilitating conditions, the loss of a loved one, trauma. The caregivers.  Terry, praying for Tana, her son, you and your families. 

Cheers to all who are celebrating. Safe travels Gerry & Maurice!

May we each find a reason to smile today!



King Estate Winery 2021 Rosé of Pinot Noir

I know I mentioned before how I have yet to meet a King Estates wine that I didn’t really enjoy. So I will have to try this rosé. Easy to find, and reasonably priced. Online prices start at $16.99.

Winemakers’ notes

Say Rosé and visions of sipping on sun-splashed patios pop to mind. But as more and more people are finding, the wine is versatile and delicious year round. Rosé made from Pinot Noir grapes is most popular in the U.S. so it’s only natural that our take on Rosé starts with the fruit that put Oregon on the map.
Color is pale rose with a nose of rose petal, bing cherry, strawberry, melon, lime zest and passion fruit. The entry is well balanced, showing bright red fruit like fresh strawberry, cherry and raspberry along with melon, peach skin, crushed rock and lime zest. Textured richness on the mid-palate is accented by fresh acidity and balanced weight, leading to an elegant finish.
The fruit was whole cluster pressed and left to sit on its skins just long enough to release the juice and develop the pink color before moving to a temperature-controlled stainless-steel tank for fermentation. The wine was aged in stainless steel.
A warm and dry spring continued through May. First signs of bloom appeared in early June, ahead of normal. As fruit set was occurring later in June, temperatures cooled and up to two and a half inches of rain fell. While rain during bloom can lead to lighter yields, the precipitation was critically important to alleviating serious drought stress. The grapes weathered a couple of summer heat spikes with no damage. On King Estate, harvest began on Sept. 9 and ended on Oct. 9. A couple of rain systems in September were short-lived and typical of an Oregon harvest. Berries were slightly smaller and overall fruit quality was outstanding.
Varietal: 100% Pinot Noir
Vineyards: 40% King Estate, 

Edited by cat shepard
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The vegetarian stuffed cabbage would be OK with me as long as it's not stuffed with real vegetarians. More seriously, I might like the filling more than the cabbage, but stuffed cabbage is OK. I don't like stuffed peppers--I think that peppers need to be sautéed, not baked. Pass on the drink. For a Pinot Noir rosé, Dr. Frank's 2021 is sold out so let's buy Thirsty Owl's 2023 and cellar it for a while.


I'm feeling a lot less pain from the fall 12 days ago, but as the most severe pain subsides it is allowing me to feel the other injuries. The bruising is spectacular but all concealed by clothing. Yes, I have arnica gel.


The main (i.e., only) project for today is to finish the PowerPoint for the presentation I'm giving in class tomorrow. That entails some video editing, which I don't enjoy at all.


Referring to yesterday, might the bullfighter be named Jenkins?


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A quick good morning from a wet central Texas.  It is 60F with a high of 64F and more rain today.  It will be a busy day of house cleaning and motorhome cleaning.  The technician is supposed to come sometime today to hook up the fiber optics for our internet.  Supposedly they will let us know the two hour window when they will be here.


Farm animals are very important.  I don't have any siblings, but DH has two brothers, and I can celebrate our two DDs. The Salvation Army does good work.


The C. S. Lewis quote is good.


I prefer meat in my stuffed cabbage, but haven't made it in decades.  We'll pass on the drink and DH might like the  wine.


We were supposed to be in Petra on our two canceled Princess world cruises.  Maybe someday.


An interesting day in 1858 when Big Ben was recast.


@MISTER 67  I'm glad your cold is better, but sorry your DW now has a cold.  Enjoy the beach.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry about the rough night and a day without the aide.  I hope it is an easy day.  HUGS to everyone.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm glad you are doing better after your fall.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for the pictures of Petra.














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 Good Morning from a warm and cloudy at the beach

     I appreciate my 2 sisters and have very fond memories of my 2 brothers that have passed. The Salvation Army is a wonderful organization and well worth supporting. DH relatives live on a farm  and have many animals. Always fun but a lot of work!

     @StLouisCruisers  Thank you for the great pictures of Petra. We were scheduled to go there on the 2025 WC but the itinerary was changed due to the Red Sea conflicts. Hopefully some day!

      They are building 2 more hotels in Port Canaveral. That will be 11 in a 2 block area. Unreal!  

      Water aerobics this AM. Not much else today. 


Stay safe and enjoy today


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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Captain Crunch Cocktail
Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder
1 part of Vanilla Schnapps

1 part of cream

1 part of tequila rose strawberry cream liqueur

1 splash of grenadine syrup

1 part of Kahlua coffee liqueur (or coffee liqueur)

Pour all ingredients over ice, shake and strain into a rocks glass.


Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 6.32.06 AM.png

Yes, breakfast of champions!

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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Sadly, I lost my only sibling 3 years ago.  Most of my immediate ancestors were farmers with animals.  The Salvation Army has done a lot of good work.


I like the quote.


I visited Petra Just once, Silver Whisper, in 2007.  An awesome experience that is probably done both early in the day and while still relatively young as the heat is very harsh.


A great day for London in 1858.  I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Fruit Salad with Sambuca, Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus, and Blackberry Sundae as served on MS Zaandam April 10, 2017:



Looks like I got quite eager to start on the entree.




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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


I guess y’all expect something from me on National Farm Animal Day!

Well hear goes, for those fellow CC folks hear and at the sailaway.


Old RedneckBob, he had this farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on this farm he had this Ark, E-I-E-I-O

And in this Ark he had pairs of animals, E-I-E-I-O

And when the Ark left Port Everglades you could hear

A toot toot hear, toot toot there, hear a toot there a toot every way a toot toot.

Old RedneckBob had an Ark, E-I-E-I-O

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Good morning Dailyites from a soggy Georgetown. Wow did we have a major storm last night. Blew 2 heavy pots off from the patio,  and the hummingbird feeders were against the fence this morning. It's gloomy and windy.


Prayers lifted for all on our growing lists. Our dear friend who has had double pneumonia and covid the past few weeks is now healed and trying to recover her strength. Vanessa, please remove Ron from the cares list, he has a long,  winding road ahead of him. Prayers for our innocents caught in war, our veterans and soldiers, the hostages caught in the middle of a crazy world.


I do like cabbage rolls, but found an easy, yummy cabbage roll soup we like better. I just may make that today and have French bread along side.


I love farm animals. My dad volunteered at a farm in the winter and we got to go along and play in the barn.







I have 1 sibling sister, but have some precious friends I call my sisters. Hi Denise!! @DeeniEncinitas!!


I had a brother who died in a motorcycle accident 41 years ago. 





Wishing all of our friends here on the Daily a blessed day. Know you are loved. Be kind!


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Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Crystal World Cruise.  On April 10 Crystal Symphony was at sea from Iquique, Chile to Pisco, Peru:





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Posted (edited)

Well, crud - my post is gone so this is Take 2.


Having lost my younger brother to suicide, I do cherish my remaining 2 siblings. Some days are easier than others, but always worth the effort. ❤️


Pass on the meal; not been to the port. BFF lived in Jordan when she was first married, her son was born there. Thanks @StLouisCruisers for the amazing pictures!


I'm in the dark - lights just went out. 🥺Waiting to see Dr - HR wants me to go out on FT continuous leave so I'm back to try for her to sign the papers. We shall see.🤷‍♀️


One stop to make on way home - DH birthday is tomorrow so I want to buy him a card.


It was 63° headed to rainy 64° when I checked 2+ hours ago (that's a long way to go - not sure it will get there, lol). Forecast calls for heavy rains; I should be home glued to the work computer before they start.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all.




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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says its 59 and mostly cloudy.  It's completely cloudy, but I guess they want me to guess where it isn't. 


My brother lived in Jordan for several years, I have been fascinated by Petra for years.  But even though I have a brother, we were both adopted, and had different birth parents.  And we have never been close.  I dont think we have spoken more than once since 1998.  I wish that our adopted parents hadn't been so busy pointing out all our faults to each of us, but that's the way it was.  So instead of "you're the big brother, take care of your sister"  our family didn't work that way.


I prefer my family I created and found throughout my life.


I don't have to dog walk today as Donna called and said the dog was barfing, and she had to stay home. The dog was barfing yesterday, and I left her a note when I was done walking her, that I didn't think the dog felt well, but she went to play pool last night, and then rethought about going to work, so she is working from home today.  


Except for the very top shelf of the bookcase in the den, I got the rest of it organized.  Antiques are on the top shelf. 


Today will be cleaning out kitchen cabinets.


I made Queso Chicken last night, very tasty!








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@ger_77 safe travels to you two. 



2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We had a mixed night with sleep interrupted after three am. I wasn’t able to return to sleep and feel the need for more caffeine.


You poor thing 😢. I keep praying for things to improve for you 🙏 



2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@kazu, Jacqui, I wish you didn’t have the pain but I was happy to read that your foot was travel approved. 


thanks Terry - she thinks it will be good for it - especially with the warmer weather for the first all too few days.



2 hours ago, Denise T said:

Distracting myself by looking at shore excursions for my Canada/New England cruise in October. The cruise is 182 days away. Is it too early to start packing? 


It’s never too early to start packing.  I leave in 9 days, maybe I should bring up a suitcase?  😂 


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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@Haljo1935 My nephew was also born in Jordan.


What does FT leave mean?  Enough time to get well?  Are they paying you? How long is the leave supposed to be?


FT means full time. Dr wanted me on an intermittent leave, which didn't work out. If Dr signs the papers, I will get 50% pay for 12 weeks. If she doesn't sign, no pay. 

I don't think 12 weeks is enough to get me through surgery, rehab and address all the "stuff" I have going on.🤷‍♀️

Edited by Haljo1935
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Good looking day today, not as warm as yesterday’s 75. 

I’ve been updating siblings on SIL’s condition. Both brother and niece called me yesterday, update is not encouraging, they are grappling with difficult decisions. I pass the updates on to sister and other brother. We siblings are not close but we care about each other and keep in touch by phone and text. I’m the youngest so they were mostly gone from home during my teens; we’ve all lived in different states until just recently when DH and I moved to NJ which is where my oldest brother settled. 

The quote is an important reminder. We’re now considering a trip to Cape Cod for my birthday adventure or post-birthday because my birthday falls on Labor Day, a crowded day most places. Ten years ago for my 60th I chose a Grand Canyon river rafting adventure!  So glad we grabbed that opportunity!  I’ll still look at some Sept cruises but Cape Cod is a place we’ve never been to so it would be a new adventure!  

Thanks for the beautiful pix of Petra!  I doubt we’ll travel that far anymore.

Taking it one day at a time! Blessings to you and yours, all the Care list, our country and yours. Enjoy something of Life’s offerings today!  

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Durango is chilly in the mornings, especially after the Australian summer. 27F when the dogs and I went out this morning.... and they did let me sleep a bit longer. I am feeling the altitude after being at sea for 3 months... so I am slow about getting things done and right now am concentrating on things non-physical. Taxes seem to be at the front of the line. And I do need to go to DMV and register my car.... I am in the grace period since registration came due while I was away. One more thing to do.


Take care all.



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Good Morning, thanks to everyone for their contributions, and prayer to those in need.  @RMLincoln Sept. is a great time to visit Cape Cod, after Labor Day the crowds leave and things have not closed down yet. We went on a whale watch with Hyannis Whale Watch Cruises a few years ago and it was fantastic.  Saw about 60 Humpback whales doing bubble netting, and breaching.  Well worth your time, and a little cruise thrown in as well.


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15 minutes ago, P&PNH said:

Good Morning, thanks to everyone for their contributions, and prayer to those in need.  @RMLincoln Sept. is a great time to visit Cape Cod, after Labor Day the crowds leave and things have not closed down yet. We went on a whale watch with Hyannis Whale Watch Cruises a few years ago and it was fantastic.  Saw about 60 Humpback whales doing bubble netting, and breaching.  Well worth your time, and a little cruise thrown in as well.


Excellent info!  Thank you for sharing that. I have a lot to learn about a new place for us, always part of the fun!  m—

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My siblings and I are pretty close as siblings go.  Well, Sue wanted to trade the brothers for a pony, but Dad wouldn't go for it.  Mom's biggest worry was that when she and Dad were gone that we'd kind of go our own ways.  We sort of have done that, but we make a point of getting together as siblings each year.  We also have a family picnic in the summer and all the grandkids and great grandkids come.  




Dad liked to take pictures on Sundays after church, so we had to sit on the couch or the coffee table and pose.  You can see that we were very happy to do this.  




This was a Saturday in early fall.  




A variation of sitting on the couch was standing on the porch.  This was in winter and Sue is showing  you how cold it was out there.

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