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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday June 13th, 2024

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It is still sunny, but as usual for this part of Texas in the spring and summer, big, fluffy clouds are building.  However, there is no rain in the forecast.  My errands are finished, and the one I dreaded the most was the easiest.  Since we do not have home mail delivery in Quartzsite, all property owners are entitled to a free PO box.  Each year, you have to fill out a census form to keep the box.  In the past, we just had to verify the information, but now, we have to prove we own property each year.  This means taking something showing you own property into the PO, but since our month for the census is in June, we have to go to the Whitney PO.  This is the first  year the clerk handled it without a lot of hassle.


There is an axe throwing place in our county seat across from the courthouse.  It is in an old bank building.  We have no plans to check it out.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. The warmer weather is heading our way but right now it is 67 with an expected high of 85. It has to be rather humid as my newly washed hair is very big with lots of frizz and curls. 
Axe throwing is not a desired activity for me and I have had my share of klutzy kitchen events. We were in the port on our last cruise on the Prinsendam in 2018. It was a beautiful place and we enjoyed our visit.

i was sorry to see the effects of the rain in Southern Florida and hope all our Dailyites are alright. 
We are much improved here but of course the same virus has attacked the two men in the family. It was to be expected but at least it was of short duration. Not much planned for today as we regroup and come up with something acceptable to most for dinner. 
Safe travels to Terri and Jim.



Terry, I'm glad the three girls are feeling better, but sorry the guys now have the bug.  I hope it is short lived for them too.


4 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

I finally have the cottage grass under control - it took a few passes with the riding mower. Now to get the dock in so I can go fishing! 


These peonies were originally at my grandmother's house in Beaver Falls, PA. They have been divided and moved several times over the years. They are probably well over 100 years old. My dad remembered them from when he was a child and he was born in 1923. Peonies are almost immortal when well cared for! 












Fred, thanks for the pictures of your lovely peonies, and the story behind them.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  I'm thinking that during Plato's time, there wasnt heavy metal music. Ah romance....


@dfishRadisihes related to cabbage?  I would have thought carrots. or Turnips.  I envy you your hot temperatures, as ours will be going up to 97 or higher this weekend.  They said with the humidity it will feel like more than 100.  Thank goodness that the air conditioner man came yesterday. 


This morning the view out the window is cloudy (no rain in the forecast) with hummingbirds. I did open the windows, in the front of the house, and the 3 "boys" are in the window sills and cat basket checking out the flight patterns.


Today is another day where someone has to stay home and wait.  Home Depot told DH on Tuesday that they will send someone out today to pick up the old laundry stuff (which should have been taken away on Saturday) and to replace the hose that was too short.  I have been able to do laundry, but I wish the machine was in the place for the washer, and not flush against a wall, sideways in the "mud" room.  But they didnt give us an estimate on what time someone will be here, so I need to go out and run a few errands before I "go" to work.


My vein and heart doc called yesterday to tell me that my appointment on Friday has been changed.  She asked if I was having problems with my leg, and I said, it was tingly and twitchy and she said, ok, your appointment has been changed for a month out. This morning I got a call from Emory that my lung doc has scheduled my next CT scan without contrast.  And that got scheduled for July.and just looking at next week and I have an appointment to get to or get DH to every day but thursday.  The older we get the busier we are. 


When we lived overseas in the early 60' we often went to Brugge, and I would eat my weight in chocolate and get sick as a dog.  You would think it would break me of the chocolate addiction, it didn't.  I just switched to dark chocolate, doing much better...LOL.


Speaking of flight patterns, I checked Miami Airport, delays are only 15 minutes, arriving and departing today, so as along as @Cruzin Terri has a break between flights, she should be OK.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and thank you all for the well wishes for DH's birthday yesterday. He really did appreciate  them. 






Annie, I'm sorry your appointments were set back a month.  I hope the Home Depot people get there today.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and  Dixie.  I’ll pass on Axe; throwing, had never heard of Rapper Doe B but celebrate Kitchen Klutzes Day....

There’s a lot in the Plato quote...

I have been to Zeebrugge a few times including Nieuw Statendam in 2019.

649 years is a long time to be true to a treaty,.

I like radishes but wouldn’t consider them a meal..  My alternative is Chilled Bannana Soup, Tossed Seasonal Treens, and Chicken with Dried Cranberries and Orange Relish as served on MS Prinsendam on June 13, 2015.

Not sure what I will do today but as much as possible to be ready for tomorrow.  It will be hot today but brutally hot then..



Roy, I hope all goes smoothly tomorrow and that it is not too stressful.


3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Today's sunrise was from my 2015 Prinsendam British Isles cruise.  On June 13 we visited Foynes/Limerick, Ireland:




We had a bit of drama that day.  You know how they say they will wait for you if a ship tour comes back too late.  Well, Foynes is some distance up the River Shannon.  After several early tours left the pilots told Captain Roberts that due to tidal/current conditions we needed to leave a half hour earlier.  The last tour bus showed up at the pier just in time to see us sailing away.  We headed about 2 miles downstream to a safe anchorage before sending a tender back to pick up the missing group.




Roy, I'm glad the ship was able to get the last bus of passengers back on board.  We had the Noordam III move from Monaco to Ville France due to weather when we were out independently.  They arranged shuttle busses to get the passengers from Monaco to the ship.


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I've never thrown an axe, although I've used one frequently during our camping years.  Had no idea who Doe B was, as I'm not into rap "music".  I can probably be included in Kitchen Klutzes, after having tossed several pans of pasta or vegetables down the drain over the years (overshooting the strainer or it moved out of place).  


The sun this morning was short-lived, as the skies are clouded over once more.  It looks like we had rain again overnight, and there's a 30% chance of rain again today - we need heat, please!  I know many of you are suffering through brutal heat, but if you wouldn't mind sending just a bit of it northward, it would be appreciated.


Yesterday at the cardiac rehab program went well; DH completed 3 full laps around the walking track, then spent 15 minutes on a recumbent stepper.  Interesting thing was that although he was straining with the exercise, his heart rate never went above 60, which is what his pacemaker is set at.  It may explain why he gets winded walking up stairs, as his heart isn't beating fast enough.  I've got a call into the cardiac device clinic to see if there's an explanation for this.  I know it's supposed to kick in and bring his heart rate up to 60 when his own fails, but I didn't think it was to act as a governor as well.


@Cruzin Terriwishing you a safe, and uneventful journey home today.

@marshhawksorry to hear you fell yesterday - are you alright today?  You're sure busy with your job and all of your and Chuck's medical appointments!

@smitty34877glad the ladies are in recovery mode; hope the men in the house get over the bug quickly, too!

@aliaschiefI'd advise you to check prices at the big box store - our neighbour saved lots of $$ just recently by going there.


Not a lot happening here today, I might take some time to clear out one of our glass curio cabinets in the living room - it's time to clean all the glass (a job I don't relish), so it sparkles once more.  And after that, I "should" clean the china cabinet where I keep all our hand painted stemware . . . that will be an all day job, and a not today job.  LOL


I'm going to pass on the drink, the wine, and didn't we have cooked radishes once before?  I like them in salads, and when they're pulled fresh from the ground, but haven't ever had them cooked.  Today's the day when I'll be reheating the stew we were going to have earlier in the week so we can enjoy it on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in storms, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope you get some answers about the pacemaker setting.  BTW, I can't help wondering if the Kitchen Klutzes are also the Messy Painters.


3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a cloudy and soon to be raining day at the beach

          Our rain continues but no flooding thank goodness. This weather pattern is expected to last for a few more days.

          There is actually a place near here that has ax throwing. They host all sorts of events, team building etc. I have not done it but know several, including my son that have.

Kitchen klutz? I can relate. 

     Have not been to todays port but it is on my list. Thanks all for the pictures.

     Will pass on todays meal. The quote is a good one.

  There is a launch scheduled for this afternoon but the probability is low at this point.

   Not much on the agenda today. Golf cancelled. Will try again on Saturday morning early.


Stay safe and enjoy today





Charlene, I hope you continue to avoid flooding with all that rain.


2 hours ago, wandb said:

Thanks to everyone who shared pictures of Brugge, Ghent and Brussels. We will be there in exactly one month!!  Can hardly wait. We have been to Brussels before, for one day—-about 20 years ago. Excited to see Brugge and Ghent. 


It's just my opinion, but we found Bruges much more interesting than Ghent.  It would be difficult to see both in one day and to do them justice.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


We're having a sunny morning and that's nice as rain is in the forecast for the weekend. I'm not a radish fan and there was a "Passengers vs Officers Axe Throwing Contest" on Majestic Princess last week. I understand the axes were plastic. 


Yesterday was two water aerobics classes then I headed home. DS came over and we had a couple of hours together. He's finishing up his first quarter at the local junior college, did well (he got his GED about 30 years ago) and is now aiming at getting his BA and Masters. He wants to go into Human Services. Mom helped him out with some money yesterday as he hasn't been working. Worth every penny! His Dad would be so proud of him. DS put on a new toilet seat for me, filled the two smaller hummingbird feeders and moved some boxes. He also called my Mom to chat. She doesn't hear as well when we call on our cell phones so the land line is better. She was supposed to have a procedure done next Monday but it's now postponed until sometime in July. 


Today I need to finish unpacking, sweep floors, do some organizing, etc. I have to get something made to take to the Widow's Support potluck tomorrow. After the potluck I'm meeting DS to pick out baseboards and he'll install those for me. Two weeks today marks the one-year anniversary of DD DH's passing. Not sure what I want to do that day so it's weighing on me a bit. I'm not sure if I want to go for a drive to one of our fave spots, stay home, or what. I guess time will tell. It's the last "first" for me to get through and remember - I'm a tough old broad! 

Enjoy your day!




Karen, I know your last "first" will not be an easy day.  You could wait until that morning to see what you feel like doing.  I hope all your good memories will make that day easier.


20 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Pat made it home safely last night, the flight was delayed, of course, so we got to bed after midnight, and he was up at 7, full of energy.  My holiday is over!  Cleaning lady comes today, so we are busy tidying up for her...  Next week our visitors (the California cousins) arrive - I haven't even started thinking about what to feed them, how to entertain them, etc., my mind has been elsewhere.  We have invited one set of local cousins to dinner one night, and I think we'll invite the other local cousins to join us at Butchart's for tea.  But I am procrastinating.  Can't seem to get in gear and get going.


Prayers going out for Terri, Terry and Tana, Annie and Chuck (sorry I missed the birthday yesterday, hope the breakfast was good!), Jacqui, and all the others with worries.  


Definitely peony season here, too.






Ann, I'm glad Pat made it home safely yesterday.  Your peonies are lovely, too.



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Thanks for the daily and fleet report (I do like the ones with the names of people on the ships but I know that takes a lot of work.  I do appreciate when Roy @rafinmd does it). I have always wanted to try axe throwing and there is a place near me that does it.  I don't understand or like "rap" (it is NOT music) so I won't celebrate that but kitchen klutzes - I try not to be one.  LOL!! I understand with the sentiment of Plato's quote; I just don't agree with it.  Not a fan of radishes or the drink or the wine.  I have never been to the port but I have been to Brussels a couple of times but not from a BHB.




Wow, that is a long standing treaty!!  I had to go look it up to see what it was about:

"The oldest alliance in the world that is still in force is the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance or the Treaty of Windsor of 1386 between the English and Portuguese Kingdom. These two nations, today the United Kingdom and Portuguese republic, stated they would never wage war against each other and would always provide aid to each other. This alliance is still valid today, making it the oldest continuous alliance in the world!"




Yesterday I went early to go get my new rim and they didn't have enough staff so they asked me to return around noon, which was fine with me.  I have been a customer of theirs for almost 8 years and trust them; when I first came back to the States and bought a 1995 Toyota Camry, they checked it all out and gave me their recommendations in order of importance.  I don't think they have ever steered me wrong.




So I came home and ........... booked my free cruise for winning the lottery draw on my last cruise!!  I will be doing a 7-day Baja Peninsula on Konningsdam Jan 2025.   I looked really hard at the Caribbean ones but with the cost of flights, it just didn't seem like the cost to use my "free" cruise would be worth it.  So I am excited about that one!!  Parking booked as I will drive over to San Diego and back. 





I have turned off my alarms so I wake up when I wake up; today it was late for me - almost 0630!  I really need to go grocery shopping today.  While I was doing internet work this morning, I watched the Top Chef episode from last night.  It was funny to see how they got from Curacao to Half Moon Cay in an episode!!  I am a fan of any of the cooking shows - Masterchef, Top Chef, etc.  In fact, I went to the "Demon Chef" - Alvin Leung's - who is a judge on Masterchef Canada, restaurant in Hong Kong and reserved the chef's table in 2015.  OMG!! He was there and so he was the one cooking for me. It is a memory I will cherish. A pic of him and I:



Sorry for the long post.  @Cruzin Terri I hope you get home safe.  And thoughts for all those in FL with your flooding.  Stay Safe.


Have a great day everyone!!


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Good morning all!

I'm late today, it was my turn to have a sleepless night last night -- finally slept and got up late!

No Axe throwing for me, I had never heard of Doe B, not a fan of rap, and admit to being a kitchen klutz.  Will pass on the drink but would like the wine.  I'd like to try the "meal" but I'm generally not a fan of radishes.  I find them bitter....one of the recipes did say that cooking them takes out the "peppery" taste (is that just another word for bitterness??)  if so I'd like to try it, especially if it has garlic in the dish.


Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Tina @0106, Robert @Mtn2Sea, Graham @grapau27 and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the great photos of Zeebrugge and Bruges.  I haven't been there but look forward to going there on the '26 World Cruise.


Today is a gorgeous sunny day, so more gardening today.  Also I'm preparing the "kitten proofing" of the house because in 11 days DD is bringing their 1-year-old cats here for a month.  She and family will be going on a one-month road trip through the Western US and I get their kitties for the month.  Our house isn't child-proof much less kitten-proof, so lots to do.  That includes covering all the new couches.  I do have covers for them that I bought on Amazon, but also have to block all possible ways for them to get underneath them too.  DD's couch will never be the same, as they built a "hammock" underneath one of them.  No way that's going to happen under my watch LOL.  So it will look a bit weird here for awhile (2 of the covers are in Christmas colors) 😉  I got them to protect the couches at Christmas from little visiting humans. 😂


Safe travels today Terri @Cruzin Terri!

Terry @smitty34877 I'm glad the ladies are over that bug and hope it doesn't last long for the men.

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4 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:


Thanks for the daily and fleet report (I do like the ones with the names of people on the ships but I know that takes a lot of work.  I do appreciate when Roy @rafinmd does it). I have always wanted to try axe throwing and there is a place near me that does it.  I don't understand or like "rap" (it is NOT music) so I won't celebrate that but kitchen klutzes - I try not to be one.  LOL!! I understand with the sentiment of Plato's quote; I just don't agree with it.  Not a fan of radishes or the drink or the wine.  I have never been to the port but I have been to Brussels a couple of times but not from a BHB.




Wow, that is a long standing treaty!!  I had to go look it up to see what it was about:

"The oldest alliance in the world that is still in force is the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance or the Treaty of Windsor of 1386 between the English and Portuguese Kingdom. These two nations, today the United Kingdom and Portuguese republic, stated they would never wage war against each other and would always provide aid to each other. This alliance is still valid today, making it the oldest continuous alliance in the world!"




Yesterday I went early to go get my new rim and they didn't have enough staff so they asked me to return around noon, which was fine with me.  I have been a customer of theirs for almost 8 years and trust them; when I first came back to the States and bought a 1995 Toyota Camry, they checked it all out and gave me their recommendations in order of importance.  I don't think they have ever steered me wrong.




So I came home and ........... booked my free cruise for winning the lottery draw on my last cruise!!  I will be doing a 7-day Baja Peninsula on Konningsdam Jan 2025.   I looked really hard at the Caribbean ones but with the cost of flights, it just didn't seem like the cost to use my "free" cruise would be worth it.  So I am excited about that one!!  Parking booked as I will drive over to San Diego and back. 





I have turned off my alarms so I wake up when I wake up; today it was late for me - almost 0630!  I really need to go grocery shopping today.  While I was doing internet work this morning, I watched the Top Chef episode from last night.  It was funny to see how they got from Curacao to Half Moon Cay in an episode!!  I am a fan of any of the cooking shows - Masterchef, Top Chef, etc.  In fact, I went to the "Demon Chef" - Alvin Leung's - who is a judge on Masterchef Canada, restaurant in Hong Kong and reserved the chef's table in 2015.  OMG!! He was there and so he was the one cooking for me. It is a memory I will cherish. A pic of him and I:



Sorry for the long post.  @Cruzin Terri I hope you get home safe.  And thoughts for all those in FL with your flooding.  Stay Safe.


Have a great day everyone!!



Got both of them!



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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:






Perfect timing!  Just got home a short hike ago from mine.  I would have preferred your version 😘 




@Cruzin Terri hope your travels are very safe and smooth 🤞 





1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Two weeks today marks the one-year anniversary of DD DH's passing. Not sure what I want to do that day so it's weighing on me a bit. I'm not sure if I want to go for a drive to one of our fave spots, stay home, or what. I guess time will tell. It's the last "first" for me to get through and remember - I'm a tough old broad! 

Enjoy your day!




That’s another painful first, Karen 💔  There’s no special way to do it right or any right thing to do.  Just go with what you feel.  One day at a time ❤️ 





3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Yesterday at the cardiac rehab program went well; DH completed 3 full laps around the walking track, then spent 15 minutes on a recumbent stepper.  Interesting thing was that although he was straining with the exercise, his heart rate never went above 60, which is what his pacemaker is set at.  It may explain why he gets winded walking up stairs, as his heart isn't beating fast enough.  I've got a call into the cardiac device clinic to see if there's an explanation for this.  I know it's supposed to kick in and bring his heart rate up to 60 when his own fails, but I didn't think it was to act as a governor as well.


Good news that iwent well, Gerry.  Wow on your DH’s cardiac device!  I hope the clinic has explanations that are satisfactory.



4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

My vein and heart doc called yesterday to tell me that my appointment on Friday has been changed.  She asked if I was having problems with my leg, and I said, it was tingly and twitchy and she said, ok, your appointment has been changed for a month out. This morning I got a call from Emory that my lung doc has scheduled my next CT scan without contrast.  And that got scheduled for July.and just looking at next week and I have an appointment to get to or get DH to every day but thursday.  The older we get the busier we are. 


Hope the cardiac doctor can help you Annie and that the CT scan helps resolve things.  I would have been happy to skip the contrast today 😉 


Sorry I missed wishing your DH happy birthday yesterday.  Happy belated birthday to Chuck!



4 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

These peonies were originally at my grandmother's house in Beaver Falls, PA. They have been divided and moved several times over the years. They are probably well over 100 years old. My dad remembered them from when he was a child and he was born in 1923. Peonies are almost immortal when well cared for! 


Wow!  What a wonderful inheritance you have in your garden.  Impressive that they have been divided and moved over the years.  You must have a very green thumb.  Peonies don’t like to be moved.  I know I was worried when I had to move some of mine and was delightfully surprised when they survived

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I just received an email from AA that our flight from Barbados is delayed until 4:30pm.

We will see what happens.

There seems to be a weather delay arrival control in Miami due to weather according to Expert Flyer.


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29 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

etc.  In fact, I went to the "Demon Chef" - Alvin Leung's - who is a judge on Masterchef Canada, restaurant in Hong Kong and reserved the chef's table in 2015.  OMG!! He was there and so he was the one cooking for me. It is a memory I will cherish. A pic of him and I:



Sorry for the long post.  @Cruzin Terri I hope you get home safe.  And thoughts for all those in FL with your flooding.  Stay Safe.


Have a great day everyone!!


Pennie, he doesn’t look so intimidating in your picture!  And no purple/blue hair. What a great memory!

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2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

...Two weeks today marks the one-year anniversary of DD DH's passing. Not sure what I want to do that day so it's weighing on me a bit. I'm not sure if I want to go for a drive to one of our fave spots, stay home, or what. I guess time will tell. It's the last "first" for me to get through and remember - I'm a tough old broad! 

Hugs 🤗 you'll know what you're going to do when the day comes. More hugs 🤗 

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Latest email from AA.  Our flight is now leaving Barbados at 5:15pm and arriving in Miami at 9:10 pm,   Flight to JAX is at 10:36 pm.  It is anyone’s guess if we make it. 

Again we have 5* service and we packed an emergency bag.  So if we get to JAX we have our overnight stuff in the event our bags do not make the connection.  We will wait for them in the morning and then be on our way.

If we don’t make the connection 5* service will have a hotel booked for us.

Why did I ever think this trip was a good idea!


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7 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Latest email from AA.  Our flight is now leaving Barbados at 5:15pm and arriving in Miami at 9:10 pm,   Flight to JAX is at 10:36 pm.  It is anyone’s guess if we make it. 

Again we have 5* service and we packed an emergency bag.  So if we get to JAX we have our overnight stuff in the event our bags do not make the connection.  We will wait for them in the morning and then be on our way.

If we don’t make the connection 5* service will have a hotel booked for us.

Why did I ever think this trip was a good idea!


How many ways can a trip fall short of what was planned?  May it end peacefully.



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13 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Latest email from AA.  Our flight is now leaving Barbados at 5:15pm and arriving in Miami at 9:10 pm,   Flight to JAX is at 10:36 pm.  It is anyone’s guess if we make it. 

Again we have 5* service and we packed an emergency bag.  So if we get to JAX we have our overnight stuff in the event our bags do not make the connection.  We will wait for them in the morning and then be on our way.

If we don’t make the connection 5* service will have a hotel booked for us.

Why did I ever think this trip was a good idea!



Terri, I'm sorry the plane is delayed again.  I hope this is the last change.  I'm sure when you booked the trip, it was a good idea.  It was circumstances beyond your control that caused al the problems.  Sadly, you and your DH were the victims of too many SNFUs.



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6 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

How many ways can a trip fall short of what was planned?  May it end peacefully.



Thank you Roy.  You cannot imagine how much I want to be home.  This trip was supposed to be a time for me to get a rest.  It was anything but that.


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I think it is a given that we will not get to JAX tonight.  

The Barbados plane is due to arrive in MIA at 9:30.  It will be short of a miracle that we will make the 10:36 flight to JAX.

I close to cancelling the hotel reservation in JAX, but will wait a bit longer.

Have to do it before 6PM.

Will update when I know more.


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Good sunny afternoon, tomorrow is supposed to be hot with possible thunderstorms. Next week is supposed to be hot and humid. 
Shirl is back to being unhappy after last night she had said she liked the place and would stay. She called a little while ago and asked why she was there and when did she agree to it. She plans to leave as soon as she can and hung up on my brother. He sent her son a text. She also wanted to know if anyone was taking care of her house.
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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3 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I think it is a given that we will not get to JAX tonight.  

The Barbados plane is due to arrive in MIA at 9:30.  It will be short of a miracle that we will make the 10:36 flight to JAX.

I close to cancelling the hotel reservation in JAX, but will wait a bit longer.

Have to do it before 6PM.

Will update when I know more.


Unless the JAX hotel is super expensive I would be inclined to keep it.  My guess is that the flight out of Miami will also be delayed.



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Good afternoon, everyone!


I am beat. Between the heat and walking, I am ready to veg out on the couch and call it a day.  River had a blast with her cousin Aspen.  They especially liked the play area with the river in it.  Both girls were soaked and River's shorts that were once pink were a nice shade of black and had a hole in them. They went in the trash.  I told Sue I wasn't cooking tonight.  I think we're ordering in salads.  Or scrounging.  


5 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

I will pass on this dish so I will not pass gas! 😳


Thanks for letting us know!


3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:


I like radishes, especially in tacos and salads. I’ve never had them cooked. I’m thinking about making yesterday’s meal next week. Debbie @dfish, did you make it yesterday?  



I did make it yesterday and even River ate it with no argument.  It was decided that it should go in the rotation.  I did add in the bell peppers and some mushrooms.  We had it over riced cauliflower.



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We have been a few times in the Port of Zeebrugge and from there made tours to Brugge and also to Ghent .
When we were on the Prinsendam on May 17th , 2019  we chose to go to Ghent so because I saw lots of pictures of Brugge today I better show my pics of the other very beautiful city of Ghent . We went there wit 6 of us in a taxi who dropped us off near the centre of town and than in the late afternoon picked us up again .
We started off with a walking tour , had a delicious special Belgian treat and than took a canal boat tour .
Facade of the Marriott Hotel 
An amazing modern inside of the Marriott Hotel we went through on the walking tour .
From the top of the castle
That would take a while making up your mind , which beer would I like  ………..500 sorts of beer ……! ...and they all have their on glass ! 
In this small street behind the scene you can go wild with the spray cans 
After the walking tour we went for a very special Belgian waffles at Max  
They have been there since 1755 ! 
After the waffles time to relax on the Canal boat tour 
Look at that very small house between the 2 large ones 
A very nice day was had by all and by the way we always talk about French Fries , they are not originally from France , they are  originally from Belgium and they still are the best in Belgium and of coarse the Netherlands !!! 
Have a great day everybody and until next time 
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Well, besides dealing with Shirl and her issues, Ikust received a letter that my Neurologist is leaving Hershey as of June 28th. The letter doesn’t say who is replacing him. I guess that’s why I received a previous letter that my appointment was changed because he would be out of the office that week. I wish they would’ve been more specific about his replacement.


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I have a problem that I’m hoping somebody on here can help. CC is telling me that I need to get a new email account as the one I have has rejected too many emails from them. I only have one email account and I really don’t want another.

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Love the peonies!  @Overhead Fred mine are similar and @Vict0riann  ooh, please pace yourself,  with your upcoming surgery.  

Great advice from @kazu   You can never have enough chocolate, and Bruges is in a special category!  

@smitty34877 glad you are feeling a little better! 
@Cruzin Terri safe travels, hope you’re feeling better. 

We may have trouble giving our granddog back, lol!    Not great news on the water front, two workers were seriously injured so work has stopped for awhile.  Hopefully they’ll be okay and things can resume.  

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