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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 16th, 2024

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Good morning all and Happy Father's Day to all fathers!

Good selection of days, and I love Chenin Blanc.  I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine, have not been to the port and have no desire to go.  


We celebrated Father's Day last week because the kids are leaving soon on their month-long road trip.  I'm sure DH will get some calls today though.  I plan to make a crock pot roast beef dinner (we're having cool, damp weather so it sounds good).  


I lost my wonderful Dad 6 years ago, he was 101!  We're so lucky to have had him so long, and even more lucky that he was healthy and had all his faculties to the end.  We miss him terribly.


Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm so sorry you have Covid now and hope you start to feel better very soon.

Sandi @StLouisCruisers Very sorry you're still feeling poorly -- sending hugs.


The grand-kitties will arrive a week from tomorrow and I've gotten the biggest room kitty-proofed.  Both couches in there are covered now, all ways to get underneath them blocked (we'll see how well that goes!) and all breakables locked away.  Next up the rest of the house and the hardest couch to cover, the double recliner.


Here's one of my favorite photos with my Dad.  It was taken at Mt. Baker, Dad's favorite place on earth.  I'm the baby in Dad's arms.





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Happy Father’s Day to all!   Also want to recognize all the pet dads!  

@Quartzsite Cruiser like you, I lost my dad the week before his 80 th birthday. 
@smitty34877 loved the hats they used to wear!  

@StLouisCruisers echoing others, worry you have a secondary infection! Please get checked, 

Three of my favourite dads! 



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Posted (edited)

On Thursday or Friday, as I was posting a reply in another thread, the thread disappeared. Several other threads in the same vein also disappeared.


From a host's reply in another forum, I know now that bickering--such as repeated posts back and forth between two people--will cause posts or threads to be removed. So will subject drift. (My post would have added to that, because it was replying to a digression.)


If topic drift is against the rules, we could all be in trouble. So to keep this post on topic, I'll say that I have never been to Mumbai.

Edited by kochleffel
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I visited Mumbai on Queen Victoria April 1, 2010, my first cruise on a ship of a Vista/Signature design.  I had booked a tour called "The Buddhist Trail", and started out just driving through Mumbai and I was not impressed.IMG_0940.thumb.JPG.17b039965b7c0d06458c73dc35fbc959.JPG


The main stop was a site called Kanheri Buddhist Caves, dating from about 100BC to 1100AD.  To me the site was very reminiscent of Petra although smaller and somewhat less elaborate.  Still it was very much a wow experience for me:



















I have one other major memory from that day.  I had been assigned to a dinner table with a couple of chronic complainers.  They had booked Cunard on a cruise that never strayed far from the equator were constantly complaining about not liking to dress up and about the heat.  In particular on that day they were complaining about not all the buses (or coaches) being air conditioned and saying "If they can't all be air conditioned, none should be".  Really?  As it turned out I was on one of the buses without A/C and in my case it was not too bad as we had the windows open and were moving most to the time.  I do hope that what air conditioned buses there were got dedicated to tours that stayed in the city and had few stops where people got off.  That couple ate in the lido most nights which was actually fine with me as their empty chairs were probably better company than they were.



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The “I’ll pass” response that several Dailyites have given to the suggestion of having a glass of Chenin Blanc has given me a chuckle. 

In the 1970s it was easy to find California made Chenin Blanc.  Multiple high volume producers made it—and it was cheap.  A semi-regular date for the XBGuys was to drop by Giuliano’s and grab a large Giulio sandwich, a bag of chips and a Sebastiano Chenin Blanc.  We would then head to the Hollywood Bowl with our picnic for a concert with the Los Angeles Phil.


Chenin Blanc was a good choice because it was cheap.  However, the sweetest always bothered me.  

As the 1970s progressed and Americans became more interested in wine Chardonnay emerged as the preferred white wine (if not the preferred wine).  Winemakers understood this.  So, Chardonnay production increased and Chenin Blanc production declined.  Not particularly enjoying the sweetness of Chenin Blanc, this did not bother me, and for quite a few years I don’t think I had any Chenin Blanc.  

Just a few years ago, I noticed that some of my favorite low-volume producers were releasing Chenin Blanc wines, and, so, I tried a few.  Happily, these wines are fermented completely dry—a terrific, light-bodied, refreshing wine.


The French region most celebrated for Chenin Blanc is Vouvray in the Loire Valley.   Vouvray has that sweetness that does not appeal to me.  However, I have found that Vouvray Sec is exactly what I like.  (Yes, I know that the French word “sec” translates to the English “dry.”


So, to Dailyites who do not care for Chenin Blanc but want to try a different white wine, I might suggest that they try a Vouvray Sec.  I have been able to find examples at retail stores such as Total Wine,


And, yes, I am aware that a few weeks ago I posted that I do not care for Riesling that is fermented completely dry.


I guess I am an enigma.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy US Father's Day to all Dads and Father Figures. I hope conditions for many African children are improving. Family Remittances recognizes migrant workers who send money back to their families in poor/developing countries. I'll pass on Chenin Blanc Day. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (eggplant and loads of carbs). Yes to the Arnold Palmer, and pass on the Rosé. I have not been to Mumbai. A good day in history.


It's warm and sunny, ramping up for the heat wave. Currently 85F. I've been doing a few things around the house. I will be staying in. I never celebrated Father's Day, having been adopted by a single woman.


@Cruzin Terri I was sorry to read that you tested positive for Covid. I hope it runs a short course, and that Jim stays negative. 

@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you have such a bad cough. Do you have some cough syrup to take? I agree with getting checked out if it's not getting better. Sorry about the ice up there interfering with getting to ports.

@ottahand7 Nice photo of you, your sister and your Dad.

@Quartzsite Cruiser That's a great photo of your Dad. Thanks for the Mumbai photos.

@kazu Ivan is very handsome. 

@Haljo1935 That's a sweet drawing of you kids and Dad.

@GTVCRUISER Thanks for sharing your Dad's photo.

@USN59-79 Great photos of your Dad.

@Cruising-along Lovely photo in a great setting.

@smitty34877 Nice photo of your Dad. I hope you and the family are feeling back to your usual health now.

@bennybear Thanks for sharing your favorite Dads.

@rafinmd That's a keepsake photo. Thanks for your "Buddhist Trail" photos. Interesting about those chronic complainers; some people are never happy.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. To those in the heat - stay hydrated!




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Good afternoon, 


Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. I surprised myself by being a bit teary today - I thought I was fine. Oh well. Last year on Father's Day DD DH was alive and we went to the symphony which had a James Bond theme. Today I'm going to the same symphony with a Disney theme. DS and DDIL are going as well (my treat) along with two friends so it should be fun. 


We're having clouds and rain at the moment but supposed to be high 70's by Wednesday. I'm puttering around the house, made up the oatmeal butterscotch cookies I did the dough for yesterday, and had the neighbor for tea. Have to be out of the house in about 45 minutes so will get a move on. 


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11 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon, 


Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. I surprised myself by being a bit teary today - I thought I was fine. Oh well. Last year on Father's Day DD DH was alive and we went to the symphony which had a James Bond theme. Today I'm going to the same symphony with a Disney theme. DS and DDIL are going as well (my treat) along with two friends so it should be fun. 


We're having clouds and rain at the moment but supposed to be high 70's by Wednesday. I'm puttering around the house, made up the oatmeal butterscotch cookies I did the dough for yesterday, and had the neighbor for tea. Have to be out of the house in about 45 minutes so will get a move on. 


I hope the concert was fun. I also was teary today. I very much admire your spirit, Karen.

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Good afternoon.  The potato salad and the Mexican salad with corn and black beans are finished, except I'll add the avocado to the second salad shortly before we eat.  A taste test was good.  The barbecue sauce is made along with a pan of brownies.  Now we can sit back and wait while the brisket continues to cook.  


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Father's Day to all fathers, those with people babies and those with fur babies.  And to everyone who acts in the capacity of a father, thank you.  I lost my sweet Dad in 1999 at the age of 92, which even now, I think was too soon.   Bless the African children and those who send money back to their families in other countries.  Others an enjoy the Chenin Blanc on my behalf today.


We had some great lightning and thunder last night - there was one clap of thunder that was incredibly close, setting off a number of car alarms in the neighbourhood.  Lots of rain overnight and continuing today.  Traditionally on Father's Day we drive out to a small country cemetery about 1.5 hrs from here and with others, mow, string trim, and tidy up all the graves.  We made several phone calls last night, as the roads getting to the cemetery will be virtually impassible, so we'll have to figure out another Sunday when some of us can get together to clean it up.  DH's grandparents are there, and his uncle contributed money for a fence and beautiful gates at the entrance, so we have a vested interest in the place.


I've never had an Arnold Palmer (although DH has frequently had the non-alcoholic version on BHB's), but think it would make a nice summertime drink.  Will pass on the wine, and ditto on the meal suggestion, as neither of us is a fan of either eggplant or chickpeas.


This morning DH's son is taking us out for breakfast, and later we'll be doing a zoom call with the family from Calgary.  The restaurants are all going to be busy today, so we'll be staying home and I'll put some burgers in the George Foreman and will make a run to New York Fries for DH's favourite french fries for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry it was nice of your DH's son to take you to breakfast today.


5 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Favorite picture of my dad (this is a picture of a drawing that was done from a picture) - we were in our backyard, so assume mom took the picture. I'm the youngest in the photo. Brother the Older is present, but Brother the Younger, although already born, is absent - we lost him a few years ago, so we are once again these 3. Strangely, I find peace in that.


Happy Father's Day - I miss both my dad and brother.💔


My brother left behind 12 children (5 natural, 7 bonus) so I know there is much love & many thoughts going up to him today.🤗



Apologies for the glare - I forgot to turn the flash off.



Elizabeth, thanks for sharing the drawing of the picture.


4 hours ago, GTVCRUISER said:



Great picture of your Dad.


4 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

We have been to Mumbai and have no desire to return.  First, because it is not a clean city.  Second because of the hassle the Indian Government provided just to get a visa to visit.  I remember an Australian telling me "The English invented red tape, but the Indians perfected it."

I will try to post a couple of pictures of my father.  One was taken in 1937 with one of his race horses and the other in 1914 while attending a military school.P1010181.thumb.JPG.254ee797bf889274abc0c50cc256179b.JPGIMG_0044.thumb.JPG.3d2368e0c81f400a7a4dd45a8a0386fd.JPG


Ray, thanks for sharing the pictures of your father.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks everyone for your concern and advice.  If things don’t feel better tomorrow I maybe checking in with medical. Yes I was given the RSV shot last fall so that should be covered.  I made DH promise to go to the dining room tonight and I may quickly run up to the Lido and pick up something for myself while the stewards tidy up. 

Well the Captain tells us there is still too much ice in the way for the next three days’ ports, Qaqortoq, Paamiut, and Nanortalik, Greenland. We’re allowed only 10% ice coverage with the HAL ships and there is way too much for us to proceed. He wasn’t clear about any replacement ports or what our plans are for the next three days but I hope they come up with something. Luckily we’ve been to the missed ports before but I’m sure the majority of passengers are bummed. 


Sandi, I'm sorry the next three ports are iced in.  That is the hazard of cruising in the far north this early in the season.  I hope you feel better soon.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all and Happy Father's Day to all fathers!

Good selection of days, and I love Chenin Blanc.  I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine, have not been to the port and have no desire to go.  


We celebrated Father's Day last week because the kids are leaving soon on their month-long road trip.  I'm sure DH will get some calls today though.  I plan to make a crock pot roast beef dinner (we're having cool, damp weather so it sounds good).  


I lost my wonderful Dad 6 years ago, he was 101!  We're so lucky to have had him so long, and even more lucky that he was healthy and had all his faculties to the end.  We miss him terribly.


Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm so sorry you have Covid now and hope you start to feel better very soon.

Sandi @StLouisCruisers Very sorry you're still feeling poorly -- sending hugs.


The grand-kitties will arrive a week from tomorrow and I've gotten the biggest room kitty-proofed.  Both couches in there are covered now, all ways to get underneath them blocked (we'll see how well that goes!) and all breakables locked away.  Next up the rest of the house and the hardest couch to cover, the double recliner.


Here's one of my favorite photos with my Dad.  It was taken at Mt. Baker, Dad's favorite place on earth.  I'm the baby in Dad's arms.






Carolyn, thanks for the great photo of your dad with all the kids.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

My Dad has been gone for 38 years. I always remember those hats worn by men in the late sixties.





Great picture of your dad, Terry.  I also remember those hats the men wore in the 50s and 60s.  In Abilene, they wore felt hats in the winter and straw hats in the summer.  I remember my father changing the hat bands to match his suit before leaving home for work.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Happy Father’s Day to all!   Also want to recognize all the pet dads!  

@Quartzsite Cruiser like you, I lost my dad the week before his 80 th birthday. 
@smitty34877 loved the hats they used to wear!  

@StLouisCruisers echoing others, worry you have a secondary infection! Please get checked, 

Three of my favourite dads! 




Thanks for the pictures, Brenda.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I have very few photos of my father but this may be one of the better ones.








1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I visited Mumbai on Queen Victoria April 1, 2010, my first cruise on a ship of a Vista/Signature design.  I had booked a tour called "The Buddhist Trail", and started out just driving through Mumbai and I was not impressed.IMG_0940.thumb.JPG.17b039965b7c0d06458c73dc35fbc959.JPG


The main stop was a site called Kanheri Buddhist Caves, dating from about 100BC to 1100AD.  To me the site was very reminiscent of Petra although smaller and somewhat less elaborate.  Still it was very much a wow experience for me:



















I have one other major memory from that day.  I had been assigned to a dinner table with a couple of chronic complainers.  They had booked Cunard on a cruise that never strayed far from the equator were constantly complaining about not liking to dress up and about the heat.  In particular on that day they were complaining about not all the buses (or coaches) being air conditioned and saying "If they can't all be air conditioned, none should be".  Really?  As it turned out I was on one of the buses without A/C and in my case it was not too bad as we had the windows open and were moving most to the time.  I do hope that what air conditioned buses there were got dedicated to tours that stayed in the city and had few stops where people got off.  That couple ate in the lido most nights which was actually fine with me as their empty chairs were probably better company than they were.




Roy, thanks for the pictures of the Kanheri Buddhist Caves.  They look very interesting, but I doubt I'll go back to India to see them.  


39 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy US Father's Day to all Dads and Father Figures. I hope conditions for many African children are improving. Family Remittances recognizes migrant workers who send money back to their families in poor/developing countries. I'll pass on Chenin Blanc Day. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (eggplant and loads of carbs). Yes to the Arnold Palmer, and pass on the Rosé. I have not been to Mumbai. A good day in history.


It's warm and sunny, ramping up for the heat wave. Currently 85F. I've been doing a few things around the house. I will be staying in. I never celebrated Father's Day, having been adopted by a single woman.


@Cruzin Terri I was sorry to read that you tested positive for Covid. I hope it runs a short course, and that Jim stays negative. 

@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you have such a bad cough. Do you have some cough syrup to take? I agree with getting checked out if it's not getting better. Sorry about the ice up there interfering with getting to ports.

@ottahand7 Nice photo of you, your sister and your Dad.

@Quartzsite Cruiser That's a great photo of your Dad. Thanks for the Mumbai photos.

@kazu Ivan is very handsome. 

@Haljo1935 That's a sweet drawing of you kids and Dad.

@GTVCRUISER Thanks for sharing your Dad's photo.

@USN59-79 Great photos of your Dad.

@Cruising-along Lovely photo in a great setting.

@smitty34877 Nice photo of your Dad. I hope you and the family are feeling back to your usual health now.

@bennybear Thanks for sharing your favorite Dads.

@rafinmd That's a keepsake photo. Thanks for your "Buddhist Trail" photos. Interesting about those chronic complainers; some people are never happy.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. To those in the heat - stay hydrated!





Vanessa. that's my favorite photo of my father.  I still miss him after 31 years.  We had a lot of fun together over the years.


9 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I don't want to post on my roll call for our 53 day Majestic Japan for various reasons.. BUT.. should I get yen ahead of our cruise or get it at the ATM?


Joy, we've always gotten our foreign currency at ATMs, but we make sure they are part of a bank, not a free standing ATM.  We get the best and most current exchange rate at ATMs.


2 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon, 


Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. I surprised myself by being a bit teary today - I thought I was fine. Oh well. Last year on Father's Day DD DH was alive and we went to the symphony which had a James Bond theme. Today I'm going to the same symphony with a Disney theme. DS and DDIL are going as well (my treat) along with two friends so it should be fun. 


We're having clouds and rain at the moment but supposed to be high 70's by Wednesday. I'm puttering around the house, made up the oatmeal butterscotch cookies I did the dough for yesterday, and had the neighbor for tea. Have to be out of the house in about 45 minutes so will get a move on. 



Karen, enjoy the concert with your DS, DDIL and two friends.  It sounds like a fun day.



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32 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I don't want to post on my roll call for our 53 day Majestic Japan for various reasons.. BUT.. should I get yen ahead of our cruise or get it at the ATM?


When we were in Japan we often went to one of the many 711  stores where the indoors very reliable ATM's were . Instructions are also in English and the 711 stores are 24 hours a day , 7 days per week open and are free to use . Besides the convenience I have forgotten any other reason we mainly used ATM's in Japan instead of cash or credit cards.


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36 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon, 


Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. I surprised myself by being a bit teary today - I thought I was fine. Oh well. Last year on Father's Day DD DH was alive and we went to the symphony which had a James Bond theme. Today I'm going to the same symphony with a Disney theme. DS and DDIL are going as well (my treat) along with two friends so it should be fun...


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Good afternoon!


It hasn't been to awful hot here today and the house has stayed remarkably cool.  We haven't turned on the AC and I don't think we will today.  I don't think we'll get away with that tomorrow, though.  It isn't getting as cool tonight as it did last night.


Thanks to everyone who shared a picture of their dad.  I enjoyed seeing them all.  Here's my dad:

He's on the right and his brother Bob is on the left.



Me at age 2 with my Daddy.



Having fun!



2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I have one other major memory from that day.  I had been assigned to a dinner table with a couple of chronic complainers.  They had booked Cunard on a cruise that never strayed far from the equator were constantly complaining about not liking to dress up and about the heat.  In particular on that day they were complaining about not all the buses (or coaches) being air conditioned and saying "If they can't all be air conditioned, none should be".  Really?  As it turned out I was on one of the buses without A/C and in my case it was not too bad as we had the windows open and were moving most to the time.  I do hope that what air conditioned buses there were got dedicated to tours that stayed in the city and had few stops where people got off.  That couple ate in the lido most nights which was actually fine with me as their empty chairs were probably better company than they were.




OMG, that brought back a memory.  I did Open Seating one cruise and we were seated with the complainers.  The whole meal was a recitation of their complaints.  They didn't get free drinks like they did on Celebrity, they had to eat too early to get to the show, they didn't have time for dessert, something was too hot, something else was too cold, and on and on.  The next night they led me to my table and seated there was the same couple.  I pulled my host away from them and told him any other table in the dining room, but not with them.  He said no problem, many people had complained about them.  


34 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon, 


Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. I surprised myself by being a bit teary today - I thought I was fine. Oh well. Last year on Father's Day DD DH was alive and we went to the symphony which had a James Bond theme. Today I'm going to the same symphony with a Disney theme. DS and DDIL are going as well (my treat) along with two friends so it should be fun. 



Hugs, Karen.  I hope you enjoyed the concert.


22 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I hope the concert was fun. I also was teary today. I very much admire your spirit, Karen.


Hugs to you, Terry.  

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We’re getting some surprise sunshine today, not what was predicted!

When I was in the backyard I was delighted to see that my favorite color Poppy is blooming. 



I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the Dad photos today. 

@XBGuy I may be the only one who said I love Chenin Blanc (but only dry Chenin Blanc)

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14 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:


When we were in Japan we often went to one of the many 711  stores where the indoors very reliable ATM's were . Instructions are also in English and the 711 stores are 24 hours a day , 7 days per week open and are free to use . Besides the convenience I have forgotten any other reason we mainly used ATM's in Japan instead of cash or credit cards.



That's interesting that you used the ATM at 7/11 stores.  We tried one the first time we were in Tokyo, and even though it had the correct network symbol, it wouldn't accept my ATM card.  We've never had that happen at a bank that has the correct symbol on the ATM.


12 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon!


It hasn't been to awful hot here today and the house has stayed remarkably cool.  We haven't turned on the AC and I don't think we will today.  I don't think we'll get away with that tomorrow, though.  It isn't getting as cool tonight as it did last night.


Thanks to everyone who shared a picture of their dad.  I enjoyed seeing them all.  Here's my dad:

He's on the right and his brother Bob is on the left.



Me at age 2 with my Daddy.



Having fun!




OMG, that brought back a memory.  I did Open Seating one cruise and we were seated with the complainers.  The whole meal was a recitation of their complaints.  They didn't get free drinks like they did on Celebrity, they had to eat too early to get to the show, they didn't have time for dessert, something was too hot, something else was too cold, and on and on.  The next night they led me to my table and seated there was the same couple.  I pulled my host away from them and told him any other table in the dining room, but not with them.  He said no problem, many people had complained about them.  



Hugs, Karen.  I hope you enjoyed the concert.



Hugs to you, Terry.  


Debbie, great pictures of your dad.  We've had our share of complainers, and other obnoxious dining companions.  Once, even though the host was way ahead of me, when I saw the very obnoxious man from the night before, I turned around dragging DH with me, and said some other table.  We've been lucky to not have too many of those situations over the years.



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Happy Father’s Day to all. My own dad has been gone for 16 years now passing at 74 after a struggle with Parkinson’s disease. I still miss him.

I like today’s quote. I’ll skip the meal as I hate eggplant. Love chickpeas though.

Todays plan is homemade lasagna for DH along with our son and homemade key lime pie for dessert.

I haven’t been to Mumbai, but also have no desire to go.

@Seasick Sailor I would get some yen before your trip. It is easy to get them at 7-11s etc, but still more convenient to have some ahead of time. I don’t think you’d need more than 10,000 yen though. I brought 30,000 for 8 days land and another week cruising Japan and didn’t need near that much. 
If you’re savvy with your phone, and plan on doing things independently of tours, I’d recommend getting a Suica card which can be downloaded in Apple wallet and funds added with your credit card. You then just tap your phone in and out for most transit in Japan. We saw many people struggling to buy fares through the machines and we’re glad we had done this.

It looks like an amazing cruise! I can’t wait to go back to Japan.

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Roy @rafinmd, what a great picture of your father. You resemble him!


We have been seated with complainers. The worst was an anniversary cruise seated at a large table for eight. It seemed they were all friends and traveled together to the ship. The constant rehashing of their travels and complaining of this and that just did me in. We asked to be seated at another table that very evening. And it was one of the last times we had a shared table. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I don't want to post on my roll call for our 53 day Majestic Japan for various reasons.. BUT.. should I get yen ahead of our cruise or get it at the ATM?

Seriously the 7 11 stores have a good rate of exchange at their ATMs.  We took some yen. But also were able to use our credit cards easily,  


@XBGuy love the French Chenin Blanc in the Loire! 

@Sharon in AZ yikes!  Our first breakfast in Japan in the dining room,  a woman asked if we weren’t sick of Japan.  After that they went after the staff,  hard to comprehend some people.  I spoke to the Maître D and explained the staff weren’t the issue!   But for the most part we’ve met and made some wonderful friends onboard. 

Edited by bennybear
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Greetings from the Eurodam as she is sails Noth West toward Alaska Having a wodeful cruise Thanks to Rich and all.


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15 minutes ago, Himself said:

Greetings from the Eurodam as she is sails Noth West toward Alaska Having a wodeful cruise Thanks to Rich and all.


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Hope you have a great cruise Father.  Enjoy yourself.

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