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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 30th, 2024


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Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s a hot and very humid day.  Severe storms are expected later this afternoon.  I made my Aldi run this morning and scored several packages of ground beef half price.  Yesterday we had a plumber come to the house since the drains were backing up downstairs. It sounds like we have roots in the lines.  I’ll call tomorrow to discuss clearing the pipes.  This afternoon I cranked up the toons and cleaned downstairs, DH stayed outside and baked.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

Apparently it’s social media day.

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6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny central Texas.  It is a little cooler this morning at 78F and feels like 85F.  The predicted high is 97F.  Currently, the weather app says there's a 3 mph wind, but the neighbor's flag is just hanging there.  We could get an 8 mph wind this afternoon.  The humidity is 93% with a dew point of 73F.  There is still no rain in our future, so basically, it is a typical summer day.


California avocados would be good today.  Parliamentarians are good at keeping a meeting on topic.  Leap seconds help us stay on time.


I like the Maya Angelou quote.


The one lobster roll we shared was good, but we also prefer our lobster with just butter.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We were in Busan in 2000 on the old Regal Princess when the town was still Pusan.


The 1860 debate on Darwin's theory would have been interesting to see.  I don't remember "The Johnny Carson Show", but in 1955 we only had one tv station and it was not CBS.


@StLouisCruisers  I hope you can make up the lost time to Alesund.  Thanks for the pictures from Busan.

@MISTER 67  I don't remember a major tropical storm or hurricane this early in the season.  The two so far seem to targeting the Gulf of Mexico.

@dfish  Debbie, while I would enjoy your cooler high today, I would not enjoy your morning low.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope the cardiologist can help your DH.  It's good that the doctor got the appointment rescheduled sooner.












We’ve had some pretty rainy tropical storms in June since we moved to Florida in 1993. The one I remember most was T.S Allison in early June of 1995, we belonged to a golf club in Bonita Springs and this storm just planted itself over in the gulf west of the the Ft. Myers- Naples area for around 3 days dumping rain on us like I’ve never seen before as we were on the rainy side of the storm with wave after wave hitting us, our golf course didn’t open again until late September as it didn’t drain well, the course and most of the streets flooded but all the homes were dry though quite a few needed sand bags.

Edited by MISTER 67
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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

When we visited Busan in 2000, I was still using a film camera. These are some of the pictures I scanned them into the computer.  It was a sunny day, but as you can see from the pictures, the pollution was bad.  We did a tour that day which included a temple and the UN cemetery.


Our first stop was the Tongdosa Temple.  This Buddhist temple is known for having shrines instead of statues and includes 35 buildings.















The UN Memorial Cemetery which is divided into sections, each of which contain the graves of soldiers from the same country.  It is the only UN cemetery in the World.



This is the section where the British soldiers were buried.  Interestingly, there is a small section for the US since most the US dead were repatriated home.



All my pictures of the city were taken form the ship when we sailed.








Nice photos Lenda.

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8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Busan, South Korea. 


We were there in 2010 on the Diamond Princess on a Bangkok to Anchorage, Alaska cruise.  Friends who were booked had talked us into accompanying them and we had a great trip.  It's always better with friends!



That morning, May 3, we arrived NEAR Busan but could not see the port due to the heavy fog.  We anchored and awaited the lifting of the fog, all the while the fog horns played all morning.  Looking over the edge of the deck rails you couldn't even see the water below!  After many hours the fog lifted enough to get us into the dock. 







All the tours had to be scrambled to fit the time left in port.  I don't know for sure, but I would say they probably delayed departure, too so everyone could enjoy the port.  They worked really hard to get into Busan because they had entertainers to pick up and let off, and a whole dock full of food and supplies to load on.  In a few days’ time we would have a long journey to Anchorage.









We and our friends didn't book a tour.  We used the map provided by the ship and walked into town to see the sights, something we love to do. 






Shopping and eating at the same time! 






Shoe stores were in abundance here.  Strappy heels seemed to be in fashion at the time, 14 years ago.







From here we moved on to the world renowned Busan Fish Market.  Quite the visual display!









Oh my gosh, look at this tank of octopus!






These look like they jumped out of the tank right onto a table.  Ewww!







Some of the famous fisherwomen of the Busan Fish Market.






This lovely fruit market is more my style.






From Busan we moved on to Vladivostok, Russia.  What a day that was!






Interesting photos Sandi.

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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Somebody has to like lobster rolls as they are plentiful on the Canada/New England route.  


Debbie, we tried many lobster rolls over the years. I still prefer my lobster with butter only. Although... the Morimoto lobster sure is good.


Disgusting lobster Pinaccle.


















Pinnacle. 20231220_174810.thumb.jpg.439a5c597b68a1c1bb11c63d23fe3ca2.jpg


Lobster rolls and lobster on our Canada New England cruise.








and finally, our happy hour seafood bar on Viking.






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I hope that avocados from other places don't become resentful and bitter (especially not bitter) through being left out today.


No on the lobster roll or lobster in any form. Actual dinner will be cod and greens, steamed together, with boiled potatoes or French potato salad. I might try the drink, probably only once. Several Finger Lakes wineries grow Pinot Blanc but don't have it in stock. One that does is Ryan William, the 2023 vintage, $19.95. Shops still have earlier vintages.


The MBTA is hoping to improve commuters' dispositions by putting googly eyes on some of the equipment.




A few years ago I visited the National Museum of Civil War Medicine. They told me that quite a few visitors faint when they see the depiction of battlefield surgery. I was OK then, because I'd already recovered from the display on bloodletting. Until then, it was considered a good way to stop the bleeding from another wound. BTW, I wore long sleeves to the synagogue yesterday because the bruise on my arm would have been distracting.



Edited by kochleffel
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4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's a cloudy, drizzly day today, highs in the high 60's.  Starting Tuesday we'll have a long stretch of sunny, much warmer days.  As usual our summer will start around the 4th.  We had rain overnight, so I'm sure the slugs are having a field day -- hopefully on the Sluggo I put down, and not my flowers and herbs.


I will pass on the California avocado (and all avocado), and celebrate the other two days.  I agree with Debbie @dfish, I prefer my lobster without the roll.  In fact I prefer crab, but that's another story.  And not a fan of butter, I like mine with cocktail sauce.  The wine sounds lovely, and I would try the drink and hope it isn't too sweet.  Have not been to Korea, thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos.  I avoid crowded cities whenever possible and I read that Busan is the 2nd most populated city in Asia (and that says a lot).  So there's 0% chance I'll get there. I wonder if it still has an air pollution problem like when Lenda was there.


Not much on the agenda today, we need to get groceries -- and most likely will do more cruise planning.  Have a great day everyone!


Carolyn, I also like the smaller towns, but sometimes we want to see some of the bigger cities.  When we were Inchon, SK, in 2018, it was still polluted, but not as bad as it was in 2000.  Overall, Asia is still polluted, but again not as bad as it was 20 years ago, if it is still like it was in 2018.


3 hours ago, dfish said:

Somebody has to like lobster rolls as they are plentiful on the Canada/New England route.  


Debbie, I wonder if all the tourists have something to do with all the lobster roll in Canada/New England.  If you don't have much time, lobster rolls are probably quicker and easier than a lobster dinner.


40 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


17 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Debbie, we tried many lobster rolls over the years. I still prefer my lobster with butter only. Although... the Morimoto lobster sure is good.


Disgusting lobster Pinaccle.


















Pinnacle. 20231220_174810.thumb.jpg.439a5c597b68a1c1bb11c63d23fe3ca2.jpg


Lobster rolls and lobster on our Canada New England cruise.








and finally, our happy hour seafood bar on Viking.







Joy, DH also liked the Morimoto lobster in the MDR.  It was okay, but I though it masked the wonderful lobster flavor.  We were lucky with the two lobsters we ordered in the Pinnacle on Koningsdam.  They were good.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Avocados are good, but I don't eat them often, although I love guacamole. Parliamentarianism seems a thing of the past. Gotta have those seconds on the dot. I'm not sure Maya's quote applies to everything. I've never had a lobster roll, but plan to remedy that on my fall NE cruise. Yes for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Busan. A great debate on Darwin's theory, back in 1860. I miss Johnny Carson's brand of humor.


It's warm here (82F), but a bit windy. Fortunately yesterday's severe storms went south of us, so we only got a little rain (we could use more). Tonight it's going down to 55 due to the cold front, and tomorrow will be a comfortable 76F. I was busy this morning doing a few things around the house, and watching football. I'm feeling tired today. Then I needed to get a few groceries for BFF. Tomorrow I need to go to Aldi as well for a few things and then I'm making an early dinner at his house.


@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear that DH is catching a cold. Maybe some zinc can help get rid of it sooner or make it milder. Nice Busan photos.

@grapau27 Thanks for today's link and the explanation of leap seconds.

@1ANGELCAT Interesting about the Lovefeast. I grew up with coffee-hour after the service.

@Sir PMP Nice poster and photo.

@Lady Hudson Prayers the Cardiologist finds nothing of significance on DH's visit. It seems it's hard finding rehab or nursing home providing the type of care one wants.

@smitty34877 I hope your storms aren't too bad, and that the power stays on. Maybe that's why I feel languid today, the humidity.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Busan photos.

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the explanation of Parliamentarianism. Got it.

@Vict0riann I'm glad you're feeling well today.

@luvteaching Prayers for a good outcome for your DM on Tuesday.

@kazu Thinking of you and I hope you're not in too much pain today.

@bennybear Happy Birthday to your DH!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Well all this talk of lobster today has me putting it on my list of things to eat when we tour the gaspe peninsula in a couple of weeks. They claim to have wonderfully fresh seafood. We will dip into New Brunswick briefly, too, but not far enough to visit with @kazu if she was up to it.


we had a lovely cool day today and tomorrow, Canada Day, should be sunny and pleasantly warm. 

i gathered seed from my sweet William today. Already have lupine seeds collected. I cut the spent flowers on the dianthus (pinks) but still need to determine if there are seeds in there. My larkspur seeds are not ready for picking yet. And we are harvesting the garlic in the garden. This is about two weeks earlier than normal but that is the kind of spring it has been.


and @kochleffelfrench potato salad sounds yummy. I looked up the recipe. I make a German potato salad, served warm, that is a hit with the family but I bet they would like French even better.

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@Seasick Sailor  Thank you, Joy, for all the pictures of the various lobster dishes.  We may try to Morimoto lobster in the MDR.  I know we aren't doing the Morimoto pop up restaurant as the full menu just doesn't entice us.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser You may be onto something about lobster rolls being for the tourists.  


@kochleffel the French potato salad sounds good.  I may have to make that for a family get together and see how it goes down.   My great grandmother used to make a cold German potato salad that I loved.  It had the bacon, onions, and parsley in it, but just a room temperature bacon vinaigrette for a dressing poured over it.  I think what I liked was the vinegar taste.  



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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Debbie, we tried many lobster rolls over the years. I still prefer my lobster with butter only. Although... the Morimoto lobster sure is good.


Disgusting lobster Pinaccle.


















Pinnacle. 20231220_174810.thumb.jpg.439a5c597b68a1c1bb11c63d23fe3ca2.jpg


Lobster rolls and lobster on our Canada New England cruise.








and finally, our happy hour seafood bar on Viking.






Nice food.

Super photos of Allen and yourself Joy.

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DH was raised for several months after his mother died, by his cousins in Maine,  The first time we went up to meet them, they took us for lobster rolls and grapenut pudding.  My mom used to make grapenut pudding  and i always loved it, so after the lobster I dug into the pudding.  The wife said, yup, she's a yankee.  They owned a beautiful hotel in Kennebunkport, the Nonamtum, not sure if the family still owns it, as the mom and dad both passed away.  Trust me, if it wasn't for being family, we would not have been able to afford the stay.



Maine Lobster is best.

Lobster is a sea bug.

It is best eaten fresh.

It is even better when you can smell the salt of the sea, the ocean is cold and a breeze blows through your hair.


But during "hard" times, you can spend your days on Isla Mujeres MX and at night the lobsters come out of the water, and walk on the beach.  Nobody puts them between the sides of a bun.  


That said, I like crab legs better.🙀


@sailingdutchy Sorry about the race today.

@NickelpennyGot it.


I loved all the cartoons and memes today.


Donna enjoyed her day, she found the balloons at 6 am, took them inside and let the dog bark at them.

We got her several birthday cards, one from her dog, one from us, and one from our cats, that had a cute kitten on the front, and when you opened it, there was the sound of a chorus of kittens meowing Happy Birthday to you. I thought she was going to cry. 


After lunch, I ran in to Macys to pay a bill, and she ran in to check out the prices for clothes from a designer who designs for short petite people.  She didnt like the prices, and after that DH and i took her to the farmers market bakery, and let her order whatever she wanted for dessert.  She got German chocolate cake, I got almond marble cake, and DH got a large brownie with walnuts.When we got home, he warmed the brownie up and put a large scoop of coffee choc chip ice cream on it. Donna ate all her cake, DH didnt leave a drop of anything, and I have half a piece of cake in the fridge.


No sign of rain, and I really dont want that hurricane anywhere near me.  Prayers for all in its path.

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9 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny central Texas.  It is a little cooler this morning at 78F and feels like 85F.  The predicted high is 97F.  Currently, the weather app says there's a 3 mph wind, but the neighbor's flag is just hanging there.  We could get an 8 mph wind this afternoon.  The humidity is 93% with a dew point of 73F.  There is still no rain in our future, so basically, it is a typical summer day.


California avocados would be good today.  Parliamentarians are good at keeping a meeting on topic.  Leap seconds help us stay on time.


I like the Maya Angelou quote.


The one lobster roll we shared was good, but we also prefer our lobster with just butter.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We were in Busan in 2000 on the old Regal Princess when the town was still Pusan.


The 1860 debate on Darwin's theory would have been interesting to see.  I don't remember "The Johnny Carson Show", but in 1955 we only had one tv station and it was not CBS.


@StLouisCruisers  I hope you can make up the lost time to Alesund.  Thanks for the pictures from Busan.

@MISTER 67  I don't remember a major tropical storm or hurricane this early in the season.  The two so far seem to targeting the Gulf of Mexico.

@dfish  Debbie, while I would enjoy your cooler high today, I would not enjoy your morning low.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope the cardiologist can help your DH.  It's good that the doctor got the appointment rescheduled sooner.












A late good day as we are up at our fifth wheel.   Laughing at the cowboy cartoon.  There were fireworks last night but even with waiting until 11:30. It still wasn’t dark an hour and a half after sunset.


@JazzyV I don’t know how you do it.   Dh appreciates the good wishes.


very low internet.  So will read as I am able.  

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