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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday August 21st, 2024


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Terrorism is horrible, and victims of terrorism deserve many tributes and remembrances. While the internet can be great, for many (especially youth) it's not good for their mental health. I was not a spumoni fan as a kid; maybe I should try it again. I disagree with the quote. I'll pass on the meal (pesto) and drink. The wine is too expensive for me. I haven't been to Sokcho. 2 good days in history.


It's a lovely, sunny 68F, with low humidity. I had a medical appointment this AM and had to battle the rush hour parkway traffic. Then I went for bloodwork, only to find out they'd done it last month in combination with some for another doctor (I get hematology stuff every 6 months, and rheumatology every 3 months due to my meds). Then I went to get my cervical spine x-ray for my PCP, who is looking for another cause of my imbalance. I did my vertigo exercises when I got up. While I don't have the spinning sensation during the day, I still feel lightheaded at times and off balance. I'll keep doing them. I'll do some shredding of papers this afternoon, as I went through my file cabinet the other day and have a pile. And more decluttering.


@StLouisCruisers How is your twin sister doing?

@kazu I'm sorry the vascular surgeon didn't have an answer and I hope something can be figured out to give you relief. I'm glad Ivan knows where "home" is.

@ottahand7 Wow, so many hummingbirds!

@marshhawk Congrats on the sales. I hope Munchkin is ok.

@Haljo1935 I hope your kitty is doing better today. 

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad Bonnie's surgery went well. I'm surprised they didn't keep her overnight after that major surgery. 

@bennybear I'm glad the bone graft went well. Beautiful visitor to your yard. 

@Vict0riann Oh no, so sorry to hear you had to have Pat taken to the ER. I hope DD and you are ok too. You are dealing with a lot - hugs to you.

@rafinmd I hope you feel better soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good afternoon from a hot central Texas.  It is already 96F, feeling like 104F, at 1pm.  I'm glad I'm inside today with not errands or appointments.


50 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, friends, I’m thinking of you all as I sit here in Pat’s cubicle at the hospital.  I had to call 911 about 6:30 this morning, as he was nauseated and hot. The ambulance brought him in, and I followed.  He now has a rash, too, and they have been in four times to take blood.  So, is it an infection, a drug reaction or interaction with the new statin, or an allergic reaction???  They’ve been giving him antibiotics by infusion, gravol, and Tylenol.  I have a headache.  DD has a fever, too, but no rash.  


I was supposed to have my appointment with the radiation oncologist at 11,  DD checked for me - they said no, it is Friday,  she just emailed that someone called back, I’m to go in Sept 23 for a CT scan and I will start radiation on October 3. …  the day before we sail to Hawaii.  I guess I will take the appointment although I’d rather be cruising.  


Ann, I'm sorry Pat is feeling bad and had to be taken to the hospital, and the you have a headache and your DD has a fever.  I hope all of you feel better soon.  I know you are disappointed about the cruise, but with the CT scan on September 23 and radiation beginning on October 3, you will have all that behind you soon.


17 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

The perio visit went as well as expected but I am still a bit under the weather after it.




Roy, I'm sorry you are feeling bad after your perio appointment.  Hope you feel better soon.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We have an overcast morning and cooler temps, maybe some showers. Only up to the high 60's today, and that's one of the warmer days this week.  A good day to get more compost and add to the raised beds.  


A good collection of days, I do like Spumoni and always get it when BFF and I have lunch at "our" Italian place.  The quote is true a lot of the time, I'll pass on the red wine, would try the drink and hope it isn't too sweet.  The meal (side dish) sounds tasty too, I may make it tonight.  Have not been to South Korea.


Last night DD asked if DH and I would be interested in seeing the Beach Boys this Friday night at Chateau Ste. Michelle.  One of her friends has some tickets she can't use.  So that's what we'll be doing Friday night!  It will be nice to have something to look forward to, as Friday afternoon are my appointments for another mammogram and ultrasound.  I'm not even sure how many of the original Beach Boys are still in the band, but know there's at least one.


Prayers for all on the Care List and a big cheer from me for all who are celebrating!




Enjoy the Beach Boys concert Friday night.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Wednesday. I got my packing done yesterday and just have my last minute things left for tomorrow morning. I think I’m ready!  I just need to make time for a pedicure.  What I really want to do is just sit with Blue on my lap all morning. I’m going to miss him. 

Please eat the spumoni for me, I’m not a fan of stuff in ice cream. The meal sounds good. 

I have lots of odds and ends to do today so need to get busy. Have a great day everyone!



Sharon, safe travels tomorrow and to Debbie @dfish and Sue.  


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@kazu I am really sorry you have to wait another three weeks.  Hoping things improve quickly for you! 

@Cruising-along I know it’s always a worry, I’ll pray all will go well and you will enjoy celebrating with the Beach boys!  How fun!  Those wineries have some fun activities! 

@Seasick Sailor glad the surgery is over for your sister and also great she was able to come home,  albeit very late.  Prayers all continues to go well on her journey.  

My oral surgeon was fabulous!  All done, bone graft placed so healing now begins.  

We had a lovely visitor in the back garden yesterday.   They’re so beautiful.  






Brenda, I'm glad your oral surgery went well.  If they didn't tell you, it is a good idea to rinse your mouth will warm salt water beginning the day after the surgery.  It helps with the soreness and healing.  Love the pictures of the blue jay.


8 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Terrorism is horrible, and victims of terrorism deserve many tributes and remembrances. While the internet can be great, for many (especially youth) it's not good for their mental health. I was not a spumoni fan as a kid; maybe I should try it again. I disagree with the quote. I'll pass on the meal (pesto) and drink. The wine is too expensive for me. I haven't been to Sokcho. 2 good days in history.


It's a lovely, sunny 68F, with low humidity. I had a medical appointment this AM and had to battle the rush hour parkway traffic. Then I went for bloodwork, only to find out they'd done it last month in combination with some for another doctor (I get hematology stuff every 6 months, and rheumatology every 3 months due to my meds). Then I went to get my cervical spine x-ray for my PCP, who is looking for another cause of my imbalance. I did my vertigo exercises when I got up. While I don't have the spinning sensation during the day, I still feel lightheaded at times and off balance. I'll keep doing them. I'll do some shredding of papers this afternoon, as I went through my file cabinet the other day and have a pile. And more decluttering.


@StLouisCruisers How is your twin sister doing?

@kazu I'm sorry the vascular surgeon didn't have an answer and I hope something can be figured out to give you relief. I'm glad Ivan knows where "home" is.

@ottahand7 Wow, so many hummingbirds!

@marshhawk Congrats on the sales. I hope Munchkin is ok.

@Haljo1935 I hope your kitty is doing better today. 

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad Bonnie's surgery went well. I'm surprised they didn't keep her overnight after that major surgery. 

@bennybear I'm glad the bone graft went well. Beautiful visitor to your yard. 

@Vict0riann Oh no, so sorry to hear you had to have Pat taken to the ER. I hope DD and you are ok too. You are dealing with a lot - hugs to you.

@rafinmd I hope you feel better soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I hope the x-ray doesn't show anything serious, but I'm glad the doctor is checking every possibility.  



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29 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

ER doctor has been in and said it seems to be a viral pneumonia.  The infectious disease specialist will be in soon.  Thanks for thinking of us.  

Oh no!  I am so sorry and hope the treatment helps and he is well soon. I’ll be praying and thinking about you both. 

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, thank you for the well wishes for tomorrow. We are very excited!  


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39 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sharon, safe travels tomorrow and to Debbie @dfish and Sue.  



Thanks, Lenda.  It was so nice to be able to message Sharon and tell her we could talk about plans tomorrow night in Boston.  


My hair is cut and my tootsies are all polished and massaged.  I'm ready to go!


@Vict0riann I hope Pat recovers quickly.  I'm so sorry you are going through all of this.

@kazu Three weeks is a long time to wait when someone is in pain.  I hope his plan works.

@marshhawk and @Haljo1935 Here's hoping the kitties get well quickly.

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad Bonnie is home.  Home is always more comfortable.  Here's to a speedy recovery.

@Cruising-along I'd go see the Beach Boys!   Have a blast!

@StLouisCruisers Hope you are keeping cool!

@rafinmd I hope you feel better very quickly!

@bennybear I'm glad your dental procedure went well.  

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43 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

ER doctor has been in and said it seems to be a viral pneumonia.  The infectious disease specialist will be in soon.  Thanks for thinking of us.  


Ann, I hope they can help Pat, and that he feels better soon.



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Good afternoon. I am sorry to hear some many having health issues today. My best wishes to all of you.


My morning started with a trip to the dentist for a cleaning. I need to go back the end of December at which time we will decide if I need a deep cleaning. Something to look forward to. I have podiatrist and lab work still on my schedule not to mention car servicing and dog grooming. My wallet is going to be very flat and my credit card rather full. Fortunately I am coming up on a pay day. Still need to get to the grocery store and haul books to either the library or the thrift store. The latter is such a mess right now that I hesitate to take things out there. Has slowed me down quite a bit.


Off to find some lunch and get to work ... oh yes, and dogs need a walk.





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8 hours ago, richwmn said:

Today in History:
1888 American inventor William Seward Burroughs patents the adding machine


On July 12, 1971 I started my first day as an Associate Application Software Representative at the Burroughs Corporation.


In 1986 Burroughs merged with the Sperry Corp. Both companies traced their roots back to the 1880s.  The executive management decided that neither name of these venerable companies should outshine (or outlive) the other.  It was decided to give the merged company a new name, and, to this end. held a contest among the employees to determine this new name.  The winning submission was "Unisys Corporation."  This was, pretty much, met with "Meh" in our office.  It must have been a slow news day, however, because in the next day's issue of the Wall Street Journal, there was an article covering this breaking news with the headline, "If This Was the Winner, What Could Have Possibly Lost?" 


I worked for Unisys until 2010 when the group that I was in was sold to a private equity firm.  They formed a whole new company--Burroughs Payment Systems.


I left the company in 2011 and have barely looked back since.  OK, I checked their website a few weeks ago and saw that the name has been truncated to Burroughs.  As best I can see, they offer services only--no hardware or software products,  The link to William Seward Burroughs gets weaker and weaker.

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Good sunny afternoon. It looks like the weather will start warming up again tomorrow. 
@Vict0riann, Ann I’m so sorry to hear about Pat . Praying that the treatment works . A BHB will be waiting to welcome you back when this is all over with.🙏❤️

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Posted (edited)


@cunnorl— would you have time to check if the ship is selling the insulated Holland America Line mugs?  They are displayed in the coffee areas if they do. I have two but would like a new one. They weren’t available on the Koningsdam. I tried to take a picture but it didn’t come out very well. 

Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

this one? They are available in the Crows nest 


Yes Super!  Thank you so much!  Keep the ship in shape for us this Saturday!  BTW, I have the same magazine packed to read onboard. 


Edited by Sharon in AZ
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3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, friends, I’m thinking of you all as I sit here in Pat’s cubicle at the hospital.  I had to call 911 about 6:30 this morning, as he was nauseated and hot. The ambulance brought him in, and I followed.  He now has a rash, too, and they have been in four times to take blood.  So, is it an infection, a drug reaction or interaction with the new statin, or an allergic reaction???  They’ve been giving him antibiotics by infusion, gravol, and Tylenol.  I have a headache.  DD has a fever, too, but no rash.  


I was supposed to have my appointment with the radiation oncologist at 11,  DD checked for me - they said no, it is Friday,  she just emailed that someone called back, I’m to go in Sept 23 for a CT scan and I will start radiation on October 3. …  the day before we sail to Hawaii.  I guess I will take the appointment although I’d rather be cruising.  


Prayers Pat, DD and you get through these days and are all feeling better before long.  You WILL be cruising again, soon!




3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

The perio visit went as well as expected but I am still a bit under the weather after it.




Hope you are on the right side of the weather ASAP.  




2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Terrorism is horrible, and victims of terrorism deserve many tributes and remembrances. While the internet can be great, for many (especially youth) it's not good for their mental health. I was not a spumoni fan as a kid; maybe I should try it again. I disagree with the quote. I'll pass on the meal (pesto) and drink. The wine is too expensive for me. I haven't been to Sokcho. 2 good days in history.


It's a lovely, sunny 68F, with low humidity. I had a medical appointment this AM and had to battle the rush hour parkway traffic. Then I went for bloodwork, only to find out they'd done it last month in combination with some for another doctor (I get hematology stuff every 6 months, and rheumatology every 3 months due to my meds). Then I went to get my cervical spine x-ray for my PCP, who is looking for another cause of my imbalance. I did my vertigo exercises when I got up. While I don't have the spinning sensation during the day, I still feel lightheaded at times and off balance. I'll keep doing them. I'll do some shredding of papers this afternoon, as I went through my file cabinet the other day and have a pile. And more decluttering.


@StLouisCruisers How is your twin sister doing?

@kazu I'm sorry the vascular surgeon didn't have an answer and I hope something can be figured out to give you relief. I'm glad Ivan knows where "home" is.

@ottahand7 Wow, so many hummingbirds!

@marshhawk Congrats on the sales. I hope Munchkin is ok.

@Haljo1935 I hope your kitty is doing better today. 

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad Bonnie's surgery went well. I'm surprised they didn't keep her overnight after that major surgery. 

@bennybear I'm glad the bone graft went well. Beautiful visitor to your yard. 

@Vict0riann Oh no, so sorry to hear you had to have Pat taken to the ER. I hope DD and you are ok too. You are dealing with a lot - hugs to you.

@rafinmd I hope you feel better soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


She says she's been keeping the pain pretty much under control and slept late this morning.  Her DH has been keeping her fed.  She got a hair dryer stand so she can blow dry her hair with one hand wielding the brush.  Apparently he hasn't figured out how to do hair!  lol




1 hour ago, dfish said:


Thanks, Lenda.  It was so nice to be able to message Sharon and tell her we could talk about plans tomorrow night in Boston.  


My hair is cut and my tootsies are all polished and massaged.  I'm ready to go!


@Vict0riann I hope Pat recovers quickly.  I'm so sorry you are going through all of this.

@kazu Three weeks is a long time to wait when someone is in pain.  I hope his plan works.

@marshhawk and @Haljo1935 Here's hoping the kitties get well quickly.

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad Bonnie is home.  Home is always more comfortable.  Here's to a speedy recovery.

@Cruising-along I'd go see the Beach Boys!   Have a blast!

@StLouisCruisers Hope you are keeping cool!

@rafinmd I hope you feel better very quickly!

@bennybear I'm glad your dental procedure went well.  


I'm staying indoors as much as possible and the AC works great!.  DH takes Ren to PT and school.  He gets a ride home after school.  DH also went to the grocery to pick up a rotisserie chicken and some other items while I stayed home doing laundry, vacuuming, etc.  Teenagers and athletes produce a lot of laundry!




46 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Bonnie has been sleeping mostly today, with pain but not unmanageable. 


I took our luggage to UPS today, since Luggage Forward sent yet another email suggesting taking them to UPS. Done.




I hope your DS Bonnie is up on her feet soon, with little to no pain.  Prayers for her each day.  Glad you have the luggage taken care of.  How long is your cruise?

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Good afternoon, 


It's been a busy morning. I had 2 water aerobics classes, put gas in the car, had the car's regular service done (oil change and tire rotation) and picked up 2 cobs of fresh corn (2-colored). I am now home. DS came while I was gone and brought in the garbage can and did baseboards. I had to go on the "great baseboard hunt" to find out where he'd worked and he also put new trim at the back door. 


My traveling companion from last week just tested positive for Covid but so far I'm symptom free. I'd think I'd be showing some signs by now if I was infected. She got paxlovid today so I hope it helps her. She says it was worth it to cruise! 


Yesterday was a bit of a melancholy day but I solved the beeping noise - it was the carbon monoxide detector in the laundry room. I can reach that one using a short step stool. I sent DS a text and he told me how to get it open, I did it, replaced the batteries and oh - blissful silence! I also made chocolate chip cookies ( and I see this afternoon that DS was enjoying them). 

Dinner tonight is a salad and fresh corn! I'll enjoy that. 


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2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good afternoon. I am sorry to hear some many having health issues today. My best wishes to all of you.


My morning started with a trip to the dentist for a cleaning. I need to go back the end of December at which time we will decide if I need a deep cleaning. Something to look forward to. I have podiatrist and lab work still on my schedule not to mention car servicing and dog grooming. My wallet is going to be very flat and my credit card rather full. Fortunately I am coming up on a pay day. Still need to get to the grocery store and haul books to either the library or the thrift store. The latter is such a mess right now that I hesitate to take things out there. Has slowed me down quite a bit.


Off to find some lunch and get to work ... oh yes, and dogs need a walk.






Susan, I had the deep cleaning last year, and it wasn't too bad.  It was mainly painless since she put a numbing agent on the areas she was working on.  She said I probably wouldn't have to do it again.  I'm sorry the thrift store is such a mess, after all your hard work to get the shelter and thrift store running on an even keel.


2 hours ago, XBGuy said:


On July 12, 1971 I started my first day as an Associate Application Software Representative at the Burroughs Corporation.


In 1986 Burroughs merged with the Sperry Corp. Both companies traced their roots back to the 1880s.  The executive management decided that neither name of these venerable companies should outshine (or outlive) the other.  It was decided to give the merged company a new name, and, to this end. held a contest among the employees to determine this new name.  The winning submission was "Unisys Corporation."  This was, pretty much, met with "Meh" in our office.  It must have been a slow news day, however, because in the next day's issue of the Wall Street Journal, there was an article covering this breaking news with the headline, "If This Was the Winner, What Could Have Possibly Lost?" 


I worked for Unisys until 2010 when the group that I was in was sold to a private equity firm.  They formed a whole new company--Burroughs Payment Systems.


I left the company in 2011 and have barely looked back since.  OK, I checked their website a few weeks ago and saw that the name has been truncated to Burroughs.  As best I can see, they offer services only--no hardware or software products,  The link to William Seward Burroughs gets weaker and weaker.


Thanks for the interesting information.


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Bonnie has been sleeping mostly today, with pain but not unmanageable. 


I took our luggage to UPS today, since Luggage Forward sent yet another email suggesting taking them to UPS. Done.




Joy, I'm glad Bonnie is able to manage the pain and glad she can sleep.  Glad you got the luggage to the UPS store.


11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

She says she's been keeping the pain pretty much under control and slept late this morning.  Her DH has been keeping her fed.  She got a hair dryer stand so she can blow dry her hair with one hand wielding the brush.  Apparently he hasn't figured out how to do hair!  lol


I'm staying indoors as much as possible and the AC works great!.  DH takes Ren to PT and school.  He gets a ride home after school.  DH also went to the grocery to pick up a rotisserie chicken and some other items while I stayed home doing laundry, vacuuming, etc.  Teenagers and athletes produce a lot of laundry!



Sandi, I'm glad  your twin is has figured out a way to do her hair, and that her DH is keeping her fed.  I'm staying inside too except early morning if I need to run errands, and about sunset for a golf cart ride.


11 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon, 


It's been a busy morning. I had 2 water aerobics classes, put gas in the car, had the car's regular service done (oil change and tire rotation) and picked up 2 cobs of fresh corn (2-colored). I am now home. DS came while I was gone and brought in the garbage can and did baseboards. I had to go on the "great baseboard hunt" to find out where he'd worked and he also put new trim at the back door. 


My traveling companion from last week just tested positive for Covid but so far I'm symptom free. I'd think I'd be showing some signs by now if I was infected. She got paxlovid today so I hope it helps her. She says it was worth it to cruise! 


Yesterday was a bit of a melancholy day but I solved the beeping noise - it was the carbon monoxide detector in the laundry room. I can reach that one using a short step stool. I sent DS a text and he told me how to get it open, I did it, replaced the batteries and oh - blissful silence! I also made chocolate chip cookies ( and I see this afternoon that DS was enjoying them). 

Dinner tonight is a salad and fresh corn! I'll enjoy that. 



Karen, I'm glad you figured out how to change the beeping battery, and that you DS got more baseboards and the backdoor trim installed.  I hope your friend feels better soon, and I hope you stay well.



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Cat still not drinking and getting all his liquids from the food. So, we got more canned food to transition him from dry. Also got "cat water" for cats w/urinary issues; Dr said many cats prefer it to regular 💧 🤞


@marshhawk 🙏hope Momma Munchkin does her thing soon and recovers quickly. 


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@Vict0riann I sorry you are dealing with so much!  Hope Pat and your DD recover quickly.   I’m sorry about the timing of your cruise,   It as others have said the BHB will still be there and you will enjoy it without worry,  when you are feeling better and have looked after your health. 


@dfish and @Sharon in AZ safe travels!  What a lovely mug! 

@Seasick Sailor glad Bonnie is doing well,  like Debbie says home is always more comfortable.  Hopefully the pain will subside quickly.  

@StLouisCruisers I think there should be a hairdressing course for DH.  Glad your sister is on the mend.  

@rafinmdhope your mouth settles soon and you feel right as rain! 

@luvteaching sorry to hear your dear friend has Covid.  Glad she was able to get the paxlovid. 

@Quartzsite Cruiseryou always seem to know exactly the right thing to say.  They did tell me to do the salt water starting tomorrow.   I forgot to ask how long the wait is after the implant.   I have to wait six months until they can do that part.  

Quite a wild ride for a lot this week, so glad we have some heading out cruising! 

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4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, friends, I’m thinking of you all as I sit here in Pat’s cubicle at the hospital.  I had to call 911 about 6:30 this morning, as he was nauseated and hot. The ambulance brought him in, and I followed.  He now has a rash, too, and they have been in four times to take blood.  So, is it an infection, a drug reaction or interaction with the new statin, or an allergic reaction???  They’ve been giving him antibiotics by infusion, gravol, and Tylenol.  I have a headache.  DD has a fever, too, but no rash.  


I was supposed to have my appointment with the radiation oncologist at 11,  DD checked for me - they said no, it is Friday,  she just emailed that someone called back, I’m to go in Sept 23 for a CT scan and I will start radiation on October 3. …  the day before we sail to Hawaii.  I guess I will take the appointment although I’d rather be cruising.  



I am so sorry for all you and Pat are going through today.  😞. I’m glad that they ave figured out what is wrong but worried with the prognosis.  My prayers for him and you 🙏 








10 hours ago, Heartgrove said:
Today we find out what time DSIL's surgery is tomorrow. The rehab center informed us that next Wednesday Sue and I need to pick DSIL up to drive her home and the physical therapist will follow us home.  The purpose is to evaluate our home for what we need to accommodate her first few weeks at home. We then will return her then they will discharge her after another day or two. An amazing show of responsibility.
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack




Best wishes for your DSIL’s surgery tomorrow, Jack 🙏 



5 hours ago, bennybear said:

My oral surgeon was fabulous!  All done, bone graft placed so healing now begins.  


Glad to hear it is over.  Hope the gave you good in structions and it heals quickly 🤲 



@Fish & @Sharon in AZ it sure sounds like you two are ready to go.  🙂. Safet travels tomorrow.

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