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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 7th, 2024

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @StLouisCruisers & @richwmn.

3 good days to celebrate. I like the quote, being a LOTR geek, lol. I'll pass on the meal, yes to the drink and wine. I've been to Greece on a land trip, but not Souda. A good day in history for Brazil.


We got a good bit of rain last evening and overnight. Some areas had bigger storms, with trees down and power outages, but that was north of me. I was glad to see rain, as my company had just put down fertilizer, and I'm bad about watering the lawn. It's cool today, staying in the 60's and partly sunny. I'm trying to tidy up, before BFF comes over later. We may go out to eat, and then watch some of the GOT prequel.


@luvteaching Bon Voyage!

@Crazy For Cats @dfish @Sharon in AZ Welcome home!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today. All the additional days to recognize are good ones.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you have some help this weekend. I hope you got some help with the painful hip and that it's feeling better. Thinking of you all.

@ottahand7 Brrr, although a fire in the woodstove sounds cozy. I'm glad DB is being kept on the heparin.

@marshhawk I'm glad you both enjoyed the concert yesterday. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Souda/Chania. 

@dobiemom Congrats on winning a cruise playing bingo!

@ger_77 That's awful about the girl being set on fire (and the teacher). Burns are so painful to recover from.

@atexsix I'm glad the exam yesterday yielded good results. Yikes on that beehive at DM's; it's good it's been taken care of. 

@TiogaCruiser Stay cool. I'm glad the fire got put out quickly, before it could spread. 

@Vict0riann That does sound like a strange appointment for Pat. Here I thought he'd see the doctor who would decide, not a committee! Nice Chania photos.

@Cruising-along Enjoy the day with the boys.

@aliaschief Safe travels to Kauai today.

@kazu Thinking of you.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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We were in Souda in October of 2021 while on the Eurodam and took the shuttle from the port to Chania , which itself is not a cruise port but a medieval port for fishing boats and yachts .
After visiting the market and making a few purchases we walked to the pretty port of Chania , enjoyed a nice beverage when a flash thunderstorm opened the skies which was good for a few nice pictures ! 
Thank you very much again Sandi @StLouisCruisers  this is so much easier to recover my photos at the moment than starting new post. Also Thank You very much for taking over the Fleet Report while Rich is on his way to Japan , very much appreciated ! 



Just to be clear dear Martha did NOT bend that tree 







We had to abandon our seats on the front row on the terrace  but 20 min later everything was normal again ,





After returning on the shuttle and the captain was ready to leave we enjoyed watching a beautiful sunset  in Souda 



Have a great weekend everybody !


Tony 😁😁

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I got an email early this morning from Roy @rafinmd in which he said he was in the ER.  "Woke with severe vertigo and could not stand safely.  Still being diagnosed."  In the next email, he said he was being admitted.  Before I said anything on here, I wanted to make sure he was okay with me sharing his news.  Unfortunately, I did not receive his reply until later as I was in a meeting for most of the morning.


I'll pass on any information from Roy if and when I hear from him.  Wishing him the best and a quick recovery.  The last I heard from him, he was unable to login on CC.



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Good afternoon, when I got up, it was 44F/7C this morning.  The window was open a bit, and the cooler air was very refreshing.  DH does not agree with me!  I'm going to pass on the meal, drink and wine, but I do like beer.🍻

@marshhawkgood to hear you had a good time yesterday.

@smitty34877Sorry to hear about your hip pain.  Hoping you have some help this weekend.  Does your teenager have a football game?  Our team is on week 3 of their season.  DGD is cheering for a game today...she's 8, not sure how old the players are.  She likes doing it! 

Welcome back to the cruisers, and Enjoy @luvteaching!

A friend recently went on a quilting cruise to Alaska, she said it was wonderful! 


I couldn't get "on" cruise critic this morning, got error messages, anyone else? 

Stay safe and have a good rest of the weekend!  K

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@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for letting us know about Roy. I can sure relate. I hope he's feeling better soon. Seems like a few of us have developed vertigo recently.

@sailingdutchy When I click on a picture, the url is strange, and it also takes me off cruise critic. So CC is trying to "get" the photo from where it's stored.


Edited by JazzyV
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Greetings, everyone!


We have made it as far as Chicago and we are relaxing in the United Club lounge.  We have several hours to wait for our next flight, so I thought buying passes made sense. It was hard saying goodbye to @Sharon in AZ Sharon this morning at the airport.  I hope she is having an good flight home.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thank you for letting us know about Roy.  Healing thoughts sent out to him and may it be a simple fix and a quick recovery.


@Vict0riann I hope all goes well with Pat's assessment and that he is scheduled for surgery soon.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

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I do hope Roy @rafinmd is feeling much better soon.  At least he knows to head to the ER when he is ill.  Prayers for his complete recovery! 🙏  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for conveying the information to us.


I had no problems with CC today at 6 a.m.  If CC decides to play tricks on us at that hour, it would cause all kinds of problems posting the Daily.  🤞


It sure is World Beard Day.  Wouldn't you know, that's one of the many days I didn't post about!

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It's been an interesting learning curve today as far as our upcoming cruises are concerned.  First, I sent the request for stock credit to Stockperks the other day, and got the email it was approved.  Finished, getting it applied to our cruise, and fingers crossed 🤞 that it is taken care of.  We'll know in a few days.  Then a trial run buying and applying a gift card to pay for part of the January cruise.  That took a bit of learning, but finally I know how to do it, and now we have a bit less to pay next month.  It's good to know I can still learn new things, especially digital things.


I have not heard any more from Roy, and I will wait to hear from him.  I don't want to bother him at a time like this.  I'm just glad he thought to add me to the list of people getting the email.  I'll let everyone know when I do.


7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Grandma Moses certainly made her mark on the art world, everyone should be grateful patients when they're getting the medical attention they need, and yes to the blue skies.  The quote - wow, he likes half of the people a little bit and the other half he doesn't.  Is that right?  A little early for something to complex!


It's getting darker in the morning when I get up - I've had to turn on the kitchen light when making my morning tea, so I guess the "f" word really is coming.  We're sitting at 10C(50) right now but the breeze coming in the window feels cooler than that.  Our expected high for the next 3 days is 32(89) which might be summer's last hurrah, we'll see.  I don't want to put away my capris and sandals just yet!


@luvteachingBon Voyage; I hope you and your friends have a wonderful cruise!

@smitty34877I'm sorry to hear you're having so much hip pain; I do hope the doctors will be able to provide some relief for you.  Glad you'll have help over the weekend.


Hearing about all the horrible shootings happening in US schools sometimes makes us feel smug, thinking we're happy we don't live there.  Well, on Thursday at a local high school, a 14 year old girl threw gasoline in a 15 year old girl's face and lit her on fire.  A teacher was not far away and came to her aid, sustaining severe burns trying to put the flames out.  Although we have a burn unit at Royal University Hospital, the 15 year old's injuries were so severe she had to be air lifted to Edmonton for treatment.  The 14 year old is being charged with attempted murder, arson, and several other charges.  *shudder*


Not a lot on our agenda today, so I think I'll take the time to make some winter liners for the curtains in our bedroom.  The room sits above the unheated garage, so gets fairly chilly in the winter, and I thought the addition of thermal liners on the curtains might help keep the heat in and cold out.  Might as well make them now, rather than when we need them.  DH is working on a bird house for our friends with a lake cottage - I took photos of their old cottage and he's used that as a model for the bird house.  It's coming along quite nicely; when it's finished, I'll post a photo here, as it's really neat with many unexpected touches.


I'd like the drink of the day, will gladly drink the wine, but will pass on the chickpea sandwich.  The only time we have chickpeas in the house is when our friend makes hummus and brings it over.  LOL  Last night our neighbour came over with 3 huge red tomatoes so we're going to have toasted tomato and bacon sandwiches for dinner on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, the news about the girl being deliberately burned by another girl is horrible.  I'm glad they charged the one who threw the gasoline.  I just hope the other girl survives, but I hate to think of the effects of the burns.  On a brighter note, it is nice of your DH to make the bird house for your friends.  I can't wait to see the picture of the finished bird house. 


7 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning, all. Well, only a few more days of HOT and then we’ll start to cool down. PTL for AC! 🙌


On my Alaska cruise I mentioned I had won twice at bingo. One was a cruise! 7-nights, inside cabin, Mexican Riviera or Caribbean, never expires. I can upgrade to a larger cabin or longer cruise (for a price of course). I wanted a 10-day MR and my TA found one: Nieuw Amsterdam departing Nov 29, 2025. My sis from FL will be joining me. We’re so excited! 


Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Thank you all for caring and sharing. 🥰 Prayers for everyone who needs them.  Cheers for all the celebrations.



Marsha, congratulations on winning the cruise.  Glad your sister will be joining you.


6 hours ago, atexsix said:

Good Morning,


It turned out there was a mix-up at the doctor, that yesterday's appointment was pre-test, which was fine since the exam/discussion yielded good results.  So the ultrasound and follow up to that is mid-Oct.  


They discovered the beehive at DM's was more dangerous than they thought. They were "paper wasps" otherwise known as yellow jackets and the size of the nest was estimated to be as big as a basketball, but they are no more and the exterminator was able to eradicate them with poison.  At my urging, DM will be going back to monthly maintenance because this was a good example of what could happen should this have continued to go unobserved, these insects can apparently eat right through the drywall.  


I'm thinking about paying off my car lease early and purchasing something else, without DD I don't have need for this giant SUV, so I'm thinking about what I'd like to downsize to and I'll visit the Toyota dealership sometime this fall when I bring the car in for an oil change and have the tire pressure checked before the cooler weather sets in.


This is the real life stuff all of you on lengthy cruises are missing: car buying, bee hives, and doctor appointments.  So I'd rather be on a ship when running out of peanut butter pie would be the biggest crisis I can think of.  


Bruno, I'm glad the doctor visit yielded good results, and hope the ultrasound next month does the same.  I'm glad they got rid of the wasp nest.  Yellow jacket stings are no fun, but not as bad as a bumble bee sting.


5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for all the news!  Bon voyage @luvteaching.  Hope you have good weather all the way!  We are having a heat wave here, and smoke from the US, evidently, so the house is closed up and the air-conditioning on again.  Strange for September.


Pat's appointment yesterday left me a bit bewildered.  It was just a phone appointment, and seemed, like some of mine, very impersonal.  It was mainly a quiz on his mental and physical abilities.  "Do you drive?"  "Do you use a stick or a walker?"  etc., and a number of times he said "as you are almost 90"!  And what should they do if things go wrong...  Sheesh, Pat's not almost 90, he's only just 88!  Hopefully, Pat said the right things, and now he "will be discussed at rounds".  So we continue to wait.  I keep thinking, if they don't want to do it, we'll just go to the States and get it done!


This morning when I went out to get the papers, our male hummingbird came down and looked me in the face - he often does that if I'm sitting outside, just hovers about 6 inches from my nose.  My birder cousin always said they have facial recognition, so I guess they want to check that i'm who I'm supposed to be - talk about a guard bird!


We have been to Chania, my pictures are like the others, so I'll just post some pictures from the market.  I bought a chunk of pumice/lava there for DS, the rock collector.



















Ann, I'm sorry Pat's doctor "visit" was sort of a bummer.  I hope he approved soon for the valve replacement.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for letting us know about Roy. I can sure relate. I hope he's feeling better soon. Seems like a few of us have developed vertigo recently.

@sailingdutchy When I click on a picture, the url is strange, and it also takes me off cruise critic. So CC is trying to "get" the photo from where it's stored.



Vanessa, I hope vertigo has had enough of the Dailyites, and is history after Roy recovers.


55 minutes ago, dfish said:

Greetings, everyone!


We have made it as far as Chicago and we are relaxing in the United Club lounge.  We have several hours to wait for our next flight, so I thought buying passes made sense. It was hard saying goodbye to @Sharon in AZ Sharon this morning at the airport.  I hope she is having an good flight home.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thank you for letting us know about Roy.  Healing thoughts sent out to him and may it be a simple fix and a quick recovery.


@Vict0riann I hope all goes well with Pat's assessment and that he is scheduled for surgery soon.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!


Debbie, I'm glad you and Sue made it safely as far as Chicago.  I hope the rest of the trip goes well.


11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I do hope Roy @rafinmd is feeling much better soon.  At least he knows to head to the ER when he is ill.  Prayers for his complete recovery! 🙏  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for conveying the information to us.


I had no problems with CC today at 6 a.m.  If CC decides to play tricks on us at that hour, it would cause all kinds of problems posting the Daily.  🤞


It sure is World Beard Day.  Wouldn't you know, that's one of the many days I didn't post about!


Sandi, and all others who had problems getting on CC today, I hope that doesn't happen again.  I didn't have any problems, but then, we never sign out.



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1 minute ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I don't sign out either.  I did not have any problems today - knock on wood!  Did you read where Rich mentioned on Jacqui's Bon Voyage request thread that he's booked the 28 day Alaska cruise next June?  There will be quite a crowd of us on board.


Sandi, I haven't gotten past the Daily today.  First there was a meeting this morning that dragged on longer than it should have.  It's been a busy afternoon.  I'm glad Rich will be joining us on the cruise.  We need to arrange a Daily M&G.  BTW, you've got mail.



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Cc was an issue around 10ish this morning when I took a break from cleaning windows. I don’t sign out either (except by mistake). It kept telling me to try later so I went back to cleaning windows. When I came back at noon it was working so not sure how long the website was an issue.


i am glad @rafinmdroy is wise enough to know when he needs to get medical help. Hoping he is back on his feet soon.

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