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Predict when cruising will start again post-Coronavirus

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3 hours ago, dillpickle48 said:

I am due for a booster in late December.  My doctor has recommended that I hold off till late January or February to get better coverage over winter.

I too am very surprised at this.  The Lancet has published a scale on the waning efficacy of Pfizer, and Astra Zeneca is roughly the same.  After 4 months it's diminished and only 56% efficacious, after 6 months only 43%.  We saw our GP just today who said that, at 5 months we absolutely need to have our boosters now and booked us in for our boosters tomorrow.  The rest of the developed world is giving boosters at 5 months, here we are lagging behind again insisting on waiting until 6 months in the majority of cases.  We tried at our vax centre and they refused to book us in at 5 months.

Edited by cruisingaussies
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On 11/16/2021 at 12:00 AM, ollyoeno said:

From earlier today:


GREG HUNT: Sure. So, under the Biosecurity Act, we currently have four determinations for outbound travellers, for inbound travellers, for cruise ships, and for retail.

I have now revoked the duty free, or international airport retail order. So, as of today, duty free is back on. So, that biosecurity determination order has been repealed.

The next one that we’re reviewing is cruise ships. We are working with the states and territories and the chief health officers. You need a double green light to restart the cruise ship industry, and that is a Commonwealth order, which is lifted.

We’re reviewing that right now, precisely on the basis of the 90 per cent plus first vaccination rate and the 83 per cent second vaccination rate. And so, I expect to be able to make a decision on cruise ships in the coming weeks once we’ve got the medical information but it will require at least one state or territory to partner on that.

But we’re working with a number of states and territories, we’ll let them make their own considerations. But, we would like to see cruising back on before Christmas.

Cruises before Christmas, he's dreaming🤪

I think we all need to write to our Federal & State Health & Tourism ministers to put our case. The more emails they get the more they might actually start to act.


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1 hour ago, gogo65 said:

I’m surprised by this comment, I don't believe there is any evidence to suggest that strategy, but rather like LittleFish said the assumption would be further boosters will be around the corner.

I would actually love to see some comparison of numbers over the next 6 months of cases in people that have had the booster in comparison to those with 2 shots. I’m sure it will come in the next few months.


Meanwhile our numbers are increasing in the paediatric population now kids have gone to school, probably a week or two later than we expected, but our numbers have close to doubled in the last 2 weeks..and with Christmas and the state opening up on December 15th, I think my job (paediatric COVID coordinator) is secure for a little while longer 

Looking at the data, particularly in graphic format, from Israel tells you a great deal about the efficacy of boosters and the change they make to infection rates (and sever illness/hospitalisation/death) in a population. Their case numbers etc were steadily rising; they implemented boosters very promptly and efficiently thoughout the vaccinated population and the numbers droppped dramatically.


As for paediatric populations, it's astonishing that the Federal government and those responsible for ordering and assessing vaccines have not learnt from their 'she'll be right'/ 'it's not a race' attitude from 2020 and early 2021. As we see what's occurring in the UK in the school-aged children as their case numbers increased dramatically and further the spread into older adults as well, it beggars belief that anyone could think it'd be a good idea to just wait and see. This is when the government and its agencies need to use the cost/benefit principle. The benefits if using the vaccine now far outweigh any unknown future risks. Today's risk to kids includes long covid and death.


It seems odd to be introducing tourists from all over the world, without quarantine, whilst we still have a large and vulnerable section of the community unvaccinated.



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3 hours ago, dillpickle48 said:

I am due for a booster in late December.  My doctor has recommended that I hold off till late January or February to get better coverage over winter.

My brother in law who was fully vaccinated with Moderna six months ago has just tested positive to Covid in the US and is now unable to fly home to Europe. He is in his late forties and thankfully OK besides from having a headache one day, he was not aware he had covid and was only tested due to an up coming international flight.

He's lucky that he's still young in terms of covid but I'm going to have 3rd jab as soon as 6 months is up then I will be all ready to cruise. Well I will be ready, I don't know about the cruise ships though.😉

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15 minutes ago, LittleFish1976 said:

Looking at the data, particularly in graphic format, from Israel tells you a great deal about the efficacy of boosters and the change they make to infection rates (and sever illness/hospitalisation/death) in a population. Their case numbers etc were steadily rising; they implemented boosters very promptly and efficiently thoughout the vaccinated population and the numbers droppped dramatically.


As for paediatric populations, it's astonishing that the Federal government and those responsible for ordering and assessing vaccines have not learnt from their 'she'll be right'/ 'it's not a race' attitude from 2020 and early 2021. As we see what's occurring in the UK in the school-aged children as their case numbers increased dramatically and further the spread into older adults as well, it beggars belief that anyone could think it'd be a good idea to just wait and see. This is when the government and its agencies need to use the cost/benefit principle. The benefits if using the vaccine now far outweigh any unknown future risks. Today's risk to kids includes long covid and death.


It seems odd to be introducing tourists from all over the world, without quarantine, whilst we still have a large and vulnerable section of the community unvaccinated.



Isn't the delay in vaccinating children due to having to wait for a lower dosage of the vaccine to be prepared? The adult dosage is apparently too strong for kids.

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41 minutes ago, LittleFish1976 said:

It seems odd to be introducing tourists from all over the world, without quarantine, whilst we still have a large and vulnerable section of the community unvaccinated.



I agree partially, as long as they are covid negative and fully vaccinated  why should it matter any different to what is already in our community,  the unvaccinated and covid positive

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24 minutes ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

Isn't the delay in vaccinating children due to having to wait for a lower dosage of the vaccine to be prepared? The adult dosage is apparently too strong for kids.

I don't think final TGA approval has yet been given for the 5-11 year olds. Yes these kids will receive a dose which is 1/3 of the dose those aged 12 and over receive. I actually find this a little odd when a 12 year old could be quite a bit smaller than a 11 year old and received the adult dose, particularly when comparing boys and girls.

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I’m not sure how correct this is but…


“NSW is set to become to the first state to allow cruising, with a date set for February 1 to begin intrastate itineraries. The major breakthrough ends 21 months in which cruise ships have been banned and also ends Australia’s isolation from international shipping…"





Edited by Sparky74
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3 minutes ago, Sparky74 said:

I’m not sure how correct this is but…


“NSW is set to become to the first state to allow cruising, with a date set for February 1 to begin intrastate itineraries. The major breakthrough ends 21 months in which cruise ships have been banned and also ends Australia’s isolation from international shipping…"





All well and good, but the cruise lines might have to be convinced to sail here.

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3 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

I agree partially, as long as they are covid negative and fully vaccinated  why should it matter any different to what is already in our community,  the unvaccinated and covid positive


My thinking is that the whole 'test before leaving your country of origin' clearly is not fool-proof. My understanding is that travellers coming here have been required to undertake such testing for ages and yet we still see positive cases in quarantine. I think people should at least have to isolate on arrival here until receiving a negative test (still not foolproof as sometimes the virus doesn't show up until later). It concerns me that new variants could be brought here and end up in the community and spread extensively before the first case is even identified. But I am very risk-averse.


Also, none of the vaccines are 100% against infection and some better than others. Looking at the list that the TGA has approved for travellers coming to Australia, I was surprised to see one I thought was only, at best, ever 50% effective. And yet, that will be considered to be as valuable protection as a vaccine nearly twice as effective. And the government has no regulations in place as to when the traveller had his/her second dose (or in the case of Janssen/J&J there is only one dose) meaning waning immunity will be another potential problem.


I don't think it's too arduous to have a few days of quarantine for people, including self-isolation at home or at a private property.


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3 hours ago, possum52 said:

I don't think final TGA approval has yet been given for the 5-11 year olds. Yes these kids will receive a dose which is 1/3 of the dose those aged 12 and over receive. I actually find this a little odd when a 12 year old could be quite a bit smaller than a 11 year old and received the adult dose, particularly when comparing boys and girls.


Apparently they could use the vials of vaccine we have here but they would need to be diluted and a smaller amount drawn up - something the Health dept thinks we're not capable of apparently.


TGA is watching and waiting to see what the data from the US shows. Is that a good strategy? I'm hearing of a lot of cases in that 5 to 11 year age group, through kinders etc. Next step is that it spreads to their parents, then grandparents, as in the UK.

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4 hours ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

Isn't the delay in vaccinating children due to having to wait for a lower dosage of the vaccine to be prepared? The adult dosage is apparently too strong for kids.


3 hours ago, possum52 said:

I don't think final TGA approval has yet been given for the 5-11 year olds. Yes these kids will receive a dose which is 1/3 of the dose those aged 12 and over receive. I actually find this a little odd when a 12 year old could be quite a bit smaller than a 11 year old and received the adult dose, particularly when comparing boys and girls.

This is something I have wondered about since vaccinations began. Shouldn’t the dose be based on persons weight? My sister & BIL both got AZ, but he weighs twice as much as she does. How is that correct - his is much less per kg. Shouldn’t it be like at vets where they weigh the dog to calculate the dosage?

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Perhaps this will answer your question  mr Walker - 


Source: Philadelphia Childrens Hospital:

How can a baby get the same dose of a vaccine as an older child or adult?

Because vaccines do not work like medications, in many cases the same vaccine dose can be given to different age groups; however, in some cases, different versions of vaccines are available for different age groups.

While medications work via distribution through the bloodstream, the immune response generated by vaccination typically occurs at or near the injection site. When the immune system recognizes a vaccine component as “foreign,” cells of the immune system flock to the area and activate the immune system to respond to the invader. Once the immune response has succeeded in protecting the body from the invader, a small number of cells that would recognize the invader remain and circulate throughout the bloodstream; these are known as memory cells. Find out more about memory cells and other cells of the immune system on the “Parts of the immune system” page.

The purpose of a vaccine is to introduce the smallest amount of antigens, the components of viruses or bacteria that cause illness, to allow a memory immune response to develop without making a person sick. It takes about seven to 10 days after getting a vaccine for this immunologic memory to develop. 

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4 hours ago, Sparky74 said:

I’m not sure how correct this is but…


“NSW is set to become to the first state to allow cruising, with a date set for February 1 to begin intrastate itineraries. The major breakthrough ends 21 months in which cruise ships have been banned and also ends Australia’s isolation from international shipping…"





Thanks for this.

Sounds promising and details given in the article like who attended the meeting gives me hope that this anouncement will be made soon and then we will know for sure.

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5 hours ago, Sparky74 said:

I’m not sure how correct this is but…


“NSW is set to become to the first state to allow cruising, with a date set for February 1 to begin intrastate itineraries. The major breakthrough ends 21 months in which cruise ships have been banned and also ends Australia’s isolation from international shipping…"






With international cruising set to resume late April  - "International sailings are expected to start in April – though this being the tail end of what would have been Australia’s cruise season, ships from the major fleets like Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Princess, Cunard and others are unlikely before next September and October"


Look at that, Chilli.


Finally, that man from marketing has realised we can't shut our doors on others without expecting that they'll do the same to us. Well done to CLIA and well done to the UK and US for proving cruising is safe.


Waiting on the formal announcement.



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On 11/23/2021 at 7:10 PM, ollyoeno said:


Australia and New Zealand are the largest pull in the Pacific with Japan. With it fast approaching December I don't think we'll have any breakthrough policy announcements and I suspect these cruises will be cancelled, or an alternate itinerary will be scheduled and announced whilst cruising.


If Viking pull it off, I will be incredibly happy for the guests. We need one line to demonstrate it is possible to do a RTW for confidence building purposes.

 Viking world cruise is scheduled to depart on 10/1.  They are providing free luggage transfer to ship.  one other RTW cruise was also mentioned in blog but I can’t remember ship

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On 11/24/2021 at 8:30 PM, ollyoeno said:


With international cruising set to resume late April  - "International sailings are expected to start in April – though this being the tail end of what would have been Australia’s cruise season, ships from the major fleets like Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Princess, Cunard and others are unlikely before next September and October"


Look at that, Chilli.


Finally, that man from marketing has realised we can't shut our doors on others without expecting that they'll do the same to us. Well done to CLIA and well done to the UK and US for proving cruising is safe.


Waiting on the formal announcement.



Well I’m looking but I’m I’m not as impressed as you.

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2 hours ago, Chiliburn said:

Well I’m looking but I’m I’m not as impressed as you.


It's a start. I've just sent off another letter to Mr *cough* Hunt.


On Sunday i'll be cruising through the med. I'll send a photo of my passport in front of the seas just to prove there is one Australian on a ship ... somewhere.

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11 hours ago, ollyoeno said:

On Sunday i'll be cruising through the med. I'll send a photo of my passport in front of the seas just to prove there is one Australian on a ship ... somewhere

But you aren’t currently living in Australia are you? Aren’t you an ex pat Aussie living in UK?

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16 hours ago, ollyoeno said:


It's a start. I've just sent off another letter to Mr *cough* Hunt.


On Sunday i'll be cruising through the med. I'll send a photo of my passport in front of the seas just to prove there is one Australian on a ship ... somewhere.

On P&O UK perhaps, enjoy.  Beware of Omicron.

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13 hours ago, Porky55 said:

But you aren’t currently living in Australia are you? Aren’t you an ex pat Aussie living in UK?


I'm a European.


This Omicron hype reminds me of why I enjoy living outside Aus for the moment. I sincerely mean this with no disrespect but the attitude here when Hunt was last again to close the borders to SA is outstanding.


By contrast the European government approach is to calmly advise its media to say 'there is a new variant of concern, as a precaution, we are preventing flights from these countries from entering' which is sensible.


I'll just carry on as normal.


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