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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Since no one is going to talk about cruises and hair and makeup and cruise fashions for awhile, I thought we could have some fun here.


If you are under quarantine/self-isolation, would you still put on all your makeup and put on "going out in public' clothes?


I'll go first.  I am in self-isolation because of a "community spread" issue here in my town (bar bouncer tested positive - hasn't been anywhere, but handled hundreds of IDs of tourists at the Front Door and greeted hundreds of tourists at the Front Door).    I'm a minimalist anyway with makeup, but I'm going naked face except for some moisturizer.  I'm using hand lotion as my poor hands have been ravaged by all the hand sanitizer I had to use at work until we lost our jobs.  I don't dress decently when I'm in my house, so I'm not going to do it now.  I took out my trash cans to the curb yesterday in my pajamas, Uggs (still snow on my driveway) and uncombed hair.  Not ashamed...



So, what about you?


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2 minutes ago, slidergirl said:

So, what about you?


I was so hoping for this 🙂


And let's make sure that people know that includes being quarantined on a ship. If we're "going out" (nowadays that's just to the grocery) I do 'primp.' But, like you, when we're home/cabin we have what we call "lounge wear" which is a joke. I have knit pull on pants that are bleach and paint stained and a t-shirt from a thrift store.  NB: Part of the reason my nicer clothes last forever.

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Our family has not been quarantined and are hoping we never need to be. We are self-isolating and social distancing. Pretty much everything in our state is closed including schools so I'm home with 3 kids. Gas stations, grocery stores, hospitals, and pharmacies are still open, but with limited hours. I wear lounge clothes, like pull-on athleisure pants, a no-wire bra, t-shirt, leightweight track jacket, socks and slippers. No makeup except maybe moisturizer. If I have to go out to buy groceries in the current climate, I cover up my dark under eye circles and call it good.


Even on a normal day, I have an under 5-minute face. Moisturizer, concealer, brow pencil, mascara. That's it. Eyeshadow and eye liner if I'm going out with my husband for date night.

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19 hours ago, TwinMamainMN said:

Our family has not been quarantined and are hoping we never need to be. We are self-isolating and social distancing. Pretty much everything in our state is closed including schools so I'm home with 3 kids. Gas stations, grocery stores, hospitals, and pharmacies are still open, but with limited hours. I wear lounge clothes, like pull-on athleisure pants, a no-wire bra, t-shirt, leightweight track jacket, socks and slippers. No makeup except maybe moisturizer. If I have to go out to buy groceries in the current climate, I cover up my dark under eye circles and call it good.


Even on a normal day, I have an under 5-minute face. Moisturizer, concealer, brow pencil, mascara. That's it. Eyeshadow and eye liner if I'm going out with my husband for date night.

First of all, Slidergirl I’m so sorry that you have been laid off and quarantined too! If I remember correctly, this was a new employer for you. Hope things return to normal soon.


Twinmamainmn, we just returned from Minni last Friday. So much has changed since then and it hasn’t even been a week. While most places were open before we left, well, I think St Paul schools were closed because of a strike, some businesses were starting to close down. I think the Walker was one of them. MSP was moderately busy but we were the only ones in the pre check line. Flight was pretty open. 


Anyway, that was then. Now our city is sheltering in place, so since we aren’t going anywhere, I figure I’m saving money by not putting on make up unless I have to go out which I really don’t.  I am rewearing clothes so I guess I am saving on electricity, water, soap. 


From the answers so far, it looks like most are forgoing make up but using moisturizers and yes lots of hand cream! I used so many wipes and doses of hand sanitizer on our way home from Minni that my hands were pretty red. 


So let’s hear how everyone is handling this new normal as we learn ways to socialize that don’t require a dress code.




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We will be finishing our quarantine this Saturday. It's actually been a struggle for us to get into some sort of routine. I have to make myself get dressed in something other than pjs and housecoat (I do it, though). Don't usually wear makeup at home anyway, but have been keeping up with a skin care routine. 

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Like a lot of people, we are "self isolating". 

A lot of places are closed - no going out for coffee or lunch.

We have no kids, so I don't have to worry about keeping them occupied because schools and daycare are closed.

I got groceries last week, and will probably go out next week to get a few things, our pantry and freezer are well stocked.

So I wear comfy pants and a sweatshirt at home, and when I walk the dog.  I don't wear much make-up, but I do keep up with my skin routine.

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2 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

First of all, Slidergirl I’m so sorry that you have been laid off and quarantined too! If I remember correctly, this was a new employer for you. Hope things return to normal soon.


Twinmamainmn, we just returned from Minni last Friday. So much has changed since then and it hasn’t even been a week. While most places were open before we left, well, I think St Paul schools were closed because of a strike, some businesses were starting to close down. I think the Walker was one of them. MSP was moderately busy but we were the only ones in the pre check line. Flight was pretty open. 


Anyway, that was then. Now our city is sheltering in place, so since we aren’t going anywhere, I figure I’m saving money by not putting on make up unless I have to go out which I really don’t.  I am rewearing clothes so I guess I am saving on electricity, water, soap. 


From the answers so far, it looks like most are forgoing make up but using moisturizers and yes lots of hand cream! I used so many wipes and doses of hand sanitizer on our way home from Minni that my hands were pretty red. 


So let’s hear how everyone is handling this new normal as we learn ways to socialize that don’t require a dress code.




Thanks for the thoughts, Purduemom1.  Yes, it was a new company.  I do have a chance of getting back when travel and vacations get back to normal, if nothing else another winter season.  Management is promising to take us lay-offs first before interviewing others.  


I may have to out tomorrow - I will swap my pjs for a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and put on a pair of shoes (although if it keeps snowing like it has today, I'll add my down vest and wear my Uggs).   I could class it up with a hat on my bad hair...


All I can do is to do what I can to keep my spirits up.  If I get a little out of sorts on CC, I hope I can get a little slack.   Take care everyone!!!  Remember -  don't act like you don't have it; act like you have it and don't want to give it...

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26 minutes ago, slidergirl said:

don't act like you don't have it; act like you have it and don't want to give it...

If it's alright with you I'm going to share this. Take care.

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We are not under quarantine...and we are doing a sort of self-isolation. Without trying to sound pitiful, my day hasn't changed at all except that I have company at home. I don't work outside that house, and with our only DS off for his first year of college (I have been a homemaker for 19 years), and with our interstate move this past summer...I really have no reason to leave our home except to go grocery shopping, the occasional library (I read a screen more these days though), car maintenance, and fun weekend stuff with DH. These days though...DH is working from home (mandated until further notice or absolutely necessary for current work projects) and DS is even back home (we brought him home from London right after the travel ban was announced but before it went into effect (that that's a whole different story)).


Anyway...I regularly have had issues with putting on "normal clothes", but funny enough...with all this company at home, I am actually wearing something a bit more than my pjs or loungewear that might as well be pjs. I'm not a regular makeup person...so nothing has changed there. I have however, been doing my nails regularly. I have been more diligent with swapping towels and cleaning surfaces than I have ever been in my life...and I get a little thrill when I look down and see my pretty nails doing work. One self manicure only lasted 3 days because I spent some time assembling some patio furniture.


As I keep up with the cleaning...and managing the kitchen stock (we stocked up a bit...and then we stocked up a bit more when we knew DS was coming home unexpectedly), because I did buy a lot of produce because that's the way I eat normally...and figuring out the order to eat everything (least shelf life (raspberries) to longest shelf life (butternut squash)) so that I can stretch the produce so that we have some fresh food for the duration (I've never SEEN a grocery store look as it did the other day when I went out in vain to look for TP (the one thing I didn't stock up on)) so I'm very glad that I stocked up on what I did...except for the toilet paper...I'm thinking to myself that I could be taking some time to do a bit more pampering...and fun.


I still have this purple hair dye that I've been really wanting to use...


I'm also thinking about spending some time to play with my hair and working on figuring out how to put make up on (I'm not really good at it because I don't do it much).


Fun topic slidergirl.

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Well, it is just me here.....and since retirement on Dec 31st my life has been in a funky way from the start. 

Retired...had the surgery for breast cancer...went through the radiation treatments and now the world has

changed even more.  I would say for the month of Feb I was going to treatments every day in either jeans/lounge wear

and coming back home doing home care 3 times a day....staying in those same clothes or putting on shorts and

no make up at all. Now the treatments are done (thankfully).  I would have been in planning mode for the big

retirement trip but of course that was cancelled.


Spring is here where I live and what I am wearing? Jeans/shorts/t-shirts. I have only gone out to the grocery

store. Wore jeans but no make up.    I am going to start cleaning out clothes and reorganizing things around the

house.  I don't think Goodwill is probably open but this will keep me busy for a while. Oh, I have gone out for

drive through LOL.....and on Wednesday (it was my birthday) I went out to lunch...…...jeans.  Other than that,

I have stayed home. The restaurant was VERY empty (good thing) but it was nice getting out of the house for

an hour!


Wishing all of you good health and to be safe in these turbulent times.

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We are quarantined at home, we just came off of a 21 night (fabulous) cruise. DH just got out of hospital & is on 02 & meds at home. Weather has not been conducive to being outside; snow, ice & fog. 

I'm pretty much in leggings, sweatshirt & sheepskin slippers. I always put my eyebrows on, without fail; that & moisturizer. I’m allergic to hand sanitizer (break out into rash, boils) so I’m scrubbing my hands like I’m getting ready to do surgery. I’ve cleaned everything in our house with a mild bleach solution, washed all bedding, etc. enforced spring cleaning!!!  Today is clean out closets. Everyone stay safe.

Slidergirl, great topic!

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The months and weeks leading up to a cruise have always been an extra incentive for me to exercise and groom. My April/May cruises are now not happening, so it's up to me.  I'm trying.  All exercise and dance classes are shut down.  Doing short bursts at home.  I'm hoping that the extra house and yard work I can't avoid now will provide some more exercise.

Maintaining skin care and regular shampoo schedule.  Makeup rarely now.

DH and I are going to trim each other's hair today, rather than go to barber/hairdresser.

Keeping my spirits up with an ongoing post on RC: "Song of Norway LIVE".  Check it out.  A 1980's cruise, complete with puffy dresses and puffy hairdos.

And some good news:  Spring has not been cancelled!

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10 minutes ago, shipgeeks said:

I'm hoping that the extra house and yard work I can't avoid now will provide some more exercise.


Forgive me...a hopefully short OT post.


I used to teach Zumba classes and some other fitness classes. One thing I always like to share with my ladies was a study of a hotel housekeeping staff. Half of the workers received a detailed education in how the duties of their job satisfied their daily requirements for physical activity. The scrubbing. The lifting (think mattresses to make beds). All the movements were detailed and explained. The other half of workers received no such education. Without any other changes, no diet changes, etc., the housekeeping staff that received the education lost weight and were getting better BMI ratios.


The point made was that your mindset regarding any physical activity can affect how effective that physical activity is toward health and fitness goals. So definitely have the expectation that any house and yard work is providing you exercise. Just be aware of your form? Be mindful of overworking muscles that aren't used as often...being sore isn't necessarily the goal. Change up what you are doing...think about how a housekeeper in a hotel will clean each room before moving on to the next. It's not an assembly line of toilets, mirrors, beds, vacuuming, etc. It's more like a circuit? So rather than trying to get the whole of one chore done in full before moving on to the next...figure out a circuit so that you don't have to keep your body in any one position for an uncomfortably long period of time.

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2 minutes ago, shipgeeks said:

Our tuxedo cat is maintaining his elegance and handsomeness, as well as his washing and exercise routines.

I think he is gloating that I cancelled his two-week boarding house visit next month.


LOL! Our son texted me that their cat was practicing “social distancing” because they ran the vacuum!

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On 3/18/2020 at 9:11 PM, slidergirl said:

Since no one is going to talk about cruises and hair and makeup and cruise fashions for awhile, I thought we could have some fun here.


If you are under quarantine/self-isolation, would you still put on all your makeup and put on "going out in public' clothes?



This week hasn't been the best example, since I had to leave the house Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Monday all day was yard work and burning (definitely a workout 😉 ) along with 1/2 of Wednesday so I was in old scruff clothes.  Yesterday I had an in-and-out surgery so nice comfy clothes.


My plan going forward is moisturizer but not much makeup beyond lip gloss (to help with moisture), but maybe start playing with hair and makeup a little more if I have the time after decluttering projects.


I'll still plan to do "public" clothes since I feel more productive when I change after a workout rather than staying in athletic all day.  I do still have 1-2 days of raking and trimming to do so will have scruff clothes again too 😉 

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Oh my gosh I needed this thread....we're on full quarantine.   I'm still able to hike & run in the evenings as I can thankfully do that without coming into contact with people,  I have had to adjust a couple of my routes that went into areas where I could get too close to people.  I ordered some cute joggers on Amazon ( I wanted some from American Giant, but don't want to spend the $$ as DH had to shut down his business due to quarantine)  Still putting on my usual minimal makeup/skin routine though...  BB lotion w/sunscreen, do my brows, lip gloss... it makes me feel a little more "me"   


Been washing hair at night & just letting it air dry.... had a cut scheduled next week that is obviously not happening,  so my hair is getting super long.


& I'm working from home, so doing a little bit of fixing up before I start work helps.


I'm wearing the joggers or leggings daily with tank tops & a sweatshirt as it's been chilly & rainy here.    


unfortunately little packages of clothes I ordered for next weeks not happening cruise keep showing up :(    A week ago I still thought we'd go on our Alaska cruise,  kinda thinking that's not happening.  Hoping  I will get to use them for November cruise....


On Sunday we'll come off of our quarantine from each other... that's been the worst for me, living in the same house 24/7 but having to keep our distance, use separate everything etc.... can't wait to be able to walk down the hallway without announcing ourselves lol 


We'll be living this way for a while it seems, & it's nice to be able to share/rant/vent here.


Slidergirl: I know you had some health issues in the last few years, please take care


Lois:  best wishes for continued recovery


AnitaLatte, your Alaska review was in my mind every step of the way as I planned our Alaska adventure.    I keep telling myself our trips aren't cancelled, just postponed.  







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I am a casual gal - leggings and husband's shirt most of the time. I am a cancer patient so I have been at home now for 8 days; I do draw on my eyebrows 🤣 every day as it helps me look and feel more "normal". We have been trying to get outside every day and walk for exercise, and to drown out the world's noise. He does the grocery shopping right now and I maintain a healthy distance from others due to my immune system. He went out this morning and came home with five dozen daffodils for me, not even kidding. Whadda guy. 💖


Our son is in medical school right now and I told him that he will always remember exactly where he was when all this happened.

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I'm glad people are enjoying this one.  Yep, last year was not my best year, health-wise.  But, I'm back the best I can.  Lois - I say we restart 2020!!!  


I'm officially unemployed as of today.  Can't do anything about it - no guests so managers shut everything down 3 weeks early.  Losing that pay sucks big time (that would have been used for May's mortgage).  But, I'm not as bad off as some in my town - they not only have jobs, but no housing as the ski resorts and some of the big hotels shut down as of last Saturday and they want everyone out of the employee housing by the 25.  


I'm going to keep sporting my pjs and maybe make an effort and pull on some leggings!  My eyebrows are finally coming back in slowly (thanks to some of the illness I had), so I don't have to fake on brows, I just put on some of the "primer" I got from my dermatologist, and if I'm going out, just add a little color to even out the growth.   My curly hair is going to be curly - no fixing it for work.  I was going to get some red stripes in my hair the first week in April - I have to wait to see if my stylist is still permitted to do work (some localities have stopped cosmetology/barbering).  

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18 minutes ago, shipgeeks said:

I just learned on one of the humor posts that 8pm has been declared the official time for changing from day pajamas to night pajamas.

:classic_biggrin::classic_smile:…...it does give me a chuckle LOL

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