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The Daily for Friday 12/24/2021


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1 minute ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, and Happy Christmas Eve to all!  Though we are thinking of, and praying for, all those who need our prayers.  Graham, they did a wonderful zig-zag on your face!  I had the same on my nose and cheek, it's amazing that there is no scar.  I guess that is why we go for the MOHS!  Did they get it all in one fell swoop or did they have to take a few more pieces?  I think they did about 6 with mine, and then the reconstruction...


@mamaofami, please don't get sick!  Pleased for your DGS's, now just take care of yourself.


We have been to Athens and Piraeus a few times.  I'm enjoying all the pictures.  I am trying to get a few things done today (mainly the vegan stuff, ugh) so I don't have to think about it tomorrow.  Other than that, not much going on.  We will just be 5 tomorrow, so well under the max allowed, which is 10 (just including one other family).  DD found us a little turkey, but I decided to save the ham for New Year's.  I have a tofurkey for DS and his partner (I do believe they are made of cardboard!)  Dr. Bonnie is talking now, if she said everything is off, I will just pack it all up and drop it off at DS's doorway!

Thank you Ann.

I had local anaesthetic so was awake and the consultant said they cut a big piece plus some surrounding good skin.

I'm pleased to hear you have no scar after your procedure.


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Good Afternoon All, thanks for the daily report.  @kplady your weather came east.  During the morning it flurried and our yard looks like your picture.  I’m sure it will be gone soon.  The snow made for a lazy day today.  Mona waking me up several times during the night for attention didn’t help.  I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion and am planning on making spaghetti and opening a bottle of wine.  I’m definitely stocked upon chocolate and have had a Reese’s cup and a chocolate peanut butter whoopie pie.

I hope that everyone has a nice Christmas Eve and if you’re traveling I wish you a safe journey.


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I'm taking a break from cooking -- the potatoes are almost done (a recipe I've never made before, but oh my do they smell and look good!!) cheesy, garlicy, and Rosemary.  Soon the turkey can go in the oven.


A slight change of plan, my niece just texted to say they all have colds and won't be joining us tomorrow.  She doesn't want to take any chances that it's more than a cold (not likely but I'm glad she's looking out for all of us).  So now there will just be DD, DSIL and the grandsons.  That means taking down the children's table and squeezing the boys in with us at the grownup's table, also I had rearranged my Christmas Village so the tiny figures wouldn't be in harms' way from the 3-year-old, and now everything is back in place.  There will be lots more leftovers too, but we'll miss Amy and her family.


I'm enjoying the photos of Athens that have been added since posting mine, and reliving some places we went to in years past like the Corinth Canal and the Ancient Agora.  


@Sea Viewerfantastic news about your biopsies!


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1 hour ago, Sea Viewer said:

Happy Christmas Eve everyone. Hope everyone has a peaceful and healthy holiday. It seems so many plans have changed in the last week. We are expecting my husband's son to arrive in a couple of hours for a short visit and are dog sitting his cousin's dog until the New Year. Not really planning on going out much over the next few days, hopefully I really am as well stocked with supplies as I think I am!

I'm planning on "Whatsapping" my siblings in England tomorrow, hopefully it will work as they are all self isolating at their own homes, and not together at one place as usual. it might be chaotic! 


I did get some good news yesterday that all my skin biopsies from three weeks ago were benign so that was a great relief.


Hopefully Omnicron will be short lived and we will be able to get back to a more normal routine in 2022.

The report is an excellent Christmas gift.  Hope the "get together" with your siblings in England tomorrow goes smoothly.



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It sounds like a busy Christmas Eve!  I haven't been posting as my laptop was in for service, and I learned it is on its last leg!!  I have been joining all others in prayers for those on the care list and rejoicing with those on the celebrations list.   Wish we would hear something from @Himselfto find out how he is doing.  It is sad to see that some plans are being changed, but I know we all appreciate when others are being considerate!


@durangoscotswe are only getting rain (and have for the last 24 hours)!  Hope the "big dump" is in the ski areas!  They need it.  Here in the Grand Valley we just rejoice with moisture!


Yesterday was so bittersweet for me.  I stopped by to see my youngest stepson for a few minutes.  He had set my his Father's (my dear DH)  H0 model railroad layout and was running it.  My DH enjoyed that bunch of HO equipment[ so much and had so many plans for it.  When he first got so ill we gave it to youngest!  A Happy/Sad moment for me, especially around the holidays.


The pictures this week have been so amazing and thanks to all for posting.  So many places that are begging for a visit!


My car is in at the dealer, and they can't get it to "replicate" the issues I reported.  Glad I got a loaner so that I am not without a car this weekend.  Somehow, it seems that the electronic world is against me--car, laptop!


Have a great rest of this Christmas Eve to all.  (And to all a "Good Night!")

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Thank you for the Christmas Eve Daily, Rich and posting while you are on your cruise. 🙂 


@richwmnloved your pic of the Daily-items yesterday and @Sharon in AZthank you so much for sharing more pics of some of the Daily-ites having a good time 👍 


Having a heck of a time posting today.  Took nearly an hour to successfully do the Future Cruise Listing and have been struggling to get here.  Sheesh!


A small vent - It is very cold here - high winds and with the wind chill it is -25.  On my drive to the hospital, I saw several people walking their dogs.  WTH?  No coat, no boots and even with them, this temperature is too cold to walk dogs.  Of course the humans are all bundled up in down coats, hoods, scarves, etc.  GRRR. Do people not think?  Listen to the weather?  Or do they need my chart?




I wanted to deliver some Christmas gifts to some of my angels but it was too cold to leave them on door steps so I will try to play Santa tomorrow and drop them on their doorsteps and call them to let them know I saw a man in a red suit leave something at their front door.  The fireplace might not be allowed this year 😉 




Looks like I will be forced to get peoplely.  I ordered 5 different kinds of gift chocolates (2 of some) for the hospital staff on Jose’s floor thinking I would try to lift their spirits and drop some off every few days.  But when I picked up my curb side order, I only got 3 boxes of chocolates instead of the 10 I ordered.  Grrr.  that’s not going to work at all 😡  It will do for tomorrow but not for the rest of the week.




Today was a sad visit day.  Jose has been told enough times it is Christmas Eve that he knew and he wanted to come home.  I had to keep telling him he had to stay and get well so he could come home.  He was so sad 😞 it broke my heart 💔 I asked it I should be coming if he is going to want to come home.  The nurses said he looks forward to me coming and talks about me often.  I met a new patient care person (who was very good) and she said “you must be Jacqui”.  So, I will be there for Christmas as I am every day and hope he doesn’t start the “wanting to come home”.  Hopefully he’ll be happy that Santa came 🤞 




There have been 2 exposures at the hospital now in the Emergency room.  While I am not there for any length of time, I do have to walk by to get to the elevator to Jose’s floor.  So, despite offers from some of my angels for dinner tomorrow, I feel it best I stay put to keep them safe in case and to also make sure I can keep the hospital staff & Jose safe.




New Brunswick is going to level 2 Monday at midnight and that is going to curtail a lot of the visitations at the hospital (very few visitations are permitted now, actually).  Fortunately (or should I say unfortunately 😉) that will not impact me as I am a Designated Support Person (DSP) and the nurses need me.  So no matter how bad restrictions get, I should be allowed in.


I have all kinds of training now.  Along with helping give Jose his meds (the nurse is there but I can coax him), I know how to adjust his bed, move him if he is uncomfortable, fix his IV (as long as it is just fluids) along with a number of other things.




I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and a joyous Holiday Season.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a wonderful Friday everyone from Jose & I with many thanks for your kind thought and prayers ♥️ 




Stay safe & please don’t forget you 😷 


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2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and Happy Christmas Eve to all!    It’s our dear granddaughters birthday!  

Continued prayers for Jacqui and Jose!   Thanks to all who take the time to multiquote. 

@mamaofamiI am sorry you are dealing with this,  I am praying you stay negative you have done every thing right.  

@grapau27cannot say I liked your photo, may be it’s just me, but perhaps a tad TMI especially first thing in the morning.  Heal well. 

We had the pleasure of an overnight in Athens last trip so we left town and visited Meteora and  Delphi. I will attempt some photos. 













We visited Meteora once from the port of Volos. It's an amazing place if you ever get the chance, do it! We were on one of the small Princess ships as I recall.

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I have a few more pictures from our stops in Athens and Piraeus.  The first one is a church in Piraeus between the cruise terminal and the train station.



In 2016 while on the Prinsendam, we took a tour to the Corinth Canal which included a boat ride through the canal.  The first picture is taken from the bridge over the canal.   On the tv show the Amazing Race, the contestants had to bungee jump from the bridge.  In the second picture, the small ship was stuck for a while and our boat circled the bay for a while until the ship was moving again.







On our first visit to Athens in 2002, when we were much younger, and fitter, we climbed to the top of the Acropolis.  I know there are similar pictures, but no visit to Athens should leave out pictures of the Acropolis.





The ancient theater that has been modernized.



The ruins of another ancient theater





Those seats do not look very comfortable.  I hope the performances didn't drag on too long.  😀



















We also did the Corinth Canal trip through the canal once out of Athens. Another fascinating excursion if you've done all of the Athens stuff.

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@kazu sending prayers and hugs!  I love the cartoons, especially Mary and silent night!  Good you have such a Great sense of humour,  I first read too quickly that you  bought 101 boxes of


@Sea Viewer great news! 

Thanks all for the good wishes for my DGD!  

Have a blessed Christmas Eve everyone!   Stay safe! 

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Oh my….

We have had a flu bug sweeping through our family, so I’m very out of the loop here.  BUT…

out of bed and wassail in the slow cooker.  There Will be a Christmas.

Thinking of all of you on this day of days and wishing everyone a joyful Christmas.


Nobody said it better than William Shakespeare, so here are his words,  from my refrigerator door to our Daily family.







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Graham, they did a nice job on your face. My poor nose and cheek have had Mohs three times and no scars. Good luck with it.

The office manager of the cardio office has called three times today to see how I am. They told me to go call immediately if I have any symptoms.

Jacqui, prayers coming your way, today as always.


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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thank you for the Christmas Eve Daily, Rich and posting while you are on your cruise. 🙂 


@richwmnloved your pic of the Daily-items yesterday and @Sharon in AZthank you so much for sharing more pics of some of the Daily-ites having a good time 👍 


Having a heck of a time posting today.  Took nearly an hour to successfully do the Future Cruise Listing and have been struggling to get here.  Sheesh!


A small vent - It is very cold here - high winds and with the wind chill it is -25.  On my drive to the hospital, I saw several people walking their dogs.  WTH?  No coat, no boots and even with them, this temperature is too cold to walk dogs.  Of course the humans are all bundled up in down coats, hoods, scarves, etc.  GRRR. Do people not think?  Listen to the weather?  Or do they need my chart?




I wanted to deliver some Christmas gifts to some of my angels but it was too cold to leave them on door steps so I will try to play Santa tomorrow and drop them on their doorsteps and call them to let them know I saw a man in a red suit leave something at their front door.  The fireplace might not be allowed this year 😉 




Looks like I will be forced to get peoplely.  I ordered 5 different kinds of gift chocolates (2 of some) for the hospital staff on Jose’s floor thinking I would try to lift their spirits and drop some off every few days.  But when I picked up my curb side order, I only got 3 boxes of chocolates instead of the 10 I ordered.  Grrr.  that’s not going to work at all 😡  It will do for tomorrow but not for the rest of the week.




Today was a sad visit day.  Jose has been told enough times it is Christmas Eve that he knew and he wanted to come home.  I had to keep telling him he had to stay and get well so he could come home.  He was so sad 😞 it broke my heart 💔 I asked it I should be coming if he is going to want to come home.  The nurses said he looks forward to me coming and talks about me often.  I met a new patient care person (who was very good) and she said “you must be Jacqui”.  So, I will be there for Christmas as I am every day and hope he doesn’t start the “wanting to come home”.  Hopefully he’ll be happy that Santa came 🤞 




There have been 2 exposures at the hospital now in the Emergency room.  While I am not there for any length of time, I do have to walk by to get to the elevator to Jose’s floor.  So, despite offers from some of my angels for dinner tomorrow, I feel it best I stay put to keep them safe in case and to also make sure I can keep the hospital staff & Jose safe.




New Brunswick is going to level 2 Monday at midnight and that is going to curtail a lot of the visitations at the hospital (very few visitations are permitted now, actually).  Fortunately (or should I say unfortunately 😉) that will not impact me as I am a Designated Support Person (DSP) and the nurses need me.  So no matter how bad restrictions get, I should be allowed in.


I have all kinds of training now.  Along with helping give Jose his meds (the nurse is there but I can coax him), I know how to adjust his bed, move him if he is uncomfortable, fix his IV (as long as it is just fluids) along with a number of other things.




I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and a joyous Holiday Season.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a wonderful Friday everyone from Jose & I with many thanks for your kind thought and prayers ♥️ 




Stay safe & please don’t forget you 😷 



Thank you for the update and for the laughs.  Take care of yourself while you're taking care of Jose.


53 minutes ago, erewhon said:

Merry Christmas everyone. 

Here we have sunshine and wind on this Christmas Day  of 2021.

Will read all the posts later.


Merry Christmas.


38 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Oh my….

We have had a flu bug sweeping through our family, so I’m very out of the loop here.  BUT…

out of bed and wassail in the slow cooker.  There Will be a Christmas.

Thinking of all of you on this day of days and wishing everyone a joyful Christmas.


Nobody said it better than William Shakespeare, so here are his words,  from my refrigerator door to our Daily family.







 Sorry about the flu bug hitting your family.



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50 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@kazu sending prayers and hugs!  I love the cartoons, especially Mary and silent night!  Good you have such a Great sense of humour,  I first read too quickly that you  bought 101 boxes of


@Sea Viewer great news! 

Thanks all for the good wishes for my DGD!  

Have a blessed Christmas Eve everyone!   Stay safe! 

Happy birthday to your granddaughter.


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38 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Graham, they did a nice job on your face. My poor nose and cheek have had Mohs three times and no scars. Good luck with it.

The office manager of the cardio office has called three times today to see how I am. They told me to go call immediately if I have any symptoms.

Jacqui, prayers coming your way, today as always.


Thank you Carol.

Prayers 🙏 that you are okay.

Take care.


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Merry Christmas to all!

       I wish you all a safe and healthy holiday time.  Healing for all who are in need.

I am pretty much ready for the holiday meal, I have all the food prepped for tomorrow (except the "Tired Pigs", these are biscuit wrapped sausages, years ago one of the Grands said he didn't want "Tired Pigs" when I asked if he wanted "Pigs in a Blanket" for dinner)  So now "Tired Pigs" are a tradition at our Christmas Lunch!

       We will go to Christmas mass this evening and then have a light dinner.  Tomorrow 3 of the 4 kids and the Grands will join us for Christmas Lunch about noon.  Keeping it simple with finger foods.  Then we will face time with DS and DIL and their 3 grands, we were able to take their Christmas goodies to them a couple of weeks ago, miss having them here but hard to travel with "littles"

       Prayers to all who are in need, safe travels to those traveling!


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@kazu,As hard as it is,I am glad that Jose has your presence ,love and attention at this time. I am sorry that the weather  makes the driving so difficult.

DH was very ill for a long time and often confused. Somehow,he knew I was there in spite of it.

I send prayers and love to both of you.

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Good afternoon friends!   I'm sorry but it's taken me what must be hours to read each and every post and view all the wonderful photos today.  We got up so early and are pretty tired but we still want to help prepare barbecue for dinner tonight.  I did not make a list but know that I am praying for all those in need here, and am excited at all the good news.  Sorry about all who have had changes in plans for their holidays due to illness or possible Covid exposure.  It was so nice to hear from Jacqui.  Praying that things improve and Jose can come home before long.  You're an angel for all the time and effort you make to see that he does come home soon.  Please drive carefully and try to take care of yourself so you have the strength to do what you do each day.😇


It's great to see the Daily group on their wonderful cruise this Christmas.  We are all living vicariously through you.🥳


Thinking of Father and Graham as they heal from their sickness and surgery.  Also Roy as he continues his radiation.  🙏


Warm Christmas Eve wishes from cloudy and damp Ohio!  "See" you tomorrow, at some point.🎄

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4 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good afternoon friends!   I'm sorry but it's taken me what must be hours to read each and every post and view all the wonderful photos today.  We got up so early and are pretty tired but we still want to help prepare barbecue for dinner tonight.  I did not make a list but know that I am praying for all those in need here, and am excited at all the good news.  Sorry about all who have had changes in plans for their holidays due to illness or possible Covid exposure.  It was so nice to hear from Jacqui.  Praying that things improve and Jose can come home before long.  You're an angel for all the time and effort you make to see that he does come home soon.  Please drive carefully and try to take care of yourself so you have the strength to do what you do each day.😇


It's great to see the Daily group on their wonderful cruise this Christmas.  We are all living vicariously through you.🥳


Thinking of Father and Graham as they heal from their sickness and surgery.  Also Roy as he continues his radiation.  🙏


Warm Christmas Eve wishes from cloudy and damp Ohio!  "See" you tomorrow, at some point.🎄

Thank you Sandi.

I hope you,your husband and all your family have a Happy Christmas.



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