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The Daily for Wednesday 01/19/2022


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Good morning, All.  

That's great news, @smitty34877Terry, that Tana is leaving ICU.  

@mamaofamiCarol, praying that just the right person walks in your door.  Sounds like things are looking brighter.

@JAM37Julia, that's a long time without power!  Whatever extra challenge was thrown at you, praying that it resolves itself quickly.


I really like popcorn -- savory, not sweet.   A nice Happy Hour would be some popcorn with that Bloody Maria.  

We've been to Grand Cayman a few times.  The best day we had was a sunny one.  We took a cab to the far end of Seven Mile Beach and had a leisurely walk back toward the ship -- swimming and beachcoming along the way.   It was fun seeing the homes along the water, and the sea was perfect -- warm and calm  Lovely day, and easy.  ☀️  🌊   🕶️


Thanks all for the photos, recipes, memes, information and stories.  Wishing all a safe and pleasant day.  😊


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Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday. 

Craig loves popcorn and has been eating it nightly since starting his post cruise diet back in September. I buy it in a bag and taught him how to make your own microwave popcorn.  ( @richwmn & @Seasick Sailor, I should have known this trivia answer!). It’s so much cheaper to make your own and not use butter. Put 1/4 cup popcorn in a brown paper lunch bag, fold up the top, then microwave on the popcorn setting. 

We all need to do things to help keep our memories. I keep a lot of food purchased in tin cans in my pantry.  Gandhi’s quote is deep. I’ll pass on the drink and wine. 

Today’s meal looks so yummy. Thanks Debbie @dfishfor the recipes. 

We have been to Grand Cayman at least twice. Most recent was January 2015 on the Nieuw Amsterdam. We just walked around and then had lunch on an outside patio with views of the ships. It was a nice relaxing day. 









Have a great day everyone!


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3 hours ago, Heartgrove said:


Bright and sunny day here..... again. I have not been to Georgetown and will pass on the drinks and the meal of the day. I had blood work yesterday and my A1c and glucose levels were down (YAY!!!) but I still have to watch those carbs. Drat it!!! I love pasta and I also like popcorn. My dogs always want to join me in the latter.... as soon as the popper comes out they are all attention.


I am glad that Tana is transitioning out of ICU. My strongest positive thoughts go out to her and to Jacqui and family. Here our Covid numbers are up as are the numbers hospitalized. I was not happy about going to the lab yesterday, but it needed to be done. Several people at the Humane Society are out with Covid just now and I am trying to avoid all contacts. My Sister says she really wants to get out to walk, but between  Covid and the ice she is staying in. She says her retirement community does fairly well clearing, but there are always sneaky patches.  We both are well stocked with food even it is not necessarily our favorite items. No time to be fussy.


Take care all. Mask, distance, think positive.





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Good morning all!

Our hot air popper is well-used.  We love popcorn, one of our favorite snacks -- just a little bit of butter and salt, not too much.  The pantry is always stocked with tin cans, a lot of it is soups used in recipes.  My memory is so-so.  I'll never forget your face, but I'm terrible about remembering names.  I trick I've heard of is to repeat the person's name as he/she is introduced to you.  I think it does help in the short-term but after that all bets are off.  😉 Another good quote, will pass on the meal and wine.  The drink sounds good but I would have to cut back on the spice.   


We've been to Grand Cayman only once, back in 2017.  We toured the island, went to some gardens and had lunch at the Hard Rock.












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Good afternoon!


I tried to get on earlier, but food shopping took me away from the computer. Hoping everyone is safe from the weather - we're supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow (and I'm going in to the office and having a retirement luncheon to boot!)  So praying that the snow plows keep the roads cleared.


We've been to Grand Cayman twice - once in 2016 on Coral Princess and again in 2017 on the Oosterdam.


On the first visit we went on an island tour which included Hell and Rum Point beach.  We hadn't thought to wear/bring bathing suits so we just enjoyed the view.







On our second visit, we were supposed to go to a beach for a relaxing morning...however, the surf was very bad and that tour was cancelled.  For our alternate, we chose to drink the morning away - we went to the Cayman Brewery, Tortuga Rum Cakes, and Cayman Spirits...all before lunch!!!





Prayers for all in need, cheers to all celebrating!



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Going to try to test my "good" memory today.   Gandhi quote - live and learn.   Popcorn, tin cans, Basil pesto pasta, Zinfandel and Bloody Maria.   All but the Basil pesto pasta are winners.  I have lots of cans and lots of popcorn (currently residing in the freezer) due to a pre-cruise diet, seems to have been a run on Tequila drinks lately but it looks tasty.    We were in Grand Cayman 2/22/19 on the Rotterdam.   It was at the end of our cruise so we went ashore and walked around a bit and bought aged rums at the Duty Free shop right by the tender dock.  This was on recommendation of the host of our Roll Call meet & greet host - he said hold off buying until GC.   I think I got a lot of Flor de Cana - a favorite.   I remember the Celebrity Edge was in port too, it dwarfed the Rotterdam.    


Prayers for everyone on the care list especially Tana as she is recovering some.  I pray she walks out of the hospital soon!     🙏🙏   


I have been working to rehome the cat and threw a wide net on the lost pet sites through friends.   I found out it does not belong at the farm nearby.    My friend who is a Kerry Blue Terrier breeder just lost her cat and asked me if it is a boy or girl.  (Colors would match)  Now I can't find the cat but it is bitter out so it is probably holed up some place.   That would be wonderful if I could make that match.    

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2 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

I have been working to rehome the cat and threw a wide net on the lost pet sites through friends.   I found out it does not belong at the farm nearby.    My friend who is a Kerry Blue Terrier breeder just lost her cat and asked me if it is a boy or girl.  (Colors would match)  Now I can't find the cat but it is bitter out so it is probably holed up some place.   That would be wonderful if I could make that match.    

Bless you for trying to help that kitty.  He/she may have been abandoned.  It breaks my heart that it's out in the cold like that.  

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Good Morning from a sunny and getting warmer day at the beach

         Love popcorn, one of my favorite snacks. Have been to Grand Cayman a few times but it has been awhile.  My neighbor owns a place there and he said the locals are looking to ban/limit cruise ships. 

        Great quote. I have a good memory if you give me a minute!

        @JAM37 I hope everything is OK and can be dealt with quickly.

        @StLouisCruisers We used to take Flat Stanley with us everywhere. There was always one of my kids or the nieces and nephews that had it.  It was always fun and met so many people that way!. Many doing the same thing!


Be safe and enjoy today


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Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich!


I adore popcorn my periodontist has declared it as forbidden fruit 😔 I mostly use tin cans for Christmas treats I am giving away but I have tons filled with tuna, salmon, etc in my covid “bunker”.  I’m trying to take time to recall good memories these days.


Love that quote by Ghandi ♥️. @summer slopeI really like the sounds of the Bloody Maria if the tomato juice was substituted with Clamato juice 😉 


Late today - working on the dam driveway, talking to doctors, hospital, etc.   I worked on and off all day yesterday & by the end of the day it had a dent in it







I needed to get rid of the ice at the bottom though so I headed out this morning and used the last of my ice melt to make a small way out for Marley and me.  I suspect there is no ice melt to be found anywhere so I put a bit of gravel and had my plow put sand down on the parts I couldn’t get done.  It will just have to do for now.




There is already talk of another ‘Nor Easter this weekend.  Seriously?  Give me a break 😡  I think this is the worst January in a very long time.




 I got a nice surprise yesterday.  A delivery from my BFF whom I haven’t been able to see because lockdown and an abundance of caution for her husband.  I couldn’t capture the flowers well, sadly but they are gorgeous.  She knows I love flowers ♥️ 




Jose’s doctor called today.  He had a fall yesterday and she had told me she was sending him for an X-Ray to be on the safe side.  Sadly he has a fractured clavicle.  So I’ve arranged for a special sling (on her recommendation) which is much nicer than what the hospital provides.  The same company did my elbow brace & walking boot so I know it will be good quality 👍 




5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We are waiting  to hear how our Tana fared last night as she was finally moved to a step down unit. Hopefully she will start PT today as well.


That is really encouraging news.  Prayers continue for Tana 🙏🏻 


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:


Yesterday was day 1 with the new female aide and it went well. At night, I kept thinking someone was here. The male aide doesn’t come till Friday somIm reserving judgement till then. 


So happy things went well for you, Carol 👍 I hope the new aide works out just as well.  It’s high time something went smooth for you!


4 hours ago, JAM37 said:

During that time we got some news we are dealing with and working through. Things should be sorted out today.



Hope the news isn’t too terrible 🙏🏻 


3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Tonight we have a "pop-up happy hour" in our cul de sac. 


Love that expression!  Sounds like fun 👍 


2 hours ago, Suslor said:

@kazu, Jacqui I just put it together - Miko crossed the rainbow bridge because he wanted to be with Betty White to celebrate her 100th birthday 🥳. Bet they had a great time. ❤️  Susan


I never even connected the two.  What a nice thought, Susan ♥️ Miko was a delight - I’m sure Betty would have a blast with him.


15 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

I have been working to rehome the cat and threw a wide net on the lost pet sites through friends.   I found out it does not belong at the farm nearby.    My friend who is a Kerry Blue Terrier breeder just lost her cat and asked me if it is a boy or girl.  (Colors would match)  Now I can't find the cat but it is bitter out so it is probably holed up some place.   That would be wonderful if I could make that match.    


How wonderful of you to try to get the cat a furever home ♥️ Hate to think of any animal out in the brutal cold 😢 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Wednesday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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41 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Going to try to test my "good" memory today.   Gandhi quote - live and learn.   Popcorn, tin cans, Basil pesto pasta, Zinfandel and Bloody Maria.   All but the Basil pesto pasta are winners.  I have lots of cans and lots of popcorn (currently residing in the freezer) due to a pre-cruise diet, seems to have been a run on Tequila drinks lately but it looks tasty.    We were in Grand Cayman 2/22/19 on the Rotterdam.   It was at the end of our cruise so we went ashore and walked around a bit and bought aged rums at the Duty Free shop right by the tender dock.  This was on recommendation of the host of our Roll Call meet & greet host - he said hold off buying until GC.   I think I got a lot of Flor de Cana - a favorite.   I remember the Celebrity Edge was in port too, it dwarfed the Rotterdam.    


Prayers for everyone on the care list especially Tana as she is recovering some.  I pray she walks out of the hospital soon!     🙏🙏   


I have been working to rehome the cat and threw a wide net on the lost pet sites through friends.   I found out it does not belong at the farm nearby.    My friend who is a Kerry Blue Terrier breeder just lost her cat and asked me if it is a boy or girl.  (Colors would match)  Now I can't find the cat but it is bitter out so it is probably holed up some place.   That would be wonderful if I could make that match.    


We were on the Rotterdam with you on 2-22-2019 in Georgetown.  I remember everyone checking out that strange Celebrity Edge ship too.  Here is a photo of it I took from the tender.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK47ipIvsEISQPuguAfZs6W?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551118440

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1 minute ago, StLouisCruisers said:


We were on the Rotterdam with you on 2-22-2019 in Georgetown.  I remember everyone checking out that strange Celebrity Edge ship too.  Here is a photo of it I took from the tender.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK47ipIvsEISQPuguAfZs6W?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551118440

What a lovely ship the Rotterdam was.   It is a ship that could stand the ocean, we remarked the Edge did not look too seaworthy.    Thanks for sharing that!    


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Jacqui, @kazuI hate to hear of Jose's fall in the hospital.  And to break his clavicle!  Very sorry for more stress for you and him having that painful injury.  Prayers for you both!🙏🙏


And on the other hand, you did a great job with all that ice/snow in the driveway.  It looks a lot safer.  The sunny spots will be melting a little even in the cold temps.  A lot of people won't buy a house unless the driveway is on the south side, which is really a good idea.  But somebody has to live on the other side of the street!😎

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for all the information.  Seems like there is a little good news this morning, about Tana,  Carol's DH's care aide, and Seasick Sailor's pop-up happy hour.  Our good news here was on the evening news last night, and I couldn't believe it, so had to check this morning on the BC SPCA site, and it's true!  The Betty White challenge brought in C$405,000 and they are thrilled they will be able to do a lot more rescues and spay and neuters, along with necessary surgeries for the rescued animals.  Also good news is that Paxlovid has been approved in Canada, and  free test kits are being handed out (by appointment only) at the Ogden Point cruise port.  Good use being made of that huge parking area.


Jacqui, sorry about Jose's fall and fracture, I guess that means they are getting him up?  Or maybe he decided to get up on his own.,..  we are praying for an improvement in his situation, and that you can get in to see him, asap.


StLouisCruisers, interesting picture of the big ugly.  When she is in port we don't see that side of her.  






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6 hours ago, richwmn said:


Wine of the Day - Oak Ridge 2019 Ancient Vine Estate Grown Zinfandel



I am going to comment on this one.


I have confessed here on The Daily that I am a California wine bigot.  Zinfandel takes up a lot of space in my wine inventory.  I love it.  However, I am prejudiced to Sonoma County Zins--particularly, those from Alexander Valley, Dry Creek Valley and Sonoma Valley.  I do not care for Zins from, even, Napa Valley.  Lodi?  No way.


However, the Oak Ridge Ancient Vines Zinfandel from Lodi is a notable exception to my "Zinfandel must come from Sonoma County" snobbery.  Year after year, it is an excellent wine.  For $15 it punches way over it's weight.


Humorous story.  The other day I mentioned that we like to visit the Hollywood Bowl and picnic prior to the concert.  On one occasion we had a bottle of the Oak Ridge Zin on our table.  A fellow walked by, checked out our table and asked.  "Oak Ridge?  Is it radioactive.?"


It took me a second to get his reference--Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  I did come up with a clever response, but the little grey cells are failing me now.


Georgetown is another port that we have actually visited.  Our very first cruise was our honeymoon in 1976, and we took a Western Caribbean interary.  That, of course, would be in the pre-digital photography era.  So, I won't be embarrassed by pictures showing how ruggedly handsome I used to be.  We spent the day at the Seven Mile Beach.

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48 minutes ago, kazu said:

Jose’s doctor called today.  He had a fall yesterday and she had told me she was sending him for an X-Ray to be on the safe side.  Sadly he has a fractured clavicle

Jacqui: So sorry to hear this. I know that your inability to be with him is painful. 

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28 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

What a lovely ship the Rotterdam was.   It is a ship that could stand the ocean, we remarked the Edge did not look too seaworthy. 

Not a graceful line anywhere on her. Looks like a barge with a bunch of stuff piled way too high on her.

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I have been enjoying everyone's pictures of Grand Cayman.  We have to get back there some time.


With not much going on, I think we'll make a grocery run to Parker while everyone else is in Quartzsite.


46 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich!


I adore popcorn my periodontist has declared it as forbidden fruit 😔 I mostly use tin cans for Christmas treats I am giving away but I have tons filled with tuna, salmon, etc in my covid “bunker”.  I’m trying to take time to recall good memories these days.


Love that quote by Ghandi ♥️. @summer slopeI really like the sounds of the Bloody Maria if the tomato juice was substituted with Clamato juice 😉 


Late today - working on the dam driveway, talking to doctors, hospital, etc.   I worked on and off all day yesterday & by the end of the day it had a dent in it








I needed to get rid of the ice at the bottom though so I headed out this morning and used the last of my ice melt to make a small way out for Marley and me.  I suspect there is no ice melt to be found anywhere so I put a bit of gravel and had my plow put sand down on the parts I couldn’t get done.  It will just have to do for now.




There is already talk of another ‘Nor Easter this weekend.  Seriously?  Give me a break 😡  I think this is the worst January in a very long time.




 I got a nice surprise yesterday.  A delivery from my BFF whom I haven’t been able to see because lockdown and an abundance of caution for her husband.  I couldn’t capture the flowers well, sadly but they are gorgeous.  She knows I love flowers ♥️ 




Jose’s doctor called today.  He had a fall yesterday and she had told me she was sending him for an X-Ray to be on the safe side.  Sadly he has a fractured clavicle.  So I’ve arranged for a special sling (on her recommendation) which is much nicer than what the hospital provides.  The same company did my elbow brace & walking boot so I know it will be good quality 👍 






Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


Jacqui, I so sorry about Jose's fall and fractured clavicle.  There is not much they can do for that except the sling and time.  You made good progress on the driveway and sidewalk, but still please be careful.  Seeing those pictures reminds me why we moved back to Texas (which was so great last year) and Arizona.  What a sweet gesture from your BFF.  The flowers are beautiful.


27 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


We were on the Rotterdam with you on 2-22-2019 in Georgetown.  I remember everyone checking out that strange Celebrity Edge ship too.  Here is a photo of it I took from the tender.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK47ipIvsEISQPuguAfZs6W?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551118440


Sandi, that is one ugly floating box and looks top heavy.


7 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for all the information.  Seems like there is a little good news this morning, about Tana,  Carol's DH's care aide, and Seasick Sailor's pop-up happy hour.  Our good news here was on the evening news last night, and I couldn't believe it, so had to check this morning on the BC SPCA site, and it's true!  The Betty White challenge brought in C$405,000 and they are thrilled they will be able to do a lot more rescues and spay and neuters, along with necessary surgeries for the rescued animals.  Also good news is that Paxlovid has been approved in Canada, and  free test kits are being handed out (by appointment only) at the Ogden Point cruise port.  Good use being made of that huge parking area.


Jacqui, sorry about Jose's fall and fracture, I guess that means they are getting him up?  Or maybe he decided to get up on his own.,..  we are praying for an improvement in his situation, and that you can get in to see him, asap.


StLouisCruisers, interesting picture of the big ugly.  When she is in port we don't see that side of her.  







Ann, glad the Betty White Challenge raised so much money that can help all the animals.



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Good morning and thanks all!  We’ve enjoyed snorkelling in Grand Cayman with the stingrays,  a strange experience!   Thanks for the photos!  
@smitty34877 glad to hear there is some improvement for Tana

@kazu I am so sorry, poor Jose.   Hope he heals quickly.   The flowers are absolutely gorgeous! And good work on that ice!  I don’t mind the snow but not the ice! 

6 hours ago, richwmn said:

I received an email from Delta yesterday:

We want to ensure you have peace of mind when booking and rebooking your trips with Delta this year. That’s why we’re giving you even more flexibility as you plan your next trip. Your eCredits will be extended through December 31, 2023, for travel throughout 2024.

So nice when a company does the right thing!  We had a good experience yesterday with Alaska extending some credits.   It does give a lot of goodwill. 

5 hours ago, jimgev said:

Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

Popcorn is great, especially when it is fesh and hot. I like to kick things up a bit on my popcorn. My favorite is to add better, garlic powder, a dash of cayenne pepper and parmisan cheese. YUM!

The pasta meal suggestion looks very nice - I will have to try that one.

Stay safe everyone.



I have to have my popcorn with truffle salt, even our DGD has to as well.  I bought a silicone popper that works really well in the microwave, so no fat until I did the butter, 🤷‍♀️

3 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

We have been to Georgetown, Grand Cayman three times but only got off the ship once. Our first visit took us to the stingray sandbar which was fun. The second time we decided to stay onboard and enjoy the calm of the relatively empty ship. The third time we were just planning to wander around town, but the weather was so iffy that we changed our minds. Tendering into that port can be a bit dicey depending on the weather!


Stingrays -



Multiple ships in port, which seems to be the norm -



Veendam on a stormy day in Georgetown -


Brought back memories! 

now to decide about cancelling our May holy land cruise,   Final payment is due next week and I don’t  need more credits, arghh!  I’m hoping they’ll let me move to 2023. 

Edited by bennybear
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43 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jacqui, @kazuI hate to hear of Jose's fall in the hospital.  And to break his clavicle!  Very sorry for more stress for you and him having that painful injury.  Prayers for you both!🙏🙏


Thanks kindly and to everyone else ♥️   The doctor says he is not in severe pain.  He is getting meds but nothing too drastic.  The sling will help a lot.  When it comes to talking  medicine, he is right on the ball.  He’s not confused when it comes to medicine.  Amazing.  Doctor has suggested when I talk to him I work on long term memory and reminisce with him.


43 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

And on the other hand, you did a great job with all that ice/snow in the driveway.  It looks a lot safer.  The sunny spots will be melting a little even in the cold temps.  A lot of people won't buy a house unless the driveway is on the south side, which is really a good idea.  But somebody has to live on the other side of the street!😎


Yes we didn’t think of that when we bought this house ever so long ago.
The driveway doesn’t get a whole lot of sun in the winter time.


We are the ones living on the other side of the street LOL 😂 


33 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Jacqui, sorry about Jose's fall and fracture, I guess that means they are getting him up?  Or maybe he decided to get up on his own.,..  we are praying for an improvement in his situation, and that you can get in to see him, asap.


Thanks Ann.  To clarify, Jose is has started to move around under supervision and uses a walker. He was in bed far too long so they wanted to get him moving.   It’s going to be hard to do now with his sling.  

He has a belt restraint on when he can’t be watched to prevent him from wandering.


Dr. London was about to tell me I could start to go in today however there was an announcement of another outbreak so I doubt I will be able to get in for at least another 14 days.  It would have been tough to get in with our roads over the last couple of weeks.  Horrific weather 😔 


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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich!


I adore popcorn my periodontist has declared it as forbidden fruit 😔 I mostly use tin cans for Christmas treats I am giving away but I have tons filled with tuna, salmon, etc in my covid “bunker”.  I’m trying to take time to recall good memories these days.


Love that quote by Ghandi ♥️. @summer slopeI really like the sounds of the Bloody Maria if the tomato juice was substituted with Clamato juice 😉 


Late today - working on the dam driveway, talking to doctors, hospital, etc.   I worked on and off all day yesterday & by the end of the day it had a dent in it








I needed to get rid of the ice at the bottom though so I headed out this morning and used the last of my ice melt to make a small way out for Marley and me.  I suspect there is no ice melt to be found anywhere so I put a bit of gravel and had my plow put sand down on the parts I couldn’t get done.  It will just have to do for now.




There is already talk of another ‘Nor Easter this weekend.  Seriously?  Give me a break 😡  I think this is the worst January in a very long time.




 I got a nice surprise yesterday.  A delivery from my BFF whom I haven’t been able to see because lockdown and an abundance of caution for her husband.  I couldn’t capture the flowers well, sadly but they are gorgeous.  She knows I love flowers ♥️ 




Jose’s doctor called today.  He had a fall yesterday and she had told me she was sending him for an X-Ray to be on the safe side.  Sadly he has a fractured clavicle.  So I’ve arranged for a special sling (on her recommendation) which is much nicer than what the hospital provides.  The same company did my elbow brace & walking boot so I know it will be good quality 👍 





That is really encouraging news.  Prayers continue for Tana 🙏🏻 



So happy things went well for you, Carol 👍 I hope the new aide works out just as well.  It’s high time something went smooth for you!




Hope the news isn’t too terrible 🙏🏻 



Love that expression!  Sounds like fun 👍 



I never even connected the two.  What a nice thought, Susan ♥️ Miko was a delight - I’m sure Betty would have a blast with him.



How wonderful of you to try to get the cat a furever home ♥️ Hate to think of any animal out in the brutal cold 😢 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Wednesday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

Oh no, Jacqui. Jose fell. You and he just don’t get a break. Sam fell at Rehab and it was their negligence but thankfully he didn’t get hurt. 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Great days. I like popcorn; tin cans are important for a lot of foods that are used to stock the pantry. I hope I can retain my memory!

Excellent quote by Ghandi.

I'll pass on the meal and drink. The wine is ok.

I've not been to Grand Cayman. Thanks for the pictures.


It is sunny and warmer today and there is some snow melt. Then the cold temps come; some snow tonight and -3F by Saturday AM. I went and had lab work drawn this morning, got a few items at the Aldi next to Quest, then picked up a prescription. It felt balmy out, as it was already up to 40F. My alley was snow covered, but navigable.


Good news - I hear my friend's Mother will be discharged tomorrow since her pulse ox is now mid-90s.


@kazu Continued prayers for Jose and you. Oh my on that icy driveway! What a nice gift from your BFF. Oh no, on Jose's fall and the fractured clavicle; neither of you needs more stress. (((HUGS)))

@smitty34877 I'm glad Tana is doing better and got moved to the step down unit.

@mamaofami I'm glad the female aide seemed to work well. The FL orange crop has "citrus greening" causing smaller and less fruit with less juice. Prices are expected to go up due to this.

@JAM37 I hope you could stay warm with that power outage. Prayers for challenges.

@dobiemom I think the new released census will help me in my research efforts.

@durangoscots Congrats on the lower A1C! I hope my labs done today look ok - no A1C, but there's a fasting glucose, lipids, and a ton of special rheumatology and hematology stuff.


Prayers for the care list and a toast to the celebration list.

Stay safe, wear your mask and social distance if possible.

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14 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks kindly and to everyone else ♥️   The doctor says he is not in severe pain.  He is getting meds but nothing too drastic.  The sling will help a lot.  When it comes to talking  medicine, he is right on the ball.  He’s not confused when it comes to medicine.  Amazing.  Doctor has suggested when I talk to him I work on long term memory and reminisce with him.



Yes we didn’t think of that when we bought this house ever so long ago.
The driveway doesn’t get a whole lot of sun in the winter time.


We are the ones living on the other side of the street LOL 😂 



Thanks Ann.  To clarify, Jose is has started to move around under supervision and uses a walker. He was in bed far too long so they wanted to get him moving.   It’s going to be hard to do now with his sling.  

He has a belt restraint on when he can’t be watched to prevent him from wandering.


Dr. London was about to tell me I could start to go in today however there was an announcement of another outbreak so I doubt I will be able to get in for at least another 14 days.  It would have been tough to get in with our roads over the last couple of weeks.  Horrific weather 😔 


I am so sorry about the fall and clavicle fracture.And the never ending covid issues.I think you are an amazing woman.I admire your ability to get out there and do what is needed.

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@XBGuy I can relate to the wine “snobbery” - lol. I don’t care for California wines (sorry!), nor do I like the wines from my former home state of Michigan, except for one winery - Mari Vineyards (they use Italian grapes in some). I MUCH prefer wines from Italy, France, and Spain 🍷


However, I did try a Dreaming Tree Chardonnay on a cruise and it was quite good, so there are exceptions to everything ☺️

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7 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.





The above uses ricotta cheese to help create the creaminess of the pesto.   The one below does not.  It uses parmesan cheese.   And, don't forget to toast those walnuts!   https://12tomatoes.com/white-walnut-pesto-pasta/






YES PLEASE, either one will do.   Now that I see a trend in you providing recipes for us to read, I will look for more.

Yum to the above with the 2nd one being a little more favored by me.  I am a parm gal.


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