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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 27th, 2022


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2 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

@RedneckBobYour ransom was a lot less than ours in Chile. We flew into Santiago for a cruise on the Zaandam out of San Antonio, Chile. We had made arrangements with a small botique hotel in San Antonio to pick us up for our pre-stay with them. When we got outside the airport, we couldn't find the driver and a gentleman with an official airport badge around his neck offered to help. Since our phones didn't work in Chile, he phoned "our hotel" on his phone and then handed the phone to us. We were told by "the hotel manager" that our driver was stuck in traffic and to just take a taxi and we would settle the charges when we arrived. 

The gentleman with the official airport badge hailed us a taxi, we had our luggage put into the trunk of the cab, we hopped in the back seat, and then the gentleman got into the front seat. At this point we were beginning to wonder what was happening, but the back doors were locked. The cab took us into an industrial area outside the airport and stopped and a couple of black SUV's pulled up. Our airport gentleman  got out and got a credit-card-reader from someone in one of the SUV's. The following "business" took place through the window with us locked in the back seat. He kept asking us for a debit card and the PIN number. We knew better than to fall for that, but he insisted we had to pay. We had agreed on a $150 fare to get us to the hotel in San Antonio. My DW handed a credit card to him and he ran it and then wanted her to sign the receipt. He was folding the receipt over so we couldn't tell what amount it was for, and when I tried to look at the amount, he got agitated, and grabbed the receipt back from her and went and got in one of the SUV's. 

Our taxi driver then drove us away. We were chatting wiith him in Spanish and trying to make some friendly connections (talked about his family, his country, his job, etc.). Things seem to be going okay according to the road signs. At least we were going in the right direction. The taxi stopped at a couple of roadside shrines for a quick prayer, and then he stopped the taxi just before going through a toll section. He insisted that he needed another $100 to get through the toll booth, and wouldn't drive until he received $100 cash. We gave it to him, and then he drove us to the hotel. When we reached the hotel he asked for more money, and I don't think he would have let us out without paying more, except two gentlemen from the hotel came out, took a picture of his license plate, and a picture of him, and they demanded he let us go. We got our luggage and made it safely into the hotel. Calling the local authorities didn't pan out, and we were not able to make connections with our bank until after getting on the ship. The airport gentleman had charged $2,000 to our credit card.

We disputed the charge and it took a couple months to straighten it out, but these theives had already been paid by the credit card company and are probably still scamming people to this day.

The real hotel manager/owner was not pleased. The driver from the hotel was at the airport waiting for us for a couple hours. They would not take money for her efforts, but when she took us to the cruise port a couple days later we were able to slip her a pretty big tip to help make up for it.


Wow! That’s incredible and we were only out $20.


That beats my story by a mile. I will try to do better next time. Maybe try this cruise story title, “Cover Me with Whip Cream”. Let’s see if I can write it to the letter of the law or CC guidelines 🤓

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More from Danang Day...  Re-reading Pat's diary, we were actually 20 in a comfortable air-conditioned bus.  We drove from Danang through fields of rice paddies to the Marble Mountain - first a visit to the obligatory shop, which was interesting with all the carvings.












Then, we climbed the Marble Mountain, actually, we didn't climb it, we went up in the elevator.  Our guide, Mrs. Hung, had booked two rides for us, so we all went up together.    There was a maze of caves at the top, and we lost one couple there.  We waited and waited for them to go down, eventually we went down without them.  They did turn up at the bus, they had found someone to help them and had actually climbed down the mountain!












View from the top of Marble Mountain



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Then we went on to Hoi An, which I think is quite a touristy town.  On the outskirts we stopped at a silk factory, where we watched all the proceedings. They pour boiling water on the cocoons, I felt sorry for the poor silkworms!


















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After the silkworms, we walked through the town of Hoi An.  Lunch was in a fancy restaurant, but DD Cathy and I were so hot and exhausted, we couldn't eat, we found a hole-in-the-wall restaurant and had cold drinks and rested our feet!   Then we met up with the others to continue our walk and ended up at the market;  I was fascinated with the overhead wiring Vietnam.  I think a lot of people just made their own!  The ride  to the ship was past another beach and the little round basket boats, to our own "parking place".



























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Good afternoon. We're still waiting for the rehab hospital to arrange transport for DH.  I hope I didn't jinx things by checking out of the hotel.


Our only mostly black cat  crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 18 years ago at age 18.  Younger DD who wasnher servant, said when Friskie quit purring, it was time to help her cross the bridge.  That sweet cat purred almost constantly.



I'm  not much of a story teller, but I do enjoy a good story.  I salute the US Navy.


I think the many people earse the line between genius and insanity.


We'll  pass on the meal (not fond of rice in soup), drink and wine.


@dfish  Debbie, it soinds like you have everything under control.  I'm glad the move in date and the delivery date from the movers worked out so well.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sending postive thoughts for good news or at least at least a simple solution at  tomorrow's cardiologist visit.

@ottahand7  I hope your DB's surgery fixed the problems and that hethas a quick and pain free recovery.

@cruzn single  You seem to be making the best of your non BHB cruise.  Enjoy West Point tomorrow.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm very sorry your DBIL had a problem with afib, and I hope he gets the all clear to go on the cruise.  Safe travels tomorrow.  I hope the check-in for the flights is resolved.

@bennybear  What a gorgeous picture.

@Vict0riann  Ann, thank you sharing you pictures.  I also enjoy seeing other's pictures.

@HAL4NOW  i remember you telling us about this, but it's always good to be reminded about scams to watch out for when traveling.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, that is such good news that Linda is home.  I hope she son tinues to recover quickly with her daughter's help, and that being home without her DH isn't too hard on her.

@rafinmd  Roy, thank you for sharing your picturesn from Hue.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for your good wishes.  The pictures of your birthday dinner looked like you had a great time.

@Rowsby  Glad you had such a good stay in Honolulu, and I've enjoyed all your pictures. Safe travels home tomorrow.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, it's good you got both shots, but I'm surprised they did both in one arm.  My pharmacist refused to do both in one arm.


We found out about an hour ago that the rehab hospital was unable to arrange transport so we're here another night.  They'll try again in the morning.  At least, the hotel had a room for tonight just not my old room, not that I needed all that space.  One good thing, this room is cheaper. 😉




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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4 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon. We're still waiting for the rehab hospital to arrange transport for DH.  I hope I didn't jinx things by checking out of the hotel.


Our only mostly black cat  crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 18 years ago at age 18.  Younger DD who wasnher servant, said when Friskie quit purring, it was time to help her cross the bridge.  That sweet cat purred almost constantly.



I'm  not much of a story teller, but I do enjoy a good story.  I salute the US Navy.


I think the many people earse the line between genius and insanity.


We'll  pass on the meal (not fond of rice in soup), drink and wine.


@dfish  Debbie, it soinds like you have everything under control.  I'm glad the move in date and the delivery date from the movers worked out so well.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sending postive thoughts for good news or at least at least a simple solution at  tomorrow's cardiologist visit.

@ottahand7  I hope your DB's surgery fixed the problems and that hethas a quick and pain free recovery.

@cruzn single  You seem to be making the best of your non BHB cruise.  Enjoy West Point tomorrow.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm very sorry your DBIL had a problem with afib, and I hope he gets the all clear to go on the cruise.  Safe travels tomorrow.  I hope the check-in for the flights is resolved.

@bennybear  What a gorgeous picture.

@Vict0riann  Ann, thank you sharing you pictures.  I also enjoy seeing other's pictures.

@HAL4NOW  i remember you telling us about this, but it's always good to be reminded about scams to watch out for when traveling.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, that is such good news that Linda is home.  I hope she son tinues to recover quickly with her daughter's help, and that being home without her DH isn't too hard on her.

@rafinmd  Roy, thank you for sharing your picturesn from Hue.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for your good wishes.  The pictures of your birthday dinner looked like you had a great time.

@Rowsby  Glad you had such a good stay in Honolulu, and I've enjoyed all your pictures. Safe travels home tomorrow.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, it's good you got both shots, but I'm surprised they did both in one arm.  My pharmacist refused to do both in one arm.


We found out about an hour ago that the rehab hospital was unable to arrange transport so we're here another night.  They'll try again in the morning.  At least, the hotel had a room for tonight just not my old room, not that I needed all that space.  One good thing, this room is cheaper. 😉




Thank you Lenda.

I hope everything works out today for you both.


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4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  I'm so sorry there are ones still troubled with health issues, and when they conflict with cruises, that is so worrisome.  Happy birthday, Graham!  Thanks for the recipes, @dfish.  I have quite a collection now of interesting ones stored in my computer, but I think this won't be one of them - I'm not a soup lover, and definitely not of Arborio rice.  Just the regular long grain white rice for me, please!


In 2014 we took a Far East cruise on Volendam with DD and Pat's DS and her hubby.  As there were 5 of us, I organized a lot of private tours, I had never done it before, and I was terrified, but we ended up with about 10 "regulars" who went with us on some interesting days, even Rangoon, Pat's birthplace.  We had a long day in Danang and Hoi An, just looking at the pictures now, I am amazed at all we did, climbed a mountain, visited a silkworm farm, museum, beaches, rice paddies, towns and markets, I could post a hundred pictures.  The whole cruise was extremely interesting, but I have no desire to ever return!





The "old town"




The beach, and some fishing boats - those dots in the water are plastic water bottles, there was so much pollution.








The "Harbour City" Danang




The Dragon bridge - I was fascinated as I was born in the year of the dragon, I've got umpteen pictures!






The garden of the museum, and a couple of pictures inside.













Thank you Ann.

Great photos.


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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Then we went on to Hoi An, which I think is quite a touristy town.  On the outskirts we stopped at a silk factory, where we watched all the proceedings. They pour boiling water on the cocoons, I felt sorry for the poor silkworms!


















Lots of lovely photos Ann.

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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

More from Danang Day...  Re-reading Pat's diary, we were actually 20 in a comfortable air-conditioned bus.  We drove from Danang through fields of rice paddies to the Marble Mountain - first a visit to the obligatory shop, which was interesting with all the carvings.












Then, we climbed the Marble Mountain, actually, we didn't climb it, we went up in the elevator.  Our guide, Mrs. Hung, had booked two rides for us, so we all went up together.    There was a maze of caves at the top, and we lost one couple there.  We waited and waited for them to go down, eventually we went down without them.  They did turn up at the bus, they had found someone to help them and had actually climbed down the mountain!












View from the top of Marble Mountain



Nice photos.

Edited by grapau27
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4 hours ago, cat shepard said:




Jacqui, praying that your DBIL is cleared in time to sail. 


Thanks. Me too.


4 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Hoping that there is no “third thing”.


Not yet - other than being very behind, now.  Hopefully not.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Oh my gosh, that is sad to hear!  I do hope they can clear him in time to leave tomorrow.  I know how you've looked forward to this time with your family.  I hope the cardiologist can take care of the AFib problem today.  Prayers for you all. 


Thanks Sandi.  Video chat tonight with all of us.


3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

@ottahand7 🙏 Continued prayers for your DB.🙏


@kazu 🙏Prayers for your BIL.🙏 And, if that proverbial third thing you're wondering about happens here's wishes that it will turn out to be third thing's a charm.




2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Jacqui @kazu, I’m praying for your BIL and that he gets a go ahead to cruise. 


Thanks Sharon.


22 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon. We're still waiting for the rehab hospital to arrange transport for DH.  I hope I didn't jinx things by checking out of the hotel.


Oh my heavens, I sure hope not.  Hopefully all will be good 🙏🏻 


22 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm very sorry your DBIL had a problem with afib, and I hope he gets the all clear to go on the cruise.  Safe travels tomorrow.  I hope the check-in for the flights is resolved.


Thanks so much.  I think I have everyone happy - it means an extra carry on for the ashes when they fit nicely in my carry on - but I sort of got what he was saying.  (they don’t want other passengers disturbed by seeing ashes or know that there are some).  Putting them in my carry on in the nice containers I had would mean the bag is opened and people would “see”.  So they are going in a different one.  Once I’m through all the security rigmarole I’ll see if I can get this more awkward size in my carry on.  I really don’t want to be travelling with a lot of stuff and bags.


22 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We found out about an hour ago that the rehab hospital was unable to arrange transport so we're here another night.  They'll try again in the morning.  At least, the hotel had a room for tonight just not my old room, not that I needed all that space.  One good thing, this room is cheaper. 😉


Well darn it Lenda - I’m so sorry 😞 

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Two of my cats, littermates, were mostly black, but with some white. Actually, they both had tabby markings, one striped and one blotched, but their fur was so long that the tabby markings were concealed.




Here's a later picture of the one on the right, the Senior Cat in Charge, with the Junior Cat, who is almost, but not quite entirely, white.


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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

It's a "bar" downtown Kent.  I don't know if they deliver.  Fantastic burgers.


I thought of Rays right after I posted that.  I'm sure I could get something through Door Dash.  They do have good food!


As for Miss Camilla, can they get any cuter?


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

a picture of Camilla in her Pillsbury Dough girl Halloween  outfit!

1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:



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