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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday February 2nd, 2023


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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for your willingness to take the helm here and get us going in the morning with he Daily and Fleet Report.  Also thank you for the Cares and Celebration list and your beautiful photos of Santorini.

I hope your family members are able to get out of Dallas on time.

@rafinmdRoy, Glad you are home.  Hope we hear from you soon.  I pray you had a good night’s sleep and are happy to be back home.  Hope there is someone nearby to help you.

Prayers for Jacqui and Tana and all others on the cares list.

Cheers to those celebrating and cruising or getting ready to cruise.

@aliaschiefLooks like you’re enjoying Cancun.  Weather looks perfect.


Thanks to all those who make this thread possible: Debbie @dfish, @summer slope, @cat shepard.  


Yesterday was an interesting day.  HVAC is installed.  New thermostat gets hooked up to my phone., DH is so technologically challenged that he just had a look of terror on his face when he heard that. So I guess I will be the one controlling the climate in our home.

I received a message yesterday that the workers would be here today.  So we got up early.  No sign of them nor any word from the Contractor as to whether or not they are coming.   Meanwhile we could have slept later.

On a good note (financially), I didn’t have to go rob a bank.  The insurance company released the “recoverable depreciation” yesterday and we should be getting that soon.  That will be a tremendous help.  That will be the last check from the Insurance company.  Thankfully it is a substantial amount.


One of my chores today is to finish packing for our cruise.  I say this everyday and then life takes over.  Today, I have to do it.


Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,



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Good morning.  Services today.  Septic tank, furnace/ac, generator.  Lots of people coming.


Gin Basil Smash cocktail:


2 parts Sipsmith® London Dry Gin
½ part Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
¼ part Simple Syrup
4-5 Basil Leaves

Muddle 3-4 basil leaves in a cocktail shaker. Add all other ingredients with ice and shake until well chilled. Fine strain into a glass over fresh ice. Garnish with a basil leaf.


Screenshot 2023-02-02 at 9.12.33 AM.png

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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  The computer just north of Sandi, says 44 degrees, and a message that "Rain to Stop".  I am sure that in a few hours the computer will say "Heavy rain expected".  We are not getting the cold that the rest of the country is getting, but we are getting the WET!  


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned General Beauregard, the Georgian Groundhog.  He said that winter is over.  He lies, and we really haven't had our winter here yet.  We have had cold, but not a real winter.  We usually get winter here after February 11th.  Most snow falls are in March, well that is the history since I have lived here (since 79).


We are having problems with the campaigns, and the phone companies, but that is being worked on, so not much to report from here about work.  My BFF emailed this morning that the May HAL cruise is now paid for!  Excursions are booked, I need to send him a check for the gratuities, and I do think that he got more than he bargained for when he decided to be in control of booking this cruise, he may never cruise again.  Face it, the more we cruise with one company the easier it gets, but when you try a new company, we basically have to teach yourself.  So, from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for the information that you have taught me, and you are golden angels! in my life.


Santorini is on our October cruise.  I am going to assume that mid October might be too cold to go swimming?  And we have nothing planned for that stop.  

I have a thousand errands again to run this morning, have a great day, take care of yourselves, and I hope that @rafinmd posts, or notifies someone about his morning soon.


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It's crystal clear out there this morning, so if we did have a groundhog in the district, he/she would definitely see it's shadow.  Sweater day?  More like down-filled pajama day!!!  It's cold out there - and for those of you who think I might be fudging our temperatures to garner sympathy, here's a screen shot for you:


Again, I apologize to all my eastern friends for sharing our Polar Vortex, but misery loves company.  


I love today's port - we've been there 3 times, all near the end of tourist season when it wasn't overrun with people.  @StLouisCruisersin your 11th photo, there's a square blue glass plate - I bought one exactly like that and carefully brought it home in my carry-on!  I have great memories of Santorini every time I see it on our deck.


@kazuI'm sorry to hear your elbow isn't healing as fast as you'd hoped.  

@rafinmdI hope you had a restful night and will be feeling much better soon.


Even though it's colder than a witch's kiss, DH has to go for blood tests and an x ray on his foot that's been bothering him for some time.  The doctor thinks it's arthritis, but wants to rule out anything else.  I know neither of us would appreciate today's menu suggestion, so when we get home this afternoon, I think I'll make a small batch of baked potato soup.  A comforting bowl of steaming hot soup will be good on a cold winter's night.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, woo hoo for all the celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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I’m not wearing a sweater but I’m also not in Canada. I was at Santorini in May on the Norwegian Jade. Chickpeas are OK but acorn is my least favorite type of squash. I used to know the owners of Elk Cove and it’s the best area for Pinot Noir but Mt. Richmond doesn’t ring a bell.



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Good morning Dailyites. 

Sandi, take a bow! Great Daily and Care List. Thank you Dixie, Ann and Debbie. 


Prayers lifted for our friends,  especially our Roy, Tana, Jacqui, Kathi (concerned no word on her) and hoping Sarah is on the mend.


I'm very sad this morning for our trees. They are iced over and breaking limbs. Our friend told us a neighbor had a down electric line and the house caught fire. The fire destroyed half the house and the fire department destroyed the rest with water hoses. We count ourselves blessed we still have heat!


Have a wonderful day. Be kind. (Love the quote today)

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Just now, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet update and general info. And thanks Sandi welcoming me home but I am only half way home; in Houston TX for a week.


Nothing new to report. I’m just out of fresh material today; and no, I am not sick!

A comedians worst nightmare!

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Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

    Have to enjoy it today because there is another front coming in tomorrow bringing cool rainy weather for the next  few days. 

       Have not been to todays port but it is definitely  on my list. Love seeing the pictures.

        @StLouisCruisers Sandi-   THanks for keeping out thread going It is quite the undertaking and most appreciated.

       @rafinmd Roy   Glad you are home from the hospital and hope you are feeling better soon   Rest.

        I dont read too many other threads anymore, some are getting downright nasty and critical of everything.  So I ignore them Too bad because I have always enjoyed CC and learned a lot!

     Playing golf this afternoon. Always enjoyed.


Stay safe and enjoy today




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29 minutes ago, marshhawk said:


Santorini is on our October cruise.  I am going to assume that mid October might be too cold to go swimming?  And we have nothing planned for that stop.  



We were in Santorini on October 26th in 2019 while onboard the Nieuw Statendam. It was very warm that day so swimming should be a possibility. HAL had an excursion that we went on that included a boat ride to Oia with lunch on our own, a visit to the G. Koutsogiannopoulos Winery that had the best tasting experience we ever had, and then back to the Old Harbor. We walked the steps down to the landing!



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Gray day in Maryland with temps maybe getting up to 40 before the cold plunge reaches us tomorrow night, forecasted to go down to 10. We chose to move here for many reasons, one being the temperate climate. Thankfully Maryland winters are generally kind.  

Santorini has mixed memories for me. Loved our tour of Akrotini, a Minoan Bronze Age city associated with Crete and probably Rhodes, abandoned when the volcano began erupting in ~1560 BCE, that’d be over 1600 years before Pompeii.  We were so impressed with the multilevel engineering, water and sewer systems and the advanced bronze work, especially the bronze cooking pan with riveted handles. After the tour of the extensive ruins we were taken to town and DH and I spent time absorbing the fascinating and beautiful preserved ancient artwork exhibits in the archeological museum. But our way back to the ship was not pleasant. The gondola line would be 90 minutes so we walked down the “cliff” to the tender dock. Nearly got run over by a huge donkey on a sharp corner with nowhere to get out of his way. Had to watch our footing very carefully on the cobblestones often covered in donkey “stuff”. And it was quite surprisingly hot for October. Which also means smelly.  But it is such a remarkable place, such a beautiful setting, that I’m so glad we got there. 

Blessings to all… those in need of healing and hope… Congrats to all celebrating milestones and memories….  Smooth travels to those away from home. Hoping we hear that Roy is improving, and that Kathi has a path forward.

Winter or summer, whatever our situation, today is a good day to happy!  — Maureen

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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

haven't figured out what this is.  What do you think?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLR2uzpRIpZzq7yYYabodyr?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1356365608



It's a clock. No idea how it's supposed to work though. We spent a few weeks in Santorini a while back. These contraptions were in many of the villages on the caldera side.


It looks like a mill or sorting device, but when I asked, I was told, "Is clock," by the person who pointed at my watch.


If you are willing to sift through a bunch of search engine pages, look for Santorini spinning clock. It'll be a few pages deep.


(My job is to know all the random things.)

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3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! After a relaxing and beautiful day by the pool we walked to a very popular restaurant called efishetangas and dined Al fresco. Had a light meal of soft shell crab tacos and enjoyed a fireball sunset. Today more beach/pool time and tonight we will prepare our own dinner.

Santorini is beautiful but always crowded and a little too touristy but is still a special place to visit.

Sandi thanks for starting the Daily. Hope you enjoy it because it can become a full time job. Sometimes I question how many visits do I make to this blog!😱 Me thinks it may be addictive!

Roy I do hope you had a restful night and that you are properly able to take care of yourself.

Life is good. Have a great day!





Bruce, your stay at the resort in Cancun looks just heavenly.  So beautiful, nice temps, gorgeous water, and people to wait on you and feed you.  What more could you ask for?  Love the cruising hobby meme!  Sounds like most of us. 




2 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Sandi and our Care & Celebration list 🙂 


It is Ground Hog day and we are all waiting anxiously to hear the prognostications - no guarantees of course but the odds are it will be 6 more weeks of winter 😉


It sure is sweater day here.  It’s f-f-f-freezing outside and even in.  Can’t get warm.  Brrrr.   There’s bound to be some cars that can’t/won’t start this morning or tomorrow when it goes to -45 C. - Brrrr




Smiled at the E,B, White quote - so true !  Santorini is a nice spot with some great sights.  Don’t care for the cable car/gondola but we had to take one up to get there.  I refuse to use the donkeys as they are abused frequently.  The gondola/cable car and donkeys were not choices I wanted again so…. We walked down to return to the ship.  Didn’t take that long at all 😉


Hospital yesterday - X-Ray and the technician asked if he was removing the key wire today.  I told her not yet - we have some time to go….and it may be longer than I thought.


Elbow is back in a splint.  My specialist wants it easy to access in case of infection of the pin/screw making it’s way out.  (We are hoping it doesn’t),  It looks “ok” in the X-Ray so far but as I was told yesterday - There was a lot of damage and a lot of pieces.  It’s going a lot of time and you will be one armed for possibly months.  I wasn’t prepared for that at all 😢 

Pain is going to be part of this for a while - quizzed on it and told what to watch for, but no more potent pain killers 😞 Have 3 left and they have to do until next week. Weekly returns to see him scheduled - like it or lump it. 




My excitement today is to see what Punxsutawaney  Phil has to say although I put more faith in Shubenacadie Sam 😉 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers for those celebrating.




Have a great Thursday everyone !!!

I'm sorry this is going to take longer than you expected.  Hoping for no more complications and less pain in your future.  Sounds like the doctor is doing a good job of keeping an eye on that elbow.  Prayers for you!🙏





1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Double-thank you Sandi, thank you Debbie, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for your daily contribution! And thank you all for being here!


On Tuesday, DSIL and Sue went to our Urgent Care for a PCR test. DSIL saw the doctor and because she had tested positive with the Rapid Test, they didn't bother to do a PCR test. Sue received her results yesterday - and she is positive as well. So far, I have remained well as I may have enough antibodies remaining since I had COVID in November. I plan on doing another Rapid test tomorrowThankfully our house is big enough that the three of us can have our own space. DSIL is actually beginning to feel better. The three of us had the vacine and are triple-boosted. I guess we should have heeded the Carnival suggestion to still wear masks in large gatherings on our cruise last week. The possibility of an infection is still out there.


Stay Safe!


- Jack 


I'm sorry that Sue came down with Covid, too.  Good luck with remaining negative and staying away from your housemates.  





53 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all.We have been celebrating  sweater day here by adding a other sweater layer.Early morning dog walking was remarkable for the winter fashions of  hat,scarf,gloves and even the lined jeans.I wasn't  outside long because the dogs were very efficient. 

We live adjacent to a large Bronx park which has become a tent refuge for the homeless.It is heartbreaking and the predicted  windchill for tomorrow  is unusual  for our area. I did see city workers yesterday entering the park.I would hope they are  able to persuade  people to go to a shelter.

The recipes look tasty but we are making soup here. I think we will  start with potato leek and then try a new lentil recipe which is more of a stew. 

Tana ate very little yesterday but will hopefully manage something in a little  while.

I was happy to read that Roy made it home and very much hope he has folks looking in on him.

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I hope your family members are able to come home tonight.It is too bad the weather interfered with the soccer program.

@kazu, Jacqui, oh no on the prolonged time required for healing.I hope at least the pain is less.

Take care everyone. 


I hope Tana is feeling more like eating today.  And thanks, I hope the flights are leaving on time from DFW.  I need to ask which flight they're on so I can track them.


35 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It's crystal clear out there this morning, so if we did have a groundhog in the district, he/she would definitely see it's shadow.  Sweater day?  More like down-filled pajama day!!!  It's cold out there - and for those of you who think I might be fudging our temperatures to garner sympathy, here's a screen shot for you:


Again, I apologize to all my eastern friends for sharing our Polar Vortex, but misery loves company.  


I love today's port - we've been there 3 times, all near the end of tourist season when it wasn't overrun with people.  @StLouisCruisersin your 11th photo, there's a square blue glass plate - I bought one exactly like that and carefully brought it home in my carry-on!  I have great memories of Santorini every time I see it on our deck.


@kazuI'm sorry to hear your elbow isn't healing as fast as you'd hoped.  

@rafinmdI hope you had a restful night and will be feeling much better soon.


Even though it's colder than a witch's kiss, DH has to go for blood tests and an x ray on his foot that's been bothering him for some time.  The doctor thinks it's arthritis, but wants to rule out anything else.  I know neither of us would appreciate today's menu suggestion, so when we get home this afternoon, I think I'll make a small batch of baked potato soup.  A comforting bowl of steaming hot soup will be good on a cold winter's night.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, woo hoo for all the celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



That is ridiculously cold Gerry!  Hope the hot soup and wine keeps you two toasty!  The blue plate must be beautiful.  It must have been a trick wrapping that up and making it home without breakage.


9 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet update and general info. And thanks Sandi welcoming me home but I am only half way home; in Houston TX for a week.


Nothing new to report. I’m just out of fresh material today; and no, I am not sick!


Whoops!  Sorry @RedneckBob I wasn't aware of another stop on the trip.  Hope Houston is out of the ice/snow zone.




8 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 

Sandi, take a bow! Great Daily and Care List. Thank you Dixie, Ann and Debbie. 


Prayers lifted for our friends,  especially our Roy, Tana, Jacqui, Kathi (concerned no word on her) and hoping Sarah is on the mend.


I'm very sad this morning for our trees. They are iced over and breaking limbs. Our friend told us a neighbor had a down electric line and the house caught fire. The fire destroyed half the house and the fire department destroyed the rest with water hoses. We count ourselves blessed we still have heat!


Have a wonderful day. Be kind. (Love the quote today)


Very sad about the tree damage there.  You may have to replace some if pruning doesn't help. But the friend's neighbor's house burning down is a real tragedy.  It happened on my street in 2014 (electrical fire), they rebuilt and ironically just sold that house Monday.  It was better than original, and they added even more square footage in the basement by finishing off some of the mechanical room areas.  Highest priced house in the entire development.




2 minutes ago, POA1 said:

It's a clock. No idea how it's supposed to work though. We spent a few weeks in Santorini a while back. These contraptions were in many of the villages on the caldera side.


It looks like a mill or sorting device, but when I asked, I was told, "Is clock," by the person who pointed at my watch.


If you are willing to sift through a bunch of search engine pages, look for Santorini spinning clock. It'll be a few pages deep.


(My job is to know all the random things.)


Thanks for that interesting bit of knowledge.  I have no idea how they'd read that but perhaps will go on the hunt for the information.  Much appreciated!


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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Services today.  Septic tank, furnace/ac, generator.  Lots of people coming.


Gin Basil Smash cocktail:


2 parts Sipsmith® London Dry Gin
½ part Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
¼ part Simple Syrup
4-5 Basil Leaves

Muddle 3-4 basil leaves in a cocktail shaker. Add all other ingredients with ice and shake until well chilled. Fine strain into a glass over fresh ice. Garnish with a basil leaf.


Screenshot 2023-02-02 at 9.12.33 AM.png

@summer slope, I forgot to thank you, also, for your daily drink of the day recipes!  

Hope the planned services go without a hitch.  It’s nice when you can get all the maintenance done in one day.  

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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Bruce, your stay at the resort in Cancun looks just heavenly.  So beautiful, nice temps, gorgeous water, and people to wait on you and feed you.  What more could you ask for?  Love the cruising hobby meme!  Sounds like most of us. 




I'm sorry this is going to take longer than you expected.  Hoping for no more complications and less pain in your future.  Sounds like the doctor is doing a good job of keeping an eye on that elbow.  Prayers for you!🙏





I'm sorry that Sue came down with Covid, too.  Good luck with remaining negative and staying away from your housemates.  





I hope Tana is feeling more like eating today.  And thanks, I hope the flights are leaving on time from DFW.  I need to ask which flight they're on so I can track them.



That is ridiculously cold Gerry!  Hope the hot soup and wine keeps you two toasty!  The blue plate must be beautiful.  It must have been a trick wrapping that up and making it home without breakage.



Whoops!  Sorry @RedneckBob I wasn't aware of another stop on the trip.  Hope Houston is out of the ice/snow zone.





Very sad about the tree damage there.  You may have to replace some if pruning doesn't help. But the friend's neighbor's house burning down is a real tragedy.  It happened on my street in 2014 (electrical fire), they rebuilt and ironically just sold that house Monday.  It was better than original, and they added even more square footage in the basement by finishing off some of the mechanical room areas.  Highest priced house in the entire development.





Thanks for that interesting bit of knowledge.  I have no idea how they'd read that but perhaps will go on the hunt for the information.  Much appreciated!


No ice, no snow but cold but in the 70’s by this weekend!

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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thursday's Care and Celebration lists


Today’s care list:

Roy recovering at home but still weak

Luvteaching DH in hospital making progress
Dental procedures for Cruising-along
Texas ice storm woes

Jacqui still with splint on problem elbow

From the rotation:
Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement

Ominous scan for Marshhawk

Status of Scrapnana
Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7)


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Aliaschief in Cancun until 2/14?
Welcome home Redneck Bob

3 days for Dobiemom (Norwegian Encore 2/5 to 2/12)
2 days for 0106 (Rotterdam 2/4 to 2/15)

5 days for Cruzin Terri (Oceania Sirena 2/7 to 2/19)

5 days for Norseh2o (Oceania Marina 2/7 to 4/6)

Kochleffel (Norwegian Getaway to 2/6), Cruising sister (Disney Dream to 2/4), Lindaler and Ottahand7 (Volendam  to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty ,Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12) at sea



I am glad Roy is out of the hospital.

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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Services today.  Septic tank, furnace/ac, generator.  Lots of people coming.


Gin Basil Smash cocktail:


2 parts Sipsmith® London Dry Gin
½ part Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
¼ part Simple Syrup
4-5 Basil Leaves

Muddle 3-4 basil leaves in a cocktail shaker. Add all other ingredients with ice and shake until well chilled. Fine strain into a glass over fresh ice. Garnish with a basil leaf.


Screenshot 2023-02-02 at 9.12.33 AM.png

Sounds good.

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40 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks for that interesting bit of knowledge.  I have no idea how they'd read that but perhaps will go on the hunt for the information.  Much appreciated!

Good luck! There's a crank on the end, so I could see it being a calendar, but I I have no clue on the clockishness of the thing.

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@ger_77, All I can say is that I am very impressed that you even poke your nose outside with those temperatures. I was just at the store of groceries and people were commenting that they had to come out today before the cold thing starts tomorrow. It was the most I have seen my fellow NY folks talk to strangers in ages. 

@Heartgrove, Jack, so sorry to hear Sue is positive also. It is good the house is big enough for the three of you. Hope all is well soon.

@Seasick Sailor, Joy, I am sorry about the trees. We have had a few ice storms in the past here that were very damaging to the trees. The house fire is of course even worse. Are the roads still icy there? We had a storm here many years ago that left bumpy ice ruts on all of our roads. I could have walked to work faster than the safe driving speed. The hospital I worked for asked us to stay for the first three days of it or they would have had no staff.

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