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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday April 10th, 2023


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Good Monday Morning  Dailyites!  I read last night that there was an explosion in Marseille Saturday imploding two buildings, and at least 8 people are missing.  Don't normally see Marseille in Yahoo news, and then to see it as the port of the day was interesting.


I agree that my electrolytes were upset.  After drinking that barium stuff and getting an IV of radioactive material, my electrolytes probably took a vacation... but left me behind.  My neighbor had left off two Easter buckets yesterday with chocolates, and mandarin oranges, and I hopped on over to her place (wearing my bunny ears) to give her the chocolate bunnies and a bag of Wicked Mix,  and just standing was painful.  Got home and I was in extreme cramp pain.  DH rubbed my feet, and then went and got me some Theraworks, which I applied, and put on socks, drank a lot of water, and felt better.  You know when you are in so much pain it makes you nauseous, well that's where I was by mid afternoon.  So  I just chilled out on the sofa.  My friend Penny told me about the soap, but she swears it has to be Ivory.


I would love the meal of the day.  Loving both avocados and crab.  Trying to wake DH up for a walk.  So far, it is still quiet again in the back.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!







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Good morning. It is sunny and 37 here with highs in the mid sixties later.I am waiting for what we hope is the last procedure  for DH to be done.We will be  glad to get home.

We gave not been to the port and l.ove the recipe  . Leftovers are the idea for tonight.

I only have one remaining  siblings and he is just an amazing brother.We have cruised together  a few times and I hope we can do so again.My phone just rang and it was Ken, calling to see if we had any test results yet.We are the only family members left now and cherish our time together.

Have a great day everyone


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Good morning everyone,

We were supposed to get rain but not sure now. We are still ahead in moisture so I am ok with it. 

I have 5 siblings and all have alpha personalities. It makes get togethers very interesting. I grew up in the city so no farm animals for me.  Golf has never been fun for me. I took lessons but it is just to frustrating. 

I am off to be tortured and therapy. I swear she is going to break my bones. Have a great day everyone!


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Thank you all for the uplifting start to the day and week.  Haven’t been to Marseille, looks lovely. Love the quote. Haven’t played gold in 40+years since I was in the company ladies gold league. We live in a condo overlooking the golf course, we enjoy the views but I’m not interested in playing ever again. Watching the Masters was fun though!  I have 3 siblings , we have not been all together since 1978. I keep in touch with them, see 2 when it’s possible but the other brother is reclusive, haven’t seen him in 21 years. Probably won’t again. Ive come to accept it, we talk a few time a year. Families are messy. 

I would enjoy the meal, not the wine- allergic to reds and getting more allergic to some whites. Still can enjoy the Moscato on the Cellar #1 list, by Ruffino. Our local county controlled liquor store used to carry it, hoping I can find it there again soon or maybe a different county store. Not too big of a deal, we don’t drink wine very often, unless we’re on a ship!  Then I enjoy a half-pour almost nightly. 

We’re supposed to be getting a bit warmer after a chilly morning with freeze warnings. Maybe we’ll get out for something fun this week. Taxes are done!!!  Gusty winds will keep us from kayaking but maybe we can get to a museum for an outing. Seems we’ve been in a holding/recovery pattern too long. Glad to be looking ahead but happy for today!  

@luvteaching So glad you got to spend the day with your husband, and I hope you got your special sandwich!  One day at a time is everything!  

Blessings to all the Dailyites!  And all the Care List, thank you Vanessa. And wherever there’s a need for healing, comfort or hope. 

Cheers to all celebrating 🥂 Safe travels to all away. And smooth seas with lots of fun times to all the cruisers!  Thanks for sharing with us!  

Today is a good day to be happy! 

Edited by RMLincoln
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like watching golf and said I'd learn after retirement, but then all the medical stuff started. Maybe one day. I hope farm animals are treated well. I'll have to wait for only-child day, although I know most of you have siblings. I like the quote. Pass on the meal (seafood), although I'll occasionally eat a crab cake. I'll pass on the drink and take the wine.

I haven't been to Marseille.


It's going to be sunny and warm today, going up into the upper 60's, after a chilly start around freezing earlier. And warm and dry all week. I'll be inside for most of today, as my alarm guy is coming soon. Maybe if he's done early afternoon, I may do a little cleanup yard work. I slept over 7 hours, having only gotten about 4 hours the night before, due to the power outage.


Ugh, found out my funds disappeared from the Credit Union! They claim they marked it as a dormant account and had sent me letters. Now I have to try to get the money back from the State!


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start today. Lovely Marseille photos.

@richwmn Thanks for the history and enjoy Lisbon!

@aliaschief Have a great day aboard Eurodam. Nice memes and photos. 

@Sharon in AZ Sure, I'll add @Dismomx5. I do have @lazey1 on my list, but I'll have to pass that list on to either Roy, or whoever takes over the Cares and Celebrations List once I'm away.

@Cruzin Terri Nice pictures.

@dfish Yuk on the previous owners disposing of the kitty litter in the yard.

@marshhawk Maybe try some Gatorade? And I think I heard the soap had to be Ivory too. 

@smitty34877 Prayers that this is the last procedure for DH for a while. 

@cruising sister I hope therapy is helping, even if torturous.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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19 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Sandi, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Tina, and thank you Dixie for all your work.

Thank you but I believe you should be thanking Ann @cat shepard for her Daily wine posting.  I am just a sub when Debbie is unavailable.


I like me today’s quote.  The port pictures on the Daily help us all “look back upon one's past life with satisfaction is to live twice.”


Of course, I love the meal, anything with crab!  I will be buying a pound of MD crabmeat this week to make crabcakes for my niece who is visiting from Florida.  Hope I can find it for less than $40 pound.  Today, I will be making bean soup with the ham bone left over from Easter dinner.


Positive thoughts to those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

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Good morning from a partly sunny day with just a few clouds.  It is 59F but heading to 71F this afternoon.  The remainder of the week will be in the 70s and 80s.  It will give me a chance to work on the yard, especially the small front yard that was taken over by weeds the past two years despite my best efforts.  Also, the weeds need mowing again.


I salute golfers but was never good at the game.  My grandmother gave me golf lessons when I was about 10, but that really didn't help much.  My grandparents had a farm when I was young, but the only animals were some Guinea fowl and one cow.  We lived in town, so I was not around farm animals very often.  Farm animals are very important and deserve to be treated well.  After watching Dr. Pol, I realize I was not cut out to be a farmer.  Both my parents were and I am only children, but DH's two bothers are still living.  Like Annie, @marshhawk. I have two step brothers and two step sisters, but since we were all grown when our parents married, we were never close, but got along well when we saw each other.


I like the quote of the day.  It's nice reliving good, happy memories.


Today's meal sounds good, and I've had avocado boats with either crab or shrimp salad on BHBs.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


@richwmn  Rich, I hope you have a great day in Lisbon.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad you are enjoying your cruise, and thank you for continuing posting the memes.

@dfish  Debbie, it's hard to believe the previous owners dumped their kitty litter in the back of the yard.  

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the procedure for your DH goes well, and really is the last one.




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We were in Marseille five times from 2001 through 2008, with a sixth stop in 2019.  All but the first time, were on a BHB, the old Noordam, Prinsendam and Veendam.  The change in the area around the Vieux Port between 2008 and 2019 was unbelievable, and the number of people was also a big change.  I am glad we were there before it got really crowded.


In 2001, we went to Arles and Les Baux, but I don't have any pictures of Les Baux that really show the place.  These pictures are from Arles, where we stopped at an Roman amphitheater..  There are pictures of the town from the top of the amphitheater.







On one stop in 2002, we went to Aix-en-Provence.







I found these pictures taken when we were in Les Baux.  They don't show the town but the surrounding area from Les Baux.  It is another very old walled town on top of a tall  hill.  Our lunch that day was duck a l'orange, and it was the best I've ever eaten.  









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n another visit to Marseille, we wanted to take the boat out to tour the Chateau D'If, but unfortunately, it was closed for repairs.  Instead, we took the boat to Les Iles and wandered around for a while.




I thought the name of the boat was very appropriate, Edmond Dantes.



We got a close up view of the Chateau D'If on the way back to the Vieux Port.



And this stunning view of Notre-Dame de la Garde as we cruised into the Vieux Port.



Just a few pictures from our day in Marseille in 2019.  We took the Ho-Ho, and then walked in the area that was several blocks back from the Vieux Port.


The area in front of the Vieux Port that used to be an open area.



Different scenes of Marseille






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Good morning all,

We have FOG here. This is the second day in a row. It’s been years since that has happened, but it was fairly common up until about 20 years ago. (The same is true about the rain. So this business about it not being “normal” belies the age of the speaker-or the amount of time the speaker has lived here.)


Today is “finish packing day”. And a few errands. The next couple of days will be online training for a software package I’ve had.


@dfish I can’t wait to try today’s meal, and it’s clipped and added to my planner. I’m hoping that the time in the broiler will make it something that doesn’t set off my allergies. (There are several foods that I’m allergic to in their raw state, but fine cooked.)


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning from a cool and windy day at the beach

     Crazy weather, more like January than April.   

      A day to celebrate  Golf. Thats great. Been playing for many years and really enjoy the game. Play twice a week and wish it was more. It is a great way to be outside and get some exercise. I was one of 5 siblings, both my brothers have passed and I miss them everyday.  Both of them were my golf partners for all our local tournaments.

         So now it is just myself and 2 sisters who dont play. They are in Massachusetts  but we talk frequently and see each other often.

     My painters started today. It will take a few days to finish. Just doing 3 bathrooms, laundry room and hall.  Nice to freshen things up periodically.

       Hope everyone is doing OK.

Stay safe and enjoy today




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Good morning. Sunny here and high will get up to the high 60's after a chilly start to the day. Dogs enjoyed their longer than usual walk. I know they will be glad to see Spring.


The meal of the day sounds good.... I love both avocados and crab. But I will be eating left overs from Easter tonight. My appetite is still off a bit. I need someone else to do the cooking.


Little news from here. I am still plugging away (slowly) on Spring cleaning. The big thing this week will be getting my hair cut. It badly needs it. And a pedicure. All that is scheduled for Wednesday.


My downstairs front neighbor will be not be coming home today. His broken shoulder is not the problem but rather his balance and movement. So he is rehab for a for about a week with PT scheduled. In the meantime I heard from the daughter of the woman who owns that unit and her Mom fell last week and broke her arm!!! - she lives in California.  What is going on??? I am walking very carefully these days and telling the little dogs to stay away from my feet. It seems to be break a bone week at our condos. I don't want to play.


Otherwise things are as usual. Sort of dull... even at the shelter. We are still overcrowded, but people are adopting and some of our longer term residents have recently found new homes. We are offering some spay/neuter clinics to try to cut down on the numbers but it is kitten season.... and the cuties are arriving en mass.


Back to rug washing. It is warm enough to hang the throw rugs outside and they do need the airing.





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Good morning all!

I've never had any interest in learning to play golf, but DH played often in years past -- not now though.  Several of our friends are avid golfers though and will play in all kinds of weather.

The closest our family comes to having farm animals would be my maternal grandfather who had a dairy farm and my paternal grandfather who had a cattle ranch.

I'm the youngest of 3 daughters, only 2 of us remain.  Our oldest sister passed in 2010 after a 10-year battle with Lymphoma.  We miss her every day.  


Although avocado is very healthy for most people, it isn't good if you have kidney disease.  Since I've never liked avocado anyway (it's a texture thing) I was relieved to have a better excuse not to eat it. 😉  So I will pass on the meal, red wine, and drink.  


Today I continue to make baby steps to feeling better.  Just some congestion, cough, and most of all very, very tired.  No matter how much sleep I get at night I wake up tired and stay tired all day.  


Vanessa @JazzyVWhat on earth -- your funds disappeared??  

Terry @smitty34877Prayers that your DH's procedure goes well.


We've been to Marseilles and Provence twice. The first time was in 2008, no photos from that visit good enough to share I'm afraid...we rented a car and drove to Aix-en-Provence and Arles.  DS and DBIL came with us that cruise, and that day was my sister's birthday -- a great way to spend it!


The second visit was in 2019.  We took an 8-hour tour to Avignon and Pont du Gard, the Roman aqueduct built in 50 AD.  Another great day!  


Just a couple photos of Marseilles as both times we spent the day outside of the city.






Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct built in 50 AD





Inscribed stones when the bridge was built



Some scenes of Avignon






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7 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Today is Golfer's Day, National Farm Animals Day, and National Siblings Day


Probably not as significant to many, but it is also Get a New Roof Day.




Rain is in the forecast for Thursday.  So, we have a deadline.


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Since today is National Siblings Day, I thought I would share a couple of pictures with you.  The first is me and my sisters on Easter Sunday many years ago.  My dad's caption on the photo was Four Texas Beauties.  We were living in Lake Jackson, Texas at the time, so it was probably 1962.  




Yes, I am the one hamming it up.  


A couple years later we were back in MIdland, Michigan and brother Bill was old enough to join us for the Easter photo.  




Bill is showing his better side.


The last one is all of us on a fall day in the front yard.



That is me with Jeff in my lap.  

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Thanks for our Easter Monday Daily, Sandi


I’ll happily celebrate farm animals and happy to say that they are not all abused.  My uncle had a farm with everything under the sun - pigs, sheep, cows, chickens, etc and they were treated very well.  I loved helping care for them when I was there in the summer.  And like everyone else, my remaining siblings are precious to me.




I like today’s quote.  And yum on today’s meal.  I think I need to team up with @kochleffeland @dfish.  I have lots of crab but no avocados 😬 


That wine that @cat sheparddescribed for us is very good.  I had the good luck to have it in Australia as well as Europe.  Loved it.




We enjoyed Marseille very much as we explored it with a wonderful guide from Marseille greeters.  She took us to spots one would never see as a regular tourist and a fabulous restaurant where we were the only non residents to savour the flavour.  Great day!


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Ugh, found out my funds disappeared from the Credit Union! They claim they marked it as a dormant account and had sent me letters. Now I have to try to get the money back from the State!


Oh Vanessa, I hope you can recover your funds easily.  Here in Canada it’s a long time before the funds are sent off.  Numerous letters and notices happen first.  But if it does, it can be recovered.  Hoping you do not have to go through too much red tape.  🤞 




@smitty34877 I so hope that this is the last procedure fo your DH 🙏 


@durangoscotsso glad you are being extra careful 👍 You certainly don’t want to play in the broken bone week game 😱 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & those that need them and a toast 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.




Have a great Easter Monday everyone !!!!! 

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Happy Monday! We're having a beautiful, sunny day today. I will have to miss it since I haven't started packing for the cruise on Saturday. Thanks @Sharon in AZ and @JazzyV for adding me to the list for that cruise. We are on until Vancouver (May 6). I'm looking forward to meeting the Dailyites on the cruise!

I am looking forward to a quiet day today after having the whole gang here, Friday, some on Saturday, and the whole gang+ on Sunday. We got smart on Friday night, and moved the electric jeep downstairs. After several hours of that motor whining.....I was ready to toss it outside. We compromised. Of course with it being downstairs, none of the kids played on it. rofl

Sending prayers to those who need them, and blessings to all.


Stay well!



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

n another visit to Marseille, we wanted to take the boat out to tour the Chateau D'If, but unfortunately, it was closed for repairs.  Instead, we took the boat to Les Iles and wandered around for a while.




I thought the name of the boat was very appropriate, Edmond Dantes.



We got a close up view of the Chateau D'If on the way back to the Vieux Port.



And this stunning view of Notre-Dame de la Garde as we cruised into the Vieux Port.



Just a few pictures from our day in Marseille in 2019.  We took the Ho-Ho, and then walked in the area that was several blocks back from the Vieux Port.


The area in front of the Vieux Port that used to be an open area.



Different scenes of Marseille






Nice photos Lenda.

We tend to walk around the port promenade and the several adjacent streets of shops.

There is an indoor shopping centre half way between the ship terminal and the city centre.

There is a lovely outside area there with a few restaurant's with fantastic views of the sea and the port area.

Edited by grapau27
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52 minutes ago, dfish said:

Since today is National Siblings Day, I thought I would share a couple of pictures with you.  The first is me and my sisters on Easter Sunday many years ago.  My dad's caption on the photo was Four Texas Beauties.  We were living in Lake Jackson, Texas at the time, so it was probably 1962.  




Yes, I am the one hamming it up.  


A couple years later we were back in MIdland, Michigan and brother Bill was old enough to join us for the Easter photo.  




Bill is showing his better side.


The last one is all of us on a fall day in the front yard.



That is me with Jeff in my lap.  

Lovely family photos Debbie.


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