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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday April 21st, 2023


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Good afternoon from a sunny but still very windy central Texas.  It is now 69F, but even earlier I was not cold wearing shorts to go get my haircut.  It turns out my stylist is sick today, but I didn't see her text as it came in on my phone while Do Not Disturb was on.  It actually worked out all right because another stylist, who I've known for several years, had a few spare minutes and worked me in.  She did a better job than my regular stylist, but since their chairs are next to each other, it might be awkward to change stylists.  At least, I have a back up stylist who has now come to my rescue twice.  


Most of my other errands were a bust since I couldn't find what DH wanted.  However, I did get our last batch of free home covid tests.


4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice selection of interesting photos Lenda.



Thank you, Graham.


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


A beautiful morning here in Georgetown, but it was a crazy night last night. Hail, winds, heavy rain. Our backyard flooded! We had girls night and we stopped playing cards and sat outside watching the storm.


Tonight is a band and dancing. There's 5 couples at our table. We are having cocktail hour at our house, then decided I would make lasagna and others are bringing food to add. 


We were just in Nuka Hiva in Feb/Mar on the Hawaii/Tahiti cruise (Koningsdam) I was amazed at the beautiful shells. Never saw shells like those. 


Thank you to all who contribute faithfully. You keep our family together. 

Lifting blessings to you and wish you a lovely weekend. 


Joy, we got a lot of thunder and some lightning, but not enough rain to measure.  Enjoy your dinner and night listening to and dancing to the band.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  Yesterday was non stop, and I wish I could sleep late to make up for the hours I stayed up too late. But my body says GET UP at the same time each day.  I know yesterday was a busy day on the Daily and I need to get back to read it.


DH's oncologist is sending him back to the ENT regarding the problems with swallowing, and it turns out that his "ticks" are currently causing some of the problems with his nose.  DH's cancer was on his face, and by the time that he finally addressed it, the surgeon said that if he had waited another week or two, he would have died from it.  BUT while the surgeon was great at rebuilding his face, he was happy with his work, he cared nothing for the patient.  And so, the cancer kept growing until I finally told DH's dermatologist that while he may have been impressed with the surgery, DH didnt have an oncologist.  He got up, made a call, grabbed DH by the hand, took him downstairs and introduced him to the man who now cares for DH.  And then of course the chemo started, and then the radiation, not the surgeries.  So much damage was done because DH was trying to be his own primary physician, so now post fall, add in the brain damage, and now DH is rubbing his nose all the time, yes it does run, because of the damage done to the tear ducts and the nose, but even when it is not running, or his eyes are not running, it has become such a habit to rub, that he has created, by rubbing, an ulcer in his nose, he rubbed his eyes enough to create that infection, which another surgery stopped, but the only thing at this time the doctor said that would stop it, is for me to nag him not to pick, or rub.  Watching someone 24/7 is a hard job.  Currently the damage to the throat from the radiation  is what is causing the swallowing problem.  BUT it started on day about two months ago and when I asked DH about it he said he was just fooling around, but now he cant stop it.  And I think that now, the really good doctor is beginning to understand the amount of brain change in DH. I did mention that while DH complains of the pain in his mouth every time he is at the docs, and they all have him on some pretty heavy medicine, that he doesnt seem to complain about the pain when he is doing something he likes.  He thinks the pain, it may or may not be there.  Hoping the adventures in Alaska leave him pain free for a couple of weeks.



Any way, enough about what I cant control.....


If you happen to see an ad for a concert with Bela Fleck this spring summer or fall, go!!!!  I was not sure what to expect.  He is a banjo player who has written classical music for the banjo, and I have been selling tickets for his shows for several symphonies as a telemarketer, but never heard him.  He is doing a new tour this year, and WOW.  It was not blue grass, or classical.  He has combined his talent with three other musicians who are all giants in their own right,  Zakir Hussain (tabla) Edgar Meyer (double bass) and Rakesh Chaurasia (flute),  pure musical fusion.  I bought the tickets as an early birthday gift to myself, and they were selling an early release of their ALBUM and CD.  I bought the CD too.  I hope that it makes me as happy listening to it as it was to watch these musicians.  







Annie, I'm sorry your DH is having so many problems whether or not they are self-induced.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We didn’t have kindergarten when I started school; it became a thing in our small town about 5 years later. 

Well, we’re still in this season I’m calling Sprinter, as it should really be Spring because the robins are back, but we’ve had nothing but snow for the past 3 days.  Our friends are still with us and we’re keeping them entertained by playing Sequence and tile rummy.  And cooking.  Normally DH and I eat smaller meals, but our friend has to take meds 4 times a day with food, so I’ve seen more of the kitchen this past week than you could imagine.  On Wednesday we were able to drive them to their appointments before the roads got really bad, and yesterday we ventured out to a couple of greenhouses just to get some fresh air. Unfortunately it’s a little too early for the greenhouses to have much stock, but it gave them (and us) an outing.  It snowed again overnight, but the temperature is supposed to be rising, so they may be able to go home after lunch today.  We’ll see. 

I haven’t had a lot of time to read the daily the past few days, so want to extend my woo hoo’s for the happy things and cyber hugs for the not so good happenings.  If I recall though, @JazzyV is leaving today, so safe travels to her!


Time to get breakfast started, so prayers for all today.  Stay safe, I’ll hopefully be able to check in later.  Oh, I’d like to try todays wine but haven’t won the lottery, so it will remain on the list.  And I’m going to try to find a pizza that is gluten/dairy free for our friend in case they can’t leave today because it’s Friday night pizza night at the dining table tonight.  And wine.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Gerry, your friends are very lucky to have you as a friend.  It is nice they have a place to stay and help getting around in bad weather.


3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Last night we had 48 confirmed Covid cases and this morning 66.



Bruce, ouch that the numbers are going in the wrong direction.  Please follow Annie's @marshhawk advice and stay away from covid.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

A quick check-in from Charlotte. Next stop Ft. Lauderdale. I was up during the night with bad leg cramps; I drank lots of iced tea. After mowing but should have had Gatorade I guess. 

@superoma Great job on the lists! I did them in Word, saved to iCloud, then copied and pasted from my iPad. 

Prayers for all in need. 


Vanessa, I'm sorry about the leg cramps last night.  Hope your travels continue to go well and continue to be safe today.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Is it still morning?  Here it is 4 p.m.  the road from Kinsale to Courtmacsherry is called the Wild Atlantic Way now, and boy, was it wild this morning.  We went to the Lusitania Museum on the Old Head of Kinsale, and you could hardly stand up against it.  I am finding it tiring being the Navigator, and having to say at every turn, “Stay left…”.   Pat wanted the porridge for breakfast this morning but it was all gone, and looking at the menu I could see why - it was made with Bailey’s!  So he had the “Full Irish” and I had the Kinsale Grilled Kipper.  Now he has gone to visit his cousins, and I have had a little nap in our hotel room.  The Courtmacsherry Hotel has the last remaining cork tree in County Cork.


Thinking of you all, especially those with ailments!  Hope the puppy dog works out, Jacqui.  


Ann, it sounds like you are having a good time in Ireland, and I'm glad Pat is getting to visit his cousins.  Somehow, we missed the Lusitania Museum.  I'll have to keep it in mind for the next time we're in Kinsale.




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Good afternoon, another dreary day here.  We've had rain and hail storms, and not much sun.  I'm looking forward to spring and sunshine!  

I went to Kindergarten.  I volunteer at our school, reading with the "littles."  The "kinders" are lots of fun, and it's great to see their progress over the months!  I've learned lots of fun facts as they read to me!  

@bennybearHappy Anniversary!  

@JazzyVHave a wonderful trip!  

@dobiemomGood luck with your sleeping...

@aliaschiefCovid is still out there...we were on the Eurodam in February.  We never heard anything about covid, but there sure were a lot of coughing people out and about.  We wore our masks in the world theater, and when in crowded areas.  The 1st tour we took, we had a woman right behind us who was coughing the whole time, no mask in sight for her...we managed to stay healthy...but I was worried about whatever bug was going around.  Stay safe and healthy! 


Have a great weekend! 

Edited by ktbraun
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We are getting ready to leave Cartegena. The Captain asked for two passengers to report in. I’m guessing that they didn’t make it. I’m in the MDR for express lunch and the aft is shimmying and shaking. Both are women and I’m not sure when they could rejoin the ship. We are in Puerto Caldera on 24th and Puerto Vallarta on the 28th. 

Desset at lunch. Cheesecake. 




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Yesterday I was asked which of the two long grand cruises I was choosing. To be very honest both are calling very loudly. Both have features in addition to the length that I think I would enjoy.

However, there are a lot of considerations that I have to take into consideration that I won't know about until after I return home on May 12th. On the 1st of June I need to make final payment on the Grand Australia, then pay for air fare, then pay for the additional 2 cruises I have linked to the Grand Australia. I also have some concerns at home that need to be addressed even before I can commit to any further very long cruises.

Of course, if I win the lottery -- All bet are off!


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Back from the recycling drop-off. I also picked up Sasha's ashes and went to a produce market, both farther along the same road. Although this is a hot day, it's still April, so there was no local produce except hot-house tomatoes. They have extensive greenhouses and grow a lot of vegetable starts and bedding plants, which they start to set out during May.


I have more cardboard to drop off next week. I seem not to have set any of it out for recycling during the winter; they can't accept it if it gets wet.



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Well I feel so much better after getting my hair cut.  The stylist said it had been 7 weeks, it seemed longer.  But that makes sense, because I was due back when Covid hit.  Also picked up some things I'll need for the cruise in 10 days.


Here's a photo of the oldest DGS with me in one of the tulip fields 6 years ago.  He was 3 then.  I told DD we should reenact this photo tomorrow. 🤣  I think that's his little brother crouching next to me, I can just see the top of his hat.  





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1 minute ago, Cruising-along said:

Well I feel so much better after getting my hair cut.  The stylist said it had been 7 weeks, it seemed longer.  But that makes sense, because I was due back when Covid hit.  Also picked up some things I'll need for the cruise in 10 days.


Here's a photo of the oldest DGS with me in one of the tulip fields 6 years ago.  He was 3 then.  I told DD we should reenact this photo tomorrow. 🤣  I think that's his little brother crouching next to me, I can just see the top of his hat.  






I hoped you framed this one Carolyn! Precious moment captured forever!

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38 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Well I feel so much better after getting my hair cut.  The stylist said it had been 7 weeks, it seemed longer.  But that makes sense, because I was due back when Covid hit.  Also picked up some things I'll need for the cruise in 10 days.


Here's a photo of the oldest DGS with me in one of the tulip fields 6 years ago.  He was 3 then.  I told DD we should reenact this photo tomorrow. 🤣  I think that's his little brother crouching next to me, I can just see the top of his hat.  





Nice photo Carolyn @Cruising-along.


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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  Our friends left right after lunch, although it took them nearly an hour to get things out of their room and into the car. I can sympathize with that though, because that's what happens to us when we go to Calgary with all the shopping we do.  We took our friends to a couple of thrift stores, the big box store, and the greenhouses, and they were able to buy so many things they just can't get in their small town.  We've checked the highway hotlines about a dozen times this morning and it was decided they would be safe to travel if they left after lunch when most of the large trucks would have gone through the areas they will be driving, clearing the road for them.  The temperature is warming up which will definitely help clear the snow and melt the ice that could have formed overnight.  They were a little upset when a neighbour phoned to tell them they had 2 feet of snow on their driveway.  A couple of phone calls later, though, and someone in town with a front end loader said he'd be more than happy to clear it out for them in time for their return home.


Strange thing, they no sooner left the driveway when I went to open the cupboard under the sink to get some dishwasher tablets, and the door came off in my hand.  One of the hinges broke.  I'm glad it didn't happen while our friends were here, as it would have been mighty inconvenient!  LOL


DH didn't sleep well last night, and he finds our friends quite exhausting, so he's taking a brief nap right now and will get back to fixing the cupboard door later this afternoon.


I wanted to say @superoma what a great job you've done today; @JazzyV left the lists in good hands.

@bennybear Happy 50th Anniversary to you and your DH; what a wonderful milestone for the two of you.  May the love and laughter continue for many years to come!

2,500+ 50th Wedding Anniversary Stock Photos, Pictures ...


@dobiemomyour sleeping arrangements amaze me; I can't imagine how you can get any rest at all!!

@kazu I hope the relationship with Ivan works out; he looks to be a very caring fellow.


See everyone tomorrow!

Edited by ger_77
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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Well I feel so much better after getting my hair cut.  The stylist said it had been 7 weeks, it seemed longer.  But that makes sense, because I was due back when Covid hit.  Also picked up some things I'll need for the cruise in 10 days.


Here's a photo of the oldest DGS with me in one of the tulip fields 6 years ago.  He was 3 then.  I told DD we should reenact this photo tomorrow. 🤣  I think that's his little brother crouching next to me, I can just see the top of his hat.  






Love the photo!  They're so precious at that age, and before you know it the 3 year old is 18!!

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9 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I have a brain that gets a thought, and loses it immediately, but then it comes back, so @kochleffel before I forget again, it's about the orange cat.  I have read that most orange cats are male.

I have read that, too, and that most tortoiseshell and calico cats are female. Did you know that female cats are usually right-pawed and male cats are usually left-pawed?


9 hours ago, marshhawk said:

And that they choose you, you dont choose them.

I had not heard that, but it wouldn't surprise me. The fellow who was hanging around here hasn't been around for the past few days.


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9 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

My kids are very good at giving me a break from caretaking. 


You have earned a well deserved vacation from caregiving.  I’m so glad your children have stepped up. 👍. Hope you have a fantastic trip and break!



9 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Thanks for the great start for today. I am off to see the surgeon this morning. I will find out if I need more therapy.


Best wishes for your appointment 🤞. I hope it went well.



9 hours ago, cunnorl said:

      I have to go back to the lab this morning. Seems they did not draw the correct bloodwork.  Oh well.  Then going to lunch with a few friends for my birthday. (not today, it is the 23rd)


Well dam on not doing the right blood work.  You deserve an early birthday celebration after that for sure 👍 




7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Now he has gone to visit his cousins, and I have had a little nap in our hotel room.  The Courtmacsherry Hotel has the last remaining cork tree in County Cork.


How lovely that Pat gets a visit with his cousins!  I hope he enjoyed it and you your nap.  That is so cool on the last cork tree in Cork!



7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


Thinking of you all, especially those with ailments!  Hope the puppy dog works out, Jacqui.  


He’s no puppy, Ann - a senior but they are the hardest to place and all dogs deserve a good home.  Thanks 🙂 



7 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  We found a lovely letter of congratulations from the Governor General in our mail, DH thought we were being invited for tea, lol!   Hard to believe we have been married longer than either of our parents.  The big 50! 


Wow - how wonderful.  A very happy anniversary to you both on this special day.  





7 hours ago, bennybear said:




Just love this picture ♥️ 


I am in huge catch up mode.  Been trying with a capital T to plant.  But all the bare root perennials are in.  👍. My elbow is not happy - I told it to shut up and put up.  LOL. 

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I have to share my Kindergarden story.


I also went to Catholic grade school but it did not have Kindergarden so we all went to the public school for Kindergarden.

My teacher was Miss Yilatolo, she was very pretty, that I remember.

When we came back from Winter/Christmas holiday, she had gotten married so her name had changed.

She had her husband visit her class not long after break had ended. We all started crying because we thought he was going to take her away from us! We loved her....

They both assured us that she would still be our teacher. 😊


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This morning the Concierge’s computer showed 68 cases but the Captain’s sail-away report this afternoon he stated 24. So only way that could be is if we had quite a few cases early in the cruise and they have tested negative and quarantine has been lifted? 
Oh well. Headed to Pinnacle Chefs dinner.

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Just heard from my Calgary bound friends. They spent two days in Winnipeg waiting out the snowstorm and are in a Walmart parking lot in Regina for the night. They will take it easy and expect to be home early on Sunday.

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