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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday June 5th, 2023


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OK on all three days, although I've never been aboard a hot-air (or any) balloon. I have eaten frozen yogurt and I'm active in an environmental group; last week I helped to record a video for a meeting with our U.S. Representative.


Maybe on the Korean salmon skewers. No on the pseutodini and I don't know about the wine. I have been to the port of Nassau, but didn't go ashore--it was a tech stop in the middle of the night on the Norwegian Getaway cruise to nowhere--so no pictures.



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Good morning, all!A good collection of days. I was up,in a hot air balloon to watch the sunrise over the Hunter Valley north of Sydney Australia in 2020. It was unforgettable!

@ger_77 I tried the Tent Caterpillar Cocktail yesterday to no avail. I didn’t have Dawn and used a different brand of dish soap, which may have been the problem. Or maybe I didn’t use enough spray on each caterpillar. 
However, I sprayed the rose bushes with Bobbex early in the morning and didn’t see a single caterpillar on them all day! I’ll take that as a win. No matter how many people I kill, more just keep,coming. If I can turn the rose bushes into something they just pass by, I have a chance.

Happy Monday, everyone, and a toast to our BHB’s, wherever they are!


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I went up in a hot air balloon a number of years ago and can only describe it as "magical".  I was scared to death for the first couple of minutes, but then realized how peaceful and tranquil it was floating over the city, then the countryside.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  We haven't had frozen yogurt in ages, so today might be the day.  We shouldn't have to have a specific day to remind people to protect our environment.


A warm sunny day already, with a predicted high of +32 (89).  I realized yesterday how unaccustomed to heat I was when after posting my reply on the Daily, went out to start working with our plants.  By the time I'd finished moving plants, repotting, and trimming things, I was absolutely drenched, so had to have a shower (2nd one that day) before starting to work on getting ready for our family barbecue. BTW, thank you for letting me in to the Daily Garden Club; it's quite an honour to be among so many with green thumbs. 


@StLouisCruisers so glad Ren's team will be moving on; unfortunate about the two injured players, though.

@dfish yay on the painters arriving; that's an exciting time for you, making your new home your own.

@smitty34877 it's good to hear your DH is recovering nicely.

@kazu as others have mentioned, don't overdo it when it comes to your foot.


Not a lot happening today, so maybe DH and I will head out this afternoon to a frozen yogurt shop to do some taste testing.   I do like today's menu suggestion, especially the idea of adding cooked brown rice to coleslaw.  It's interesting that you add it hot though, I guess it's so the rice absorbs some of the sauce.  I've often used a recipe that I got when DH had his first heart attack for heart healthy Greek Salad using cold cooked rice, but not hot.  Interesting.   With the heat, I'm not going to have to cook anything tonight, as we have plenty of leftovers from last night's barbecue.  I'm sure it'll be too warm for us to eat on the deck, so it'll be barbecued ribs, garlic parm potatoes and coleslaw on trays in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, with extra prayers for those being displaced by forest fires across Canada.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning,

It will be another hot day here in Kansas I took Molly for a walk/drag around the park before it gets too hot.  She is on another walk refusal phase so I need to push her to move.  She has some quirks.  Sandi the soccer story is so sad for both boys. I sure hope they can save his teeth.


I am still dragging, I did 3 covid tests and all are negative.  There was lots of coughing on the cruise so I am glad I escaped getting sick.  I need to admit I am out of shape and make myself move so I can be in shape for the next cruise.

Shore excursions are stopping to pop up for the Grand Australian on the HAL site.  I need to get a spreadsheet going so I can see what I already have booked privately.  


Prayers for all and have a good day.

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Good morning Dailyites. Thanks Rich for our Daily. 


Prayers lifted to all needing healing. 


I volunteered to watch a dog for a few days while my girlfriend is babysitting 3 little others.. Well... we walked out the door this morning, the dog took off running and pulled an armadillo by the tail out of a storm drain. They wrestled and tussled and the armadillo took off and so did Juliet with me running after them both. Juliet trapped the bugger into the fence and I was able to hold the dogs collar for a second but the armadillo took off again and I couldn't hold Juliet back. She chased the armadillo until it went thru a fence, beaten , bloody, and limping. Omg.

I think I broke my toe. It's already black and swollen. Juliet is smiling and so proud of herself. 


Never flew in an air balloon but saw the balloon festival in New Mexico several times. So beautiful. 




Yesterday I applied fertilizer to the trees and watered them in, this morning after chores I'm going to add more grub killer to my mulch since the 1st application doesn't look like it is working.  I have a market run, then settle in and make a sheet pan vegetable and fish dish. And lots of wine..



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Good morning, I've never been in a hot air balloon, but a nearby community has a festival in the summer.  We watched one of the take offs at dusk.  It was beautiful, but the weather here is not very co-operative for their festivals...a storm, or too windy for the balloons.  

@StLouisCruisersWow, about the soccer accident, prayers that they all are ok.  

@Seasick Sailorhoping your toe is ok, broken toes are no fun.  

We had a busy weekend, now for a day to catch up...took the youngest grands to a Dancing Horse show nearby, the horses and riders were beautiful!   DH is fishing with his fishing buddy this am, last week we had a delicious meal with the bluegills they caught!  Have a great day! 



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42 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Thanks Rich for our Daily. 


Prayers lifted to all needing healing. 


I volunteered to watch a dog for a few days while my girlfriend is babysitting 3 little others.. Well... we walked out the door this morning, the dog took off running and pulled an armadillo by the tail out of a storm drain. They wrestled and tussled and the armadillo took off and so did Juliet with me running after them both. Juliet trapped the bugger into the fence and I was able to hold the dogs collar for a second but the armadillo took off again and I couldn't hold Juliet back. She chased the armadillo until it went thru a fence, beaten , bloody, and limping. Omg.

I think I broke my toe. It's already black and swollen. Juliet is smiling and so proud of herself. 


Never flew in an air balloon but saw the balloon festival in New Mexico several times. So beautiful. 




Yesterday I applied fertilizer to the trees and watered them in, this morning after chores I'm going to add more grub killer to my mulch since the 1st application doesn't look like it is working.  I have a market run, then settle in and make a sheet pan vegetable and fish dish. And lots of wine..




Oh Joy, what a difficult start to your day!  I do hope the toe isn't broken, and doesn't hurt much.  You should get it looked at.  You need to have a little talk with Juliet about taking off like that!  🤔

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Good Morning from a warm and windy day at the beach

    I love to see Hot Air Balloons but I could never go up  in one. I do like frozen yogurt but prefer ice cream.

    Another rocket launch scheduled this AM. Just received the text that the window opens at 11:42 to 11:53. We will see, its real windy.

     @Seasick Sailor Hope your toe is ok. Sounds painful

        @dfishHope your painting goes well. It is soooo hard picking colors.

        The ocean is really churning today. I cant imagine anyone wanting to go swimming. The rip currents are really strong.

        Nothing really to report.

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Hot air balloons look like fun, but I've never been on one. There used to be balloon festivals here, and being a photographer, it was a great opportunity to get colorful photos. I like frozen yogurt, although real gelato is my favorite. The environment is so in need of protection. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal(fish) and drink. Yes on the wine.

I've been to Nassau, way back in the 70's, when it was still nice; and once on a Disney Wonder cruise, but we did an excursion to Atlantis.


It's cooler today, as we started off in the upper 40's. I took advantage of it and went out and trimmed the back shrubs on one side. They actually belong to my neighbor, but there's an old fence on their side of them, and they never come into my yard to cut them. So I've trimmed them for the more than 25 years I've lived here. There's also all kinds of vines growing on their side, that I trim as much away as I can. They are nice folks, but just don't do much to their outside stuff, which grows all into my yard. I'll do my front shrubs another day.


The water line people are back working in the street. I'm trying to catch someone to talk to about if they will repair my sidewalk. I can't see this being my responsibility.


@Nickelpenny I knew you'd like Mammoth Cave! Safe travels to PA.

@kazu Good news that your foot is healing. Prayers for recovery for your neighbor.

@dfish Exciting that the painting is starting! 

@StLouisCruisers Good luck to Ren and his team in the upcoming tournament. Oh my on the injuries to the boys; sounds like a freak accident and I hope Jackson and Colten are ok. Lots going on with DS's family! Nice photos from Nassau. 

@smitty34877 Good news on DH's progress.

@marshhawk It sounds like the cats are enjoying the screened porch.

@cruising sister Sorry you're still dragging. I think my respiratory crud was acquired after my cruise; the person I was staying with in Germany was coughing a lot. And I too need to get in shape for travel, once my knees and back allow.

@Seasick Sailor Oh my on the dog vs armadillo! And oh no on your toe! I hope it's not broken. Are you getting an x-ray?

@Horizon chaser 1957 Ugh on the tent caterpillars evading your efforts to get rid of them.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List


A few pictures from my stop in Nassau on Disney Wonder in 2007.




Interesting Decor inside Atlantis






Paradise Lagoon



Ships in dock in Nassau



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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

DH is feeling well enough to come with me for an exciting (not) grocery store run. Yesterday we walked down the street and back, about 1,000 ft.I resisted my overprotective  impulses and stayed nearby but not assisting. Progress is good.


That is really good news and great progress 👍. May your DH continue in such a great way!



2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I am still dragging, I did 3 covid tests and all are negative.  There was lots of coughing on the cruise so I am glad I escaped getting sick.  I need to admit I am out of shape and make myself move so I can be in shape for the next cruise.


Glad to hear you are negative 👍. You might be dragging for a few days sadly.  My DS did when she was over covid.  She was tired for a couple of weeks and then one day all was good again.  Hope you recover quickly.



2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Shore excursions are stopping to pop up for the Grand Australian on the HAL site.  I need to get a spreadsheet going so I can see what I already have booked privately.  


You need someone on your roll call to be doing spread sheet. 😉 



2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

She chased the armadillo until it went thru a fence, beaten , bloody, and limping. Omg.

I think I broke my toe. It's already black and swollen. Juliet is smiling and so proud of herself. 


OMG - sounds like Juliet needs a control harness.  You poor thing.  I hope your toe isn’t broken 🙏🏻.   Please get it checked.  If it is broken, it needs to be treated to heal properly.  Toe and foot injuries are so painful, it’s hard to know if it is or not without an X-Ray usually.  Please take care of yourself.



35 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

And now the tent caterpillars are back on my rose bushes - that still smell like bobcat pee.



Well DAM.  Buy some Dawn soap and give Gerry’s recipe another try.  I hope you can beat them 🤞 



@JazzyV I completely agree with you.  The repair of that sidewalk should not be your responsibility.  Good luck

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Monday… great Days to celebrate today. We lived in and near Albuquerque for decades where the annual Balloon Fiesta is over a week long. The mass ascensions are on the weekends; weekdays have other events - races from off the field to the field, bean bag drops onto targets, key grabs to grab new truck keys from very tall poles, and others. It all happens the first week in October. Hundreds of balloons come from around the world! usually 7-800.   The field allows attendees to walk among the balloons, and you might get asked to help hold a rope. They go up in waves starting at dawn and are usually all down by 9 or 10. Albuquerque has a wind pattern in the early morning that is favorable to balloon piloting. The winds drain down the face of the mountains, then rise from the river valley where the air is warmer forming what they call “the box”.  This allows pilots to use their propane burners pick an elevation up or down to help them catch a wind sideways to navigate. “The box” changes as the sun rises and gets overlain by the draining winds coming downslope from Santa Fe which is almost 2000 feet higher at 7400 ft. It’s all quite an amazing set of events. I think I have some pix in my phone that I captured from the TV coverage last year. 
We flew in one owned by a neighbor’s son. It was serene until the landing!  He descended us abruptly after clearing a building roof, then we bumped the ground hard and tipped over. I crashed within the basket into a propane tank and bruised up my knees but was otherwise ok. I’m glad we did it but no need to again. 

@Seasick Sailor if the skin on that broken toe is cut at all it could easily become infected, as happened to DH years ago. That bone infection was a bugger. Until you can get it checked out, taping it to an adjacent larger toe can help stabilize it. Not too tight. (Firmly press the end of the toe for a second to blanch the skin, then watch for it to pink up within 1-2 seconds to ensure there is still good blood flow.). If the skin is broken it needs more help to avoid an infection going into the bone!  

@smitty34877 great progress!  👍

@StLouisCruisersSorry to hear about the soccer accident!  North of Albuquerque there is a major set of soccer fields; always an ambulance on standby. More accidents than one might think. Hoping the boys heal ok. 

🙏 We are starting an adventure we didn’t want. Our new, consolidating cash management account got hacked. Maybe the few thousand $s that were stolen will get replaced eventually but we will likely have to redo all the auto deposits and auto payments to new routing numbers including pensions, condo fees, insurance, income and property taxes and much more. We were just getting it stabilized from the old NM accounts and trying to simplify our finances, but now we must rethink this and maybe re-transfer everything back to our old accounts. It’s a mess. But it’s not life threatening, just troublesome. We were scheduled to see our financial adviser tomorrow anyway, and this bank is an affiliate of theirs. Not happy!  Was on the phone with the fraud department, next will be filing reports. This will take months and more work on our part than I realized. We had credit card fraud years ago on our “big box” Visa card and they credited us and sent new cards, now we keep them locked which is a nuisance.  But this isn’t the credit cards that got hacked, so we’ll learn something new!  Sigh. 

Grateful for the rain at several of the fires! Prayers for rain and protection for all those impacted.  Blessings for all in need and all the Dailyites!  
Cheers for all celebrating and traveling.

@Nickelpenny loving your reports 

@Denise T Welcome home. Thanks for your Live!  

Maureen IMG_0799.thumb.png.e42fe6796d223a1ccf9767e8e7f0a27f.pngIMG_0804.thumb.png.8d5126d6ceee7a58ce1a3e94cbf6d2ca.pngIMG_0816.thumb.png.d0ba806f5c01f02d7899c6843f0cebe1.pngIMG_0819.thumb.png.bd971a78ab069d0d3b9e05be0f8fd06e.pngIMG_0821.thumb.png.912d80bd6aacb6fd7e376063ac8e1c27.pngIMG_0823.thumb.png.3be16a40fd354a4ba8612201865640ff.png


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My PCC called first thing when she got into the office.  We booked the Volendam for 8/31/24 with the early booking bonus as well as welcome home benefit.  I mentioned that DH wanted to see if our December cruise could be less expensive and did she know of a promotion coming up.  Well she provided an inside Mariner rate that I don’t see and saved us about $400 pp.  I hope this makes DH happy.

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Port of Call, Nassau. Was first there in 1978. Rented a car and stayed at a Holiday Inn on beach. I was very lucky at the Playboy Casino at the blackjack table. In fact I was so lucky that they was a crowd watching me. One of the spectators asked who I was for which I replied, “Bob, RedneckBob”. So at the end of the nite I stuffed all the money into my pockets and we headed back to the hotel. When I reached for the rental car keys some of the money was in the way so I stuffed it into the side door pocket. To make a long story short, the next day when we went to the car it would not start. Someone had stolen the battery for the lead and left the over $100 in the side door pocket alone!

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1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

Monday… great Days to celebrate today. We lived in and near Albuquerque for decades where the annual Balloon Fiesta is over a week long. The mass ascensions are on the weekends; weekdays have other events - races from off the field to the field, bean bag drops onto targets, key grabs to grab new truck keys from very tall poles, and others. It all happens the first week in October. Hundreds of balloons come from around the world! usually 7-800.   The field allows attendees to walk among the balloons, and you might get asked to help hold a rope. They go up in waves starting at dawn and are usually all down by 9 or 10. Albuquerque has a wind pattern in the early morning that is favorable to balloon piloting. The winds drain down the face of the mountains, then rise from the river valley where the air is warmer forming what they call “the box”.  This allows pilots to use their propane burners pick an elevation up or down to help them catch a wind sideways to navigate. “The box” changes as the sun rises and gets overlain by the draining winds coming downslope from Santa Fe which is almost 2000 feet higher at 7400 ft. It’s all quite an amazing set of events. I think I have some pix in my phone that I captured from the TV coverage last year. 
We flew in one owned by a neighbor’s son. It was serene until the landing!  He descended us abruptly after clearing a building roof, then we bumped the ground hard and tipped over. I crashed within the basket into a propane tank and bruised up my knees but was otherwise ok. I’m glad we did it but no need to again. 

@Seasick Sailor if the skin on that broken toe is cut at all it could easily become infected, as happened to DH years ago. That bone infection was a bugger. Until you can get it checked out, taping it to an adjacent larger toe can help stabilize it. Not too tight. (Firmly press the end of the toe for a second to blanch the skin, then watch for it to pink up within 1-2 seconds to ensure there is still good blood flow.). If the skin is broken it needs more help to avoid an infection going into the bone!  

@smitty34877 great progress!  👍

@StLouisCruisersSorry to hear about the soccer accident!  North of Albuquerque there is a major set of soccer fields; always an ambulance on standby. More accidents than one might think. Hoping the boys heal ok. 

🙏 We are starting an adventure we didn’t want. Our new, consolidating cash management account got hacked. Maybe the few thousand $s that were stolen will get replaced eventually but we will likely have to redo all the auto deposits and auto payments to new routing numbers including pensions, condo fees, insurance, income and property taxes and much more. We were just getting it stabilized from the old NM accounts and trying to simplify our finances, but now we must rethink this and maybe re-transfer everything back to our old accounts. It’s a mess. But it’s not life threatening, just troublesome. We were scheduled to see our financial adviser tomorrow anyway, and this bank is an affiliate of theirs. Not happy!  Was on the phone with the fraud department, next will be filing reports. This will take months and more work on our part than I realized. We had credit card fraud years ago on our “big box” Visa card and they credited us and sent new cards, now we keep them locked which is a nuisance.  But this isn’t the credit cards that got hacked, so we’ll learn something new!  Sigh. 

Grateful for the rain at several of the fires! Prayers for rain and protection for all those impacted.  Blessings for all in need and all the Dailyites!  
Cheers for all celebrating and traveling.

@Nickelpenny loving your reports 

@Denise T Welcome home. Thanks for your Live!  

Maureen IMG_0799.thumb.png.e42fe6796d223a1ccf9767e8e7f0a27f.pngIMG_0804.thumb.png.8d5126d6ceee7a58ce1a3e94cbf6d2ca.pngIMG_0816.thumb.png.d0ba806f5c01f02d7899c6843f0cebe1.pngIMG_0819.thumb.png.bd971a78ab069d0d3b9e05be0f8fd06e.pngIMG_0821.thumb.png.912d80bd6aacb6fd7e376063ac8e1c27.pngIMG_0823.thumb.png.3be16a40fd354a4ba8612201865640ff.png


We were there two years ago for three days but due to the high winds none of the balloons were launched. 🥲

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Good afternoon from an increasingly cloudy central Texas.  The north wind has also picked up, and is 8 mph.  There is still only a slight chance of rain today, which probably doesn't meant very much.  This was another day that I got the house cleaned in record time, less than 4 1/2 hours, including a breakfast break.  It's nice to get through early and be able to enjoy a clean house before life starts getting it messy again.


5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.It is sunny and cool here,going up to the mid seventies later.I will salute all of the days,especially World Environment  Day.

We have not been to the port but it certainly looks nice.The recipes look very tasty and have been brought to my executive  chefs'  attention.

DH is feeling well enough to come with me for an exciting (not) grocery store run. Yesterday we walked down the street and back, about 1,000 ft.I resisted my overprotective  impulses and stayed nearby but not assisting. Progress is good.

Have a great day everyone!


Terry, I'm glad your DH is making such good progress, and could even go on an outing.  


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  I was up late printing info on my new campaign (I paper jammed the printer) and I was up early printing more info from Lincoln Center.  


The screened porch is a big hit with Furnando and Bobagingee!  I washed 3 cat beds and put them on the porch. Furnando tried each one out, and found the one he loves, and has been out on the porch this morning, curled up in his bed (first time I have ever seen him so calm)."Bob" is enjoying watching the wildlife, the stray cats, the birds, he really liked seeing a raccoon last night!  But at bed time I brought them in, and then reopened the porch when I got up.


I have been to Nassau a few times.  The first time we went we choose an excursion last minute, and were taken by boat to a small island to snorkel for doubloons ( which turned out to be coupons for stores in town).  The second time we went, we went to the Blue Lagoon, a cold front had come through while we were there, and it was way too cold to swim, and we were very ready to get back to the ship.

Two times we went to a hotel out of town for a day pass and enjoyed the beach (why is it always too cold to swim) but we enjoyed the pool and the hot tubs.  And we enjoyed the jitney #10 bus ride.

We have been to the pirate museum and visited a beautiful cathedral across the street from the museum, got caught in a gulley washer, where it rained so hard and so fast the water went over the curbs and into the stores, and we have been to the zoo. (which i posted pictures of last year) and one time, when DH could not cruise with me, I stayed on board.  I know I have pictures of Nassau, but I apparently have not downloaded any but of the zoo.  I need to go back and look at my pictures.

I have to admit that I dont cruise to Nassau, it is usually a port that is part of a cruise to HMC, and since I am there, I get off the ship.








Annie, I'm glad the cats are enjoying the porch and that Furnando is calmer.  It's good that Bobagingee has a good place to watch all the wildlife.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser  I'm glad the Jaguars are going to the tournament too but yesterday was pretty rough.  First of all they were short a few defenders.  One kid isn't very reliable and didn't show up in Chicago without notifying anyone.  Then near the end of the game two Jags, Colton and Jackson had a freak accident running into each other with Jackson's mouth making contact with Colton's head.  Jackson was badly injured.  Three of his front teeth were pushed out of place awkwardly, and Colton had a laceration to his head and half of one of Jackson's teeth imbedded there.  One of the Jag's Dads is a doctor and he ran over to assist.  Both boys ended up in the ER.  Colton had to get a stitch to the head.  They did surgery on Jackson and he has to see someone today about possible root canals.  Horrific! 


Thank goodness Ren escaped injury.  He was one of the scorers.  I just hope everyone will be ready for that tournament and have some time to recuperate.  I need to put those boys on my prayer list!




Sandi, how horrible about the accident.  It sounds like Colton should be able to play in the tournament, but Jackson may have to sit it out.  I imagine it will take time for the teeth and jaw to ge fully set in place.  I hope the remaining teeth that were damaged can be saved.


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Thanks Rich for our Daily. 


Prayers lifted to all needing healing. 


I volunteered to watch a dog for a few days while my girlfriend is babysitting 3 little others.. Well... we walked out the door this morning, the dog took off running and pulled an armadillo by the tail out of a storm drain. They wrestled and tussled and the armadillo took off and so did Juliet with me running after them both. Juliet trapped the bugger into the fence and I was able to hold the dogs collar for a second but the armadillo took off again and I couldn't hold Juliet back. She chased the armadillo until it went thru a fence, beaten , bloody, and limping. Omg.

I think I broke my toe. It's already black and swollen. Juliet is smiling and so proud of herself. 


Never flew in an air balloon but saw the balloon festival in New Mexico several times. So beautiful. 




Yesterday I applied fertilizer to the trees and watered them in, this morning after chores I'm going to add more grub killer to my mulch since the 1st application doesn't look like it is working.  I have a market run, then settle in and make a sheet pan vegetable and fish dish. And lots of wine..




Ouch, Joy.  A broken toe is not fun as I know first hand.  I hope you have seen a doctor by now.  When I broke my big toe, I couldn't get it looked at until the next morning.  By then it was so swollen the bone wouldn't stay in place when the doctor tried to set it.  I was supposed to come back in a week when he would rebreak it and set it.  By the next week, he said I was walking well enough, so the toe would just heal as it was, which meant the joint in the toe was frozen in place.  If it's a bigger toe, buddy taping it to another toe or two helps stabilize the broken one.  However, if it's the little toe, there is not much that can be done.  Lots of ice and pain meds will help for the first three weeks.  At least, you don't have two kids under four and moving in two weeks, but that was 43 years ago.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Hot air balloons look like fun, but I've never been on one. There used to be balloon festivals here, and being a photographer, it was a great opportunity to get colorful photos. I like frozen yogurt, although real gelato is my favorite. The environment is so in need of protection. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal(fish) and drink. Yes on the wine.

I've been to Nassau, way back in the 70's, when it was still nice; and once on a Disney Wonder cruise, but we did an excursion to Atlantis.


It's cooler today, as we started off in the upper 40's. I took advantage of it and went out and trimmed the back shrubs on one side. They actually belong to my neighbor, but there's an old fence on their side of them, and they never come into my yard to cut them. So I've trimmed them for the more than 25 years I've lived here. There's also all kinds of vines growing on their side, that I trim as much away as I can. They are nice folks, but just don't do much to their outside stuff, which grows all into my yard. I'll do my front shrubs another day.


The water line people are back working in the street. I'm trying to catch someone to talk to about if they will repair my sidewalk. I can't see this being my responsibility.


@Nickelpenny I knew you'd like Mammoth Cave! Safe travels to PA.

@kazu Good news that your foot is healing. Prayers for recovery for your neighbor.

@dfish Exciting that the painting is starting! 

@StLouisCruisers Good luck to Ren and his team in the upcoming tournament. Oh my on the injuries to the boys; sounds like a freak accident and I hope Jackson and Colten are ok. Lots going on with DS's family! Nice photos from Nassau. 

@smitty34877 Good news on DH's progress.

@marshhawk It sounds like the cats are enjoying the screened porch.

@cruising sister Sorry you're still dragging. I think my respiratory crud was acquired after my cruise; the person I was staying with in Germany was coughing a lot. And I too need to get in shape for travel, once my knees and back allow.

@Seasick Sailor Oh my on the dog vs armadillo! And oh no on your toe! I hope it's not broken. Are you getting an x-ray?

@Horizon chaser 1957 Ugh on the tent caterpillars evading your efforts to get rid of them.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List


A few pictures from my stop in Nassau on Disney Wonder in 2007.




Interesting Decor inside Atlantis






Paradise Lagoon



Ships in dock in Nassau




Vanessa, thanks for the pictures of Atlantis.  We enjoyed wandering through the resort before they started charging in fee to just look around.


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

Monday… great Days to celebrate today. We lived in and near Albuquerque for decades where the annual Balloon Fiesta is over a week long. The mass ascensions are on the weekends; weekdays have other events - races from off the field to the field, bean bag drops onto targets, key grabs to grab new truck keys from very tall poles, and others. It all happens the first week in October. Hundreds of balloons come from around the world! usually 7-800.   The field allows attendees to walk among the balloons, and you might get asked to help hold a rope. They go up in waves starting at dawn and are usually all down by 9 or 10. Albuquerque has a wind pattern in the early morning that is favorable to balloon piloting. The winds drain down the face of the mountains, then rise from the river valley where the air is warmer forming what they call “the box”.  This allows pilots to use their propane burners pick an elevation up or down to help them catch a wind sideways to navigate. “The box” changes as the sun rises and gets overlain by the draining winds coming downslope from Santa Fe which is almost 2000 feet higher at 7400 ft. It’s all quite an amazing set of events. I think I have some pix in my phone that I captured from the TV coverage last year. 
We flew in one owned by a neighbor’s son. It was serene until the landing!  He descended us abruptly after clearing a building roof, then we bumped the ground hard and tipped over. I crashed within the basket into a propane tank and bruised up my knees but was otherwise ok. I’m glad we did it but no need to again. 

@Seasick Sailor if the skin on that broken toe is cut at all it could easily become infected, as happened to DH years ago. That bone infection was a bugger. Until you can get it checked out, taping it to an adjacent larger toe can help stabilize it. Not too tight. (Firmly press the end of the toe for a second to blanch the skin, then watch for it to pink up within 1-2 seconds to ensure there is still good blood flow.). If the skin is broken it needs more help to avoid an infection going into the bone!  

@smitty34877 great progress!  👍

@StLouisCruisersSorry to hear about the soccer accident!  North of Albuquerque there is a major set of soccer fields; always an ambulance on standby. More accidents than one might think. Hoping the boys heal ok. 

🙏 We are starting an adventure we didn’t want. Our new, consolidating cash management account got hacked. Maybe the few thousand $s that were stolen will get replaced eventually but we will likely have to redo all the auto deposits and auto payments to new routing numbers including pensions, condo fees, insurance, income and property taxes and much more. We were just getting it stabilized from the old NM accounts and trying to simplify our finances, but now we must rethink this and maybe re-transfer everything back to our old accounts. It’s a mess. But it’s not life threatening, just troublesome. We were scheduled to see our financial adviser tomorrow anyway, and this bank is an affiliate of theirs. Not happy!  Was on the phone with the fraud department, next will be filing reports. This will take months and more work on our part than I realized. We had credit card fraud years ago on our “big box” Visa card and they credited us and sent new cards, now we keep them locked which is a nuisance.  But this isn’t the credit cards that got hacked, so we’ll learn something new!  Sigh. 

Grateful for the rain at several of the fires! Prayers for rain and protection for all those impacted.  Blessings for all in need and all the Dailyites!  
Cheers for all celebrating and traveling.

@Nickelpenny loving your reports 

@Denise T Welcome home. Thanks for your Live!  

Maureen IMG_0799.thumb.png.e42fe6796d223a1ccf9767e8e7f0a27f.pngIMG_0804.thumb.png.8d5126d6ceee7a58ce1a3e94cbf6d2ca.pngIMG_0816.thumb.png.d0ba806f5c01f02d7899c6843f0cebe1.pngIMG_0819.thumb.png.bd971a78ab069d0d3b9e05be0f8fd06e.pngIMG_0821.thumb.png.912d80bd6aacb6fd7e376063ac8e1c27.pngIMG_0823.thumb.png.3be16a40fd354a4ba8612201865640ff.png



Maureen, I'm sorry your account got hack and some of the money was stolen.  I also hope getting it straightened out will not be as bad as you think.  Hopefully, your financial adviser can help with getting things in order.


1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

My PCC called first thing when she got into the office.  We booked the Volendam for 8/31/24 with the early booking bonus as well as welcome home benefit.  I mentioned that DH wanted to see if our December cruise could be less expensive and did she know of a promotion coming up.  Well she provided an inside Mariner rate that I don’t see and saved us about $400 pp.  I hope this makes DH happy.


Jake, I'm glad you PCC could help with the two cruises and save you some money.  A good PCC is worth their weight in gold.


@kazu Jacqui, I hope your neighbor is doing well now.


This morning, I mentioned that when we first stared going to Quartzsite there was a hot air balloon gathering in January.  When we were camped in the desert, we had one pass right overhead.  I found this picture from 2002 of a balloon landing in the desert just north of our neighborhood.  The mountains and the end of the neighborhood are not as close together as they appear in this telephoto shot.






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