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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday June 23rd, 202


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@rafinmd Wishing you a very happy 80th birthday Roy!   Enjoy that cake and ice cream. 
@ottahand7yikes and ouch!   Hope it heals quickly!  Agree with Jacqui, check on your tetanus shots.  
@kazu I sure hope Ivan is on the mend and it’s nothing serious.  

I like the quote as I prefer people who are authentic.  I admire all the brave widows I know,   Many,  many on here!  My mom was widowed for over 26 years.  Our dear elderly neighbour lost his wife this week after 74 years of marriage, so sad and yet so nice they had so long together.  


 @dfish Thanks for all those interesting recipes, I’m not sure about orange flower water. 


Edited by bennybear
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5 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I missed yesterday due to a dental obligation and have no sunrise for June 23.  This photo is from a year ago yesterday on my morning walk in my neighborhood:





Happy Birthday Roy from a closet Daily-ite.  I hope you got yourself a nice birthday cake at Wegmans.  Easy to chew and fun to eat.


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My thought go out to all who have lost a loved one on this International Widows Day.  This day was established by the United Nations in 2010 to highlight the struggles of widowhood and to amplify the voices of widows, who struggle with poverty, bias, and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents.


Pink Day, my first thought was breast cancer awareness.IMG_7578.thumb.webp.55a3a1a471995040c13c6d51e81302ff.webp

Then I thought about when we had Pink Shirt Day in school.  It was a day celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusion, particularly important concepts during Pride month.


Finally, because I’m from Baltimore, I thought of our iconic pink flamingos, the signature Baltimore lawn ornaments. These became popular when instead of going to Ocean City to vacation, the newly working women of the mid-20th century would use their extra money to go to Florida, bringing back as many plastic birds as they could. They put them in their yards, so neighbors would know they could afford to visit the Sunshine State.


(Baltimore Sun photo by Jed Kirschbaum photo of City Hall October 2009.)

Finally, a quote from Ms. HepburnIMG_7572.jpeg.c94c072736424f6ae604d997733eaa4f.jpeg


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

how did you get from VA to Denver so fast?

You may have me confused with @Nickelpenny who is currently in Denver driving home from her cruise.  I just drove from Northern Neck, VA to Baltimore, MD.

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2 hours ago, kazu said:


He seems like himself today.  I just haven’t seen him drink water but there is water in his chicken & rice concoction.  I have my eye on him.



I'm glad he's getting back to his old self.  


2 hours ago, kazu said:


Sudafed or Otrivin, Debbie?   I’m a fan of the latter.

Neither.  I've never heard of Otrivin.   I have Flonase and Azelastine HCL, both nasal sprays.  I also have Zyrtec and Benadryl.   And DayQuil and NyQuil.  I'm a little better now.  I went back to bed for a couple hours this morning.

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@rafinmd Roy,  Happy Birthday!🎂


It's summer on the Space Coast of FL. The temp was 77 F with 84% humidity at 7am. The pool is at 90 and we have to check the skimmer BEFORE going in the pool for snakes. There was one in the skimmer this morning and one on the pool deck. We had a rocket go off at 4am this week (very hard to sleep thru) and another at 11:35am today. A lot of neighbors in their front yards to watch (as usual) but it was so cloudy we didn't see much. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning.   Happy birthday Roy @rafinmd🍾🎂

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.  Today is a day for me, I rarely wear pink and I probably won't be tossing anything today.  Today's wine is attainable so it will probably be good.  Passing the bass and the sweet cocktail.   

@JazzyV thank you for maintaining our Cares and Celebrations reports.  A lot of people in our group are in our Cares list.   Prayers for them, the people of Ukraine and the people on the submersible and their families.   

We had a great time fishing yesterday, a great thing to do on a 90 degree day.  I got a delayed start because as we were ready to push the pontoon away I told John I would handle the push off.  It was a freak accident but as John stepped on the boat dropped and crushed my big toe between the boat and the dock. I bet we have done that 50 times over the years . It was just a fraction of a second but my toenail was flowing blood.  I told John to go fish and I would deal with it.   I drove the UTV that we use to haul our gear down back up the hill and headed to the bathtub.   Thankfully we have area rugs so no blood spots on anything that couldn't be wiped up.  I climbed into the bathtub and peeled off my sandal and got to work.  We had a large bottle of peroxide and I poured that on my toe.  After I got that done I sprayed it with Betadine and started wrapping it.   I had non medical absorbent pads and wrapped two around my toe and foot and the used wound wrap Ace bandage and secured it.  Then I wrapped with wound tape to keep it secure. That done I needed a shoe.   I went into John's closet and found a pair of pull on sneakers.  I tried one and it fit over my bandage so off to fishing I went.   The sneaker and pad were full of blood when we returned so I changed the wrapping and laid down for a nap.   I hope I can find a larger shoe or just cut the toe open on another because the pressure on the toe causes the clot to break.  There is no toenail left, I must have washed it down the drain with the peroxide foam.  It only hurts when something touches it. So then we fished, we all caught bass which we don't eat.  A fun day other than my accident.  

I am looking forward to the photos of today's port. @aliaschief thanks for the quick pic from Mont St. Michelle, one of our favorite places in France.  Have a nice Friday everyone.  Nancy 

Irises are still doing their thing. 








Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident yesterday.  It sounds like you did a decent job of treating and bandaging your toe, but please keep a close eye on it.  You wouldn't want an infection as others have mentioned.


My DB texted us that he had fallen today at the foot of his stairs and then over the gate he uses to keep his dog out of his office.  He already has a torn rotator cuff he is considering having repaired, but injured it further in the fall.  He went to urgent care to have them take a look, and mentioned his back and ribs are beginning to hurt too.  I hope there's no further damage and he ends up with only bruises from today's fall.  

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Good afternoon from a slightly sunny central Texas where it is now 90F with a good wind.  It wasn't too bad earlier with all the clouds and wind when I started mowing and trimming.  It only got to feel very humid when the wind died down for a short while.  Otherwise, it was not a bad day to be mowing except the grass was still a little wetter than I would have liked, but it's done for another week along with one more round to spraying weed killer.  Everything took less than three hours, and then I enjoyed a much needed shower.


4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all!


I am sure I am missing some important news as I only have been able to skim the board. @kazu I hope Ivan is doing better and hugs for widow day from me.  (The friend I am traveling with is also a widow). I think I said happy birthday to Roy yesterday 🫣 so I was getting ahead of the game!

I am in Denver and the had a tornado yesterday right after we got here. 🤐  but we will stay until Sunday. Lots to see here as my friend has really never been anywhere. 

we’ll have a nice Friday everyone!


Penny, I hope you and your friend have a great time in Denver.


4 hours ago, superoma said:

@rafinmdhappy birthday! Wishing you many more happy and healthy years.


we had rain overnight, lovely garden rain, soothing. So soothing I slept until 8:45!  We needed the rain. I just hope tomorrow is clear. It is the second weekend of Windsor’s carousel of the nations and we are hoping to go to the Bavarian village.





Eva, I hope your weather cooperates tomorrow and you get to enjoy the Bavarian village.  Glad you got much needed rain.


4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning/afternoon from St. Mali, France. Our excursion to majestic Mont-Saint-Michel was interesting but oh my was it crowded. Hundreds of school outings and tons of tourist. I struggled with the steep climb and many steps. Since my aortic valve replacement I’m on medicine that keeps my heart rate down. Works fine but when you’re ascending and your heart rate stays low the lungs start pleading to heart to speed up we need more oxygen! I have always wanted to see this marvel on an island and another bucket list checked off.


Happy Birthday @rafinmd Roy!🎂

Tomorrow we visit Cherbourg, France. Seeing we have been there our plan is to walk around and have a nice lunch.









Bruce, thanks for the pictures from Mont-Saint-Michel.  Even 19 years ago when we were there, and younger, the steep stairs and walkways were a challenge.  We enjoyed our day there, and since it was the 60th anniversary of D-Day, most of the tourists were along the Normandy coast.  We also enjoyed touring St. Malo several years ago.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Huge respect for all the widows and widowers for managing the struggles of living daily without their partners.  I'm trying to let it go by getting rid of things that are only significant to me - it isn't easy, but it feels good once the bags are dropped off at the thrift store.  I don't have a lot of pink in my wardrobe, but will try to find something suitable.


Last night we sat outside enjoying the calm and quiet, having  Aperol Spritzes when we figured it was likely time to head indoors.  It was 10:30 and still light out - that's the kind of summer evenings we typically enjoy.  At 10, you could easily have read the newspaper, and when we came into the house it was just starting to get a bit dark.  This morning is nice with some big white puffy clouds and a slight breeze - we're expecting a high of 26C (78F) which will be a comfortable temperature if we're going to do any yard work today.  There's not a lot to do, as the fellow came and mowed the lawns, so I think I'll use some time to transplant the jade plant I cut down about a month ago.


@rafinmdHappy Birthday to you!  Enjoy your day as you celebrate another trip around the sun!

@ottahand7 oh my gosh, I was feeling pain and anxiety just reading about your episode!  I do hope the healing goes well - owie!!


Yesterday I did something I haven't done in a very long time - I cancelled our January cruise.  DH told me he was only lukewarm (more like lukecool) about going, and with the exception of only 1 port (St. Lucia), he really didn't care about the others.  He said he'd go, but just because I wanted to . . . really, it didn't make sense.  I could go and try to enjoy myself while he's just having a "meh" time?  Why waste the money?  So I cancelled it.   Never fear, I won't stop looking for cruises that will appeal to both of us.


I'd love to try the drink of the day and would like to buy the wine from the auction house.  If I recall correctly, we had some amazing black bass fish sandwiches at Porto Moniz when we were on a tour with @kazu and others last November.  It was so delicious!  No fish on the menu tonight - it's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll head out to one of the small pizza places near us and pick up something we can enjoy on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the families of the people in the submersible Titan.  A sad note - it was announced yesterday that another lady has succumbed to the injuries she sustained in the horrible bus/semi crash in Manitoba.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm sorry you needed to cancel the cruise, but understand it wouldn't be the same if one of you really didn't want to be there.  You'll find another one you both want to do.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Becoming a widow is certainly tragic, so I send support to all widows (and widowers). I try to let things go (feelings and possessions), but sometimes it's hard. I like pink shirts and have several. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and the drink and yes to the wine.

I haven't been to Grundarfjordur.


It's cloudy and cool here today with rain this afternoon, and the weekend. I had a good time at the anniversary celebration yesterday, seeing many old friends. A bit later I'm headed to PT. My quads are sore just from the seemingly small exercises I've done since Tuesday.



@rafinmd Happy 80th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Cupcake Images – Browse 124,399 Stock Photos, Vectors, and  Video | Adobe Stock 

@ottahand7 Oh no on the toe injury. You were brave to tackle treating that yourself! Watch out for any sign of infection. Gorgeous irises.

@kazu (((Hugs))) during this difficult time.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos, thanks.

@superoma I hope you get to the Bavarian village; sounds like fun!

@aliaschief It looks like you had great weather at Mon Saint-Michel. I remember those steps and I was a lot younger then. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

Be well everyone.



Vanessa, I'm glad you had a good time at the dinner last night and visiting with friends.  I'm sorry about BFF's car, but he was lucky the other driver stayed to tell him what happened.   I hope the PT and exercises help, but the first few days do seem to cause a few more aches and pains.


3 hours ago, dfish said:

Well, fortunately, we are coming in the day before and our outbound flight isn't until late afternoon.  Hopefully we'll be ok.  


I've tried Flonase and have allergy meds, but they aren't enough right now.  I think I'll be better on Sunday when the level of grass pollen goes down.


Debbie, I'm sorry the meds aren't enough to quell the allergies.  I hope things get better as the grass pollen goes down.


5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our TGIF Daily, Rich.


I’m in pink and didn’t even know it was Pink Day.  Sadly, I celebrate widow’s day every day.  If I could celebrate Let it Go day more it would be a big help.  Sadly, it’s easier said than done 😔 


I like today’s quote and yum on sea bass 👍 


I wasn’t on yesterday - just in too bad a spot - got rid of more of DD DH’s stuff (felt like a traitor), worry on Ivan & memories of Marley came back and our upcoming anniversary.  Guess I was celebrating widow’s day early.


so, to catch up - happy belated birthday to @ottahand7’s John.




Roy @rafinmd a very happy 80th birthday to you.  Hope the molar loss doesn’t cause you too much grief today.




 @Seasick Sailor So sorry about your medical issues.  I hope things improve and we see you back here soon.  🙏🏻 


@cruising sister congrats on the new Kia and selling the mustang.  That was tough to do and I know, very emotional.  I need to do something about ‘our’ huge SUV.  Inventory has been low here and no negotiation so I’m not keen on it yet and, I don’t think I am strong enough to do it.


Gerry @ger_77  thank you for asking about Ivan.  I wasn’t sure yesterday and worried - I think I look for things to worry about with the vet even mentioning the C word. 😔 Yikes on the fire and bridges closed 😬 


Bruce @aliaschief enjoy Mont St Michel.  I loved it.


Vanessa @JazzyV so sorry about your BFF’s car - as if there wasn’t enough to deal with already 😔 


Nancy @ottahand7  oh my heavens on your toe 😔. Have you had a tetanus shot in recent time?  If not please get one.  Wondering it is should be checked by a physician?


Sandi @StLouisCruisers - so sorry Ren’s team lost but you are right to be proud of him for how far his team got 👍 


Annie @marshhawk so sorry to hear about your back.  I’m sorry but it doesn’t sound right that you can’t get medical attention because you are coughing.


Prayers for those on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.  Have a great Friday everyone !!!







Jacqui, somehow in trying to get out side early, I missed your post this morning.  I'm sorry yesterday was such a rough day, and hope today is a lot better.  ((((HUGS))))  I'm glad Ivan is doing better, and I'm sure your TLC is a big factor.  


3 minutes ago, dfish said:


I'm glad he's getting back to his old self.  


Neither.  I've never heard of Otrivin.   I have Flonase and Azelastine HCL, both nasal sprays.  I also have Zyrtec and Benadryl.   And DayQuil and NyQuil.  I'm a little better now.  I went back to bed for a couple hours this morning.


Debbie, I'm glad a couple of hours resting this morning and some of the meds are making it a little better now.


10 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident yesterday.  It sounds like you did a decent job of treating and bandaging your toe, but please keep a close eye on it.  You wouldn't want an infection as others have mentioned.


My DB texted us that he had fallen today at the foot of his stairs and then over the gate he uses to keep his dog out of his office.  He already has a torn rotator cuff he is considering having repaired, but injured it further in the fall.  He went to urgent care to have them take a look, and mentioned his back and ribs are beginning to hurt too.  I hope there's no further damage and he ends up with only bruises from today's fall.  


Sandi, oh no about your DB's fall.  I hope all he has are bruises, but I'm glad he got checked out.



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1 hour ago, P&PNH said:

Happy Birthday Roy from a closet Daily-ite.  I hope you got yourself a nice birthday cake at Wegmans.  Easy to chew and fun to eat.



Welcome to the Daily, Peter 🙂. So glad to see you posting after all this time.    Hope to see you posting more in the future 🤞 



37 minutes ago, dfish said:


I'm glad he's getting back to his old self.  


Neither.  I've never heard of Otrivin. 


Maybe it’s not available in the U.S.?  I don’t travel without it.  (mostly for ear problems flying as it works so well with sinuses and friends who have pollen problems use it big time.



37 minutes ago, dfish said:

 I have Flonase and Azelastine HCL, both nasal sprays.  I also have Zyrtec and Benadryl.   And DayQuil and NyQuil.  I'm a little better now.  I went back to bed for a couple hours this morning.


I’m glad to hear you are feeling a bit better 👍 

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7 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Friday.  Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann as well as the birthday wishes (so far, as I type) from @dobiemom and @cat shepard..  Best wishes for our Widow dailyites.  I think I'll take a pass on pink, and yesterday was my day to let of of a tooth  (minimal pain so far).  I love today's quote but have not been to Grundarfjordur.  I'll pass on the bass.  My obvious alternative today is birthday cake.


Off to Wegmans soon.



Have a happy b day.  I love Wegmans.  I wish cruise ships would have the good baked goods on their ships.

I loved the Vision OTS for the buffet in the front and the large selection of cookies.

I leave June 29th for 9 days on Liberty OTS out of Bayonne.  Imagine on a ship called Liberty for a 4th of July cruise.  Can't wait to check out the cookie situation on this ship.  Again, happy birthday and I hope you got one of those wonderful muffins at Wegmans.  I love their whole grain bagels which I wish  cruise ships would have besides the boring just white bagels.  Oh well.


hope you have a fun cruise planned soon.

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4 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you EVERYONE.  @Oceansaway17 enjoy the Liberty.  The cake was not from Wegmans; I got it yesterday at Giant.



Aw I like Giant whole wheat bagels.  But overall, Wegmans is wonderful for everything.

Liberty will be my first time on Freedom class and then I would have been on them all.


Looking forward to my Statendam cruise next year from Copenhagen to Iceland.  

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2 hours ago, dfish said:


I'm glad he's getting back to his old self.  


Neither.  I've never heard of Otrivin.   I have Flonase and Azelastine HCL, both nasal sprays.  I also have Zyrtec and Benadryl.   And DayQuil and NyQuil.  I'm a little better now.  I went back to bed for a couple hours this morning.

Sudafed,Sinutab and Otrivine are used in the UK.


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15 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you EVERYONE.  @Oceansaway17 enjoy the Liberty.  The cake was not from Wegmans; I got it yesterday at Giant.



Do wish you had someone to share your cake and birthday with. Eighty is a big celebration and Blessing.🙏


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9 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

Aw I like Giant whole wheat bagels.  But overall, Wegmans is wonderful for everything.

Liberty will be my first time on Freedom class and then I would have been on them all.


Looking forward to my Statendam cruise next year from Copenhagen to Iceland.  

We sailed on Liberty from New York to the Caribbean and back to New York in January 2008.

We sailed on Freedom out of Barcelona in June 2017.

They are bigger versions of Voyager class ships.

I hope you have a fantastic cruise.

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Just now, grapau27 said:

We sailed on Liberty from New York to the Caribbean and back to New York in January 2008.

We sailed on Freedom out of Barcelona in June 2017.

They are bigger versions of Voyager class ships.

I hope you have a fantastic cruise.

thanks I think the ship might get some wind in Bermuda from remnants of hurricane. I don't want to miss Horseshow Bay.

But the Freedom class do not have the peek-a-boo area to look into the bridge I don't think?


Looking forward to seeing Barcelona for a day before Edge sails.  

One of these days I will try a P&O but since it is a UK line, not sure how to go about that.


Hope you and misses are well.  I am sure you are enjoying your lovely garden and that you have plans for a trip of some kind soon. 

I just booked the new Utopia OTS for their 3rd cruise next July.  So glad they got rid of Wonderland.  I booked a B2B.  I also am booked on ICON OTS but I did so back in Oct before prices went way way up.  I mean 4K for a solo person in interior room for 7 days.  OMG.  For just 800 dollars more I have my 14 day cruise on Statendam next year to Iceland from Copenhagen.  So, ICON is out of control for sure.

bye for now

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2 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

thanks I think the ship might get some wind in Bermuda from remnants of hurricane. I don't want to miss Horseshow Bay.

But the Freedom class do not have the peek-a-boo area to look into the bridge I don't think?


Looking forward to seeing Barcelona for a day before Edge sails.  

One of these days I will try a P&O but since it is a UK line, not sure how to go about that.


Hope you and misses are well.  I am sure you are enjoying your lovely garden and that you have plans for a trip of some kind soon. 

I just booked the new Utopia OTS for their 3rd cruise next July.  So glad they got rid of Wonderland.  I booked a B2B.  I also am booked on ICON OTS but I did so back in Oct before prices went way way up.  I mean 4K for a solo person in interior room for 7 days.  OMG.  For just 800 dollars more I have my 14 day cruise on Statendam next year to Iceland from Copenhagen.  So, ICON is out of control for sure.

bye for now

We had a high loyalty event on the peek-a-boo deck once.

Sorry I can't remember if it was Freedom,Voyager or Brilliance of the seas.

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Happy Birthday @rafinmd Roy! Hope you are having a great day. 

Enjoy your cake, yummy! I love cake, probably would have more than 1 piece...lol.😁

Still very hot, in the 90sF with an air quality alert, like 4 days in a row.

Thanks to everyone for all the input on the Daily today.

Prayers today for all as we all deserve them. 

Celebrate the good things in your life.

Take care and have a good weekend all!



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17 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

thanks I think the ship might get some wind in Bermuda from remnants of hurricane. I don't want to miss Horseshow Bay.

But the Freedom class do not have the peek-a-boo area to look into the bridge I don't think?


Looking forward to seeing Barcelona for a day before Edge sails.  

One of these days I will try a P&O but since it is a UK line, not sure how to go about that.


Hope you and misses are well.  I am sure you are enjoying your lovely garden and that you have plans for a trip of some kind soon. 

I just booked the new Utopia OTS for their 3rd cruise next July.  So glad they got rid of Wonderland.  I booked a B2B.  I also am booked on ICON OTS but I did so back in Oct before prices went way way up.  I mean 4K for a solo person in interior room for 7 days.  OMG.  For just 800 dollars more I have my 14 day cruise on Statendam next year to Iceland from Copenhagen.  So, ICON is out of control for sure.

bye for now

Barcelona is a fabulous city with lots to do but be careful of pickpockets and leave jewellery in your hotel safe.

You can book directly with P&O.

They don't have the facilities of Oasis class ships but tips are included in the price,drinks are reasonably priced and the main speciality restaurants Epicurean and Sindhu are excellent.

Their 2 smallest ships Aurora and Arcadia are child free.

Let me know if you ever want more advice on their ships or itineraries.


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11 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Barcelona is a fabulous city with lots to do but be careful of pickpockets and leave jewellery in your hotel safe.

You can book directly with P&O.

They don't have the facilities of Oasis class ships but tips are included in the price,drinks are reasonably priced and the main speciality restaurants Epicurean and Sindhu are excellent.

Their 2 smallest ships Aurora and Arcadia are child free.

Let me know if you ever want more advice on their ships or itineraries.


okay thanks.


I just love me some brits when on ships.  Most polite people ya are.  And good at standing in lines patiently.  toodles

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