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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 27th, 2023


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7 minutes ago, travelnap said:

If anyone could play the bagpipes while walking on stilts, they would truly be the star of the show.

How about with a houseplant on their head?? 😋

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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Sam is home and recuperating from his fall. Hopefully the brain bleed will heel itself.A CAT scan next week will show the condition. Thank you all for your prayers.

Stay safe,


Great news.  Continued prayers for Sam.  Katherine 

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Good news today from Carol @mamaofami about Sam being home.  Hope the recovery goes well!


Thoughts and prayers to Terry and Lou and Annie and Chuck.🙏 


DS sent a photo of Ren outside their apartment ready to walk across the road to the FC Dallas training facility.  Tomorrow is "media day" where they walk around the stadium to various locations for picture taking, etc.  More training too but weekend off.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK0vPJsFnwuNL1kj705tYcn5cYdfB3jRoL_VZILaXEufg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1690462041


Oh yes!  Almost forgot.  He will be getting his new gear and a new jersey with his # on it.  Wonder what it will be?  He was 9 with the Tigers and 10 with the Jaguars.  Hmmm.🤔

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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3 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good news today from Carol @mamaofami about Sam being home.  Hope the recovery goes well!


Thoughts and prayers to Terry and Lou and Annie and Chuck.🙏 


DS sent a photo of Ren outside their apartment ready to walk across the road to the FC Dallas training facility.  Tomorrow is "media day" where they walk around the stadium to various locations for picture taking, etc.  More training too but weekend off.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK0vPJsFnwuNL1kj705tYcn5cYdfB3jRoL_VZILaXEufg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1690462041


Oh yes!  Almost forgot.  He will be getting his new gear and a new jersey with his # on it.  Wonder what it will be?  He was 9 with the Tigers and 10 with the Jaguars.  Hmmm.🤔

In old football terms 9 is centre forward.

10 is inside left.

Both forwards.

Good luck Ren.

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Good Morning to All!!  I take my houseplants on walks all the time - right to the trash bin as I kill them!!  I have had one for almost 6 years now and it is the only one that survives my either over attention or neglect.  Bagpipes are interesting and I would break a leg if I tried stilts.  I try to live the quote though didn't for a very, very long time.  The food and drinks sound yummy though I like Crown Royal Manhattans better but very light on the Vermouth.  I have never been to St Thomas.  Across the pond became so much easier with the laying of the cable.


I decided to join a study to quit a habit I have had for a long time.  I have resisted for years though my doctor brings it up at every appointment.  It is done virtually and the UofA Nursing School is conducting it.  My first appointment was yesterday and it will run for 6 weeks.  I promised myself I will truly try.  We will see.


Tucson had a tornado warning yesterday; it was a little west of Tucson proper.  Haven't heard if we really had a tornado.  Though, we had a lovely lightening show but no rain at my apartment.  


Gym and dentist check-up today.  Just to see how the tooth is doing.  The excessive heat warning has been extended to Friday.  At least it is not as humid as it was in Dubai during July and August.  I would come out of my apartment there and the condensation on the outside windows was like a waterfall.  It was miserable.  Most people would leave during that time.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those sailing and celebrating.


Have a great Friday eve everyone!





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Good morning from Jacksonville.

Had a good night’s sleep.

Writing this while DH finishes his breakfast.  Then we will pack up and be on our way home.

@mamaofami Happy to hear good news about Sam.

@marshhawk many prayers coming your way for you and Chuck

Prayers for all of you 

Thanks for all the welcome homes.

Many things to deal with when we get home today.

First of all to the Post Office to pick up the mail before Cruella de Ville sends it all back as she threatened if we did not pick it up today.

Second a call to the AC people to find out what is wrong with our HVAC system.  Temp is reading 82 degrees at this hour of the morning.

Third, food shopping.  Might eat out tonight.

I don’t know what is fourth, fifth and sixth yet.

Will post more later when I get time.

God Bless,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Some of our houseplants get walked out to the deck for the summer, while others remain indoors.  I enjoy hearing bagpipes in a pipe and drum band.  No thanks to the stilts.


We got home yesterday after having a wonderful 2 days with our friends at their lake.  Along with 2 of their 4 daughters and husbands, we were treated royally the entire time.  We went fishing, were treated to gastronomical delights (last night's dinner consisted of 3 different meats), played Sequence (ladies won!), and consumed many libations.  We were taken on a speedboat ride the entire 8 mile length of the lake, then to be sure we saw everything, we did the full 3 mile width as well.  So we wouldn't fall faint from lack of food, they sent us off after a breakfast consisting of freshly baked biscuits topped with eggs benedict.  We shared the driving, with DH taking the first 2 hours and I finished the last 2 while he slept.  When he's driving, I knit, so I was able to make some headway on a new blanket.  Here's one of my favourite views from our last night at the lake.

May be an image of sail, sailboat, twilight and body of water


We didn't have internet at the lake, so I have some catching up to do on the Daily - just reading this morning, I know prayers will be coming for @mamaofami's DH for recuperation from his brain bleed, and also for @marshhawk's DH for better days ahead.


This morning friends of ours are coming over for coffee, then we'll head to the park (5 houses away) with our lawn chairs, as the Canadian Snowbirds (equivalent of the Blue Angels) will be criss-crossing the city in formations as a salute to all who keep the city safe (First Responders, Medical Teams, Firefighters, Police, and Teachers).  We always enjoy watching the Snowbirds, as they train about 4 hours south of our city.  After that, it'll be laundry and getting a few groceries.


I know I'd like today's wine (and it's affordable!), will pass on the drink (Bourbon), but would really love the menu suggestion.  I think when we get groceries, I'll pick up some chicken breasts and use one of the recipes on the weekend.  Tonight though, DH has asked for a light meal after all the food we've been presented with the past few days, so I think we'll make ham sandwiches and crudites our dinner tonight on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Well, another sunny day ahead.  I's 69 now but will be 94. Glad I'm staying inside!  Thank you Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report for today.  Wow, on those days we celebrate!  First I have never taken my houseplants for a walk before.  I've given up on houseplants due to travel, and never gotten back into them.  I think I should appreciate bagpipes even though they can be a little loud because they can't be that easy to play!  No way can I walk on stilts and wouldn't even try.  I could break something!  The quote is good advice.  And a big day in communications with the transatlantic cable laid in 1866.


I think I would like the healthy lemon chicken, but no to Jim Beam and red wine.  Thank you to our food and beverage gals, Tina @0106, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your great reports each day!


Time for prayers for our Daily group as listed by Vanessa @JazzyV.  So many need them but special prayers today for Chuck @catmando and Annie @marshhawk.  Hoping the doctors can find the best way to help Chuck with his latest cancer issues.  Thanks also to Denise @DeeniEncinitas for posting her advice and good wishes for our friends here.  Also hoping our prayers help Lou (Terry @smitty34877) and Baby Murphy.  Not forgetting DB and Mark.  🙏🙏   But a salute to all having a good time or cruising or both! 🥂 Hoping Ren has a good day.❤️


The port today is Chalotte Amalie in St. Thomas U.S.V.I.  We had that port on November 3, 2022.  I checked into it and found we had been there about 6 times, once without DH when I accompanied DD and family on a cruise.  Sometimes we head over by boat to St. John for the day and that is a nice way to spend the day.  I will post my photos from our first time in Charlotte Amalie in 2003 when we took a tour and went shopping for jewelry.  Here's the link to Nov. 3, 2022.


I remember our first stop at Charlotte Amalie in St. Thomas, Dec. 2003.  It was only our second cruise and in those days we didn't go too far from the U.S.  We also didn't take long cruises at that time due to DH's work schedule.  On that day, we took a little tour which drove us around getting an overall look at the island.  Then we did some shopping and bought me something sparkly!


Ships docked at Havensight.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIlvg0PZUp1D2H1iwVKJY4a?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365185492


And the opposite direction at Crown Bay.  Looks like there could be a BHB docked there to me.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJiVdH15eHXCP8hyJsG7rRk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365185495




Our open air van driving us around the island00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKoYW6mkDo7EXotpEvCSWQZ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365185532


Beautiful Magens Bay00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKZVaBGhY5zYB0sP_KwQlNe?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365185542


Next stop was St. Peter Greathouse which also had lovely views00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLN-ymPnyosFX1miTtdJSbQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365185553






Time for dinner, but enjoying the view from the balcony.  Happy to be wearing my new diamond slide pendant too!  You didn't think we'd avoid the shopping aspect of this port day, did you?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI9PYE4_zFDdytn0xsnCnyU?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1365185596


Little did I know how big a part of our lives cruising would become.


Today we finish up packing details and make sure we stop mail, cut DH's hair and prepare to leave the house for a few weeks.  Meanwhile welcome home to Terri and Jim @Cruzin Terri.


Nice photos of St Thomas.

Lovely photos of you Sandi @StLouisCruisers .


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Good morning from a sunny and slightly breezy central Texas.  It was 78F and felt like 83F when I took my walk.  It is now 81F and feels like 86F.  At least, as it warms up, the humidity is beginning to drop, but 71% with a dew point of 71F is still more humidity than I like.  We are still under a heat advisory, and our predicted high will be 100F, but will feel warmer. This morning, I doubled the length of my walk as the scale was beginning to inch up, and I want to stop that trend before it goes any higher.  So far, it's just a pound or two, but that's a pound or two too much.


There is a grass wildfire not too far from us, and as of last night about 10pm,  it covered about 250 acres and was 20% contained.  Sadly, it has already destroyed five homes. It is near a small town north of us, and some residents are under a voluntary evacuation order.  The highway to the town and another highway near the fire are closed.  I just hope our winds do not pick up and the firefighters and the airplanes dropping water can get the fire under control.  


When I had houseplants I never took them for a walk.  Once we moved here and started traveling a lot, I did not replace the plants when they died.  The two I had were special.  One was part of a plant my coworkers sent me when my mother died in 1974.  The other was part of a small plant younger DD brought home in a Styrofoam coffee cup from pre-school.  Bagpipes in small doses are fine.  I have not nor will I walk on stilts.    


I like today's quote, especially since you can't please everybody.


The lemon chicken sounds good, but tonight it will be garlic shrimp stir fry.  I'm using Tina's @0106 first recipe but will substitute broccoli and green beans for the asparagus and snow peas since that's what I have on hand.  We'll skip the drink, but I'd like to try the wine.


We have been to St. Thomas, many times beginning with our first cruise in 1987.  The only cruise there in the digital age was in 2004 on our older DD's wedding cruise on Golden Princess.


The transatlantic cable changed communication for the better.


@mamaofami Carol, I'm glad Sam is home and recuperating.  Sending positive thoughts that the bleed will heal itself.

@cat shepard  Safe travels, Ann.  I know the memorial service will be sad, but I hope you enjoy your friends' birthday celebrations.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I know what a mess that can be when the garbage can is knocked over.  We've had that happen once when teenagers deliberately knocked it over with their car.   That doesn't happen in our little community since we're mostly senior citizens, and most are home before dark.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I'm sure Security will take good care of your item.

@marshhawk  Annie, I like your idea of the Shakespeare play to help take DH's mind off his problem and the big decision that needs to be made.  I'm glad you are still going to therapy and taking care of yourself.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm very happy you have such good memories of your mother on your first cruise.

@Nickelpenny Penny, I hope the study helps you break your long time habit.

@StLouisCruisers   Sandi, great picture of Ren.  I'll start doing the links to the port of the day tomorrow, and I'll also repost your pictures, so that's one less thing you have to worry about on your cruise.  Safe travels to Boston tomorrow.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you made it to Jacksonville last night and that you had a good night's sleep.  Safe travels home today.  BTW, your a/c problems could be the thermostat.  We have one like yours, and we had a similar problem.  It happened because there was a blip with the internet, and the thermostat lost the connection.  We could still see the thermostat on the app, but could not control it.

@ger_77  Gerry, welcome home, and I'm glad you had a great time.  What a beautiful sunset pictures.















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We have been to St. Thomas many times beginning in 1987 on our first cruise.  It was on the Costa Daphne, and we arrived at the ship in San Juan on Saturday, and our luggage arrived on the ship on Monday in Martinique.  We were still hooked on cruising. 


We have only been to St. Thomas once since we got digital cameras.  That was in 2004 on the Golden Princess, on our older DD and DSIL wedding cruise.  They were married by the captain on a sea day, which happened to be Groundhog Day.  That is the easy way to have a wedding.  We spent the day with DD and DSIL looking for the perfect sapphire for DD.  And she found the one she wanted at a reasonable price.


I don't have too many pictures from our day in St. Thomas.  The first two are from the ship.





This one is from the shuttle into town.



The moon over St. Thomas




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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

My houseplants (all cacti) get walked out to the back steps for summer. The night blooming one has a flower that should open soon for it's one night life. Bagpipes are ok in parades and at funerals. I can barely navigate flat terrain, so a big no to stilts. I like the quote. Yes to the meal, no to the drink, and yes to the wine. An important day in history for communications. I visited St. Thomas on my first ever cruise, on Golden Princess, which was to celebrate my 50th birthday.


It's cloudy here, but going to be in the 90's later. I had alerts on my phone this AM of lightning during the night, but I slept through anything that occurred. It doesn't look like it rained overynight. Yesterday was nice. BFF and I picked up his late DF's girlfriend and went to view the corrected plaque. Then we went to a late lunch at a restaurant the GF and DD DF went to all the time. One waitress came over and hugged her as she had waited on them often. Once we took her home, BFF gave her the painting, which she was awed by.


@StLouisCruisers I hope Ren has a great experience in Dallas. Thanks for the St. Thomas photos.

@mamaofami I'm glad Sam is home, and hope the next CT is stable or improved.

@aliaschief Bruce, I hope the biopsy report on the spot will be favorable.

@RedneckBob Beautiful beach.

@Crazy For Cats Sorry about the confiscation of your purchase.

@marshhawk I was sad to hear the results of Chuck's doctor's visit. I agree with maybe going to a major cancer center to get a consultation. Nice of you to plan something for Saturday and I hope it cheers DH a bit.

@smitty34877 All the best for DH today. When I was discussing treatments for my uveitis with the Rheumatologist, infusions were talked about. I have terrible veins, and she felt if I went that route I'd need a port. So far, I'm trying other things. That memory made with your DM is very sweet. 

@Nickelpenny Good luck with the study.

@GTVCRUISER Nice pictures.

@Cruzin Terri Safe travels home. 

@ger_77 Welcome back! It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Wow, beautiful sunset photo.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Sorry to hear about the grass wildfires nearby and loss of homes. Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.


St. Thomas, VI



View from Paradise Point



Blackbeard's Castle on Government Hill



Megan's Bay from Mountain Top





"World Famous" Mountain Top Banana Daiquiri



Shopping area near the dock





Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning Dailyites. Such a beautiful morning. I had my coffee and watched all the birds sharing the feeders.


@grapau27 Your lunches and dinners always look fabulous. My favorite is fish and chips. I ordered them many times in London. Thanks for sharing. 


We enjoy St. Thomas and have been there last year and will be there this holiday season as well.


My dad made us stilts when we were kids. I really enjoyed them. Remember the people greeting us in Carribean on those tall stilts as we get off the ship? Yikes!


I love listening to bagpipers, and like @1ANGELCAT have been twice to the Tattoo in Edinburgh and weepy through the loan piper on the parapet.






I carry my plants inside and out depending on weather.




I was so happy to see my sweet sister on the Daily last night! @DeeniEncinitasDenise I hope you and David are enjoying your Maui home. Any painting projects? How's Paisley? We have a new fur baby! Oliver. 


And many prayers are being lifted today for all on our care list. 


Take care. Have a great day. Be kind.

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Thanks Lenda for your help with the links and photos.  If we get on the internet after breakfast and have the time, I will be able to post photos from former posts sometimes.  Just check to see if I've already posted when you read the Daily each morning.  We'll be up to 4 hours ahead of you some of the trip but will have to wait for Rich to get up and post each day.  Lol!  No rush Rich @richwmn!!  Sleep in!


We're doing well today since we did so much yesterday.  Time to get the passports, cash and jewelry out of the safe.  If I didn't have cruises I wouldn't have much opportunity to wear the nice jewelry pieces we've collected over the years.  DH just came back from the safe with two bank envelopes containing some Icelandic and Danish money.  We can use those in Iceland and Greenland.  No Canadian money in our safe, however.  I just use a credit card as necessary.


I'm stopping using the Imiquimod cream my dermatologist prescribed for my nose until after the cruise.  My nose has reacted to it by turning the skin red and tiny scabs.  I'd rather not have to look like that, much less trying to remember to use it 3 days a week, while cruising.  I'll go back to it after this trip.

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Thank you Rich, thank you Tina, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!



I am just back from starting a new fitness program at our community hospital. Before COVID I had been active with a different one, but then COVID - and you know the rest of the story. Then procrastination and so on. The personal trainer I used is still there but he has moved up in the administration. He agreed to be available to work with me so I have signed up for their "Starter Kit" which is five sessions once a week.  This will help me fine tune my workouts with proper placement and technique. I have already noticed the value of his instruction today!


Currently watching Laurence Olivier's "Henry V" on TCM.



Stay Safe!


- Jack

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We’re into the hot, hotter and maybe hottest days….  continuing to stay inside. 

Another very poor night. Yesterday I got news from my niece that I’m struggling to wrap my head around. Not bad news but big changes. Her life, I am happy for her happiness… and I’ll leave it at that. And trying to make hotel reservations for the car trip north mid-August. Figured out the first 4 nights, made a reservation by accident that I was looking at and tapped something wrong. Will cancel that one. Two steps forward, one sideways. Need some calls today to arrange visit to the retirement community we have our eye on. At least both granddaughters replied that they can meet up for dinner with us. It’ll all happen. 

Sending positive thoughts to all the Dailyites. And all in need. 

Hoping Terri can get her AC working!  
Love Annie’s plan for the dinner theater. We made reservations for one here for my birthday Sept 3 including a niece who will be passing through that night. 

Courage @Nickelpenny!  And Terry and Lou. And Annie and Chuck.  And Bruce. And how is Murphy?  So glad Sam is home!  Nice picture of Ren!  

More fires!  So scary and sad.  Really tugs at me.  

Such a lovely lake visit Gerry!  Enjoy town Nancy and John. And our cruisers!  

I bought a waterproof camera in St Thomas when mine leaked at Half Moon Cay. That was my second one. I think I’ve had four. 

I’ve heard many pipers at fire service memorials. I always cry. The most visceral were the 150 pipe and drum ensembles that gathered in Prescott AZ to honor the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots who died in the Yarnell Fire. They had been on our mountain helping us with a huge fire just the month prior. Seven of us attended from NM. The pipers and drummers in procession rocked that arena to the foundation with Amazing Grace.  

Counting down to DH’s August 1 eye surgery!  So grateful they can do this!  I hope there are no hitches. I know we have to pay for the stent itself, not covered by insurance but the procedure to surgically open the drainage tissue is. We will do whatever it takes!  

Everyone have the best day you can!  Remember you are loved!  m—

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Good morning, everyone from the Zaandam.


We are enjoying a quiet morning today.  We had breakfast in the dining room and then did laps on the outside deck.  We have lunch in the Pinnacle and then a quiet afternoon.  Probably more laps.


There were some great waves out there this morning that Sue and I thought would be fun to ride in an inner tube.  We made the suggestion to a staff member for a revenue activity on a sea day:  Ride the Wake.  


Can’t you see a couple of big inner tubes out there bobbing along?




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Good morning from sunny Durango. Our weather guru reminded us this morning that although it is hot and dry it comes after a very wet and cool period earlier and the heat has really not been with us for long. We have hopes for a moderate reduction in temps and maybe some rain by the weekend.


Stilts? No thanks. I nearly killed myself on them when I was around 10 years of age. Bagpipes are fine. Have been to today's destination. Will pass on food and wine .... am in a salad mood these days with the heat.


My best wishes to Chuck and Sam.


I have a couple short errands to run today and then since our dumpster was just emptied, I am going to see about tossing a bunch of stuff. It will be emptied again on Tuesday. I went to the grocery store earlier this morning... like about 7. Shelves needed restocking but I got what I had to have. Have a meeting tonight....hopefully a short one regarding the timing of next year's dog show. Don't know if I am up to making decisions. And I have several medical appointments coming up .... podiatrist, primary care, lab work. No real issues but I want to be ruled healthy for the Grand Australia and this will give me time to schedule followups if needed or desired for my peace of mind.


Take care all. Remember, head up.... feet on the ground.





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