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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 26th, 2023


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Today is National Dog Day, National Toilet Paper Day, and Women's Equality Day

Macho does not prove mucho. - Zsa Zsa Gabor

Meal Suggestion for today - Shrimp Scampi With Zucchini Noodles
Drink of the Day - Laphroaig Penicillin
Wine of the Day - 2021 L'Ecole No. 41 Semillon Columbia Valley
Destination of the Day - Copenhagen, Denmark

Today in History:
1682 English astronomer Edmond Halley first observes the comet named after him

Ship Locations


Seattle, Washington d1500


Vancouver, Canada d1600

Nieuw Amsterdam

At Sea destination Vancouver, Canada eta 27 Aug

Nieuw Statendam

Lerwick, Shetland Isles 1000-1800


At Sea destination Whittier, Alaska eta 27 Aug




Amsterdam, Holland, The Netherlands d1700


Skagway, Alaska 0700-2000


Victoria, British Columbia 2000-2359


Halifax, Nova Scotia 0800-1800


Boston, Massachusetts d1700



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Laphroaig Penicillin cocktial:


2 parts Auchentoshan® American Oak Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Kilbeggan® Single Grain Irish Whiskey
¾ part Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
¾ part Honey-Ginger Syrup*
¼ part Laphroaig® Select
Garnish: Candied Ginger

Combine the Auchentoshan® or Kilbeggan® with the honey-ginger syrup and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker and fill three-quarters full with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass over fresh ice. Gently float the Laphroaig® on top of the cocktail. Garnish with candied ginger or a lemon twist.
*Honey-Ginger Syrup: Combine 1 cup of honey, one 6-inch peeled and sliced piece of ginger root and 1 cup of water in a small pot. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Refrigerate overnight, then strain, discarding the solids.


Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 6.34.46 AM.png

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Good morning.

Thank you for today's daily reports.

3 important days.

Today's food sounds good.

Copenhagen is a fantastic port that we have stayed in several times and cruised from once.

Prayers 🙏 for everyone who need them.

I hope everyone has a great day and happy weekend.

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Good morning to all.

Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet report.

And thank you to Ann, Dixie and Debbie to keeping us fed and hydrated.

Last but not least thank you to Vanessa for keeping us up to date on everyone’s news, be it good or not so happy.


I didn’t get much sleep last night.  Lots on my mind.  


i will probably pass on the food and drink and go for something simpler.

We just returned from Copenhagen and I will try to post some photos on a separate post.

Prayers for all and cheers to those celebrating.

God Bless,


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Thank you Rich for the Saturday report and thank you Vanessa, Tina/Debbie, Dixie, and Ann.  Lots of dogs will have their day here, women's equality is a goal that still needs some work, and where would we be without toilet paper.  I like the Gabor quote but will skip the shrimp.  Looks like I've been to Copenhagen just once, and it was on the Elegant Explorer.  While Haley discovered his comet I wonder how long it took to determine it's schedule.


My church's men's breakfast is this morning and I will try to get my walk in before that starts and it gets too hot to walk.



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Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.

and thanks to Debbie, Vanessa, Dixie & Ann.


Good collection of days.  Every day is dog day here & every day should be women’s equality day.  I don’t remember TP having its own day.  It’s a necessity I guess but not sure about celebrating it 😉 




Love the Gabor quote - so very true!  Copenhagen is a lovely city to visit.  Lots to see and great people.


Well, it’s Saturday so that must mean it’s raining.  Yup, a deluge is coming down with big T-storm warnings this morning.   Poor Ivan.  He hates going out in the rain although he is happy to walk in it (thanks a lot).




And the warnings to prep have already started for Franklin.  They are sure it’s turning into a hurricane, I guess but don’t know its path yet.  I guess they want to make sure everyone is ready.  With the water logged earth, high winds would not be good anywhere in the Maritimes 😬




For those who rescue animals, I thought this was quite appropriate when I saw it:




Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, health problems, and worries & for those that need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 




Have a great Saturday everyone.

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Good morning. Early riser this morning. Very good chance we will beat some heat records today.

Interesting news story on Weather Channel yesterday about the drought they are having in Panama and how it is affecting the Panama Canal. The fresh water levels are getting low and they have had to cut back transients by 30%. So I hope they start getting some rainy weather as that really could mess up many things including some of our booked cruise.

Toilet Paper? I’m going to leave that to @RedneckBob!
We have enjoyed Copenhagen and have cruised from there.

Will be watching NASCAR racing from Daytona tonight and will be cooking a favorite curry chicken dish.

Thanks Rich for the Fleet report and for Vanessa’s detailed Care/Celebration list. Enjoy your weekend and stay cool and hydrated. Bruce.




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Good morning friends!  We are off to a humid start this morning with a temp of 74F.  It will be 97 and sunny today.  The garage has cooled down to 82 overnight. 


Thanks Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report.  Very nice days to celebrate.  Dogs, toilet paper and women's equality.  Such variety!  I like the quote from Zsa Zsa.  Thumbs up to the meal suggestion, but I have to pass on the drink and wine.  And a cool astronomic day in history.  Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the food and beverage reporting.


Prayers for the Care list individuals today and for those in need that we know nothing about.  Sorry to hear that many of your friends Terri @Cruzin Terri have so many challenges and disappointments.  Try not to let it get you down.  Hoping for good news and better days for Lou and Chuck!🙏  Congrats to those celebrating and cruising!  Enjoy!🥂  Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping up the lists for us.


Hoping for good weather and safe highways to my DDIL who is driving to Frisco, TX today with her son's Subaru for his use while living there.  I believe he will have a commute to school each day.  DDIL hates road trips so the fact she's doing this alone is big news.  She left yesterday and stayed overnight with my niece (Elliot Rose's grandma).  The cousins stay close and it was kind of her to invite DDIL to spend the night with her.  I believe the Mexico City tournament is over today and I haven't seen any of it online, but FC Dallas had a mediocre showing.  Lots of work to do this year with that team and I wish them luck.  Teamwork!!


The port today is Copenhagen, Denmark.  The previous two times we had Copenhagen were June 3, 2021 and Aug. 13, 2022.  I've enjoyed visiting there and will post my photos again today.  The photos have disappeared from Rich's posts so I had to go back and get them off Shutterfly again.  Thanks in advance for your photos and comments as well.





Copenhagen was our port of the day June 3, 2021 and August 13, 2022.  We have been there 4 times on the Emerald Princess and Prinsendam.  On our first trip there we stayed in a hotel near the train station and Tivoli Gardens, and it was sooooo tiny there was barely a spot to put our luggage.  Just enough room to walk around the bed!  Our cruise ship cabin felt large in comparison.  My favorite photo from our first day in Copenhagen is Nyhavn which we all probably took one just like it.  I see one already posted!  But this photo made the cover of my 2011 cruise photo book.  I love the colors and the beautiful blue sky.



In 2016 when we visited Copenhagen on the Prinsendam we got out early and actually got a photo of The Little Mermaid with no tourist trying to climb on the statue.  (What is wrong with some people?





After the statue, we passed by the beautiful St. Alban's Church. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLim3GT2EL8XeYoYjX6QCXr?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1468067837


And the statue in front of it.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKXah8BdHCu0xqYV1HM6_1b?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1468067849


 We decided to go on a canal boat tour which is a good way to spend an hour and see many of the sights of Copenhagen from a different angle.  It was great and I recommend it if you've been to Copenhagen often and have done other types of tours.  You even get to see the Little Mermaid statue from the water with the crowds of people.  There's one of those silly tourists






Or you could see the Opera Houseimage.png.54e4895bb15f8db7be96e85fe5696194.png





You can see the spiral of the Church of Our Saviour over this roofline. image.thumb.png.e06e04ab482dd76b18cf7adf3cef382d.png



If your photo of the church spire is not the best you can go on the internet and find one a professional photographer took.  Quite a difference!  But isn't it pretty? image.thumb.png.95f52b1965c828d621373da9df9aefbe.png


Hoping all of you have a great Saturday.

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Good morning.  Thanks for this wonderful thread.

A pleasant day temperature wise in the forecast for us this afternoon with a sunny high of 22c (72f) but going down to a cool 8c (46f) tonight.  It's starting to feel like fall already.

Three important days.

I like the quote.

The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing recipes.

My hubby had several of today's cocktail on our last cruise.  The bartenders in the Ocean Bar did a great job.  I hope the wine is good too.

We were in Copenhagen many years ago on a Baltic cruise.  

Prayers for everyone.  I hope there are lots of celebrations.

Have a wonderful day.

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily updates.  Another gloomy morning here.  Interesting group of days, every dog must have it’s day!  How fortunate that women have been achieving equality over time. What is there to be said about toilet paper that we don’t already know?  Fun quote today.  Think I’ll pass on the meal and drink suggestions today.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on the prayer list today.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events!  I need to start getting serious about packing for our five week trip to Europe coming up on Thursday.  The Luggage Forward folks will be here to pick up the garment bag on Tuesday and all I’ve done so far is look at it!  

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Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day here but Sam is leaving rehab today. He spent two weeks there and one in the hospital and is doing better than before he fell. It’s a small miracle. He will continue out patient PT and OT . I am very thankful for his recovery.

Stay safe everyone,


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1 minute ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day here but Sam is leaving rehab today. He spent two weeks there and one in the hospital and is doing better than before he fell. It’s a small miracle. He will continue out patient PT and OT . I am very thankful for his recovery.

Stay safe everyone,



That's wonderful news Carol!  The power of prayer (and physical/occupatonal therapy).  🙂



Good luck with your packing @Mr. Boston!  Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful.


When DH finishes the treadmill work I think he plans on getting outside to give a few of the shrubs a haircut, so I guess I will go out and pull some weeds and pick up crape myrtle bark as it is shedding the bark mightily right now.  Even though it's not in the 90's outside it will be hot work with the humidity right now, so a shower will be the next step.  

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Today’s Care list:

Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration

Catmando (Marshhawk’s DH Chuck) post eye surgery, with swelling and pain

Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, ? off ventilator

Cruzin Terri with PMR flare

Cruzin Terri’s friend Janet with fall and broken arm, UK friend’s DB’s death, NY friend with cancer and cousin with stent not doing well

All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina

Canadian/US wildfires; flooding in several states from torrential rain

Shooting victims 

Citizens of Ukraine


From the rotation:

Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder and needing therapy and surgery

Sharon in AZ’s DM’s sister in hospice

Tana’s pulmonary issues

Smitty34877’s DH making treatment decisions


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Bon Voyage Oceansaway17!

Welcome Home Lady Hudson!

Nickelpenny enjoying substitute teaching

mamaofami’s DH Sam going home

Smitty34877’s DH Lou doing a bit better

Baby Murphy progressing

Cruising sister on a spa retreat

DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui


The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:

1 day for Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse Aug 27 to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday


Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)

Edited by JazzyV
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Thank you for today’s R & D, Rich! A spectacular start to the day. Bindi & I had an extra long walk this morning. 

Vanessa thank you for taking care of us! Tina, thank you for being such a valuable member of the F & D department. Sort of like a guest Michelin chef. Debbie, welcome back. Thanks to you & Sandi for sharing your voyage with us.   

Zumba, Bindi walks, chores and then dinner at a friend’s - should keep me busy. 







Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Get well & stay well everyone. 



2021 L'Ecole No. 41 Semillon Columbia Valley

Another white! And an “energetic” one! Definitely worth a taste, though one of the critics mentions “sweetness”. Widely available with online prices starting at $14.95. 

Winemaker Notes

Refreshing and richly textured, this expressive Semillon shows vibrant kiwi, crisp green apple, melon, and fragrant honeysuckle set against a spicy, lemon zest character. On the palate, it is supple and energetic, replete with flavors of fresh fig and stone fruit, persisting to a balanced, succulent finish.
JS92 James Suckling

This has aromas of white grapefruit, crushed almond, lemon pith and wet stone, with hints of nutmeg. Medium-bodied, compact and focused, with plenty of texture and subtle spicy and nutty notes to close. Drink now.

V90 Vinous

The 2021 Sémillon is sweetly scented, with dusty white flowers, vivid yellow apple and chamomile forming its bouquet. This is suave and opulent on the palate, yet perfectly balanced by brisk acidity, as a mix of ripe tropical fruits and florals cascade throughout. The 2021 finishes with remarkable length, both crisply refreshing and potent, with kiwi and mango notes that linger. I love the inner sweetness here, in spite of its zero grams of residual sugar. What a treat.

WS89 Wine Spectator

Fragrant and sleek, with delicate lemon custard, spice and jasmine flower accents that glide on a textured finish. Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc. Drink now.

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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We are off to a humid start this morning with a temp of 74F.  It will be 97 and sunny today.  The garage has cooled down to 82 overnight. 


Thanks Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report.  Very nice days to celebrate.  Dogs, toilet paper and women's equality.  Such variety!  I like the quote from Zsa Zsa.  Thumbs up to the meal suggestion, but I have to pass on the drink and wine.  And a cool astronomic day in history.  Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the food and beverage reporting.


Prayers for the Care list individuals today and for those in need that we know nothing about.  Sorry to hear that many of your friends Terri @Cruzin Terri have so many challenges and disappointments.  Try not to let it get you down.  Hoping for good news and better days for Lou and Chuck!🙏  Congrats to those celebrating and cruising!  Enjoy!🥂  Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping up the lists for us.


Hoping for good weather and safe highways to my DDIL who is driving to Frisco, TX today with her son's Subaru for his use while living there.  I believe he will have a commute to school each day.  DDIL hates road trips so the fact she's doing this alone is big news.  She left yesterday and stayed overnight with my niece (Elliot Rose's grandma).  The cousins stay close and it was kind of her to invite DDIL to spend the night with her.  I believe the Mexico City tournament is over today and I haven't seen any of it online, but FC Dallas had a mediocre showing.  Lots of work to do this year with that team and I wish them luck.  Teamwork!!


The port today is Copenhagen, Denmark.  The previous two times we had Copenhagen were June 3, 2021 and Aug. 13, 2022.  I've enjoyed visiting there and will post my photos again today.  The photos have disappeared from Rich's posts so I had to go back and get them off Shutterfly again.  Thanks in advance for your photos and comments as well.





Copenhagen was our port of the day June 3, 2021 and August 13, 2022.  We have been there 4 times on the Emerald Princess and Prinsendam.  On our first trip there we stayed in a hotel near the train station and Tivoli Gardens, and it was sooooo tiny there was barely a spot to put our luggage.  Just enough room to walk around the bed!  Our cruise ship cabin felt large in comparison.  My favorite photo from our first day in Copenhagen is Nyhavn which we all probably took one just like it.  I see one already posted!  But this photo made the cover of my 2011 cruise photo book.  I love the colors and the beautiful blue sky.




In 2016 when we visited Copenhagen on the Prinsendam we got out early and actually got a photo of The Little Mermaid with no tourist trying to climb on the statue.  (What is wrong with some people?





After the statue, we passed by the beautiful St. Alban's Church. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLim3GT2EL8XeYoYjX6QCXr?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1468067837


And the statue in front of it.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKXah8BdHCu0xqYV1HM6_1b?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1468067849


 We decided to go on a canal boat tour which is a good way to spend an hour and see many of the sights of Copenhagen from a different angle.  It was great and I recommend it if you've been to Copenhagen often and have done other types of tours.  You even get to see the Little Mermaid statue from the water with the crowds of people.  There's one of those silly tourists






Or you could see the Opera Houseimage.png.54e4895bb15f8db7be96e85fe5696194.png





You can see the spiral of the Church of Our Saviour over this roofline. image.thumb.png.e06e04ab482dd76b18cf7adf3cef382d.png



If your photo of the church spire is not the best you can go on the internet and find one a professional photographer took.  Quite a difference!  But isn't it pretty? image.thumb.png.95f52b1965c828d621373da9df9aefbe.png


Hoping all of you have a great Saturday.

Great photos Sandi.

For 14 years during 1984-1998 the UK chocolate company I worked for as a sales representative was the UK sole distributor of Anthon Berg Finest Danish chocolate and on 4 occasions Pauline and myself and a few others were invited to their Copenhagen head office and 3 nights stay.

They took us on several excursions to castles,palaces etc and meals at Tivoli gardens and Nyhavn as well as in our hotel.

Several of us manned a sailing yacht with the crew and on another occasion we had a day out in a schooner with our meals all cooked on board.

Wonderful wonderful Copenhagen will always be special and a favourite city of ours.


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3 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Tina, thank you for being such a valuable member of the F & D department. Sort of like a guest Michelin chef.

Aww, what a compliment.  To all who thanked me yesterday, I appreciate every one of you too.  This is a wonderful, positive place to start my morning.


For the garden club, you may remember that planted a wildflower garden in the spring.  I believe I posted this photo.IMG_7306.thumb.jpeg.35a5a32660308af984d3c3b0c7bf0c6e.jpegHere’s what it looks like now.IMG_7591.thumb.jpeg.8b49ac499e1366aa77cc014b443416e0.jpegSending you peace, healing and all good wishes.  May your life be good.

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Good morning everyone.  My last dog passed away January 1, 1990.  Women's equality has made strides but more to do.  TP is a good thing.  ZZ had a good wit and it is a good quote.   Thanks for the photos of Copenhagen.   It looks like a beautiful city.   

All three comestibles look good if shrimp with Angel Hair pasta instead.   Penicillin looks tasty, I usually have my Laphroaig neat.   The Semillon wine sounds wonderful, thanks for researching these for us everyday.  


Bon Voyage @Oceansaway17! 🛳️🍾


Prayers for all on our Care list, those living with the devastation in Maui and the people of Ukraine.    


Yesterday afternoon the bat that got in 2 days ago presented itself right before dinner.  John got it with a weapon we had on the wall, my late DHs lacrosse goalie stick.  We both think the source of entry is through the range vent fan outlet.  We will be trying various things today to see if  we can stop them from coming in.  It is 60 degrees right now and will get no warmer today with winds.  Going into the 30s tonight.  We had a wonderful 3 hour break with sunshine and warmth yesterday midday, it is back to gray and overcast.  I won't feel bad sitting inside watching Travers day from Saratoga if it stays like this.  Have a lovely day! Nancy 


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Good morning, everyone!


It looks like it might be a nice morning here in mid-Michigan.  We are going to the Farmers' Market, the grocery store, and home to continue weeding the front garden beds.  They really got overgrown while we were gone.  Regular Farkle evenings resume tonight.  DB Bill had to work last night so we are Farkling on Saturday instead.  The menu is meatloaf, baked potatoes, and vegetable.  


Shrimp Scampi comes to us from Italy.  It’s widely believed the “scampi” refers to the style of cooking the shrimp — and this usage is typically accepted — though it’s not totally technically accurate. The word “scampi” is Italian for a type of small crustacean akin to a mini lobster. They’re similar to shrimp, but scampi — also known as Dublin Bay Prawn, langoustines, or Norway Lobster — aren’t typically found in oceans near the U.S. So, shrimp get substituted.  And, hence, we have shrimp scampi.  


Shrimp scampi is usually shrimp in a delicious garlic, butter, wine, and lemon sauce.  It is typically served over pasta or possibly rice.  Today's version is an attempt to make it "healthier" by cutting the carbs.  This first version takes it a step further and substitutes broth for the wine.  Some might think it goes too far!   https://www.wellplated.com/healthy-shrimp-scampi/  You do have to read through about their bedtime reading habits to get to the recipe.




This one is a little more traditional and uses the wine for the sauce.  https://www.justataste.com/skinny-shrimp-scampi-zucchini-noodles-recipe/




For those who wish a more classic style of shrimp scampi:   https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/classic-shrimp-scampi-8849846




Again, I would like to thank @0106 Tina for stepping up while I was gone and then buried in laundry, unpacking, and neglected chores upon returning home.  Tina, you did a stellar job!  


Wishing you all a wonderful day.



Edited by dfish
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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day here but Sam is leaving rehab today. He spent two weeks there and one in the hospital and is doing better than before he fell. It’s a small miracle. He will continue out patient PT and OT . I am very thankful for his recovery.

Stay safe everyone,



What wonderful news, Carol 👍. So very happy to hear this 🙂 



1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Another white! And an “energetic” one! Definitely worth a taste, though one of the critics mentions “sweetness”. Widely available with online prices starting at $14.95. 



that white doesn’t sound too sweet to me, Ann.  (And I do prefer drier wines) I’d sure be willing to give it a chance.  It sounds delicious 🙂 



1 hour ago, 0106 said:

IMG_7591.thumb.jpeg.8b49ac499e1366aa77cc014b443416e0.jpegSending you peace, healing and all good wishes.  May your life be good.


Gorgeous!  What a difference, Tina 🙂 



36 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Yesterday afternoon the bat that got in 2 days ago presented itself right before dinner.  John got it with a weapon we had on the wall, my late DHs lacrosse goalie stick. 


So glad you got that blasted bat.   Well done 🙂 



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Good morning. I just heard from my DS who is arriving for a quick visit tomorrow morning. It will be so nice to have him here again even if only overnight. School starts next week in his district so he can’t take more time.

DH and I were in Copenhagen many years ago on a great Eurodam cruise. We stayed at a hotel near Tivoli Gardens which had tiny rooms similar to what Sandi described. It was our first time in Europe and we still laugh about the learning curve to use the shower without flooding the floor. We managed to see a lot of the city and saw the Little Mermaid with a hundred or so other folks.I would love to go back.

It is always dog day here. Equality for women does not exist in my estimation. My granddaughter will have to face an awful lot more than I did in the workplace and elsewhere.

It is so humid here that the windows have condensation this morning. It felt like a wall of water when I stepped outside with the dogs earlier. I can’t decide what to do for dinner  but like the idea of shrimp scampi with zucchini noodles. No ovens will be turned on whatever is made.

Thanks to everyone for the Daily. It is always a good place to go everyday.

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