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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 2nd, 2023


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH had a beard for a few years, but then shaved it off; he's had a mustache ever since I met him.  He also had a pony tail - that's a whole other story.  Tailgating isn't something Canadians normally do, but it's fun watching tv programs where they have competitions.  Bacon makes everything better.


I was saddened to hear on the radio when I got up this morning that Jimmy Buffet had passed away - Margaritaville won't be the same without him.  We'll be at Grand Turk in February, so will pay tribute to him then.  


@RMLincolnwishing you a very Happy Birthday as you celebrate another spin around the sun!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to you and DH; let the love and laughter continue!

@Cruzin Terridefinitely try the medical marijuana; many people have found very positive results, having used it.

@HeartgroveI love that you do a "practice pack" - I do that every time we cruise!


It's a beautiful morning out there for us - currently sitting at 15C (59F), but an expected high of 30 (86) by mid afternoon, so the A/C will be humming away.  Right now all the windows are open - we had to shut them up tight yesterday because the smoke was very intense.  Even Sochi didn't want to go and sit on the deck at her favourite spot - she went out for a couple of minutes, then scratched at the back door for us to let her in.  I sincerely hope this isn't the new normal (although it very well could be) with fires beginning so early in the year and continuing into fall.


Yesterday we went to Home Depot to pick up cactus mix so I could start transplanting some of my succulents and discovered an end of season sale on small fountains.  We saw one that we both took a liking to, and brought it home - regular price $130 on sale for $30!  It's now sitting on a cabinet on our deck burbling away.  I did manage to get a few of the jade plants cut down and transplanted, but now have to figure out what to do with at least 5 huge echeveria that are larger than my hand span.  


I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass - bourbon and cucumber?  Strange.  I know I'd like the wine, and you had me at lamb!  Unfortunately, DH doesn't like lamb, so if I'm going to make kabobs, his should be chicken or pork.  I won't have to cook dinner tonight, as the neighbours came back from a 3 day camping trip and called to see if we could come over this evening to help them eat up the hot dogs.  They have a fire pit in their yard so we can have an old fashioned weiner roast with them; we'll pick up an ice cream cake (their 2 little boys love them) and will head over for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Good Morning, I laid down for a bit and Mona curled up beside me, such a sweet girl.  I just got off the phone with HAL and updated them on our new flights.  The operator sent the ground team an email with the update and gave me a number to call if no one is there.  We booked the HAL hotel with transfers and really want to keep that in place.  So far no new updates from Air Canada.

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So many things to cheer for today:  bacon YES please, too hot for tailgating but it's fun, souvlaki absolutely, honey apple cucumber sounds interesting, DH shaved his beard yesterday, certainly will try the wine. So much goodness...

Oh, Baby Murphy - my heart aches for you and your family - you have a lot of people pulling for you 🙏 💔 ❤ 

PT seems to be already doing its job - I was able to touch opposite shoulder this morning. Small victory, but a win is a win. 😊

Another win - local Kroger has seasonal Pumpkin Carmel yogurt in stock. That means yummy goodness to enjoy and lower temperatures are eventually coming.🥳

Mechanic on his way to pick up my car, so I will come back to read/catch up later.

Wishing everyone a great day.



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48 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Happy Weekend!


Happy Birthday @RMLincoln


Happy Anniversary @Quartzsite Cruiser 


Thankful to hear @DeeniEncinitas and David enjoyed a cocktail at our favorite place, The Barefoot Bar last night.




And so happy to hear Kaanapali is slowly coming back. 


Prayers lifted for all on our care list. Vanessa thank you for keeping up with everyone. Hoping we hear something on Baby Murphy. RIP Jimmy Buffett. 

Bon Voyage to all of our cruisers! 


I hand over 1 of the dogs tonight, leaving me with 3. Oliver seems to enjoy them, they are running around chasing each other. Thankfully they are all teeny dogs. 9 days left and counting...


Thanks to Ann, Dixie, and Debbie from the food and beverage department. 

Have a great weekend. Be kind!

Great photo of you two Joy.

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Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily. Wow, on page 3 already!

I've been on the USS Missouri, where the instrument of surrender was signed. I like beards on some men. Now that college and professional football games are starting, there will be lots of tailgaiting here. I do love bacon! Good quote. Yes to the meal and wine, pass on the drink. I haven't been to  Icoaraci. The great fire of London was a great tragedy.


Another cold start here in the 50's, but it's going to get hot. No rain predicted until late next week. I somehow don't have the enthusiasm to work in the yard, so I may do inside stuff instead. 


@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to you and Steve!

@RMLincoln Happy Birthday!

@kazu How nice that Ivan is so well behaved. It sounds like you've found a good therapist, even if it does take a while to get to where it needs to be. Prayers for a successful outcome. 

@StLouisCruisers It's nice for Ren to get back home to see his friends and family. Too bad things weren't comfortable enough to see some sights in Icoaraci or Belem.

@Crazy For Cats Oh no, Jake, on the flight cancellation! I hope the rebooked flights go smoothly.

@ottahand7 Thanks for the photos from your tour.

@smitty34877 I know that medical marijuana has helped many cancer patients and people with other medical problems, so hopefully Lou's doctor will have some insight.

@dfish What a fun project for River!

@Cruzin Terri I hope the floor guy does finish up today, and that you and Jim go out this evening to celebrate your birthday a day late. 

@Haljo1935 Good to hear that the PT is already increasing your mobility.


Prayers for the Care List and woohoo for those with something to Celebrate.

Edited by JazzyV
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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

The floor guy is here and I hope today is the last time I ever see him.

If all goes well, Jim and I will go out tonight to celebrate my birthday. Better late than never.


YAY 😉  I sure hope he can finish today and you two can enjoy your overdue birthday dinner 🤞 



47 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

PT seems to be already doing its job - I was able to touch opposite shoulder this morning. Small victory, but a win is a win. 😊


YAY 🙂. Baby steps.  Physio is always baby steps.  Rejoice in every victory.  They are all accomplishments and an improvement over how you were previously.




2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Found Rolling Underseat-sized Bags for Sue and DSIL to use. We will probably do a practice packing early in the week.


Practice packing is a good idea.  I need to do that too.  I really wanted to travel with just carry on but the roll call stuff is starting to really pile up 😬 



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Even though we will be back in triple digits tomorrow or the next day, we will not reach the highs we had in July and August.  That must mean that fall is around the corner -- maybe way, way around the corner.  😉  It was really pleasant early this morning when I walked and ran my errands.  I even opened the top on the Smart.  It is their convertible version, but you can stop the top just before it goes all the way down and have a nice open car.  Besides the grocery store, which was not crowded early, I stopped to pick up donuts for breakfast.


I was sorry to read about Jimmy Buffet's passing.  RIP


2 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Saturday everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Should be another cool day here. Then next week it gets hot and muggy again. 

Putting up my fall decorations today. It is the start of college football so you know I will be watching all day. Hoping to get Fancy out to the park. 

Happy anniversary @Quartzsite Cruiser

Happy birthday @RMLincoln

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

It's Saturday Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr ...


Denise, thanks for the good wishes.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. We had a good flight out to Seattle. Had dinner at our Marriott Airport hotel and managed to stay up til 9:00 PM before crashing. Now it’s 5:00 AM and we’re up. Will take a couple of days to adapt. Will have a leisurely morning take the shuttle back to airport and pick up our rental car. Plan is to get to Depoe Bay, Oregon around 5:00 PM when beach house will be available.

Time to go find a decent coffee. Have a great weekend and for many holiday. Thanks for the reports. Bruce




Bruce, I'm glad you had a safe and easy flight yesterday.  Have a safe drive today, and enjoy your time at the beach.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Just noticed! Happy Anniversary Lenda! 🍾


Thank you, Bruce.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is only 60 now but will reach 88 or so later. We have not been to the port but would like our local diner to deliver Greek kabobs.DH has a beard now and I am not sure I like it.My DS has a beard which is now grey Oh my.

@RMLincoln, Maureen, a very Happy Birthday to you!


@Quartzsite Cruiser,  Lenda, Happy Anniversary to you both!


@kazu, Jacqui,  I was so happy to read about your treatment  yesterday.I am sure it will help restore function.Ivan is such a good dog!


I am planning take out pizza for dinner tonight.It makes everyone happy. It is also easy.

Some days are better than others and yesterday was exhausting. I am researching the use of medical Marijuana  and wait for a phone call from one of the doctors  concerning specific meds and interaction. It is legal here but the State is very slow to license dispensaries. DSIL has volunteered  to take a trip to New Jersey in search of edibles as the only nearby place here is in midtown Manhattan .Sorry if this offends people but the situation  requires solutions  and this may be one.

Take care everyone 


Thank you for the anniversary wishes, Terry.  I'm not offended about the medical marijuana, especially since it seems to help many people with many conditions.  I hope it helps your DH especially with his appetite.


2 hours ago, dfish said:


Debbie, thank you for the good wishes today.  River and Sue's project for the day sounds like fun.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:


Thank you, Annie.  


1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to all.  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports (and the pics of the port; I think I will be going there next Feb/Mar).  I don't have a beard 🤫 but do love men with beards; tailgating is getting so fancy!!  And bacon - oh, bacon - crispy and delicious!!  I totally agree with Emerson!!  The food and drinks sound wonderful and what a great day in 1945 but a sad day in 1666.


I woke up to hear Jimmy Buffett died.  I am not necessarily a parrot head but do enjoy his music.  Happy Anniversary to @Quartzsite Cruiser and Happy Birthday to @RMLincoln


Lazy day today.  I have to clean house as I have neglected it all week.  One of the nice things living solo is I am the only one who sees it and sometimes I just could care less if it is messy.  We had some nice rain yesterday in the middle of the day - it poured actually.  I could hear it from inside the classroom (as the students were taking a test).  Saw a bunch more people I used to work with as I was at the high school.  I do love working there.  It is like home even though I have been gone 3 years.


Off to the gym in a little while and then, in between cleaning, maybe making some neat stuff for dinner.  I haven't used my tajine in a while so maybe.........  Moroccan food!!!  That means a visit to Trader Joe's or Whole Foods or Sprouts.


Thoughts to all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great start to the long weekend!!


Thank you for the good wishes, Penny.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning.

Thank you to Rich and Vanessa and Debbie and Ann and Dixie for your contributions to keep this wonderful thread alive.

interesting days.  i don’t have a beard (Thank God) Don’t tailgate,  But I love bacon, even though I am told it is not good for me.

i will pass on the food and drink as it seems I am having some tummy troubles these days and eating light and bland is better.

Too much anxiety.

The floor guy is here and I hope today is the last time I ever see him.

If all goes well, Jim and I will go out tonight to celebrate my birthday. Better late than never.

Hope everyone has a good day and a safe holiday weekend.

God Bless,





Terri, I too hope the flooring guy finishes today, and that's the last you will see him.  I hope you get to celebrate your birthday with dinner out today.


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Happy Weekend!


Happy Birthday @RMLincoln


Happy Anniversary @Quartzsite Cruiser 


Thankful to hear @DeeniEncinitas and David enjoyed a cocktail at our favorite place, The Barefoot Bar last night.




And so happy to hear Kaanapali is slowly coming back. 


Prayers lifted for all on our care list. Vanessa thank you for keeping up with everyone. Hoping we hear something on Baby Murphy. RIP Jimmy Buffett. 

Bon Voyage to all of our cruisers! 


I hand over 1 of the dogs tonight, leaving me with 3. Oliver seems to enjoy them, they are running around chasing each other. Thankfully they are all teeny dogs. 9 days left and counting...


Thanks to Ann, Dixie, and Debbie from the food and beverage department. 

Have a great weekend. Be kind!


Joy, thanks for the anniversary wishes.  Great picture of the two of you.  


59 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH had a beard for a few years, but then shaved it off; he's had a mustache ever since I met him.  He also had a pony tail - that's a whole other story.  Tailgating isn't something Canadians normally do, but it's fun watching tv programs where they have competitions.  Bacon makes everything better.


I was saddened to hear on the radio when I got up this morning that Jimmy Buffet had passed away - Margaritaville won't be the same without him.  We'll be at Grand Turk in February, so will pay tribute to him then.  


@RMLincolnwishing you a very Happy Birthday as you celebrate another spin around the sun!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to you and DH; let the love and laughter continue!

@Cruzin Terridefinitely try the medical marijuana; many people have found very positive results, having used it.

@HeartgroveI love that you do a "practice pack" - I do that every time we cruise!


It's a beautiful morning out there for us - currently sitting at 15C (59F), but an expected high of 30 (86) by mid afternoon, so the A/C will be humming away.  Right now all the windows are open - we had to shut them up tight yesterday because the smoke was very intense.  Even Sochi didn't want to go and sit on the deck at her favourite spot - she went out for a couple of minutes, then scratched at the back door for us to let her in.  I sincerely hope this isn't the new normal (although it very well could be) with fires beginning so early in the year and continuing into fall.


Yesterday we went to Home Depot to pick up cactus mix so I could start transplanting some of my succulents and discovered an end of season sale on small fountains.  We saw one that we both took a liking to, and brought it home - regular price $130 on sale for $30!  It's now sitting on a cabinet on our deck burbling away.  I did manage to get a few of the jade plants cut down and transplanted, but now have to figure out what to do with at least 5 huge echeveria that are larger than my hand span.  


I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass - bourbon and cucumber?  Strange.  I know I'd like the wine, and you had me at lamb!  Unfortunately, DH doesn't like lamb, so if I'm going to make kabobs, his should be chicken or pork.  I won't have to cook dinner tonight, as the neighbours came back from a 3 day camping trip and called to see if we could come over this evening to help them eat up the hot dogs.  They have a fire pit in their yard so we can have an old fashioned weiner roast with them; we'll pick up an ice cream cake (their 2 little boys love them) and will head over for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, thank you for the good wishes.  It's always nice to find something you like on sale.


47 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning, I laid down for a bit and Mona curled up beside me, such a sweet girl.  I just got off the phone with HAL and updated them on our new flights.  The operator sent the ground team an email with the update and gave me a number to call if no one is there.  We booked the HAL hotel with transfers and really want to keep that in place.  So far no new updates from Air Canada.


Jake. I'm glad you reached HAL, and they are notifying the representatives on the ground in Montreal.


57 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

So many things to cheer for today:  bacon YES please, too hot for tailgating but it's fun, souvlaki absolutely, honey apple cucumber sounds interesting, DH shaved his beard yesterday, certainly will try the wine. So much goodness...

Oh, Baby Murphy - my heart aches for you and your family - you have a lot of people pulling for you 🙏 💔 ❤ 

PT seems to be already doing its job - I was able to touch opposite shoulder this morning. Small victory, but a win is a win. 😊

Another win - local Kroger has seasonal Pumpkin Carmel yogurt in stock. That means yummy goodness to enjoy and lower temperatures are eventually coming.🥳

Mechanic on his way to pick up my car, so I will come back to read/catch up later.

Wishing everyone a great day.




Great news that the PT is working.  Even small steps mean your making good progress.


11 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily. Wow, on page 3 already!

I've been on the USS Missouri, where the instrument of surrender was signed. I like beards on some men. Now that college and professional football games are starting, there will be lots of tailgaiting here. I do love bacon! Good quote. Yes to the meal and wine, pass on the drink. I haven't been to  Icoaraci. The great fire of London was a great tragedy.


Another cold start here in the 50's, but it's going to get hot. No rain predicted until late next week. I somehow don't have the enthusiasm to work in the yard, so I may do inside stuff instead. 


@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to you and Steve!

@RMLincoln Happy Birthday!

@kazu How nice that Ivan is so well behaved. It sounds like you've found a good therapist, even if it does take a while to get to where it needs to be. Prayers for a successful outcome. 

@StLouisCruisers It's nice for Ren to get back home to see his friends and family. Too bad things weren't comfortable enough to see some sights in Icoaraci or Belem.

@Crazy For Cats Oh no, Jake, on the flight cancellation! I hope the rebooked flights go smoothly.

@ottahand7 Thanks for the photos from your tour.

@smitty34877 I know that medical marijuana has helped many cancer patients and people with other medical problems, so hopefully Lou's doctor will have some insight.

@dfish What a fun project for River!

@Cruzin Terri I hope the floor guy does finish up today, and that you and Jim go out this evening to celebrate your birthday a day late. 

@Haljo1935 Good to hear that the PT is already increasing your mobility.


Prayers for the Care List and woohoo for those with something to Celebrate.


Vanessa, thanks for the anniversary wishes.



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Good morning, everyone!  First and most importantly thank you all for the prayers, good wishes, and positive thoughts for Nicholas!  I can't thank you enough - even though I haven't been attentive to CC, I've been well aware that this wonderful group has us in its collective mind.  🙏

He were released from the hospital late last Saturday afternoon. Odd how slowly hospitals work. We knew by 10 that we were homeward bound, but it was after 5 before we drove away.  Mercy!  He's doing well, up and around with a walker for stability. We've been gradually cutting back on the serious pain meds, and today he says is the day he stops taking them. These are all giant steps in the right direction!  He has an appointment with our Primary doctor on Thursday. Until then, he's taking it very slowly and carefully, and staying downstairs. I am valet, drug-dealer, laundress, cook, tech support, and all around on-call fetcher. I know MANY of you know exactly what I'm talking about!  I am also more than grateful that I have these tasks to do, and I'm able to do them. 

I will try to catch up on how everyone is doing. I hope baby Murphy is continuing to improve and grow stronger!  Terri, Annie, Smitty, you've been in my thoughts. Also, I'm hoping to read that our Florida friends weathered the storm.

On a selfish note, we are supposed to fly to Seattle four weeks from today (6 weeks after Nick's accident) to board Westerdam for 4 weeks - trans Pacific and circle Japan. I am cautiously optimistic that we'll be able to do it, and SO looking forward to many sea days for both of us to recover. 

Thank you all again, good and caring friends!


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Good morning, Dailyites!  I see I've missed some birthdays and anniversaries, so Happy Celebrations to all those with a special day.  Today is our 7th anniversary of being in this townhouse complex, we are very happy here, and glad we made that big move while we still could.  If we were trying to do it now, I don't think we could!


We were in Belem on the Prinsendam in 2019 on an Amazon cruise.  It was not her last cruise, but we knew she was on the way out, so there were some sad moments, and even the Captain had tears in his eyes when he spoke about her.  


I don't know exactly where we were anchored, the sign just said Belem..




The square and the market near the dock






A roll call member had organized some tours and we went to two parks in Belem and saw strange animals..












In town




The skyline as we sailed away.




It was an interesting stop, but very hot.






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Good morning all!

Today will be sunny and warm (79) then cool off to the high 60's the rest of the week.  I'm glad we had a beautiful day yesterday for Bruce's @aliaschief flight into Seattle and a good day today to drive to Oregon.  I'm sure our cooler temps feel good!  It's a good time to come before the rains start.


I love bacon but it's one thing I have to avoid due to the sodium content.  Once in awhile though 😉  

Our DSIL and DS both have beards, DH had one years ago but looks better with just a mustache.  He shaved that off a few years ago too.  

I love lamb (especially served on a BHB!) but will pass on the meal because we had beef souvlaki just last night (it was good).  Tonight will be the Garlicy Shrimp Alfredo Bake recipe.  Will pass on the drink and wine, have not been to this port.


Not much on the agenda today other than the usual cruise planning and gardening.  


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser A very Happy Anniversary to you and your DH Steve!

Maureen @RMLincoln Happy Birthday!

Jacqui @kazu I'm so glad to hear that you're happy with the new treatment for your elbow.  Prayers for a huge success!

Terry @smitty34877 No offense from me either.  Back when my dear sister had cancer, marijuana wasn't legal yet.  I remember my niece sneaking edibles to her to ease her suffering (sneaking because her Dad, my sister's husband, was totally against anything like that).  


I hope everyone has a great day!



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Good morning, 


I enjoy bacon especially on a burger. DS has quite the beard. It's not my favorite but it's his face and he's happy as is DDIL so that's all that matters. 


Today is packing day. I have clothes out on the bed and have walked away for a bit. Then I'll go back and probably put quite a bit back in the closet and then start with the suitcase. I'm planning on one bag to go with the porter, one with me and my backpack but we'll see how that goes. 


Have a good Saturday and stay safe this Labor Day weekend!


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  1. Did the sun rise in the west, today?


Normally, for Labor Day weekend in this area the temperature is in the hundred and teens on the Fahrenheit scale, and the relative humidity is in single digits.


It's raining, today !!!!!


Completely weird.


@marshhawk, will you folks be able to see the Monza race?  Apparently, Disney and our cable company are having a spat.  As a result, I don't have access to ESPN.  So, no Formula 1 for us.

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Good Saturday everyone!


Happy to hear some are having good things happen this week and should be celebrated.  I like good news!

I like bacon, do not like lamb so won't be making the recipes from @dfish though they look good, and do not have a beard.

@Quartzsite Cruiser very happy anniversary! Your time married is amazing.

@RMLincoln very happy happy birthday to you! Enjoy your day.

@smitty34877 not offended by the medical marijuana; if it helps that would be great. Lots of anecdotal use say that it does help. More research I am sure is in the process. It is legal here (MN) for medical and recreational use. The recreational use, when it gets to be too much, is when there are problems. IMHO. The state hasn't regulated the use of it well, so we will see what happens, recreational use was just put into law Aug 1st. Medical has been approved for a few years.

@Cruzin Terri a belated happy birthday to you! I hope you get to go out and enjoy your birthday dinner this evening.  Maybe you should try the medical marijuana, they say it helps! Too many obstacles for you lately and you deserve a break. 😉 


We are having ANOTHER heat bubble here for 4 days - temps 98-101F. I am over all of the heat this Summer! (whining).

Hope all that are traveling have safe and smooth travels.

Prayers for all in need and everyone else, we all could use some prayers at times.

Celebrate the all joys in your life. Thanks to all contributors here on this great thread. 😎

Take care and have a great rest of the Holiday WE.



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5 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Beginning our prep for leaving next Sunday for Hamburg. Found Rolling Underseat-sized Bags for Sue and DSIL to use. We will probably do a practice packing early in the week.


Stay Safe and prayers today for those that need them!


- Jack

Tell me about the Rolling Underseat Luggage please....brand/price.   TIA

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8 minutes ago, highscar said:

I understand even MM is not allowed on Holland America ships. 

That is true because other countries and even our Federal Government do not recognize it as legal. The states are doing their own thing without Fed government approval. It is a weird situation that affects the monetary issues that surround MJ. No banks can be involved in the money handling.

Edited by Cruisercl
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14 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

@Cruzin Terri a belated happy birthday to you! I hope you get to go out and enjoy your birthday dinner this evening.  Maybe you should try the medical marijuana, they say it helps! Too many obstacles for you lately and you deserve a break. 😉 

Thanks for the Birthday wishes.  I think I will pass on the Medical Marijuana. At least for now.


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Well, the Floor Guy is gone,.  We have a ton of work to do to put the den back together again.  i just cannot do it today.

I talked to my cleaner. She is coming tomorrow and hopefully will bring her daughter with her.  First we will work on the room and then they can work on getting the house clean.  Right now, there are too many things in the way in both the dining room and front bedroom for those places to be cleaned.

When we moved here 22 years ago, we were four.  Now we are two.  I am beginning to think this house is too big for us and it is time to make a move.  I have not yet said anything to DH.  That will be a challenge for him.  Not sure he can handle it at this point in his life.  

Right now I want to put the Den back together and then think about Italy.

Then we will see about where we go from there.

it’s only 2 pm and I feel like it has been a long day already.

More later.


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Good sunny and warm afternoon. Back with the children dinners for supper tonight. They smell so good. 
I don’t believe anyone else here lives in the Chester county Pa area but stay indoors and stay safe. There was a prison escape on Thursday evening and he is considered to be extremely dangerous, (life imprisonment for murder). He was spotted in the area of Longwood gardens around 2am and per police advice Longwood is closed today. I hope he is apprehended soon.

i hope we get an update on Baby Murphy soon.

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1 minute ago, 57redbird said:

Tell me about the Rolling Underseat Luggage please....brand/price.   TIA


Bought two from Amazon and paid $55 for the Purple and $60 for the Blue bag. It is the: "TPRC 15-Inch Smart Under Seat Carry-On Luggage with USB Charging Port, Telescoping Handles." It is of decent quality and has a strap on back so you can piggyback it on a larger bag. The handle extends to 40 inches. I am not sure that it would be considered small enough for an underseat bag on some airlines. We are flying SAS which requires smaller dimensions so it will just be their carryon bag. The nice thing is that they can wheel it instead of carrying it.


- Jack





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