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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday September 29th, 2023


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Good morning from a rainy New York. The weather person just told me that between three to six inches could fall today. Oh my. I had planned to get my ridiculously long hair cut but might change my appointment until next week. It will be a good day to make the leek and potato soup the teenager requested. We are also having the salmon with strawberry sauce that is so popular here.
We we’re in Anchorage in late May of 2018. We enjoyed the city and loved the train ride down to Seward where we boarded the BHB.It was a great cruise and a good start to the trip.

I just got a notice from the city of Yonkers that we could pick up sandbags on Saturday at the recycling center. This will not be at all helpful as flooding is predicted today. Also, the recycling center typically floods with only moderate rain.

So far we have been unable to find a new aide for Tana. DD pitches in when she can but it is hard to manage the day.

Take care everyone.

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57 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s R & D, Rich! It is another cloudy start to the day, but both Bindi & I are hoping for a lot less rain today. We only got one decent walk in without rain yesterday. One attempt was in a mist that turned into a torrential downpour half way down my driveway. With the strong winds, my kayak shorts were soaked in seconds. Bindi just turned us right around. 

Vanessa thank you for all the work you put in to keeping up with us. I hope you see an end, or at least a lessening to your pain soon.


Gym, Bindi walks, chores, prep for tomorrow’s dinner I am having my friends over, & weather permitting some yard work. I also need to get the pollen off my car. It shows up more on the dark color of the car. But pickings were slim - this year. 

I had to laugh at this one - I never bother with celery unless a recipe calls for it. 







Prayers for all who need our support. @smitty34877 Terry, praying that you, Tana & your families find an easing of your pain. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, praying you & Steve have a great recovery. Sometimes it is worse for the caregiver. 

Hoping that each of us finds a reason to smile today!



2020 Chris Condos Cabernet Sauvignon

Another Naked Wine entry. This Cab is lovely, if you are or know a member of the club - be sure to try it. Smooth, medium/full bodied AND organic! And just $19.99!

Distributor Notes

Vibrant single-vineyard Cabernet made with organic grapes

This rich and balanced Cabernet is packed with concentrated red fruit and hints of spice from aging in French oak. If you’re new to wines from 100% organic grapes, this red is the perfect introduction!

With your support, Chris is in Mendocino caretaking an organic certified vineyard and sharing his award-winning passion projects exclusively with Angels.

When Angels come together, good things happen. Thanks to your funding, Chris is not only sharing his wines and sustainability mission with the world – he’s winning Gold and Best of Class medals for them along the way!
This wine is great now but could age for 5+ years. I would try to decant this wine and give it an hour to open up before serving.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers for us. 

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Good morning again.  Unless there's is a glitch when the doctor comes we will be heading home this morning.


Recovery from this surgery will take sometime.  There is not the quick change like one gets from a lumbar puncture.  On an out a month, they should know if the shunt need adjusting.



@HAL Sailer  Melisa, thank you for letting us know about your DH's situation.  Sending positive thoughts for the best possible outcome for him.  Please remember to take car of yourself too.


@cruzn single  Safe travels today, Mary Kay


@smitty34877  Terry, I hope you find a new aide soon.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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21 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


I haven't caught up with the past three days and will try to read them later. But wanted you to know my DH has been hospitalized with outcomes uncertain.


He didn't feel well Monday, started coughing Tuesday, and by Wednesday he was gasping for breath with increasing temperature and chest wheezing & rattling plus pain. He was taken to Emergency.


At ER, he was whisked into a room already filled with doctors & nurses as triage recorded a life-threatening 154bpm heart rate. His heart was in A-Fibrillation. His temperature had reached 103°F. DH was COVID negative but had pneumonia plus he was unable to maintain proper oxygen saturation.


He was admitted to our highly regarded multi-floor Heart Unit. DH's longtime Cardiologist and a locally beloved PCP turned Hospitalist are treating him. He is getting great care. But, these new medical issues plus his recently increasing leg weakness and multiple falls (despite ongoing physical therapy) make his future situation uncertain. When he is able to leave the hospital, a rehab is likely, but his overall debilitation puts a return home in question.


I'm doing okay. I'm remaining hopeful but realistic. Prayers would be appreciated,



Melisa, keeping you both in my prayers.  This is not easy for either of you. Perhaps even worse for you, since you need to watch & know you can’t fix it.  Hugs.

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10 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers for us. 


Every day, Terry. And often throughout the day. I didn’t even really know Lou and his passing hit me. 

And through your words, I have witnessed Tana’s ordeal & that of the folk that support her.  We all have. 

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25 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


I haven't caught up with the past three days and will try to read them later. But wanted you to know my DH has been hospitalized with outcomes uncertain.


He didn't feel well Monday, started coughing Tuesday, and by Wednesday he was gasping for breath with increasing temperature and chest wheezing & rattling plus pain. He was taken to Emergency.


At ER, he was whisked into a room already filled with doctors & nurses as triage recorded a life-threatening 154bpm heart rate. His heart was in A-Fibrillation. His temperature had reached 103°F. DH was COVID negative but had pneumonia plus he was unable to maintain proper oxygen saturation.


He was admitted to our highly regarded multi-floor Heart Unit. DH's longtime Cardiologist and a locally beloved PCP turned Hospitalist are treating him. He is getting great care. But, these new medical issues plus his recently increasing leg weakness and multiple falls (despite ongoing physical therapy) make his future situation uncertain. When he is able to leave the hospital, a rehab is likely, but his overall debilitation puts a return home in question.


I'm doing okay. I'm remaining hopeful but realistic. Prayers would be appreciated,


Dear Melisa.

Our Prayers 🙏 are on their way to you and your DH.


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@HAL Sailer   Prayers for you and your DH.   I hope that they can get him stabilized.   A very difficult time for you too.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser So happy to hear that your DH is feeling better and will be able to go home today.   


@smitty34877 Prayers that you can find an aide for Tana.   You have enough on your plate right now.  


@rafinmd  Bon Voyage Roy!   I had a nice discussion at the wine dinner last night with a woman who was David Zinman's (former BSO conductor) piano instructor at Oberlin College.   She said he never practiced.    I was fortunate to be a symphony member for several years before he departed for Colorado.  

Cruise Ship On Canvas by Jgroup Print

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Happy Friday! Thank you for the daily and fleet reports. 

Rainy day today. Nothing like being home with an unhappy dog that just wants to lay in the sun. Working from home today. 

Feeling somewhat better. Sticking to a bland diet for a few days. 

The meal and drink of the day sound good. 

I was in Anchorage at the end of May for our sailing on Nieuw Amsterdam from Whittier to Vancouver. Unfortunately, due to flight delays, we did not get to our hotel in Anchorage until after midnight, so we were unable to visit Anchorage more. 

We did board the cruise train in Anchorage. 




Some scenes on the way from Anchorage to Whittier. It was rather a soggy day. 


20230528_131007 - Copy.jpg











Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Edited by Denise T
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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!


@Cruzin Terri I love the way the house looks.  I like nice open spaces, and that you can see into the kitchen from the living room.  I do love that lamp too, with the star fish on it.


While we are nowhere near an ocean, we named our house Beach House, and each room has art depicting ocean, beach, salt water marshes, and lighthouses.  And sea birds...


@HAL SailerI do hope that your DH can pull through this.  Pneumonia is a hard illness to fight as we get older.  I am adding you both to my prayers.


@StLouisCruisers It was 59 when I sat down at the computer, is is now 58...sky is so clear today!


Another port, Anchorage that I have actually been to, and it was May of this year.  Our original tour was cancelled,  due to the fact that the tour company didnt start until a week after we got there.  (poor planning on Holland's part.) But BFF Dan got us moved to do the Anchorage tour with the airport museum.  Which was DH's first choice to begin with.

The city itself was downright depressing, full of homeless people camping in tents in wet marshy areas, or passed out on park benches, or sleeping on the ground on school playing fields. The remaining snow on the ground was filthy, so maybe early May is not the best time to go.


We started the tour by going out to Earthquake Park, and got a shot of the Nieuw Amsterdam from across the harbor



Anchorage from across the harbor-




 And then on to the museum



the view from the back of the museum, and yes that is ice on the lake




some aircraft









and then on to our final stop, the tourist candy store, which had a great cairn outside- I guess this is the Stone Man



What we saw at the museum was fascinating, and we learned alot about WWII activity that took place on the islands, I even bought a book, which is huge, called The Thousand Mile War, which I am planning on reading on this upcoming cruise.


The candy that we bought was lost on me, as within 48 hours, I was sick.  And the thought of eating it, didn't even occur to me.  DH and Dan thoroughly enjoyed it all.

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Good morning Dailyites. 


I missed last nights postings due to girls night. A lot has happened since then!


Prayers to your DH Melisa @HAL Sailer for a positive outcome. I understand and emphasize what you are experiencing. It's frightening. I have prayed many a night on my knees and try to leave my DH in God's hands.


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda hoping Steve comes home and recovers quickly.


@smitty34877 Terri I was hoping for good news on an aide for Tana. Hoping our prayers are felt by you and family. I read of the flood warning. With you on a slope will your back yard be flooded?


I have had @DeeniEncinitas in my prayer book for months. I thought she and DH usually come home in September. I pray for my sister every day.


Roy, I've been wishing you Bon Voyage for a week now! Get going!!




I think everyone who has been to Anchorage has the picture of the visitors center. 






I have a story behind this picture. We were clipping along to get to the Alaska Brewing restaurant when all of a sudden we hit a bump in the sidewalk and there was an empty wheelchair. A big bruiser guy came rushing over, picked Allen up and set him right back in the chair in a few seconds! Now Allen tells the story on what a bad driver I am. I just dumped him one time! Jeez!!


Wishing you a great weekend. Keeping all on our prayer list in thought. We will get through the tough times together.

Edited by Seasick Sailor
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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Excellent photos Sandi.


Thank you so much Graham.




43 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


I haven't caught up with the past three days and will try to read them later. But wanted you to know my DH has been hospitalized with outcomes uncertain.


He didn't feel well Monday, started coughing Tuesday, and by Wednesday he was gasping for breath with increasing temperature and chest wheezing & rattling plus pain. He was taken to Emergency.


At ER, he was whisked into a room already filled with doctors & nurses as triage recorded a life-threatening 154bpm heart rate. His heart was in A-Fibrillation. His temperature had reached 103°F. DH was COVID negative but had pneumonia plus he was unable to maintain proper oxygen saturation.


He was admitted to our highly regarded multi-floor Heart Unit. DH's longtime Cardiologist and a locally beloved PCP turned Hospitalist are treating him. He is getting great care. But, these new medical issues plus his recently increasing leg weakness and multiple falls (despite ongoing physical therapy) make his future situation uncertain. When he is able to leave the hospital, a rehab is likely, but his overall debilitation puts a return home in question.


I'm doing okay. I'm remaining hopeful but realistic. Prayers would be appreciated,



Melisa, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's latest health issues.  I will be sure to make time for prayers for him and the whole family.🙏




33 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Prayers @HAL Sailer.  What is Roy’s blog addy?






32 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning from a rainy New York. The weather person just told me that between three to six inches could fall today. Oh my. I had planned to get my ridiculously long hair cut but might change my appointment until next week. It will be a good day to make the leek and potato soup the teenager requested. We are also having the salmon with strawberry sauce that is so popular here.
We we’re in Anchorage in late May of 2018. We enjoyed the city and loved the train ride down to Seward where we boarded the BHB.It was a great cruise and a good start to the trip.

I just got a notice from the city of Yonkers that we could pick up sandbags on Saturday at the recycling center. This will not be at all helpful as flooding is predicted today. Also, the recycling center typically floods with only moderate rain.

So far we have been unable to find a new aide for Tana. DD pitches in when she can but it is hard to manage the day.

Take care everyone.


Fingers crossed a new aide is in your future.  It's hard for our working children to get time off when we need them.  Prayers for you all!




28 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning again.  Unless there's is a glitch when the doctor comes we will be heading home this morning.


Recovery from this surgery will take sometime.  There is not the quick change like one gets from a lumbar puncture.  On an out a month, they should know if the shunt need adjusting.



@HAL Sailer  Melisa, thank you for letting us know about your DH's situation.  Sending positive thoughts for the best possible outcome for him.  Please remember to take car of yourself too.


@cruzn single  Safe travels today, Mary Kay


@smitty34877  Terry, I hope you find a new aide soon.





Safe travels home today Lenda.  I hope the recovery period goes well and Steve will be good as new before long.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


We're waiting to see the surgeon.  The resident was in and it looks like we will be going home today.


DH' s pain is better.



Sorry to hear both your sleeps were disturbed 😔 


Good to hear that your DH’s pain has improved.  I hope the surgeon confirms that you can go home today 🙏 




44 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


I haven't caught up with the past three days and will try to read them later. But wanted you to know my DH has been hospitalized with outcomes uncertain.



Oh Melissa, I am so sorry to read this 😢. My prayers are winging both your ways 🙏 



33 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

So far we have been unable to find a new aide for Tana. DD pitches in when she can but it is hard to manage the day.


So much on your plate 😢. I hope you do not suffer from the flooding 🙏 


and that a new aide can be found for Tana quickly 🤞 

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Good morning, everyone!


It is supposed to be a bit warmer today in mid-Michigan with temperatures reaching 70F.  Gym is this morning and Farkle Friday tonight.  We're having nachos.  


@HAL Sailer Melisa, I am sorry to hear of the latest developments for your DH.  Hugs to both of you and warm wishes for a good outcome.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I am glad to hear that you and DH are returning home.  He'll recover quicker at home.  And home is always more comfortable.

@smitty34877 I hope you can find a new aide soon.  You are a hero to many, but need some help.


Today's meal is another one that is behind a paywall at Bon Appetit.  Usually the ingredients for those recipes are on Punchfork.  Most of us can figure out what to do with them.  But, sometimes they are tricky.  With a little sleuthing I found the recipe in full on another site.  https://risingtideseafood.com/recipes/cod-with-soy-caramelized-onions-and-potatoes/




That does look tasty!  The next recipe is similar, but not really another version of the first one.  There are caramelized onions, but it leaves out the soy.  There is an interesting rub for the fish.  Too much sugar for me, but I bet it is really good.  https://jamiegeller.com/recipes/seared-cod-filet-with-caramelized-onions/




Here is a recipe for a braised cod with potatoes and onions.  https://www.karenskitchenstories.com/2022/02/braised-cod-with-potatoes-and-onions.html




This next one just sounds good to me.  You can always add some caramelized onions to the potatoes and mushrooms.   https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/274830/provencal-baked-fish-with-roasted-potatoes-mushrooms/




I hope these recipes give you some ideas and inspiration for dishes you'd like to create. 


Wishing you all a wonderful day.  




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Good morning everyone.    Another rainy day although it was supposed to be sunny.  I hope it clears up so I can get some work done outside.    @richwmn Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.   An interesting group of days, I am sure we will all celebrate maritime day.   A very good quote by Abraham Lincoln.   Interesting after his DWs battles with dark depression and his own battles with depression.   

@summer slope, @cat shepard and @dfish thank you for the effort to give our daily drinks and food choices each day.  Today's cod sounds good and the vino sounds good.  I will pass on the apple cocktail.    Thanks for the photos of Anchorage @StLouisCruisers.   We were there in September 2016 at the tail end of our Denali and North bound cruise on the Noordam, our first HA cruise.   We walked around the town and had a lovely dinner at a seafood restaurant.   It was rather muted by a dreadful red eye flight home.   When we do Alaska in the future we will do a round trip from Vancouver or Seattle.   

@JazzyV  thank you for keeping us up to date on all the celebrations and life events as well as fr everyone who needs extra prayers.   Prayers for all on our care list and the people of Ukraine.    

Our wine dinner was lovely last night with some great wines and good company.   I guess today will be house cleaning as it is wet outside.   We are fully done with all planning for our January/February cruising so I am happy that is behind me so I don't have to fight HAs website any longer for a while.    Happy Friday!  Nancy 

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Good morning! Whether the 65 degrees morning or super moon last night I had another long wonderful sleep last night. Probably would have slept longer but the painter is coming this morning to paint our front door entrance.

Great night with our small group bible study last night and today with the painter not much planned. Do know tonight is steak night and I’m looking forward to that.

@HAL Sailer Sad to hear about DH and I do pray that the medical team can get him stabilized on a path to recovery. So many of us are in the “zone” and one never knows about tomorrow.

@rafinmdRoy I was glad to hear your travels went well. Enjoy your cruise.

Great pictures of Anchorage which brought back memories of our first cruise together on the MS Volendam.

Thanks for the reports and post. Enjoy the day and wishes for a great weekend. Bruce



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@aliaschief Are the pedals clutch, brake, gas and high beams? Does the button on the right have something to do with starting?


My grandfather had an old car that had all kinds of buttons and I'm trying to recall there being buttons on the dash?

Edited by Seasick Sailor
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@smitty34877I hope you can find some assistance for Tana soon.  


@cat shepard You are so spot on regarding the health and worry of the health of a spouse or loved one.  When DH had his first surgery on his cancer, his doc came out and talked with me.  He said that if the cancer hits the brain, he's gone.  This was back in 2008.  DH was not told that, as he was recouping in the hospital for more than a week, but I came home every day, and have known every day since, that I have today, and I have no promise for tomorrow.  When DH went into spasms while getting out of the car back in 2017, he fell, and lay there on the pavement, with his head bleeding, totally out of it, and the ambulance came, and took him to Crawford Long (because his doctors were there), I thought, this is it, but he sprung back. He's not the same, as there was some brain damage. Thing is, what the caregiver needs is some caregiving given.  A hug, a card, a call.  I have no family to speak of, adn DH's family is far away.  No one asked if they should come help.  My MIL asked if she could hire a house cleaner for me.  I'd make sure he had what he needed for the day, would head out to work, and cry at the end of the day.  And then put on the happy face when I came back home.


When I read what each and every one of you goes through with your spouses, and loved ones, I so get it.  I may not always know the right thing to say, because sometimes there is nothing I can say.  Just to let you know that I love all of you and understand what you are going through, and send a virtual hug to each and every one of you each day.


DH's cancer is now getting close to the brain.  I take each day, a day at a time.  He now understands the seriousness of his illness, which does create some hefty mood swings.


This is the reason for this big Rome to Home trip.  I think his docs know, and they are really anxious for DH to go and do this trip of a lifetime.  We really do only have today, so hug the ones you love.

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As it stands now, DH will be discharged about 10am.  The resident was in very early this morning and he discharged DH.  The surgeon will not be coming.  We haven't seen him since the surgery.


We allow two hours to get home in case of tie ups or accidents.


DH did some reading this morning.  It turns out it takes longer for the symptoms to disappear after surgery than after the lumbar puncture.  At will be about a month before they will know if the shunt need adjusting.



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